The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, May 26, 1898, Image 4

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Woman in ■ Crlilf. lb * crisis it is tho woman every time who meets Us requirements, while the man, as sure as shooting, Is going to Bhow the white feather, unless lie Is that special one In a thousand that you bo rarely meet. Oar AmetfitHii Policy* The policy of thiscountr? regarding foreign Uio declaration of. ou r lend i r.g politician*, will Vmi MMstiilfiA-d, lull, imtit'iicc and prudence In official quart *r* will ro- ■stiuvin the exuVievance of public opinion. T_ hi* wisest and most prudent •*-iiirao for rbeiimatl ; nn d the malarious Is 1 i Ilonfetter’s J tomach Bit* ter*, d which also cu»•* • kidney complaint and jKpep 1 1. A patriotic Hwedo In Wisconsin reuuntly • uii. the follow mg clfu ion to a local paper: ‘1 hop you s»au l‘ (' and Give Spain the Dnvel Vi an '.'upan half suit r nufif of Thus^/’ To < lire a Cold in One Day. Tfiku Laxative liromo <)' liilno Tablets. A! 1 BrugglHlsrcfund money il'itfullstocuie. 115c. There Is not h pi-i-i- In Hie house of lords Victoria's who was there «l tho beginning ot queen reign. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour I.lfe Away. To <jalt tobacco easily and forever, be mag 001 . 1 c, lull o( life, nerve ami vigor, take No-'i’o- 11 ac, tbe wonder worker, tkat makes weak men •Irong. All druggists, COe or (I, Cure guaran teed Booklet and narnplo tree. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or Now York. Thu wist father always tries to bring up hia children in the way he stroll d have gone. Minlir Into Your Shoe* Alien's Foot-Ease,a powder for the feet. It cures imluful, swollen, nervous, smarting feot and Instantly takes tbo sting out of corns and burrjous. It'» the greatest comfort dis covery of the sgo. Aden's Foot-Ease wakes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it (o-daif. Hold hv all drug gists and shoe stores, 2.V. Trial package pi;EE. Addr-ss Allen S.OImsted.Lo Itoy.N.Y. E-Sip Disease Terrible Results of a Fall-How Health Was Restored. ”1 was injured by a full and began to have pulns In my knees, and ono of my limbs cramped and palufd me severely. Physicians decided that I bad a severe case ol lilp disease. I was taken to u hospital end underwent nil operation but a cure was not effected. I had seven running sores on one limb. At last I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and improved from the first bottle, Hood’s Sarsaparilla has entirely cured mo and lam to-day In perfect health.” John 0. Boyle, 45 Water Street, Ware, Muss. Hood’s Sarsaparilla la America’* Greatest Medicine. Sold by all drug-glut", $1; six for $5. Oct only Hood’s. Unml’c nUUU 8 Pillts rlllo aro With the Hood's only pills Sarsaparilla. to take Floors for Magazines. Cement floors In powder magazine* »re dangerous, because craoks and ravaties may form in them, constitut ing receptacles for Inflammable mat ter, besides which cement nearly al ways contains silicious particles which may cause'ignition by shock or merely by rubbing, Such floors have been forbidden in France since 1881 and iu Belgium since 1894, the mine regula tions requiring that powder magazines hu floored with asphalt or planks. A circular from the Belgian minister of Industry callB the attention of mine in spectors to the aecessity, when author izing a powder magazine, of requiring that the regulations be Strictly observ ed in this respect, and also that timber floors be made of oak planks well joint ed, perfectly smooth and free from cracks.—Scientific American. Woman As a Hater. Men tiro good at revenge—they have bo many ways of prompt action—but, while she must wait long perhaps, a woman is the best hater if once wronged, and if before death her day comes she strikes. In Hungary whiskey Is distilled from turnips, maize, potatoes and molasses. THE ILLS OF WOMEN And How Mrs. Flnkbam Helps Overcome Them. Mrs. Marv Bollinger, 1101 Marianna St., Chicago, Ill., to Mrs. Finkham: “I have been troubled for the past two years with falling of the womb, leucorrheea, pains over my body, sick headaches, , Backache, nervousness and weakness. 1 tried doctors and various remedies without relief. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com pound, the relief I obtained was truly wonderful. I have now taken several more bottles of your famous medicine, and can say that 1 am entirely cured.” Mrs. Henry Dorr, No. 800 Findley St., Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham: “For a long time I suffered with chronic inflammation of tho womb, pain in abdomen and bearing-down feeling. Was very nervous at times, and so weak 1 was hardly able to do any thing. Was subject to headaches, also troubled with leucorrhccn. After doc toring for many months with different physioians, uud getting no relief, 1 had given up all hope of being well again when I read of the great good Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vegetable Com pound was doing. I decided immedi ately to give it a trial. The result was simply past belief. After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three packages of Sanative Wash I can say I feel like n new woman. I deem it my duty to announce the fact to my fellow sufferers that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable remedies have entirely cured me of all my pains and suffering. I have her alone to thank for my recovery, for which I am grate ful. May heaven bless her for the good work she is doing for our sex.” 25 CTS. PISO'S CURT TOR UUKto Cough WHcKc Syrup, ALL Tastes Good. M Us© Dost UK* Si In t ttm 6. S br dragtrists,_ SE use MB rZ-S'CTS NOMINATED AT THE POPULIST STATE CONTENTION. THE PROCEEDINGS iwulli/ihuu in IN DETAIL UL-iniL. Felix N. Cobh For Attorney General and W, P, Glover Foe CommU»lonet of Agriculture. The populists of Georgia met in state convention ut Atlanta Wednes (lay at noon to name a state ticket. Permanent organization was effected with M. L. Palmer, of j. !oyd, in the chair, The convention was called to order by Mark I). Erwin, secretary of tho last populist convention, who called for tho nomination of temporary chair man. Mr. M. L. Palmer, of Floyd, was unanimously elected and Messrs. Austin Holcomb, of Fulton, and Ed gar Badenlieimer, of Carroll, were elected secretaries by acclamation. Mr. Holcomb read tbo call fqr the Convention. The roll call was dis pensed with. Chairman Palmer addressed the con vention briefly. He said this was a crical moment in the history of the party. The awakening of the working people to their political rights,he said, accounted for the existence of the peo ple’s party. For the first time there is a party recognizing the wants of the common people. Permanent prosper ity aud general welfare cannot be se cured without such recognition. A committee of three from each con gressional district was chosen to re port a ticket. The members of this committee were selected by the dele gates from the respective districts. This committee reported the following ticket: For governor, J. It. Hogan, of Lm colli. For attorney general, Felix N. Cobb, of Carroll. For commissioner of agriculture, W. P. Glover, of Bibb. The report also carried with it this resolution: “Resolved, That the executive com mittee be empowered to supply the names of any gentleman they may think suitable as nominees for the chief justice aud the associate justices of the supreme bench, and also to fill any other position on the state ticket that may become vacant for any reason ." Mr. Hogan’s nomination was rather unexpected and a motion was made to substitute Colonel Peek’s name, but the committee’s report was adopted by an almost unanimous vote. Mr. Hogan has represented his county in tho general assembly for two or three successive terms. He was the populist leader in tho house iu the lust session. A meeting of the executive commit tee was held Wednesday night at the populist headquarters for the purpose of nominating three supreme court judges. The committee, however, did not come to any conclusion so far as nominees are concerned. As several of the committeemen were absent, it was decided to postpone action on tbo judiciary for thirty days. MKNRONC A PAYS PS TRIBUTE. The Brazilian Minister Recalled From Washington. Semir Salvador de Mendonca, Bra zilian miniHtei’ at Washington since 1877, presented liis letters of recall Wednesday preparatory to being trans ferred to Lisbon, Portugal. Tbe cer emony which is in many cases little more than an idle form, was in this ease remarkable from the magnificent tribute paid to our great republic by Senor Meudonca, whose many years in the consular service has given him more abundant opportunity for just criticism than falls to the lot of most diplomatic representatives. HALSTEAD GETS NINE YEARS, Newspaper Correspondent Fares Badly For Using ills Kodak. A dispatch from St. Thomas, D. W. I., says: Mr. Freeman Halsted, the newspaper correspondent who has been sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment for taking photographs of the fortifi cations at San Juan de Porto Rico, lias been conveyed to a convict camp to undergo his sentence. FIRST PROVISIONAL BRIGADE. General Shaffer Issues Orders Naming Troops For Its Formation. Monday afternoon General Shaffer issued orders forming the First pro visional brigade and naming the Thirty-second Michigan, the Third Ohio, the FiPli Ohio and the Second Georgia as tho regiments composing it. All these troops are now camped at Palmetto Beach. Brigadier General Hawkins, formerly colonel of the Twentieth United States infantry, was placed in commaud of the brigade. SWEDES OFFER SERVICES. Foreigners at Chicago Will Join the Blue ami Gray Legion. Four hundred aud sixty stalwart Swedish-Americans marched in a body to the headquarters of the blue aud gray legion at Chicago Saturday and offered their services to their organi zation. United with the Blue and Gray Le gion are 400 British-Americaus who have seeu service in the British army. The highlanders are especially well MONITOR FOR DEWEY. Navy Dupiirtmeiit Order* the Monterey To the Philippine**. The news event of Saturday at the navy department won the order to the Monterey to proceed to Manila squadron. to re enforce Admiral Dewey’s of’strength The Monterey is a tower in herseif and her addition to Admiral Dewey’s force, together with the dis patch * of thousands of troops to Manila, is ample , evidence • , that ,, , the .. „ ndnntflsti l.. a tion has assumed no half-hearted atti tude toward tha Philippine question and i is determined to take no nr, cliunoa 1 0 of disposesston until such lime as the United States itself has arranged for the disposition of the islands. The Monterey is probably world, the most formidable monitor in the yet she combines with the enormous offen sive and defensive qualities of tho monitor type a seaworthiness that is almost phenomenal. The Monterey is described technically as a barbette turret, low freeboard monitor of 4,000 tons displacement. She is 250 feet long by 59 feet beam and 14 leet 0 inches draft. She carries in two tur rets surrounded by barbettes two 12 inch arid two 10-ich guns, while on her superstructure between the turrets are ifiounted six 0-ponnders, four 1 -pounder uud two Gatlings. The Monterey’s personnel is nine teen officers and 172 men and once she is safely in the entrance of Manila S&ffiS&tajW&HS post. _ MILITARY TRAIN RUN INTO. One Soldier Killed Outright and Many Others Injured. A passenger train ou the Chattanoo ga, Home ahd Southern railroad, which left Chattanooga at 8:40 o’clock Satur day morning, ran into the third sec tion of the military train conveying the First Missouri volunteers to Chickamntlga, near Eossville, Ga., killing Private George M. Walker, company 1), and painfully injuring A. Maynard Lane, company M; How aril Brolaski, company D, and slightly injuring several other occupants of the trains. The conductor o! the military train sent back a flagman to warn the pas senger train, but the flagman did not go far enough, and the passenger train came around the curve at the rate of twenty miles an hour. Tho engineer did riot see the danger signal until within a short distance of the military train. The engineer reversed his engine and put on brakes, but he did not have time to stop bis train, which crashed into the rear of the mil itary train. The rear car was a palace horse and car, in which Walker was riding, was completely demolished. Three of the horses were also killed. Engiueer Wheeler and Fireman Hamby, of the passenger train, were arrested by Lieutenant Colonel Cav ender and taken under guard to tho park. They were afterwards turned over to the civil authorities. A judi cial investigation was at once ordered, MOVEMENTS AT TAMPA. Kig Siege Gum Arrive—Rainy Season Has About Set In. The rainy season in Florida is about to set in and the troops are preparing to keep ns nearly dry as possible. this account the light artillery now iu camp at Port Tampa City, a rather low spot, has been ordered to camp in Tampa, where tho land is higher aud the drainage better. The first shipment of the big gnns that will bo used in tbe siege of Havana lias arrived. Forty-eight of thesS guns, which carry five-inch shells weighing 100 pounds each a distance of six miles will be used by the land forces in shelling Havana. These are tho most powerful guns ever used for such purposes. It will require an en~ tire regiment of men to manipulate these gnns. General Wheeler has moved his headquarters from the Tampa Bay ho tel to the calvary camp. t 01IEG0N BEACHES BARHADOES. Stve Takes On a Large Amount of Coal ami Sails Again. M A special dispatch received at Lon don from Bavhadoes, dated Friday, says: “The American battleship Oregon arrived here yesterday; all well. She took on board 200 tons of coal aud sailed today. Her destination is not known here.” RUNS THE BLOCKADE. Spanish Boat, Montserrat, Escapes from Cienfnejros and Reaches Cadiz. A dispatch from Corunna, Spaih, states that the American auxiliary cruiser Montserrat arrived tl’.ore unex pectedly from Cieufuegos, having es caped the American blockading ships. Large crowds of people thronged the quays and the members of the crew received an ovation when they went ashore. The people embraced the captain and officers of the steamer. Popular demonstrations followed throughout the city. The Montserrat is to be sent to Fer rol or Cadiz in order to have her guns mounted. CARGO OF UNIFORMS. \ Five Thousand Brown Canvas Suits Re ceived at Fort Tampa, Fia. The initial cargo of canvas uniforms for tho army stationed in Florida reached Fort Tampa Friday, The snits are brown, a color that will soon be matched by the complexion of the Cuban invaders. There were 5,000 suits in the first lot. Since the sum mer here is in full bloom, it is likely the snits will be issued at once. A Reluml Girl’* Haiti*. From The Mail , Milford , /nd. Miss Emma )ty bolt, a prepossessingsehooi girl of Milford, lad., is of more than usual Intelligence, and Is ambitious to rise in the literary world. "In tho fall of 1893,” said Mrs. Bybolt, “Ernmn wns takon 111. Bbe was a close student and her work bogan to tell on her. Bhe grew woak, pale aud nervous, and eom plained of pains In her back, chest and A few weeks passed and she grew worse. The doctor said she was a victim of norvous prostration, and should have been taken from school weeks earlier. Shegrudu ally grew worse, her nerves were so tense that the least noise Irritated her and she had n lover aud a continual twitching in her muscles. The symptoms wero much like St. Vitus’ dance, "A year passed, and, cc under a c li u n ge of ■r p b y si clans, Emma be r earno some what hotter 1 but u ever. a soon bad One was us day I road of n case similar tt> hers wbioh was cured by Her Halil*. Dr. Williams’ rink Tills for Tale People and I decided to try thorn. “Emma had no faith In proprietary medl clues but tried tho pills, and after taking a dozen doses, she began to Improve. It was about the lirst ot April when she began and by the middle of May, after taking about eight boxes, she was entirely cured, “While ill, she lost twenty-eight pounds, but asrvKaaaaaaiss now weighs more than over before. iartrs’ Pink Pills for Palo People cured her, and I cheerfully recommend them In nil similar cases. Mas. E. A. lirnoLT." Subscribed and sworn to before me, this third day of September, 1897. Caleb 1Sakk.ii, Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will euro all diseases arising from a pbor and watery condition of the blood, will build up a run down system and are u spe cific for paralysis, long regarded locomotor ataxia incurable. and other diseases ns Noisy Noise Annoys an Oyster. A customer in a fish dealer's place was leaning against a barrel of oysters when he suddenly turned and address ed the bivalves. “Hello, there! What are you gaping for? Getting tired of being cooped up, are yen ? A women standing near peered tim idly into the barrel. “Say,” she ask ed, “are those oysters alive?” "I should say they are,” answered the man. “Look at them hustling for air. Keep still a minute and you’ll see each one of them with mouth wide open—or shells, which amounts to the same thing.” Sure enough, after a spell of a queer rustling was heard In the bar rel and the oysters opened their shells and gaped for air, hut the slightest noise closed them again as tight as a drum. “I’m used to their performance,” said the fish dealer. “Why, you'd think sometimes they were coming out of the barrel, but they are just taking a new supply of air, and they can shut up quicker than a wink. Oysters aren’t so slow after all.” “I should say not,” said the woman customer, moving away from the bar rel as the rustling began again. A Beautiful Skin is one of the chief requisites or an attractive appearance. Hough, dry, scaly unsightly patches, little blister? eruptions, red and ring worms—these would spoil the beauty of a veritable Venus. They are'completely and ^Tetterine.^ ^ceuts a box at T . shuptrine. Savannah, Ga. A cow may have many good qualities, but she is too modest to blow her owu horn. Beauty In Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep driving it clean, all im- by stirring purities up the the lazy body. liver and ISegin to-day banish from blotches, to and that pimples, bilious boils, complexion blackheads, by taking Cascarets,—beauty sickly for ten cents. All drug* gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A sort of opium is obtained from tbe com mon let uce. _____ B. B. B. Cures to Stay Cured. Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all akin and blood diseasea, from the smallest pimple to the foulest ulcer. 11.00 per large bottle, 3 for #2.50, at druggists, Blood Balm or sent Atlanta, for price, express paid, by Co., Ga. ^e^Books of wonderful cures sent free. Lyon A Co's “Pick Leaf” Smoking Tobacco is the best for Pipe and hand-made Cigarette yniokiug. the Rich, Try ripe, mellow, fragrant. Beats world. it. An Anti»Sub«titution Victory. Alien S. Olmsted, of Le Roy, N. Y., whoso phrase, “A sample sent free on applica tion,” Is so ubiquitous in the newspapers, won a signal victory when Justice Laugh lin, In {supreme Court, Buffalo, Issued a permanent Injunction on the ground that t*e Foot Powder iu question was an in fringement on Foot Ease, the original ono, for shaking iuto shoes, etc. Suits will be brought against all others who imitate his trade mark, powder or sample packages, A which packages are sent free. postal card addressed Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y., gives your feet relief. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all Stomach troubles cured by Taber’s Pepsin Write Compound. Dr. aber Sample bottle mailed free. T Mfg. Co., Savannah, Ua. The finest shops In a Chinese city are th os devoted to the Bale of coffins. No-To*B»c for Fifty Con to* Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, makes woak men strong, blood pure. 60 c, |1. A ll druggist* Tho cathedral of Rouen boasts a clock which has kept time for 500 years. ST. VITUS’ DANCE. SPASMS and all nerv ous diseases permanently cured by the use of Dr Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE $1.03 trial bottle aud treatise to Dr. H. H. Kline, Ltd., 901 Arch Street, Phila., Pa. Sent free, Klondike Map From Gold Commission’s official survey. Ad dress Gardne r Co„ Colorado Sp rings, Cola The Southern Saw Works are the leaders In the South. See their advertisement In this Is sue. Their saws will suit you. We will give $100 reward for any case of ca tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall’s Catarh Cure Ta ^ea internally. & Co., Props., Toledo, - . ^ O. F. J. Cheney I cannot speak too highly of Piso’s Cure for ConsYimp ion.-Mrs. Frank. Mobbs, 215 W. 22& St., New York. Oct 29.1894. Mr*. Winslow’s the Soothing Syrup reduces for inflamma- children teething, softens gums, wind colic. tion, allays pain, cures 25c. a bottle. In Hamburg the authorities tax a dog ac cording to its size. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Casoarets Candy Cathartic. 10© or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. about Moscow 7,000 has a hospital large enough to hold persons. THE DlIM-DllM BUL1.ET. There Is hardly a Parliament In Eu rope whose members have not question* ed their war offices concerning tlxe fa mous Dum-Dum bullet, the new rifle projectile of the British army. Many alarming Btories have been told of Us terrors, and Governments have been asked to object to its use by tho arms of Great Britain. And the Paris, Ber lin and Sit. Petersburg papers have given considerable space to describing the bullet, with diagrams showing Us terrible effects upon the body. The other day Deputy Hubert, in the French Chamber gave notice to Mr. Hanotaux that France would insist upon raising the question of the legality of the em ployment of the Dum-Dum bullet. Of course, the question of legality has for basis the Convention of St. Petersburg, where the powers decided, among other things, against the use of the explosive bullet in their armies. The Dum Dum is not an explosive hut an ex pansive bullet, and, although small ia calibre, inflicts a wound similar to that produced by the Old time Minnie ball, while its penetration is as great as the nickel and steel cased bullet. The modern bullet of small calibre and long range has a terrific striking force, and can pierce several ranks of men; but the wound, unless in a vita] member can be easily healed. The Dum-Dum’s velocity is just as great, but the wound is large and lacerated. The effect is produced by a leaded cylinder of steel, capped by a wedge of soft metal, and a steel point. In the House of Commons the other day Mr. Powell-Williams, the Under Secretary of State for War, said' that these bullets were made in India by the Indian Government and issued by it to the aimy. The effect was that when it struck soft ttissues it “inflicted a wound sufficiently serious to stop the enemy,” but that its use did not infringe the Convention of St. Petersburg. Some of these bullets had been made at Woolwich for one of the West African colonies at the request of the Crown agents. Calling Down a Beat. Lord George Bentinck did not like a debtor. When dining once in his club he noticed a man whom he knew as a defaulter also dining there. The latter called for his bill. As the wait er was bringing it Lord George inter posed, and, in his commanding, in evisive tones, said, "Waiter, bring that bill to me.” Coolly casting his eye over its items, Lord George said, in a voice heard all over the room, and with a j severity of tone, which made his un j fortunate victim wince, "Before Cap tain orders such expensive din ners he should pay his debts of honor.” —San Francisco Argonaut. EdncatoYour Bowels With Cu.paret*. 10c, Candy Cathartic, cure constipotion forever. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Whatever Noah’s shortcomings were, he knew enough to go iu when it rained. Fits permauentlv : o ureu. >o Dr. nts Kline’s or nervous ness a iter first da> ’ “ use of Groat Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottleandtreatisefree. Du. R. H. Ki.ine. Ltd.. 9:11 Arch St.. Phila..Pa. WAGON Something entirely new. A better Scale for FREIGHT MIS. less money than has SCALES ever been offered. Address, Binghamton, Jones of Y. Binghamton, N. !7000 BIGYCLES ) carried over from 1817 must t , be sacrificed now. New . Itesfc High. equipment, Grade, ail styles, $0.75 guaran* teed. to $17.00. Used wheels, late models, all Wcship makes, approval $3 to $12. tcith lout on a cent payment. Write »well^ft8 borralin _ Hat and CtE art FREE catalogue for of tnedel*. BI<3\ seas on __ to advertise them. Bend for one. Rider agenta warn ived. Learn how to Barn a Bicycle and make money. K. F. MEAP CYCLI C COMPANY, ISAAC S. BOYD, President, (Pres. Boyd Jz Baxter Furn. Fact’y.) SOUTHERN SAW WORKS Box A 385. ATLANTA, GA. We Manufacture Solid and Inserted Chisel lilt Circular Saws. We Repair All kinds and makes of Solid and Inserted Tooth Saws. Make Burnt Saws prac tically as good as new. EFFECTED CURES BY Qerstle’s Female Panacea. One Bottle Cured Where Physician Palled. I sold your GensTLfs Female Panacea (G. F. P.) r /A~&\ is? not pay for it. After taking one bottle sl>* was entirely 1 cured and has been in good health ever since. wl Moore’s Bridge. Ala. J. R, GILLILAND. Health Restored. I was weak and in very bad health and unable to do my 2 work. I used one bottle ot 1 Ger8tle s Female Pana cea (G. F. P.) and it did me more good than anything I If there Is any Cos- ever used. I am now in good tiveness, use St. Jo- health and can do my work. seph’s Liver Regula- Mbs. S. E. CHANDLER. until the Bowels Gin, Ark. tor become regular. Get 11 . It from your druggist, and or a package, send we will us prepaid. send as cents you i I !• ii ,.** \*ffl Suffered from Change of Life. My wife was sick for seven years, suffering from the ; A •*r Change of Life. and paid We tried everything we coaid get from !| the doctors out a considerable sum for treat- lij ment without aqV good result. tVe then began using ' ! Gerstle’s Female Panacea (G. F. P.l and it did N /; I more good than remedy all else we had used for six years. It is the greatest for suffering females ever placed on the market. J, D. BORDEN. Colmesneil. Tex. it your druggist docs not keep it, send us $1,00 end will send you n bottle, all charges paid._L. GERSTLE 4 CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. «i * ,4i 23 OISTID ENJOYS Both tho method and results when x Syrup of Figs is taken - , it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispols colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup kind of Figs is the# only remedy of its tho ever pro duced, pleasing stomach, to taste and ac- in ceptable to and the truly beneficial prompt its its action m effects, prepared only from the most its healthy and agfeeablo qualities substances, commend it many excellent to ell and have made it the most popular remedy known. for sale in Syrup of Figs is all leading drug- 50 cent bottles by gists. Any reliable hand druggist will who may not have it on pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F!0 STROP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, H.i. HEADACHE “Both my wife and myself have been using CASCAKETS and they are the bait medicine we have ever bad in the house, Last week my wife was Irantic with headache for two days, she tried some of yourCASCARETS, and they relieved the pain in her head almost Immediately. We both recommend Casoarets.” CHAS. STEDEK'-.'iD, Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. CANDY r ta Ay cathartic # TSAD* MASS RgOISTIRSD Good, Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Never Sicken, Weaken. or Gripe, 10c, 26c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, Xew York. 817 O e gists fro C Tobacco Kablt ;; 1 COLEMAN’S TOBACCO OH LINIMENT Is the Best Liniment In the World For RbeumaMgm, Neuralgia. Backache. Toothache Com*. Stiff Joints. SoTes. Poisonous BiUb and Sling* all Izamgnes* «>7 JloTses. and all for ailments ear*subscription requiring an external Southern remedy, Farmer 'Jertitteftt* gftod a y to ami Country given with every bottle for 25 cents, by Druggists Merchants, or by moil postpaid upon recoipt of I rice. ’Stumps taken. H. O. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Durham, N.C. ANDRkwsCold Tea FOR THE LIVER Cures Headache, INACTIVE LIVER. ^ TI VI1* 1*11.1.U IIS. Three Blz.s. Will pull > tree b fcot In diameter. No. 1 Is warranted for s8 tons strain; No. 2 for75 tons strain. For catalogue and dig. address .11 onarch (* rubber Mfa.Co.Lone Trec,I» XMTIIITE I 1a. FULTON, Aft\v, Denton, Tex., ■ if you have money due you iu Texas or South . If afflicted w'th 1 Thompson’s Eye Water sore eyes, ns* MENTION THIS PAPERu^^n^i W. G. RAOUD, Vlce-Pies’t, (Pres. Mexican Nat. R. R. Mil a li..... :-.Al ■'"hji tty) v£§§H We Carry in Stock Belting, Files, Emery Wheels and other Supplies Bits and Shanks for all makes of Inserted Tooth Saws.