The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 24, 1898, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. GATHERED HERE AND THERE. IN CITY AND COUNTY. Hue line of plush capos at re dueed prices. 1. Sommer. DeWltt’s Little Early Risers, T * 1 ** Firewood taken on su .scnptinn at the CintONin.K office. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Curas Plies. Scalds, Burns. The free ferry across the Ocmulgoe river is attracting a good trade to Abbeville from Dodge county. Fine pickled Mullet, three for a quarter, at McLeod & Co.'s 1 Mr. Wm. Ftudstill. of Hhine was iu town on business last Monday. One Minute Cough Cure, cures* TSut is what It was made for. Col. E. H. Williams came up from Fitzgerald on professional business last Monday afternoon, A FRICAiN A will cure Rheumatism and *» Scrofula to Stay Cured. - I-or Mile by (’it.. Di-njf Co.. Abbeville, (la. Fresh North Carolina pinders for sale at P. S. Oliver's. Fanning operations liave been greatly retarded in this vicinity, this spring, in consequenceof the de struction of a great deal of fencing by the recent prevalent fires. Finest line of emhrordcries. laces and ombrorderied handkerchiefs at L. Sommer's. For Fancy and Family Groceries call on J. A. Paxson. Wells build ing, phone 70. All goods at reduced , rates to. . make . room for a big spring stock at L. Sommer's. A. I. Webb & Co. keep a large line of hats and can please you in style and price. The CuRONici.K regrets that .Jack Swain is ill, and hopes that his re covery may be speedy. \ FRICANA will cure Constipation and is a wonderful Liver Medicine. Try it. For sale by City l»rnn Co., Abbeville. (Ja. The biggest line of hats and shoes at reduced yrievs at L. Sommer’s. McLeod & Co. are sole agents in Abbeville for the celebrated I,e Pan to cigars. C. W. McLane came over from McKae and spent Sunday with his fantilv. , returning , . to . Ins i . post . ot dutt i„,.. on Monday. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injures, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. There seems to lie more of tlie spirit of tolerance and broad charity between the Christians of all the churches in Abbeville just now than ever before in the town's history. Whooping cough is the most dis tressing malady; but its duratian can be cut short by the use of One Min ute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles, For sale by City Ding Store. M hat pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by using DeW itt’s Little Early Risers, tlie famous little pills, for sale by City Drug Store. All Job Work turned out of the CiiUONicr.K Job Office is guaranteed first class. When needing Letter Heads, Note Hearts, Bill Heads. Circulars. Posters, Dodgers, Envc lopes, Cards. Statements, Etc. be to . give . us a call. ,, sure Don’t others Jo'your , annoy ing. and risk your hie by a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and a I throat and lung troubles, l-orsale by City Drug Store. Go to A. I. Webb ift Co. and buy Smith’s slioivs. they are the best. Once you wear them you will have no other. Mr. Will Sommer and bride re ..................... turned on Tuesday from a brief visit to relatives in Hawkinsville. --------- After years of untold suffering from piles. B. W. pursel of Knit ncrsville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of DeWat's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as ec zeina. rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readih cured by this ous remedy. For sale by City Drug Store. The spring term of Wilcox ior court convenes next Monday. Our voting friend Oscar Srtmv having llnislietl his second course of lectures at the Southern Medical College of Atlanta, is at again. () 1H , niore eonrse will wake our Rented young friend a full pledged doctor of medicine. Mrs. G. H. Maeoit has a Imautitul | inu , )f Easter Hats, that are models of taste and attractiveness. A thrill of terror Is experienced when brassy cough or croup sounds through the house at night. Hut. tin* terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure lias been administered Safe and harmless tor children, lor sale bv ‘ ( itv Drug st(w Hon. tV. A. Dodson of Americas was in town on professional business last Tuesday. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of pleasanter or better way to do it than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia. consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds, For sale by City Drug Store. Dr. J. Shrader. Lew .-or Rea Nash Howell, of the Excelsior Amusement Company are at home in consequence of the illness of Dr. Shrader, who has been suffering with la grippe. Dr. Shrader is steadily improving and the company nil! take tin road again as soon his condition "ill justify it. There arc three little tilings that do more work than any other three little things created—they are the unt! ^ ^ an(J i)eWi { t s Litlk , Early Kisers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. For sale by City Drug Store. Dr. H. Mohr, Mr. M Mohr and Mrs. Meyer, of Montgomery Ala., to Abbeville last week and pauled Mr. Abe Mohr to Hawkins ville, where on Wednesday, he was united in marriage to Miss Hose Sommer, a charming lady of kinsville. The Montgomery returned to their Alabama home last Friday. Receiver's Sale. The stock and fixtures of the tuekv U ™> Whiskev [ usk< > Comweiv that ^ were " lt sold bv Max E. Land receiver, ’ • Friday, Iirought $775.0(1 , , N. & „ A. _ K. & Co. of Macon being the principal bidders. Morgan Gross of Krania bought the pool table for $05.00. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt llheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. ped hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satistac tion or money refunded, l’rice per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. The Public is Cordially Invited. The ladies of the Baptist church . lre preparing to serve splendid din nei . s p, public on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, during ; (| session f Superior Court. The ! l( , 0 j p,. ()cet .ds will be devoted to cliarit a j,] e purposes. The tables will be I i loaded with tempting viands, and the charges light. The public is cordially invited to lend the ladies a helping hand in their laudable enter prise. The Protracted Meeting. result of the protracted meet- ^ The 1 ing that has been m progress at the fw ^ ^ ten JjM , M . e „ in , ht . ,, x . ^ A ^ ^ of ^ ^ eVMiy lk , llomiim . ^ in Akl(l . v ill,.. resulted from the meeting, and the b| . oa() s))irit „ f - Christian charity. manifested bv the combined churches can but result in great good lor cause of religion in Abbeville. Cheap Pates to Albany For For ilx- the round round trio trip ulus plus 25 25 cents cents f„r admission to the chatauqua will | )e effective from all stations on the Columbus, Albany and Fitzgerad divisions, of the (la. and Ala. also on main line West of Helena and East of Omaha. From all other points the rate will be one and one-third fare for the rouml trip, Tickets will be sold March 2(ith. to April 2d 1 FflS inclusive, final limit : three-davs from date of sale. The Thieves Still at l-arge. i •»ns, G. Mehegan and H. T. Mi am president and cashier of the Bank of Abbeville, whoso complete- ' Iv victimis'd ... anti robbed Hr* ^ |u( , n> (Uu) Alll|t . vlUt . ; l( f the hank, are still at large. A i few days after the assignment the : deputy sheriff of the county and Mr. Reynolds, proceetletl to North Caro ; lina with requisition papers for Me | began and Latham. The governor I declined to grant the req'nesition. on f the ground that the papers were not in form or some other technical rea son. The deputy sheriff returned to Georgia ... and ,, lust Similar , L. . 0. Cov ingbm high sheriff of Wilcox county and T. L. Holton .Judge of the county court, lett fpi North Carolina on a similar mission, with faultless P :, i )l ‘ , ~- Mrs. Holton on Tuesday received a telegram from .Judge Holton stating that the governor of X «rth Carolina, had stated to him ... , , ul t.ei Sl • IIH Kn o'mgon a . Mehegan ami Latham lie would grant the reipiisition. Why tlu ‘ desired to notify the thieves before granting the papers for their arrest and extradition is an unsolved mystery, unless it was for the purpose of giving them an op port unity to escape. Nothing has been iieard from the sheriff or .Judge Holton since, tin* telegram referred to. Mehegan the president through his accomplice, cashier Latham made a 1 rniidulcnt assignment of the property of the hank while he was president of it. It ts hoped that tlit* sheriff will he able to arrest bring the criminals to Abbeville for trial, lint the prevalent opinion here is that'they will never again lie seen in this locality. A Fast Steamboat. The Abbeville steamboat E. I>. Lewis is a flyer. In a recent ui!) tin 1 river she made the trip from Bullard’s station (17 miles this side of Macon) to Poor Kobin Spring (at Abbeville) a distance of 200^ miles, in just 12 hours. ... * " Baptist church next , dav morning, the subject will be. “\\ orshiping angels H , on the .... island o Patmos." in the evening the will he --Witnessing for God. " A Painful Operation. Fieri' Fisher the sixteen year-old sou of Gapt. A. K. Fisher, was sub jected to a painful surgical operation last Friday. He was suffering from an abnormal growth of hone on Jiis great toe, and in order to remove it. it became necessary to extract the toe naif. Dr. W. 11. Gouge assisted by Dr. d. D. Maynard performed the operation. Home-SeeKers at Forest Glen. A party of Northern home-seekers arrived at Forest Glen, the site of the Wilcox county colony last week, They were headed by Mr. Hinry Lambert -Jr. of Chicago one of the promoters of the colony movement. Among the visitors were Messrs. ,J. W. Pold. of Mendota III.. Win. Esteixla. of Van Orm 111.. C. Lam licit. Henry Lambert .Jr. and Henry Lambert Sr. of Chicago, and K. J. Freeman, of New York. The party spent several days looking over (In ground, and were greatly pleased with Forest Glen and its varied at tractions. They all declare that they will return in (he autumn with a large number of thrifty people who will swell the number of colonists at Gds delightful location. Beats The Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, Marysville, Tex., lias found a more valuable dis covers' than has yet. been made in the Klondike. For years he suff’er untold agony from consiiniption. accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's \ew Discovery for consumption. coughs counhs and and colds. colds. F He declares that is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure: would have it. even if it cost a hundred dollars bottle. Asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Trial bottles free at the City Drug Store. Regular size 51) cts. and sj.ffff. Guaranteed to cure or price refund ed. J jprofcssfcnal Garda. MAX K. LAND. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. i.-’ - *i Kllcf In llomtk v Uti*(tUuii\ De^ut siivcl. khnMpmcp ‘Phono No. n.\ MlllllV 11,1,1.. t!.\. ku,k..,.>*.vtt». ll.u. Law sox. CI.'TTS & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. onirpon Broad Street, near Fourt House. auhkvim.k. - mkoiuha. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., ’I lAwicir ii t (*<• Si i i > i l , Calls answered promptly, day or night AHHHV1LLE. (1A. City Barber Shop. First Class Work. 11 AIK CUTTISlI IN' A 1,1, STYLUS. 25c. SMAVIXd 1 lie. Fomnif-rot* St.. Opp. Wilkinson’s store. M. P. **KAKS0L, Prop. J mvixs. I’ivs. A. .1. (’ALLAHAX. V. I* . Capital $50,090. Surplus $8,000. First National Bank, LOW l>IC I * 1C. < '■ A . Accounts of Hanks. (‘orporat Ions. Linns jin Individuals Solicited, Follcotlons made. Six percent, ini crest paid on time deposits. Boiler and Machinery Repair Shops. All kinds of boiler and .Machinery repairing. Executed on Short Notice Second Hand Boilers Hought, 4 Sold and i Exchanged ■ r Shops oil IIout-.m .‘drool n-Mf i;nlro;i<l cross) n*' .JONES (.ft ED’ENFI ELD. J’rops. Abbeville ; ; Georgia. A Terrible Accident. Mr. Sam Bradley . watchman at the river bridge of the G. ift A. Hv.. at Abbeville, sustained a terrible ac ( .j ( |cnt last Thursday from which he um.u ukuimy escaped death. In climbing up to the spout of the wa ter tank, a bolt .gave way. and he was precipitated to the ground, a dis tance !!0 feet. His head struck a two inch plank lying on the ground, and tore the scalp for several inches, I exposing the skull. There was no witness to the accident and an hour after its occurance Bradley was discovered iinconcioiis. and welter ing in his blood by an engineer that went to the tank for water for Ins engine. Bradley remained unenn cious for fifteen hours, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. W. If. Googe was finally restored to cou ciotisness and is now recovering. Married. Mr. Abe Mohr of Abbeville and Miss llose Sommer, of Hawkinsville. were married at tlu* home of the bride on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Mohr was the late manager of the Kentucky Whiskey Company,of Abbeville, and has many friends here who will congratulate him on Jiis good fortune. The bride is one of llawkmsville's most charm ing daughters, and is a sister to Messrs. Emanuel, Will and Albert grulillations to bride and .......... Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buck Ion & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly ef fective in the cure of consumption and sick headache. For Malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They ar<' guar anteed to be perfectly free from •every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorat- the system. Regular size 2.7c per box. Sold by lb" Cily 1U .;g Store. ( )r<I« i s for Job Ub'i'lv satisl’acfcoril y Hik’d itt the ('ni{n\n'u, .Job OH'cc. Banks Fail But we have Never Failed . . --T 0 S K L L- Fl I !'l I j f 11 !’(*, StOVCS, Cl'OckCl'V. * . anything * n t&ct in the House-furnishing Line cheaper than can be bought in South Middle Ga. T CJ* 1 t We unhesitatingly recommend the 1808 ! He Produced. Ol We Can also furnigh a Good Wheel at sUtl.tit), Come to see us, BAKER & MELTON. GOING t COST I IIk CONDITION . . . Ol our Large Fall and W inter Stock forces; us to sell lot the next—HU DA VS till ()ur entire stock consisting of • ol the Latest Novelties in Dry Goods. Clothing. Shoes, t apes, Notions. Hats. Caps. etc. at strictly First Coat No Profit charged on anything. WE ARE NOT . . Selling out to leave town, only to reduce our Fall a fid Winter stock, to make room for a larger Spring and * Summer stock, ahead!, diirohased. and to give the trad ing public of Abbeville and surrounding country goods Cheaper than ever before sold in Georgia..... These goods are not Old second hand and Shopworn hut were purchased the first of this season and are all New and Stylish. Come at once, as the "ay we are selling these goods, they -»;!)! not hist long. Yours truly, Lveopold Sommer, n Wrecker of High Prices.” GO TO JL IBrown, BOWEN ST., NEAR DEPOT FOR STAPLE AND FANCY . . GROCERIES . . Prices the Lowest. Quality the Best. Georgia Seed live and Texas Bust Proof Oats A SPEC! A LTV. Country Produce of All Kinds Bought and Sold. ABBEVILLE. GEORGIA Oh! for tli<* Clearance Sale at the German . . 3 1 i Cheap Store | I will Offer my Entire Stock of Merchandise f °r the next 20 days at greatly reduced PtiCeS, tO make POOIT! fOT my Sj3 V\ TIQ^ £tlTCl SLUnrT10E StOCk. Here is an example of what I can do. Iff yds. Sheeting < >/) Iff 3 ’ds. fancy prints ... Iff yds. apron gingham :;5 !!(i inch blecching fir yard (15 Heavy Ticking per yard 05 Heavy pants cloth per yard Iff Skirt lining * ff I Mens Jeans pants 25 Mens fine shoes K5 Ladies fine slippers Iff Childrens shoes 25 Hose per pair 115 Window shades 1* T. GOTTLIEB. Next door to Post Officejc For Handsome Turnouts...... and . . . .Good Horses For Harness or Saddle, call at the LIVFdtY and FEED STABLES of J. H. HAMILTON, DBA VS.. .. run in connection with stable Stables near G. ift A. depot. Abbeville Georgia '■> spools ci Uoa 07 Iffff |)ius iii.ri needles (12 1-J-i Sliii't button-; 05 •">ff envelojx's with pap- r 04 2 pencils 01 12 slate pencils 01 ti large tablet> 05 Shirts 15 Mens all wool suit 2 5(1 Ladies shoes per pair 70 Boys caps 05 Fancy cashmere, per vnr l 10