The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, May 19, 1898, Image 2

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THE CHRONICLE. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J, R. P/ionroe Hditty-ond Publisher. MGsriUFTlOX It a TI is. Twelve month *1 Hi v month ... T hroc month■................................. .......hihi.v Invar In Advance. funffshcdonappUcailon. **>^'Ad\<nti-ing r«in*s » hr (‘nitovi< i.k 1> pwbl isfu-d every Thursday, at Abbeville. (hi. Communications to in.sun: Insertion "•hould reach t he office not Inter than Momln\. and must ;ilu;m. he accompanied necessarily by j I) 1 * v. rirei - sjgnat t/re: not for j^nlilieiitioji, hut a* a giinrant«*<* of good faith I 1 ,»i- :»(U«-rtlsinx rates apply ui this otlhu fCLEPHONE f40. 44. r.ntcrod at tin* Host OIIIcQ at Ahhovilh*, tin u , voomd-ciav- mutter. Til I 'USDA V. MAY 1!>. INKS. Ihm t forget to vote tor Ilnrdin for Secretary of State June lie will be the winner. it is Phil (Wih, Jr., not old \vho is a candidate for {Secretary Slate Don’t get the two mixed then you'll vote for Mark llardin. The? ('onsolidalf'd returns of enmm ration of school population \\ ilcox county show the total ber of school children between ages of ti and 1X years to be against 2,7)25 In 1SP4. an increase 27 per cent. D seems Unit but one now in the field f,»r a county desires tfic support of the from this, side of the county, h ast but one has made, it known by tuinouiicing his candidacy through the columns of the Cmtoxici,. \Vc vviU not support any candidate"'tvhn docs not cate cnougli.for our vote, to ii.ial;c it known through our paper. but ns nil stami toguther in uluc lions this year, D>> not make,a sin gle pledge yet This siflu of tliu county is. so far. unembarrassed by numerous pledges to candidates. bet us pick our men and vote them to a man We can ae-eomplish something in this v.av and strength that will and eoniidenee. The enemy shown his hand We know it is A company of Spartan diers can defeat an army of undis ciplined men. Pih-s the word the line; “In unity there is I'nitcd we stand, divided we Stand together! is the watch-word. Bishop W. A. Candler. Dr. W. A. Candler, the i (resident of Emory College. Oxford. »<tu, led in the bishopric election tit the (ieneral Conference in Baltimore Tuesday, lie is a native (ieorgian Slid was in Carroll county ill Vugust. 1,85,7, aud ids career up to slits tune Inis been one of usefulness aud marked ability. As a preacher lie has few equals; as an educator lie stands without a peer. I- the Spanish-Amcrieam AV&r a i'twtlliueul of prophecyV It realy liegins to look that way. What seemed at first only to lie a few little spats ffelweey the American and Spanish fleets of not more than thir ty to sixty days duration, now ap pears in quite a different light. Complications are begming to arise which may disturb International rtmnv to sueli an extent thmt all the Dowei-s n)ay lie involved in war be Sore this troulile has reached crisis. At this t iiu,>. France is acting suspieioiisljr. (Jermany is losing trade and feels ruffled about It. Russia and oilier Powers are wol fing loud in their opinions, and bid Mother Knglaitd proudly s'ffuuh and says: touch etn if yoti da-re » ,So if -ampsoii -and Schley slfould fail to anWihilate the Spanish tieets within flic next thirty clays, we may look for the greate st war tlu* world has aver known. The “OraniJ Old Mon.” Hon. William Kwart (rladstotte, tile greatest statesman of the 1 o-tlity. is reported dying. He Lorn in Liverpool on December 44. ! SO!), gradmtted at Ox font with lingtiished honors in 1841. and lias been at ihe helm in the affairs of ytaio iii Kiiglaiul ever since His wisdom, his honor, his vast ami eiitieal power. Ills strength tuid iiis tine p.rsoiinlity nU eom-hined w : \ • j e iii or v of the treat • ■) - i t uts of iits life, to place - in. -ii,a-, i;e an:dng Its fellows, and make liim in truth “the grand o !<1 Mtan ot a gtea! nation. COURT HOUSE CONTEST. Candler Gives Reasons for „. His Failure c ., „ to Hear the Contest Case. Wo rogri't that lack of space for lints the piililmliing in full a letter from A. 1*. Candler to Col. >)■ T. Mill giving a full explanation of the reasoiio why lie did not hear the court house contest ease Abbeville and Rochelle, Below is a brief synopsis of his reasons: ■ -The returns of the election were through mistake, sent to the Kxeeu tire office instead of the office of Secretary of State au<( it \\i\h several w(a*ks before they reached my hands. “In the meantime the spring courts hud begun in your part of the slab* ami one of t(ie attorneys cm ployed in the case (I think Mr. (iray- 1 mm) came to my office aud asked that if the attorneys could agr.c, to postpone a hearing till the Spring courts were over. I assured him that I had no preference in the mat ter and would do anything to accom modate the parties at interest. (,'ouiicil never did notify me whether | they were ready for a hearing. In the meantime ! became a candidate for (Jovernor and tendered my vesisr nation as Secretary of State and the papers in t^e court house ease were ; left unopened in the safe aud thus turned over to my successor, Mr. Clifton. “I was surprised a lew days ago to learn that in Wilcox an effort was being made to make political capital out of the matter. ‘•My failure to hear the contest was dn", first to the misdirection of j the election returns to the Governor's ofibe instead of mine, and secondly to the request of counsel later on to postpone the hearing until after the Spring courts." Yours sincerely, A. 1). Candler. “MAINE DAY.” The Xatiomil Committee having in eitarge , the ,, election of r a natmua , monument to the men who went down with the battleship Maine, has decided to construct underneath the monament a special vault in it is desired to place the signature of all the pupils, in all the schools of the United States or as nearly all as it is possible by tut.y means to ole tain The olffect J of the committee is to inculcate in tlu* school chihlren . of the country the patriotic A spirit / which civnstitntcs the btisis O.t nil five institutions. In order to ae complish this, Thursday, May 26-th, inis been fixed on as “Maine Day" in all the schools throughout the Cnited States, bet us arrange suitable nro grams in our schools for that day ami give our children an opportunity to contribute something for the con sti notion ol this mouuinent. leao.! the children patriotism. This is our Country tllld wo should love it. Our countries tlag should wave from the top of every school building ill tile land and our children should know the true meaning of “My country 'tis for thee. City Barber Shop. First Class Work. II UR (’t.-T.TlNU IN ALL STV'l.KS. 25c*. SUa'VINU 10c. Wells building. Broad SL. next t») Webb A Go. M. ]>. »>KAUSOL, Prop. Cordeie Bicycle Co •* —ski.i.s Tin-: METER Wheel, the Best on the market, ami gives easy terms to customers. -- -:o: - Vlso keep a general supply of Bi cycle- fixtures. Vo« eau get any part of a wheel from them. All kind of repair work executed with dispatch and guaranteed. Cl'LAP—A supply ot' second-hand Wheels ,iu gt od t vJer C UKA W Call on », addles-, S, POWELL, Vi of'UFE BEAIT’ ri *r r aria 7 3 § i?S *-« " !,«.:.- ,- - !.<>el i ■.< i1 ■ :i ■ ■mi, cul-i indent, mnc 1:'. «•.’. i,<-i le:i fcata I! i -.-. : ii \. inch ::>!: r. C f r. ;!y hi u.--I n i , '" u J: j ci t!.. ; J • i 3 * k q r jf , • . r 7 i I -...... Hr -.aigs / : £ te (9 I .vlaki ‘3 strong honUhy vrovaa'i. H ;icIs fiiivct!-; V > iV.O "ov-iino I' Make ; Mr.nX.iy Per:.-.;:.:painies^ ;iii;l :v;.u!..: . I; / .•useojMforta o? cliild-birtlif*n.s 1 » iihiio&t <-n'!«*lv : void;- 1 .. , tj •. “ u-.;’ : «C*0?. , —vt Sr-11 tills coupon r .:«1 / K^Jtr n«itd>': c”.. U ‘‘j:'oV kll t.'iiiooir.T. ’ifnu.. nml -' S -;;visvs: thly Iti'sulatliii' l’l'ls. I’or sale by CITY DKUU STORK, Abbeville, Ga. CITY DIlUXTOltY M a you T. 1.. Holton. | MATOH I'llOTBM J. \V. Melton. — W A. Cherry Cl.KV.W City attounk\ —>Ylax K. ljand. TuBAHiniBK A. J. Harp. Mauauai.s ,1. J. Uarheld. It. .1. Fitzgerald. j ('OlNCILMKX )■;. a. Moody, W. 11. f.. Story if. A (frown. F. /. Ilalre. liOAKD of l'.m t ATiON -J H Monroe. A J M Mixon. L (,’ailey. J I) Maynard. , eUVRFHF.S. UaI’TIKT frcachinfr every s«cond and Sunday, morninsc and erenlnx. meeting on Fourth Saturday at 11 o'clock a. Rev. M L Lawson, pastor Sunday even Sunday at »:3»m. It- Monroe ' intendent. . ('musTiAX Freaching every First morning and evening. Rev. R F Withers, tor. Sumla.v School every Sunday at 10 a. .1 Hrow/i Superintendent. M BTHODIS 1 : Preaching every Sunday, ing and’evening. Rev. Guyton Fisher Sunday School every Sunday at 8:30 p. m. Frof W. it. Googe Superintendent’. L() DG KS. K. of F Mcets e v cry Fi rs t and T h i rcl f i' 11es day night. Max K. Land. G. G. F. A A. M Meets every Fourth Saturday. \\ . Lass.*ter. \Y. M. rorXTY DIRF.(’TORY. I * Kl’i: BSBXT ATI VK* -(i C Wilcox. Siie.ritT - 1 . i ■ < 'ovington. OnoiNAUY—J M Warren. J M Mixon. 4 Cm:UK- Tr.KAsi uKn i'. A Darker. Tax Collectou- c s McCall. Tax Rbcbivku -SamuUMirowu. Couoneu- Hen Smith. Si'uvkvou F. II. Taylor. Commission bus -M. K. McAnally. L. F. Nance, and I). McDullie: .1. N. Fvan.s. Clerk. CO CRT. County Court convenes every First Tuesday: T. Holton. Judge: Max K Land, Sol Li tor: -las. llare. HaUitt. Uoaiuj «)• Kur< atjo\—I I! Monro,-. John Roster. Rr. J Y H Smith. David Harvey, H F stone. SHERIFF SALES FOR JUNE. r- i;<)K(i!A. WILCOX eOl N I'V-Will be soul 0 , r , n m Of -.I---. -aid eountv. benreen the -esal ihv-s of sale, on the first Tuesday in June ! N-.c-. the fellow ms described iiroperty, to-wtt: l.-i „r land No. im» in the 12 th tii-tnct of court of wtteo.v county in ravor of iienking vs. u c snai.p, as the moaerty of defendant. Levy count v-court ba-vm. Also at the same time ami place will he sold ltu ' l ' ollmvln " promt., tt T w-it: one hundred acres of land in the form of a square ly ing in nm northwest corner of lot or land No. 205 in 1,11 :|1,1 <li -'’ ,lk ' t of "lEox oouniy. levied on and to be sold as the |>vo}»orty of 1). F. McGrimmon under and by virtue of ti ti 1 'a issued from \Vil county court tn favor or m.’ itarmtchaet ti I) F McGrimmon. Lew made ami returned to by James Harp, county court bailiff.’ , Usoat th0 «, m e rime and ,,iaoa w.u be sold follow iny iiroperty. to-wtt: -Town tot in t^wn mexo! u-vi«i onasthe,*r,j of. J M Mixon county court in favor of \v v> Mathews vs Lew-tor lies. .1 r Momy ami .1 m Mixon. 0l , nt y C oun bailiff. This May mill. isds. .V/soat the same time tind ylace will be till- followlnj: in-oiwsrty to-wit:—A certain tract or i il>,cc ' ° r laml "*'*anted in u« town or t>o chellc. Wilcox county. Georgia, and particu lavly de»crll>rd as town lot Ne. 211 and fifty feet square off of the north end of lot No. 17 both in block No. 13 fronting west on Gordon street. Silty ievt and extending back cast 150 feet and hounded north by alley running cast and west through said block No. 13. »miM by lot No. iu and south by lot No. lnand remaining portion of lot No. 17. containing fifty by 150 feet and hehrg \um of lot of land No. ls 2 in the sth dis trict of said IVilcox county. I.evied on and to ho sold as the property of Kara Lower Riviere and William Henry Riviere, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior court 6f said county in favor of the Atlanta National HuikUng and Loan vssociniton against said Ezra Lomcr Riviere and W illiam Henry Riviere and against the* said property Fro]>erty pointed out in said exeenlion.. J>»c notice of levy given as required by law. Also at the same time and place will Ik* sold the following property, to-wit 1 Town lots Nos seven <7> and eight »S) in block ■ T" of the Siubhs survey in the city of Abbeville, situated on the corner of Depot and Fine streets. Lvav mt on as the property of E W King to satisfy two Justice court li fa’s issued from the justice cotirf for the 1158th district G. M. said county. “ cd to moR T ' K * rmer vIso at the. same time and place will be sold tlu- follotvins: pvopt'Ttv. to-wli: A ooriatn tract of land described as follows, commencing at the north of a diteff on the Abbeville and Ro ehello public road about ont ami tfni^qtArtvr ne^-n,,: »t tit-- oiniri ........- in -,-.Vv me running along sum ditch «lcu* uovtU a distance m-hundred 1 ninety yards, thenev d< .* 1 iin* :..t Of tend No. 2M. .j:, woth to a point near Mrs. Marshull thcncc Nouthwestardiy along the made line between T i; Fuller a-:d I> Johnson to the .vb'jvville and Rochelle public road, thence along said road westwaniiy to the mouth of aforesaid, ditch ! , ttHi i«rt of commenci-mcnl: all tli,- lurid w ithin :^»;d bbundat «M*U‘s ^longing t<* Xr-. M v ; - Wi_nc-;rra. Mr-.. ' -i:!;.- St:-.•.Ui---, i f IHmton, K U*--: 1 s : r. v.omli ti I' until recent I v 1 Untir.-.rni iviilt IVonteri -r. One l.«tdt!<* :»:«*. 1 can ,i« ; - -- - ■ ■ 1 vourtfr!: 1 Hs-difMC. 1 and the said land, except Mrs. Mattliews. con ! tain in#,'3T> acres, move or Jess, the same hein.y a part of land No. 2H8 in the 1st district Wilcox county Levied on as the property of M A Fovd to satisfy a Superior court mortgage n fa i Issued from Wilcox Superior court In favor of I) Johnson vs M A Ford. I'ropcrty pointed out in said li fa. Also at tin- stunt- time and jtlact- wU: the followin'! property, to-wir I.. luiid j 1 and Nos. inland -J 11. tWe 217. south 220. i 2ts. No. F«), So i->, containing 12H. KM * i ■Georgia J aI! b ins and in t-liestti containing district two of hundred Wilcox and comity two and oi.e-half acic4 each. Levied on us the property of A l< Fisher to satisfy a mortgage tl , ta . lssl,ed . " lluos s,, l' eri01 co,,n 1,1 favor ' j oi Henjaniin Graham vs A K Fisher, * • Also at the N#me time and place will lie sold Hie following property, to-wit: Two hundred uud forty-Jive acres of land, more or less, the same being th# south half of lot of land No. lot ! in jhe 1st district of Wilcox county, Georgia. ; levied on as the property of S X Mitchell agent for T i Mitchell s children, to satisfy a state j i and county vetuvned tax ti -fa for the year I Sin. Levy made and tome by \Y A Goble. I,. G. I This May Uth. ISDN. Also at the same time and place will he sold the following property, to-wit:—One-half of lots Nos. 21 and 22. Johnson survey, in the town of Abbeville. Wilcox county and bounded as follows: on south by Stubbs street on the west by Public school building, north by lands of .1 K Monroe and cast by lands of G w Uroadhurst. Said land being the land deeded by Gars well A Stubbs to G \Y Donaldson. Levied on to satisfy a justice court ti fa. from ll'sth district, (i. AL. in favor of M A Holliman. Property pointed out bv plaintiffs attorney. Levy made and turned over to me F T Farmer. L. c. This May Stll lMi.18 L. Covixarox, Sheriff. Homestead Notice. GKORG1A Wilcox, count w Narcissus \ . iJogen (her lnisband refusing) applies to me for exemption of personalty and j will ‘ iiass a l’ ii|>on arl aJI< the ‘ '“Illation same at 10 of o'clock homestead and I a. m. on Junouth. isos at my oltice in Abbeville. Wilcox county Georgia. May 2nd. 181*8. John M. Warren, Ordinary. Receiver’s Sale. Re ailthoritv and direction of nil OHWI ; OI UK UJK USUI '' llt oi - emmtv u 1 w.ttlp and ovitcvt tl tit the 1 - March term 1808, of said court in the cases of the First National n Bank , 01 , „ Cordeie , , et al , vs i lie Nerage, , Watkins Company et al, and J i“ lUick waiter vs I la* Cypress Lumber Company et al. I will sell before the court house door at Abbeville. ba during . tin* legal hours sale M 01 611 Tuesday * the 7th day of .June i^*’S, LI 10 Stime being first J uesdd V i tt *sajd month, the entire plant of 1-bp ( ypress Lumber Company, «it«l*near Abbeville on the Ocniui wee river and tlte River Branclt of thl ' « & A ’““mad. Said property consists of one 40 horse power saw mill, with log jack.* | 0<1 . turner and cut off one factory with 50 horse power engine and iw-iio,. v ‘ 0 lie Perkins luuid shingle mil!, one Adams lath mill, two rip saws, one boring machine with all. neces sary countershafting. tight and loose pulleys and a good supply if L-, SE-.,. : tools and saws. Pubd-iiir- e.inple and in good -Hiudition. Location excel lent Kiu'iit acivs leased till April ist I'M)."). I’rivate railroad siding. Tins is a valviable property aud affords a fine opportunity to parties desiring to invest in nta* ! ! will.also sell at. the same time and place a small stock, of merchan dise, consisting of Shoes, Hats. Clothing and a few other articles. TEKMS OK S A IK. Stock of goods. Cash. Mill and factory plant, one-third cash; one third payable Septemi>er 40th. balance Mareit 40th. ISiffi. Pur chaser to insure property to seen tv unpaid baliiiive, and to forfeit oash i piiymenl in Giisv ot iiliiuri* to cohffpiy j wit!l contract .also to pav for lease (lute of , purchase it' location is j retained. Ih-ospeetive pitrelmsei's 1 ‘tre iuvitett . t«'> inspect* tlu; propert y. 1 -or more speenii- information an ply to ,1 U But k-vaiter. Ahln-vi!! <q a or p, u „. B n ehelie. G 0 fi \i(‘i/(HzS:>A GFFCt Vt*r. \._ )IC d~ </- i rtlers • • • -FROM THE-- Cut Price Store. Prices like these talk loud and long, more than that, they make our customers talk. 10 (jt yiilk bucket.......10 4 (jt milk pan 4 lu.cjt galvV.M well UncketlS 2 <[t enanihV coffee jxit. .2.4 1 pr large size towels.... S Pocket minor, . 1 Toilet soap... . 1 It) pi Dish pan .12 A. F, CHURCH WELL &, CO • * COP^iVtERCE GT. A5E3EVILLE, GA. HOMER RElD y The Leader In Fancy & Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Htteetlre December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. I<>. 17. No. IS. No- 20 & 2-53333 7 a S lv Savannah aril 20 p H s in a z ... 12 t 11 a 3 ar Helena ar 0 in p 5 3 :£» a 5 1 l 12 )> 3 ar Abbot ilie ar '» ‘in p - 2 in a 5 2 “ } )» 2 ar Cordolc ar 1 15 p 5 I :;5 a ~ s 1.1 2 i» 3 ar Americiis ar :» HU p 5 12 28 a - 4 11 a p 3 ar Richland ar 2 in y ^ 11 -TO p is S W 2 8 p s ar Montgomery lv in 15 a 5 7 15 p £ COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. • No. .3. No- 1.* No- 2 * No. 4...... . T W p £ In o5 a £££ lv Columbus ar 5 20 p sss 12 oo m <5 0(1 Richland ..... p £ J1 r-> a ar ar :» 55 p 7 15 am ..... . 8 50 p £ 1 HO i> ar Albany lv 2 lo y 5 uu a m..... FITZGERALD DiViSiON. No- O' No.- 7 No. 8. No- 10. • 5 55 c. SSS > a £ lv AbhcvilD* ar 1 J 15 p m 11 no pm................... r» 55 p u 15 a = ar FiUgerabl ar II 15 a m s 15 p m.................... 7 25 p ID IV.) a £ ar Oeilia lv 1** 20 a m 8 on y ri ................... -Trains Nos. t ~ through coaches Atianta and Albany in connection with Southern Kailway. CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. connects at Savannah with l’lanl Sj-stcm. F. c. < I', ami steamers. At r mingbam Alhan.v and tohttnbus. north, also At Montitomer.v with L. .V N. for Xew Orleans and beyond, for Itir and the with W. Ry. of Alabama, for Selma. TRAi ETz NO. 1 . connects at savannah with Flam system and F. C. A- F. R. R. At Helena ' *‘- wUh Division for rohmihusand r^lT'o.SSt.ISfSJd an *'• *v Atlanla also Tor Allian.v. At Montjromerv with L. A X. for New Orleans and beyond, for l!inn!n:2ham and the north, also with Western Uv. of Al abama for Selma. TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L. A- . from Xew Orleans and from the north, also with Western liy. of Alabama frori. Selma. At lehland with C. A A. Divisien for Columbus amt Atlanta, also for Albany. At Cordelo with S. a k. |;v. .\ 0 :> for Tifton and Valdosta. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocllla. At Savannah with l’lanl . System and F C ,V 1*. Kailroad. TRAIN NO. 20. (’onnisetsat Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Wesieni Ky. of Alabama. from Sclmtt. .If < 'onivlc wii!i a. s» A: F. Ry. No. ti south 'hound. hound. At Abbeville for Fit/-Me raid and Ocllla. At Helena with Southern Ky. No. 14 south At Savannah with Flam System'. F. G. A F. R. JL am! si/tamcrs. Mlcts&m HtiiYet Farlor Gars on Trains Nos. 17 and is. Fullniau Falace Sleeping Cars on Trains Nos. R) and 2 d. c. N. LIGHT. A. FORK. Assistant Geni. Fassenger Agent. < AsenU Cl'.'TL UAlillKTT. View rrcshlent .n 1 l Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.”' 1 ,!->on 1 'l'lint: MV t 1 >1^ .. < ;. H. H. TIFT, ■■ President, NO. 7 NJ). 3. NO. 1 F. r 1*. M. A. M. LLAA'Iv ~ a 10 x (hj 0i 8 it :i 28 8 . h> ~ 8 ^ .‘3 •* 8 25 H 8 U 4 3 r? n r>8 r> (5 4 ?. •l i0 0 13 2D '-7 4 ~ 1 25 0 20 25 - E Trains Nos. 1. 2. 3 and l run 1 rams Nos. 7 and 8 run on Sunday onlv, Flag station. 'Plains uly . (F{ Georgia southern stop and o ’lorida on stgna*. Tilton, All trains make connection with the Plant System and at and the Georgia and Alabama at Fitzgerald. CL ItOATUIGHT Traffic Manager Notice. state of Georgia: ii ilcov county. Whereas. J. W. Hamilton and others have petitioned this court praying lor an order change a portion of the Rocholtoand Hamilton road us follows: commencing at the ford of Brush Prong and connecting again with old road about p, miles from starting point, not leave old road over ten yards and will be on good ground. Now this is to cite and adnion ish all persons that the first Monday in June, said change will he granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. This 5tli day of May. isus. P»y order of L. V. Nonce. V. McDuffie, M. E. McAnally. J. X. 1C vans, ricrk. t ’onis. of Roads Rev. Dissolution Notice. The copartnership heretofore ex Isfcill^ between K. A. Jones iinfl Edenfieid lms this dav been dis solved l>y 11111 thill consent, it. V*. Fdeitfield bitt ing the interest of K. .Jones iGiil assuming . till liabilities and will collect all debts due said firm K. A. Jones. I«. K. L. Kdenfield. AbbeYillr. ^».t Mm mil. j Miles. Pencil tablet kulies Dong button shoes. oH men's gauze shirts 1 !l men's handkerehiefs.... 4 Ink................... :•! Jeans pants......... :ir, Hose, all sizes,...... ■ « Box stationery...... General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE 1 >ecci4 ilv^r U)t!i. lM')7, TfFTO.V, IJRK.JION HARDING 1*1 X L’TTA MYSTIC. FU’.TOUF.R. ITT/.GRRALI). professional Cards. MAX K. LANI), ATTOMNHY-A T-LAW. {^“Olllce in Herulley Hnilding. f Depot street. Residence 'Phone No. 85. AltltKVILLK, GA. ~ EiJ>nn>uK Fi tts. Hai. Lawson. cures & LAWSON. Office ATTOF1NHYS-AT-LAW. Broad on Street, near Ootirt House. Aubkville, (J KOBOIA. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., l J hyssioic»n Ac SrSt « J'jgor >ii, Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBKVILLK. GA. j* K. Rivins. Pres, A. -I. C.U.I.AHAN. V r P . -1. liiviss. fusilier. Capita! $50,000. Surplus $8,000. First national Bank, t-'f >i>il )Iit,Iv, O A . Accounts of Hanks. Corporations. Fftnis an Individuals Solicited, Golleetlons made. ,Si^ percent, interest paid on tinn deposits. W. 0. TIFT, Vice Presideni Miies. akkivi: M. F. c^r.tEr^r 1\ M. 25 12 15 0 10 20 12 00 ti r> 50 17 11 51 « f> 48 11 11 81 5 5 20 0 11 25 5 5 28 5iM» r, 5 12 LEAVE 0 11 00 5 5 W NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8