The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, May 26, 1898, Image 2

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THE CHRONICLE. OFFICIAL ORUAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Monroe Editor Publisher. and SClUsCRIl'TIOS rati: Twelve month 1 !......... «l Six months............. Three months......... taradvcrtHinR Invariably In advance. furnished application rates on The CuvoNicLE is published every Thursday at Abbr*vh>., Ga. Communications to Insure insertion should reach the office not later than Monday, and rm. t always bo accompanied for by the writer's sl^nAturc not necessarily faith, publication, but as ,« guarantee of t'otul For advertising rale < apply at this office, — - TELEPHONE NO. 44. ~~ Entered ot the Roth. Office at Abbeville, Ga. as second-class mat tv r. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1808 The birthday of Jefferson will be celebrated on June Jrd in many places throughout the South. Edward C. Flannigan, the of Miss Ruth Slack and Mrs. Allen, is now on Ids third trial in Dekalb Superior court France has assumed a very friend ly attitude towards the 1 nited States now This is natural If vou would command respect bordering onto fear, show that you have weight and power Col. Vincente De Uortijo, brother in law of Gen. Weyler, and Dr. Isi dor Julian, who have been incarcer ated at McPherson Barracks, have been exchanged for the two Ameri can Journalists. C. R. Warren, of Hawkinsville, lias filed with the war department .throughCongressman Lewis bis appli cation for an appointment as briga dier-general in the United States army—Cordele Sentinel. There is said to tie thousands of miles of swamp land in Georgia which have never been disturbed by the foot of man, If this war keeps on twelve months longer a good many acres it of will be disturbed, — TutiuiII .Journal Perhaps the best lesson taught up to this time b) the war with Spain is, tlial we need a navy of offense, in stead of defense. Our vessels are too slow to run down the Hoots of our enemy in the time allowed by Congress and the newspapers of the country. General Henry Rootes Jackson of Savannah, died last Monday from a stroke df paralysis, lie was horn in Athens, Gsi , June 24th 1820. Thus passed away one of Georgia's noblest sons, He was a brave soldier, a safe commander and a statesman strong and true. diaries Voting, of Wilberforce University, O., has been made major of the .Ninth hatallion ot the Colored Ohio volunteer infantry This is said to he the first instance in which a colored officer has been appointed the commander of a hatallion of troops in the army A great famine is prevailing -throughout Cuba. II ice is selling at 25ets per pound; condensed milk at $1.50 a can ; and horse flesh “Sets per pound. No beef or bread Tht insurgents condition is fearful, gro cers refuse to sell them and they are trying to subsist on peppery wood and palm buds. We arc informed that W. T. Wil cox has been appointed post master at Ocilla but that his commission is being held up upon misrepresenta tion made to the department by de signing persons This is a surprise to us. as we have known Walter nearly all his life, and know him to he competent in every way to fill any position to which lie might aspire. The insurgents are not proving to he so patriotic and worthy a '-set'’ as it was believed they were when we were rushed into war on account of •diumanitv's sake. It now ap pears to he a question whether they will join our army or that of Spain when a lest is reached Such in grales should he swept off along with the Spaniards when the time comes to dear the trash off the island, and let good true Americans take their places. 1 America will control Cuba lUivwav, annexation or no annexation, so let's get all the 8‘Akens out of the camp." War News In Brief. The wui- i-> costing (Spain *28,G0ff, OOG par month. An army lias been raised to be sent to the Philipinc-s. The report of Sampson's great victory yesterday lias not been eon- 11 lined. 70,000 American troop will in Cuba this week. Cannot longer for Naval battle. Admiral Dewey repels a vessel that attempted to land pro visions at Manilla. Spain expects help from France, Austria and Russia when a turn is taken against her. Spain's new cabinet entertains hope of victory' but prefers a ble defeat to a certain disgrace. She assumes the position of a dual ist, must light to save honor. “Mom) means promontory. Spain lias two Morro Castles, one Havana the other at San Juan, Porto Rica. Hon. E. B. Lewis, our worthy representative of the 3rd congres sional district, will have no oppo sition in the next election Col. T. C. Taylor having retired from the field. This is as it should lie. Mr. Lewis lias made us a good congress man He lias been conscientious and ever watchful of the people's interest, and lias always been found on the side of right. While the vote will be merely complimentary on the (ith of June, let Wilcox pay a big compliment to the present and next congressman. K. P. Convention. At the State Convention of the K P's last week at Augusta the follow ing officers were elected for the en suing year: Grand Chancellor—C N Under wood, of Rome. Grand vice-chancellor—T M Good nun, of Xtwnaii. Grand Prelate—Milton E Smith, of Macon. Grand Keeper of Records and Seals—W T Leopold, of Savannah. Grand Master of Exchequer—T G Howard, of Augusta. Grand Master at Arms —F Hooper, of, Americas. Geand Inner Guard—F M mercamp, of Columbus. Grand Outer Guard—IV H wald, of West Point. The next meeting will be held Rome. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few mini more awake and enterprising than the City Drug Co., who spare no pains secure the best of everything in line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is pro ducing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Troat, Chest and Lungs- Call at above drug store and get atrial bottle free ora regular for 50 cents and $1.00. Guar anteed to cure or price refunded. 5 Destructive Fires. The saw mill plant and several thousand feet of lumber of the Ga, Pine Shingle Co., near Sibbie, were destroyed by fire last Friday night. The fire occurred in the early hours of the night, It caught from the furnace while the fireman liad gone to the commissary, a distance of several hundred yards, for oil. Everything was so dry the fire had made so much headway when help arrived the mill could not be saved. The loss is about $1,500, with no insurance. The Chronicle Sympa thises with the gentlemen in their loss and trusts they will have no difficulty in getting theii plant speedily rebuilt. ‘ You can’t keep a working man down The hoys will come, On the same night a negro by the name of Tarpley, who was at one time section master on the A & W B B. got ~ his dwelling n and all his ■ household goods destroyed by fire at Beidsfield. We have not learned the origin of the tire. * T CLcUtU TT .5 •! J X?5 V Ii.fl ?•? nib , 4 3 y . k . CliP! i '••■ in. d i Mir I I i.vairtJO i tii-i i i f. ■[ •; V,!;, I uii -M; !.! **, ii uM L/vitUly I j ■.•irloc*. ■fr£% #3 J i K W ■ ' ft 5 r ^ CPS-rJ ?% Makes strong healthy women I v on ihe fern:; 1 . or;.run Makes Monthly PeriodspainWs anil J I'tilar. Dangers id . entire i voiced; of ehild-birtli can lx: almost A box of “Monthly' I'.ewaia'.ln:; Pills l ,f£K with r U'-li II f-v thit; coupon and * s = .‘■'tamps to theNety } Medicine Co., Chat- ( \ tanoogn, Tenn., and tvo J V.?? wMi sene] von FREE a sum- ) Sr. Pi !t* box of Planters Mon } thly Heimla 1/TfJT J'lii ai:< Fm- sale by CITY DRUG STORK. Abbeville, Ga. CITY DIRKCTOHY Mayor—T. la. Holton, Mayor Pkotkm— W A. cherry Clerk —J. W. Melton. City Attorney—M ax K. Land. Treasurer- A. J. Harp. Marshals- .1. J. Barfield, TL A. Fitzgerald. (yOUN OILMEN— 1 A. Moody. W. II. Wilkinson, L. Story, M. A. Brown. P. J. JIalre. Board of Education— J U Monroe. A T Baker J M Mixon, C L Cailcy. I l) Maynard. CHURCHES. Baptist— Preaching every Second and Fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Conference meeting on Fourth Saturday at IJ o’clock a. m. Rev. M L Lawson, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at 3:30 p. m. J. R. Monroe Super intendent. Christian—P reaching every First Sunday morning and evening. Rev. R H Withers, pas tor. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. M A Brown Superintendent. Methodist— Breaching every Sunday, morn ing and evening. Rev.. Guyton Fisher pastor, Sunday School every Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Prof W. R. Googe Superintendent. LOUGHS. K. of ID— Meets every First and Third Tues day night. Max K. Land, (■• C. F. A A. M.—Meets every Fourth Saturday. r A. W. Lasseter. W. M. COI XTY DIRH<TORY. epbeskxtativk—G <’ Wilcox. Sheriff’—L O Covington. Ordinary— J M Warren. K V LEKK—,! M Mixon. Treasurer— B A Barker. Tax Collector— C S McCall. Tax Receiver— Samuel Brown. Coroner—B en Smith. Surveyor— F. H. Taylor. Commissioners— M. K. Me Anally, L. F. Nance, and i). McDuffie; J. N. Evans, Clerk. COURT. County Court convenes every First Tuesday; T. L. Holton. Judge; Max E Land, Solicitor: Jas. Harp, Bailiff’. Board of Education—J R Monroe. Chairman John Hosier, Ur. .1 V II Smith. David Harvey. II I* Stone. Notice. state oT Georgia: Wilcox county. Whereas, J. W. Hamilton and others have petitioned this court praying for an order to change a portion of the Rochelle and Hamilton road as follows: commencing at the ford of Brush Prong and connecting again with old road about lti miles from starting point, does not leave old road over 4W yards and will be on good ground. Now this is to cite and admon ish all persons that the first Monday in June, said change will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary. This 5th day of May, 1808. By order of L. F. Nance, J). McDuffie, M. E. McAnally, J. N. Evans, Clerk Coins, of Roads A Rev SHERIFF SALES FOR JUNE. G F.ORGrA, WILCOX COt'XTY—Will be sold before the Court house door, in the Town of Abbeville, said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June 1898, the following described property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 109 in the 12th district of Wil cox county, Ga., which was levied on under and by virtue of a ti fa issued from the County court of Wilcox county in favor of Henking vs. C C Snapp, as the property of defendant. Levy made and returned to me by James Harp, county court bailiff'. Also at the same time and place will be sold thetl’ollowing property . to-wit -One hundred acres of land in the form of a square lying in the northwest-corner of lot of land No. 205 in the .3rd district of Wilcox county, levied on and to lie -sold as the property of 1). F. McCrimmon under and by virtue of a ti fa issued from Wil cox county court in favor of I> C Carmichael vs 1) F McCrimmon. Levy made and returned to me by James Harp, county court bailiff, Also at the same time and place will be sold the fallowing property, to-wit:—Town lot in the city of Abbeville, Wilcox county, Ga.. and in the-Johnson survey, known as town lot No. 50. Levjed on as the property tof J Al Mixon under and by virtue of a ti fa issued from Wil cox county court in favor of \Y B Mathews vs \\ Lewter Rea, J R Mon re and .) M Mixon. Levy made and returned to me by James Harp, county court bailiff. This May loth. 1898. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property to-wit:—A certain tract or parcel of land situated in the town of Ro chelle, Wilcox county, Georgia, and particu larly described as town lot No. 20 and fifty feet square off' of the north end of lot No. 17 both in block No. 13 fronting vest on Gordon street, tifty feet and extending back east lot) feet and bounded north by alley running east and west through said block Xo. 1.% cast by lot No. lti and south by lot No. 19 and remaining portion of lot No. 17, containing fifty by 150 feet and being part of lot of land No. 282 in the nth dis trict of said Wilcox county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Ezra Lomer Riviere and William Henry Riviere, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of the Atlanta National Building and Loan Association against said Ezra Lomer Riviere and William Henry Riviere and against the said property Broperfy pointed out in said execution. Due notice of levy given as required by law. Also aT the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit:—Town lots Nos seven (7) and eight (S) in block “T" of the Stubbs survey in the city of Abbeville, situated on the corner of Depot and Fine s-r.roets. Lev w on as tiir property o; e w Kiss -e satisfy two Justice court fi fa's issued from the Justice court , for . the Kh>8t}i district G. M. said county, Levy made and returned to me by f. t. Fa rawer Itailiff of said district. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit: —A certain tract Martin O'.n noTTi.n cuftEr.. Mrs. Stanley, < i Womb Denton, trouble Kv., : ,; [ ,,|1 from r V o'-.ably five years, ur.'il recently Femnlc i w\ trealr.ic.Mtt \ Plantcni ] hyu! ;il or. One boltlo enroll me. lean ;»>* (.punk words of praise for thin v.-ou !■. red medicine. of land described as follows, commencing at the north of a ditch on tlie Abbeville and Ro chelle public road about one and one-quarter miles west of the court house in Abbeville and running along said ditch due north a distance of four hundred and ninety yards, thence due east to the line of lot of land No. 203, thence sooth to a point near Mrs. Marshall’s, thence southwestardly along the made line between T 11 Fuller and 1) .Johnson to the Abbeville and Rochelle public road, thence along said road westwardly to the mouth of aforesaid ditch to the part of commencement: all the land within said boundary being included, except acres belonging to Mrs. Matthews, hereby accepted, and the said land, except Mrs. Matthews, con taining 35 acres, more or leas, the same being a part of land No. 2011 in the 1st district Wilcox county. Levied on as the property of M A Ford to satisfy a Superior court mortgage ii hi issued from Wilcox Superior court in favor of 1) Johnson vs M A Ford. Property pointed out in said ii fa. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-wit:—Lots of land Nos. 241. 221, 217. 220, 218, 219, 11K), 128, 129, 104 and 90 and the south half of Xo. 95 containing all lying in the 8th district of Wilcox county Georgia and containing two hundred and two and one-half acre4 each. Levied on as the property of A K Fisher to satisfy a mortgage Ii fa issued from Wilcox Superior court in favor of Benjamin Graham vs A K Fisher. i Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-vwit: Two hundred and -forty-live acres of. land, more or less, the. same being the south half of Jot of land No, liM in the 1st district of Wilcox county, Georgia, levied on as the property, of S N Mitchell agent for T I Mitchell's children, to satisfy a state and county tax ii fa for the year 1897. Levy made and returned to me by W A Coble. L. C. This May 9th, 1898. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following property, to-witOne-half of lots Nos. 21 and 22. Johnson survey, in the town of Abbeville. Wilcox .county and bounded as follows: on south by Stubbs street on the west by Public school building, north by lands of J R Monroe and cast by lands of G w Broadhurst. Said land being the land deeded by Carswell *t Stubbs to C W Donaldson. Levied on to satisfy a justice court ti fa, from 1158tli district, G. M., in favor of M A Holliman. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Levy made arid turned over to nie F T Farmer, la. C. This May 8th 1898 L. C. Covington, Sheriff Homestead Notice. GEORGIA—Wilcox county. Narcissus V. Bowen (her husband refusing) applies to me for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead and L will pass upon the same at.H) o’clock a. m. on June 6th. 1898 at my office in Abbeville, Wilcox county Georgia. May 2nd, 1898. John M. V • IT < irdinary Receiver’s Sale. By authority and direction of an order of the Superior court of Wilcox county made and entered at the March term 1808, of said court in the cases of the First National Bank of Cordele et al vs The Serage, \\ atkins Company et al, and J P Buckwalter vs The Cypress Lumber Company et al. I will sell before the court house door at Abbeville, Ga.. during the legal hours of sale on Tuesday the 7th day of June 1898, the saipe being first Tuesday in said month, the entire plant of the Cypress Lumber Company, lo cated near Abbeville on the Ocmul gee river and the lliver Branch of the G & A lailroad. Said property consists of one 40 horse power saw mill, with log jack, log turner and cut off, one factory with 50 horse power engine and boiler. One Perkins hand shingle mill, one Adams lath mill, two rip sows boring machine with all neces pulleys sary countershafting, tight and loose and a good supply of belting tools and saws. Buildings ample and in good condition. Location excellent. Wight acres leased till April 1st 1905 Private railroad siding. This is a valuable property and affords a fine opportunity to parties desiring to invest in ma chinery. 1 will also sell at the same time and place a small stock of merchan dise. consisting of Shoes, Hats, Clothing and a few other articles TERMS OF SALE. Stock of goods. Cash. Min and factory plant, one-third cash; one third payable September IJOtli, 1898; balance March 30th, 1899 I’m chaser to insure property to secure unpaid balance, and to forfeit cash payment in case of failure to comply with contract, also to pay for lease from date of purchase if location is retained Prospective purchasers are invited to inspect the property. For more specific information ap ply to J P liuekwaltei \hbevilie, Ga. or to me at Rochelle, Ga, D B XICHOJaSON, Receiver • * 9 --FROM THE— Out JPriGe ©tore. Prices like these talk loud and long, more than that, they make our customers talk. 10 qt milk bucket 10 4 qt milk pun. . . 4 Dl qt galv'z'd well bucketlS 2 qt enaiuld coffee pot.. 2d 1 pr large size towels.... <S Pocket mirror Toilet soap., 10 qt Dish pan.........12 A. F. CHURCHWELL & CO., COMMERCE ST. ABBEViLLE. GA. HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy & Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897, MAIN LINE. 19. No- 17. 18. No- 20. P SSESgSE 7 25 a in lv Savannah aril = P m 8 lo a m a 11 3U a mar Helena ir <> H p m 3 35 a m l a 12 26 p mar Abbeville ar 5 = pm 2 40 a m 2 15 a 1 3() p m ar Cordele ir 4 45 pm 1 35 a m 3 15 a 2 55 p m ar Americas ar 3 P m 12 28 a m 4 14 a 3 55 p m ar Richland ar 2 ]> m II 30 j) m 8 00 a 8 00 p m ar Montgomery lv io a m 7 43 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. 1.* No. 2.* h 4, 3 10 p m lo 05 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 p 232 12 m ii 00 pm J1 4o a mar Richland ar 3 55 p 7 a m 8 50 }i m 1 3th p m ar Albany lv 2 lo p a m FITZGERALD DiVSSfON. .................... No- 9. No- 7. No. 8 No. 10. .................... 5 55 p m 7 15 am lv AbbeviMc ar 12 15 p m 11 00 p m .................... ti 55 P m 9ir>.amar Fitzgerald ar ll 15 a m 8 45 p m .................... 7 25 p m 10 00 a m ar Ocilla lv lrt 20 am . 8 .oo p m ♦Trains Nos. i and 2 carryuhrough coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway 7 . CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah with Plant System, F. C. A p. and steamers. At Helena with Southern Railway Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Cordele with G. S. & F. R. R. No. 4 north hound. At Richland with C. A A. Division for Albany and Columbus. At Montgomery with L. A N. for New Orleans and beyond, for Bir mingham and the north, also with \v. Ry. of Alabama, for Selma. TRAIN NO. 17. Connects at Savannah with Plant System and F. C. A P. R. R 11 Helena with Southern Ry. No. lti south bound and No. 15 north bound Vt Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocitjla Yt Cordele with G. S. A 1C JL R. No. V south bound and No. 2 north bound Yt Rich land with C. & A. Division Cor Columbus and Atlanta also for Albany \t Montgomery with L. A N. for New Orleans and beyond, for Birmingham and the north, also with Western Ry. of Al abama for Selma. TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Western Ry. of Alabama from Selma. At Richland with (’. A A. Division for Columbus and Atlanta, also for Albany, At Cordele with G. S. A F. Ry. No. 5 for Til’ton and Valdosta. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Savannah with Plant System and F. (’. A P. Railroad TRAIN NO. 20. Connects of at Montgomery Selma. with L. AN. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Western Ry. Alabama from At Cordele with G. S. A F. Ry 1*4 No 3 south bound U Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Helena with Southern Ry. No.* south bound. At Savannah with Plant System, F. ( A I*. R. R. and Steamers. Elegant Buffet Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. 17 and 18. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains Nos..19 and 20. <\ X. K1GHT, A. POPE, Vssislant Deni, l’assenwer A GAlilSKT’T. rent. Vice President General Freight and Passenger Agent i KCIL and General Manager Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE." I^coocil Time Ttuble No. C5. H. H. TIFT, President. xo. 7 y o. 3 xo. i P. P. M. A. 35- LEAVE 3 8 10 S 0 3 3 23 8 3 3 ° 8 8 3 52 4 3 i: 58 9 ti 4 4 40 9 13 20 ■=3 4 4 25 9 W 25 ARRIVE Trains Nos. 1. 2. 3 and Trains 1 run daily, except Sunday. Trains Nos 7 connection’ and ft run nn q„nj.r ?he a f FI Elagstation. stop only on signai. All trains make with Flt/.Jrnid Phnt 1 System _ and Georgia Southern and Morida at 'iitton, and the Georgia and Alabama at fc G. BOATRIGHT Traffic Manager. SUBSCRIBE for the Abbeveille “Chronic!e. , ' , $L00 Per Year. u Wort?:’ of all fund At the Chronicle office. {professional Cards. MAX E. LAND, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Hendley Building. Depot street. Residence ’Rhone No. <55. All/lEVILLE, GA. ( utts. Hal Lawson. CUTTS & LAWSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. on Broad S'treet, near Court House. Abbeville Georgia. Miles. Pencil tablet .. I ladies Dong button shoes. 58 men's gauze shirts...... c men's handkerchief's.. .. 4. Ink............. x Jeans pants...... •••35 Hose, all sizes,. .. ... 5 Box stationery.. . General Offices: GEORGIA, EFFECTIVE sr 19th, 1897 TIFTON, BRIG HON HARDING PIN ETTA M VST It J, FLETCHER, FITZGERALD. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., Pliysioifin At SurgeoH, Calls answered promptly, day or night YBBEVILLE, GA. City Barber Shop. First Class Work HAIR CUTTING IN ALL styles, 25c. SHAVING 10c. Wells building, Broad St, next to Webb A Go. M. P. PEABSOL, Prop, W. 0. TIFT, Vice Presideni Miles. ARRIVE A. M. 1». P. M. 25 12 15 6 ti 10 20 12 00 ti 5 50 1711 51 « 5 48 11 11 31 5 5 29 9 11 25 5 5 23 5 II 11 5 5 12 LEAVE 0 11 oO 5 5 00 NO. 2 XO. 5 NO.'S