Newspaper Page Text
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'. Jackson Resigns.
y Jackson resigned
1 (| Baptist church
ft Tuesday night
B arewell sermon
H Mr. Jackson,
he Baptist church
ville, has accept
B ^ Vienna
offt him a
A e 'beville church
:h y E --np!e.
Wilson, f ei\'ed Vbbeville
id, who t C the
1-ting his rge,
l-tight syrup ant^ttUg it
tin is of\
has set a
■tion by ot„
has alrea s() ld\
syrup at-munera
f d'and for it
unty court
llarge number
It parts of \ the
Bist Pat Clark
■ negroes,
Bjasseter, Ham
Lewis Red
^B ||Hs convicted 1 n each
T l months on
t of forty
®Mr. Will
^Uie H. Non- P.
< ^^The bride is
ihter of Mr. C.
p proprietors of
room is one of
hgineers on the
aihe Chronicle
Ill and Mr. David
ried jesidence last Sunday
* of the
1 - Lydia Harrell,
- Abbeville. Jus
■ performed the
land Mr.
Id last Thursday
A- bride's
fial at the
inroe last Fri
lost pleasant
fte was large
B of the
B season.
The Court House Contest.
The fifteen days allowed the con
tjestees to rehut the testimony of the
Contestants, and to secure evidence
against them closed on Tuesday aud
the contestants re-convened their
court at Rochelle yesterday to con
tinue for five days. The advocates
of retaining the court house at Ab
beville are confident that the case of
the contestahts will fall to the
They Are Welcome.
Mr. J. F. Waltz, a prominent citi
zen of Sharon Center, 0., who spent
last winter in Abbeville, has return
ed with a party of fifteen homeseek
ers from his home and vicinity.
The Chronicle extends a cordial
welcome to Mr. Waltz and his
friends and hopes that they may be
induced to remain with us perma
DefttH Of D. W. Mann.
Mr. D. W. Mann, familiarly
known to his. friends as Dave Mann,
died\at his home near Abbeville last
Sunday night of a kidney trouble.
Deceased has been an invalid for
years and was confined to his bed in
his last illness for several weeks be
fore his death.
That 6 O’clock Dinner.
A very enjoyable 6 o'clock dinner
was given by Mr. E. A. Moody last
Thursday to a party of select friends.
The menu was varied and appetizing
and the turkey served by “Aunt
Mit” Fitzgerald, the special cook of
the town, was roasted to a turn.
Opening Of Public Schools.
The spring te.m of the public
schools of Abbeville will commence
next Monday morning. All pupils
will be required to carry their tickets
of admission.
Abbeville merchants say that the
free fery across the Ocmulgee, river,
established a few weeks ago, has al
ready overpaid the cost of the ferry,
in the trade, tiiat has been attracted
from Dodge county. Our streets
are daily thronged with people from
our sister county.
The Chronicle took no holiday
Christmas week, as did most of the
weeklies in the State, preferring to
avail itself of the first week in Janu
ory for that purpose, in order to
close up the business of the past
year preparatory to a change of
management. Hence only a small
sheet is issued this week, and this is
to comply with statutory require
ments of legal advertisements.
Abbeville needs more industries,
and now is a good time to take steps
to get them.
The acreage in fruiteulture in Wil
cox county, will be greatly increased
this season.
A large excursion of Western
home seekers is expected at Forest
Glen this week.
Dr. Jay Shrader went to Savannah
on a flying business trip last Wed
Mr. E. W. Millican, of Waldo,
Fla., was in Abbeville on business
last week.
The handsome livery and sale
stables on Main street are finished
and ready for business.
Mrs. Sidney Lascelles accompani
ed by Mrs. McIntosh of Fitzgerald
was in town seeking legal advice
this week.
Presiding blder h. If. MeOeehee
was in town this week and presided
at the Methodist Quarterly Confer
ence on Monday night.
Miss Lillian Reid has returned to
Cox College at College Park after
a pleasant holiday season with her
many friends.
Miss Nita Alison, having enjoyed
the holiday season at home has re
turned to her Studies at Wesleyan
Female College.
Mr. J. L. Pittman and sister Miss
Daisy of Irwington Ga., are visiting
friends in Abbevihe, and Sibbiu, for
a few weeks.
A fair proportion of the cotton
crop of Wilcox count! this season is
still in the hands ofltlic producers,
who are holding it for an advance in
the price of the staple.
Messrs. Carithers and Anderson
have moved from the Stubbs build
ing on Commeace street to the Rog
ers building on corner of Stubbs and
Commerce streets.
Our young friend Oscar Snow who
came home for the holidays returned
to Atlanta, last Monday, where he is
taking his second course of lectures
at the Southern Medical College.
There will be a public installa
tion =-. ble officers of Wes
tern e- Lodge F. & A.
M. for the ensuing year at the Audi
torjum on Friday Jan. 14th, and the
bretheren will be given at
an oyster supper in the
ing. Then then- will also be
work in the third degree.
NO. 51.
Rooms For Rent.
One or two furnished rooms ■ for
gentlemen. For terms apply to Mrs.
J. R. Monroe, Abbeville, (la.
GKORGI.V~\Vllcox County.
To ull whom it may concern: Lizzie R. Si riel, -
land w.'dow of Edgar L. Strickland, deceared
having applied tome for the setting apart of
the twelve months allowance for her and min
or child, and appraisers having been appointed
and having made their return, setting apart
said allowance, within thirty days from the
date of the application. All persons interested
are required to show cause, If any they can can.
at the Feb. term 1898 of Wilcox court of Ordi
nary. Why said allowance should not he con
firmed and the return of said appraisers mad,“
the judgement of the court- This Jan. 8d IHdh.
John M. Warren,
Ordinary of Wilcox County.
} Whereas. W. if. Greason, J. T. Owens, J. A
King, C. Snapp, J Gregory, and others.
j petitioners, have made their application to this
cour t praying for an order to change a portion
of the Rochelle and Seville road which will he
to the best interest to the traveling public,
commencing at the line of J. J. Gregory and
Jus. King's land, running thence due south to
the Pitts j*oad, thence west by the residence of
Mrs. Roberts through Pitts, thence In a north
west course to said Rochelle and Seville road.
Now this is to elite and admonish all that on
the First Monday in February said road will be
! granted if no good cause Is show to tne con
j Trary . This 3d day of January, \m.
L. F. Nance,
1). McDuffie,
M. K. Me Anally,
j J. N. 10vans, Clerk. Com. of Roans and Rev.
Aft. a. Brown,
Prices the Lowest. Quality the Best.
Georgia Seed Rye and Texas Rust
Country Produce of All Kinds
Bought and Sold.
Fitzgerald Nursery
1 wish to say to the people of Ab
beville and vicinity that 1 carry a
full and complete line of nursery
stock, including all kinds of large
and small fruits, and flowers in great
I make a specialty of strawberry
plants, and have the famous Thomp
son Berry. My prices are very low
and everything warranted first-class.
E. M. WINSLOW, Manager.
A very pleasant social party wa
given at the residence of Judge T,
L. Holton last Thursday evening in
honor of his cousin Miss Annie Li 11
jott of Tattnall county, who is visit
big Ins family.