The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 31, 1898, Image 2

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THE ORGAN WILCOX COUIW. A. K. •►'F.NNINOS, vfejtiTOB. J. 11. MONROE, I'ru.isitBU SCUSCim^TlON KATES, ft I* |7 Wv7n•ivauee. ................ ................ ** 5SS t ^oltriKlir roles fiiml»hBdoiia.|.|illcallmi. oinioNi' i.E Ik uvery ThulSilav, Alihi-vlllf Oh. I'ninmiiriunUons to Insure insertion should reach Hie office not later than 'Moodav. and rniint always be itonompanfed ostiurilv for by the writers signature: not wi publication, hut oh a guarantoc of good faith Forudvertislug rates apply rtr flfiis office. — TELEPHONE NO. 4*. Entoredot the Post Office at Abbeville, Oft ccond-class matter. 'Vll BBSDAY, 1 R A.KCH SI, 1 S 98 . The war cloud continues to darken, "With the probability Tiittt this coun Aiy'jitKl Spain will have a collision before another week rolls around. The populists of Georgia are all at sen for, a leader, since the* decline ( An of florl. Torn Watson to lead Tlirlf firrlorn hope in f the coming con -test for goi^riior. The Albany CliataMpua opened under brighter auspices -f*«.n ever, last Tuesday The new arnd elegant ■auditorium, with a seating capacity -of K. 5 U 0 , Vas tilled do overflowing. Should war orc*'.r between the United States and Spain it would foi'd an opportunity for Georgia n legions of piK! 0 Uuiat 8 sioB(M colonels 4 o win their spurs or fbumhui their meaningless titles. iNfflW’s who habitually buy the Mi ay, corn or meat consumed on,their if Arms are not performing the duties dor which nature intended them. They should enrhaik in a new field •of enfci (A'ise, perhaps «nuny of them would make good soldiers. The religion that makes people -pay their debts; the religion that keeps people from speaking ill of their neighbors; the religion that .makes no distinction between wealth -ajjd poverty ; the relit ion that •people'honest and upright; tlie re ligion that makes mu’ manly and •women womanly the religion that •a part of peoples' iwrv day life, ex emplified in kind deeds, loving .acts, 'Cheering words, is the religion tis needed in the world today.—Ma con County Citizen. Mr. T. C. Taylor, who enjoys military title of Colonel, addressed 41ie citizens •of Wilcox county an ad vocacy of liis contest for representa tive of the Third district in Congress, last Monday at the court house. Tlie Lumen of Toni's speech was a tirade on “corporations, usurers and hun kers.'' lie however failed in liis abuse of “bankers and usurers” to toll liis fnionds, the farmers, that lie is and for several years past lias Been (he attorney and collecting agentefor bunk^iitul corpocalions. Wilcox Superior Court. Tlie spring term of Wilcox Super ior court convened last Monday morning at 111 o'clock. Judge C. C. Smith presiding. The charge to the grand jury was forcible and (Mmprehensile. They; were 011 the docket 149 eases in all. The im*st important case on the docket, to wit: The State vs IV. J. Powell, (charge, murder, was continued for the term on account of the sickness of Judge Turner, of Macon, leading (counsel for llie defense. The recent jail delivery, in which all the prisoners confined in the county jail Escaped, wgl probably enable the ’eolirt to adjourn on Saturday of this week. MiaKc YourO\vb HtiV. It is by no means uncommon td see tanners hauling hay from Ab beville to their farms. 4us' think •of it. Wilcox county -fAemers Vising hay produced in the West ’H ft (fost of twenty dollars per ton. If there IB' fthy ‘’product of tlK“si>il that the farmer should raise at home, where grass is a spontaneous growth, it is hay.Thcf.-Winers should not only raise ■hay for 'their own eoiisuinpDoiL ' but ■ should make it one of their moffey ijnwlucMtg crops. The farmer who raises his own supplies at home Is the man who is most independent prosperous. Such farmers are not eternally in debt and harassed-to wRti -mortgages. School Children’s Outing. Misses Clyde Melton and Mamie teachers in Hie Public school of Abbeville. gave their 'respective classes a rare treat 'last Saturday, at Half Moon Hluir <m the Oemulgce ,IV<1 ' 11 lll ^ < ' distant lroni town. ! Iw * ,mlm ' uir * :w ^‘ ;n " i,l ‘ ,l "‘ P er ." fume of wild II iwers. doubtless gave rise to the happy thought to take the children to (lie woods on the margin ol the river, where, they could romp, irolic and gather honey suckl^ jesamiue. lilies and violets to their hearts content, Rout rid ing 'Was one of (lie special delights enjoyed by the teachers and the children under their charge. The day was an auspicious one, the weather being fair, the wealth of flowers profuse, and the tepipefu ture delightful. They will long re member the oeeasioii as one of rare and unulloyi d pleasure. Shot From Ambush. James Chambers, a white living at “Rock File,” in Pulaski county, was shot from ambush by an unknown party last Sunday night, sustaining painful blit not fatal .wounds. It seems that the would ! be assassin started a fire near Olintn •her’* barn, and discharged his gun | to attract the farmer's attention. The ruse was successful, and Cliam- 1 bers .hurried to the spot to tx tinginsli the lire. As he stooped | down to get a brush to fight the I flume, .the .assassin who was conceal efl near- by, discharged one barrel of liis shot gun at Chambers, who fell to tlie ground, when the other barrel was fired, the charge taking effect in his back. Fortunately, thy gun was loaded with bird shot, lienee the hope for his recovery. Tlte m .-.tasin escaped. Chambers, according to tlie CmtoNier.K's information, is a dangerous man, and lead threatened the life of a negro in his neighbor hood. The supposition is that was this negro who made the mur derous assault. The Anditors Finding in the Russeli vs Mohr-Weil Case. D. B. Nicholson, auditor in tlie damage suit of A. R. and M. A. Russell vs. The Mohr-Weil Co., has snbmitted his finding Judge C. C. Smith; in which Russell is awarded the shingle mill and all the machinery, (except such as was supplied by the Mohr-Weil Lumber Company, who have for several years had possession of the mill property,) and $4,750 damages. The defendants will doubtless except to the Auditor's finding, when the case will be submitted to a jury, the ease then in all probability will go to tlie Supreme Court for final adjudication. McRae District. The McRae District Conference will convene at Abbeville, Wednes day. April 20, at 3 p. m. intro ductory sermon, by Rev. J. M. Lovett, at 7:30 i\ m Pastors will prepare written reports itemized as Discipline directs. Conference col lege representatives will receive a cordial welcome. Hope to hear from Wesleyan Christian Advocate editors. Conte anil help us. Final ly, brotbren. be sure and bring bishop's fund. H. It. McGeuke. P. E. It is now generally understood that Hon. E. R- Lewis will bo op jMised in liis raoe for Congress by Col. T. C. Taylor of Hawkitisville, Judge Allen lovt of Amerieus. Col. W. S. Th. ’ttpson of Cordele and C. S. .Gray of Fort Valley.—Unadilhi Advertiser. It is equally ns well understood that the unwritten law in Georgia, is that a represetiliVo who lias tilled his first term lit congress with fidelity and ability shall Ire returned for a second term lion. E. B. Lewis has been fnithtul to his trust, always alert to the rcpnii'cmciits of liis ex alted position, especially careful of tlie interests of his constituents, and the wclffttV of tile country at large, Uis zeal in the performance of his duty, his fidelity to liis trust, - the conspicuous abilit«v. as demon strated in liis first term, all appeal to hts appreetative eonstitueuts, who will, in token of their appreciation of his splendid record, honor him by returning him to Congress by a large majority. Orders for vlob iVork Sdtisfaotorilv at the CHfteNiciiR Job OHiee. ABBEVILLE GRADED A HIGH SCHOOLS. curriculum of the Graded .School will extend to the 7th grade and in the High School te> tlx- Junior class in the leading colleges. - A GLASS IN PEDAGOGICS —— Teaching teachers how to teach is a specialty of the Abbeville School The tuition will lie free to all persons within the school age residing in the School district and receiving instruction in grades 1 to 7. inclusive. Tuition for pupils residing outside the School district, in grades 1 to 7, inclusive, 50c per month when 1 public funds follow. Tuition for pupils in Stli grade. $1.50; and in !>th and 10th grades * 2 50 p ,. r mont |,. Fall t"rm will open Monday. Sepl. | For further information address J. R. Monroe president of ti'llS tees, or R. J. Prentiss, Principal, Abbeville, Ga. Sunday School Picnic. The Sunday School class of Miss Nettie I)can composed of young peo ple, who represent the flower of Ab beville society, enjoyed u delightful picnic at the ■ ‘Free Ferry' across Oemulgce river, a mile distant from Abbeville, last Saturday. The day was well chosen. The weather be ing mild and lmliny, and the location selected for the picnic, is an ideal one. The banks of the river at the ferry are lined with large umbrageous forest trees beneath whose shadows wild flowers in great variety and color abound, and in a shady dell near the ferry, bubbles the crystal waters of a never-failing spring. The day was spent in roaming the woods, gathering flowers, boating and fishing When the ‘‘cloth was spread,” under the shade of 5hi* trees, a most tempting repast, in cluding fish fresh from the river, was enjoyed with zest. Legal Advertisements. SHHR1FP SaLES FOR APRIL. G BORGIA. WILCOX COUNTY- Will lie soul before the Court house door, in the Town of Abbeville, said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in'April, 1898, the following described property, to-wit: One house and lot in the town of Lulaville, said county, said lot containing 100 x 1(H) feet, the same being part of lot of land No. 296 in the 4th district of said county, formerly known as the A C Swift place. l»y virtue of a county court ti fa in favor of li and M Waterman vs .V C and U E Wilcox. This March 7th IW*. Also at the same time and place will l*c soM the following property, to-wit: i : : of land No. 261 in the 3rd district, of Wilcox county, levied on as jho properly of \v F Monroe, .1 U Monroe, agent, to satisfy state and ti fa for the year 1897. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: 20 acres of land in a square in the southwest corner of lot No. 198 in the 1st district of Wilcox county, levied on as the property of A J Bowen to sat isfy a tax ti fa for state and county tax for the year 1897. Levy made by W A Goble L C’. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in block <> of the Oemulgce Erick Co.'s survey in the town of Abbeville, Wilcox county, Ga., levied on as the property of J It Monroe to satisfy a tax li fa for state and county tax for tlie year 1897. Levy made and returned to me by W A Coble 1 c» Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: Town lots Nos. 10 and 11 of the Drury Reid Survey of the town of Abbeville, as the property of K 11 Williams, agent for wife, to satisfy n tax fi fa for the year 3897. Levy made and returned to me by W a C oble 1 o. Also at the same time add place will be sold the following property, to-wit: 2 acres of land in the northeast corner of lot No. 196 in the 1st district of Wilcox county, levied on as the property of.) M McDowell agent for Elizabeth Johnson to satisfy a state and county tax ti fa for the year 1897. Levy made and returned to me by W a ( ’oble 1 cb Also at the same time arid pla60 will be sold the following property, to-wit: 1(10 acres of land in a square in the northeast corner of lot No. 20 in the 1st district of Wilcox county as the property of J R Monroe agent for Fannie V. Monroe guardian for L E Reid td satisfy a tax ti fa for state and county tax for the year 1897. Levy made by W a Coble 1 c. Also at the same, time arid place will be sold the following property, to-wit: 50 acres of land lying in a square in the southwest cottier of lot of land No. 194 in the 1st district of Wil cox county. levied on as the ptop0id,v of S N Mitchell, agent for T I Mftchfell'ft children, to satisfy a tax ti fa for state arid county tax for the year 1897. Levy made and returned to me by W a Coble 1 c ti Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property to-wit; Lot No. 24 of the Drury Reid Survey of the town of Abbe ville. sold as tlie property of J D MUynard agent tor L M Maynard to satisfy a tax U fa for state and county tax for the year 1897v Levy made and returned to me by W a Coble 1 c. Also at the same time and place Will be sold the following property, to-wit: 30 acres of land lying in the northeast corner of tot NO, 168 in the 1st district Wiicox county levied on as the property of W V. Smith to satisfy a tax li fa for state and county tax for Uve year 1897. Levy made and returned to nio by W a Goble 1 c. * ls °»f the same time and place win H’ «ohi the following property, lo-wtt: 10) acres in a Mi imre m the northeast corner of tot of land No. 29o in the 4th district of Wilcox county to t'o 'old as the property of Pannle K Monroe. guardian for s r Retd, to saiisq u state and couuty tax fi fa for the year 1897. LeVy made by W a ('oble 1 c. Also at the same time and place Will be sold ' the following property, to-wit: Town lot No. | 82 of the Drury Reid Survey, of the town of .\bbeville, levied on as the. property of Harry A, ' on * to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and comm : tax forthevear is.*7. LcvyAbadb ilhd returned i to me b\* W a Coble I c. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: Itlock H of the Abbeville Land and Improvement company in the town of Abbeville. Wilcox county, Ga., and described as follows, bounded on the north by 4th street, east by Depot street, .south by ad street, on the west by Church street, levied on as the property of .J L Googe, agent for the Ab beville Land and Improvement Co., to satisfy a state and county tax ti fa for the year 1897. Levy made and returned to me by W a Coble 1 c. Also at the same time and place will lie sold the following property, to-wit: 50 acres of land lot No. 15)5 1st district Wilcox county, said 50 acres lying south of the G A A railroad in the southwest corner and running far enough east to make the 5o acres, levied on as the property of Pink P .Johnson to satisfy a state and county tax li fa for the year 1897. Levy made by W A Coble 1 c. Also at the same time f$ad place will Vie sold the following property, to-wit: Forty-five “rc* of i:llld '.vingin the sa district or wiicox county, the same being a part of lot No. 215 situated on the cast side of said lot, sold as Hie property of .1 a Grimsley to satisfy a mortgage li fa issued from Wilcox Superior court in favor of 1 W Hopson for the use of E Sommer vs .1 a* Grimsley, property pointed out in said li fa. Also at the same time and place will lie sold the following property, to-wit Lots of land Nos. 248. 28:), 23S and 222, all lying and being in the 8th district of Wilcox epumy, Ga. Levied on as the property of A K Fisher to satisfy a mortgage ti fa issued from Wilcox Superior count, in favor of Henjamin Graham vs a K Fisher Property pointed out in said mortgage tv r> Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit:—commencing at 105 feet from the right of way of the G A a railroad on the west side of Reid street front ing said street t>0 feet. and 100 feet west the same lying in the town of Abbeville, being a part ot lot 108 in the 1st district of Wilcox county, levied on as the property of J K Ho wen to satisfy a tax ti fa for state and county tax for the year 1807. Levy made and returned to me by W a Goble 1 c. L. C. Covington, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, Wiicox county. There will be sold before the court, house door in Abbeville, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in a ihi*iI next, within the legal hours sale, to the highest bidder for cash, under and by virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Dooly county, Ga . application having been made to said court by reason of the disqualification of John M Warren, one of the administrators, toe following property belonging to the estate of Thos. Warren late of Wilcox county, deceased: Lot of land No. 22, in the Twelfth district of Wilcox county, Georgia, containing 202*4 acres, more or less, of which about 30 acres are in cultivation, and has thereon all necessary houses. Lot of land No. 27, in the Twelfth dis trict of Wilcox county, Georgia, containing 20214 acres move or less. One block, not num bered, in the town of Rochelle, Ga., containing three acres, more or less,, bounded north by Third avenue, east by Gordon street, south by Fourth avenue and west by Ashley street, known as the Thos. Warren place, containing all of said block except a small part in the southeast corner, belonging to W. J. I. Reviere, together with a six-room frame building there on. barn and other outhouses. To be sold as the property of the estate of Thos. Warren, de ceased for the purpose of paying-the debts due by said Thos. warren. This 9th day of March. UWtS. J. M. warren, •G. w. Holliday, Administrators of Thos. warren, deceased. ■ Notice of Sale. ]>y virtue of a power of attorney contained in a certain mortgage executed by Mary Clark to Cutts and Lawson and D li Nicholson on the 22 day of March, 3897, and recorded in book J, pages 337 and 838, in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Wilcox county, we will sell by public outcry before the court house door in Abbeville, Ga., during tlie legal hours of sale on Tuesday the 5th day of April, 1898, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described land, to-wit:-The west one-half of that tract or parcel of land in the town of Ab beville, Wilcox county, Ga., being one-half acre, more or less, and being distinguished in tin 1 plat of said town as lot No. 38 and being the one-half of said lot facing 52 y % feet on Tarheel street, bounded on the east by the lands of Harris, and on the west by the lands of the late A Y Deaton estate. Said sale to satisfy said mortgage. This March 1st 1898. Cutts rc Lawson. D. D. Nicholson, It 3 St A ttys, for Mary Clark. Citation. G lb OR G1 A—\Y ilco x co u n t v. To all whom it may concern-:—James brophy ariministrator of M J Dropby, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the lxt Monday in April next. This March 7th, 1898. John M. Warren, Ordinary Administrator’s Sale. Umter and by virtue of an order issued from the court of Ordinary of Stewart county Geor gia, will be sold before the court house door in the town of Abbeville, Wilcox county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April next the following described property a certain town lot situated in the town Abbeville in Wilcox county, fronted on the by street leading from court house, south House creek, being 50 feet front by 150 feet back. Said property belonging to the es of R F Watts, and sold for the purpose of the debts of said os tab ’• Terms cash. 10-41 It. II. Watts. Administrator. Can’t be Convinced that the, 'J • Mi Gan wipe her off the Face of the Earth But we can convince you very easily that wo sell cheaper than any body in the county Just by our prices. Ladies Tail Oxfords 87c. Children's Oxfords 03c. Raliy Shoes 10c. Men's Satin Calf Shoes 83c. l’ani wide Rleeching 41c. 10 yardn Calico 29c. Hoys Pants 12c. Thimbles lc. Paper Tacks lc. Cigars lc. Snuff 3c. Memo Rooks lc. Men's Nice Straw ilats 43e. We have a very pretty line ot Summer Dress Goods, Straw Mats, Ribbons, Lace, Embroi deries, Etc., all at a cut price. Out Price Store, A. F. CHURCHWELL&CO COMMERCE ST. ■ ! ABBEVILLE, GA. EUREKA - HOTEL 0 PROSIT*] DEPOT—GA. & ALA. RY. Accommodations First Class in Every Particular. S P LASSETER, Proprietor. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS. MACON. GEORGIA. High Grade Machinery, Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills. MOTE. Have lately made extensive additions to our already well equipp *» ed Boiler Shops, making it tlie most Complete Boiler Manufacturing Plants in the Southern States Schofield’s premium Stresses In the Lead for Sixteen Years. Anything in the machinery line supplid at '»opular prices. Full and complete stock of Iron Pipe, Bar Iron, Boiler -whe. Steam Pumps, In jectors, Inspirators, Valves, Belts, Etc., always «n hand. Deal the fliamifactorer Direct and Ssm Ssente’ Comaisslous. J. S. Schofields Sons & Co., ffflacoit, Georgia. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective Deeiemher 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. No. 19. N 17. 'fni h'° 4°m 7 45 p m 7 a m lv Savannah 12.04 am a m ar Helena at- «.40 ,, m 3 ., m ' J 00 a m P m ar Abbeville »«■ S511 pm 2 am 2 15 a m ]> m ar l-'ordelb »<■ 4 45 pm 1 am' 3 15 a m li 1> m ar Amerleus nr CliK :m p m 12 am' 4 14 a m K p m ar Kicnland ar 4(1 p m 11 p m 8 00 a m OC l'mar Montgomery 1\ 45 a m 7 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3- No. 1.* iy 0i 1 * M A 8 10 p m lo 05 a m lv Columbtts fti - 5 *?0 i> m 12 <H) m l! 1 R \i ban*? tv t ?o 8 50 m 1 30 P m ar p m 5 w am FITZGERALD DIVISION. No. 9 No. 7. Nb. 8. No. 10.............. » S3 p m 7 IS ft m tv Abbeville ar 12 is p m li no pm.......... (I 55 p m li IS a m nr Fit tawrnld ar 11 is a m a 4S p m ....... 7 25 p m 10 00 a m nr Ocitta !v lit so a m 8 oo p m............ SouS Kan°«uy and * ,hr0 " 6h c0acl,es bet ' We " Atlanta anil Albany In connect Ion 'wVth CONNECTIONS. I (icilia. At Cordele with (i. S. .V R R. K. No. 4 north S' V N'ewSimn i' nM 1 w '.? tA Kltaiterald Hivlalon and for Albany and Columbus. At Montgomery with t. .V ‘firSima for ° 1 a s ,lnd ,)e rond. for Ilir mtngbam and the north, also with w. Ky. ot Alabama. TRAIN NO. 17. connects at Savannah with I’laiu System ano v c. A z. R. K At Helena wit h southern ily No lit south bound and No. IS north booml At Abbe, . ferald and OcuQa. At Cordele with G. S. *& F. R. R. No. 1 south boim'd and \o r> •> north i r At Rieh TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L A- \ .frAm i and from t,lc north, also with Western Ry. of Alabama AtY'ordek^vtlh from*Selma VI \i eans (’oUtmlxt* and Atlanta, also fur Albany, uh '' * -)■ l»vtslon for Valdosta. At Abbeville for l-'itagemtd ind Ocllla At'V, „ No 5 for TlHon and At ' i’. Railroad. ""b Plant System and K. c. A TRAIN NO. 20. Connects Alabama*from at Montgomery with C v ^ Orleans , and from north also with Western Ky. of Selma ti llelen? rordem lhe south bound. bound. At savannah At Abbeville with Plant for FitaRcrald System. P. and ()c 11a' At wlth 1 th ek'I. So ”fhern By. * • No. E - v 14 - south x<> - s! Elegant Buffet c * p ft n hii ,0 ?, m ers Parlor Cars on TrainsNos 0 K 11 ami a " d i* **■ i' 1 Palace , ' Sleeping Cars Nos. HI and 211. on Trains X. RIGHT Ysslstant Genl ' TfcU GAlliiKTT. Vice President «ttaa°S[l , JuiS^' i ‘‘ ,, ^ , “ :,8er Agent ' Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.” Tvt»e<al 'X'i Tklblt >;« (5 3 . . H. H. TIFT, President. NO. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 ifssgass:- IV tgSr A. M. leave 8 8 8 00 0 3 8 8 15 F 3 e 8 25 8 F 3 &35g 4 F 3 3 9) .fi 4 4 9 13 20 4 4 9 30 25 ARRIVE L. system and Ocorgta Southern and Florida at TitionMintHh!? »“'■ %„t Miles. General Offices:" Georgia I effective )eocmber lOtik I MO'?'. TIFTON. RRIGHON HA K DING PIN ETTA FLETCHER, MYSTIF. FITZGERALD. w. 0. TIFT, Vice Presided Miles. ARRIVE -i m. p. m; p 26 12 15 fi 25 (T 20 12 00 fi jo i.-t 1 17 11 51 0 01 U7 11 11 31 5 41 177 9 11 25 5 35 LEAVE r r > 11 5 23 iC 7. 0 11 00 5 10 *0. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8