The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 31, 1898, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS GATHERED HERE AND THERE, IN CITY AND COUNTY. Vine line of plush eapes at re dueed prices. L. Sommer. Poor Robin Spring ih a popular re sort just ni >w. Fine pickled Mullet, three for quarter, at McLeod & Co.'s Ooi. A. IV. Dodson, of Americus, was in town attending court this week. Miss Lena Wells of Rochelle, is visiting friends in Abbeville. Fresh North Carolina pinders for sale at F. S. Oliver’s. Mrs. Belle Little and little daughter have returned from a pro tracted visit to relatives in Kastman. Finest line of embroideries, laces and embrorderied handkerchiefs st L Sommer's. Mr. K. S. bod), who lias been ab sent on business for several weeks, returned last Thursday. For Fancy and Family Groceries call on J. A. Paxstm, Wells ing, phone 70. Notice the change of “ad" of the Cut Price Store, it will interest you. All goods at reduced rates to make room for a big spring stock at L. Sommer’s. Gottlieb has something in this issue that will interest you. A. I. Webb & Co. keep a large line of bats and can please you in style and price. Hon. J. J. Dennard, of Edna, was attending court tins . , in town wees. Misses Ida Marehant and Flossie Watts, two charming young ladies of Tnwood, spent yesterday with Miss Jennie McMillan. The biggest line of hats and shoes at reduced vric(S at L. Sommer’s. McLeod & Co. are sole agents in Abbeville for the celebrated Le Pan to cigars. The handsome residence of Mr. J. Little on Broad street is nearing Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injures, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using BeWitts Witch Hazel Salve, It is the great pile remedy. For sale by City Drug Store. Ail the indications point to a bountiful fruit crop in this vicinity season.. Whooping cough is the most dis tressing malady; but its duratian can be cut short by the use of One Min ute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. For sale by City Drug Store. The steamer K. B. Lewis has been recentl} overhauled and is now ready for excursion parties. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and bilious ness? Thousands experience who could become perfectly by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills, fov sale by City Drug Store.. Dr. J. B. Smith, left yesterday to locate pet’minently at Fitzgerald. where lie will pursue the practice of his profession. Tiie usual bright array of legal talent from neighboring towns is in attendance on Wilcox Superior court this week. Don't annoy others by your cough ing, and risk your life by nelecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. For sale by City Drug Store. Prof. W. N. Smith, principal of the Vidalia High School, visited his sister Mrs. M. L. Lawson last Satur day, and returned to Vidalia Sun day afternoon. Go to A. I. Webb & Co. and buy Smith’s shoes, they are the best. rOnce you wear them you will have no other. Mr. Emanuel Sommer, of Haw kinsville, is in town for a few days visit Mr, Sommer has a host of friends In Abbeville who are always glad to Xvelcome. him. Notice of Dissolution. I have this day sold my m the stock and fixtures of the Cen trsl Drug Co., to Mr. J. L. Pittman, he assuming all liabilities and col lecting all indebtedness due the ■above firm. Respectfully, W. A. CHKUilV. March 21 st 18 b'. After u protracted absence on business trip, Mr. A. B. Russell again at home. Alter years of untold from piles, B. W. pursel of nersviile, Pa., was cured by using a (8ing | t . huX of De yy llt - S Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as co I rash, pimples and obstinate - ! sores are readily cured by this «us remedy. For sale by City Drug Store, Dr. A. B. Koval, of Warwick, in town this week attending Superior court. Dr. Royal has and ever will retain a warm place in* the hearts the people of Abbeville. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough or croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been administered. Safe and harmless for children, for sale bv Citv IW • ~ - c (m .„ * ,,r Y\ e are anxious . , to do , little good a m this world and can think of no j pleasanter by recommending or better One way Minute to do it Cough than i (Jure as a preventive of pneninonm, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. For sale, .by City Drug Stove. 1 he pastor and congregation of the Methodist, church performed graceful act in attending service j * n !l body at the Baptist church last j Sunday night. ! There are three little things that do more work than any other three little things created—they are the ant, the bee and Do Witt’s Little Risers > tllfe la st being the j famous little ,J pills for stomach and , |iv( , r tl . oui)k p m . sale by <j ity I Drug Store. j Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. i ! The best salve in the world for I Luts. Bruises, . Sores. , L leers, halt | Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, j ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all j i Skin Eruptions, and positively cures ] Piles, or no pay required. It is | I guaranteed to give perfect satisfac ition or money refunded. Price 2b j cents per box. For sale by the j City Drug Co. j A Clever ______ Trick. : | It certainly looks like it, but there j is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who lias lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Elec tric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimu lant to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic, it cures consumption, headache, faint ing spells, sleeplessness and melan choly. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores he sys tern to its natural vigor. In Elec trie Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Etery bottle guaranteed. Only obc a hot tie at the City Dmg Stoic. •> ------ ' 7 Repubiican Mass Meeting. i (communicated.) j j$ mTOtt C’iiko.vxolk:— Please allow us space in V columus foi . Hie following p,nnoiilick* . 1 , neu t : A meeting of the republicans of Wilcox county was held at the court house in Abbeville on the 28th, in stant for the purpose of electing elective officers to serve for the next four years. 13. Blackshear was c |, osen ;ls chairman, and J. T. Pow j ul „ tV easurer | ’ R 11K< .. . harmonious | “ throughout, trusting that God . will ... be with us in all our deliberations and future undertakings. Respectfully yours, S. T. Dixon. See. AbbvillaGa. M arch 20th. 1808. Millions Given Away. • It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be gener ous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and j colds, have given away over ten mil i trial bottles of this great medi ; lion cine: and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured tliou sands of hopeless , eases. Asthma. , .. bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseas es of the tliroat. eliekt and lungs are Wc,.....)•*«. surelv cured bv it. Call on the City »<*'■»*«* j Regular size ode. and 81.00 ibottle guaranteed, or price re 2 (• ;; Abbeville Normal Institute. j County School Commissioner , Y. Bowen is in receipt ot recent j tors from members of the faculty the Normal Institute of Jasper j w |)ich is to couie to Abbeville I fal p All the letters contain cheering dings of bright prospects for opening of the Institue in j her. They _ hope to open the j term with ut least one hundred ulates from abroad, with a , of hundred before the one more close of the session. There is every reason to hope that the Abbeville Normal Institute will be a great * uccess U, ‘‘ start ; a Northern Lady’s Opinion Of Ab beville And South Georgia. hirst, , last , and , always , the , climate ia tl,e P ,i,,cl F k ‘ consideration coming from » st ate where the mm is in habit of wearing a thick veil, 1 , ,,, .,i weeks L m „„„ succession, • . 1 . by , the , short- . " R l ’ e u " I1U cornea cst route Irom the North 1’ole, the days and weeks of perpetual sun - shine atul the balmy atmosphere that makes the months ot January and February as pleasant as May, call forth most enthusiastic praise. South Georgia with its dry at mospliere ami almost perpetual suu shine possesses one great advantage in being easy to reach from all parts of the North and East, and for this reason ought to be a mecca for hun dreds of invalids, who if compelled to breath the icy atmosphere of those states, must yield to the iron fetters of consumption, catarrh or bronchtis. We are glad to know that a few Northern and Eastern people are opening their eyes to the adigmtnge of this country as a health resort. T 1 ’ 1 ■»? “'f »» *'““}> that will be duplicated and doubled ni » x t; year. For the verdict of every one is, that, large doses of sunshine are more beneficial than small doses <R Lod Li\er Oil. and each invalid who returns to bis Northern home restored to health will be an object ] esson to other invalids, who in time will want to avail themselves of the benefit of a more genial clime. So they are coming, and many of (hem will become so enamored of the beauty and salubrity of this section of the "Sunny South” that they will* wm* to locate here, I he Northern vistoer asks, why not at Abbeville? echo-answers, why! Will you permit the writer to an swer the above question that is not only being asked by the Northern visitors but by the residents also, giving the reason as she sees it from her standpoint, which is this. The Southern towns are not attiactive to Northern and Eastern people. Although in the Northern and Eastern states, there are only six months at the most out twelve in w |deh people can work out of doors a|1 q Hie same time in which trees and ( ,t)ier forms of vegetation can grow every town of any consequence has its p al j cs adorned by the most beautiful Hie country affords, with flowers - in abundance, and a carpet of smooth shaven grass so cool to the tired feet. $ 0 vestful and refreshing to the weary eye. To be sure the beauty of flowers, "'‘rob. and tree ia spoHed by the Hi si September irost, but that does not matter, they have been a “thing of beauty for at least, three months, and that compensates for all the money and labor expended. From infancy to age the eye of the native of the North, rests either upon the ‘‘beautiful snow” pure and white, or upon green lawns or meadows. And nothing can lie more drdtiry and deso late to him, than the bare yards, and especial)’ the low and bleak public squares of the Southern towns. A friend of the writer located in the South some time ago, and was much pleased with the country, wrote home in great distress, (is we don’t have any ywv here, we supposed the grasses would grow, and replied have a green yard if you have to plant it with cow peas, anything in the world to re lieve barrenness. With the private yards however we have nothing to do, but a public square i.s *. matter of interest to everybody. And the writer can see wonderful possibilities in the one at Abbeville, I 11 the first place it is large enough for the size of the town. In the second place there are al ready a few trees in it. Tuc writer is very audacious hut she wonders why all the palmettos. the magnificent magnolia, not s[K . a]{ of J . u .„ ( . nuulher s of other beautiful evergreens, arc allowed to “waste their beauty on the ' air.' j t in ,„ v minds eve. ]n the first place it is enclosed with a ««t fence for proteetion. Then the beautiful sparkling' wa ter of artesian well would be eon | veved to the out side where it would be'of easy access to the public. I Then the river banks must yield Nip | a share of their wealth of ever greens, a few persimmons, pomnie granite, tigs etc, might lie added to advantage. The young pine saplings could be converted into pretty summer houses, which when furnished with seats and covered with the lovely native honey suckle and other would make exquisite lolling places for Northern invalids, 1 say North ern; because l infer that there are no Southern invalids, ! have not yet seen one at least. Then a carpet of grass or clover that remains green the year round would complete the little paradise, which if it could be trusferred to the North would be worth a mint of money. Abbeville stands as a gate way to a lr . u , t of beautiful country. Its hills and valleys, its river and springs, its cheap farms its easily cultivated soil, its wells of pure soft water, ’ should offer attractions not only , ,j to the , . invalid, but to the home sc , ( u , r But very much depends up on first impressions. and the North ern and Eastern traveller should not 1,0 condemned because lie shows a decided preference for the towns that show the most thrift and enter prise, and know how to make the i most of tlioir natural advantage. Abbeville lias the advantage over many other towns in this section in its proximity to the Ocmnlgce river. Who ever heard of a health resort becoming popular that did not have as one of its attractions, a stream or of water. The Oemulgee is not only useful as a means of transportation to the Atlantic, and as a reiidozvon for the devotee of the hook and line but the beauty and novelty of the grey moss covered tiees intermin gled with magnificent evergreens which cover its banks are most pleas ing to the stranger. Another attraction is that marvel of beauty, Poor Konbiti Spring, with its pure sparkling health restoring water, over leaned by its comic look ing old cypress trees. I realize that 1 am making tiiis article too long, but I should de fraud myself out of a great pleasure, were I to fail to speak of iny opinion of the residents of this section of the South. I do not hold a monopoly on this opinion of mine, for 1 discover that it is a universal one that a more gen ial. large hearted, whole smiled peo are nowhere to be found. And are really are very much in love with them, for receiving us so kindly and making our brief stay with them so pleasant. Imogeiie. SProfessional Cards. MAX E. LAND, attorney-at-law. {3P“Of!lec in llendlcy llnililini;- Depot street. Residence ’Rhone No. 05. AIIIIMVH.LK, OA. KLDHIDGE < 'b'TTS. Hal Lawhon. CU'I’TS & LAWSON, attorneys-at-law. Office on Kroacl Street, near Court House. Ahhkyi LLTL G KoItOl A. W. R. GOOGE, M. D. I ’ ! t % - 1 -; i o i f i 1 , « 1 1 1 , Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. City Barber Shop. First Class Work. ll,VItl CUTTISd IN AM, STYLUS, 25c. SHAVING 10c. Commerce st.. opp, Wilkinson's stove. M. P. "EAliSOL, Prop. ,j. L. Bivins, i’rcs. A..IH 'AI>LA» AN, V. B r '.'. .J. Bivins, Cashier. Capital $50,000. Surplus $8,000. First National Bank, COIv’l )ICIvIC, (1A. Accounts of Hank*, corporations, Finns an tpdlvldunls Solicited. Collections made. Six percent, interest paid on time deposits. Boiler and Repair Shops. k j 1 R i s ( ',f },„i] c . r and Machinery repairing. Executed on Short Notice ^LL^yORK (GUARANTEED. Second Hand Boilers s’,1,1"and 'lp'ii-n-d- k v F" r •“»<»••*?<* “~ r ri,i " ra,, Abbeville r : Georgia, ; fe& 3f. •ANKS gssaaa h H K m,- AIL r) . W0 -< ilclVe lN0V0r , C ULtlleCl *1 K . . T H L I____ * -ft 0 S Fmnifme, Stoves, Crockery. In fact anything in the House-furnishing Line cheaper than can be bought in South Middle Ga. 1.3 i o v cleisl W unhesitatingly recommend the 1898 /e JL 9 A As The That Being Be Best Produced. Can 01 We Can also l urnigh a (rood Wheel at $:•}».()(). Come to see us, BAKER <5c MELTON. GO Nt LSI T A 'til. it'.j a rex RSHBU it T VEX J X tturfciDTOotwo' (u*»aaij>v.-»ireio«.»r3'.^.v at*. taste* |jp Of our barge Kail and Winter Stock forces us to sell for V (he next.—(10 DAYS GO—Our entire stock consisting, of 4*8.250 worth of the Latest Novelties in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes Capes, Notions, Hals. Caps. etc. at strictly First Cost—No Profit charged on anything. WE ARE NOT . . Selling out to leave town, only to reduce our Fall and Winter stock, to make room for a lamer Spring and Summer stock, alreadL dtirchased, and to give the trail ing public of Abbeville and surrounding country goods Cheaper than ever before sold in Georgia..... * These goods are not Old second hand and Shopworn hut were purchased the first of this season and are all New and Stylish. Come at once, as the nay we are selling these goods, they will not last long. Yours truly, Leopold Sommer, « i Wrecker of High Prices. t » GO TO AA* JL Brown * BOWEN ST., NEAR DEPOT, FOR STAPLE AND FANCY . . GROCERIES . . Prices the Lowest. Quality the Best. Georgia Seed I’ve and Texas Rust Proof Oats A SPECIALTY. Country Produce of All Kinds Bought and Sold. ABBEVILLE. GEORGIA S pring eason r) F have Just Received a Large Shipment of Spring; hih! Summer Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks, Shoes, Denis Furnishings, Millinery, Fie. Standards are the Highest, I Qualities Undeniable, . „ . Prices Always Reasonable. i Have None But. I > 1 • . I offer nothing that can disappoint and am rewarded by the confidence and patronage of a generous public. gome inspect my large stock. Be.nembor 1 am " LEADER !N LOW PRICES. ) l T. GOTTLIEB, Next door to Post Office. For Handsome Turnouts and .... Good Horses For Harness or Saddle, call at the LIVERY and FEED STABLES of J. H. HAMILTON, DRAYS.. .. run in connection with stable' Stables ueuvG. & A. depot. Abbeville Georgia