The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, May 26, 1898, Image 3

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Ld©o® 1 wd i5%ns©Fisu. ! © Matters of Interest Gathered in City and County, Concerning People You Know and People You Don’t Know. D. S. McDuffie was in town Mon II. II. Moore is voting his family 4,1 iis week. Dr. J. V. Powell of KrnmeV, was in town Friday. Col. D. 11. Nicholson of Rochelle, s here Friday. Judge J. C. Wells was over from Rochelle Saturday. Charley Bethea says he lias an ‘hibibesuus” cow. B E Maness is away on urgent business this week. David Gibbs from Kramer, was in town on business Monday. Mr. J. F. Grantham was in the city Tuesday on business. Mr. Loam Brown, Sr., was in town tliis week on business. Mrs. J. W. Fussell of Cordele, is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs T Gottlieb k>ft S« nda y {or - Philadelphia and other points Noith. Mr. P. II. Williams of Amerieus, was in town several days this week. Soda Water Tickets ti for 25cts or 25 for $1.00 at Central Drug Co. tf Say, have you read the new “ad” of P. S. Oliver? Tt will interest you. A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old Sores to Stay Cured. I-nr sale by City Drug Co. Mrs. T. L. Holton and her little daughter, Winnie, visited Pitts last week. Mrs. Sarah J. Fuller spent several days at her Abbeville home this week. M r. 11 0 Tomberlin and his daugh ter, Miss Maggie, of Sibbie, were in town trading yesterday. FRICANA will cure Ecrema and Ca tarrh to Stay Cured. For sale by city Drug Co. the union picnic Frb day the 27th, a large crowd is ex pected. Misses Laura and Bettie Quattle baum of Kramer, were in town trad ing Tuesday. A. I. Wbbb & .Co. keep a large of lints and can please you in and price. Have you tried Dr. Cherry’s new drink, “Refreshing Fruit Phospho?” .Well, it's good, we've tried it. Edenfield does all kind of Boiler and Machine work and guarantees -satisfaction. Call on him. tf ©SaMifAf** IwillAl NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep I v sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. For sale by City Drug Co., Abbeville, Ga. Mr. J. R. Alison come up from Florida Monday and is spending a few days with his family. Call on T. Gottlieb for bargains in Ribbons, Chiffons, Millinery, Etc. All going at cost. 5 5 lm Mesdames IL J. Prentiss and A. H. Crawford paid the Chronicle office a pleasant call this week. CUBAN RELIEF cure, rltsllim Neuralgiaaud Toothache * v in five minutes. Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price. 25 Cents. For sale by City Drug Co.. Abbeville. Oa. A. J. Poster and his daughter, Miss Mattie, were in town trading. Go to A. I. Webb & Co. and Smith’s shoes, they are 1 the best. Once you wear them you will no other. Jeff Googe, the ‘‘invincible, circulating among his friends Planters CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Bums, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. For sale by city Drug Stove. Mr. Britt Stamps, a popular ‘knight of the grip,” was in the jity Tuesday. We arc sorry to leant that Miss Sallie Story is at home quite sick this week. S 51 Geary Pierson, Mich., writes: DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is curing more piles here to-day than all other remedies combined, It cures eczema and all other skin diseases. Central Drag Co. Messrs. J. P. Roster and M. E. McAlmlly of Cedar Creek, were in “One Minute Cough Cure is the best preparation 1 have ever sold or used and I can’t say too much in its praise.''—L M Ken non. merchant, Odell, Ga. Central Drug Co. Miss Bessie Rogers, who is ing a flourishing school at Cedar Creek, visited her mother and at tended church here Sunday. Late to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for bis home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. Cen tral Drug Co. Mr. Walter T Wilcox of Mystic, was in town this week and paid us a pleasant call. Wo are always glad to see Walter. Come again. The Cubian question and political issues sink into insignificance with the man who sutlers from piles, what he most desires, is relief. DeWitts j{ aZ( ,i Salve cures piles. Central Drug Company. C. A. Bethea, in 1807, made net from three acres of ground in sweet potatoes $155.00 and all the.potatoes he needed for family use. Can you beat it? The human machine starts but once and stops but once. You can kgep it going longest atul most regu larly by using DeWitt s Little Early Riser, the famous little pills for con stipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Central Drug Co. If you will come up and pay your dollar to the Chronicle we will guarantee you a larger and better paper. Now just try it. SE Parker,-Sherou, Wis., writes: “I have tried DeWitt’s Witeli Hazel Salve for itching biles and it always stops them in two minutes. I con sider DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve the greatest pile cure on the market. Central Drug Co. Capt. A. K. Fisher renewed ins subscription to the Chronicle by handidg us a dollar Tuesday. Thanks, come again. Copy for change of “ad" must be in the oliice not later than Tuesday morning to insure insertion. If you have friends visiting you call up telephone 44 and tell us about it. Prof. E. C. Merry of Atlanta, visited Abbeville last week and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Prentiss. S C P Jones Milesburg, Pa., writes: —“I have used DeWitt’s Lit tie Early Risers every since they were introduced here and must I have never used any pills in my family during forty years of house keeping that gave such satisfactory results as a laxative or cathartic, Drug Co. Maj. 0. E. McGregor of Warren ton, state agent for the American Rook Co., spent several days in Ab beville last week. One Minute is not long, yet relief is obtained in half that time by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, it prevents consumption and quickly cures colds croup bronchitis pueiimo. nia lagrippe and ail throat and lung troubles. Cental Drug Co. All Job Work turned out of the Chronicle Job Office is guaranteed first class. When needing Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Enve lopes, Cards, Statements, Etc, be sure to give us a call. The law office of Bankston & non bears every evidence of a well regulated and highly successful law business. Besides containing a fine library, typewriter, carpets, tables and chairs it is always supplied with a splendid array of clients. A pure whiskey agrees with any food, in fact aids digestion, Il tones the stomach, increases the flow of the gastric juices and so promotes Strength and flesh. A pure whiskey like HARPER Whiskey. Sold by • Lasse ter, Ham & Co., -Abbtvilie, School Goimuhaion i K. \, Ijuwfii nt.tendod the Convention of Conimi s sionors . in Macon last week. lie reports a grand time and state- that “•nth .toy or j.......... upon as general examination day for teachers throughout the State. The j] .......... 1K1 An Enjoyable CVcu:-. ton. A few invited guests sst-mbled at the home of Mr. :*in 1 Mrs. J. R. Monroe last Friday evening and tk, ‘ time pleasantly in music, 'collations and games "till a late hour when the entertainment was concluded by the serving of iee cream, sherbet and cake by the hostess. The occasion was intended for a surprise for their daughter, Miss Lillian Reid, who returned that afternoon from College Park, where she had been at school for several months. The guests present, were: Misses Manlie Morgan, Clyde Melton, Annie Norwood, Anna Snow, Immogene Dyches, Alice Mitchell, Nettie Dean, Louise Herndon; Mesdames Lee Pittman. Lizzie Shepherd, Abbeville; Misses Laura Jenkins, Ora and Nel lie Welch, Fitzgerald: Messrs. G. W. Holzendorf, Forest Glen; Dr. J. M. Horne, George Fuller, Sibbie; John .V. King, Rochelle; Fred Grantham, Oscar Snow, Jimmie Story, Lewter Rea. Homer Reid, Joe Little, L. J. Whitehurst and Lee Pittman. On The Right Track. Mr. R. A. Wilson, of Reidsfield, is truly an up-to-date farmer us well as a successful mill man. He is harvesting his oat crop now and in spite of the drouth which nas cut it down to half a crop, he will get 1000 pounds per acre. The oats are cut as they begin to ripen and are thor oughly cured, then baled, straw and all. They are put up into 100 10 s bales and sold at $1.00 per hundred. He states that he has demand for all he has at this price, ilis oat crop of fifty acres will, in this way, net ..him $1100.00. A close calculation shows a total cost of seed, fertilizing sowing, reaping and baling to be less than $4.00 per acre. This leaves a net profit of $6.00 per acre. This is not all, as fast as the oats are taken off the land it is planted in corn and .peas. In this way lie get two full crops'or more from the same land this year. It will be remembered that Mr. Wilson gath ered five crops from the same piece of land in 1893. If all would pattern after this method of farming and raise plenty of feed stuffs and less cotton this would be an independent country, indeed. Sunday Behoof Class Picnic. Miss Mamie Morgan's S. S. class, together with a number of invited guests, picnicked at Poor Kobin Springs last Saturday, Fishing, boat riding and bathing were the principle pastimes of the day. One of the party, a gentleman, immortal ized himself by jumping into the spring with so much force as to shiver a rock near the bottom of the spring. The only damage that was done was to the rock and to the spring, the shivered portion of the rock rolled into the mouth of the spring and prevented it from boiling any more. It didn’t hurt the young mans head. Late in the afternoon the party embarked the steamer City of llawkiusville and took a run a few miles down the river. On the way down the boat lodged on two or three logs consuming some time in getting itself clear. This and sever al other little happenings along the way went far toward making the trip an eventful as well us a delightful one. The Protracted Meeting. Revival services are still in pro gress at the Baptist church. The congregation .Sunday morning and evening was large. Rev. M J. Law -on. the pastor, is conducting the meeting alone. Preaching every afternoon at 4 o'clock and evening at 8 o'clock. The meeting is ac complishing much good in the way of (Iisscmiing ing a spirit of Christian ■ ' • •' \-lip oU' Forest Glen items. Prof. S. L. Durham from Chiploy, ”• l!S erecting a store* 1101180 an(l wU1 8oSu bind i,.,,,, j „ S .Mni.o,, 1,». proouml a „olW j i Tong and measuring i i inches solid heart across the butL and (i inches heart at the top. He has donated il to the Amerieus Public Schools to he used as a flag mast. Who can .beat this? George W. Ilolzendorf visited Ab beville Friday. T A Mel,line of Abbeville is doing carpenter work here. B I! Bryant, Edgar Belcher, AT 1, Brown and Klislni Hunter were among the visitors here Saturday. Bible Institute TJie next Association Bible Insti tute will be held, at Union church; Seville, beginning Friday before the first Sunday in June. The Subjects are “Salvation,” “Good Works," Liberality, ’ “Sanctification,” “How to beget a Misssonary Spirit,” •■Sun day morning is a practical Sunday school with the current lesson.” All are cordially invited. 0. V. Fuller. Chin. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salv® Curas Fifes. Scalds. Bu&fis. ANNOUNCER ENT. To the voters of Wilcox county: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior court of said county, subject to the democratic nomination of the democratic voters of said county, and if elected I promise in the future ns in the past to do my whole duty as such officer. Thanking the people of my county for past favors and hoping to war rant the confidence and trust of the people. I am yours to serve, Jas- M. Mixon. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. Dissolution Notice. The copartnership heretofore ex isting between E. A. Jones and IL E. Edenfield lias this day been dis solved by mutual consent, It. E. L. Edenfield buying the interest of E. A. .Jones and assuming all liabilities and will collect ail debts due said firm. E. A. Jones, R. E. L. Edenfield. Abbeville, Ga., May fftli, 1808. How To Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on healthy condition of all the vital 6rgans. If the liver lie inactive you have a bilious look; If stomach bo disordered you have dyspeptic look; if your kidneys affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. Bitters" is a good alterative and tonic. Acts directly on the stomach liver and kidneys. Purifies blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold the City Drug Store. 5 Cordele Bicycle Co, —SELLS THE— MEET'EH Wheel, the Best on the market, and gives easy terms to customers. -- :o: -- Also keep a general supply of Bi cycle fixtures. You can get any part of a wheel from them. All kind of repair work executed • iili dispatch and guaranteed. CPEAJ’ A supply of second-hand Wheels in good order CHEAP Call on or address, S. POWELL, Jifrop., Banks tail But we have Never Failed . . * . . --T () S F. I. L-- I" 111‘111 I'll 1*6, SfOVC.S, CVooklTV. fact ^ «" «* House-furnishlng tine cheaper than can be bought in South Middle Ga. 310\ > * r I 9 W unhesitatingly recommend the.1898 1 1 I We Can also fnniigh a Good Wheel at $30.00 & MELTON. CENTRAL DRUG COMPANY, Next Door to Post Office. PRKscimn'iONs iuiivu t.i.y cc>\\rm nukd. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, BEST . . . SOAPS ON . THE .... MARKET. Call and Inspect these Bicycles. Wheels from $25.00 to $125.00. No War or Cut Prices HUT FOR . BETTER TIMES STAPLE AMD FANCY . . GROCERIES . * CALL ON /IS. B. 58rown, “ THE HUSTLER. 5 1 Startling Announcement! w ** * rw ' or *’ We are making a Great Reduction In Our Dress Goods -Department That will Astound You; Lawns, plain and figured; Muslin; Percales; Dimities and all other dress goods and in........ . SHOES; we have Tans for gentlemen and Oxfords for the Ladies’; wo have the Nobbiest Line Ever Shown Iff'The City and at prices that arc consistent with the times. Don’t Forget we are . ...... K DEALERS IN EVERYTHING. F> S OLIVER SjxniaJ Cut Price Sale ------OF-- Latest Style and Seasonable Goods 3 QFor the Next 30 Days l v-*~ AT T. GottlielYs. O O'OOCOQOOOOOOOOOOOO 3 o O 0 15 All wobl cassimerc...... .... at 10 o 25 Fancy organdie......... 18 o o 12 Percale................ 10 o o Jo Percale................ 8 0 ( '12 Fancy Lawn a ... ........ <> 5 Fancy Muslin.. ......... o 8 Fast Color Calico....... •I o o 5 Quilt, calico............ O 6 Yd. wide Sheeting....... i . i> 5 Checked Homespun...... o 6 Blenching.............. ...“ 4 o < ’ H 00 Men’s Linen Suits....... “ 2 00 . .. o * i 12 00 Men’s Clay Worsted Suits .“ 8 00 .. o ?>8 00 Men’s Cassimerc Suits.. . . .. “ 5 00 o ° 1 50 “ Slippers........... “ 1 20 o .. . ° 1 00 ...“ 65 o ° I 00 Shoes “ E- 00 o •• ... ° I 75 .“ 20 o •• .. Balance of my large stock at the same o Cut Rate — Price. — o o .— — '’coooccoccccooooocsc coo T. GOTTLIEB, J - t Be Produced. Come to see us ] J L Pittman, Mgr. TKT.EP1I0NB t)8 £ N 3 / Agents for these HIGH CLASS WHEELS. For Handsome Turnouts and .... Good 1 lories For Harness or Saddle, call a* the I LIVERY and FEED STABLES of J. H. HAMILTON, DBA VS. . . . run in connection with stable Stables near G. & A. depot.] Abbeville Georgia FINE ST A TION ERY . . AND . CHOICE CIGARS