The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, February 03, 1898, Image 4

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A Smart Reply. Some recruite were being drilled at Aldershot by a very impatient cavalry , drill sergeant. After about an hour of Bard drilling at the sword exercise, the sergeant gave the order, "Stand at case.” 7. No soonpr were the men standing at ease than the sergeant began to com plain of their altitudes, and wound up by saying: ‘‘Why, you fellows are like a lot of dummies. I can get smarter soldiers than you at a shilling per box.’’ After about a minute’s hesitation one of the recruits remarked: “t suppose tfiere would he sergeants among them?”—Answers. Tea in 1 moet. The Times of India declares that t«a drlklng Is the curse of Thibet. The people, it says, have such an Insatia ble craving for the beverage that they will sell their houses, their flocks, their very children, to procure It. If ever an upoRtle appears In 'Thibet to regencrato tho nation he will have to preach a crusade in favor of whiskey drinking In order to wean tho inhabitants from the national vice.” A N v .w Crazy Keel In Connecticut. A lot of fanat-in* in tho Htate recently im mersed an old rheumatic woman bodily In the water to "heal her” as they Wild. She nearly died in consequence, How much bet ter it. would have been t.o have, treated the poor old woman for her infirmity with Hos tetter’* Stomach Bittern, which kidney not complaint only cures rheumatism, hut prevent* constipation, liver and rcntcdicH dyspepsia, prostration. it trouble ami nervous Dive a t ystcmatic trial. No wise merchant will ever try, under any circumstances, to make customers take what he knows they do not. want. He will not sub stitutc good* of doubtful value for those of demonstrated merit. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to euro. L'5c. It is expected that before long Canada can veil annually sr/i.tmu.finii worth of butter and cheese, to Great Britain. ttlOO Howard. Winn. The render* of this paper will he pleased disease to learn ! hat tlie,re isat least one dreaded that science ha* be en able to cure in ail its stages, and that is t'atari'll. HnU's Catarrh Cu n> is the only posi f,i ve eti re now k now n to the mi ■dieai fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Ball’s Catarrh < lire is taken internally, actingdi redly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the, disease, and giving the pa tient, strength by buihli/ig up the constitution and assisting nature, in doing its work. The proprietors have ho much faith in its curative powers Hint they offer One Hundred DolKr* for an v case that if- fails to cure. Send for list <>f UcKtluionUilH. ilo n ro ' Tol( , M„1,1 l,v DniKtflHi.-, mily 7.V-. 11,‘liv Fa PIHn ar e tlio beat. A 1 ’i'n.e Fuhiii. KK-M. Medicated Smokinn Tobacco All.! uitfaroUes ’ n. M.l. s a ticlight fill smoke. Ladies as well as men, use these uoods. N, (opium or other harmful drug EK M^d :mi«l My some <.r t he bed c itizens or this country. If your daalcrdocs not keep EE-M. .JTCAKStSiaSr Direct t.» the kk-M. company, Atlanta, And veil will receive goods hy mail. VI rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren te" llil’nc, softens the.gums, wind reducesiullammn- eoluv bottle, lion, allays paDi. 1 ;ores a Fits permanently cm ed. N'o Ilfs or nervous ness niter flrstdny’s use of Dr. Kline’s Oreat Nerve I lest, ire r. trial hotUeund treatise I ree. hit. 11. II. Lid.. «« Arch St., I'iiila.. Dr. Sciatic Rheumatism ” I have boon troubled with sciatic rheu matism and have been taking Hood’s Nar saparilln. I improved every day and now am ns well as I over was in my life. I feel live years younger than I did before taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. ’ Wu. O’Bbibs, 2515 4th Avenue, West Troy: Now York. Hood’s Sarsa narilla - Is tho bast— in fact tlioOnoTrue Blood Puri fl&r. •—1 Hood's Pills euro nil liver ills. 85 cents. nPHIM, U MORPHINE,WHISKEY,CO Vli* 1 ?SSMl M a , ; , , , Ji'i , rr^ y TmV. WfforFMAS; iitctso. uum i ls.Du iia iiuiututf. < iu. mm am m g a ill For Poultry, half cost of LLIUIMIUI I* tllulllM 1 Nelt,n La’i'bCatalogue K* Also farm. 'free?* yard. K. iTsiiKLl AHEROER. 401 : . st., Atlanta, Ga. Gann'n Patent Canon Planters and Guano Distribute". It’s er-onomy touse thvm. Every farmer Pan afford to have one or more. blend tnr samMe and prices. J. '1‘. 6.5511, Macon, Ga. _ A AGENTS WANTED. Mon op women tn every county fur a successful line of Novelties. On ’• \utom:t;ic Fire Alarm nml also U vu’d lav 1.5 vm sweep the market. Success is assured to ve agents. Apply at once for o.' ami exclnsi e tcrritopA . Information ami under writers’ indorsement five. Wide Av»itU«* Hr** \1 iu-| it cY Nou4l> F«., i’.O.U >x ml.A'ineimmM.A!. POTATOES • $ 1.60 Bbl. YYis' unaiu a yield oi* 7Ht buikdt per •ere* ‘ Price* dirt cheap* worth Gar great ^10 *e«d Keek, fe? III farm Heed Sample#, te vet • atart. ( 10c* yeatuc®* Ja»N A. MUIHSEKDCO., LaUre***,Wla. OSBORNES & udcneM aueat \ Uii IJNl l j. I.ii . Actual business. No text v books. Si UU’t Ml n»*. (Jheap hoard- S **iui lor O'll-.tlagrui RUPTURE U>so!ut«ly cured Write v with- *oi circulars Mid t , -t mutuals SF.XTON, M. 117 W. Ml ((‘Iie-ii si., \ llama, Ga. If afflicted wt*h ) Thompson's Eye Water sot* < FORYOU 100 per cent. profit aud a cl.Huce to win hundreds of dollars in (loin and ;i Fiuo Gold Watch. For parti* cularsaddress.W.T.A'hoathaui.«lr.. Henderson, N- c. |*1 K Q C* \ College, Louisville, Ivy. x m i kuiok advantauks. *#■ W w* Book kkkpinu, smoktuaxd and U’B l.Eti&ArHY' UeauUIul Catalogue ftree. _ ) SHERIFF AMR EIGHTY DEPUTIES TO APPEAR Ilf COURT. TROUBLE AT.LATIMERTOBE AIRED The Prosecution Claim They Will Have No Trouble In Securing; Convic tion of Murder. A special from Wilkesharre, Pa., says: The ease of Sheriff James Mar tin and his eighty deputies, charged with murder and felonious wounding of a score of strikiug miners at Lati mer, September 10th last, will be call ed for trial in the criminal court within a day or two. It is expected the trial will last a week or more. Able conn sel have been employed on both sides. Tlie first battle will be over the selection of a jury. More than a hundred witnesses have been sub poenaed, but not all of them will be heard. The commonwealth will claim that the strikers were only exercising their rights us American freemen when they marched on the public highway un armed. It will be contended that they were not lawless; that they had offered no personal violence to anyone de and that they were npt bent oil stroying property. The lawyers for the prosecution will quote decisions from the higher courts to show that such a body of men had a right to move on the public highway while en gaged in n peaceful mission. counsel for de On the other hand, fense will charge that the strikers were riotous, that they were armed and that ] ! their intention was to destroy proper ty. They will call witnesses to show that the people living in the strike district were fearful for their lives, and that some of them moved away for safety. the sheriff Tt will also be shown that . had i COllie 111 COIitllCtWlMl with th« * Ue strikers Sl,, £ e,S j at Hazleton <>li th<3 i)*ortyilig 0* oep | tamber 1st; that ho then warned them by leading the riot act that they were violating the law, and that they disperse and go to their homes, in : I atead of accepting this advice, they jeered the officer of the luw and pro I The Latimer on their inarch to Latimer operation, mine was m ! Hie employes had no grievances, so far ! [ as known,''and it will be averred the only object the strikers could have bad I ill going there w»S to intimidate the j men. Theowiiersoftheminelmdap- the sheriff protect llieir uealed to to v; attempting to ,1. U. sworn duty in the matter, his deputies in conflict with the strikers and bloodshed was the result. The de ■ ftJUSO will contend that this was the n)OH t natural thing ill the world, and j ^ nnilw , hc t .j rtmm8t auecS it. would be a travesty of justice to hold the of ficers of the law guilty of murder. house will hurry In Taking Action On Teller ltesolution. Poltiicnl I)«bivte. A Washington special says: There seems to be no prospect of an abate ment of the political debate which has .lioen iu progress in the house during the consideration of the appropriation bills. j Agniu Saturday almost the entire ses sion was consumed iu the discussion of political topics. 'The controverted question arrived ns to i ^ther or not prosperity had j attracted the most attention and testi | 1U()11 y p^o and con was offered through the debate was good natural, both sides seeming to recognize that it was merely a struggle to score political ad Yfllltllge. reached The determination was uy leaders in the bouse of representatives j t | 10 '1’eller resolution for the pay mt lit o( bonds in silver, which passed the senate, should be disposed of by the house on Monday in order that the attitude of that branch of congress might lie placed before the country immediately. The conclusion was reached after numerous conferences ‘ between Speaker Reed, Chairman Dingley, of the ways and means com mittee; Messrs. Dalzeii and Hender son, of the rules eomimttee, and other influential members of the house. • THE RAILS SPREAD, Resulting In Wreck of a Train Ill Which Four Lives are Lost. Four persons deair aud thirty suffer ing from wounds is the result of a dis jistiH* on the Maine Central railroad, near Orouo, Maine, Sunday. The dead are: Daniel Cunningham and wife, of Troy, Me.; Airs. Jennie S. Murray, supposed to he of Calais, Me.; Rev. Father Hugh NcGiath, of South Boston. Tho railroad officials say that so far as they know the track was in good condition. The weather had been very cold for some days, and it is thought thnt the action of the frost may have caused the rails to spread. MERCURY BREAKS RECORDS. Now England Ha* Coldest Weather Known In Wars. A Boston dispatch says: Belated re ports from remote places in northern — Luglaud show that the .. tempera- . New , turo was the lowest known in many years. the At Lancaster, N. H., mercury broke all records of the past twenty live years. - reported ,, from Fovt> below , zero was , n number of places Vermont! in Maine, New Hampshire and RACIAL FELD 15 ARKANSAS. White* urn! Negroes Threaten to ftenort to Arm* to Settle Difference* A special from Little Rock, Ark, says: Trouble has broken out again between the blacks ami the whites in Lonoke county, ami a race wav is threatened which, when once started, may outrival anything of tho kind witnessed in the south in years. The trouble has been brewing for a long time, ami the feeling between tho races is so bitter that the first spark will cause an explosion. The center of trouble is the town of Lonoke, a place of some 2,000 inhab itants, about one-half of whom are negroes. A portion of the white people of that town have been trying and to rid the place of the negroes, clashes have been frequent in the past. Several negroes have been killed by whites and others have been driven out of town. It is said that there has been little resistance upon the part of the blacks up to this time, but they ure now or ganizing for the purpose of mutual protection, and the next clash is almost certain to produce serious results. This clash is expected to take place within the next week or two, notice having been served on the negroes that they must leave the county within that time or suffer the consequences. The following written notice, bearing date of January 23d, has been tacked on the door of nearly every negro house in the town of Lonoke and on many cabins in the surrounding country: "You aro hereby notified that you and every other negro in Lonoke county must leave Lonoke in thirty days and never come bip:k again. If you don’t go you will he hqng tij tl(e limb of a tree and your black carcases (Hied with lead.” The notices are not signed, hut are adorned with a skull and cross bones. Notices have also bean posted on the doors of negro schools warning the teachers to dose the schools and get out of the county without delay. Many of the negroes have taken their fam ilies and all of their belongings and moved out of the county, and schools have been closed. Bnt a large number have avowed their purpose of remain ing in their homes anil defending them at the cost of their lives, if necessary. One prominent colored advised man in an colored open lettpf tp his racp the mgn of Lonpjje tp supply themselves with arms and bo prepared tp protect themselves. GERMAN SAILORS KILLED. lliitcliered By Cblneae While lloing Sen try liuly at Klao-Chou. A dispatch from Che-Foo, China, gives details of the assassination of a German sailor named Schulz, belong ing to the cruiser Kaiser, which was fiyst announced in a dispatch to the Associated .Press from Berlin oil Jan uary 26tli, while oh outpost duty at Tsimo, the extreme German post in Kiao-Chou bay. The crime, which was committed by a Chinese rabble on Monday last, was not discovered until three men of the corporal’s guard were making the rounds in order to relieve the sen tries. Then Schulz was discovered, his bead having been severed from his body. The relieving guard wqs direct ly afterwards attacked by 100 natives, and after a stubborn fight if is report ed that all the sailors were killed, Twelve natives were killed during the fight. added that in ol It is consequence the outrage the greatest excitement prevails at Kiao-Chou and it is believed the incident will form the basis of further German demands upon China. A later special dispatch from Shang hai says the Geijian admiral threat ens to take measures of retaliation. LEGISLATIVE AITS ATTACKED. An Important Suit Filed Bv a Number of Georgia Bankers. An important suit has been filed at Atlanta, Ga., against the state treas urer by attorneys for 25 banks, which attacks the constitutionality of all leg islation passed on the last day of the recent session. If that part of their contention is sustained by the supreme court, the convict bill and many other important measures enacted on the last legisla tive day will be nullified. The suit is brought to restrain the state treasurer from examining private banks, as he is required to do by the Berner act, which is thus attacked. The suit was brought in Fulton su perior court and Judge Lumpkin has set it for hearing on March 12th. SILVER IS THE SENATE. Tl\« Teller Resolution Thoroughly Dis cussed By That Body. For more than six hours Wednes day the senate had under discussion the Teller resolution providing that the government may pay tho principal and interest of the bonds of the United States iu silver. The debate was devoid of the sensa tional incidents and acrimonious col loquies which characterized that of Tuesday, bnt it was replete with argu ment and oratory. The time was con sumed by Mr. Teller, the author of the resolution, and Mr. Daniel, demo crat, of Virginia, who supported the resolution, and by Messrs. Hoar aud Platt, in opposition to it. OWED FOR SANDWICHES. Falling to Collect Cash a Lunch Man Kills Customer. John Donnelly died in the hospital ^ Cincinnati Thursday from the ef f ec ^ s G f a kuookdown blow adminis tsred by Ben Green. Donnelly anti a friend had refused to pay for sandwiches ordered at Green's lunch stand. Green followed and oyertook them and kno cked Don nelly down, his head striking the curbstone. A Benc'actreu’ Kind Act. From the Evening Kev», Detroit, Mich, Mr« John Tansey, of 130 Baker Street, bctrolt, Michigan, U on® of those women who always know just what to do !n all trouble and sickness. One that Is a mother to those in distress. To a reporter she said: "I am the mother of ten ohllclren and have raised eight of them. Heverul years ago we had a serious time with my daugh ter, which began when she was about six teen years old. She did not have any seri ous illness but seemed to gradually waste away. Having neverhad auy consumption In our family, us we come of good old Irish and Keoteh stock, wc did not think it was that. Our doctor called the disease by an odd name, which, as I afterward learned, meant lack of blood. ' It is impossible to describe the daughter feeling John and I bad as wo noticed our slowly passing away from us. Wo finally found, however, a medicine that seemed to jj s' ni \" i jm H Vt T I Afost of the Time She Was Confined to lied. help her, and from the first we noticed a decided change for the better, and after three months’ treatment her health was so greatly improved you gained would not have re cognized her. She in flesh rapidly and soon was in perfect health. The medi cine used whs Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People. I have always kept these pills in the house since and have recommended them to many people. I have told many mothers about them and they have effected some wonderful cures. ‘•£ very mother in this land should keep these pills in the house, as they arc good for many ailments, particularly^hoso prising from impoverished qr disease^ blood, and weakened nerve force.” Paris sends $3,750,000 worth of toys to England every year. That Everlasting Irritating Itch. That describes Totter. Eczema and other skin diseases. 50cents will cure them—stop the itch at once. 50 cents pays for a box ot Tetter ineatdrug stamps from stores J. T. or Shuptrine, postpaid Savannah, for 50 cents Ga. in Ambition —The feeling that you want to do something that you can’t. Chew Star Tobacco—The Best. ’ Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. times Ignorance—Sometimes blisters. it’s bliss, aiul some it’s Store FREE! qr'fpMaraCci-qp. Inventor’s Patent Pat.Oftiee,\Vash,, Guide. Any Drug 1>, C. Fruit Trees and Vines become hardier, and their products bet ter colored and better flavored whep liberally treated with fertilizers containing at least 10% actual Potash. rnnr rKen An illustrated book v.'tiicti (ells what Potash ’6, and bow it applicants. L i should he used, address, is sent free to all Send your GERMAN KALI WORKS, 0 ? Nassau St., New York, KING'S IMPROVED COTTON SEED. R. J. REDDING, Director. HUGH N. STARNKS, Horticulturist. If. C. WHITE, Vic© Director ami Chemist. J. M. KIMBROUGH, Agriculturist. ATHENS, GA. If. J. WING, Dairyman. GEORGIA EXPERIMENT STATION. EXl*RKSS AND FREIGHT OFFICE, GRIFFIN, GA. MR. T. ,T. KING, Richmond, Vn. EXPERIMENT. Ga.. , January 19, 1897. MY DEAR SIR-This year tlie variety tests show King’s Improved at th< e very top of the list. I consider your variety the most distinct and well marked, and most constant of oil that I have tested during the last six years. J t certainly require* closer planting, and yon will he interested in the experiment to test this point when you get a copy of Bulletin No. 81, now being prepared for the printer. Your* truly, K. «J. REDDING, Director. lCavliestand Moftt Prolific Impartial Test at th« Mississippi Experiment Station gives tills: Truitt...... ..1020 lbe Dickson's . SCO lbs Welcomes.....t«50 •* [Peerless.. . 1150 “ Southern Hope. 10(50 jPeterkin.. SOI >* Duncan’s........ 247 ‘King’s . .. .1210 “ XS-IKTO-’S Imunni 1.1 Cotton m Was awarded First Prize at the World’s Fair and has stood the highest tests wher ever exhibited. Just received one ear load and as the seeds are in such demand I ad vise my customers to order at once. Casli must accompany all orders. Prices, Sl.OO per bushel; 10 bus. or more, 75c. Send all orders to W. V. McMillan, 35 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE BY w. v. McMillan, ATLANTA, 35 Marietta St., <JA. To Women! After you have tried Doctors and all other preparations, and they have failed to relieve you, then use GERSTLE’S FEMALE PANACEA. TRADE (Gh F. P.) MARK. IT WILL CURE YOU. FOR 5ALE BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINES. L. GERSTLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors. Subterranean Rivers. In the November Geographical Jour nal we find a communler.tton from Sir Clements Markham, who describes how I^pron Nordensktold reasoned out the possibility of finding fresh water by boring strong hard crystaline rock. Baron Norrienskiold’s idea was that by boring through the granite rocks he would strike water bearing fissures. He therefore selected the rocky islets on the Swedish coast which serve as pilot and light stations, and complet ing borings found sweet water could be obtained at a depth of 100 feet, the texture of the rock preventing the salt water from percolating through and commingling with the sweet water ly ing in the fissures. In the same num ber of the Geographical Journal there is an article by M. E. A. Marte! on "British Caves and Speleology.” M. Martel describes a descent into caves near Enniskillen, as well as other de scents in Ireland, and also describes wha* he saw of underground rivers and lakes in Derbyshire and in York shire. In the case of the Irish cave3 he says their flowingt waters mus have an outlet under the sea, as there is no other way to account for the phenomenon. We refer to these mat ters, as they interest cable engineers, and bear upon a paper read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers during the last session by Mr. Benest. In this paper it was stated that it was believed bv some engineers that sub marine telegraph cables when laid on a continental slope, and In a direction more or less parallel to the coast line, were liable to interruption from the effects of an outburst of subterranean water on these slopes even in deep water. Deductions from the evidence furnished by Baron Nordenskiold and M. Martel seem to Increase the belief in the theory referred to in Mr. Ben nest’s paper.—Electrical Review. Monkeys as uoia nnaers. Capt. E. Moss of the Transvaal tells the following story of the monkeys who work for him in the mines: “I have 24 monkeys,” said he, “em ployed about my mines. They do the work of seven able-bodied men. In many instances they lend valuable aid where a man is useless. They gather up the small pieces of quartz that would he passed unnoticed by the workingmen, and pile umi up in lit tle heaps that can easily be gathered up in a shovel and thrown into a mill. They work just as they please, some times going down into the mines when they have cleared up all the debris on the outsides. They live and work to gether without quarreling any more than men do. They are quite method ical in the..- habits, and go to work and finish up in the same manner as human beings would do under similar circumstances. It is very interesting to watch them, at their labor, and see how carefully they look after every detail of the work they attempt. They clean up about the mines, follow the wheelbarrows and carts used on min ing and pick up everything that falls off on the way.”—Tit-Bits. Oh, What Splendid Coffee. Mr. Goodman, Williams. Co., Ill., writes: “Prom one package Salzor’s German Coffee Berry costing 15c I grew 300 lbs. of better coffee limn I can buy in stores at 30 cents a lb.” A. c. 7 A package at this coffee and big seed and plant catalogue is sent you by John A. Kalzcr Seed Go., La Crosse, Wis., upon re ceipt of 15 cents stamps and this notice. Pino’s Cure cured me of a Throat and Lung trouble of three years’ standing.-^E. Cady, Huntington, Hid,, Nqv. l;i, 1894, TO COTTON PLANTERS. For six year* past my Cotton has stood at the front as tho earliest and most productive Cotton grown in this country. My claims I are not idle boasts, but every statement make Is backed by Official State Reports from various State Everyone Experiment farms. that tests fair must know the are and absolutely impartial, and they sho?/beyond any doubt that under same conditions of soli, climate and cultivation, my King’s of Improved Cotton will make an average G4 per rent, more than the other improved Cottons. What does this mean? ANSWER. Where you now’ make five bales of Cotton, by planting my seed you will make from seven to ten bales—hence the two to five bales are extra money, at no extra expense, save the cost of a fc\v seeds You don’t believe what you see in print? Common sense should tell you that what I state here aro plain facts, because I simply re-state that which has been sent out by officials, who had no axe to grind, and who did not know me personally. Enough seed plant will cost only a to acre you little and surely the money will be well spent. ❖ p ON© ENJOYS Both tho method and result*? when i Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head* aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ; ts effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. sale in Syrup of Figs is all for leading drug- 50 cent bottles by gists. Any reliable it hand druggist will who may not have on pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Bo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW YORK. N.Y. T NORMAN’S 'T ^ -z- I * NEUTRA1.IZINU a i> CordiaLp ^ CURES DIARRHOEA. <1 t NORMAN’S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL 4 CURES DYSENTERY. * A NORMAN'S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL 4 CURES CHOLERA MORBUS. NORMAN’S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL 4 r CURES CHOLERA INFANTUM. NORMAN’S NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL J '4 Absolutely Cures 4 DYSIMJI'SIA. A NORMAN’S 4 i Indian Worm Pellets. 4 THE BEST LIVER PILL MADE. << Sale, sure and quick in their action. A ^ PRICE, 10 AND 25 CENTS- 4 Wim SOLD EVERYWHERE. mm We want a hustling agent in every county to sell our latest improved Plows. All kinds direct from the fac tory to the farmer. Work right around your home. Baby Cultivator Comp’v, Birmingham, Ain. SEEDS fFIELD, i (i ARDEN AND FLOWER.... SKED COHN and CANK SEKI). Large stock. Choice varieties. Write for C. Ft. Sairca. cfc do., 910 Market St;, Chattanooga, Temi. m CSB rr 5 '. ---- . 6 m m 1 4 R 4 is Natures Palatable,Vegetable Efficieht,Harmless, i> H J pH) <1 v [• jlitis -vmTB ACWCHROMMALE DISEASES, ^ C 0 HVUL 5 I 0 H 5 , CRAMPS,^ “ c-n ERICS,INTERNAL (7 c-n i 'f9 5PA5M5®^r, •v-iarac 0 lljAY' [3J BE CISMMWSMm V 5T.L0UI5, M0.,U.5.A. ITS ip Oi fa SEEDS Garden & Flower with a world-wld. reputation. oil. Catalog free to JAMES J, H. CBEt'ORT A SOJi,Marl/leUe»d,K««. ur Users. 017 Ll\ % H ” ■■■rnrr'ii PISO-S CURE i n * FOR _rs> u Rent Use M iarsfSFT o in time. Sold by druRgtets. Ill