The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, June 02, 1898, Image 4

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A Lighthouse Keeper. How far off from Iho rest some parts of tho United .States are was illustrated pointedly a fortnight ago, when Uap tain Milan, keeper of tho Mount Desert Hock Light, <.ff tho Maine coast, paid his first visit, of tho winter to the mainland and thero first learned of the destruction of the Maine, lie bought all the papers lie could find giving an account of ilio catastrophe to tube to the small community of his home, iiostou Transcript. 1’iibllc k». Few (treat cities of America are adequately provided with public dorks of aueh r size and ho prominent location - s to Indicate I he time over wide metropolitan districts, lint It is 1,Ir-li time to check kidney and bladder coin plalnt manifested to therofferer hr Inactivity of the orknns iiffc 1 .mi. Hostetler’s Stomach Hitters remedies this es it. biliousness does dyspepsia, and rheumatism, constipation, nervousness. A magnetic survey Is to he made of Prussia, Cut whose coast regions miucuet't: measure- imperial ments have heel, curried out by tho 21 nevnl authorities. Tlie stations will he miles apart, and the cost ?l.’,509. To < nrc c Colil in One Day. Take Laxative llromoQ' luine Tablets. All DriiKKiste ref me: mom y I f 11 fails t o e.u re. x.. Asa successful writer of fiction the mail who acts out, the weather report easily dis tances all competitors. Ilcaaty Ia Illood Deep. Clean blood means a clean Bkin. No beauty without it. ( asearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood mid keep it clean, by Btirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin blackheads, to-day to banish tiiat pimples, boils, blotches, and Cascarets,—beauty sickly bilious for complexion by All taking drug ten cents. gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A new flerman church has $20(1,000, been completed in Jerusalem at a cost, of Spilt lit c, Klondike Map From Gold ( otnrnUsion’H official survey. Ad dresH Gardner & Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. HT.Vm’8* DANCE, SPASMS cured and all tterv ouh dineasoH permanently Nerve Restorer. liy the Send use for of Dr. Kline’s Great FHKK SI.00 trial bottle ami treatise to Dr. 1{. H. Kline, Ltd., 961 Arch Street, Phila., Pa. The cells composing the epidermis are 1-1900of an inch in diameter. What You Get When You Buy Medicine is a Mat ter of C re at Importance. Do you get that which has the power to eradicate from your blood all poisonous taluts and thus remove tlio cuuso of dis ease? Do you buy HOOD’S Sarsaparilla and only Hood's ? If you do, you may take It with tho utmost confidence that It will do you good. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Ib America's Greatest Medicine' $1; six for Hood’s Pills cure biliousness, indigestion. A Lead Pipe Cinch. "The expression ‘a lead pipe cinch’ originated in Brooklyn, N. Y.,” ex plained a well-known turfman. “Though it Is very frequently need by sporting people, it is not over twenty five years old. and I doubt if It is that old. It indicates a sure thing, or at least that is thought to be dead sure. There are several explanations of its origin, but I am satisfied that Brooklyn was its home. It was coined in this way: Homo years ago a fellow entered a plumbing shop and stole a piece of lead pipe. 11c wanted to take it over to New York, nnd to keep it from be ing seen lie wrapped the pipe around Ills body, nnd then put Ids clot lies on over it. A cinch, in turf language, means a girth or saddle band or any thing that is used to keep a saddle on a horse or niulo tight. ‘Clinching up’ means, therefore, tightening lip, and is of Spanish origin. As tho fellow with tho lead pipe around his body jumped to catch the ferryboat he fell over board, and, of Course, tho weight of the lead carried him down. A horseman, in explaining the occurrence, said the thief had 'a lead pipe cinch,’ and he had, anil It drowned him.”—Washing ton Star. AN OPERATION AVOIDED, Mrs. Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrs. Pinkham About it. Slio Says : Drab Mrs. Pinkham:—I take pleas lire in writing you a few lines to in form you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done me. I cannot thank you enough for what your medi cine has done for me; it lias, indeed, helped mo wonderfully. L A For years 1 was trou bled with an ovarian tumor, . eachyeargrow- w / ing worse, un til nt last I b ' te was compelled / to consult with X, a physician. V He said nothingcould __ •—' he done for me hut to go under an operation. In speaking with a friend of mine about it, she recommended Lydia L. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, say ing she knew it would cure me. I then sent for your medicine, and after tak ing three bottles of it, tlie tumor dis appeared. Oil! you do not know how much good your medicine lias done me. 1 shall recommend it to all suffer ing women. —Mrs. Rosa Gaum, 720 Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal. The great and unvarying success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound in relieving every derangement of the female organs, demonstrates it to he the modern safeguard of wo man’s happiness and bodily strength. More than a million women have been benefited by it. t Every woman who needs advice about her health is invited to write tc Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. j ; — WUITR TT if yoi 1 .. rri.TON. AlCv, iii Texas Demon. or L T t* yen 2-5" CTS‘ PISO’S curt FOR ounca lough nntnt Syrup. All Tauten HSt TAILS. Good. Use in time*. hv consumption @3335 WAR PA It A (ill A 1*1 IS. A . Brief , Compilation r, _ .. of . Daily T, Occurrences. The war department has chartered the steamers China and Colon of the Pacific Mail Steamship company, which, with tho Centennial, the Zeal andia and the Ohio, will comprise the next expedition to the Philippines. They will curry 5,000 men The rainy season is commencing in the West Indies The warships and newspaper boats have suffered from had weather during the past week, with frequent violent rain storms. Captain William Aster Chanler’s lit tic company of troopers is likely to be disbanded shortly, as lie has been made a captain in tho volunteer army. As he will he unable to command the men, some or all of them will join Roosevelt’s rough l iders. Col. W. W. Gordon, of Savannah, commanding the First regiment of cavalry, Georgia volunteers, lias been appointed brigadier general by Presi dent McKinley, as bus also Col. Fred lick I). Grant, soil of Gen. Grant, Fourteenth New York infantry.. Two other appointments are on the staff of Gen. Fitzlmgh Lee, First Lieut. Al gernon Sartovis, grandson of Gen. Grant and First Lieut. Fitzlmgh Lee, Jr. Colonel Cortijo and Burgeon Major Julian, with iho two privates, lately prisoners at Fort McPherson, have arrived at Key West aud are waiting on the revenue cutter Hamilton to be exchanged for Correspondents Jones and Thrall. A body of men have been sent down from Tampa to mount the big guns upon tlie new fortifications at Key West. Tlie search-lights on the ships und the big light on Fort Taylor arc at work all night long practicing upon the many boats as targets. Colonel Ilay, who will he in com mand of the immune regiments to be ■aised in Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, lias commissioned, at the re quest, of Representatives Lewis, Col 'in 1 T. C. Taylor and I. N. Ivilks, of Hnwkiusville, Ga., to raise companies. Blanco’s official dispatches to Madrid giv i it to he understood that Cervera rein (ins inside Santiago harbor, hut Sun lay’s cabinet council developed nothing to make the matter clear. Tne new cruiser New Orleans, for merly the Amazonas, lias proved her self a swift ship and apparently will he an effective fighter. So great is the demand for sulphur occasioned by the war that a mine near Humon, N. Y., will ho reopened and extensively worked. A London news agency asserts that the pope has forwarded peace propos als to President McKinley. Three of tho most prominent young white men in Montgomery, Ala., have been commissioned as officers over the local negro companies. The white officers believe the negroes will make good soldiers aud the appoitinents are in demand. It is reported in Madrid that Senor Sagastn, tho premier, during a cabinet council, reasserted that Spain does not expect the support, diplomatic or oth erwise, of any foreign power and that there is no question whatever of under taking negotiations for this purpose through Senor Leon y Castillo,Spanish ambassador at Paris. The Hong Kong police have seized a large quantity of stores being sup plied by a Chinese “comprador” aud intended for Rear Admiral Dewey. The Americans are fortifying Corre gidor island at tho entrance to Manilla >; *. U(1 m,nin K tbe e hftn “«l will reception . to give a warm any pos antagonist. The officers and men of the flying are jubilant that they have Spanish fleet shut up in Santiago Of the 125,000 men of the first call for troops, 121,500 are already mus tered in nnd the balance are already in the state camps awaiting to he sworn in as fast as it is possible for the offi cers to complete their work. The British steamer Restormal was captured by the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul, Captain Sigsbeo’s ship, while trying to get iuto Santiago with a cargo of coal. She was taken to Key West iu charge of a prize crew. The auxiliary cruiser St. Louis has been ordered to the Cramp shipyards to have her armament increased by the addition of six 5-iuch, rapid firing guns. * Stokers and firemen to the number of iUiO on tlie auxiliary cruiser St. Louis have made a demaud for the regular monthly wages, aud on its not being forthcoming have refused to W ork. They claim that they were, !,.iil 1 v treated while iu southern waters ‘ ll!1(1 thllt theil . foo q waa bad in both qua ij t y and ,, ua „tity. The appointment of Colonel W. 0. Oates as brigadier general in the United States army causes much satisfaction in the Opelika, Ala., district, which Colonel Oates represented for fourteen years in congress. The Harvard has sailed from Kings ton, Jamaica, to join Commodore Scliley s squadron. She took a pilot familiar with the south coast- of Cuba, <;LADS10NE’S ITN EBAL. Hotly Win lie I.»i<l to Kent On Saturday, May ZSIli. A London dispatch says: Saturday, May 28th, has been fixed for the fu neral of Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Glad stone’s death was tho occasion 'of a tremendous outburst of pulpit oratory Sunday. In almost every church in the kiugdom a sermon was preached iu his memory. Telegrams of condo lonco continued to pour into Hawar den from all parts of the world. FALLOWS FOB FLAN AC! AN. Verdict of tho 4ury “Guilty” Without Reeomm.n<i.tion. Tho trial of Edward Flanagan at Lecatur, < >a., was brought !o a close * nr ^ warning when the jury brought , , in a verdict ol guilty without a recommendation, Eet him hang, said the jury, aud “ le murder of two helpless women wllt bo avenged by the hand of the law upon ^ the grim ? ,*j gallows. Th ju( J , “ ollo 8 tho ini , lnction carried b , ha verdic t of that jury, “Let the murderer hang by the neek until ho bo doad 0 u Friday, June 24 J898 ” A close observation of Flauagau when tlio verdict was rend failed to detect any sort of betrayal of feeling, One of the jurors stated afterward that no vote was taken by tho jury un til Saturday morning. Friday night for two hours they discussed the ovi dence and then agreed to take no deli nite action until the next mofening. Saturday morning when the first vote was taken there were nine of the jurors for a verdict of guilty without a recommendation for mercy, aud three for a verdict with a recommendation, On the second ballot two of the three changed over to the majority, aud when a third ballot was taken all twolve were for hanging the defend ant. Motion for n new trial was made at once and it will he heard June lltli. If the judge refuses a new trial, then the case will be taken to the su preme court and will cause a postpone’ ment of the sentence. If the supremo court declines to grant a now trial, then there will he an appeal to the pardoning board for either a pardon or a commutation of the sentence. If the appeal to the pardoning board results in nothing favorable to the prisoner, then there will be a trial on u writ of lunacy, the defense endeav oring to sot np the claim that Flana gun is at that time insane, and for that reason ought not to be hanged. GORMAN FOR INCOME TAX. Marylander Denounces Decision of the Supreme Court. A notable speech on the war revenue measure was delivered in the senate Saturday afternoon by Mr. Gorman, democrat, of Maryland. In the course of an argument in support of a tax on corporations, he denounced as infa mous the decision of the supreme court declaring the income tax law of 1894 as unconstitutional. Tlio warning sounds by some sena tors that if u tax were placed upon cor porations it would be pronounced un constitutional by the supreme court had, he said, had no effect upon him. A decision against such an enactment would not destroy our financial struc ture, but it would destroy the court which should hand it down. ORNAMENT CAPTURES PRIZE. Won tho Brooklyn Handicap, Worth SIO.ODO, In Kasy Strides. A New York dispatch says: It was more or less a typical Brooklyn handi cap day Saturday. Nature was all tears in the morning and all smiles in the afternoon. The track was heavy, hut it was not a mud horso that won, for Ornament, who was fit to run for his life, cantered home a winner amid the cheers of tho crowd of 12,000. Ben Holiday got second honor, while Sly Fox Inn I” 1 in third pities WALTHALL’S SUCCESSOR. Governor McT-.auriii, of Mississippi, Ap points Win. Sullivan Senator. William Tan Amberg Sullivan, of Oxford, Miss., at present representing the second district in congress, has been appointed by Governor McLau rin as United States senator to succeed the late Edward G. Walthall. Mr. Sullivan will be one of the youngest members in the upper house of the national legislature, being aged only a few months over forty. He was born near Winona, Miss., December 18, 1857. After attending a common school he went to the University of Mississippi and later to Vanderbilt university, being graduated from the latter institution in 1875. CELEBRATED DEWEY DAY. Both Kansas Cities Have Demonstrations in Honor of Manila Victory. Friday was Dewey Day in Kansas City, having been set apart by the city council for the celebration of the Dewey victory of Manilla bay. Both Kansas Cities joined in making it the most popular demonstration ever held there, and crowds from a dozen sur rounding Missouri and Kansas towns lent their aid. The street parade was the feature of the day. It contained no loss than thirty thousand people. Of this number ten thousand were school children, who marched eight abreast, and formed a division a mile long, each child carrying a flag. GORDON A BRDjIltlER GENERAL. Georgian Goes la On a Personal Appoint ment of tlio President. A Washington special says: Colonel W. W. Gordon, of Savannah, com manding tho First regiment of caval ry, Georgia volunteers, lias been ap pointed brigadier general by Presi dent McKinley. The appointment is a personal ap pointment of the president. He was anxious to give Georgia a brigadier generalship and has been anxious from the first to appoint Colonel Gor don. Colonel Gordon’s name was sent to the senate Friday along with a num ber of other similar appointments. Horseless wagons are coming into in English towns for the collection of house aud street garbage. This sys tem leaves cleaner streets and de creases the wear of pavements. They Compared “Why can’t women bo natural?" growled Bumply, according to the De troit Free Press. “They make ma think of a lot of blue Jays with their clatter and their pluming and their efforts to improve on nature. They can think out more crazy plans an:! leveloped more unmitigated nonsense than so many inspired Imps. Look at your hair, Mrs. Bumply, plaited and twisted and fluted and banged till it looks no more like what it does in Its normal state than a junk pile looks like any of its original elements. And those sleeves, and those three story heels and that stiff-necked collar. Honestly, if men compelled you to rig up in that barbarous fashion you'd inveigh against them as brutal sav ages. “Oh, I don’t know," said Mrs. Bump ly. who is very matter of fact; "con template your own hair. Looks as if it was laundered down on top und molded over puff combs on the side. The shoulders of your coat are butlt up as though you were trying to palm yourself off for a prize-fighter, and the way that your mustache is twisted up at the ends makes me think of a French dancing on a reception night. Then Bumply grew very distant In his manner, arranged to go down town at once, told his wife not to sit up for him and said that if she had one fault above another it lay in her irrepres sible disposition to grow personal whenever she entered into debate. Revival of Medieval Art. A delightful revival of medieval art is crochet work in gold and silver thread. Besides beauty and brilliancy it possesses great durability. A collar or an edging, a small triangular piece for the coif, will last the owner a life time. It gives the finest effect when applied to black or dark colored vel vet. No matter how fashion may go it never loses its popularity altogether. —New York Mail and Express. New South Wales has 900,000 acres of wheat.* Hew Itelicf Came. From Cole County Democrat, Jefferson City, Mo. When la grippe visited this section, about sevon years ago, Herman II. Eveler, of 811 vlcthn?”and has'Tin™’ be°en'Iroubled with tho after-effects of the disease. He is a well-known contractor and builder, a busi new requiring much mental and physical work. A year ago his health began to fail alarmingly, and that ha live3 to-day is al most a miraelo. Ho says: “I was troubled with shortness of breath, palpitation of tlio heart and a general de bility. My back also pained me severely. “I tried one doctor after another and numerous remedies suggested by my frieud3, but without apparent bonoflt, and w began to give up Then hope. I saw / Dr. Williams’ I Pink Pills for I Pale People extolled in a St. Louis paper, and after investi gation, de cided to give \Y them a trial. “After us ing the first A Contractor's Difficulty, box I felt Wonderfully relieved and was satisfied that Iho pills were putting me on the road to recovery. I bought two more boxes and continued taking thorn. Williams’ “After taking four boxes of Dr. Pink Pills for Pale People I am restored to good health and feel like a new man. I am now capable ol transacting my business with increased ambition. “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People nro a wonderful medicine and anyone that is afflicted with shortness of breath, pal pitation ol the heart, nervous prostration und goneral debility, will find that tnose pills fire the specific, IIeiiman H. Eveleb.” Subscribed aud sworn to before me, a Notary Public, tbis 24th day of May, 1897. Adam Poutszono, Notary Public. Mr. Eveler will gladly answer any in quiry regarding tbis if stamp is enclosed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure people troubled with the after-effects of the grippo because they not directly on the impure blood. They are also a spoolflo for efironio erysipelas, catarrh, rheumatism and all diseases due to impure or impov erished blood. Her Secret Signal. Nervous housewives whose husbands frequently bring home company to din ner without preliminary warning of ten worry in their secret hearts to sup ply the unexpected guests. A matron living in one of the prettiest suburban residences in West Philadelphia, whose husband persists in bringing home guests at the most inopportune times, lias hit upon a happy expedient to meet possible emergencies. In passing any dish at the table of which there may be a limited supply the hostess makes a point to mention the enigmatical letters,. F. H. B. in such a manner as not to attract the at tention of the guests around the board. Immediately the members of the family are aware of the circumstances, and discreetly partake very lightly, if at all, of the viands in question. The secret of the three letters was solved a few days ago, and the hostess after wards laughingly confessed her little scheme. F. H. B., in this instance stands for family hold back.—Boston Traveler. ________ Educate Year Dowel. With Caacareta. 10c, Candy 25c. Cathartic, C. fall, cure drasRists constipation refund forever. If C. C. money. Brooklyn is to have the world's biggest su gar reliaery. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, euros wind colic. 35c. a bottle. Lj on A Co’s “Pick Leaf” Smoking Tobacco Stands umivalled for purity and flavor. Made from the purest, ripest and sweetest Tobacco. It will please you. Try it For Whooning Cough, Piso’s Cure is a suc cessful remedy.—M. P. Dietek. 67 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. H, 1894. A. M. Priest, Druggist, Shelbyx’ille, the Ind., says: “Hall’s Catarrh Cure gives best of satisfaction. Can get who plenty takes of it.” testimonials, as it cures every one Druggists sell it, 75c. _ Mississippi has only 1.38 per cent, of the railroad mileage in the country. To Caro Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Undulating laud is better for the growth of crops than a level soil. $ l l| I® & M IJ m »• fj. — -■b- - / y* j 1A i! / 4i WWM'\ i % 1 n / (H it o - * W o sV mmw it™ w n m •• 1 t i I 1 f i. f 4 ..• f - ife-- \ Among people where the practice of economy is a necessity, the buying of soap is an important yearly item. The grocer who has an eye to larger profits, may not suggest Ivory Soap. He will recommend nothing else if he is conscientious. Ivory Soap is a pure soap, all through. That makes it the most economical and best. A perfect soap for the toilet and laundry. IT FLOATS. A WORD OF WARNING.—There are many white soaps, each represented to be " Just as good as the • Ivory they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and romarkablc qualities of the genuine. Ask for" Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting It. Copyright, 1896, by The TrooUr * Gambia Co., dmoluuOL Greatest Light In the World. The greatest light in the world, a lantern which has an illuminating pow er equal to 00,000,000 candles, thrown in a beam nine feet in diameter, i3 soon to be erected upon the Highlands, 3 ust above Sand 7 Hook - t0 Bh(>w marin ers where they can find the entrance j the harbor of ew York. It will stand 240 feet above tide water, and at that distance will be visible about 30 miles. If it could be elevated three times that height it could be seen 100 miles dis tant. This is the same light that stood upon the southwest corner of the manu facturers building at the World’s Fair, where it was exhibited by Henry Le paute of Paris, France, and was pur chased for $10,000 by the light house board. Tho lensed are nine feet In di ameter and are composed of a central disk, two prismatic rims and 100 pris matic segments, all of carefully ground and polished optical glass. There are three lamps, with interchangeable car bons one inch ir. diameter, fed by a current of 55 volts. The generator and engine which were used at Chicago were not purchased, as it is believed that we make bettor once in America. The lamp weighs 20 tons and floats in mercury in a holow steel cylinder, 8o slight is the friction that it may be moved by a child’s finger. It is a question whether this lamp may not he made useful in case of war by rig ging it as a search light to sweep the approaches to. the harbor of New York and thus disclose the presence of a hostile fleet.—Chicago Record. Purely a Local Disease. Eczema is a local disease and needs local treatment. The irritated, diseased skin must be soothed and smoothed and healed. No use to dose yourself and ruin your stomach just be cause of an itching eruption. Tetterine is the only simple, safe and certain cure for Tetter, Eczema, Ringworm and other skin troubles. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents instamos. J.T. Shuptrine, Savannah. Ga. Missouri has more chickens than any other state in the union. Don’t Tobacco Spit *nd Smoke Your Lift Away* To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag* oetic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50o or ?1. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Ca, Chicago or New York. There is talk of establishing a school of mines in Johannesburg. Fits permanently cured. No fits or ne rvous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treati sefree. Dit. R. II. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. All of the beggars in Italy must be duly licensed. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, $1. All druggists. Natal’s wool production decreased in 1397 20 per cent. EXPOSURE to WET^COLD 3 AS Wet entire proven fleet system and disastrous at damp and the clothing effected. to delicate many chill women. Painful, female the organs are once j.\ Profuse, Suppressed of the or Obstructed Menses, if- health-destroying Whites, Falling disease Womb, is almost or some certain other 1 i) \ to follow such exposure unless proper pre \ m \ cautions are taken. When should any begin of these the dis- of 1 eases appear women use \ GERSTLE’S ;»■ Female Panacea. l IV TRAD ■(G. F. P.)» ARK. \ V. It female will regulate disease, and the give menses, health cure and all strength. forms of \ l\’ It is used in the privacy of the home. No con V sultations. No humiliating examinations. \ If there is any tendency to constipation or Liver indigestion Regulator. take mild doses of St. Joseph’s MY DAUGHTER SUFFERED INTENSELY From female irregularities, and had tried physicians and other remedies, but 1 could set no relief, Female and we had despaired of her recovery. saved We were indticed to tryGerstle s Panacea, arid I believe J. MACE. it her life. A. Jamestown. Tenn. For Sale at Drug Stores. $1.00 per Bottle. L. QERSTLE & CO., Props., Chattanooga, Tenn, FOR FREE SCHOLAR SHIP. ACTUAL BUSINESS TAUGHT Railroad Fare Paid. POSITIONS QUA RAX* TEED. Open all year to Botli Sexes. Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon, Georgia. ‘•After I was Induced to try CA8CA BETS, I will never bo without them in the house. My liver was in a very bad shape, and my head ached and 1 had stomach trouble. Now, since tak ing Cascarcts, I feel fine. My wife has also used * them with beneficial resuits for sour stomach.” Jos. Krehling, 1921 Congress St., St. Louis, Mo. CANDY r v JW CATHARTIC ^ tGmwmfe TRADE MARK REGISTERED Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, Kew fork. 318 NO-TG-BAC Sold and guaranteed by all drug gists to €17H£ Tobacco Habit. COMPLETE Su and pSSSSSr MILL OUTFITS. Gin, Press, Cane Mill and Shingle Outfits. Building, Bridge, Castings. Factory, Furnace and Railroad Railroad, Mill, Machinists’ and Factory Supplies. Bolting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc. Cast every day; work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON W0RKS5SUPPLY CO.. AUGUSTA, <jA. Good All the Year Round. ST. ANDREWS COLD TEA For tlio Livor. COLEMAN’S TOBACCO OIL LINIMENT Is the Best Liniment in the World For Rheumatism, Joints. Sores. Neuralgia. Poisonous Bites Backachp, Toethaclie Lameness Corna, Stiff and Stings, all o'i Horses, and all ailments requiring an external remedy. 'Jertilicate good for a year’s subscription to Southern Farmer given with every bottle for 25 cents, by Druggists and Country Merchants, or by mail postpaid upon receipt of price. Stamps taken. H. G COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., DURHAM, N. C. Habit. NEW HOME CURE. Painless. No Detention from work. Guaranteed. Writ* OR. PURDY, Houston. Texas. MENTION THIS PAPER tisers. In writing Anu to adver- 98-22