The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, June 09, 1898, Image 2

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-p ^ jr CHRONICLE. ' OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Monroe Publisher. Editor and sriist'RI ition Rates. Twelve monfiis *1 00 Six months. Jo .. 2ft Three months ... fn variably ■inf in ad vu nee. furnished application. Ad vert islre/ rates on The ( hiionk lk is pit hi) shed every Thursday. at Abbeville, tin. <lomrnu/iications to Insure i ns* rtlon should reach th** o(Mce not Inter than Monday, and must always be accompanied by the writer'* signature; not nec» ssurUv for publication. hut as a guarantee of good faith r’or advertising rates apply at. this office. ----TELEPHONE NO. 44. — l.iilereil at the Cost Offlee at AtitsivUle, La., u s sccoud-cla matter. Till KSDAY, JI NK !>. 1 SDK. (Vina lias a new capital, Peking is to be abandoned. A(lininti (.'crvt iu is a gentleman if he is it Spaniard. Hobson's brave deed is attracting attention throiiglioui tin* world. Atkinson was not the “mire win net’ Unit some people thought lie IVilS. . Hemcmber August the tilth, let us all be of one mind by that time. Stand together! Ca])t. T. C. Taylor has opened up veoniitiiig statians in Jlawkinsville and llacoii. ilis Company will be known us the • Lij'e Lewis Infantry.” llagley was a North Carolinian and Hobson is an Alabamian. The Southern mettle continues to stand the brave test of lire. Morning News. What are ••iininunes"? Why, (‘lmmune.s' tire simply soldiei's ' from the Southern States and are ac climated. 'They do not come under the rigid rules applied to those from the Northern States, in standing the examinations when enlisting. Talk liliout •■gall." but when a candidate approaches an editor and asks Ins support, without announcing Itiscandidacy through his paper, after lie lias done so in other papers of the county, il is the ••galliest gall” of all. Dewey s victory was a great one mid will be handed down in liistury as one of tiu* bravest feats known to warfare. But when Hear \dmiral fsampson decided to block the en trance to lht* harbor >f Santiago De-Cuba by sinking *lhe collier ves stdl Merrunac in its channel, he call t'd for volunU'Pi's, to face what set'in t'tl Pi'ituiu death, to pci’l'oini the daring deed. This act required hearts Imniing with patriotism, and courage that knew no fear, hut those accomplishment* were found in the persons of Lieutenant Richard l\ Hobson and six other noble men who responded to the call. They hoarded the Mcrrimsic and drove her under shot and shell to the spot agreed upon and blew her up. and thereby blocked up the Span islt licet, which was a great victory for America, Hobson was not sent. hr (iliosr to go. He know the (inn govs \lu\l fhiYiiUMuM him. Uut sbwing grim death in his face anil with the patriotism known only to Americans, lie performed the feat which will place him and his men on the pages oi history as men who were, in truth, willing to '-sacrifice their.livcs for their country. WAR REVIEW. Dewey has taken Manilla. Two calls for volunteers have been made; Havanna iias been effectively blockaded. It has been forty eight days since the opening of the war. A flow govement is being set up in th t > I’hihpine islands. The Gable- connecting Cuba with the outside world have been cut Commodore Schley has bottlled up Uervera in Santiago bnrltor. Sampson lias damaged the fortifi. cations of Sun Jaun. Mntuii/.as and Oardeiias. Sampson an I Schley have laid in waste the for titrations of De Culta and greatly damaged Uer vein's ships. Many killed Battle *iOV. JillLU <rf LIFE,- IIEALTH and VIM §&■ 4i I the > ’V] r. v.-n::::t:t Lotjld ::ti-l. It .-ite i.s Iirj.1 tint! despondent, SK. y.ii ■•! : i.c •;• I'lUteft-, :; it it iaii- <! I. • *<j:.. • female trouble*. -jUS Why ill • men lm&Liic. MeaUhand Beauty by ncglor-t *i!ff cl'toidei:! tA^tf? of iUj k.'iiJ. 9 f£NtE ®UlBH female Makv.s strong hcMfliy women. If acts directly on the organ Makes Monthly Periods painless and regular. Dangers mid .. entirely avoided. discomforts of child-birth can Le almost i., \ box of “Monthly" Uo?ju!atl:.g rills F«fiE av! 1 It r-n -Ii until* Semi this coupon and iarT/B| Sp«nc.r icr. In stamps Medicine Co., to the iliat- New -AIaX! Ttrk'i tnnoogn.Te FREE n.,nmt wo Win semi von a sniit ->w pte tiox or emitter Mou thly Rogtilatlng rjlls. lt etc Candler Sweeps the Field Wilcox County Gives Him a Good Majority--Also Majorities for Nesbitt and Hardin. • The Chronicle Did Not Lose A Single Man it Advocated. The table below shows how the votes were cast at each precinct, and it will be observed that Candler's majority over Atkinson is 55; Nesbitt’s majority over Stevens !I2 and Hardin’s majority over Cook 114. Total.. .. .. ..,, Gin HOUSQ‘. . . . .. Wolf i’it. . .. Seville. .. . . .. .. ‘Sibbie.... ..... Shak‘erag” .. . .. ?Ryals' )Ii11.. .. . ikochelle . . . . . .. Maple Branch. . \Dux'is Mill. . iBuwen‘s .‘Iill . {Aluhovillo . . .. .. I invel lior: i! IS 2(H) Atkinson......... 13 ic_oc 4 13 91 ft a 1 I Berner........... 2 Candler 15 27 24 4 ill e 8 257 ......... ocjc____ Socrelarp of State: Gj Mark Hardin...... 25 IC G 371 24; 23 4 - Cook....... 11 -i — 3 11 ! X 17 ^ Philip Comptroller (Jenenil: ■ W. A. Wright........ 159 21 2(1 12.1 lGj 28 17; 20 1C 20; 23 451 Comsr. of Agriculture: : H. T. Nesbitt........|131 ]8 I Si 52 10 4 B 1C 0. B. Stephens....... ! 30 i: 05 x 10 £: 13 i— School Commissioner: j 27; 17 1C 14 23’433 if. It. Hhun........ 159 25 20 11 105; 20 I ■ Attorney General: 20| J. M. Terrell........ 102 28; 20 11 i 17; 28; 17; 20,’ 11 22(450 Prison Commissioner: J. S. Turner........ 15(3 2:i ID 11 109; 20 17; 13; 12 23 417 J. W. Henfroe...... 5 *-» I 1 I Tl i Ctf Ti ;j2 State Treasurer: • , 2d! \V. J. Speer..........1(12 28 20 1J 111 28 _-u <M 20 23 455 Congress: Lewis..........|l5(i! 25 18: J 1 89; 20 JB| 1 T 1 i 21 407 K. B. When the returns were consolidated and the result announced by the Executive Committee, Chairman P. Ii. Coffee called the meeting to order and it resolved itself into a mass meeting for the purpose of electing dele gates to the various conventions. The following delegates were elected: Gubernotorial Convention—K. A. Wilson and A. B. Cain. Alter nates—J. II. Monroe and M. K. Land. Congressional Convention—Dr. W. L. Thompson and Jno. T. King. Alternates—Dr. D. F. McCrimmon and Norman Mitchell. Senatorial Convention—R. M. Delimit'd and G. C. Wilcox. Alter nates— Dr. A. H. Crawford and C. L. Bailey. Primary Ordered for August 10th. The Democratic Executive lnittce of W ilcox county in meeting assembled Tuesday, June 7th, order (1( ; a primary election for county ficers and representative for August the 10th. Each precinct in tli coun ty is also instructed to nominate its Executive committee-man on that day as a new Executive committee will be elected on the 11 th, for the next two years. The following reso lutions were reak and adopted. Alt* the Democratic Executive committee of "Wilcox county in regu lar mooting assembled being desir ous of seeing that the great princi pals of file party he dpheld, and llmt party lines be maitained do hereby resolve. 1st, That it is our wish and de sire that all election managers for the future, lie careful of who votes in tlie primary elections. That said managers allow only known white democrats to participate in said elec tions, and lie it further resolved. 2nd. That if there be any doubt in the mind of the manager as to tlie Democratic soundness of tlie person seeking to vote that the fol lowing question be asked to-wit: For whom did you vote in the last Presidential election? If the tins uer be that iie voted for the demo nominee then lie be allowed to vote. it a contrary answer be given llicn he be rejected, and that onlv registered voters be allowed ut said ''lection. A V ‘‘ pa ™est!y believe that if the re'wMs'Ar;c'iv IU mainudn!'d ' Lmit wili result in great good l« the party "* ' vl " i-rently purify dignity j Inn monb.e ( A ctions in \Viieox conn ty ! yp i I*, il. i axil <Y»f-vke. . JScvrotarv. Clmirmau. ONE BOTTLE CURED. Kv., Mrs. Marti;a Stiddey, 'if tvomb Denton, trouble writes: “l wittered from for probably five years, until recently I began treatment with Planters Female Regulator. One bottle cured me. lean always “peak words of praise for this wonderful medicine. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE AT Union Church. The Institute which convened at Union church last Friday and closed Sunday, was a glorious meeting. A large crowd was in attendance Sat urday and Sunday, more than the house would hold. Among some of the visiting minis ters were Revs. 0. V. and T. B. Fuller. Tims. Bulling-toii and J. TL Gorily. Sunday morning the Sunday School assembled and after the les son. talks from ,1. IT .Monroe of Ab beville et al were made on Sunday School work. At eleven o'clock Rev. T. B. Fuller occupied the pul pit, and preached an able sermon to an appreciative congregation. Union church should have a larger building. The present huildinm while it is a good one, was construct etl before the country was settled up. Now that entire section of country is being settled by prosperous farmers it demands a larger building. Seville, Abbeville, Rochelle, Pitts and other points were represented at the meeting. Everybodv Likes to " o-o ' to Union church anywav. The people are clever and hospit able and know just how to make one — teel at home. There is no section in Wilcox County where tlie people are getting along better, or come any nearer living at home than the Uommunity surrounding Union church.__________________ ' P ‘‘ UH P ,m * 8 !V ri 'g‘ meut . soI,,k,rs ll:lv, ‘ assassinated | 5 «ilk*ers. slain the priests and joined the Insurgent arntv. J Mis. Alice Stubbs of Sibbic. is Mrs. Monroe this week. I TS. .For Clerk. To the Voters of \Yi\cox oounty:- 1 hereby) announce m»eif as a candidate for re-election ( to the office of Clerk of the Superior court of said county, subject to thn democratic nonii- j nation of the democrttlc voters of said county, and if elected 1 promise in tlie future as in the past to do my whole duty as such office v. Thanking the people of my county for past favors and hoping to warrant* the confidence and trust of file people I am yours to serve. Jus. M. Mixon. For Tax Receiver. Tu th# Voters of Wilcox county. T hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the action of the dem ocratic primary. About all my life has been spent In old Wilcox and i feej assured all who know me personally will attest to my uprignt ness and integrity. Lf nominated and elected \ will faithfully discharge all the duties and obligations of the office. I respectfully solicit your support. Yours truly. Lawson Smith. For Treasurer. /Po the Voters of Wilcox county:-I hereby offer myself a-candidate for re-election to the office of Treasurer, my record in tlui fr&st is an open declaration as to. my fitness. i have en deavored to discharge my duty faithfully and I trust f have given satisfaction 1 am a demo crat’and will abide a nomination. If ejected. I will cwttlWfr&Q/fc <l4ty, as be fore, to the best of jm.v ability. I am grateful to you for your support in tbo past and hope yov will remember tuo again in the next elec Lion. Bespect fully, It. a. barker. SHERIFF SALES FOR JULY. G LORGIA, WILCOX COUNTY—Will be sold before the Court house door, in the Town of Abbeville, said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday' in July 1808, thfi following property, to-wit:—Town lot in city of Abbeville, Wilcox county, Ga., and in the Johnson survey, known as tqwn lot No. -50. Levied on as the property of .T M under and by virtue of a fi fa issued from IVil cox county court in favor of W H Mathews vs W Lewder Rea, J R Monre and j m Levy made and returned to me by James Jlarp county court bailiff. This Jimefltb, 1808. L. C. Covington, -Sheriff. Citation. GKOK'GIA — Wilcox county. To whom it may concern Sarah Carolyn liush having in proper lorn: applied to me tor permanent letters of administration on the es tate of Richard L. Lush, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said Richard L. Bush to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can. why per manent administration should not be granted to said Sarah Carolyn Bush on said estate as l will pass upon said application on the is* Monday in July. Isas. W itness my hand and official signature, this nth day of June Iwk. John M. Warren, Ordinary. Citation. 1 . 1 .‘»RGIA—Wilcox count.N : Annie Todd having made application for twelve months support out of the estate ol George W. Todd and appraisers, duly a*-pointed to set apart the same, having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby rc<ju . <1 to show cause, before the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in July is>v why said application should not be granted. This Jnne 8th 1808. ■lonn JI. Warren. Ordinary. Notice of Sale. State of Georgia. Wilcox county. Uy virtue of the power and authority given and granted in a mortgage made by John s. Graham, on the -.’tltli day of January ivy. to the Chanters and Alliance Warehouse Company of Pulaski county, and their assigns, and due by the lirst day of October lst)7, will be sold be fore the court house door of said county at Abbeville, Ga., on the lirst Tuesday in July 1807, within the lawful hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, Lot of land No. 175, in the sth district of Wilcox county, of 202H- acres, more or less, said sale will he made by the Farmers Alliance Warehouse Company of Pulaski county, the transferees and as signees of said mortgage and the note secured by said mortgage. Said note and mortgage be ing dated the 26th day of January 1897, and due by October first after date, payable to -aid Planters and Alliance Warehouse Company, of Pulaski county, and duly transfered and as signed to said Farmers Alliance Warehouse Company, of Pulaski county, and being for the sum of $138.25, principal, with interest thereon from the maturity thereof.* That said note and mortgage are past duo and unpaid and said sale «III be made to enforce the payment and settlement of the same. The deed lo said land will be made by A- T- Fountain, the president of said Farmers Alliance Warehouse Company, of Pulasld county, an incorporated company under the laws of this State. Terms of sale Cash. Tills Juneti 1898. Farmers Alliance .W arehouse Company, of Pulaski county. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this d,vsw,ful lllalfttl v ’ if }"©» will only get - tlle ll ^’ t 5 on are having ^ a ' U Oirougli your body, your liver U out of older > lulve 110 appetite, no J,te or amhitiol, > lia '" e a ba ^ cold, in fact are completely used up. Elee tHc B ittere is t,je 01ll v lemod v t!iat - - ’V* 1 8 . '' c V0 " P rom l Jt ;ukI - sure relief, ” ' act dlr( ' cl '- v ou Y,nu ' llvt ‘ r - - stomach and kidneys, tone up the Wh °‘ e system aud make vou feel lik( ’ - a new bein 8* They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale by tlie City Drug Co. Only 50 cents per bottle. 1 Notice. The Democratic Executive Coui ffiittee of the 14th. senatorial dis is hereby called to meet at WawkinsviHe oil June 21st, to fix lll ° time and place of holding the nominating convention for said ills riet. Wmobb ItHI. i: o™. it.- «. HOI -FROM -- Ghurchwell’s Out Price ©tore • i pair foil size Buck towels....... — 1 pair full size cotton towels...... w» Ladies Hankerebief's. ic : t t ' ' 10 (piart milk bucket. ~ 1 groce School crayon...... y: 1(1 balls thread........ Men's Overalls........ Lamp Chimney....... 12 boxes matphes..... Jlen’s .Summer undershirts....... Ladle's summer undervest....... Swans Down, per box........... 1 tli Brass Shoe Nails........... Box Stationery worth 2">e for.. .. Folding Fans.................. v» A. F, CHURCHWELL & CO ■ * CONTROLERS OF LOW PRICES. COMMERCE ST. ABBEVILLE, GA, HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy «& Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Paesenger Schedules Effective December 12, lcF)7. MAIN LINE. No- 19. No.. 17. No- 18 . No. 20. £££££££ 7 25 a 2 Iv Savannah aril 20 p £ 8 in a m 3H a £ ar Helena ar (> iu j> £ •» 15 a m J 0( ^ ii 2(i p £ ar Abbeville ar 5 50 p £ 2 40 a m 15 g ►— Hu !> £ ar (.’ordeie ar 45 )> £ I Ho a m :: ts 2 ii 55 p £ ar A meric 1 is ar c: m> p S 1 2 28 a m i n 71 c; £ ar Richland ar ii in S 11 ’It) p m S Ufl 8 dt 0(1 [I £ ar Montgomery Iv 15 a £ 7 45 p ni COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. J. No. 1.* No. 2* No. 4 I It) |> in Ui i:5 a m Iv Columbus ar 5 20 p m 12 oo ni a 00 p m H 4n a mar Richland ar 8 55 p ni 7 45 a ni 8 5o pm l Ho 1 m ar Albany Iv 2 10 p m 5 oo a ni FITZGERALD DIVISION. No. 9 - No. 7 . ]Vo. S. No- 10 * -• .»•> p mi 7 ir, a in iv Abbevilk- ar 12 i > u ;u n on i, n •* •*•> *» m u jo a m ar Fitzgerald ar II 15 a m ,s 45 i» m 7 2o m 10 ou a m ar Oellla Iv l:. 20 a m 8 uo p m 1 and rj carr 3* through coaches between Atlanta and Alban\ in connection with v sonmern s„»k tvaiiwai CONNECTIONS. nenIM At Kivhiand withV f r.-?. eame Tn % S A i ocilia A, coni ,-10 with <;. s. * Ii. H . 4 north l».mU heVonV w fov Albanv anrt t oluntbus. At Montsomer.v with !,. & N. for Now Orleans and hcvonj, fm- lot llir- n , mitiKham aim the north, also with w. K.v■. of Alabama, for Selma TRAIN NO. 17. Connects at savannah with Ulant svstem and I-' c ,v i> i> n ,, • . huin With t . ,VA Division for Columbus for »l<-mlngham and Atlanta also for Albany. ttMonteomervM-lrh V Ali f' :LLa foTseima.'' 1,nS and l)e * V<),1<1 ’ and the north, also with Western iy of TRAIisl NO. ( 8 . t ounects at Montgomery with L. A, X. from New Orleans and Division fan iu fo? 1101 th. also with Western I!y. of Alabama.from Sejma. At Highland withe A V An” fo J Columbus a no Atlanta, also for Albany. At t'ordeie with G. s. K i; v Vo -, fm- - -i n „ iVnaUroad. AW,ev ‘ lle for FUzgeraidand Ocilla. At Savannah with "Plant System and F c * TRAIN NO. 20. Connects at Montgomery with L. a N. from New. Orleans and tmm .h„ S north, also wttn \\ estern K.v. of Alabama from Selma. Att’orde.le with Southern'll a s v f v? it, V ^°’,4 ■south bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and (.'cilia. At Helena with ™ , “ J s0,,th bound. At savannah with Plant system. F. c. & p. u. K. and Steamers ! ° 1 ' t%r * 0,1 Tmlns Nos ” 1T and ls - nullman l'ahtce sleeping Cars on Trains Nos 19 and X. KIGIIT. , v pm , r aslant Gem. Pa S ^nt. — Agent. KTr _ VIec aR< Tifton and Northeastern Railroad.. “ SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE/' I i J Time T'lljlc- Mo. (J. H. H. TIFT, President. NO. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 v. V. M. A. M. L12AV H 8 3 10 8 00 0 « 2H 8 15 F H 3 •’ 8 25 8 I-’ 3 52 4 V 3 H 58 0 . .8 4 4 10 0 33 20 F ■3 4 25 0 50 25 ARRIVE sj’stem m and Lia . Georgia stari;in. Southed i',L'sto'/or'iiv".'ft/li/T-V/ Florida Tilton". i<l '\"ii train^make 7an<i Sr "" on s "htiaV oniv and at F. Attention Teachers. In obedience to instructions from the State school Commissioner, tlie annual examinations of tor license to teach will be held on Friday. June 17th, at Auditorium, in Abbeville, beginning at 8 o’clock, a. ill. Teachers will bear in mind fhere will be no special exami nations. Some of the questions of oie examination wdl be based upon the manual of methods and upon Page's "Theory and Practice of Teaching."' and Ilallock's "Psych ology."‘ If any teacher has not yet been supplied with copies of the manual of methods, they should ap ply to me at once. Thc examina tion will not-be lengthy, and will be easily finished in one dav. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS TAKE NOTICE. • Ptdib'e Schools in Wilcox C0llut 3 Georgia are hereby wusqteii ded during the week beginning June 5" tn«lii,i : , »Hi I*. ac “IS * ' Miies. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE I >ecei tibci' 19th, 1897, Tifton, brigiion ilARDIXG PIXETTA MYSTIC. EE ETC!TER, UITZGERALI IMPORTANT NOTICK. All public school teachers, either teaching or holding teachers license ' fire hereby ’ required - to attend the which will be ““jj' 0111 at Eastman. ’’ 1,1 ed Instlt Ga., «te opening .June the —0tli. 1898 and coatimieiiig tlitoitgliout the week tine' Fail not under the penalty of -v The parties in chdfge have secured the valuable services of Prof \y \ Little of Jasper, Fla., who will he in charge and Prof. Homer MTight, - of Dawson, G., to assist him. The committee at Eastman have secured 1 tout'd for teachers during tlie week at fifty cents per day and reduced rates oil the railroads. Li addition to the above there will be held at the same time anti place a Peabody for colored, which will continue for two weeks. I hope every one will attend and hai-e a Profifaldtc and plehsant week. This May 31st. 1898. E. V. Bowen. C. S. C, ^ c . W. 0. TIFT, Vice President Miles: arrive P. M. P. -r 32 fp !r 12 10 *c t7r| 11 11 iff 4L 01 i.c i’rr- 11 Iff» iff iff o ,c 10 iff SO. 2 XO. 5 NO. 8