The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, February 24, 1898, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. GATHERED HERE AND THERE, CITY AND COUNTY. New faces are seen on the of Abbeville every day. V4k> Hue of plush, capes art <luced [ L. .Sobijnec. Firewood taken on subsenplum .at the CluniXICl.K oltlee. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cans PMcs. Scalds. Burns. Orders for Job Work satisfactorily filled at the CuHONiei.K Job Olliee. One Minute Cough Cure, cares That U what U was uisds lor. Fine pickled Mullet, three for a quarter, at McLeod & Co.’s Mr. Morgan Cress of Kramer, was In town on business yesterday. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tist u wbit it wss made tor. Dr. J. L. Thigpen of Edna, was in town last Tuesday. A HRICANA will we Syphilis and Old rt Sores to Stay Cured. i or wtlti by i\j Drug t o.. AfobevWle. Ua. Mr. T. II. Wooten of Cedar Creek, was in town trading on Tuesday last. Mr. MwE. Me Anally of Cedar Creek was in town on business .last Tuesday. A FRICANA will cure Eczema and Ca iurrh to Stav Cured. 1'i.r Silk- !•} City urns' Co.. Abbeville, (la. Mr. .1, R. Monroe reports contin ued activity at-Forest Glen, the col ony site of Wilcox county. One Minute Cough Cure, cures quickly: that's what you want'!—City Drug Co. r The number of visitors {mm the North and West is daily increasing in Abbeville. ,1 ust received at Me Load and Co. s a ear load of cotton seed hulls and meal, Mrs. AY. A. Cherry left on Tues day for an extended visit to sisters at Palatka and Tampa, FLa, The biggest line of hats and si sues at reduced prices at L. Sommer s. Abbeville is rapidly gnomviiiig in favor with northern tourists as a winter resort, Fresh North Carolina pinders for sale at 1*. ft. Olarers. Each succeeding winter Increases the number of northern visitors to Abbeville. For fancy groceries, confections, etc., call on Brown and Co., at post office building. Mr. J. II. Cburchwell of McRae, visiting friends in Abbeville this week. Choice cigars and tobacco in stock at Brown and Coo., ’post office build ing'. Mr. T. C. Wells, editor of the Ro chelle New Era, accompanied by Mr. ft II. McAlister paid the Cnito.\icr,E sanctum a pleasant visit last Mon day. Gall on McLeod & Co., for seed Irish potatoes, Mrs, John Church well -of Rroo'k Ifiehl is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dan Fletcher. Finest line of embrorderies, laces and embrorileried handkerchiefs at L. Sommer’s. Mrs. C. E. Melton of Pasco, Fla., as visiting hot mother, Mrs.. J, R. Alison. For Fancy and Family Groceries <eu11 on J.. A. Paxson, AYells build ing, phone 70. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fletcher was brightened by tlie ap pearance of a ‘•‘little angel” last Monday. Of course it's a girl. AH goodsatf reduced rates to make ■room for a Mg spa-jaag stock at L. jSojniner-s. Dr. L. <). AYoofceo *ad wife of {JuadiUa, who have Leeu visiting Mr. T_ JL Wooten for sere cal weeks, returned to their kiMae. A. L AYeiab & Yha. keep a large .line of imts ausd earn please you in •style and price. The sudden fall in the tempera ‘here hist Monday morning -'flight snow flakes that continued for several minutes. Mr. IT. T„ Latham cashier of the bank ,of Abbeville .returned from a ,-idt to his former home in North jCarolwa last Saturday, A select assortment .of stationery Jiaud at the post office stare .of ]£ro.vMt -.mid.Company. Washingtons birthday was propriate ly celebrated at the villt* public sohool* last Tuesday. Go to A. I. Webb & Go. ami ..Smith's shoes, they are the best. Once you wear them you will as Otlllf. orrs. Mary 33ircl. Harrisburg, T’a.. says, - -ai.V child is worth millions me; yet l .would have lost her croup hai.l l not invested cents in a bottle ol One Cough Cuve.” It cures coughs, colds anil all throat and troubles.—City Drug Co. Jeans pants H9e 10 yds. yd wide sheeting :S7e Men’s Slices 88c Lump chimneys 5c Wash pans 3-4-5c Dish pans 14c 10 yards checks 37 c Linen window shades 28c A. F. ChurehwePi & Co. It is to catch , a cold , , and , just . easy to*get as easy rid of it if you com menee early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, Druo-’Co sate to use ana sure to cure.— Uitv Miss Ollie Wooten of Cedar Creek left for a visit to Home last Monday with her uncle, Mr. L. I>. \\ ooten. who has been visiting in' - .' fathers family for several weeks. Mrs, Stark, Pleasant Ridge., 0.., say, ‘-After the doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him,from wo up by using One Minute Cougii Cure."' - Jl as the quickest .and jimstmfcun remedy for .enoughs, wills ami ail! throat .and (nag troubles.—City Drug Go, Miss Oiissie If-audrup .of Athens, wJto Iras been for .several weeks visit ing her sisters, Mrs. T. L. Holton and Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson, left foi home last Sunday accompanied by Mrs, W. 11. Wilkinson and diildren, who will spend several weeks with her mother’s family. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Ya., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly re lieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury wit li mit leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy.—City Drug Co. Misses Celia and Abba Bowen of Lulaville attended the lecture at Cor dele with the Abbeville party last Tuesday night and are now visiting the family of Mayor T. L. Holton. Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, biliousness, indigestion and all stom ach ami liver troubles.—City Drug Co. Alt Job AYork turned out of the CiiKoxici.K Joii Office is guaranteed first class. When needing Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers. Enve lopes, Cards, Statements, Etc. be sure to give us a call. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O., was for thirty years needlessly tor tured by physicians for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured by using DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve the famous healing salve for piles and skm diseases.—City Drug Co. Mayor T. L. Holton, Messrs. Leo pold and Albert Sommer, Max Land attended the celebrated lecture, the Fiddle and the Row, delivered by Gov. Bob Taylor at Cordele last Tuesday night. Mrs. .m. B. Ford, Ruddell's Ill., suffered for eight years from dys pepsia and chronic constipation and was finally cured by using DeWitt s Little Early Risers, tlie famous lit tle pills for all stomach and liver troubles.—City Drug Co. The Coining Woman Who goes to the club while hei hus band tends the bttbv, as well as tlie tO (mod .old .fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appe tite, headaches, sleeplessness, faint ing or dizzy spells. The most won <1erful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of suf ferers from lame back and weak kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Re male complaints and nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by use |ng KI( , ctnc Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to j,uj]d up the system. Only 50c. t t.tlv. " For sale ' at ..... the City j K . r >0 4)rug Store. 1 .1 AS. II. MKIMSOaN, I’rosUbiiM. II. T, I.ATIIA M. EeiPlk - ©f - : A i 11 Well's Building, Main Street, ABBEVILLE GEORGIA. j Does a general banking business. Deposits taken from up. Collections carefully made and promptly remitted. York Exchange at very low rates, The Performance of The Amusement Company at the Abbeville Auditorium. A large and expectant composed of the culture and gence of Abbeville assembled at Auditorium last Friday night to wit ness the initial professional perfor mance of the Excelsior Co. The company is composed ex clusively of Abbeville people, hence the unusual size and quality *, of the rtu , he,M * tl,!,t {-™‘ted l] "» . r ( „ "' st ‘ “1> pearance. Lubin s Cmcograpli. pro jecting life size pictures that seem to |„, instinct with life and ad ion. and ,, ]( , isons . , 0U1 , s ., e . lk ; U! , phoungrauli, ' presenting hit* seenes anil , luove llu ‘" ts " ith astonishing accuracy, v ;‘ n *° ** " ll ^ Cions of the human rofoe were jmv sen ted with juttm-tows rial uiaduess. It is jjadeed a difficult .task .toconvey an accurate idea vf the wonders of such a performance in a brief article, ftufitife it to say .that the entertain ment more thy a satisfied the san guii&e hope of the audience which was raised to .the highest point of anticipation. The program m part consisted of hurdle races, cavalry charges, fire departments in action, lightning express trains, storms at sea, metropolitan scenes, etc. The performance was a delightful revelation and was as pleasing as it was wonderful. No performance or show now traveling can offer greater attractions, or more varied, interesting and instructive entertain ment than is presented by the Ex celsior Amusement Co. Free Of Charge To Sufferers. Cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King’s New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. This will show you the great merits of this truly wonderful remedy and shows what can be accomplished by the regular size bottle. This is no experiment, and would de disas trous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariably cure. Many of tlie best physicians arc now using it in their practice with great results, and are relying on it in most cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bot tles free at the City Drug Store. The E. B. Lewis Excursion. The beautiful little river steam boat E. B. Lewis, owned by Messrs. S. P. Lasseter and J. Jl. Hamilton, has been overhauled and a new boil er and engine placed in position. She is now probably the fastest boat on the Ocmulgee river, easily mak ing a speed of sixteen miles per hour. Yesterday a party of special guests were invited‘by the owners to make a short trip* on tlie boat. Twenty-five ladies and gentleman were, in the party and the trip from the steamboat landing to Poor Robin Spring, was greatly enjoyed. The steamer behaved admirably. She will go to Maeou at once on contract to haul staves for a barrel factory, Later m the season slip will return to Abbeville and be used as a pleas ure and excursion boat. Her eapa city is 40 passengers, Pythians At Rochelle. In response to an’ ivitatum from Rochelle Lodge Knight of Pythias, 22 members of Alexander Stevens Lodge K. of P. Abbeville, last night, charter’d a ear and attended the installation of officers and banquet of the fortnea lodge. The Abbeville party are profuse in their praise of the entertainment and hospitality (Extended them dry their Rochelle brethereu, and pronounce the occasion one of unalloyed pleas ure, and good fellowship. It is to be hoped that at no distant day the Abbeville Lodge may have an op portunity of ~ reciprocating . the cour tesy extended them at Rochelle. A Pleasant Party. There was a very pleasant sociable given at ilie residence of Mr. .J, 11. Little las) night in which a large number of the young society people of Abbeville participated. Died Of Hydrophobia. Freddie .McKinney tlie ten-jear old nephew and ward of Mr. J. T. Floyd, died at the home of the lat ter of hydrophobia last Saturday, and his remains were taken to his former The home little at Hawkins fellow ! /itten for burial by a rabid dog at UawkinsviJIe early in last November. jDr. A. H. Cniw ford attended Hie .sufferer in his last illness says Hi at, "hew he first saw tern., marked -symptoms of the dread disease were apparent. Card of Thanks. Mr. I* . 8. Tatum requests the CiiRoNioi.K to express his thanks for the timely assistance rendered by friends and neighbors, a few days ago, when his residence was threatened with destruction by lire. Boating, Fishing and Hunting. The Ocmulgee river at Abbeville affords great attractions to the many visitors who come here every month in the year for out of door recreation and amusement. Fish in great variety are taken from ttie streams by those who delight in angling. The beating is excellent the year round; and the woods and swamps are full of all kinds of game afford ing a veritable paradise for sports men. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve ill the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pity required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. Neijro Postmaster Lynched. Special to the Journal. CHARLESTON, S. C., Fell, 22— A special from Lake City, South Carolina, to The Evening Post says: ‘•About 1 o'clock tins morning Postmaster Raker, a negro, and his child were shot to death and their bodies cremated. It is said that a mob numbering several hundred sur rounded Baker's house, where the postoffice is kept, set tire to the building and opened lire with guns upon it. Raker was killed and his wife, his two daughters and one son were seriously wounded. The woman had a baby in her arms and she says that the ball that went through her hand passed through the baby, killing it, and it fell from her arms. Tlie house was afire and the occu pants who were able ran out, but the cremated bodies of Baker and the child were found in the ruins of the building this morning. All the wounded are maimed for fife; the two girls may lose their arms. All of the mail matter was totally destroyed. There is no clue to the com posi tion of the mob. Another Big Trust. The leading manufacturers of pa per in the United States have found eil a trust with a capital of $55, 000.000. This combination will monopolize the business, raise the price of pa per to $8,00 per ton, and impose upon the newspaper and book read ers of the country, a tax of not less than $4,000,000 a year. There are seventeen mills in the combine and it is their intention to shut out all other mills, so that they can compel newspapers to pay the exorbitant price they demand for paper. This is another instance of tl e baleful effect of the Dingley tariff, WE ARE..... HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNITURE, CROCKERY -AM) Our Stock is Immense and Prices are Right NEW HOME L^gSEWING MACHINES. REASONABLE TERMS. BAKER & MELTON, COMMERCE STREET, Abbeville. j*"jr * Georgia. B A T. ® .-j V T r si Oil <>ur Large Fall and Winter Stock forces us to sell for the next—ill) PAYS GO —Our entire stock consisting of $8,250 worth of the Latest Novelties in Dry Goods, Clothing, Simps, Capes, Notions, lints, Caps, etc. at strictly First Cost—No Profit charged on anything. orv T rin J 1 ScHingTrtit'to leave town, only to reduce our Fall and Winter stock, to make room for a larger Spring and Summer stock, alreadL dureliaSed, and to give the trad ing public of Abbeville and surrounding country goods Cheaper than ever before sold in Georgia..... These goods arc not Old second hand and Shopworn hut were purchased tlie first of this season and are all New and Stylish. Come at once, as the way we are selling these goods, they will not last long. Yours truly, Leopold Sommer, “Wrecker of High Prices.” SCHOFIELD'S IRON a MACON. GEORGIA. High Grade Machinery, Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills. MOTE. Have lately made extensive additions to our already well equipp I'l eil Boiler Shops, making it the most Complete Boiler Manufacturing Plants in tlie Southern States Schofield’s nmmm presses In the Lead for Sixteen Years. Anything in tins machinery line supplid at wopular prices. Full and complete stock of Iron Pipe, Bar Iron, Boiler uibe. Steam Pumps, In jectors, Inspirators, A’alves, Belts, Etc., always «.i hand. Seal ffiltb (Ik Hftanitladiirtr E>lr«( and Save Agent*’ Commissions. J. S. Schofields Sons & Co., /Macon, Georgia. Buy You a Home. ve G •* 1000 acres good fruit and cot land. Seven miles from Abbe- 2 miles from Sibbie* In one the best farming sections of the Two public roads running property. Price $3.00 per acre. One-third cash, bal. 2 and 3 years. 8 per cent on deferred payments. Call on or write J. R. MONROE. *” or Our complete bed room suit with carpet been used a while but in good Abe Mohr. Rooms For Rent. One or two furnished rooms for gentlemen. For terms apply to JIrs R. Monroe, Abbeville Gn]