The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, January 27, 1898, Image 2

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the: chronicle. > K. .) EN Ewron. - R. Mo.mioh. I’tlSUKHUIt FFICJAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY, M HSlUni'TION ft ATMS. Twelve months......... ti no montlj*............. TO L x month*.......... 2 .') I iriafoly in advane* ' unpllrat Ion 5 Ad vc.rt I•'in^ rat • in iTirnisImd on lien 0 ;tt tl)«- Rost Otllec ut Ahhttvillc, Oa a i(j-< la»N matter. TELEPHONE NO. 44. < < >1 N ty DIRECTORY. C *Ul r: M. F. McAnully. h. K. Nance »H 'll* J. N. I .vans, Clerk. a * 11 1 l> Molhdlte OF IT* ‘lilts. O I’M v A ut .1. M arren ■I. M. Mixon <T. itiv mrkiuou <'oi nr hi 1 Air/ton. OM.KCTOIl > Fountain V mol llrown. T\x Ih.t i ivKii s T.lKASfBKH li A ;«*r S •UVUYOH I T ( MIONKH II Smith I'nrirr c iMtv Convt con very First Tiif*'ki.’ H tilt dildtre I. Land. Soli- itoi T || oil. llallifl. .I ts. Harr The negro |) vattx has been Jioillted ( ■ lleetor of customs for tin p 11 1 of S vainiah. The house of l’l i reaentn!ives pass I l h ex ciilive api'idpriation hill e '11(11=1 ■ an ili iii for the support of M I ( IV I service commission, without a ibsselilill vote M ire than two hiimlrc'l-tliousand i on niilialaiits, have, died in Cuba since tin oc iiiiiiag of the war foi ii depcndeiiee, and cue ll succeeding f iy adds to l lie number I a the deal Ii of Thomas .1, Hiirney. \ liii-li occurred at I'orsyth last l , 'ri d y, the. most popular genial and h (ccssl'lll nowspape r canvaser in G col': ill |l as.-ial away and the sad tidings ol his death carried sorrow tn the hearts of devoted friends in ever, ha del in the State. 11"':,; pt' .oM-YVd ‘w 10N' C Cures Pcvet in One Day Tim Mississippi river is on another r:Ulip;i: < find the TC ■si fears are < nln Ini 1 iml - Kids of hist ing will be repealed The dam ugv fnmt a freshet at this time how i ver would Ik* much less than it was last year, as the waters would recede in time to plant the Spring crops. The Warshi I > Maine lias been or dered to Hiivanuali, ostensibly in the mere i X’-reise of a right and ( ustom, hui in reality lo look tiller and p'lMlcet the interests o{ A uteri can citizens in (’uhu \ ocncrtil t’eelinjjf of u: \iety and uneasiness Ims prevail! »1 throughout the (tilled Slates, sinet l he recent riots in I lit \ auujt This anxiety is not confined to tlie UUlssP.S of the people, hut parv ides the oltieial at ntospltere <>( \\ ushington city While then* is no i Munrdiutt 1 cause for apprehension of I nipt hit * between this eoimtn ml S tin tlie tension is strained. i hint :il any moment the stl iking of a uiaU*1\ op the discharge of a cun ini hi precipitate hostilities Wit i l Maim- in Iiavauna harbor ami * t i<> \\ Idle Squadron within cas .all, the d* i g t of troiihh- will h. ureal I \ h ssi ■nod. U 7 u take Johnson's Chill Fever Tonic? Because it cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Y. Hon K B. Lewis, representative ol i.i bird congressional district, is i- r.,;ug rapidly to the front as an line a: id indefatigable member of He is- al- A UN's at hi.-- post of duty, and to axail himself of any opportunity that offers, to advance the interests of his section and constituents, He took a prominent part in the debate Iasi Saturday, on the Indian appro priation hill, and in the course of his remarks, paid his res|„vts to tin IMiigley tariff' hill, showing its hale fulTffeets upon the cotton mill oper atives in the New England Slat MS, He drew a graphic comparison be twci = tin- prospciity of tlie Eastern Diiu 7. rn Mills, to the advantage of A latter, which he attributed solely to the fact that uR the eoedi tious in the South, war ■ more favor able to the manufacture of cotton g,x Jv la Cuba And Hawaii. The Cohan crisis, and flic annex atimi of the Sandwich island s . are tlie all absorbing themes now occupy ing the attention of (In-administra tion (dose friends of the President declare that lie has determined upon a vigorous policy in dealing with the (Julian revolution, and Ids anxiety to annex Hawaii is known of all men. In the emergency of a war with a foreign power, the United Ftates, according lo the records of the ollicc of the Secretary of, war, could with in sixty days place ten million, fighting men in the field, of which miniltcr flic State of Georgia could supply 2(14,5(10. On the oilier hand the supply of lixed am in uni tion and modern firearms is reported to he very meager, and it is estimated that with the factories running night day it would require several years to make anything like an ad< ipiate supply for an army of 2,Odd <KM> men tien. .Miles says that our •’oasts and harliois are practicalli Icfeneoless It, is fnrt her estimated hat Hie annexation of Hawaii would equire an expenditure of three-hun Ired-inillions of dollars on fortHiea ions and war ships. The people ire in accord with the President if in- has determined on a vigorous Cu ban policy, hut a vasl majority of them arc opposed to his annexation ■rheme, which is in eonliiet with the principles of the Monroe doctrine, he policy of this country, and is intended to pay off political debts of the President, and involves a con stant menace to the peace of the country and an enormous expense to payers of thecountrv. The Passing Of The Pines. The pine forests of South Georgia will soon be a thing of the past, I’lie ravages of the lumbermen and turpentine monlmve left but vestige of the magnificent pines tnat abound ed so profusely in this section, a few t ears ago. To such an extent has the devastation gone, that the saw mills and turpentine farms are being abandoned on every hand. There is however consolation and encour agement in the fact that where the oi;iut pines once stood larms arc springing up. Within the past three years the tide of emigration from the North and West lias been steadi Iy flowing in this direction, and there is good reason for the prophecy that within the next decade, the waste places of South Georgia, will teem with i happy and prosperous popu lation of energetic and industrious i anners The Savannah News voices the sentiment of the people, in reference to the prompt monthly payment of the teachers of the State. State School Commissioner G lent) * ought to have a li hern I support in his efforts to secure the prompt, monthlv payment of teachers. There is no good reason why the teachers should be made to wait three months for their pay when the state has the money in bank with which to pay them. The state receives 2 percent, interest on ils deposits, hut the teachers often are forced t pay Jb per cent, or more lor I e use .4 money which they are 1 r- fliged to borrow while they are waiting on the state for payment for services rend ered. The. teachers of the public schools are the hardest worked and poorest paid of all the state's public servants, and any movement which looks to their more prompt payment is to he common; \! and assisted ;|s a matter of rig 4 J ll jllS AT rj .ul not as a c-cmeession The Greatest Discovery Yet, Mr. IV. M Repine, editor Tiskil wa, 111., nru f S.’IVS -•\ve won t keep house without Dr King's New Discovery for eo-isumptum. eongbs and colds, Experimented with many others, tmt never got the true remedy until we = <1 Dr. K s New Dis eovery X r ivin alv can take its place in our home, as in it we nave a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping eongh, etc. ” It is idle to exp- ri: T nt with remedies, even if - y are urged on yon as just is good as Dr. King’s New Diseoven They an- not as because this remedy lias a record of cures and heM lc. i^ guar teed. It never fails to satisfy hotiles free at the City Drug & NORTriLrtOi I p LRN *\ ! LhUAUi r>r s \ p\ IIFTON —\i "SCLDIEFiS’ COLONY ROOT E.” LOCAL TIME TABLE NO. 6. H. H. TIFT, President NO. 7 NO. 8 NO. I I*. M. I*. M. A. M. LEA VI :s ~ 3 10 s 00 0 a tl a 2:j h li K ’3 3 32 8 2T 8 V 3 c 3 r>2 h if, 1 1 I* :t fts n 01 in 4 N \ 10 SI r.l 30 Y 1 27 1 & 9 30 sir. A RRIVF J’ralns Nos. 1. 2. 8 and i run dally, except Kundu.\ I’ralns Nos. 7and 8 nm on Sunday only, r s*;ti ion I’l s stop only on signal V11 irains make eonr.orCon with the I'lant System and O«or*.a Southern and Florida at Tlfton. a.i.ntw ‘-eordn^ii Alahaam » U GO TO M. £L Srem BOWEN ST., NEAR DEPOT, FOR STAPLE AND FANCY . . GROCERIES . . Prices lite Lowest. Quality the Georgia Seed live and Texas Uust Proof Oats A Sl’ikT A LTV. Country Produce of All Kinds nought and Sold. A 1515KVI LLK, GEORGIA Fitzgerald Nursery, TREES AND PLAN IS. I wish to say to the people ot Ab beville and vicinity that 1 carry a full and complete line of nursery stock, including all kinds of large and small fruits, and flowers in great variety. I make a specialty ot strawberry plants, and have the famous Thump son Bern My prices are very lov ind everything warranted first-class. K. M. WINSLOW, M.vxaqkb FITZG KH ALI), Georgia. ,1 IT Bivins, I’res, A. .J. Callahan, V. F .1 . ItiviNs, Oitsiiier Capital SoO.GbO. Surplus $8,000 First National Bank; COKDICLIC, OA. Accounts of Ranks, v’orporations, Firms an Individuals Solicited. Collections made, s: percent, interest paid on time deposits. Citation. GEORG IA—Wilcox County. To all whom it may concern: Lizzie R. St rick land widow of Eritfur I.. Strickland, deceart d having applied to me for the setting apart of the twelve months allowance for her and min or child, and appraisers having been appointed and having made their return, setting apart said allowance, within thirty days from the l.-pe of the application. All persons interested are required to show cause, if any they can can. at the Feb. term 1898 of Wilcox court of Ordi nary. Why said allowance should not be con tinued and the return of said appraisers madi ffhe judgement of tlie court- This Jan. 3d 1898. John M. Warren, Ordinary of Wilcox County. Notice. Whereas. W. IL (avast T. Owens, J. A Kins. c. < iini))|), J. J. Gregory, and others. petitioners, have made their application to this court praying for an order to change a portioi of the Rochelle and Seville road which will be to the best interest to tiie traveling publb commencing at tlie lint* of J. .1. Gregory am las. King's land, running thence due south t< the l*itts road, thence west by the residence o •I is. Roberts throiigh r = s. t hence In a nortb west course to said Roe A ile and Seville road. Now this is to cite and admonish all that o: the First Monday in February said road will 1 < granted if no good cause is show to tne coi - trary This 3d day of .human . 189s. I 1). McDun-h M .....g-.G-.iPv. J. N. Rvans, cier (’om. o' Roads nnd TV A proniinent negro pre.i ner wn rtrieken with paralysis, while preacl ing in Macon last Sunday, ana die on Monday. It begins to r as i Mr. (’a dh-f will meet s. no s'M’i-uis ' A staele. on his way t.o the gubernatorial man bon The eotumission appointed by LL ’ Governor to arrange for a Geoi »' i exhibit at the Omaha Expositor met in Maeo-i yesterday. In a question of veracity between Senator Morgan of Alabama and ex president i'lev-laad. tlu rojHif’ition of tlie latter oentlt*m:m will sustain no ,i :U11 ag» The first serious Ulizxard of tin inter, prevailed in several of tin e-tern States !as( Tuesdn\ : (h Si. Louis the storm was very vilent destroying human life an , prosp An Atlanta man as stricken wit! paralys!-. w w tig in the conn 11‘ last wee 7T 1 dih > v A ( call ft r assisiatieehe lay in t!i--wo. for tlnee days: when found his leg were so badly frozen that am on-a I on was considered necessary, am he -1 <’il under the kuift Miies. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA, EFFECTIVE 1 >A_’ OU till J<_- I* 1 i ) t! I 1807. TIFTON, HRIGIloN II A IID1 NCI 1*1 NETT \ M ft STIC. FLF/IVUKR, FIT/.GHKA LI), MAX K. LAND, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' ’Onice in llcndley Hullciinjj. Repot st reel RcVulence ‘Rhone NT (■ FVILLF. GA ^ <Ttts. IfAla Lawson (TTTS & LAWSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Otlloeon llroad Sticet, near Cui;rt llousa v«mkvi I.I.h ( i KOltftIA W. R. GOOGE, M. D., I * I K tv i t i' ^ t_ * > n , Calls answered promptly, day ot night, AiGlKVILLK, GA. T. c. TAYLOR ATTCRNEY-AT-LA'W. Hawkinsvilli Georgia Tetter, Salt-IJheum ami Kezema. Tlie intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allay, by upjilying Chamberlain s Eye an Skin Ointment. Many very bad cas, hiive tieen permanently cured by it. is equally efficient for itching pik-s an a favorite remedy for sore nippies chapped bands, chilblains, frost bite and"chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box l)r. f'ail.v’s Coihlilitm Powders, an just what a horse needs when in ba condition, Tonic, blood pnrifiet aru vermifuge They are not food bu medicine and the best in use to put i horse in prime conditioj Price 2 cents per package FIDELITY AND DEP0SITE CO, OF MARYLAND. HOME OFFICE, BALTIMORE, MD. Resources of Company Dec. 31,1895. paid in, - $ 750,000.00 Surplus, 400,000.00 Reserve Requirements, 190,793.10 Undivided Profits, 78,983 28 Total $1,419,770.38 Deposited for security of all Policy-Holders $280,000.00 Losses paid in 1895, $53,852.12 Becomes surety on Bonds of Con tractors, Officers and Employees of Ranks, Mercantile Houses, Railroad. Express and Telegraph Companies, Officials- of States, Cities and Towns. Also on Bonds of Executors, Ad ininistrators, Guardians, Trustees, Receivers, Assignees, CoL.mittees. and in Replevin, Attachment and In junction cases and all undertakings in Judicial Proceedings, For pai ticulars call on or address, J. R. MONROE Agent, ABBKVILLE. GEORGIA SUFFERING. ^liousands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals in with head, pains the back, breasts, shoulders,sides ■4 hips and limbs. - But they need not suffer. These pains ___ are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected, Tlie nien strual function should operate painlessly. o makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. Ami that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month alter month when Wine of Cardui will relieve tier? It costs Ji.oo at the drug store. Why dou’t you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases address, requiring giv special directions, ing symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Chattanooga Department,” Medicine The Co., Chattanooga, Teun. Mrs. ROZEfiA LEWIS, cl Oenaville, Texas, says: “I was troubled at monthly intervals with terrible pains in my head and bacK, bat have been entirely relieved by Wine ol Cardui.” W. 0. TIFT, Vice Presideni Miles. AKRJVK A dL 1\ M. I». M. 12 - e £5 0 10 iti 6 lo f> ftO 11 0 id 5 48 11 11 ~ f, 41 5 21» 9 1! 9, f> Jif> ft Lit > 11 ^ r, 2:1 ft 12 LEAVE 0 11 1 5 10 ft Mi MJ. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8 [■ D ’ Z A r 1 P " ’" i ' " h? A r? <ini'i c pr- i>’£, o CML8ft r. 2 - 1 i - ' s. -■-:jKrsttBBnaasE&maa rv> “*— * • GO 3 f? |pP ■ nii THE LEADER OF ■ B Announces a Clearance Sale ol'liis Winter Stock. $8,000 Worth of Dry Goods. Clothing, 81 noes, J Pi*-.,’ i . - ats, ^V^flitskrvRar tU MUitury to be Sacrificed to Raise Money, t.V c.rj » ■ a " Hi o fi t m - Saturday, - Dec. - e- U-i* r--u ii. A Rare Chance For Everybody to «/ Secure Bargains. ve yrvncv -1 "W I li 1 i I 1 8 V ft a ■■ * li 1 1 1 0 IC I >, Next Door to Post Office, ABBEVILLE. GEORGIA. 3E0RGIA & ALABAMA RAILWAY i SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Kffective December 12, !897. MAIN LINE. No. 10. No- 17. No- IS. 7 IS p 2ft a E 1 v Savannah aril JO pm ESHcEHH ]■; 04 (l 11 ;;*» a S ar Helena- ar (i lo p 2 ft a I (Hi a 12 -ji j> 3 sir Abbeville ar ft r ; o p 2 u d In a 1 MO p 5 ar Lurdeie ar i 4 ft |> 2 i ft a a 15 a - P 3 ar Arnericus ar 8 80 p 3 12 28 a ■I M a i £ ar .Montgomery Hi eh land ar Iv *2 40 j» 3 11 80 p s ihi a N Oil | 2 ar 10 ir ft a 3 7 4ft P COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. J No. I.* No- 2. No. 4 • i to p m lo oft a r: lv Columbus ar ft 20 p m 1 i GO m o 00 p m 11 40 a 3 ar Richland ar 3 p m 7 4ft a E 8 fto p m 1 ;;u p ~ ar Albany lv 2 lo p m 0(1 3 hi TZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9. No. 7 No. b No- 10.................... no p m 7 I ft a -333 lv Abbeville ar 12 1 mil w pm.................... ii m si in a ir Lit^eraid aril 1 am 8 4ft p m.................... 7 2ft p in 10 00 a ar Ocilla lv lw 20 a m 8 oo pm................... v Trains No >*. 1 and 2 carry i In out coaches ietween Atlanta and Albany in connection with outhern Kaili\a\ CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. ( , onnee i > ai .-•.u\aniu : .a who Ibani . \sien;, r. . . A P. and steamers. At L’U'.mi wiUi Southern Railway Train No. , I ft north bound. At AbbevUie l’or Fitzgerald and > • ila. At Cordele with (i.-s. A F. IL 1L No. 4 north bound. At Richland with A A. Division ■k-A lirnrliamVind lbany and the < olnmbu.-v At Montgomery of " itn H. A N. for New Orleans and beyond, for Itir north, also with A . R.v. Alabama, for Selma. TRAIN NO. 17. Connects ai ;:van:«n:i v.itb Plant System and F. C. A I*. R. R. At Helena n !>uthern Ky. No. Hi south bound and No. lft north bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and in U Cordeie with G. S. A F. K. ii. No. I south bound and No. 2 north bound. At Rich lM. il Ii ( v A. Division for ColLinibiis and Atlanta also for Albany. At Montgomery with I,. bania for ew Selma Orleans and beyond, for Dinning!,am and the north, also with Western Ry. of Al »i- 18. Connceisal Monrironxn v n - L N. from New Orleans and from the >rt ii also with A ©stern Ry. of Atabui ( i ron. Senii c Hichlund with c. a v. j-msien for dumbiis and Atlant ilso for A 1 ui.y, At Cordeie rr ( i. S. A F. Ry. No. for 'l il’ton and i ’• At . Abbeville ,. , for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. u Savuimali ivitIi I’lant .System uiiti i-. c. A ■ !\ Railroad I I >r. Ii4 NO. 20. Connects at Montyomeiy with L. ,v N. from New Orleans nd from the lortii. a! iso with esiern Ky. of Alabama iron ii At cordeie wit!.- G. s. A r. Kv. No. ;» outb bound U Abbeville for Fitz •aid and (>eilia U JHcienu with Sou then: Kv. No.‘i 4 south aid \l Mivaimah with Plum Sy m. i A P. R. R. and Nteann'is. Eic.aant liuifei l > arior Cars on Tft is Nos. i7 and 18. Pullman ’Laiace Slet n 2 Cars on Trains Nos. 19 and 20. V. S. KIKIIT, A. POPE,' ssistant Geiil. I'as.sfiiuer Auent Oeneral Freight and i’assengcr Agent ol tL ,, (jAI.I.iv ............ 1 [, \ tee 1’resident , , and (ieiieral ila/.anei G eorgiu, Soul he rn & Florida Ky. fiUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA. TIME TABLE NO. 60. >ho Fly Sho Fly 7 nil h 2 7 50 p cccHEc lv Atlanta ar Ceniral. 7 45 a 3333 8 ffi 1> E tl (HI II £ li 18 |> ar Macon 1V ' (jr. S. A I 4 15 a 4 = 1> 2 -ft c 11 Id a £ II 28 p jar lv Macon ark;, Mg. s. a I 4 05 a “-£;SS l> £ 11 10 a 3233233 7 ciccclt P S l .'i-l 11 E I 47 a < 'or dele s. a i l I 47 a P E 8 20 a s p £ :i 1*5 p E 3 08 a ar 'Pi dost ft on h Iv t |12 15 a u p £ « 40 a to p E 4 ft2 p £ 4 45 a ar \'a I a G. S. F. 110 30 a ji a £ 5 oo a 1 P E jar Thomasville Quitman lv h Plant Plant System. .system. 3 2 35 48 JC ;t H E » a n. £ Rainbrldge Iv Plant system. 1 38 p 0 00 p m 5 a m 2 Jasper City \v i\ G. S. A I-:. 9 23 ES3,££2 9 56 ?»335 7 00 t> m o ; a m z. Lake G. S. A F. 8 25 8 58 a 0 (-0 !> ■) n : 8 00 a 3 50 |> SEE X e8 £ lv Ifton at 'I’lant System. 11 59 12 45 p 5 45 p rt E ar Way cross h Plant System. 9 40 p 10 45 a 3 7 45 p l-» c# £ a r Jack sonville lv P lant System. 7 30 p h 20 a 3 I j to a* E lv Jasper - I I’lant System. > 48 p 2 7 01 a m l-» sS £ ar Live Oak 1\ Plant System. A J t 2 6 15 am, £ ar Lakeland -1\ ”!ant System. 9 -lft a 3 10 25 p m 5*5 & E ar _Tampa lv Plant System. 8 99 a 2 8 35 p m l 3 20 p m 7 20 a m lv Fitzgerald 'Pifton at lv T. P. N. |- 6 30 ]> m *11 00am 4 20 p m 8 50 a m ar r N i ; 5 00 ji m 9 30 a m; Operates Pullman Gullet Slot cat rou. u -vi a ecu Nashville, Term., and Jacksonville Fla .. vi.-I jlacoi. anu ‘Pi fton. Operates Pullman sleepers between Atlo ?- \nd unswick.vm Macon and 'Pifton, making direct connection with boats to and from (b: E x*rland end St. Simons. Operates its own sleepers between Macoi : jd I'nlatka via G. s. A F. direct. * Direct line to Fitzgerald Soldier ('olony \ Ti ........ fton. Shoo-tiv Train runs dailv exce]>t Sunday, and will make evert- local stop. I). G. HALL. T. P. A.. W. IL UT 'AS F. P. A.. 12 Kimball. -tlantn.Gn 7 !U ’et, Jackson \ illc, Fla L Ii RHODES. Soliciting Passenger Agent , Macon. On. J. LAX I- G. A. MACDONALD, 1 Siijierintendent, Ge.,i:iUj Pa lgOT Agent \ I iome I Li lA 1000 acres good fruit and cot ton land. Seven miles from Abbe ville. 2 miles from Sibbie. In one Ji -f 4 the best farming s ections of the :ounty. Two public roads running hrough property. Pri S3 e n V/ V r ere. One-third cash, hoi A . S a Cii -A 1 v‘ rl O 1 ^ears. 8 percent on deferred payir-ejifs. can on or w i ce Tv I V .r Ii 01VT i 1 nH 4.-’ • \* A. X —(»