The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, April 07, 1898, Image 2

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™ OrrlLIAL. UiiuAlM WILi/UA lAJVmif. \ K jiim - - Editor. .1. H. JJomIok, - - I’r in.isiii n | NUisruirnoN bates. | Twelve months »i (») M k month IM ! •j hn v- mouth . 25 I " n rill Ill •. Ill MchHIlvi-. ;»'“.t ilvertklii;; mi ti s fnriiN'iH,.nu |.|.In m t . Thu «'tiiioMi i.i; I* Iiii hiisiictj nur.v Thursday. at Ab)>e\ I lie ( »a. < oniniimlnitlmis to Iiugiic insertion Nhoiild reach the office not litter than Monday. nnd miiht always he accompanied by the. writer's slgnaturt: not necessarily for » u bit! cat len, hut.a-a guarantee o; good faith “Tor advertising rates apply ut tills office. TELEPHONE NO. 44.--- • Entered at the Post Office at Abbeville, tin., as Necond-elti.V' matter. TIH'HSDAV, APRIL 7, 1898. J-et it Come, The Cuiumuclk is jio jingo, or lire •eater. It knows from experience what war in its worst aspect is. and lias persistently dupl icated tliecomse of those statesmen and newspapers, who have been eager to plunge the country into war. But the Ciiron Ici.k has only advised moderation and justice in dealing with the Span iards. It has never advocated peace at the sacrifice of honor and integri ty; in other words, peace at any price, as seems to be Hie desire of some newspapers. This country has acted with dignity and moderation in Its dealings with Spain, but to no purpose. This country should pre sent a solid front to the barbarians, and not only chastise them for the inhuman warfare they have waged upon helpless women and children, but at the same time avenge the in tuilt to our llag and the dastardly murder of 200 American seamen. EASTER SERVICES At The Abbeville Methodist Church. The .Juvenile Missionary Society Abbeville Methodist church, cordial ly invites every one to he present at their Easter Service at 10 ,\. m. Sun day April, loth. 189H. Program. Processional. Sqng anil Chorus—Children. Opening Address—Mr. John A. Barnes. Prayer Bev. Guyton Fisher. Wliut Denomination (Recitation)— Miss (iussie Barnes. *’ Song “now oer all the glad earth” — Children. What does Easter Mean?—Misses ffeddin and Williams. Bright Angels song—(i little girls. Take it. to the Lord, Recitation— Miss Irene McLeod. Song, ‘•What a friend we have in Jesus”—Children. “The Easter Bonnet,” Recitation —Miss Winnie Holton. “The secret of Faster Day,”—six boys and girls. Song, “ring the hells of Easter, ” - Children. “Christ as a Lily,’ Recitation— Miss Florrie Dean. Interlude, “Freely Ye Have Re ceived Freely Give. “Praise Meeting of the Flowers,” Recitation—Miss Kuhi Rogers, ••The Sinner And The Song,”— Miss Zoc Moody. ••Birthdays, ” Recitation—Miss Julia Bell McLeod. Solo—Mr. Sussex. Recessional. General Presentments We. the Grand jury chosen and sworn in for (lie March trim of Wil Pox Superior court beg leave to make the following general presentments: We the Committee appointed examine the justice's of the peace ‘And fiotnry public cxollicio J. p' s books of the varied districts of t) u . county, we find them correctly kept we also examined the coroner's ficloks and found them correctly kept. Vommiltee f B. O. Tomberlin. ( 11. O. Barrett. We recommend our <*>hnty court to be abolished. ">« ......... C'onimissionei^ li»vy a tax of tivo nulls as county tax lor the ISO'S. Wo recommend that the county commissioners lease the convict farm for the term of five years to the best advantage. We find the roads over the county in'very good order, except the Vi fiina and Abbeville totul from Pol ctvok to the Hawkinsvilft* i\)ad \\,,i| IM. <li>tnet ive H llnd that rf where ?: said.oudamfahwMvherc the T roup ; Wilt-road crones the Enterprise It. H. and tlmt the /ailmud has not fixed said crossing in crossing con dition. We recommend that said mad be put in good condition and especially the railroad put these crossings in condition at once. 0 ,l1 " 1 diei t' . is no book kept of the county convicts for receiving the prisoners, e.U-. We recommend that such book be kept. We . recommend that W II <i«atlh idimn be chaplain for the sUite con vict crumps foe the J year 18118. . _. t ol \\ c appoint to ii 1 1 vacancies iioai 1 of Jxlucation. J ^ FI . mith J P Poster and D M Harvey. We recommend that the Abbeville CiiHONfCi.K and Koehelle New Era publish the following presentments and that all'the statements be item ized and that they be paid five dol lars each for same. We the committee appointed by your honorable body to inspect the various convict camps beg leave to make the following report, to-wit: We find the convict camps ail in very good shape and well kept. The convicts seem to be well fed and cared for. We also find the poor houses well kept and neat and the inmates perfectly contented. J Y 11 Smith. MDJ S Boynton, l (1 Hartley, U V (liven, J W Hamilton, .J J Gregory. Report of the committee appoint ed by the grand jurors to examine PUBLIC BUILDINGS. We (ind the jail needing some re pairs and recommend the following repairs be made, that the bars be fixed or new ones put in where they were filed or sawed out by the prisoners, and that there be iron bars put in the windows so nothing could be got to the prisoners from any one on the outside, and that the sewers be put in good fix I as to take off all drainage and (lie floor be fixed so that rats cannot go through same and that six prisoners hunks lie furnished as there is only one in jail, also we recommend the jailor examine the jail and prisoners, when any is in the jail, very close every morning to see everything is all 0. K. For the court house we recommend that be new panes put in where they are out. G W Holliday, Chairman, W C Barker, Titos. II Wooten, Committee. To the grand jury of Wilcox Su perior court of sttid county, I here by submit to your honorable body: I have in my possession the follow ing- property, to-wit: 1 iron safe. 1 standing desk. 1 Roller desk, 1 stool, 1 table, Georgia reports from 1 to 99, except three numbers widen has ! never been turned over to me. also various Acts of the legislature, all dockets of various kinds, bench and bar. criminal, subpoena, civil, mo lion ami final docket, one paper file, jury book, notary public record, charter record, homestead record. filing docket tuul general index to mortgages and deeds, 1 code, 2 codes, 3 codes, 1 old .code, etc., all pf which is hereby submitted to honorable body. •Fits. M. Mixon, Cik. Btvorn to and subscribed before me this tlie 28th day of March 1898. Witness, J L Bankston. Notary Rubik'. Wilcox county. gentlemen of flic grand jury: 1 herewith present a statement of my receipts and disbursements of the county's funds, since my report to !ust k r| ' :uul jury which was examined I al,< * ! 'PP*'ovei) by R. E. Stubbs, com mitteeman. Sept'. 22 1S97. To balance on baud $ 1 314 00 March ll. lses. Reed, from all sources Pp to date 15 288 45 Total amollnt dutt oount , $16 602 51 credit up to date $ 9 Mss *>3 ' burslllf .$ 0 ,^ 23 - 2 >s,.cr«. 1'19 79 lty Treasurer commission for rcceiv lns * wstI1 " Mcj 1 " as d,,< ‘ commission on (j 2 1 per com. 216 30 March 14 By bai.\mo 6 148 28 16 602 51 To Balance $ 6 148 28 Personally came B. A. Barker, county treasurer of Wifeox county, who on oath say s the above account : is true iu every item as stated. i 1 -S^JVcfls * “ I.s the should feel. It she is tired and despondent, way a woman nine times out of ten it is taitsed bo some female troubles. Why will women risk Lite, Health and beauty by neglect ing disorders of this kind. HjL. ^gra © Sif IBK female Makes strong healthy women. It acts directly on the or g an3i Makes Monthly Periods painless and regular. Dangers and of child-birth can be almost avoided, hi, A l)ox of "Monthly" libottle Iiegu'.attn,; Wills PKCli with rai and? > j ; ££ Send SSES?> this coupon tanoogn, Tenn., and wo) will send you FREE a sum * ) > pie box of Planters Mon- ) Illy Regulating Pills. »dc For sale CITY DRUG STOKE, Abbeville, Ga. B. A. Barker, County Treasurer. Sworn to find subscribed before me this March 31st 1898. J. M. Warren. Ordinary. REPORT OF BOOK COMMITTEE. ordinary's books. J. M. Warren's books neatly correctly . i kept. i a . Tiie fallowing errors were found inB. F. Blasingame’s work in up praisements and sales. Page 47)8, * estate of Elizabeth Johnson an error of $1.00 in adding up column, it should be $51.20 in stead of $50.20. Page 158 estate of Sallie O Masste an error of lOcts. it should 05 instead of $318.55, Page 458, estate of Henry Fcott an error of $1.20, it should he $97. 08 instead of $98.88. Page 401, estate of Samuel Young an error of $20.05, it should be $173.90 instead of $153.85. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT’S KOOKS, neatly and correctly kept, except in (Jeneral Execution Docket. No en tries made of Appleton A Co.'s, Enterprise (V.V, Industrial Ferti lizerC '. suri P id Fertilizer Co.’s judgments on defendant vs plaintiff, .t mu Ill ’ t:i iuc in costs in Brew A Baileys judgments. •• *50 in principal in Blutherwhanl B lcket's judf, r ment “ 08c in costs in Christian Martial Browning A Co.’s judgment. •• “ 5c in costs amt 2 days in date of Joe J Dennards judgment. •• ! month in dale of two of Gross Lumber companies judgments. •• $40 in principal and 50c in costs in Georgia stove w’ks judgment. •• $4.35 in costs and 10c in interest in J I) Redding's judgment. *• 27c in attorneys fees in HR Rays judgment. The above errors were corrected at the time ol examination by the clerk. Sheriff's Books correctly kept. Surveyors Book correctly kept. TREASURERS KOOKS. 1 Receipts and Disbursements. Sept. 22 1807, cash on hand * 1 314 till 28 borrowed I'm Bank of Ab beville 1 470 oo Nov. 20 •• borrowed from Bank of Rochelle m 34 Jan. 20 1808, Received of R \Y Ander son A Co. 5 4(H) 00 Nov. ] 1807, received of J S Fountain, tax collector, 94.00 Dec. ft to March 0 18US, Reed, of 0. S. McCall, tax collector. 7 040 83 Received from others 208 28 Total disbursements $ 1» 988 23 Commission on disbursing $9,988 23 (R 2* per cent 249 70 “ “ receiving $8,852.11 ft 24 per cent. 218 30 March 14 1898, cash on hand 8 148 28 2 RECORD OF VOUCHERS. Oct 1 1897 to March 8 fsoSTotal amt. of vouchers issued HI 078 stl Three Comm scrips not paid No. 335 To A B Cain due Jan 1 J89» 265 00 - 338 ................ 235 on “ 337 ...... " ** H '* “ 235 00 J7S5 00 Neatly and correctly kept, Coroner returned no book for ex amination, although committee called on him several times for it, TAX COLLECTORS KOOKS. ; *15 755 58 @ $12.50 per m $19 694 47 Polls 1 8X1 00 Professional tax 290 00 Total tax for State and county 21 868 <7 Road tax for county 787 77 county tax 10 098 03 Amount turned over to Treasurer 8 043 83 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS BOOKS. 1 Teachers Report Book. Amt. paid to teactiers (white) $3 734 46 •..... “ (colored) 549 55 $4 284 01 The commissioner owes the following Amts, to <Ma Holt $10 40 T W Murray 10 40 Watts and Land 11 25 John N Dixon 5 25 And has paid too much ta Vehie Harrell 05 Grace Land 30 x« B F l’resley (colored) to Janie E shcftall 30 2 MINUTES. Balance on hand from 1 Ss>*> $ 427 98 1S97 Received from State School com. 4 854 rv( To C. 8. c. salary ■ $ 3i,»(»! To salary of school board inci dental expenses i jo • To amount paid tea&h r 1 281 »•! school building • To ex yens' 107 SJ4 Cash on hand 200 70 ONE DOTTLE CURED. Denton, Kv., .Mrs. Martini Stanley, of writes: “I suffered from womb trouble for probably five years, until recently 1 began treatment with Planters Female Mogul at or. One bottle cured me. I can always speak words of praise for wonderful medicine. COUNTY court's books approved except Civil Dockets quart erly term and monthly term and Criminal Dockets not being indexed. STATEMENT OF COUNTY COURT Sept. 1697 balance on hand *150 73 State vs. costs line Norman Bishop. $21 r- *■'11 70 Sqirire Brown 15 :i 25 00 Richard swam ;n it BO 00 uatciark ■12 J 1H 00 ^ 44 g •18 00 45 v? im no Jeanes Barker s« g 24 (Ml Ed Teller 17 'a t \'00 Henry West M g 10 t(K> n 15 Fish 14 a JO 00 W A Martin it s 10 00 George Reid 38 S 40 00 The fines in the first two j» were collected by M. E. Land also the costs ig same cases paid by him. The fines in the last ten eases were collected by the County Commis sioners. and costs in same cases paid by them, except M. Ii. Land's fees, which were $180 which leaves the Commissioners due M. E. Land $50,02. v L Land, solicitor, in*account with county commissioners. Debit Sept 1HD7 Balance on hand #150 73 Fines collected in two cases all 70 Received of commissioners (inslvt cost) 20 00 Crcdit By cost paid as shown by vouchers # 17 45 By fees in 12 solvent cases 200 00 By fees in 6 insolvent cases 00 00 To balance 50 02 Expenses pertaining to County Court. Judge's salary since last examination $10® Oo J11 rv 40 Oft L (’ Covington, insolvent cost, 8 88 M K Land in rt insolvent cAses lift 00 Total cost in 12 cases 322 30 Fines in 12 cases $372 70 To Balance 158 48 COUNTY COMMISSIONER S ROOKS approved except warrants Nos. 23(5," 250 and 2(35. No amount written in face of warrant. Nos. 277 and 30G not mentioned for what purpose they were issued. Expenditures of the County from Oct. 1st 1897 to March Sth 1898. Paid for J urors $1 140 00 Bailiffs 174 50 Inquests 32 00 Jail expenses 435 98 Pbuper expenses 350 12 County officeis 817 98 Roads find bridges 442 74 Vault (144 34 Elections and registration 9 366 85 Plan for court house 250 00 Advertising, publishing and printing 28 63 Books and stationery 127 96 Stenographer 60 00 Non resident witnesses 108 72 Convict farm and expenses pertaining thereto 3 338 57 I’d back borrowed money 1 (iG9 84 $9 988 23 Committee ,, . j f W. A. Coble, ; j A 0weng In taking leave we tender our thanks to the Honorable C. C. Smith for the able manner in which he has presided over our body during the term of this court, and also courte sies shown this body by the solicitor. Col. Tom Eason. G. B. damage, Foreman. Henry Mashburn, Clk. and twenty one others. It is ordered by the court that these general presetments be pub lished as requested. Wilcox Superior Court, March term 1898. Tom Eason, C. C. Smith, Sol. Gen. J. S. Cx Georgia e Wilcox Clerks oT county flee Superior Court of said county. I, J. M. Mixon hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true -.ud correct copy from the minutes of Wih ox Superior Court given um tie.' my hand and the seal of said court Aptil 6th. 1898. J. M. Mixon. C. 8. C, W. C. t Convinced Can’t be i that the, I Can wipe her off the Face of tlu> Earth. But we can convince you very easily that we Bell elteaper than any body in the county—.lust by our prices. ....... . Ladies Tan Oxfords 87c. Children's Oxfords tide. Baby Shoes 19c. Men's Satin Calf Shoes 83c. Yard wide Blenching 4lo. Id yardn Calico 29c. Boys Pants 12c. Thimbles le. Paper Tacks lc. Cigars le. Snuff 3c. Memo Books 1c. Men's Nice Straw Hats 48c. We have a very pretty line ol Summer Dress Goods, Hats, Ribbons, Lace, Embroi deries, Etc., all at a cut price. Out Price ©tore, A. F. CHURCHWELL & CO., COMMERCE ST. ABBEVILLE, GA. SCHOFIELD'S 5 MACON. GEORGIA. High Grade Machinery, Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills. ftlOTE. Have lately made extensive additions to our already well equipp »« ed.Boiler Shops, making it the most Complete Boiler Manufacturing Plants in the Southern States gcfeofkld's §r«tat frases • In the Lead for Sixtsen Years. Anything in the machinery line supplid at oopular prices. Full and complete stock of Iron Pipe, Bar Iron, Boiler ■ ttbe. Steam Pumps. In jectors, Inspirators, Valves, Belts, Etc., always <m hand. Beal OTitb tbe /ifiaiiufacturcr Bircct and Save Scents’ Ccramieslons. J. S. Schofields Sons & Co., Macon, Georgia. lrxT.'i W^iLatmar———n©wjmjVDA i m ia —m ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ •— Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LENE. N" 19. No. 17. No. 18 No °0 7 |> m 7 35 a in 1 r Savannah aril io pm x In a m 12 a mil 3ii a mar Helena ar a 411 p m 3 35 am 1 a m 12 23 p in ar Abbeville or f, an p m 2 40 am 2 15 a m 1 30 P m ar Cordele nr J 45 p m 1 35 a m 3 15 a m 2 S5 p m ar Americas ar 3 3n p m 12 2S a m 4 II a m 3 55 p m ar Richland ar 2 40 p m II 30 p m 8 00 a m 8 oo P m ar Montgomery tv to tr, a m 7 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. ...... No. 3. No. 1* No. 2.* . 4 ...... 3 10 p m 10 05 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 11 m ?» oo m ..... ft 00 p ra 11 40 a m ar Richland ar 3 55 p m I— 45 a m ...... 8 50 p m 1 30 p m ar Albany lv 2 lo p m 4.C oo a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9- No- 7- No. 8. No- 10. 5 55 p m 7 15 a m lv Abbeville ar 12 15 p m 11 oo p m (t 55 p m 0 15 a m ar Fitzgerald Ocilla ur ll 15 a m k 45 p m 7 25 p m 10 oo a m ar lv lr. 20 a m 8 (h» m ♦Trains Xos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Alban} in connection with Southern Railway. CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah with Plant System, F. c. & p. and steamers. At Helena with Soul hern Railway Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilia. At Cordele w ith G. S. F. R. R. No. 4 north bound. At Richland w ith C. & A. J)ivision mingham'and for Mbany and the Columbus. At Montgomery with L. & N. for New Orlcans und beyond, for Blr north, also with \V. Ry. of Alabama, for Selma. TRAIN NO. 17. Connects at Savannah with Plant System and F. C. A P. R. R. At Helena OciiAa. with Southern Ry. No. 10 south bound and No. 15 north bound. At Abbeville- for Fitzgerald and At Cordele with G. S. it F. R. R. No. I south bound and No. 2 north bound. At Rich land with C. A A. Division for Columbus und Atlanta also for Albany. At Montgomery with L. t v n. for New Orleans and beyond, for Birmingham and the north, also with \Yestern Ry. of Al abama for Selma. nortk train NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L. & X. from New Orleans and from the also with Western Ry. of Alabama from Selma. At Hiehland with C. & A. Divisien for Columbus and Atlanta, also for Albany, At Cordele with G. S. .V F. tty. No. 5 for Ttfton and Valdosta. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Oellla. At Savannah with l’lant System and F. C. & 1*. Kailroad. TRAIN NO. 20. Connects at Montgomery with L. & X. from Xctv Orleans and from the north also with Western Kv. of Alabama from Selma, At Cordele with G. S. A F. Rv. No. 3 south bound it Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Helena with Southern Ry. Xo. 14 south bound. Vt Savannah w ith l’lant System, F. C. A 1*. R. R. and steamers. Elegant Jiutfet Parlor Cars on Trains Xos. 17 and 18. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains Xos. 19 and 20. C. X. RIGHT, A. POPE, Assistant Genl. Passenger Agent. General Freight and Passenger Agent. CECIL GABBETT, Vice President and General Manager. Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.” Loon 1 Time Table No. C5. H. H. TIFT, President. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 P. M. P. A. M. LEAVE 10 3 X Oo 0 8 15 F 3 ( 8 25 8 F oO 4 F 55 3 9) . 4 06 4 9 13 V 4 20 4 9 30 ARRIVE Trains Nos. 1. 2, 3 a AZ3 I rains Nos. 7 and .8 [F] Flag station. • v on signal. A t niako run on day only, ra ,' ns connection 3ZZ the Plant W ‘V . h S.WA8^Hi , ta S Fitzgerald. tr. Notice of Dissolution. I have this day sold my interest in the stock and fixtures of the tral Drug Co., to Mr. J. L. Pittman, he assuming all liabilities and col all indebtedness due the Respectfully, \V. A. Cherry, March 31st 1898. Miles. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE December lStlra, 164ST. BRIGHON TIFTON, Harding PIN ETTA MYSTIC, FITZGERA FLETCHER, LD, Millinery Opening. The opening at the Millinery store of Miss Norwood on Broad street last Tuesday attracted many ladies despite the inclement weather. The display of Easter Hats, Flowers and Ribbons, was eloborate. and arranged with exquisite taste. In a word the display was attractive and beautiful. W. O. TIFT, Vice President Miles. ARRIVE r. Jr. r. m. 6 25 0 10 12 0 10 5 56 11 6 01 5 48 11 5 41 5 29 11 5 35 5 23 11 5 23 5 12 LEAVE 0 11 5 10 5 00 NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8