The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 03, 1898, Image 3

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LOCAL -HAPPENINGS. GATHERED HERE AND THERE, IN CITY AND COUNTY. Fine line of plush capes at re duced prices. L. Sommer. Mr. !-. K. Shepherd, of Dakota, was m town on business yesterday. Col. B. B. Cheney of Fitzgerald is visiting relatives at the Globe Ho tel this week. DcWitt’s Little Early Kisers, The teatous little pMU* the^iiHOSiciiK Firewood taken on.subscription at office. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Solve Cures Piles. Scalds. Bures. Mrs. 8. M. Bland, of Eric, is .visiting her sisters Mrs. T. II. Cal houn and Miss Jennie McMillan. Orders for »/«ob Work satisfactorily filled at the CiinojiiCLE Job Otlice. Mrs. R. J. Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Ed Pollock are visiting friends in Pulaski county. One Minute Cough Cure, cures, That Is what It u>a« taeuU tor. Mrs. J. A. Thigpen, of Edna, has been vlsjting her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mitchell this week. Fine pickled Mullet, three for a quarter, at McLeod & Co’s Dr. NV. L.Thompson, of Pitts was in town on Tuesday attending Coun ty Court. Ona Minute Cough Cure, cares. That la what U waa aaOa lor. Messrs. Albert, Leopold and Syl van Sommer spent the day in Haw kinsville last Sunday. A FRICAN A will cure Rheumatism ar.d Scrofula to Stay Cured. For sale by C’ijy Drug (Jo.. Abbeville. Ga. The .bird hunters of Abbeville have been enjoying rare sport with in the past week and many quail have been bagged. \ FRICANA will cure Constipation and •s"» is a wonderful Liver Medicine. Try It. For sale by City DriifT Co., Abbeville, Ga. A large herd of beef cattle passed through Abbeville last Tuesday, They were going to Houston conn ty. The biggest line of hats and shoes at reduced prices a* L. Sommer’s. Mr. Jas. 31. Mixon went te Savan nah last Monday night ou business, and returned Tuesday night. Fresh North Carolina piuders for sale at F. S. Oliver’s. A large number of people from the country were in town on Tuesday at tending County Court and sheriff's sales. Finest line of einbrorderies, laces and embrordet’ied handkerchiefs at L. Sommers. Mr. J. I). WMtted, of Fitzgerald, was mingling with his friends in Ab beville last Friday. . For Fancy amt Family Groceries call on J. A. Faxson, A Yells build ing, phone 70. Quite a number of people from Abbeville attended services at Cedar Creek church last Sunday. The shad season is now at hand and the average Abbeville table is daily supplied with this delicacy. All goods at reduced rates to make room for a big spring stock at L. Sommer’s. A. I. Webb & Co. keep a large line of lints and can please you in style and price. The eight-months-old infant ol Mr, A. J. Foster died at l" a l' orae on Cedar Creek last Saturday and was buried at Cedar Creek chinch on Sunday, Hey. T, B. Fuller officiated. Cok J. L. Bankston, Judge Hal Lawson, and Messrs. R. A. AN iIson, Rev.'Guyton Fisher, 11. Stubbs and J, F. Grantham, visited Hawkins ville on legal business last Friday. Children and adults tortured by .burns, scalds, injures, eczema or skin senses may secure instant relief by DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great pile remedy. For sale by City Drug Store. Abbeville needs more small in dustries. A little capital invested in them, if judiciously managed NvouJd bring better returns, than the same amount invested in any other way. Airs. Col. E. H. AA’ilhams and family of Fitzgerald, visited her parents Maj. and Mrs. A. A. F. ];lst Thursday' and Friday, during the absence of Col Williams who was called to Mawkinsville ou professional business. Oi Mr. J. G. Meliegan President ol' the Bank of Abbeville is visaing his former home at Torhoro North Caro lina. Go to A. F Webb & Co. and buy Smith's shoes, they are the best. Once you wear them you will have no other. Mr. C. E. Melton lias returned from Florida where he has been for sometime engaged i't the naval store business. His large circle of friends are rejoicing at his return. All Job Work turned out of the Cuiioniclk Job Office is guaranteed (irst class. When needing Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads. Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Enve lopes, Cards, Statements, Etc. lie sure to give us a call. Rev. L. M. Lawson, of vidalia, who has accepted the pastorate of the Abbeville Baptist church, has moved Ids family to fids place as a periuiuent residence. The Chron icle extends Mr. Lawson and family on behalf of the community, a cor dial welcome. Whooping cough is the most dis tressing malady'; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Min ute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. For sale by City Drug Store. Mr. J. B. Wnitiield chairman of a committee of citizens of Haw kinsville, is in Washington and has made a plea before the committee on rivers and harbors for an appro priation of $50,000 for the improi meut of the Ocmlgee river. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and bilious ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills, for sale by City Drug Store. Mr. Martin Meadows formerly traveling for Lamar Rankin and La mar, but now representing a Balti more drug house, was mingling with his many old friends in Abbeville last Monday. After years of untold suffering .from piles, B. AY. pursel of Knit nersville, Fa., was cured by using a single box of DeAViit's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as ec zema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this fam ous remedy. For sale by City Drug Store. Lttle Ada the nine-months-old in fant of J. E. and Anna M. Stanley died last Saturday of pneumonia. The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church Sunday at -1 p. m. by the pastor Rev. L. Ms. Lawson, after which the burial took place ari the Stubbs burial ground. Don’t annoy others by your eouglK ing, and risk your life by Delecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by City Drug Store. Judge AY. L. Grice, accompanied by liis son II. L. Grice of Hawkms ville, attended AA’ilcox County Court here lust Tuesday. AYe are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasanter or better way to do it than recommending Oik- Minute Cough n ure as a preventive of pneumonia, con3 um ptiou and other serious lung trou | ) p, f . (] lat f 0 p 0w neglected colds. Fm . ^ , )y CKy Drng Storc . The farmers in this vicinity have been busily engaged, hauling com mercial fertilizers to their farms, for the past few days. A tin-ill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough or croup sounds through the house at night. Rut the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cmv has beerr administered. Safe and harmless for children, for sale by City Drug Store. Mrs. IL E, Stubbs and family of Sibbie were visiting friends in Ab beville last Friday and Saturday. There are three little things do more work than any other three little things created—they are the ant. the bee and DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pil’s for stomach and livL ’ r troubles, ‘'or sale by City Drug Store. •IAS. (;. MLIIKGAX. I'reslilunt. 11 . T, LATH \ w* its hi or. Beuok - @f - Alol-x-'vilK-> Well's Building, Main Street, ABBEVILLE GEORGIA. Does a general banking business. Deposits taken from $2 up. Collections carefully made and promptly remitted. New York Exchange at very low rates. Protracted Services. It was announced on last Sunday by Rev. Guyton Fisher, pastor of Methodist church> that revival services will commence next Sunday. The meeting will continue for ten days or more. Rev. StChuv, a young preacher who lias already made a reputation out West and in the South as a re vivalist, will do most of the preach ing. Rev. E. E. Clements, of Cochran and others are also expect ed. Remember the date. All are invited. Something To Know It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous sys tem to a health vigior is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c. per bottle at the City Drug Store. To Arrive To-day. Mr. Willie Sommer, who. on the 22nd, da}- of February married a charming young Lady of New York city is expected to arrive to-day with his bride. Mr. Sommer before leav |ng for New York leased and ref urn the large and attiuethe ,)on “ in .V residence on Reid street where tiie newly wedded couple will reside. Mr. Sommer's large circle of friends in Abbeville will extend a cordial welcome to himself and bride on their arrival. For Sale. Our complete bed room suit with carpet been used a while but in good order. Apply to Abe Molir. Household Gods. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who at tended to the welfare and prosperity of the family. Theywere worship ped as household gods in every home. The household god of to-day is Dr. King’s New Discovery. For consumption, coughs, colds and for all effectfons of throat, chest and lungs it is invaluable, it has been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money re turned. No household should be without this good angel. It is pleas ant to take and a safe and sure reme dy for old and young. Free trial bottles at the City Drug Store. Attention Colored Voter's. The colored voters of the republi can party of this district are hereby requested to meet at the court house Abbeville Saturday March 12th at !) o’clock to elect a clirirman, secre tary and treasurer for committee of the third congressional district B. Blackshear, Chairman. Biij Colony For Cuba. Late dispatches announce that a colony of 100,000 Americans is be ing organized in the northwest to lo cate on the Island of Cuba on July 4th, next. Their mission is a peace ful one, but they will go well armed to defend themselves hi case they are attacked by the Spanish troops. An American syndicate who owns large bodies of land in Cuba is behind the movement. The agent of tie syndi cate claims that enormous sums of money have been lost by American owners of land in Cuba, because the Spaniards prohibit work on the plaut The lands are to bo divided into small favms and settled by the colonists who if they woik and de fend the property will soon become absolute owners ol the land. COMING—John Sparks' new rail road Shows will be in Abbeville next Wednesday, March tbh. It is a good show, we have seen them. Don't miss it. Admission 25c; chil dren under 12 years of age. 10c. What War Means. Do the Southern jingoes under stand what war with Spain or any other foreign power means? Do they realize the effect that war would have upon tins section of the coun try? It means two cent cotton and two dollar wheat. I t means that farmers in the South would get less than half of what they are getting for their products, wliil v meat and breadstuff's, which most of them have to buy, would bring-double prices. It means paralysis for the South especially the producing classes. Besides this, in a war with Spain, the South, on account of its proxim ity to Cuba, would have to bear the brunt of the war. Her cities and ports would be the centres of attack from the opposing forces. Such a conflict might not hurt the West, because the demand for meat and bread would be increased. In that case, she would be benefited. It our Southern statesmen would on ly study the interests of the South as they do the interests of the West things in this quarter might show material improvement. —Valdosta Times. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions!, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. professional Carte. MAX E. •LAND. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ^ronico in irenclloy Jhiihling. Depot street. Residence ’Phone No. 1 ) 5 . AIIIIKVILLE, GA. I’LMUIHAK PUTTS. Hal Lawson. CTTTTS & LAAVSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office on Broad .Street, near Court House. Abbkvillk, G lv-, ltd I A. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., J 1 *1 i A’M io Jr i i t <Sj Hti i' i i. Calls answered promptly, day or night. ABBEVILLE, GA. City Barber Shop. First Class Work. HAIR CUTTING IN' ALL STYLUS, 25 c. SHAVING 10 c. i 'ommevee '-h.. < >pp. Post <MMce. M. P. BKARSOL, Prop. Boiler and Machinery All kinds of boiler and Machinery repairing, Executed on Short Notice ^LL^yORK (jUARANTEEI). Second Hand Boilers Bought, i) Sold and O Exchanged • Shops on Bowen street near railroad'crossing JONES & EDEN FI ELI), Props. Abbeville : : Georgia. - For Handsome Turnouts • and .. .. Good Horses For Harness or Saddle, call at the LIVERY and FEED STABLES of J. H. HAMILTON, DRAYS run in connection with stable Stables near G. & A. depot. Abbeville Georgia ......WE ARE..... HEADQUARTERS — FOR •«@b» FURNITURE, CROCKERY o roves. Our Stock is Immense and Prices are Right. NEW HOME ___ L^SEWING MACHINES. REASONABLE TERMS. BAKER & MELTON, COMMERCE STREET, Abbeville. Georgia. GOING? COST. g.T 1, s r u J ;; Of our Large Fall and Winter Stock forces us to sell for the next 00 DAYS 00—Our entire stock consisting of •• $8,250 worth of the Latest Novelties in Dry Goods, I Clothing, Shoes, Capes, Notions, Hats, Caps, etc. at strictly First Cost—No Profit charged on anything. 2 Selling'out to leave town, only to reduce our Fall and Winter stock, to make room for a larger Spring and Summer stock, ahead L durchased and to give the trad ing public of Abbeville and surrounding country goods Cheaper than ever before sold in Georgia..... These goods are not Old second band and Shopworn but were purchased the first of this season and are all New and Stylish. Come at once, as the way we are selling these goods, they will not last long. Yours truly, Lveopoid Sommer, i 4 Wrecker of High Prices.” “r —" Oil! for the Clearance Sale at the German . . Cheap Store I will offer my Entire Stock of merchandise for the next 20 days at greatly reduced Prices, to make room for my Spring and Summer Stock. Here is an example of what I can do. 10 yds. Sheeting 10 yds. fancy prints 10 yds. apron gingham 35 30 inch blenching pr yard 05 Heavy Ticking per yard 05 Heavy pants cloth per yard 10 Skirt lining 04 Mens Jeans pants 35 Mens line shoes 85 Ladies fine slippers 40 Childrens sl’^iys 25 Hose per pair 05 AVindow shades per pair - 15 T. GOTTLIEB, Next door to Post Office. GO TO ffk A. wrown BOWEN ST., NEAR DEPOT, FOR STAPLE AND FANCY . . GROCERIES . . | Prices the Lowest. Quality the Best. Georgia Seed Rye and Texas Rust p r00 f (j^ts A SFI'R'I ALTY. Country Produce of All Kinds Bought and Sold. ABBEVILLE. GEORGIA 9 9 I! spools cotton 05 100 pins and needles 02 144 Shirt, buttons 05 50 envelopes with paper © if* 2 pencils © 8— 12 slate pencils 01 (i large tablets 05 Shirts 15 Mens all wool suits 3 50 Ladies shoes per pair 70 Boys caps 05 Fancy cashmere, per yard 10 New Iron Shops. J Blacksmitbing and AVoodwork of all kinds at rock bottom l prices—at................... CITY.... REPAIR.. .. SHOPS Horse shoeing a Specialty Ford’s old stand Abbeville : : Georgia