The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, February 03, 1898, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. gathered here and there, in CITY AND COUNTY. Abbeville is acquiring new citizens every day. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. 8. Goodin were hi town shopping last Saturday. A new supply of Hawkes’ eye at the City Drug Store. Mr. J. P. Ilandley, has returned from a protracted visit to Florida. Call on McLeod & Co., for seed irish potatoes. B. F. Blasingame and J. Wells have gone to Rochelle to permanently. Oe Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scslds. Burnt. Id yards, yard wide, Sheeting for i cents. A. F. Churchwell & Co. Mr. G. T. McRae, of Eastman, in town last Friday visiting Ids sister, Mrs. W. A. Cherry. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, Tbs famous little pill** Jeans pants 43 cents. Ladies Dongola button Shoes 08 cents. A. F. Churchwell & Co. Thirty-two town lots were sold, at good prices, at Forest Glen yester- I One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tbot is what it was made for. i Miss Jennie McMillen spent last i ; very pleasantly in the J country. •Just received at McLeod and Co.’s a ear load of cotton seed hulls and meal. Messrs. Henry Lamport and R. W. Randall of Chicago, paid the Ciiron jcle a brief visit last Mond y. A fresh lot of 'We cigars just re ceived at the City Drug Store. One Minute Cough Cure, cures That Is what it w es made lor. Heavy shipments of timber and lumber have been made from this point to Darien, by water, within the past week, A FRICANA will cure Eczema and Ca r\ tarrh to Stay Cured. For suit by CIV UrugCo.. Abbeville. Oft. A large assortment of the finest cologne and extracts at the City Drug Store. \ FRICANA will cure Constipation and ca j s a wonderful Liver Medicine Try It. for sale u\ coy mu,; Co.. Aouuville, Ua. Prescriptions filled at all hours by licensed pharmacists at the City Drug Store. Mr. J. M. Williford, of Cooks town was in town last Saturday, and called at the Chronicle office, to have the paper addressed to his new post office. Dr. F. 8. Hodges, of Madison Fla., lias been visiting his sister Mrs. J. J. Hendley several days this week. A. 1. Webb & Co. keep a large line of hats and can please you in style and price. A large quantity of pork packed in this locality, this winter, lias spoiled, heavily reducing the meat supply of a number of farmers Mi J. L. Pittman has bought the drug business of Dr. A. H. Craw ford. and will conduct the business at the old stand. The Chronicle wishes Lee success ill his new en terprise. Latest pharmaceutical prepara tions on hand at the City Drug Store. Mr. VV. J. Powell, of Crisp Ga., was in town last Monday and made the Chronicle a pleasant visit.. Mr. Dowell is one of the best farmers in Irwin county. Mr. Geo. F. McLeod and his lit tie daughter Julia Bell are eonvales ring from severe attacks of la gri-pt*. (Jo 1o A I Webb & Co. and buy Sniit.lfis shoes, they are the lies!. Once you wear them you will liave no other. One Minute Cough Cure. cures qmckly: ttaO Drug Co. Mr. Joseph -Tinfers has entirely recovered rrotB bts recent severe void and is again at the* throttle of his engine on the A. & W. extension of the G. & A. railway. Ml'S. Stark, Pleasant Ridge,. <V. say. •-After the doctors gave up my boy to dm. 1 -awedhim , io , ii(io ,| using One Minute Gough Cun*. the qn kest and most certain'remedy for eo -hs. colds and ail liu at and lung L aibifcs.—Lity Brag Co. Miss Lena McCord, a charming young lady of Forsyth, is visiting Miss Jennie McMillan. Miss Allie. Hughes, Norfolk. Va.. , was frig])tfully liiirned on the face and neck. I’uin was instantly re lieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which healed (he injury with out leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy.—City Drug Co. Among the enterprises in contem plation for Abbeville in the near future are a spoke and hub factory and a furniture factory. Th<’ pros pect is good for the building of botli plants within the next ninety days. Prosperity comes quickest to tin man whose liver is in good condition, DeWitt’s. Little Early Kisers are little pills for constipation, biliousness, indigestion and all stoui and liver troubles.—City Drug Mr. J. II. Hamilton handed the man a stalk of rye, last that measured over four feet in hight. and was well matured, lt was taken from a small patch in the rear of Mr. Ilamiltons livery stables. ,T. A. Perkins, of Antiquity. ()., was for thirty years needlessly toi lured by physicians for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by lls j„or DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Hie "famous healing salve for piles . m d s km diseases.—City Drug Co. | (| , y p p ova j and family left yesterday for a protracted visit to Warwick Ga.. the former home of j) r |;,,\ a l. The Chronicle wishes them happiness during their absence which it hopes will not extend to a longer period than a few months. Mrs. m. B. Ford, Ruddell’s 111., suffered for eight years from dys pepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous lit tle pills for all stomach and liver troubles.—City Drng Co. The Abbeville shingle mills after a shut down of several weeks on ac count of low water have resumed Mrs. Mary Bird. Harrisburg, Pa., says, “mj- child is worth millions to me; yet I would have lost her by croup had I not invested twenty-five cents in a bottle ot One Minute Cough Cure, Tt cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles.—City Drug Co. Messrs. Will, Leopold and Sylvan Sommer have been engaged in business at Cordeie for some time have returned to Abbeville. The Chronicle and the people of Ab beville warmly welcome their re turn. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to got rid of it if you corn mence early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to cure.— City Drug Co. Leopold Sommer has packed his stock ot dry goods, clothing, etc., and is shipping them to Abbeville, having discontinued his business in this city. He and Messrs. Will and Sylvan Sommer will return to Ab beville and reopen the store in tha1 city. The people of Cordeie giv< these excellent businessmen up with reluctance, and all regret their de parture, but they will carry with them the best wishes of their many friends in this city.—Cordeie Senti nel. Strayed Or Stolen. Pointer bitch “Molly.’’ white with red ears, small red spots in white small lumps on back left of loin, suitable reward for her ret urn t< Albert Sommer. Abbeville. Ga. Epworth League Meeting. The literary and social departinen ,,f the Epwortb League will meet a the residence of Mr-. J. 1!. Alison, Friday evening where the following program will ta‘ rendered. Chorous—“3 : sus lover of my Vi,* lent. Solo—by Mr. E. A. Susex. Sketch of life of Clias, Wesley— by Dr. W. R. Googe. Song—by Society, Recitation — by Miss- Mauve ^ Talklb-y 2nd, Vico President on i)o]lticfll co!1 ,liiio„ up to Hie J .t 1 , 0 f Clmw. Wesley and causes winch led to Methodism Intersperced with-^selections i Dr. Jay Shrader on phonograph. •IAS. (j. MKHKUAN. I’m-IUom. H. T, LATHAM. CusMer. T3gmk - of - Abbeville r • V.'eU’s Building, Main Street, ABBEVILLE GEORGSA. Does a general banking business. Deposits taken from $2 up. Collections carefully made and promptly remitted. New York Exchange at very low rates. Increased Banking Facilities For Abbeville. Special ntieution is invited to the cards of Messrs. 15. A. Potter. Jas. G. Mehegan and If. T. Latham in another column of this paper an nouncing the sale of the Bank of Abbeville bv Mr. I ottei to Mi. tl< began and the installment of Mr. I.atham as cashier. Mr. Potter lias made many warm friends in Abbeville who will to learn that he has left Abbeville to return to his former home in Tcu nessee. Messrs. Mehegan and Latham are gentlemen of capital, public spirit and enterprise, whose coming to Ab beville will doubtless contribute. In the upbuilding of the town, and de velopment of her resources. Among the enterprises they have in immedi ate contemplation is a furniture fac tory. The Chronicle in behalf of the citizens of Abbeville extends a cordial welcome to Messrs. Mehegan and Latham. Married. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Rev. (). V. Fuller last Tuesday morning in which Miss Lucy Little, one of Abbeville’-s loveliest daughters, and Mr. S. L. Sikes were the contracting parties. The an nouncement of the marriage was a general surprise to a majority of the bride’s friends. Immediately after the ceremony tin* bride and groom boarded the train for their future home in Florida. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. Will Sue For Damages. The widow of George McMillan, tin aged negro who was killed while in toxicated, by an engine on the track of the G. & A. Ry., near Abbeville a few days ago, has, we are informed employed counsel to sue the rail road company for damages. “Truth and Shams" Is the subject, of the lecture to b< delivered on Friday night Feb. 11 tl by Joe Camp, the imperial orator of Georgia. Testimonials from the leading newspapers and distinguished met >f the State an in accord in pro lounciug Mr. Camp a remarkably ■loquent and pleasing speaker. Admission to lecture 50c; doubl ticket, for lady and gentleman 75( ; youths from 15 to 20 years inclusive. .'5c; children under 15 years. 15c. Free Pills. Send vour address to II. E. Buck en & Co.. Chicago, and get a fro ample box of Dr. King’s New Lif ‘ills A trial will convince you o | heir merits. These piils arc easy |ii action and are particularly j Oerive in the headache. cure ot For eonsumptu Malaria and -ink j and liver Marble* they have been | proved invaluable. They are guar inteed to be perfectly free Iron 1 | ‘very deleterious substance and 1< ,te jiu ivfy vegetable. They' do not weaken by their action, but by giv tone to stomach' arid bowels greatly invigorate the system Regular size 25c. per box. Soli by the City Drug Store. ; Why take JotmSOn’s CtiU & F'GVCr Toil'lC? ; ft C caUSe it CUt’CS tile most stubborn case 1 oil ever In GNU. DA Y. GOVERNMENT DISTILLERY For Forest Glen. Mr. .J. K. Monroe has just sold to Mr. L. D. Burundi of North Carolina a location for a Government distillery at Forest Glen. The dis tillery will use thirty bushels of corn per day. Grapes and all the fruit* that are raised in this section will also be purchased, and distilled. This will supply homo market and stimulate, grain and fruit culture. iLirwidl informs the ( HRONK’Ll Mia! he w ilia Iso engage in the purchase of lumber for shipment, and that Abbeville "ill be his base of oper ations for this line of business. The buildings of the distillery will be erected at once, and Mr. Bur well expects it, to be in operation by the 15th, of next, month. This will be Forest Glen’s first industry, and will be followed by others in the near future. Bank Of Abbeville. Abbeville, Ga., Feb. 1st 1898. To My Frxe.vds: The Bank of Abbeville has this day boon sold t< Mr. Jas. G. Mehegan, of North Carolina, who will place Mr. IT. T. Latham, (also of North Carolina) ii charge as Cashier. Both of thes< gentlemen come highly recommend ed and are careful. competent bank ers, who will increase the capital of the bank as the business warrants. L take this method of thankiugyjn for your patronage and trust yon will do an increased business with the bank under the new manage ment. Yours Respectfully, A. E. PoTter To The Public :—In taking charge of the Bank of Abbeville we hope to meet your approval by careful man agement and courteous treatment, we appreciate the many advantages and inducements that the undevelop ed resources of Wilcox county and Abbeville offers to manufacturers, and shall at all times, both officially and privately, do our utmost to be factors in tne development of ouv adopted town and county. Yours Respectfully, Jas. G. Mehegan. President. Ii. T. Latham, Cashier. Col. E. H. Williams Gees To Fitz gerald. Col. E. II. Williams, one of Ab beville's ablest and most eloquent lawyers, lias yielded to the strong pressure brought to bear upon him by the citizens of Fitzgerald to lo cate in that city. Col. Williams however will not tie entirely lost to Abbeville, as lie promises to divide his time between the two places, ami maintain an offioo in each. No man is more highly esteemed here Ilian Col. Williams, who has neon thrice honored with the mayor dty of the town, the functions of which office, always being discharged ny him to the eininenl satisfaction of the people who esteemed it a privilege to honor him. The Chronicle tuk •- pleasure in •oinmeiiding him to the citizens f Fitzgerald and bespeaks for himself md family happiness and prosperity hi their new home B. Y. P. (J. Social. j The next ruc'ct? g of iff. ii. Y D. . socfi.d "iff be herd at the Glove j 'Intel Friday evening February 1 Ith, • t 7.Bit P, JJ. where tire following •ro/ram will be rendered, 1 olf ('.'iff Quotations from Lowell, 2 So ig—Mr ,Swain. 3 Ueoitathm -.Miss Lue Jean litchell, 4 Music— Miss Nettie Dean. ~r Sketch of Authors Life*—Mrs. I J. L. Pittman. G Recitation Miss Ida Swan. 7 Literary Salad served by Mrs. ( ' ! " ,r|, J :i »' 1 M u, " , > SUBSCRIBE for the CHRONICLE. .....WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE, CROCKERY AND STOVES. Our Stock is Immense and Prices are Right. NEW HOME ^SEWING MACHINES. REASONABLE TERMS. BAKER & MELTON, COMMERCE STREET. Abbeville, ABBEVILLE GRADED AND_- Bilk HIGH SCHOOLS. The curriculum of the Graded School will extend to the 7th grade and in the High School to the Junior class in the leading colleges. A CLASS IN PEDAGOGICS Teaching teachers how to teach is a specialty of the Abbeville School The tuition will be free to all persons within the school age residing in the School district and receiving ii strufttion in grades I to 7, inclusive. Tuition for pupils residing outside the School district, in grades 1 to 7, inclusive, 50c per month where public funds follow. Tuition for pupils in Sth grade, $1,50; and in Dili and 10t(i grades $3,50 per month. Fall term will open Monday. Sept. For further information address J. I!. Monroe president of tens tees, or R. J. Prentiss, Principal, Abbeville, Ga. SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS, MACON. GEORGIA. High Grade Machinery, Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills. MOTE. - lately made extensive additions Z our already wcllequipp ed Boiler X hops, making it the most Compl K B<filer Manufacturing O Plants in the Southern States Schofield’s fremium presses In the Lead for Sixteen Years. Anything in the machinery line supplid at nopulur prices. Full and complete stock of Iron Pipe, Bar Iron, Boiler ■ tibe. Steam Pumps, In jectors, Inspirators, Valves, Belts, Etc,, always o.i hand. Ecu! TO!) (It* /irrniitccliiHr Fired im4 Sm Hgcals’ fforaiBissicns. J. S. Schofields Sons Si Co., illta, Georgia. Buy You a Home. 1000 acres good fruit and cot ton land. Seven miles from Abbe ville. 2 miles from Sibbie. In one of the best farming sections of the county. Two public roads running through property. Price $3.00 per acre. One-third cash, bal.2 and 3 ydars. S per cent on deferred payments. Chill on or write J. 7lie Cite Macon. The new river S U '•J) reached the Abbeville • I Thursday owning bringing from be central city of Georgia, freight for several Abbeville mere! ant-. The trip of the bo it. down the river was made without; dilli 'iiity. demon strating the fact that the Oeniuigee river is navigable from Macon to the sea at low water. Messrs. T. L. Holton, i(. Mi T roc and E. Y. I’owen made ;i 15yii 3Q trip to Florida be- 1 ’.YD' k Send us Ycur Job W. XJ i K f Johnson’s il * 111 •is 811(1 GV G t* Tonic Cures Fever In One Day.