The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 31, 1898, Image 4

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Apple Trer*. Apple trees are allowed to grow I' o much wood and are not cut 1 a ’k mffi oiently in some orchards. < no of tho leading horticulturists states that large apple tree requires more room than a forest tree, and in some rases it may be necessary to cut away three fourths of each tree so as to aflord plenty of room for all and admit air and sunlight. The Modern Generat ion of Men. Physically men are better today than evor MeSly •r°-..........*-’ m So"k ll.-r'voua,' 'T T^Yrnrim th.’y ami it.....*!, n.»y never bernmo ........ • s'-a'ly Ii”’"”..... their strength and n Him** tranquility to the nervous Hystcm (>y tlm ofliHeut aid of Hostel tor'rt Hbmwli Bitters, whlclv also removes malarial, kidney, dyspeptic Mill bUllous trouble. George M. Pullman'« library In bis < hleago house contained 5W volumes appraised at *240.24, The other contents of the library were appralsfld at *10.230. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2&o. Some husbands never think of telling ih-lr wives anything until after they have found it out for themselves. Don’t Tobacco Kflt ami Kmoke. TosrI.lfo Away* To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic. lull of life, nerve and vigor, tako No-To liac, the wonder worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, AOc or VI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Tho trouble market Is easy and it can always be borrowed at low rates. I>(‘ufiicss Cannot Curerl by local applIcntlcUH, ns they cannot, reach ihe dismiHed portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure iJcafii' H-, and Hint Ih by constltu llonal remedicH. DenfiwHH iH caused by an in named cornl ltd on of tho mucous lining of the Kustaclilan f rub«. When this tube gets lu ll lined you have a rumbling sound or Irnper lent hearing, and wlum It is entirely luilam- closed Deafness is the result and unless the iriatlon can be tak< n out and tills tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed lort ver. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing blit an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not he cured by Hall’s ('atari b Cure. Send for circulars, fro it Toledo, (). K .1. ( UENEV CO., Hold by Druggists, Too. Hull’s Family Pills aro the best. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous jfiass alter first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Bento re r. $3 trial bottlcand treatise free. Du. It. II. Kune, Ltd., toll Arch St., Piiila., Pa. I can roeommeml P1 h*/h <-uro forPojiBomp atlOM to HI i fit ire i'm from Asthma.- F. I). Town fcENb, Ft. Howard, \\ Ih , May 4, JMM. ]\1 rp. Winslow'’.-. Soothing Syrup forchildren teething, softens thegumf. reduces inflaiiiiitH tiou, allays j»ain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Trudies will soon be cultivated on scientific principles and aro likely to become cheaper. To Cure lloiiHlipatlcn Forever* Talio Casearcts < ’iuul v < 'athavtlc. 10c or 25c. If C. O. O. fail to euro, druggists refund money. Tho OHiiniatc of fin 1 numlihi- of train jih In Hit. United Stater varlra lad worn td.OOU and do,000. tl'OllbloK DVKPBI'HIA, J N lllfi Tahoi-'H k.htion I’op-in and all Htoinftfh roridi h> ('onipoond. Kumple lmLtii. loailod fret*. Write Ifi*. Tatirr AH',.'. Co., Savanna!], Co. Itoilers, idioinro, litc. Head the adv. rllsnment of MirMitlan In another column of ilila paper. 0 •s m 1 :V ON® ISISTJON*’® Both tho method and results when ' and Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant refreshing to thu taste, and acts gently Liver yet promptly on the Kidneys, and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. only Syrup kind of Figs is the remedy of its ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its notion and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy nml agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kt. NEW I'0/Mi N.r. Beware of OPIUM! I Never give a remedy containing o piutu to your children. Refuse to accept strong, poisonous [VIediciucs that are not ^Vlone nauseating but dangerous. IM.0im.YS NcuCralliins Cordial Saves children from premature death. C arrics health and n new lease Cyf life to numbers of sufferers. Rosy cheeks, good appetite, restored Digestion, are results of its use. I t is the sovereign remedy tor All afleetious of the stomach aud Lsowcr bowels. Absolutely nVSk’KPSIA. cures and soc. at druggists amt dealers. T1I1S NORMAN OOKPIAI. CO., Prop’s, CUAKtl KSTON. 8. C. mmfmmmm pellets Remove IVonus. ils: best Liter fills. io and use. ^ A GI NTS V. AN i’l D, Kit her sox ) to handle Musical AX Clock, Liberal dJj|. ^ountj Mnut ai, 21 Jehu St-. N.Y. Gained Z‘l Pound* In 5 Weeks. From the fly.Slander, Macomb, Id. A Id or man Louis W. Camp, of our city, lias ! ‘•j 1 19 ••lonlahad his friends, by a romark »'*!« gain In weight. Me has gained 22 pounds “ ,lvn wnok *’ Thl >'"> ot h‘" wfio do not know th<i facts of his sick,. 11**88 will road with interest the following: “I whs broken down in health and utter ly miserable,** said Mr. -Gump to our re port or. “J was uuabJeto work much of tho time and so badly afflicted with a forift of stomach trouble that life was a veritable nightmare. “I tried various remedies, but during the ".an andslok.icsa bora heavily upon in. I try . A J)r. ,'; uut WIIJIam.H yeam rink »«» Pills * "*" for »•«* Palo ><•<} Peo- “> j plo. I purchased one box and received ; so much benefit that I used live more and was entirely fice cured. I gained twenty-two pounds in week*. Since I stopped taking the pills I have scarcely had an ache or pain. j W slA uf ef\ t\\ m i * A vJ r Interviewing Iks Alderman. “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills restored me to health and 1 most heartily recommend them.” 1a. W. Camp on oath says that the forego ing statement is true. W. W. Meloan, Notamj Public , Following is the present physician’s certificate as to Mr. Camp’s condition. I am a McLonough regularly licensed physician of Macomb, County, III. I have very recently examined Mr. L. W. Camp as to bin general physical all that condition, could ami desired, find the same to on be appetite and digestion good, sleeps well, and has ull the evidences of being in a good physical condition. Bam'l Bussell, M. this D. Subscribed nud sworn to before me 30th day of September, 1837. W. \V. .Mi: loan, Notary Public. CARDIAC PHENOMENON. A Man Who Carries a Music Box Instead of a Heart. Edward Lewis, of 258 Division stret, Chicago, carries about with him alxeait that measures nine by eleven inches and weighs nearly four pounds, But he is not carrying about such an uii comrortable, shaky load just for a test Of endurance. It plays him pretty and cheerful tunes while he walks. Lewis illecoveretl his cardiac harmony produc er through an attack of dyspepsia, or rather a Chicago physician did. This was three years ago, after he had been in a New York hospital for six weeks, and had been given up by the medical savants of the metropolis. He came to Chicago and was treated by Dr. A. M. Cbrwin, demonstrator of physical diagnosis at Rush Medical col lege. Thia physician, in exploring about Lewis’ internals with an x-ray, or at least rummaging around in some equally scientific way, ran upon the great, big, aortic music box. He was astounded, for he had never heard of so much heart In man or woman. Here was a case for Chicago to be proud of. The largest hearted man in the world resides in Chicago. When Lewis discovered his singing heart he was in poor health. He took no more medicine and soon picked up. Dr, Corwin advised him to go about the country and act as a specimen among the medical fraternity. This hint was acted upon, and since leaving Chicago eigtoen months ago, Lewis has been east and west in this country and in England, Germany, France and Canada. He iias been examined by some of the most prominent professional men, and all are dumbfounded at his marvelous heart.. Putting one’s head to the chest of the nan, there comes distinctly to the ear a singing, musical sound. There are Intermittent thumps lhat simply accent the music and render it the more artis tic and weird. The singing noise is so loud that one ran bear it even at the right side of Lewis’ chest.—Trenton (N. J.) American. Demanded More “Set-l ps/? “Say, ’squire, haiu’t you got your head clear on that mewl case betwixt Btul Hope an’ Sol Phillips yit?” “Yep, done lingered out tho law pints a week ago.” “Wnl, whv in the thunder don’t you announce your decision? The thing liez been a hanging lire three months.” “Az 1 win- savin,’ I’ve got the law pints all iiggered out plum plain, but ! the lawyers haiu’t sot up quite enough seegars an’ drinks yit, an’ I’ll jest have to keep standin’ um off till they come across. ’’—Atlanta Journal. Beauty Is Blood Deep* Clean Blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy stirrilfg*upIhe purities from the iazyiiv7andTSrivin^idf body. Begin to-dnv ini banish to pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking 2 & Even If a man Isn’t, well up In the social scale he dislikes to be out by his barber. Chew Star Tobacco—The Best. Smoko Sledge Cigarettes. A man soldi m forgives an Injury until after ho has availed himself of an opportunity to got even. l ake 11. II. H. For All Discuses Arising ala, from Impure Blood, aud Blood Rheumatism, Scrof" ° Catarrh, all skin Diseases. $ 1 . 0 for per lurge bottle, 3 for $2.50, at druggists, or sen* Atlanta, price, express irBooks paid, of by wonderful Blood Balm free. Co. Ga. cures Oh, What Splendid Coffee. Mr. Goodman, Williams. Co., III., writes: “From one package Salzor’s Gorman Coffee Berry costing loo 1 grow 800 lbs. of better coffee than I can buy in stores at 80 cents a lb.” *. c. 7 A package of this coffee and big seed and plant catalogue is sent you by John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., upon re ceipt of 15 coats stamps and this notice. Actors who wear stove-pipe hats ought to be j »bl« to draw wcli................ Educate Your UowcU With Cascarets. ,0C Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, i -^' If C-. C. C. t»tt. drugRists refund money. During 1837 more than (»,000,000 frozen sheep and Kingdom. lambs were imported into the United Vines Near Dwellings. It Is often a difficult task to get vines started which have been planted near dwellings. The plants stand still for a long time In many eases. It Is fre nuently the caRe that the soil Is poor In such locations. Materials from the cellar have been placed there, often of sand or clay, In which no plant can thrive. This must be made right by digging out a burrowful or two of this rubbish and filling In with good soil. Another, and perhaps a greater rea son for this poor growth is that the buildings keep away the rain from cer tain quarters, causing the soil to be come so dry that nothing can grow on It. When this Is the trouble it tan be remedied to a great extent by pro curing vines of some length of stem, that they may be placed some distance away from the wall. Let it be a Vir ginia creeper, for instance. Get a vine with a stem two feet or more in length. Plant it two feet from the wall, opening a trench from it to the wall in which the shoots are to be laid and covered over with earth. This will bring tho point of the vine close to tho wall, up which It will soon run. The roots, being two feet apart from tho wall, will meet with more moisture than if closer to it and tho shoots which have been carried along under ground will make roots in time, push ing along fast. In this way, with the roots in good soil, many a vine has been given a good start, which other wise would have grown but little or died out completely. It is an excellent plan, and one not often thought of.— Rural World. An Antiquated Violin. Mr. Taylor Buttrell, of Jackson, Ga.. lias a violin that is 18:1 years old. It has been in his possession some twenty years, and is considered by first-class musicians to be a valuable and bigli toned instrument. It was manufac tured in 1715, and is perhaps one among the oldest of its kind in the south. Mr. Butrell prizes his violin very highly, and ns he is one of those “hack-date” musicians himself, he j sometimes takes the bow in hand, j reels off some choice selections of old time melodies.—Exchange, A Good Honest Doubter ! Is a person we like to meet. Wo like to have such a man try Tetterine. Ho will bo more en • thuBlastic than anybody else oneo he’s cured ! and convinced. 'J’etterine is for Tetter, Ecze ! irifi, Kingwonn and all sklri diseases. 50 cents a box at drug stores, or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. Tho Russian government, it la reported, has (h’.ciUetl to adopt the metric, system. No-To-liac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 5Uc, $1 All druggists. A squad of cyclists is now attached to every coi ps of cavalry in the German army, MRS. PINK HAM’S ADVICE. What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say About It. Beak Mrs. Pinkiiam:—W hen I wrote to you I had not been well fortive years; had doctored all the time but got no better. 1 had womb trouble very bad. My womb pressed backward, causing piles, I was in such misery I could scarcely walk across the floor. Men struation was irregular and too pro fuse, was also troubled with leuc-orrhoca. I mm had given up all hopes of getting well; everybody 3 thought I had consumption. *“ After taking <, ( I tw II i / five Lydia bottles E. Pink- of ham’s Vegeta ble Compound, I felt very much better and was able to do nearly all my own work. I continued the use of your medi cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to you. I can not thank you enough for your advice and your wonderful medicine. Any one doubting my statement may write to me and I will gladly answer all inquiries.—Mrs. Nell Hurst, Deep water, Mo. Letters like the foregoing, con stantly being received, contribute not a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs. Pinkham that her medicine and counsel are assisting women to bear their heavy burdens. Mrs.Pinkham’saddressisLynn,Mass. All suffering women are invited to write to her for advice, which will be given without charge. It is an ex perienced woman’s advice towomen. ~ Fruit Trees and Vines become hardier, and their , products bet A ter colored and better flavored when liberally treated with fertilizers containing at least lo% actual Potash. FREE 'J 1 ilIustrat h d "h' c ^ teiH '■■'i hi i i. should be used, is sent free to all applicants. Send your addr ess. GERMAN KALI WORKS. U3 Nassau St.. New York. EhiJOY LIFE while USE vo n can St. Andrew’s Cold Tea AND BE HAPPY. ar For sale by Dealers. To get free sample Packages so;ul 2c. stamp ft* ANDREWS MFG. CO.. BlUllL fall. ■ uniTimi Trim nnr»r 0)7 a. Users. Aso9S Spring Medic 5 sei-: 11 These two words emphasize a neccs site and indicate a remedy. Spring—- « the ., season when the blood is most impure as a result of the win ter s closer confinement, higher liv ing, slower action of the kidneys and liver; when humors of all kinds, boils, pimples and eruptions aro most liable to appear; when the weak, languid condition of the whold bodily structure demands and wel comes help. Medicine— that to which the millions turn at this season—Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. The original aud only prep aration especially adapted to tho present needs of the human family; that which makes the blood pure aud clean, as shown by its thousands of wonderful cures of dreadful blood diseases; creates an appetite and cures dyspepsia, as shown by its' “magic touch” in all stomach trou- ■ bles; steadies and strengthens the nerves, ns proved by people for- j morly nervous, now calm aud self- | possessed, thanks to Hood’s irma America’s Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all others fail. Be sura to get Hood’s. CANDY V ' JP CATHARTIC A % CURE CONSTIPATION tOc m b Mil 7N ' D wm ALL 25c 50c DRUGGISTS 283. Motherhood w THIS event in the life of a wo tjs X because man a feeling is looked the akin little forward to horror—not one to is with not \l/ x V welcome, but because the mother 'A dreads the direful consequences ofbi^ vir to herself. Those long hours xfr agonizing like hideous labor stand out before An ttk’j > a* ^ i her a nightmare. liU s improper delivery, followed by y y\ \ child-bed fever, may end the scene .«*«, ■\ 'av / , ^ V in a few short days,' leaving the Y rpj f / ' little one motherless. But there f C is another side to the picture. If •IF V women who are expecting to be I come mothers will commence the P .VA use of the great female tonic, ® F.y? SESSILE'S FEMALE MUCH, 7 f W T».OE(q. i ]£P P>.)r»«HK. riw regularly as directed a few weeks before confinement, and continue its use until the organs aro restored to their normal condition, the • v■ lioiira of labor will be shortened, the pain lessened, and recovery ilk complete. If there is any costiveness, move the bowels gently with n * iik mild doses of St. Jbseph’s Liver Regulator. 4 b SOLD AT DKDG STORES. I,. GBRSTLli 4 C«., Propra., CHATTANOOGA, TENS. ISAAC S. 150VI), Presideut, W. G. ItAOUL, Vic -Urex’t. (Pres. Boyd & Baxter Turn, Faet’y.) (PfjBS. Mexican Nat. K. H. Co.) SOUTHERN A^sN WORKS Box A 385. ATLANTA, (LA. We Manufacture Solid ami Inserted Chisel Bit Circular Saws. We Repair All kinds and makes of Solid and Inserted Tooth Saws. Make Burnt Saws prac tically as good as new. WE HAVE HOISTS ■M but Lave sold direct to t!ie con Burner for 25 years at wholo- m pale prices, saving hi: Im tho dealer's profits. Ship any a Everythin,? whore for examination. warranted. rT|«^» m 118 styles of Vehicles, 'Lf 55 styles of Hamer?. // ] | Top Buggies, §30 to §70. Q/\\ I )\ *|? Surreys, $50to$125. Carria J) J^£- : KCs, Phaetons, Traps, Wagou ettes, Spring-Itoad and Milk No. 7T. 8 urre 7 Harness. Price, $16.00- Wagons. Send for large, free No. GOG Surrey. Price,withcurtatus,lanip£,Fun As good as sells for $'.’5. Catalogue of all cur styles, shade, apron and lenders, §C0. As good as Bells for $00. ELKHART CAUUIAUE AND HARNESS JJEG. CO. \V. li. I'M!!, Sec’x, ELKUAiiT, LV . FRICK COMPANY ECLIPSE:!: ENGINES f A. Li i, rv-, - v; : v y SyR @l 1 ’Lr < : \ 5 mA mm Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, Grain Separators. Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Saw Teeth, Inspirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a full iino of Brass Goods. tiAFSend for Catalogue and Prices. H V _ »» Sill n vJi n , ■ 8 , I A ■ .I SW fWtni »* L & y lYICldlLLAii, n 2 SOUTHERN MANAGERS. Nos. 51 & 53 S. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA ^pr OSBORNES &o<Mmedd (eae AuffiiNtn, (<a. Aci tnal sim text books* Short time. C ! heap ooar catalogue. If afflicted with ( Thompson’s Eye Water sere eye.i, use ) those who g™* faring eat. fully apprecinto the gratitude with winch the toau moniatg overflow wriUen in fav or of HooJ . 8 Sarsapaiilla. 1 Just read this: ' Sri i nr m "0.1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: “Gentlemen:—"My llrst experience with Hood’s Sarsaparilla was when I used It as a tonic aud spring modtcluo. It did me so much good my faith in its morits became Wfflm fib# fStert- i : ^ WAGON Something entirely new. A better Scale for FREGHT PAID less money than has ever Jones Address, Binghamton, been of Binghamton, offered. N. Y. SCALES CO t*. *40. ™ High tirade ’08 Models *14 to f? k?i CR£AT CLEARING SALE of '97 and 'll J/PJ models, best makes, *&.75to $13, Free Sent on T \ approval of wheel without to agents. a cent payment. Write for our ieff use our and make Wis |k)\ pltiH “How to Er.m a BIcycIc” \VEEK-40high G»«\grade money. SPECIAL THIS shopworn], $10.75 I '97 “Waudcrlnge models fellghtly Awheel.” a souvenir aw each. hile they last. book of art, FREE f or stamp w Ii. r. yiLAI) CYCI.E COMPANY, Chicago. CATARRH Wi __ IS ALL for consultation, *5 A MONTH ex amlnation and medicine. W hat n small sum to Tn'STITUT*, 816-316 Kiser Bldg., Atlanta Ga. OPIUM and Liquor Habit cured in 10 to £0 days. No pay till cured. Dr. J. L.Stephens, Dept. A, Lebanon, Ohio. 25615 We Carry in Stock Belting, Files, Finery Wheels and other Mill Supplies Bits and Shanks for all makes of Inserted Tooth Saws. CURES WHtRt ALL ELSE FAILS. Use Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. In time. Sold by druggists. as arms very developed a runninR aero on my foot. It into erysipelm and affected tlio entire Umb. At that time I was Very Much Run Down as I bad been troubled with dyspepsia. The drain on my system was so severe and my stomach wnsso weak I become n ready victim of malaria. I feared I could never regain my health. My stomach rebelled at the simplest food, and the medicines pre scribed for mo Rave but little relief. I for a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, aud I had taken tills medicine but three days when I began to improve. Continuing with it, I am now bottor and stronger than I evor expected to be. It has purified my blood and given good circulation. I have had no return of my old troubles since.” Mas. W. Kane, Media, Pa. Hood's Sarsa parilla is The Medicine For You Because of what it has done for others; because you ought this spring to taka that which will do you the most good. tasa«c=^ L\ css J ATTENTION! POSITIVELY All BE 1 ESEED Ok’ THE CELEBRATED JACKSON AFRICAN LIMBLESS COTTON IS OWNED BY THIS COMPANY. QLANTEfcS AkE WARNED NOT to purchase of others offering: seed claiming it to bo of this wonderfully prolific variety, as no see-’ aot in our possession, or sola without our trade mark, as registered in U. S. Patent Office, can be authenticated as pure and genuine. m 0 m m. 1 M Trade Mark. BP*™ Send far our Breat tlffsrto Cotton Planters. AGENTS WANTED. JACK30M AFRICAN ■•a .:. LIMBLESS COTTON CO., & 1-2 Peaclitiiee St., Atlanta, Ga. SOUTH CAROLINA LADIES DON’T LIE. \7jvtA. Wmb used Inman, Dr. S. C., says: I havQ M. A. Simmons iW« 3Llvor Medicine for W years,-with milts for Sleeplessness, the best of Te ii Wj Mb Nervousness, tion Indigeg & and Swollen Feet. J f/ It of cured a complication Mi S3 S. Hammett of dis .»8j*R ,4. eases; ih'e. I she saysit saved her iiii;!- think it far excels “Zeilin’s” and the “Black Draught’* m edicine. The Failing of uterine of tha displacement Womb. cases aro Very numerous and constitute a prolific cause of intense and w ide-spread sntfering. Its symptoms patn arcbeariDg-down weakness or dragging sensations, or of in the back, sometimes a sense goneness at the pit or the stomach. It may result from too fre quent childbearing, waist wearing and abdomen, garments that compress the over lifting, standing on the feet too long, and general We would debility. strongly the of Simmons Vino urgo use Dr. Squaw Wine which Will purify strength and vitalize the muscles the blood, of give tone and to the uterus, 60 that it will be kept in place. To facilitate mend a quick and injection complete rccoverv, Mexican we Female recom as an our results. Remedy, which will produce the hanpiesfc cAJl&t^/^vaC Walhalla, S. C., writes! X ^ have used Dr. M. A. Sim xijd mons Liver Medicine m0r8 tiian 2Q ~y eaTB > f° T T °r pid Liver and Dizziness* I take a dose every two / weeks and feel all right I A jk jfSfi know “Zeilin’s it Regulator,” is far Superior ia to 5|BS i ay case. Womanhood. The health and well-being of mankind depend upon the physical health and per lection of womanhood. Among the diseases which most impair the female constitution are lcncorrhma, falling irregular and painful men struation, too profuse of the womb, chlorosis, scanty diseases or menstruation. These can ?ie cured. Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine is a delightful remedy to take, entirely harmless, free from nar nnplea3aut cotics, purely vegetable and produces no after-results. It is unequalled as a uterine tonic and curative agent for all female diseases, as it is impossible for weak ness of the uterus and generative organs to exist When it is faithfully and persistently used. Constipation is another bane of woman's life which can be cured by using Dr. HI, A. Simmons Liver Medicine, FOB 14 CENTS we wish to gam 150,CWJ new cus tomers, ana hence offer 1 Plrg. 13 Day Radish, lOo 1 Pkg. “ Early Earliest Spring E Turnip, Beet, lOo 10c ’a m WjM Sm Above Worth “ " " “ '' Jumbo Brilliant 10 Bismarck Oueen Klondyko pkgs. *1.00, Victoria Giant worth Flower Cucumber, for Melon, Onion, 14 $1.00, Lettuce, Seed cents. ws 8, trill 10c 16c Uo He 16o m Bn ^01 you free, together with our Z Z oM Bs mS upon great receipt Plant and of this Seed notice Catalogue and 14c. • S* && postage. We invite your trade and • know when you once try Salrer’s m gSL ,^ . 3 *Beecls °at them. you will Potatoes never get along at *1.50 with- m Z a. Bbl. Catalog alone 5c. No. aC d ? Z J02IX X. S1L7.KR SEED CO., LA CROSSE OeMtMSMtMNIMIIMI