The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 03, 1898, Image 2

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7'HE CHRONICLE. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. A. K. J KNNINOH, KniToa. Li. Moshok, I'r iius 11 r .11 snsscuinioN hat us, JT wcl vc month*........ ?i jslx month*............ breo month*......... • ----- I’hft (’ifllONfC'Mi is ini hi Ubn<l eery Thur-day. »l Abliuvllle on. CinririmalCHlInns In Ui'iire iii rtlnn 'liouiil rrneh tlx- oilier »<U beer 'han - la'conipmii'il by ■,i.iti.l-,■ ami imisi iilv.i.j ■ bi' t iii. wilpa's Hianatimn n«i nwe««aril.v rot 'pnbllratlon. lmt «s h umiraiiiis «.r ihkmi faltli Fur iiiluirtlslnr rale, apply ul tills office. — TELEPHONE NO. 44. Filtered lit I lie Post office lit Abbeville. On ns second-fins* matter. THI'HSDA V, MARCH !i, 1898. Bob Wick, the poet., philosopher and humorist, of the Ocilla Dispatch is at his old tricks again. Col. T. C. Taylor is announced for a he opening speech ol bis campaign for congress at Cnadilla next Satur da\ JVJmt is Tom after, anyway? Should war occur between this Country and Spain ; when the tocsin is sounded, keep an eye on the lire eating and blood drinking patriots who have been so blatant for the conflict. .Then' are some points of resem blance in the make up of Grover Cleveland and Allen D. Candler— 'i’liey are both posessed with the ad mirable traits of candor, courage and firmness. * . Editor UJiristoplK-T of tin; (’ordulc jlerald is an optomiat from away Lack lie predicts swooping vic tories for the populists throughout die state this yo.iv l'pi. qll the offices in the gift of the people. Stun Jones having caused conster mwion among tin* candidates for Governor hv his late announcement, and enjoyed it, will now proceed to uprk seriously and effectively to make the election of Allen D. Can dler, the peoples candidate, sure. In case of war between Hie United States and Spain the farmers of the Atlantic and Gulf states will do well to devote their exclusive attention to raising bread and meal There would be no demand for cotton at any price, as long as the war eon tinned. Dr. A. it. Royal has located at yoi'dcle. pv. Royal has for the past ten years been practising his profes sion at Abbeville and his splendid equipment for surgery or the prac tice of medicine "will put him in the front rank of his profession wherever lie goes. Allen D. Candler is the choice of the people of Abbeville and vicinity for the next governor of Georgia, by a large majority, At u ivopnt; mass meeting of tho citizens of Abbeville a Candler Club was formed in which the name of every one present was enrolled as an active working member. r riint Hon. 10. I>. lipuis will suc evvU hiuisvlf in Ihv nvxt v-ongvess there is no doubt No serious oppo sition to him 1ms uuuiifosted itself. On the contrary, almost without ex ception, the newspapers of the third district, recognizing his merit and ability, are warmly espousing his rt eWetion. The Supreme Court of Georgia, in a recent decision, declares that all laws that have been passed to pro hibit the sale of liquor in specific towns or localities are void and un constitutional in counties where a pVohittitiim for the whole county does not exist. This decision will convert many a dry place in Georgia into a very wet one. A Little Curious. It is :t little* curious says the finan cial Uevioiv, that both Mexico and China should have been negotiating for gold bonds, just at the moment that tilt* gentl'-Tuen in this pounttv who propose such administration for the financial systems of those coun tries were declaring that the United States, ought to pay its bonds in silver. China has just placed. $s~>, 009.000 worth of bonds, with K»g land ami Germany, payable in gold, , CAMirso. and i Mexico G • ’ has i recently , negotiating for l ids tor 5-100, worth of bonds in gold. Lewis His Own Successor. Col. Tom Taylor's lengthy congres sional announcement, which he waft ed with siH'li dramatic ( Tort to the vot‘‘srof the Third district three weeks ago. seems not l<> have created much of a ripple in the political waters any where roundabout. So far as the Timer,-Recorder can predict, Mr. Taylor J will hardly he able to enter tIn* race with atlV , hope 01 SUCCOUlUg ||oil. E. It. Lewis. The concensus of opinion is that Mr. Lewis will be returned to congress by an overwhel ming majority, and this is as it should be, for lie lias made a good reco r< 1 p r< >y i ng ,h i m se If af aithf u 1 serv ant of the people, and they will with out the shadow of a doubt reward Mr. Lewis with a second term. Tnere is scarcely an instance on record where a man went to the front as rapidly as Mr. Lewis, All knew him to he a strong and able financier 5 but even his most ardent friends and supporters could hardly have predict ed that he would so quickly grasp and master the regime of polities, as lie bus, More than once he has ap peared on the floor of the house and won credit for himself and constitu cuts iii able arguments in state and national affairs; and no man has been more v. M u-i,ful of the interests of his immediate constituents than has the faithful and energetic con gressman from the Third district. The Times-Recorder heartily com mends Congressman Lewis for his two years of Jktithful service. He is a strong, active and fearless worker in the democratic ranks; a man who makes known his con.yicj,jpqs and don't fail to stand by them. lie is a friend of the people and keeps his promises alike to one and all, and the Third district always rewards an honest and faithful representative, which goes without saying that Mr. Lewis will be lus own successor.— Am .rieus Times-llecorder. Our Military Strength. Since the explosion of our battle ship Maine in 1 lav, inna harbor uni j possibly eventuate in serious diili eulties with Spain it is both timely and pertinent to make some inquiry in to the military strength of the United States. Some discussion has already lie; n made of our naval strength. In the New York Sun of last Satur daysome interesting figures were given hearing upon the number of troops which this country could put into the field iu the event of hostilities. To make use of these figures, the strength of the present organized military force of the United States aggregates 114,3(52 officers and men. Should the necessities of war require the entire' fighting .strength of the nation, not less than 10,415,701 men could he put into the field within a month’s time. The available men which each state and territory could furnish, if need he, to meet the re quirements of war, are indicated iu the following table: Alabama.............. . 105.000 Arkansas.............. . 250.000 Arizona.............. 30.000 CaUfoonia............. . 214.020 Colorado............. 85,000 Connecticut.......... . 108,0-“’ District of Columbia Do In wave............. Florida............... . Georgia............... . 204.021 Idaho................. Illinois............... . Indiana................ . Iowa.................. . 204.874 Kansas................ . Kentucky ............ . Louisiana............ . Maine................. . Maryland............. . Massachusetts........ . Michigan............. . Minnesota............ . M ississippi........... . Missouri.............. . Montana.............. . 31.381 Nebraska............. Nevada............... r (i.2oo New Hampshire...... 31.000 New Jersey........... '.‘>85.273 New York............. . vMU(I.IK)l) North Carolina....... . 245,(HX* North Dakota......... 19,1)37 New Mexico........... 35,(500 Oklahoma............. . 50,000 Ohio................... . 650,000 Oregon................ . >22 Ponsylvanln........... . 878.39! Rhode Island......... 85,000 south Carolina....... . 177.000 South Dakota......... 55. (NX) Tennessee............. . 180,000 Texas.................. . 30(>.00l) Utah................... 35,000 Vermont.............. 44,161 Virginia............... . 364,227 Washington......:..... 87.879 West Virginia........ 125JMK) \Y i scons in............. . 372.1*52 Wyoming............. 8.01K) Total unorganized.. 10.5U1.3J9 Total organized..... . 1! 1.362 Grand aggregate le. 115,701 Taken in addition to the fighting strength of our naval squadron, " • ! i 1 'D is lar siqH'rior to Spain s. the foivgoir.ii table shows that tlu> Unit h;;s | iiU , , ;IU „ for ap , m .. lu-nsion as to the final onteome of hostilities. GRADED AND HIGH SCHOOLS.! j The curriculum of the Graded School will extend to the 7th grade and I in the High School to the Junior class in the leading colleges. gjtjr--— A CLASS IN PEDAGOGICS Teaching teachers how to teach is a specialty of the Abbeville School The tuition will be free to all persons within the school age residing in the School district and receiving instruction in grades 1 to 7, inclusive. Tuition for pupils-residing outside tlu- School district, in grades 1 to 7, inclusive, 50c per month where public funds follow. Tuition for pupils in 8th grade. $1,50; and in 9th and 1.0th grades $2,50 per month. Fall term will open Monday. Sept. For further information address It. Monroepresident of ti ns tees, or R. J, Prentiss, Principal, Abbeville, tin. Legal Advertisements, Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA —Dooly County. To all whom it may concern:—.T. M. Warren and G. \V. Holliday, administrators of Tho#. Warren, deceased, have in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands l.^r longing to the estate of said deceased: and the ordinary of Wilcox county, Ga., in which said lands arc located, and of which said Thomas Warren was a resident at the time of his death, and in which county said estate is being ad ministered, being disqualified, said application will he heard by me on the first Monday in March Jmdm, at Vienna, Ga, This Feby, 7. !«:». .t. I). ILUlCillOVU, Ordinary. Dooly count' Election Notice. State of Georgia, Wilcox count y. OtV.ce of County Uomy.usvdonvvs of Wilcox county: -It is hereforoordered that on Wednes day the <itli day of April iww an election be held at the various precincts ot said county of Wil cox to elect a. Tax Collector in and for said county, to till a vacancy that now exist in said tax collectors office, for said county under such regulations and in the manner as now provided by the statutes in such cases made and provi ded. It is furtlu^r ordered that this order be published once a week for four weeks in the Rochelle New Era and the Abbeville Chronicle, t'ne newspapers in which the sheriff of said county publishes bis legal notices. Granted this 7th day of Feb. 1898. By order of L. F, Nance, I). McDuffee. M. F. McAnally. ,1. N. Finns. Clerk. Corns, of Hoads A- Rev, React Notice. State of Georgia, Wilcox county. Whereas; G. \Y. Hervald, dames McCall and others have made application to this court praying for an order to change a portion- of the Rochelle and Seville public road that leads via of Union church, said change to begin at west end of lane, west of .lames Owen s old place, at the north east corner of lot of land No. 12'*. twelfth dlstviet. in said county, running due west on lot line about 300 yards. Thence in a northwest course to said public road. Now this is to cite and admonDh all persons that on and after the first Monday in March 1808 said change will be granted, if no good cause is shown to the contrary. This the 7tli day of February 18D8. Ity order or . L. F. Nance, 1). McDuffie, M. K. McAnally. J. N\ Evans, Clerk. Corns, of Loads ,V Key Road Notice. State of Georgia: Wilcox county. Whoreas; A. .1, Gibbs and others have made their application to this court imiyini; for an order to change a portion of the public road known as the Rochelle and Lam Taylor road in the 1171 district, commencing* near the resi dence of A. .1. Gibbs. running about 1130 yards east, thence southeast about 100 yards intersec ting again with the said public road. Said change goes through the lands of A. I. Gibbs, W. it. Owens and Sy Gibbs. Now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on the first Monday In March said change will he granted if t\o good cause is show to the contrary. This 7th day of February, 1 SDH. Ity order of L. V. Nance, I). Me Du Rio, M. L- McAnally. .7. N. Evans, Clerk Corns, of Roads A Rev Notice. GEORGIA--Wilcox county. Notice is hereby given that 1 intend to apply to lion. ('. C. Smith, judge of the Superior court of said county, on the 28th day of March next (1808) at the court house in. Abbeville, said county, for leave to sell, for reinvestment, tlie following veal estate, belonging to Lillian K. Reid, minor child of George R. Reid, Jr., dec’d, to wit: 21i» acre of lot of land No. 2.2 in the 1st district of Wilcox county Georgia: said 210 seres being in the southerly and astern part of said lot. The reason for desiring to sell and reinvest the proceeds is: v 1st The said land is unimproved and at pres ent yields no income. 2 nd I desire to invest in other land which will yield an income. Fannie F. Monroe. Guardian of S. F. Reid and Lillian L. Reid. Notice of Sale. By virtue of n power of attorney contained in a certain mortgage executedTy Mary Clark to Cults and Lawson and 1) B Nicholson on the 22 day of March. ls'.)7. and recorded in hook J. pages 337 and 338. in the office of the etc of the Superior court of Wilcox conn iy. v.. tvll sell by public outcry before i-onrt iion-e door in Abbeville, Ga., during tin leva] It i ■. of sale on Tuesday the 5th day < IKttS, for cash to the high bidder, the following described land. 1 o~w Tbc west one-lialf of that tract or p ‘i of land in the town of Ab beviUe, Wilcox county. Ga.. being one-half acre, more or less, and being distinguished in the plat of said town, as lot No. 33 and being the one-half of said lot facing 52 y; feet on Tarheel street, bounded on the east by the iaasd* of Sonney Harris, and on the west by the lands of the late A V Beaton estate. Said sale to satisfy said mortgage. This March 1st Isps. Cults A Lawson, 1). B. Nicholson, 5 3 5i Altys. for Mary Clark. Kxemption Notice. GEORGIA. Wv.con uv .UiUy. Ilattie Smith has applied for exemption of personally ud setting apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock m. on t.'-.o 7i’n day of M'arcl; isps. i John M. Warren, ordinary. I CITY MARSHAL SALES. GEORGIA, ) Wii.cox Count*, j' Will be sold before the courthouse door in the City of Abbeville, within file legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April, 1898, the follow ing described property, to-wit: One vacant lot in the city of Abbeville, Ga.. .situated on the corner of Fine and Bel! streets, and hounded on the north by Fine street, on the south by James Mixon, on the east by \Y i! Dickey and on the west by iiel] street: virtue! con taming ^ of an aor<\ more or less, if, of a city II fa \s. .1 D Carmichael, for adva- Jorem luxe > for 1897. Ai ••(> itr 1 be same time and place will be sold Erie following described property, to-wit One iio-.i-v and lot containing one acre, more or less, rn the corner of Main and Church streets and bounded on the south by Main street: on the north by Ocmulgee street, on the east by i, M Maynard, on the west by Church street, By virtue of a city ti fa vs. L M Maynard, for ad valojem taxes for 3897. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit Lot So. U in block “l bounded on the east by No. 2 ol Abbeville Loan and Improvement (Jo., on the north by lo; No. lo of said company, on the south by lot No. 12 o said company, and west by Brond stre', By virtue of a city ti. fa vs. Abboviiie Land and Improvement Com pany, for udvalorcm taxes for 18tt7. Also at tne same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: one house and lot In thocity of Abbeville. Ga., sit uated on the corner of Jiroad and Monroe Sts. and bounded on the north by M. E. church lot. on the south by Monroe street, on the east by broad street and 0:1 the west by lots of T L jfojtcn, containing ».{ of an acre, move or less. By virtue of a eitv ti fa vs. R a Wilson, agent, for ad valorem taxes for is: *7. Also st the samo time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One house and lot in the city of Abbeville, Ga S! t uated on the corner of Broad and Stubbs streets and bounded on the north by Stubbs street, on the ssuth by M. L. church lot, on the east by Broad, street and on the west by T Goltlieb, .1 J Hendloy and others: containing one-lialf acre, more or less. By v irtue of a city fi fa vs. J K Monroe, agent, for ad valorem taxes for 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One house and loi in the city of Abbeville, Ga sit uated on the east side of G. A A. railroad short line and bounded on the north by Wells avenue south by A .1 Bowen, east by A Brown, con taining one acre, more or less. By virtue of a ti fa in favor of the city of Abbeville vs. .1 C Massee, for advalorem taxes for 1897. Also at the same time and place w ill be sold the following described property, to-wit: One house and lot j.p the city of Abbeville, Ga si t— uated on the corner of Broad and Pine streets and bounded on the north by Pine street, on the south by lot of R E Pope. on the east by K V Bov.en, on the west by Broad street, contain ing one acre, more or less By virtue of a city li fa vs. .J L Bowen, agent, for advalorem taxes for 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wit: One house and lot in the city of Abbeville. Ga , sit uated on the north side of Ncapolis street, bounded on the north by Ocmulgee street, on the east by lot of Mary Clark, on the west by jail lot, containing one-half acre, more or less, I>;v virtue of a city fi fa vs. Clara Allen, for ad valorem taxes for 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold the follow ing described property, to-wit; One house and lot in the city of Abbeville, Ga slt unfed on the north side Of Ncapolis street, and bounded on the north by ocmulgee street, on the east by Broad street, on the west by lot of .1.1 llemliey, containing one acre-, more or less. By virtue of a city ii la vs. Emma V. Allen, for advalorem taxes for J8;*7, Also at the same time and place will lie sold the following described property, to-wit One W horse power boiler, also one 50 horse power engine, the same being Watertown make. Levied on as the property of Berry A. Whitley to satisfy a i1 fa in favor of the city of Abbe viih- vs. Berry w Whitley for advalorem taxes for loi*7. ■L J. Bakfikld. Marshal. Citation. GEORGIA - Wilcox county. To whom it may concern:—Lizzie McMillan, widow of George McMillan, deceased, hav jngapplied :•> me. for the twelve months allow a: 7 -aad her minor children, and ap j>r;ii.-.".s .having been appointed und having *w 5 heir return setting apart said allowance within thirty days from the date of the appli cation. All persons interested are required to show cause, if any they can at the March term 18 s*s of Wilcox court of Ordinary, why said allowance should not be confirmed and the return of said appraisers made the judgement of said court. This Feb. 7th, 1BU8. John M. Warren, Ordinary of Wilcox County. J. E. Bivins, pres. A. J. Call.yuan’. V. i‘ .1. Bivins, Cashier Capita! $50,000. Surplus $8,000. First National Bank, C0 2\*I JJCTvlC, GA. Accounts of Banks, Corporations. Firms an Individuals Solicited. Collections made*. Six • percent, interest paid on time deposits, Spain is Blowing Up Warships in Cuba and we are Blowing DOWN Prices Here. We Quote a Few Regulars. 4 Lead Pencils 1 14 Slate pencils 1 24 Envelopes *—* Nut meg grater F— Bottle Ink Mucilage 10 ] () y,i M Cheeks 35 Tablets, each, 1 Memo Book 1 14 1 shirt buttons 4 Mens shirts 13 Wash pans 3-4-5 Ladies corsets 23 Gut Grice Store, A. F. CHURCH WELL & CO., CCMMERCE ST. ABBEVILLE. GA. EUREKA - HOTEL OPPOSITE DEPOT—GA. & ALA. RY. Accommodations First Class in Every Particular. 3 P LASSETER, Proprietor. SCHOFIELD'S RON CfT WORKS. MACON. GEORGIA. High Grade Machinery, Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills, MOTE. Have lately made our already w a S'* eil Boiler Shops, makin tfj Boiler Man B Plants iu the Southern States SelioffeliTs jjpretttftitti Stresses In the Lead for Sixteen Years. Anything in the machinery line supplid at oopular prices. Full and complete stock of Iron Pipe, Bar Iron, Boiler «'nbe. Steam Pumps, In jectors. Inspirators, Valves, Belts, Etc., always on hand, 2>ea! (be /Smfactartr Direct and Save Ssents* GswaUsions. J. S. Schofields Sons Co., Macon, Georgia. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. No- 19 17. No- 18. No- 20. 7 33SSS EESSSSS §s:i:«L4stf. a in 1 v Savannah aril 20 p m 8 a m a 11 a m ar Helena ar 6 -10 p m 3 a m i a 12 j) m ar Abbeville ar 5 50 pm 2 a in 2 1 p m ar Cordele ar 4 45 p rn 1 a m ;; u 2 p m ar Americas ar S ;H* p m 12 a m 4 It a a p m ar Richland ar 2 40 pm 11 \> m 8 Oo a m ar Montgomery i\- lo 45 a m 7 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. 1* No- 2* 4 3 to p m lo 05 a m 1 v Columbus ar 5 20 p m m fi 00 p m 11 40 a m ar Richland ar 3 55 p m —I a m « 50 p m 1 30 p m ar Ubanv lv 2 10 )> m OT a m FITZGERALD DIViSION. No- 9. No. 7- No. 8. No- 10. 5 33)1171 7 15 am lv AbbevilW , ar 13 IS p m li ao p m il 55 p m s> 13 ;i m ar Fitzgerald ar 11 15 an « 43 p m 7 35 P 111 10(11 a m ar Ocilla lv in 20 a nr A 03 p ni ......... [''[" ♦Trains Nos. 1 und 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany In connection with Southern llatlway. CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah with Plant System. F. (•'. A I*, and steamers. At Helena with Southern UatHvay Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville for FHr.eersM and Ocilla• At Cordele with G. S. A F. Ji. R. No. 4 north bound. At Iilchland with <' A 4 Division for .ubanv and Columbus. At Montgomery with L. A X. for New Orleans ami heyontL for lli- mincham and the north, also with \\. Ity. of Alabama, for Selma. TRAIN NO. 17. Connects a! Savannah wilh Plant System and F. C. A 1*. R. R_ At Helena with southern I’y. No. lit south hound and No. 15 north bound. At AhhevUle for FDz-erald' and Cordele with G. S. A F. R. R. No. I south hound and No. 2 north bound " Ochjla. with At A A. Division for Columbus and ..tlanta also for Albany, An MontKomerv \t Rich land c. beyond/ Birmingham and with L. a x. for New Orleans and for tijo north, also with Western Ity. of Al abama for Selma. with L. N. TRAIN MO. 18. Connects at Montgomery A front New Orleans and from the north.also with Western Rv. of Alabama from Selma. At llichland with ('. A A Divisicn for Colnmims and Atlanta, also for Albany. At Cordele with G. S. A F. Rv. No. r, Tor Tifton and Valdosta. At Abbeville Tor FTtzgertld and Ocilla. At Savannah*vith Riant System and F. (' * R. Railroad. MontKOBiw.v with L. A X. from TRAIN NO. 20. Connects at New Orleans and from Die north, also with Western Ry. of Alabama trom Selma. At Cordele with u. s, ,v p Vy No a south bound. Sitvanmtli At Abbeville with Riant tov l-ltzvt-ntld System. F. and c. Ocilla. A I’. R. At it. Helena and Steamers. with Southern Rv. No'if south hound. At Rarter Cars Trains Nos. 17 and is. I’ullman l*alace Klegnnt IliitVct on Slee)iins Cars on Trains NoS. 19 and 30. At. N. KICiHT, A. DOPE. Assistant Gen). >*»»?« -J/Jg| iBTTi vlee ,, resklent , nd &M« a h ‘»**«' Aaeat. Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.” IvG>oeil Tinno No, (V H. H. TIFT, President NO. 7 XO. 3 NO. 1 M. P. M. A. M. LEAVE 3 10 K 10 8 00 0 3 22 3 23 8 15 H 3C 31 •’ 8 25 8 3 50 3 52 « 3 55 3 58 CD . -6 4 08 4 10 9 13 20 ■n 4 20 4 25 9 30 25 ARRIVE SystS M/oSfeu&M'dFl&SS Mites. Cambric per yd • <4 Mens fine shoes X Suspenders 7 Jeans per yd. n Baby shoes 19 Mens’ socks 4 Linen towels pr. 19 Mens’ handkerchiefs 4 Dozen safety pins 2 144 pants buttons. 5 Hose per pair 5 Dipper ^ I Box snuff cc General Offices: GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE 'Jtscurii Her i- 19th, 1G97. TIFTON, BREG HON HARDING PIN ETTA MVSTIC. FLETCHER. FIT/.GERA Li>, W. 0. TIFT, Vice President. Miles. ARRIVE M. P. M. P 5 LEAVE r. 20 2 37 11 w 5 b 0 12 11 12 II 1151 11 11 00 25 15 81 J4 oo B 5 « 6 5 5 5 25 01 35 23 30 41 10 n f, 5 5 5 SilgaSSSr NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8