The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, April 28, 1898, Image 4

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T 18 Beginning find tile Knd. Jiitl' 0 —'Jitl you sao liae bcgtuniaj of tliin troii'ilo? WitnoBH —f <lbl, your honor; it oc rurred ilvo years, Jil Ige—Wiiy, bow is that? Witness—It began when the minis ter prouo-jticei them man und wife.— Chicago News. Teacher (to juvenile class): “Jobu nie, what wsa the first thing the Puri tans ilid when they landed at Plymouth rook?” Johnnie: “They fell on their knees.” Teacher: “That’s right. Now, Tommy, * what was the next, tiling they did?” Tommy: “Fell on the aborigi nes."—Chicago Nows. FaIiuIoiih Wealth, Tho “looalculablo mineral wealth" ot newly found mining region* largely run In ftyndiaat.uft and promote 1 by traimportation really companion i» in too many inataucoo n fable. Tho products of industry in leu itimnto fields of enterprise nearer home are fnr surer And promise more stable rewards. No one will go unrewarded in tho Hostctter’s matter of improved Stoma h health wao uh • regularly hillousnoHR, Hitter* for malaria, dyspepsia, constipation, &a. Damp* will not ba covered on tho ontside with oil if the wick 1* left turned down in draw them. The wick acts uh a siphon the to fcduas. up the oil, which runs over ou To Cure a Cold In Ono Day* 'l ake Laxative Hromo Quinlno Tablets. Ail Drujfi^istrt refund money ifJt falls to cure. Mka The Italian or Parmesan cheese must be; cut with a saw and is used mainly in cooking, belli# #rated. No-To-fiao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak then strong, blood pure. All druggist* Boulptors three-quarters’ uay that a perfectly length of proportioned tho mouth is nose. Dyhrkpkia. Inphiertion and nil Stomach troubles cured by Taber’s Pepsin Compound. Humph; bottle mulled free. Write Dr. Taber lUfg. Co., Savannah, (in. We think PPo’s Cure for Consumption is the only medicine for Coughs.—.J knnje P lNCKAKii, Springfield, Uh’., Oct, 1, 1894. L: m IS fd 71 V Uncle 'Am. Sam fcT ikfr'iS Says: fe Jl c ■j This Is America’3 Greatest 1 Spring Medicina. m ml Take it a I a ii Now to Sharpen i ii Your Appetite, Vitalize Your Blood. : To Overcome ThatTired Feeling. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of 1 food’s Sarsaparilla and be gin to take It today, and realize at once the great good it is sure to do you. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is America’s Greatest Spring Medicine. TAPE WORMS “A inpo worm clglitBcn feet long: at least earno on tlm Boeno after my taking two CASCARETS. This 1 am sure has caused my bud health for the past three years. I am still taking notice Casearets, sensible the only cathartic worthy of by people." W. Uowles, Baird, GKo. Mass. TRADE MARK REOIdTXRfD Good, Pleasant, Pain,tahle, Totent. Taste Good. Do Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 26c, 50c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... flltrllu# IU'mfily < i>ni|iRuy, Chtc.igo, Montn'ftl, New Yoik. 313 N0-T0-3AC Sold Rlsts and to I V 1 guaranteed V11L Tobacco by all ll&bit. drug Fruit Trees anti Vines Leconte hardier, and their products bet ter colored and better flavored when liberally treated with fertilizers containing at least XO% actual Potash. FREE An illustrated book which tells what Potash is, and how it _should applicants. Send be used, address. is sent fret* to all your GERMAN KALI WORKS, gj Nassau St., New York. NOT ST. ANDREW’S like OTHERS. Gold Tea For the Liver Regulates the Liver. For sale by dealers. To pet tree sample MFG. naekaee seed 2c. stamp to ANDKK1YS to.. ltrMol. Tenn. MORPHINE HABITS trea'ed on a guarantee. No pav tillcured. Address B. 11. rr.. Llthln Spring Opium Cure Co , Ih>x ii, Austell. Ga. .\0 DELAY l\ PASSING DILI. FOB DECLAWATIOJf OF WAR. BOTH HOUSES WERE UNANIMOUS. 'i’lic Nitv.iI Api>ro|>rlation Bill DUcu»,ed null FliiHilv I’.i.srd l»jr (lio H«nut«. AVur a’ul war measures were the only topicH ilincusHeil l»y the senate Monday during more than four hours of its Noa.sion. The body had scarcely convened when the message of tho president urging congress to declare tho existence of war between the United States and Spain was laid be fore it. Without comment the message was referred to the foreign relations com mittee. Consideration of the naval appro priation bill was then resumed. Mr. Halo ottered an amendmout au thorizing the secretary of the navy to enlist at any time after the passage of the net as many seamen, landsmen and hoys as he may deem necessary to man the ships of the navy or for tho use of tho navy as a temporary force, and appropriating .$H, 8 : 10,000 for that purpose. Mr. Halo agreed to au amendment that the time limit should be “during the existing war.” The amended bill was agreed to, tho amount appropria’od being made im mediately available, Tho bill as amended was then passed. Tho bill for tlm better organization of tho line of the army of the United States and providing for Uto three bat talion formation was called up and the amendments offered by the committee were agreed to without division. The bill was placed upon its pas sage and passed within twenty minutes of its introduction. At 2:55 p. m. the message clerk of the house of representatives informed the senate that tho house had passed an act declaring a state of war exist ing between tho United States and Hpain. The message was at once read to the senate, and that body immedi ately went into secret legislative ses sion to consider the resolution declar ing the existence of war. At 4:3tt p. m. the senate resumed business in open session. At 4:55 p. in. the message clerk of tho house announced that tho speaker had signed the bill declaring the ex istence of war between the United States and Spain and requested the signature of the vice president. Within two minutes Vice President Hobart hail signed the act and pre cisely at 5 o’clock announced his sig nature. A fow minutes later another message was received from the house announc ing its disagreement to tho senate’s amendment to the army organization bill and asking for a conference. The conference was agreed to. At 5:35 p. m. tiio senate adjourned. WAR DEPARTMENT CALLS. Tli© Preftident’s Volunteer Message lias IWv.a Vromnluatetl. The war department Monday, issued the call upon the governors of the va rious states for their quota of the 125,000 men. Iu the call the following provisions for commanding officers nro made: Five brigadier generals, command ing army corps; fifteen major generals, commanding divisions; forty-eight brigadier generals, commanding bri gades, with inspector and adjutant general, engineers and surveyors. Of the commanders of army corps only one is known, General John C. Breckinridge, and possibly Gen. Joe Wheeler, General Lee will bo made a briga dier general, though it is thought there will be sufficient strength to have him made a major general. DEATH IN FLAMES. Runmivr Kvsorfc Burned and Pour Lives Are L»*t. Lake Laura, a summer resort owned by Petei Stein, on Lake Laura, Wis., was burned Sunday night, together with all tho adjacent cottages. Mrs. Stein and her three children were burned to death. Cause of .he fire unknown. ROOSEVELT RESIGNS. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Will Enter Army. A Washington special says: Assist ant Secretaiy of the Navy Then. Roosevelt, of New York, resigned from the navy department Monday. The president has decided to appoint Mr. Roosevelt to be a lieutenant colo nel of volunteers to serve in a regi ment of cowboys and mounted riflemen to be raised by Mr. Roosevelt and Dr. Wood, the president’s family physi cian, who is now in the medical depart ment of the regular army. Dr. Wood will be colonel of tho reg iment. PRECAUTIONS TAKEN For tho Protection of New York Citi’ From Bombardment. The war department regulations con cerning New York harbor in time of war have been p omulgated. No ves sel will be allowed to pass Sandy Hook or tho Narrows between sunset and sunrise, or during that time to np preach island, within three miles of Coney Gedtiey Channel, Sandy Hook or the Narrows. (I FOR CUBA LIBRE” HOW A FILIBUSTERING EXPEDITION WAS LANDED IN THE ISLAND. Welcomed By Coast Guards—Unloading the Precious Carzo for the Use of the In surgents— Omens of Good and Bad Luck. It was early on Sunday morning when wo first sighted Cuba. The sea was like a mirror; the gorgeous tints of the dawn mingled with the azure of the Gulf water and spread over It my riad colors. In the dirtance the green coast loomed through a purple haze. The picture was so thrUHug that all danger was forgotten in the rapture of the scene. Near us are two sailing vessels, but of those we take no notice. A veteran of ten years’ war is at the bow, glass in hand. The orders are to get ready for the landing. While ap proaching the shore the iook-out man reports, "Smoke on the starboard quar ter!” Instead of beating a hasty re treat we wall to investigate, and pres ently discover that the stranger is a merchantman, so the boat is lowered and a party volunteer to go ashore and reconnoitre. In a very short time they come back and report everything fa vorable, and all start to busy them selves with unloading the precious car go. While the work is proceeding, a voice is heard coming from the bushes on shore, then a shout of “Viva Cuba Libre,” to which we answer, “Cuba expedicloneros.” At once three coast guards mounted on little mustangs make their appearance, and are wel comed by us with a chorus of "Viva Cuba libre.” The joy seems to have Intoxicated us all, for we are sure now that the expedition will never fall in to the hands of the Spaniards. One of the coast guards has already goue to inform a Cuban force, encamped close by, of the arrival of the expedi tion. The steamer which we had Bighted while approaching the land is by this time plainly seen to be an Eng lish tramp as she comes close in shore to satisfy her curiosity. Guessing our mission, she hoists her colors and sa lutes us with three blasts of her whis tle, which we promptly answer. One hour and fifty minutes after reaching the coast the cargo has been landed, the boats are hoisted, and we sail away amid the hurrahs of those on board, heartily answered by those who are left behind. The barometer had begun to fall, but as yet caused little anxiety on board, as it might portend merely squally weather, and next day we were once more lying alongsicffe of our supply ship. On account of the rolling of tho two vessels, we were obliged to pro ceed very slowly in the transfer of our cargo, and it was the following day be fore we were able to start to land our second expedition. The nearer we ap proached the Cuban shore the worse the weather beoame. Some of us had retired to the cabin to secure a little rest, when we were arousd at about an hour before midnight by the cry of fire —not a pleasant awakening on a ves sel carrying three tons of dynamite. A lamp had exploded but was fortun ately thrown overboard without oc casioning further damage, and quiet lress was once more restored. The su perstitious sailors were inclined to look on this incident as an evil omen, but the effect was counteracted an hour afterwards by a large American eagle which majestically landed on our foremast. The following night at about ten o’clock we sighted the light of Morro Castle, and altering our course, headed for our landing place, which was not far from the city of Havana. Unfor tunately, owing to the darkness and the rough weather, we were unable to make our port, and were compelled to put to sea again. The look-ouf man announced a vessel approaching on our port bow, and at this interesting mo ment our steering gear gave way. For tunately the accident was not serious and was quickly mended, and we put to sea without further incident. Next day we lay to out of sight of land, and that night once more headed for the light of Morro Castle. This time, in order to avoid repeating our error of the night before, we went so near to Havana that we were able plainly to distinguish the electric lights in Cen tral Park. Two hours later we arriv ed at our destination. In two hours more, and in the midst of a driving rain, we bad landed our second cargo and had again left the Cuban coast.— Harper’s Weekly. In India tho native barber will shave you while asleep, without waking you, so light is his touch. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, im- by stirring purities up from the the lazy body. liver and Begin driving to-day all to Danish and pimples, sickly bilious boils, blotches, blackheads, that complexion by-taking Casearets,—beauty gists, for ten cents. All drug satisfaction guaranteed, 10 c, 25c, 50c. A man’s reputation is what people think of him: his character is what God knowsof him. II. It. B. Cures UlietimutUm, Scrofula amt Catuvrh. One bottle will cgmvinee 1 lie most skeptical of its merits, tl.00 per large bottle,:! price, for ,2.50, at druggists, or sent ou receipt of express paid, by blood Halm (Jo., At lanta, Ua. hooks of wonderful cures tree. ST. VITUS’DANCE. SPASMS and all nerv. or.? diseases permanently cured by the use of Dr. Kline’s Creaf Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE $1.00 trial bottle ami treatise to Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd., W) Arch Street, Pliila., Pa. The Southern Saw Works are the loaders In the South. See their advertisement la thts Is suer. Their saws will suit you. Lyon A- CVa “Pick Leaf ” Sitiokfn? Tobacco stands at the top for it* delicious aroma. Good as can te made. Iry it. * world. Bombay is the leading pearl mart of the To Cure Constipation Forever. If 'frjfco L. C. Casearets C. fail to euro, Candy druffprists Cathartic. refund 10 c or 25c. money. starting An attempt from to Italian cross side, the Allis will he. in made a balloon, soon. Boilers, Unglues, Etc. Read the aiDTVtiaement of Avery & McMillan iu another col itnin of this paper. Lincoln's Ettlmate ol Two Men. A delegation of preachers from Chi cago waited upon Lincoln to urge the Issuance of tho emancipation procla mation. The spokesman urged the claim with ecclesiastical dignity by saying: “The Lord sends this commis sion to you, President Lincoln.” "Per haps so,“ he replied, “but isn’t it strange that He should send His mes raf:o by way of Chicago?’’ To another delegation urging immediate action he said; “If you call the tall of a Bheep a leg, how many legs will the sheep have!” “Five,” replied the spokesman, “No.” said the bothered president, "it would only have four. Calling the tail a leg wouldn’t make it one.” tVhen a stately Congressman from New Jersey presented two of his constituents by saying: “It gives me pleasure, Mr. President, to .present to you two of the wealthiest men from the southern part of our state,” he endured patient ly some pompous compliments, and then, when they retired, said: “I should think that end of the state would tilt up when they stepped off it.”—Chicago Inter Ocean, If It Only Helped a Little It would be worth 50 cents. One hour’s free dom from the terrible irritating itch of tetter is worth more than a whole box of Tetterine costs, it will care—sure, and it’s the only thing that will cure. 50 cents at drug stores, or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah,Oa. It has been demonstrated that African ele phants can be domesticated. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour Life Away* To qaiit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men itroug. All druggists, 50c or fl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling*Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. There is enough salt in the sea to cover 7,000 square miles with a layer 1 mile in thickness. Chew Star Tobacco—The Best. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. Among birds are few better fighters than a goose, or a gander, more particularity. Fits permanently cured. No fits or uervous ness a ft-er first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottleand treatise free. Du. K. ii. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. tion. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is a liquid and in token internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. Sold by Druggists, Toledo, /.»c. O. 1\ J. Cheney & Co., Props., France pays in pensions every year 70,000, 000 francs.______ Edacnfco Your Bowels With Casearets. 10c, Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. Only 8 per cent, of Russia’s-enormous popu lation can read and write. YOUNG AT SIXTY. Serene comfort and happiness in ad vanced years are realized by compara tively few women. Their hard lives, their liability to se rious troubles on account of their pecu liar organism and their profound igno rance concerning themselves, all com bine to shorten the period of usefulness and fill their later years with suffering. M rs. Pinkham has done much to make women strong. She has given advice to many that has shown them how to guard against disease and retain vigor ous health in old age. From every cor ner of the earth there is constantly com ing the most convineiug statements from women, showing the efficacy of Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Com pound in overcoming female ills. Here is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Orrns, of 220 Horner St., Johnstown, Pa., which is earnest and straight to the point: “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham:—I feel it my duty to tell all suffering women that I think your remedies are wonderful. I had trouble with my head, dizzy spells and hot flashes. Feet and hands were cold, was very nervous, could not sleep well, had kidney trouble, pain in ovaries and congestion of the womb. SiDce taking your remedies I am better every way My head trouble is all gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am cured of womb trouble. I can eat and sleep well and am gaining in flesh. I consider your medicine the best to be had for female troubles.” The present Mrs. Pinkliam’s experi ence in treating female ills is unparal lelled, for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. ^EXCHANGED _.ANY AERMOTORi al&rfEG3B* ^i!3 for BEARINC.wphjrrun. a roller nil],, ever-going, everleeting, power. doubling, UP-TO-DATE ’98 MOTOR, 8 FT. FOR S6; 12-ft. for*i2;10 ft. for $30. They run like a bicycle, and are made like a . . „ watch, every movable part on roller*. Doubles geared |B gij§ stood null power. still, and Tho made Aermotor the ran steel when windmill all other business. mills THE NEW BEATS THEOLD AS THE OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL. On receipt of amount, revised motor (bnt not wheel or vane) will be sent to replace old one then to be returnod. Offer subject to cancellation at any time. I L If your old wheel is net an Aermotor, write for & term* of swap—new for old—to go on old tower ou can put il on. Aermotor Co., Chicago. ■ SOW OR* NEVett / ^ 7000 BICYCLES carried over from 1387 must ,be nact'iflced now. New //. W/AlUKh eauipmeut, fcr*<lc, all stylos, ,5 puavcin $9.75 to $17.00. :-.n Used wheals,late models, m all makes, $3 to $12. We ship on approval toith ^ .cent payment- Write ~ a y .-^T-ar - 1 « forh kirrcln lUt and art catalogue S-Sof at*del*. BICYCLE FREE for season i to advertise them. Send for one. Rider a*e*ta wantei d. Learn how to Earn a Bicycle and make money, li. K. .HEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chirac.. mwKisis Sr* A MONTH IS ALL for consultation, ex amination and medicine. What a.gmall sum to insure pood health and happiness. Write for free symptom book. COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 815-816 Kiser Bldg., Atlanta tia. If affiiet«d with \ Thompson’s Eye Water sore eyes, use MENTION THIS PAPER in tisers. writing An to u .adver- 98-17 ‘325? (3‘15- ri m m r MSF Rest I Coiij.'h Syrup.*! | Tastes Good. Use In time. S' ■;.i by druggists. oj! 2'59 ,. 6 T?! 0 ■MS Both tho method and results when t Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, and dispels and colds, habitual head aches fevers cures constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly benehcial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. in Syrup of Figs is all for leading sale drug- 50 cent bottles by gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAIiOISOO, CAL. 10UI WUE, KY. NEW YORK, NX PIANOS EASY PAYMENTS. It is easy to obtain a piano our way. Where no dealer sells them, we will send a piano fora small cash payment, balance in Wk monthly pay ments. Three » years’ time to f complete pur chase if desir ed. We would like to explain our method. Will send piano guaranteeing be satisfaction, or piano may returned to us at our expense for railway freights both ways. Our CATALOGUE, FREE for the ask ing, tells all about them. Special prices and full information, if you write. Ivers & Pond Piano Co., 114 Boylston St., Boston. OSBORNES udmedd aueae An trust a. Da. Actual business. No text books- Short time. Cheap board. Send for catalogue. ISAAC S. BOYD, President, Furn. Fact’y.) (Pres. Boyd & Baxter SOUTHERN j^SAW WORKS Box A 385. ATLANTA , GA. We Manufacture Solid and Inserted Chisel lilt Circular Saws. We Repair All kinds and makes of Solid and Inserted Tooth Saws. Makc Burnt Saws prac tically as good as new. o Women! After you have tried Doctors and all other preparations, and they have failed to relieve you, then use GERSTLE’S FEMALE PANACEA. TRADE <CE S’. F.) MANN. IT WILL CURE YOU. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINES. L. GERSTLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors. WE HAVENO AGENTS but have sold direct to the COB iumcr for 25 years at when lo sale pricos, saving him tho dealer’s profits. Ship any where for examination. Everything warranted, i 118 styles ef Vehicles, 55 styles of Harness. Top Buggies. $30 to|70. Carria- V/V^V^A \ / X /V/V \ Bur rrevs, $50 to #125. J / (Jfir 1 Phaetons. Triips, Wagon- Adf \ K \ JT 0 Wagons. tt«R, Spring-Hoad Bend for large, and Milk free No. 7T. Surrey Harness. Price, flS.OO' CatsJoguo of all styles, Xo. 6CG Surrey. Prlee, with curtains, lamps, saa. A9 good as sells for |25. our shade, apron and lendors, $60. As good as sells fer|99, ELKHART CABMABE AND HARNESS MFty. Cp. W. 8. PK4XT. 8«o-r. ELK BAHT, IN* FRICK COMPANY ECLIPSE ENGINES ’ m. Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton fllns, Cotton Presses, Grain Separators. Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Raw Teeth, Inspirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a full line of Brass Goods. Send for Catalogue and Pricct. avery & McMillan, SOUTHERN MANAGERS. Nos. 81 « 53 S. Forsyth St., ATLANT A, GA. Alabama Marries Mississippi Oxford, Ala., writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons - 'Ja Liver Medicine 25 year*. I know it cures Dizzincas of Head, Soar Stomach, Sick Headache, and manyother diseases. I tried « ( Tlicdf ord’s Black Draught,” but did not find 'it to be half as good r.s the Leucori-hcaa—‘‘Whites.’* This is a disorder from which few escape at some period of their lives. It is in the nature of nasal catarrh. In a healthy genital condition the lining membrane of the organa secretes sufficient mucus to moisten them, but if the mucus membrane is con gested or inflamed, the secretion becomes profuse, irritating and offensive. The best results will follow the nsc of our Mexican Femnla Remedy as an injection, and a dose twice a day for come time of that groat nterine tonic, I>r. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine, will cure the complaint. J. %‘Pf, Energy, Miss., writes; M. A. Simmons Liver Medi cine has been used20 years in my Father’s family- for i«p Nervousness,Sick Head* 9) ache, Byecepsia, I>il I iousness. My Sister was confined to bed for months » from Enlargement of Liver. Our Doctor gfevo her up to die. Sho began ijv m igHwas taking M. A. entirely S. L. M. well. and -----There mneSf’i soon iano just compari son between M. A. S. L. M. and Zellin’s Liver Regulator. Tho latter by careful test hav ing been found not so reliable haa been dis carded. Dnberfy Menstrua! i3 the period IrreGiffarltisS. menstruation when Is established. It is the time the when time the from girl becomes a woman, and also which many female diseases date. Tho menstrual flow usually continues from three to six days and comes on about every twenty-eight days. The quantity exuded varies from two to eight ounces, but tho amount consistent with the health of ono person another. may bo excessive regarded and weakening being in The function i3 as regular when its effect upon the eystem is favorable. menstruation The departures and from should healthy be are numerous corrected Vine Wine. by using Dr. Simmons Squaw HE IW5 THE FREIGHT. BEST SCALES, LEAST MONEY. JONES OF BINGHAMTON,N.Y OPIUM and Liquor Habit cured In 10 to KO days. No pay till cured. Dr. «F. L. Stephens, Dept. A, Lebanon, Ohio* W. G. (Pres. RAOUL, Vice-Proa’fc, Nat. R. Mexican It. Co.) iftoSNLsw v 2 S'ANN We Carry in Stock Belting, Fites, Emery Wheels and other Supplies Bits and Shanks for all makes of Inserted Tooth Saws.