The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, February 03, 1898, Image 2

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THE CHRONICLE . OFFICIAL OrtGAN WILCOX COUNTY. \. K. JknNINOS, Editor. .1, U. Monroe, Prni.isii kr M'lISUKIi'l Mix ItATI-tS. Twelve months....... ft 0<J six month-.......... 5U ’ptiree month-........ 25 E j/'-'wfl^rlutrisr'riitB^ fiirnl»b«dona|i|il1CHtlon. T)ii! i yeiosn i.k Is publlHbed every Thursday. nt A bbcvlIlH, f »u. Communications to insure nsi-rtioii should much the office not later ttian , • I;,nda\. find n. i-t always be accompanied necessarily by tiM*. writ' .signature; not ror i,n uilcmloii/'biit. a- a v mu ran let <>l pood faitn. l or advertising rate apply at this office. TELEPHONE NO. 44. — - KnUW i./l nt the Dost ottlce ut Abbeville, <»a., sedfcnd-nlas* mailer. THURSDAY, FEB. li. 181M. ♦ President Bole of Hawaii is tiie lion of ..he hour, with the auncx a'ionists at Washington City. The fruit orchards and vineyards in Wi!" vrto-. < Jcorgi.i arc rapidly increasing in numiiei' and aereage. Tic mosl successful farmers arc those wl-o make theiroWn fertilizers. Jill i raise iheir own forage for man and hz-nsl H is estimated that tiie farmers of i it/ii 'lia have bong tit toilae ?•> | >01 cent less guano than they did in Jan uary of last year. The indications all point to the sirgular «pcflnele of a candidate foi Governor .f Georgia, in the field without a competitor. The Georgia watermelon crop the vein pr< unison to be larger than ever before" Over production always re suits in prices that are ruinous t< the producer. Congress lias passed the bill to in demnify the Book Publishing Co., oi the Methodist Episcopal church, in the sum ( f $288,000, foi damages sustained by it during tin war. The Congressional river and harboi committee were in Savannah last Sat urday on a tourof inspection, Snvnn nnh. as is her in variable custom, treat ed the distinguished gentlemen com posing tiie committee with royal hos pitality. In tin* ScnaU* dehat(‘ on tlu‘ Tcllei resolutiou las], Friday. Fresidcn McKinley was severely Iterated by the advocates of the resolutioi for bis antaganism of legislation favorable to the free coinage o wilver, Richard, Uvoker C preparing t< perpetuate the power of the great New Voi'k ixilitieal organization of which he is the head, lu order to aeeom plish this end he declares that Tain any Hall's abandonment of the frei silver idea is necessary. A neatly dressed woman was ar t sted while intoxicated on tin slreets of Atlanta last Thursday Wltctt searched at the station houst |1,Tint in currency was found, con l -aii /l in her sleeve. She elaimeo v t > he a practising physician. of reciprocity * is heitq \ treats tie '.otiatevi iietwvvn tlic t nited States. Spain, Cuba and Porto Uico. ill* negotiant >ns are ini* result of an in vation by our government tender eo i>y minister Woodford at the V an of Madrid i'lic dal orate preparations that K.F i cing nude for the reunion ol U /’‘federate Veterans iu Atlant; j, ‘o mses t<s make ii the greatest am m, t imposing gathering of the oh i, -j-t/i-s since, the surrender at Ap ' • -matlox. The batthvMiip Kent.i.'ky v.ill L< diristened liy <; daughter ol ta V(‘i . < r Bradly of the blue grass 8ia s<nuetime in-x. iiii'n. ’. 1n ibis in s| lill -1 water troma favorite spring Vii.raliHin Lincoln, will be usei , . tint ceremony instead of Chant paigne. Bradstreet and Ihiifarc aekuowl , d authorities^ on matters eommer ( - a! and financial, hut the continual announcements,, ihat ‘-there is in < ,cased activity in business, tunes better, and money is a glut on lot- market’' are growing tiresome » > the masses of llu* people in the urn belt. ..whatever the eondi U ns ie..y; n,- ;u ether [>arts /.!' the C.’UI ; .t‘\. The Enterprise of The Chronicle. That the new editor of the Abbe vi 11«• CnitoNiriK is enterprising the public may no longer entertain tt doutit. For more than two months Mr. \V. A. Nesbitt, of Dayton. Ohio, has d. voted his time ami substance to Me iamlablc cause of enlightening the residents of the bleak regions north of the Ohio river upon the beauties and resources of this favor ed section tun I of Fitzgerald and Ir win county in particular, with the elfect of organizing a large excursion of homescckers for litis point, hut just here appears our Abbeville brother and appropriates the excur sion bodily as indicated by the f*>i lowing itmn ftoin the CiiRONier.E: A large excursion of homescekers from the northwest arrived at Abbe idle last night, many of them visit Forest Glen and Fitzgerald " In the pamgrajih quoted the «*»'» toro. the Cnuo.viet.E stated but a simple fuel. As to his enterpriae. lie would slate I nr the information of tiie editor o! the Colony Citizen. (who was not an original memlier (lie colons we Believe) that lie in all modesty claims a share in the re T mobility for the existence of Hu Fitzgerald colony. While editing tiie Abbeville Exponent, at the in ception of the colony scheme his pa per was so enterprising as to 1 ‘ 011 - gage in the laudable cause of en lightening the residents of the bleak regions north of the Ohio river, upon the beauties and resources of this favored section, and of Fitzgerald tnd !i win county in particular;” that msolieited subscribers to the Expo lent were enrolled, throughout the •ntire country. Not a state, or terri ■ory was unrepresented on the Ex ponents subscription book. Main /I the citizens of Fitzgerald, includ ing the postmaster and the editor of lie Fitzgerald Leader, we think, will •onfirm this statement. Kind Words. The following words of kindness and encouragement are duly appre ciated by the Editor of Tim Ciirox ICT.K: The Abbeville Ciinoxici.K is ir lew hands. Mr. J. H Monroe i. )nl»iisher and Mr. A. K. Jennings is the editor. They get out a very •(•editable sheet. — Lumpkin Adver tiser. Col. A. K. Jennings lias again taken charge of the Abbeville hutONici.K as editor. We predict 1 'ol. Jennings will make the Ciiron ,oi ,k a blooming success as he is a tastier from away hack.—Lilzgerald Leader. Col. A. lv. Jennings is now editoi of the Abbeville Ciironioi.k, and under his control its columns ar. >ound to brighten. Mr. Jennings h ui experienced newspaper —Telfaii man am i smooth, fluent writer. Yeoman. Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. Cordele was mm vein // / • Tei >dav » • iy a visit of tw/miv five Minnesota ■ litors, who are visiting this section for the purpose >1 inv -ti; aling the general eomfiti/m of the country, The Chronicle feels codident that the party will find much to interest aid agreeably surprise tli. m in Cor Ide and summitdiug eouiitry. Ju iced it would be dilio'ilt to find a oeation in Soutii (o'orgiu that would lot he a delightlul revelation to northern visitors, Quinine and other fe ver medicines take from 5 to 10 days to cure fever. Johnson’s Chiii and Fever Tonic cures in OISE DA Y. Rooms For Rent. One or two furnished rooms for gentlemen. For terms apply to Mrs. J. Il, Monroe, Abbeville, Ga COL. T. C. TAYLOR, Announces His Candidacy for Congress. Col. T. C. Taylor of Hawkinsville has formally announced his interCon to antagonize Hon. K. 15. Lewis i;t tiie race for Congress in the thin! district. Jlc* also announces that he is an unqualified l(i to 1 silver dem ocrat, and endorses every plank in the Chicago platform. What a transformation. How long lias been since this remarkable change in Col. Taylor's views on the currency question occurred? Was lie not one of tiie most pronounced and re j doubtable champions of the go!.! ■ staruisircl in the last presidential cam paign? Was not ids stentorian voice and eloquent tongue in that cam pj.ign exercised repeatedly on the in its advocoev? 1 sudden Tlte transition lias been as j it mils< he surprising to Col. Tay llor’s friends in tiie Third district, j |»p ||K (’hhonum.k is however not priMMl , |t p 0 i Taylors announce ] ment [f , V e are not mistaken lie onw ont()| . ( . ( | th(1 | ists .,oainst Judge j Crisp for Congress in this district. In the last campaign, if we are eor j iv j„f ()nn( .,h q WilH w itli d.imeuHy Unit his friends induced him lord n don ids intention to make the race for Congress, Would il not; be a good idea for Col. Tayior, if he d< sires to go to Congress, to first rep resent his comitv in the Stat<‘ lepis iaturc? lie could then familiarise himself with .parliamentary usage, and it would tie a fitting stepping stone to the position of congressman. If ('ol. Taylor is serious in his an nouncement fnn Chronkm.k appre hends that he may be brought to painfully realize how much truth there is in tile old adage that ■ ‘a prophet is not without honor, save in his own count ry. ” Tom Taylor is an aide advocate, a fluent speaker, a genial, big hearted, clever fid low and counts his friends by the legion, tint if he enters tiie race foi Congress against Lige Lewis, in tiie approaching election, he will lie woefully disappointed when the votes arc counted. Are They Unconstitutional. The constitutionality of all tiie bills passed on the last day of the recent session of the legislature has been attacked in a suit filed by a number of Georgia bankers, The suit is brought to restrain the slate treasurer from examining private banks, as is required by the Berner vet. The ease will be tried by ■fudge Lumpkin in Fulton Superior Court on March 22. The convict lease and the appropriation hills will be affected by the decision of the court, as they were also passed on the last day of the session. Tt is claimed that, as the sesuon began on October 27. anti tiie passage oi 'the bills on the I Util .day of Decem ber was on a day beyond the fifty days allowed by the state constitu tion for holding the session, tiiai the legislature was iucieioro not law fully iii session when the bids were passed'. Attl>TOcy General.Terrell expresses the opinion that !Ue court will not decide- Uiat-fcbe legislature “ex euededi sU authority in taking a re cess and, declaring tile intervening d n s dies nuu. If they do they wiB ujis,* a «is.| mass-uf impoi tant legislativn,. In a question-of doubt I 1 ue court i' likely to accept the view I i. I of the SWj.islaturv..” l The Surprise Of Alt. i j Mr. .Jaim s .Jones, of the drug I Uni of Jones G Son. Cowden, 111.. ill sp-.-dilL'ig •>:’ i'!|‘. K’rig's Xeiv Dis j -oven;, -ays that lust wider his wife v:i . atte.eked with la grippe., 1 and her ase grew, ^ so serious that plivsieians 1 ■ it Cow/ien and l’aua could do uotli tag i'or her. It seemed to develop i into hasty eonsumptn n. Having i Dr. King’s New Discovery m store j : aid selling lots of it. he took a bot -|e home, and to the surprise of all she Iwgau. to get better from the first dose, ami iialf dozen bottles, wired her sound-ami well. Dr. King s New Discovery for con sumption, .coughs and colds is guar mtve.l tosh) il is g-o<nl work. Try Free trial bottles at the Drug StOlF, for th.- A LETTER FROM FLORIDA. J. N. I. Notes. Jasper. Fla., Jan. JO. !I8. Epitor Chromioi.K:—I thought iiiat perhaps a few items from this part of the world would be of inter est to your readers. The Jasper Normal Institute is the leading ed ucational institution in Florida, its scholarly principal. Prof. J. M (Juilliarns, is recognized as one of ihe leading educators of the South, while hi.-, leading assistant, Prof. W. A. Lititie, though comparatively a young man, lias placed his stamp upon the institution am! upon the minds of his pupils, many of whom are in the front ia:.k of th ■ teaching profession ill l 7 i< 1*1 dl>. iUHl in Soutil (i ill. i li(‘ , ptl't- . Cl'll voro ntiMlli • > ill meiit is under the management of 1 * iV,i. , A. . A. , Kubl, , r | • an up-to-date I | lllsim . sf , educator, while Mrs. Kuhl ims eluu tre of the Shorthand and j Telegraphy departments There are f 0l!r other strong memlters in the faculty, each of whom is a specialist ju )lis ]in(1 ()j - wor p j n fact, the Jasper Normal Institute is not well attended, but is well officered. well equipped, and well calculated to | u(h ance the intellectual standard of ! Its pupils. j • i/aiiur eonqui rs all. h tiie j to of the school. Pi of. Guiliiaius would qualify this by prefixing the j W(m j /.diligent.” No educator could lay greater stress on persistent ef fort. He hits made this institution a resort for the workers of Florida. It may be said of this school that every student is a worker, with greater Irutli than of any other in stitution within my knowledge. The fame ,;,f tiie school has not been confined to one state, At Ab bcville tiie people have heard of the work done here, and of the high standard of manhood and woman hood developed and fostered by our noble faculty. Jasper was honored last week with a deputation of Abbeville’s leading citizens—Hon. J. R. Monroe. Col. T. 1/. Holton and School sioner E. Y. Bowen. These gentlemen professed themselves much pleased with the work done here. Mr. Monroe, in nis graceful uldress in Chapel hall, said that he had heard much concerning this school, but the “half had never been told.” Col. Hoitqp also^in his own elegant fashion exoressed his appre ciation of the labors of our faculty. .Mr. Bowen, who is an experienced educator, examined very carefully the workings of our school, finding much to commend, nothing to con demn. When anything connected with education, from a piece of crayon to the management of a college, comes from under the microscope of Prof. Bowen, stamped with his approval, the people of Wilcox county and the teachers also \vill pronounce it good enough for them. Tiie people of Jasper, and the students of tiie ,). X. 1. value the testimony of these gentlemen very liiuhly. Ail will remember with pe culiar satisfaction the words of en ecu rag eir.ent and approbation from men who would scorn to flatter. E pecially wore these men please/ with the Business course and its cor respondence feature. For we cor respond with the largest business colleges in the United States. And now. Mr. Editor, allow mi one word to the teachers of Wilcox county. 1 would say to them, if they would improve themselves, if thes- dt site to Obtain the greatest good at lil^ Udst and to make themselves compdcnt to hold better positions, let diem send ti ; Prof. J. ei. Gniimms for a cat a I I loonio. come to Jasper, Fia., /lo tin work , he , lavs . out lor them, and , ,, the\ ' lit .... Im> than , satisfied, . „ , c. more L have a lelldeil school here a great deal and have seen hundred [ of siudenIs an 1 many dozen gradu 1 and r-uonv all these 1 have J never seen one w ho was dissatisfied or w ho did.not wish to return. i T. J. Luke. Johnson’s Chill and Fe j ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most stubborn case of 1 'ever in d0UCS u SHUPIFF FA' FS FOR MARCH. r>Koi?(jiA. w ii.cox corNTv-wm i»e now. ^ bufore the Court bouse door, irk the Town of Abbeville, said countv. between the le#a! hours of Male, on the first Tuesday In March. 1898, the following property, to wit: the Fifty southeast acres of laud lyinjj and belli" in comer of lot of laid No. 92, in the Uili land district of Wilcox Count\ containing beville tift\ acres mote or ie->. on the '. and Vienna road, beim: on line runniit" east and west. Levied on a> the property of.!. T. and Annie Kay to satisfy a rnorUHi ;e. li fa. i 11 favor of (ieo. \v. Wooten, administrator. vs. .1. T. and Annie Kay: property pointed out in said li fa. Feb. 1. 1898. 1, c. Covington, Sheriff. Also at same time and place will be sold on* Vaughan Ideal printing press andouttlt: also one ( handler A Price Gordon printing press ami job press red outfit fdcscrintion of differ ent small arti kv. being ,\ai\ed i>.\ dv fondant): sold as trie property of F. ik Monroe to satisfy it mOl a ff, is tied from Superior « our: • f Wilcox county, in favor of liarnlmrt lirothei A spindler vs. F. L. Monroe. preperly poLulcc out by mortgager. L. ('. ‘ 'oviNor.iN Sheriff City Marshal Sales. G LOKGIA, Wilcox .county, I l.uve this day levied the within f1 fa. ttoon ’be fnliowinr described property, to wit: power boiler; also out ell boise power steam eu-;.'ie. the scire b<Mn£ Water!o\\ u rnclv • a- tiie prop vrry of Hen-oand Whitley to satisfy the Within li fa. '1 ills ^»th day of Jan. 1 ii/T. .1. I. Hakepu.d. Varsbal. J Q f~f /\ J § (Q ^ " G / L. L, A JSi , / / U TONIC Cures Fever The Morning News suggests that the (>(!() democrats, in Savannah who voted for .McKinley for President, g (>t together and petition the Presi dent ,; to beg ins friend Hanna not to insist upon the appointment of Col. DeVaux as collector of the port. Senator Hanna who lias just bought, bribed or bullied the Ohio legislature into giving him a full term in the United States Senate, may grant the President’s request and give Col. DeVaux some other place in which color is not an objection.” Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. No- 19 No- 17. No- 18. No- 20........... .......... 7 15 pm 7 25 a E iv Savannah ar II 20 pm 8 10{*a* m .......... 12*01 ami! 3»‘> a E a r Helena ar rt 40 pm 3 35 a m.......... IvOO u m 12 ’JU p S ar Abbeville ar 5 50 p m 2 40 a m.......... 2 !."> a in 1 3 b p £ ar Cordele ar 4 45 p m 1 35 a'm.......... 3 15 a m 2 55 j) £ ar A meric us ar K 39 pm 12 28 a‘m .......... 4 l l a m 3 55 p S ar Richland ar "M 40 pm 11 30 pm......... 8 on a m 8 on p £ ar Montgomery Iv 5 •15 am 7 45 p in.......... COLUMBUS & ALBANY DiVISSON. LUNG No. 3. No. 1-* No- 2* .. 4- 3 in p m 10 05 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 p m ff-n: 00 in LULL d 00 p m ll iu a m ar Richland ar 3 55 p m 45 a m 8 50 p m 1 30 p m ar Ubany lv 2 lu p rn 00 a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9. No- 7 No. 10........... ......... 5 55 pm 7 15 a m lv Abbeville ar 12 I> ra 11 HO pm.................... o 55 p m 9 15 a m ar Kit/.geraid ar 11 15 a m 8 45 p m .................. 7 25 p in 10 Oh a m ar Ocilla lv lo 20 a ra 8 on pm................... ♦Trains Nos. l and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. CONNECT JONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah with I’lant System, F. .V p. and steamers. Helena with southern Railway Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald a Ocilla. At (,’ordeie with G. S. A F. R. R. No. 4 north bound. At Richland with (’. A A. Divisi mintrham for Albany and and the Columbus. north, also Ai with Montgomery W. Uy. with Alabama, L. N. for New Orleans and beyond, for lifl of for Selma. TRAIM NO. 17. Connects at Savannah with Riant System and F. (J. A 1*. R. R. At Helena ivlt • 'inthorn Uy. So. Ui soul): bound and So. 15 north bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald ” anti ouYjlAt Cordele with G. S. A i-. R. li. No. l south bound and No. 2 north uound. \t Rich lam. with ('. A Division for Columbus and Atlanta also for Albany. At Monuornerv with L. A- N. for New Orleans and beyond, for Hirmingham and the north, also with Western Rv. or Al abama for Selma. TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans and from the north, also wltn Western Ry. of Alabama fron. Selma. U Ilicliland with C. ,v A. Uivisien for Columbus and Atlanta, also for Albany, At Cordele with G. S. A F. Rv. No. 5 for Tilton and Valdosta. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Savannah with plant System and F. (J. .v V. Railroad. TRAIN NO. U 20. Connects Uy. AJalmtm/ at Montgomery with L. A X. from New Orleans amt from the iiortii, also with t-surn oi from Selma. At Cordele with G. s. ,v i- Kv Vo /I SOI bound. ■ th bound. At savannah At Abbeville with I’lant for I-'itzjteriihl .system. l-‘. ami e. Ocilla. A 1‘. U. At K. Helena arid with Southern Ry No'iTouth steamers. Klegant llufiet I’arlor Cars on ‘1 ruins Xos. 17 and IS. Cullman Palace Sleenin" Cars on Trains Nos. I'J and at ' — . C. N. RIGHT, A. I'OI’R Assistant Gen.. ^-A^nt.^ ^/“iTa'.faaen^ -'Ken,. ^ 1 . res , dent Georgia, Southern & Florida Ry. SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA. TIME TABLE NO. 60. Sho Fly Sho Fly 7 30 il 2 I ‘ JW I- 3 A tiUniii u: Central. ; i 4;> a = 8 p £ 00 II 18 Macon lv , 11 a 2 p P 3 (». S. A “““TT I 4 15 a 35223 | 4 p E 4 27 p m l i 10 a 2 It 28 3 M.noon ai 4 05 a I 4^ p S il 1H a 7 12 p m I 34 5 | 1 47 O'? a 3 Cordele 'I'iHon K (J. S. A i 47 a iv P S 8 20 H 8 50 p m 3 05 p 2 3 a 3 iv G. S. A 12 15 a li P £ »> 40 10 30 p m 4 52 p 5 | 4 45 a- 3 Valdosta lv G. S. A 10 30 a Ouitnum lv I’lant a ■ S 5 hh a 11 50 p ni System. 3 35 a 12 50 a m ..........i...... : Tliomasville lv Riant System. : 51 2 10 a m 33: Rain bridge lv Riant system, : 1 38 0 00 p ml 5 50 a Jasper lv (i. S. A 0 23 : SSS: a 7 (H) p ni « 50 a Lake ('itv lv G. S. A p 2 a m 00 nij 9 50 Fulatka" lv 8 25 ]> E 8 a m 10 p a = Cl. s. a 5 30 p 2 8 a m 2 > 2 li = — i if’loii ii (’Ian! Sv > em. Ii 50 11 m lT45~]i m 5 r. P 2 5 a 33 =rs r Waycross Iv Plant Svstem. 0 40 p m 10 45 a m 7 r- P 2!: 7 a _. l* .lacksonvilli* 1 v;l'iant Sys em. 7 30 P m 8 20 il m ■■ mjiv Jasper rirjiTa lv|l*I»nt nt system. 5 48 p 2 7 01 ;i in 1 ; ; mjar in ar Live Lakeland Oak Ivj. Unit System. ;s\stem 5 11 p 2 0 15 ji rn 3 mlflr_Tapija Iv jiMant 0 45 a 2 10 25 p m I ________P miiv arlT. Sysiem. 8 00 a 2 H 35 p m •• . .... 3 20 |» m 7 20 a mjar Tifton A x. i-:. 6 30 p m i i tM) ......j 4 20 m 8 50 a Fitz^eiuid TvjT. A (•;. ;i ni 5 (K) p m 0 30 a u Operates ihilttuuu lluiiet .*deej»eis ibe ,vv;»»' ronjid Gef ween Xasliville «Mn IHe. TVrm enn.. o,-., an<t.tucksonrlHc , , '"la., via .Macon and Tifton. operates 1 ’iillman sleepers hot ween .UlunlM and lirunswict. via Vncm, oiiikin^ di re( -t coniievtio:: w it 1 i boa-ts to and from < riniberinnd and St KiinoT ton ’ ('aerates its own sleepers between M;s-n u,id : alatka via (, s a F Direei line to Fiiz^renilfl Soldier Coioi ' via T’i non. ‘ • siioo-tiy Train runs daily except Sunday, and will make evm-y local stop. 1). (i. HALL, , ii | it is u '• i> V" t 12 Kimball. Mla-nta. Ga. - MaronirbJ ; K)fl .1. I.ANI-:. c. R UIIODKS. s^ieitln^Passen-er.v-eni. (icnerul Snpcrintendcnf. G. A. MAC Do NAM). General iksM-pep: \ri-nt Tift on ana north «• j tiiji ti najiroad, i , SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.’ J >LVt i 'F 5 :: re 'IV t I ,1 < ,XV -.5. .. H. n. TIFT, President. NO. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 I*. M. 1*. M. A. ^ I, VIA X !•: 3 10 3 10 - 0 3 22 3 23 s 15 5 F 3 30 :> 32 8 25 ti. 3 50 3 52 8 45 14 y J 55 B 5K <* nt ir •1 (Nt 4 40 9 13 2») r ! 20 4 2-V 9 3.) 2-5 ARRIVE Trains Nos. 1. 2 V Hand \ run *IjiH y. Sumip.v. Trs;!nv v,, , f FJ‘Fine station. Trains stop only on sF/igD. ah I ' s !! : 1 ' or » \ op 1 \vsieniaiul Georgia l’iorkla ' *' A ? viti, -t Tilton, antt i 'K-ut’Oi _u: t *e i . h .o . U»Xluidn-i iridic ALttnVt Miles. M AX E. 1/AND, f ATTOR NEY-r T-LAW, - c> fflc-C in Hundley I’.nlltitn*. Dejiot street. Ki -,id< n .1 Thoiie No. «5. AMiiKVtU.l’., <; \. '.LDHIDOK i Ttts. Hal Lawson. (TTTS & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. )ffieeon It road Street, near Court House. VnnKV/U.E, G KORfllA. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., M ivHioifm *Nc Calls answered promptly, day or tight. ABBEVILLE. (LA. T. C. TAYLOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ilawkiusvillo. Georgia. - J. 10. Rivins, Pres. A. .1, Callahan, V. P ,i. Hivf ns. Cashier. —xtHMSaiM* Capital $50,000. Surplus $ 8 , 030 . First National bank, COI«I (Kl.IC, t . Accounts of Hanks. Corporations, Finns an Irulividuais Solicited. Collections made. Sb: percent, interest paid on time deposits. GO TO BOWEN ST., NEAR DEPOT, FOR STAPLE AND FANCY . . GROCERIES . Prices the Lowest. Quality the Best. Georgia Seed Rye and Texas Rust Proof Oats A SPECIALTY. Country Produce of All Kinds Bought and Sold. ABBEVILLE. GEORGIA C r : - ;■ m Offices: TiFTCu. GEORGIA effective 1 ‘ » 1 >L7r iDt li, l,s< )7. TIFTON. RKR.HON HARDING IMNLTTA .MVSTHk FLKTriJFF; FITZGFRA LD w. 0. TIFT, Vice Pf.esideiI Mi!es. AI?R! V V\ M. I>. m. I*. M. 25 12 15 r, f> !() 2h !2 hh r. f7 I! 51 H HO'! - 29 9 1! 25 r. !! I 4 ' LK V |. “ il (h. SO. 'J NO. a NO