Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, November 07, 1829, Image 2

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The Central Rank was put inf ) success ful ■'•■i ii'Mi as early as eir< umst am es would permit—Some delay was unavoida b! she persevering and unwearied industry ot the President ami Directors, an i he officers chosen hy hem, gave h w v't earlier than could have been at) * ti paled, all the relief which the inst*- tu in could .'ff>id. I’he limited amotin (and m> capital upon win h discounts could b<* de. and the provision requiting the oans to be distributer! among-t tli c ijies through the Stat ; according to ah( and ratio, were necessarily prodm tiv of disappointment to mativ persons who had a right to expect their apple a tin dor temporary relief voipd he sue c lid—The principle ui• n which th It i k s establish’ and renders an a*, hei nec tq the limitation iml pensubh*. t a -ale administration of its affairs, and th oile r prov ision is so strongly recommended ly its fairness md equity, that an aban donment of it would out be jusiitiabl ‘l’ le ability of the Bank to give ext*ndell acommod r'ion will gradually in reuse b the collection ut the rh bis ti an-ferred t* jt hv th’* State. In the man time it b.'itcr that a few individuals should , • its mil, than that the credit of the m-ti, tution, non connected with tin* curt eucy of the country, should be minaii.d or eiuLn gored. Ih it parr of th * chaite which relates to debts due for land an.< town lots, purchased from th* S tr in the year- 1828 and 1821), is defe tiv —an amendin'lit of the charter or *ddi fionai distinct legislative provision i in ces-ay. Neither the purchaser ot “Tate properly in those years, r.or his assignee is c mp'dlnl to pay the instalmeuts as tli l y tnaV become due. The privilege ul abandoning their purchases at pleasure, is -ecured t > them —T e first payments are forfeited and he laud remains übiic property.- Portions of this land have been already tbandoued I’hc pi eswnp li"n is, th ‘t the (ienera) Assembly in (ended that all pmpeitv thus abandoned, sin uld he subjected to the power of th Hank, to be sold on the most advanta geous terms as part of the capital stork l ’ * t..-,,vision to that elf ct no tl .vn> K b li, It .hot,l,| be I„;l . Hill S- the (<Chn n\ .S.wuujij iiniii nuu,. o*le r mode of disposing f the pioperty ohm ■ advantagenu-, the purchase money b’ tn** m ole payable to ftie institution* \ improved lot at the l idiuo Springs, < i tone value, m a decaying condition, h v ingb en abandom dby the purchase', n w lentei) by order ol tile Executive f tin current \ear. Os an institution o exclusively of l< gislative origin th Ex ecutive having had no other connec ion with its establishment than that of gw ing t > the charier a reluctant asseti it is a duty to speak w ith becoming and ference. The us fiji action r a ft- machine in the political, *ss in the cilia uai wo Id. dep nds as much upon wiso „n mgemeni as -kiiful in-mage* meat. II either is wanting, uqury is me vi< and) o in a degree always m proportion to tin* magnituue a* and costliness and the powei emjdo>ed. 1 hat the Omral Bank may do much gi oil under a propei m<>difii atom ol it. charter, a. and witn prudent adinmivS (ration and its affairs, i- as c early and n on itrable as the tiuth of any problem in pobticol economy. hat it is liable to gins abuses, ai.d may b lag furnmlanl exd- in it train, can bo s.-t ly asserted b any one who lias in ukcd the progress *)1 tner Stat institution.* similar in cltar aiter and formed with l,ke patriotic, view*. VVi havi th . aefii . f ex perience of othei Stales, nd may a id the n. hs ami qun k iends U| u which th< i hope* have b mi t .tin,! red. With out an exception, the St.t? B k institu tin'** that Inn e be . nine seriously embor* rasr din their afiiiis, noil produced in flu 1 1 Ufitr v g t eater distils- lint; th; V wre created to sJI>;', on heir fail, u • to an over anxiety to become pepula reach that and sued object they hive extended datums, witlnut d.s Cii(Minatic N n, t > almost all applicants, and m de large dividends a annual pr tits in and yt ars of then business, out of an interest, the principal of which has b.-en eventually lost by the insolvency of th ‘■ebtm , to whom it was loaned. The Central hr k untler tin* limitati, ns alts a d> u cottoned cannot commit thi* error I J lie-e Imitations Itow ver an bke tiie teller parts of the charter, liable to alter at!'n ;it the pleasure of tin In gisiatuie. W bother it weuid net b* p. u d nt, anti cipadiijr tlnse fluctuations ~f opinion everv where occurring, to guard against l , ,, *”K Pr fc-tpnurus m , xp> riim ntal in. t-g bv t qwi in* mi ie it .... ;t | )ir . uajonty io alter the chartei, is * question most respectfully submitted to the congif-v er ition of the General Assembly.—Grot- l er stability will be given to the insiiiutnn, without danger to the real int- rest ofhe since it is not to bed mbted fiat when an amendment of the charter is <*b vi> uly important and wise, the reqH'te i majority to ena t it will be without liffi culty obtained.— Under the act of itcor ooratioh *it now staods, the President and Directors are authorised, if uoltetnpt d to violate the restrictive provisions. B the 1 hird s etion of the act, tie annu al taxe received into t e Treasuiury, are to be tiansterred to th • R ink toaid in its ox r tions—m ottier words <o become the > tis of six month loans—Tto money is j • leve.rihele*’ subj ct to be dpw out to e’ I gislau > e appropriation. Ail the ( five funds of the State, exc<pt the tax *s.f-rui ng the B ink appropi ations in a h ut time must be paid out of the pro •eed* of the t.'Xes alone, and Tr easurers i lurks issued >u der -uch odes as the General /\ semb!y shall prescribe, will be -üb<titut‘Ml for the t x iioncy in the Bank. | t o the full amount of tte tax drawn out. i my the limitation on tte is-ues of die j t > if*k he annually violated.and the dan ger to the credit of the instiption will be mperceptibly increased prec%Hy to toe i tt amount ot the tax pud periodically mto tho Treasury. 1 hi- use o.the pub ;e revenue derived from taxation, is scarcely consistent with thus.- principf s • P’Ti which pecuniary but tin ought obe imposed upon the people. Taxut on m only justiti ibli to meet thenec* s sitiefi of gov* rnrnent; and if it is ex pefted that inure money thin the ex g* ii ies of Tie public seivce may lequire will be paid under (lie pre si ot system of tax *tion/i at system should be changed, toe laws imposing taxes cep alod oi m dtlied bv . diminu tion of the sums ass sse l upon the pru periy of t o people. In plan* of the third section of the chatter, w ich give* the use nf h laxi s collected to tire Bank, I would respectfully recoimn nd that th’ p.-ofits >fthe Bmk u*.d the am uut of i > teresr paid to it hy public and brors, shall b annually or semi annually paid ~ver to the treasurer to defray the ex ’ i", —I ok' f *(s for ; fi *rd to the p rid, not rename, f the institution should be prosperous, when t . agriculture of Geoigia. |k . f j la of Pennsylvania, will be relieved from ad hrect contributions f r the payment of ‘tate xfiense-. —Copies of the sever.’ Kx rutive orders relative t the Bm k t the La n ative mu re-pond 'nee with ‘he Fiea-urer, ad wid, th R esident and Dliectors of the Bank, a>e aul be bn*, you, that the- various diffi.uli e whit h have been encountered in carry hg the law into eff'et and the decisions u son questions : an* and, m y be known 1 hi se documes ts, with the > port of in* Preside*.t nid Dir cfor-, w;!| give to th Gen.-r I Assembly all thei formation ne rcs-.irv to a full knnwlrdg of (he present -tat of th I -siitn.ii *n and will er.ab • them to disiover arid correct anv errors in the I i\v establishing it, or m the ad ministration of ?hat la. . The act to autho<iz the Executive to ul cube to the Mock of the Savannah Ogeecht e and \liamah- ("and Conipa n was duly x ruleand taken, & the 4yment of th subscription money gld Out) made In fur bet * xe . utie oftke pi w given to the Ex* cu lm*, Col. Kichard W. Stitts wa> .tp. jct ted a director ul the Board of direc tmnoltht Corporation, to repip-ent he interest of the Male. in the success of the imporUin enterprise, to which ihi ! corporation is tk-'vo ed, the Stale ha nr w a large pecuniary it*r< st lode p- ruienl *1 the amount subscribed a loan ot j£6O,u()o ha* Om* n he<etofore made to ttie ompany, the rcunnur.,e meut of wincn is seal* ely to be looked i< r it the enterprise fails. Os the p<acf.iiabmty ul the proposed wink and Us immense utility when bn isli and, no reasonable doubt can exist. Ihe ♦ xpt use alieady invurrnl, is com paratively small, when that in prospect is considcied. Ia cuiations of cost should not ob-truct die prosecution of a gieat wotk tvlieie the oenetit promised ;is of sufti tent magnitude to repay the {expense. Unless the individuals who have comm* nc*d lliewmk shall drspair ot success, ami abandon Pie design, it is confidently beloved that a full share of the charge will be cheerfully borne b\ the S-ate, until the line of the canal teaches the t hattafmehee and forms a channel of commtinn at'on through the Mate, Mum, the Cult otMeilCO 3ud the Atlantic Ocean* The city of Savannah having conveyed ‘ to the State a lot for th* s tate Arsenal, preparations are making for the erection of the building. I'he corporation of Sa vannah anxious to secure the use of the the buildmg fur the Ciy Guard, &•. intended to insert in their deed of on veyance a clause of reservation. The Executive having no authority to accept a deed on other conditions than those prescribed bv th J Legislatoture. the in tention wa- abandoned and a conveyance executed in strict compliance with the act of the General A-sembly. The corn's pondence with the corporation and the papers relating t the \rsenal are present i ed, that the General \s-embly naav de termine on the propriety of g* anting the privileges the Cdy desires to enjoy. The Budge over the Ocrnulgee at Ma con has b ,j m sold and transferred to ‘ h-* corporation of that place a- directed by the act of 20th December. 1828. The several Resolution* inquiring the Executive to transmit the reports of the last General Assembly, on the subject of general and state interests t. To g es—- to the Governor’s of the s*at s composing the Union, and to our Deleg ton to Con gres-, were in due si-ason *-x> cut; and The act for tiv better distnb ‘ion, and application of the poor school fund and to point out the mode of accounting so th*- disbursements of thp Academy and poor scho I funds, was published in the puolic Journals, fin the information oftbe people and the number of copies of the Report hum tIT jqflnt committee of public education and free schools, directed by the Legislature, was transmitted to each countv as soon as they were received trom the hard* of the public printers, Guidry ‘Lisolutions relatix eto the col lection of debt-, doe ihe State were c*n side; ed repealed by the subsequent en aernrnt >1 the law establishing lie Ceil rid B nk—tho e debts fin m*ng a part of h api to), aid the control over them tv mg g ven t*> the President aid Dnect ors of lira* liist>tut! >n l i at i!v (ieueral Assembly may be fully informed ot the transactions of the ~ast y*-a , copies f the cones’'Ond>mc,e and the Executive wuh the militia office l ” and the State, and with the Department <d relative to an Indian alariii <>n th-- frmtieis and to tin- distinction of arm belonging to th** Slate, bv the cai.imitoo brea? Xugusta, a e ta.d bol\*r A quantity of arms has been placed at th. and sposal of the Vfaj r G-ueral, eornmaod mg tbe, 2d division of the militia of gia. b the Getieral G.*v*rninmt, as part ol the quota which wil lie due th‘ Stat* according to the act of Coiturftss, fo*’ arm ing the militia I’hese documents shibi ’ videoces ol the earn st desire of th te> eral Government t ’ comply with all its obligatmn* to Hus section f fie Union and a praiseworthy vigil i'.ce in our rmb t‘® offi ers to and iigainst all danger to the public saf ty A io, respo donee with the Secretary f State of the U. S. and with the # >ver no ot die Stat- and VI ay or of th-> ifity of Mew Y ‘rk. occasion. H by the abduc nun ul a leiejguer who sought refuge here, is aHo communicat’ and. The ze ii ui-p: yeo by the General Government, amt by he local au hunting of ihe t'lty and “ta • ‘>f N- • Y i k, in tlie viudrca ! bon of our Violated lav 8 . will be seen with pleasure, and li no doubt , he u*e lul in dt terniut profligate or persons from SMiuiaf attempt” either in this State or in ~ry other part of the. U S The piotest of lieoigia agnnst the Tar iff P rented to the Set,at’ of the U. S. at th lasi S. “sion of t-’ongres“, and is preserved among the archive* of that as sembly. As yet, no attempt has been made to i pea! or modify the obnoxious I ,ws. imposing dunes upon imposts for the benefit ot the Manufacturers. An effort at the approaching session of Congrtss, to reconcile the iuipo-t system rrf the Union, to justice and the Constitution, is anxious ly looked for. That it will be at least partially successful is confidently believ ed—the more confidently, a* the expert merit made under the last obnoxious law has answered the wishes of its advoi ates. Although deeply injurious to us of the ®°uffi, it ha* as yet poured no go den showers into the lan of those for whose benefit it was especially intended. Under the pleasure of deep distress produced by an awful calamity the citizens of Augu-ta add essed themselves to the Executive, in April last, soliciting succ> u . A recent fire h:.d converted the lower part of the city into a heap id smould’ tmg n in>, lad decoyed in its iriestsubh lU’ \ In est ail ibe pro petty of the reauiingin thaij quarter of th 0 place. The calls of a rmonunit- *- . cn ibutions to :hv public treasury had “, n c-mnpar M o’y so large, and whose sufferings were severe, could nt be heaul wiihout respect. nor rejected without piie. The want of vested power alone pr<y„ vented the Executive from obeying tj :? impulses of In rmiT, and vestori;. ? witti do sparing hand, a portion’ of th* fund heretofore received from that pj*,-. liftc source. A- it is competent I t!io General Assembly to mak** donations of the put)hc treasure, when such donations are (letnmded by the parential obngati of the government, the address >f the committee of the citiz-ms of Augu-'a and the an-wer of the Executive iire laid b fore you. wi’h perfect conn 1 ~; o that the impulses of generou- fi oliijtv undet the sanctions of justice and pro priety will net be disobeyed. Two propositions t< amend the ronp?[. tution, one from Missouri, to chaog* (he mod * of electing the Pri ident and Vic n President, ad to prevent th* election >f those officers from e e devolving on the H use if Kepre-eota ive- of tl*e Congress ol <hc United Si tes the o f her from Lou - isania, to render the President ineligible, ad to expend the term of service to six years; a rep *rt and resolutions adopted by the G- neral \ssernblv of M*s u i, apor fv iog the resolution of Geo ga. denvi gthc rik r ht of Cong ess to ap (opriate money to aid the Co< *n;zat n Society, ad t > re port and resolution* of h< L* gislatu-e of Virgi ia, on the Tariff, and #,n the want of con-utut o 1 pooer in the Federal Government to m k int rfiai improve ments, la-d before the Genera! Assem bly. in compliun* e with Tie request of the’ Legislature o th e states UK annu .I si (eiuentsmade bv the -ev er a I B -ksof th sf,t**; a li-Tof appomtmei/ts mads during the ?ear, and off ‘he wa ran s dra vu u -on tbe IVeasur- ac • company this message C%i>*ain la’ lor,the Su-rvevor'ap no'nt*-'A u*> ii>! the -es duriop of. he 20r December 1828, to re *urvcv the Mth district of fi*l -tin, has hot oh: pie red his wot k she amount of compen-a ion fi r the wor k whea fi ii-hed is to :.e fixed by the Legislature’ Kid an appi opria oa made for its nay*’ ment A letter from the Treasure'* and C mp . troller, among he papers prese ; j w jthi this me sage, states that sorar fV x This upon which iym'nt*s rn fuli were made h ive been rrsoM a- forfeited, the money pad by the purchasers cannot be rein ti ed without Legi tative mth.. ity„ With a view to , resent a full exposition O’ he funds her ‘ Tore approp, fated f > the improvem t of the navigable waf.'ws in Uie"tate, lettem o fenquiry were addrees ed on the, 3d Aug. last, to the B- ... 0 f ommissionet s to w!\ ra those funds . r ., ri intrusted. Answers vtcrt* r q. (t . s ? .t the Ist of October—some of these 0 ?ds have not v• replied— the answers of others have b en n vecr.ntiv r vivp ’ V it has b-eu f om) impta tic ble/top'et r,f e ■•opies of them for th use f th . i , s 1 ture, mu h le-s to gtv eth*m *hat c . fuj examination necessm to the fulliimm.J <; f tiie purpose for w >ic th y vver- ,i ht Ml toe original lepurts that h ,ve been t ausmitfid to the Ex rutiv. Department are present* and to the H eies - bves a” the only moil th at i- |, ft 0 b-'ino* thesu je t f them immrd af. !y u. and the inspection of the General Ase by. I’h-’ ludicrous appearance of !, hudd ing and voted to the Log ve and R< ; a „ tive D oartments with ds mod- u body and go hie head, is so striking tha> s o ob servations can make more obvi u th j ne cessity of fur Tier external alte a ions.—. Ihe provoking slowness with ich tha late changes have been m de. and th- con dition in which the building is fiou and !.y the 1 egi-hiture, furnish but sl-nd r - ducements for additional appropri rdor 3 of money; still, however, they niu t c sooner or later mad -—probablv c!aesa inserted in sueteetling contracts, th:v : e contractors shall for f: it a giv~n per io of the price stipulated to be’ paidV em for every the day fixed for its Completion, w ni l se ( ur. a punctual performance to (he day of the engagements made* Ihe house set apai t as th* 1 residence of the governor will soon reqtrre th iroog’i I repaii. fherxi>cnsi of making it wil b*? so great that it is probnble liberal economy will be consulted bv the erection of at en tirely new budding on the same >r a differs ent site. It will not e s cape th< re i ec tion ot the G -neral Assembly th t in the orign a plan of the St at of Guv n turn , a li g q ‘.ire, now a barren waste was de signated lor the Government House, and