The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, June 23, 1898, Image 2

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Iliit Short Memory. Ho —“Bello, will you marry me?” She—“Why, Alfred, you asked me question last Tribune. Sunday, aud I said Sul Iona and their Grievance*. TVif u' ieviviw tiH of sailors examined by the in ports of entry, where the sea belong, often torn o it to he Imaginary greatly cruel and « xaggerat* console;skippers cl. But th'ere are plenty who their crews. Violence is always ob and unfortunate pointedly ho liver, when stomach it, is bowel upon dosing an with drastic purgatives a i»y inti stities, Use weaken trie ilostet fe to lunch Bitters. The importation of madder root is chiefly Holland. Kdticwto Your Ilotreln With ('asearetfl. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. IQo, 2tte. If C. G. C.* druggists refund money. Tho United States leads the world as a su consumer. Hip Disease Had Five Running Soros-Could Mot Walk Without Crutches. “1 ftuiTorml from hip agd had five running H 0 fe» on one of my hips. J could not walk without crutches, I whs con fined to my bed for weoks at a time. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it has accomplished a perfect cure, I am now well auij have no trouble from Impure blood.” Annie Hobart, 41) Fourth Street, Fall River, Muss. He mem her Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is Amcrlca’B Greatest Medicine. *51; six fur $i> Hooci's Pills cure biliousness, indigestion. A Hig llolleii Dinner. Cooks in largo hotels and boarding houses may think they get up meals on a largo scale, but when it comes to wholesale cookery the little village of Lias, on the London and Southwestern Hallway, discounts them all. At a barbecue held there not long since, an ox was boiled (not rousted, which at one time was quite common) whole, more us an experiment than anything else. Tb.lji la how they did it: A Urge hole was dug In tlie ground and lined with brick. Inside this a tank large enough lo hold the ox was built. The carcass was then lowered into this tnnk, having been first placed In a ease formed by heavy cross bars to which chains were attached. Pulleys frmn a scaffolding above were used to raise and lower the ox. Many vegeta bles, such as carrots, onions, cabbage and potatoes, were boiled wilh the meat, thus making many golions of rich, delicious soup. The boiling re qHired seven hours.—Chicago Record. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. Daughters Should bo Carefully Guldod In Early Womanhood. What suffering frequently results from a mother’s ignorance; or more frequently from ft mother's neglect to properly instruct her daughter 1 Tradition says “woman must suffer,” and young women are so taught. There is ft little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a young woman suffers severely she needs treatment and her mother should see that she gets it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion; but no mother need hesitate to writo freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs. Plnkliam and securo the most efficient advice without charge. Mrs. I’inkham's address is Lynn, Mass. The following letter from Miss Marik F. Join; son, Centralis, l’a., shows what neglect will do, and tells how Mrs. Pinkhum helped her: “My health became so poor that I had to leave school. I was tired all tho time, and had dreadful pains in my side ami back. I was also troubled with irregularity of menses. 1 was very weak, and lost so much flesh that my friends became alarmed. My mother, who is a firm believer in your remedies from experience, thought per haps they might benefit me, and wrote you for advice. I followed the advice you gave, and used Lydia 19. I’inkham’s Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as you directed, and am now ns well as I ever was. I have gained flesh and have a good color. 1 aw completely cured of irregularity.” iliousness ** I tinvo liked your valuable CASUA KI2T8 and Und them perfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and um now com cured. Keeommend them, to every one. Once tried, you will never be without them iu the family." Edw. A. Makx, Albany, N. Y. THAO! MASK RX3!»7IRtf> f^ATFTHfi m Ploa«ant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Goed. Do Uood, Never blcken, Weaken, or Gripe, Hk\ 26c,50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... H>rU »8 UrmeiU Company, t hlrmro. Montreal. New York. HO-TO-MC CIN W BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, 4c., FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES An<l llopalrs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves tuut Fittings UIUMIIM WORKS 4 SM CO., AUQl STA, t;A. 25‘. CTS: 25 KC TS THE ISLANDS WHICH THE HOUSE HAS VOTED TO ANNEX. LOLU i \\ a \ JVALUt EXPORTS * 7 \ p5, 50Q. ooo V. VHAMA -J * Vy__, '^SVimooo r ’i \ ants LAND ouvmc MM-fzsx t \r% % v L %. fg V-. HlLO t w >y ^"'VS 1 4RfA r ? kp% 55 '(VmiOk fQUARE 7 MILES ooo •5 uno r rr 'JL '“■--ssEffe HILOUI % ^ '' NffMAB i mm(XU OAHU NONOUH. .1r-J UNJII^'C^ C^MOIOKAI MAUI HAWAIIAN ISLANDS uMooutkc c> PEACE PROPOSALS NO GOOD. Trrnift Suggested By Spain Will Not liven lie Considered. The newspapers of Madrid have published tlie text of a manifesto from the inhabitants of Catalonia, of which Barcelona is tlie capital, in favor of peace between Spain anil the United Stutes. The report was first looked upon by the aflicials at Washington as a stir prising and most important develop ment. On further consideration,how ever, the impression prevails that this might bo little more than the oxpres sion from some of tlio many parties in Spain. the report Beyond reading press with interest the Washington officials have no information that Spain was considering a peace movement. At the same time there would ho little sur prise if an actual peace movement, hacked by the Sagasta ministry, assum ed definite shape at any time. Indeed,it is generally believed that the Spanish government would be extremely glad to secure peace on terms which would save Spain from complete humiliation aud at the same time allow her to tain her colonial possessions. Of course, from the standpoint our officials no such terms are possi ble and consideration of them not oven be entered upon. MANY TROOPS WITH CAMARA. lirport That Mix Itlj; Transport* Accom pany tlie CikIU Fleet. A special cable dispatch from our agent at Gibraltar says: “It is nssert is? t $ t r : XPMia.VI. ("AMARA, OK THE CADIZ KLEKT. ed here that six trims-Atlantic liners, having on board 4,000 Spanish troops, accompanied Admiral Camara’s fleet.” J'RINT INSULTING CARTOONS. German Paper Sneers nt American Militia and Charges Cowardice. The Klndderadatsch (Berliu) in its issue of Saturday contains a number of cartoons grossly insulting to Amer iea, sneering at the American militia and charging them with cowardice. The Spanish consulate in Berlin is publicly appealing for subscriptions to increase the relief fund, and it is un derstood that court circles will respond generously , _ MANY APPLICANTS SELECTED For Appointment As Second Lieutenants In lteKulni' Army. A Washington dispatch says: At a late hour Sunday night Adjutant Gen eral Corbin made the names of the 195 young men who have been selected to appointment as second lieutenants in the regular army to fill vacancies created by the act of congress adopting the three battalion organization for the infantry arm of the service and the addition of one second lieutenant to all batteries when filled to war strength. Each of the 195 men selected will be obliged to undergo au examination that will be n thorough test of bis mental aud physical qualifications for the army service. __ Flu>TE Mlsus x CAB,SET - llibot Informs President Faure That He Cannot Form Ministry* A special dispatch from Paris says: After consulting with MM. Petrel, Sarrien aud Dupuy, Saturday morn ing, M. Ribot informed President Fanre that he is unable to secure a cabinet to succeed the Meline min istry. President Fanre accepted the latter’s rcsiguat’ou on Jnue 15, last. WAR COUNCIL HELD. President anil Advisers Will Adhere to Original l’lans of-Campalgn. A Washington special says: The original plans of campaign for tho con duct of the war against Spain will he adhered to and pushed with vigor, That decision was reached at a war conned Saturday, at which were pres ent President McKinley Secretaries Alger and Long, General Miles, As sistaut Secretary Meik ejohn, Admiral Sioard and Captain Mahan. Of course there will be some slight modifications made necessary by the changes that have occurred since the beginning of hostilities, but these a ter all, will not aftect the general plan of operations. General Miles returned from Florida with a store of information respecting he condition of the troops, difficulties to he expected in the progress of the campaign, needs in the matter of transportation and terminal facilities hat will bo freely availed of to correct the defects in the present system that expenence has developed paign The is official to be declaration pushed with that vigor the cam- dhes not necessarily mean ah immediate at tack upon Havana, although such ad vice has been tendered It does mean that the very best efforts are to be put forth to put the army m condition where it can he used with overwhelm ing effect at any point at almost a mo ment’s notice. WILL USE THE TORCH. (Ttizen* of Cuban Town Prepare to Leuvo Their Home* In Ashe*. Cuban scouts report that the inhab itants of Caimanera have strewn tho streets with straw and oil, with the in tention of destroying the city and flee ing to the hills. Caimanera lies four miles up the bay from Camp McCalla, under the guns of th6 American ships, and the situation is desperate. • Starving and famine-stricken, con vinced of the ultimate triumph of the American arms and- without faith in the protection of t he Spanish soldiery, the people are believed to have deter mined to leave their houses in ashes behind them and seek safety in the mountains of the north. CANDLER A COLONEL. Appointed llv Governor Atkinson to Com mand Third Georgia Keglment. Colonel John S. Candler, of the Fifth regiment, Georgia volunteers, has been appointed by Governor At kinson colonel of the Third Georgia regiment, United States volunteers, which is beiug raised.* * The remaining officers to be ap pointed , are ... lieutenant , colonel, , , two mniors, one adjutant, one surgeon,two assistant surgeons, b one chaplain ‘ and one captain . . and two lieutenants . for . each company, nfli'.'ers together with the other iiflcessnrv GoverLr Atkinson has a list of ap piicanta which contain* between 700 and 1,000 names. FEVER IS CONFINED. Yellow Jack Under Complete Control In Town of McHenry. The . most encouraging . news about , , the yellow fever situation in the south yet received came in official dispatches to the marine hospital service at Wash ington Saturday. Surgeon Murray, one of the experts at McHenry, Miss., wired au official report that he believes the yellow fever is confined to Mo-Henry. The reports also show that the peo pie of McHenry are co-operating in the work, aud there is a daily house to-house inspection. The authorities are very hopeful, though by no means confident that the danger is passed. FLOUR MILLS (LOSE DOWN. Unsteadiness of the Maiket Affects Mil waukee Manufacturers. Owing to the unsteadiness of the flour mai kot four of Milwaukee’s large flourmills have closed down. There are only two mills running, aud these on short time. Unsteadiness of the market * j is • given the ,, of , the as cause move aud this condition will probably exist until tho market becomes set tled. A Fatality Avoltlad. From the Democrat , Goshen, hot. When neurulKlu U ocoompooled by a dull, heavy pain ueur the heart, frequently be coming luteuse, it generally terminates fatally. Mrs. Nancy Flynn, who lives near Goshen, Indiana, survived such uu attack aud her advice is worth hoedlng. “In the fall of ’92,” she said, “I began to have trouble with my heart. There was a sharp pain In my breast which became rapidly worse. The doctor was puzzled aud put me under the lulluenoe of opiates. These sharp uttacks followed one another at Intervals and I became weak aud had a haggard look. I was constantly in pain, seldom slept and had no appetite. “At the end of two years I was confined to my couch most of the time und the doc tors agreed that my death was only a mat ter ol a short time. M\ “One day 1 noticed in _ =S— LI a newspaper ^ *'MMh WM on about item* a woman hav In g been Di cured of •==-neuralgia of «=i=- the heart by Dr. W i 11 - lams’ rink I’ills for > / ——• I’alo People and 1 con Thne. cluded t o A Serious try them. “When I hftd finished one box I noticed nn improvement intny condition,and when I had taken twelve boxes I was completely cured. ‘Those pills have done for you what wo could not do,’ said one of my physicians, ‘they have saved your life.’ “That was two years ago and my heart has not troubled me since. I believe I owe my life to Ur. Williams’ Pink Pills for Palo People, aud I take pleasure in telling oth ers about them.” Among the many forms of neuralgia are headache, nervousness, paralysis, apoplexy and locomotor ataxia. Some of these were considered incurable until Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Palo People wero formu lated. To-day thousands testify to having been cured of such disenses by these pills. and Doctors frequently prescribe them all druggists sell them. Timefy Information. Tho r of modeni of h ea , lber is 8Uch that every projec tiie which does not hR a thlck i y mountl . d part> or strike at a very acute , mu8t rause frightful destruction in the interior of a vessel. But as the heavy armor covers hardly more than a third of a „ u visible aboV0 watel llMf it is more iikely that an unarmored t , 8 hit than that armor will be struck 0jle lucky shot can disable a ghjp> & (ew j ucky sbots may decide a b;;atMe ft , g th|B consideration which causes {he Germans to be so specially carefu) , n the trainlng of their mar ( ne artiUei . y But lt i8 not very likely that the perccn t a g e of hits wll increase If. future< The increased ape ed of the veggel prevents that . Ships armed with the hcav!est ordnanoe can begin to fire at a distance of 0,000 to 7,000 meters (3 i. ; , t0 4 ,„ m n ea ); with guns of a - som ewhat lighter ca llber, at 5000, to ,.,000 me ters. The heavy guns, Indeed, c much farfher; but it would be I ugelKjs wft@te of amlnunitlon to fire at gh , n than three or four mUe3 | awa and a modern ship cannot afford ! to waste Its ammunition any more than its coal. With modern facilities for loading, a battle ship could fire a way its entire stock of ammunition In less than an hour, and who can say that It will he quickly replenished? Trained for War. Dogs are trained In the French army to carry ammunition to the soldiers during a battle. Large Pyrennean sheep dogs are used for the purpose, and they are able to carry 500 rifle cartridges. They are terribly afraid, however, of the firlhg, and if wounded take good care not to run any risk again. That Everlasting Irritation Itch. „ J? dUefse^M cents*^iU C e5re%hem-sto" box of ! the itch at once. 50 cents pays for a - uah, Ua. _ Dublin nmnteurdoetors arc in distress, as tlie proprietors of the three city theaters threaten to enforce the monopoly of all the atrical performances granted to them l)y an act ot King George III, passed in L780,’ To Cure a Cold In One I)aj’. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Bruksoh Bey has discovered the earliest records of Illustrated comic literature in a panyrus of the twenty-second dynasty re I cently found at Tonnah. Beauty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Catliar , tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by ttirring up the lazy liver and driving all im ; purities from tlie body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, mid that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty fa ctio guaranteed for ten cents. 10c. 25c, All drug « lst8 ’ n , 50c. ^°4’ff£d h;rgei V aria ' y /fry Aliens root-Ea?©, A powder to shako fo the shoes. If you have smarting tee.t or tight, try At leu’s F.OQt-Ees.0. It pools the and makes walking easy. Cures swollen spofs. ap4 sweating Relieves lent, busters and e.allous and gn-esr.esl and cor ns aud Try bunions it to-d'ay. of pain Sold by all druggists comfort. 25o, Trial package FIlEb. and shoe stores tor Olmsted^ Itoy, Y. AdJrt ’ ss ’ Allen S ’ In a civil service examination in England there were l.&KS failures in a class of 1,972. » No-To-Bae for Fifty Cent*, Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak “ en stroog ‘ ‘ J ‘°° d pur * Mc ' ,1 AU drugglst * Bicycles the are in general use in Canada. In 1^ sales were very large. _ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrnp for children Lyon A Co’s “Pick Leaf ,y Smokilng Tobacco is tho "best of the best.” 2 ounces and cigar ette book for 10 cents. Try it. After phvsicians had given me up, I was saved by Plso's Cure.—'K 1893. alph Erieg, Wil liamsport, Pa., Nov. 2!. S. K. Coburn, Mgr. Clarle Scott, writes: “I find Hell's Catarrh Cure a valuable remedy.” Druggists sell it. 75c. _ The Southern Saw Works are the leaders in tho South. See their adyertl-emeut in tbis ,ssue ‘ ihcir sa " a " ! —*! u lt rou ~ _ Antwerp is the principal market of Belgium for paints and colors, To Care Constipation Forever# Take Caicarcts Camlv Cathartic. 10c or Be. II C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. lSlki Capo mounted Colony’s diamond production during a to How to Stop Coughla(. The following is from a doctor con nected with an Institution in this city where there are many children: “There Is nothing more irritable to a cough than coughing. For some time I had been so fully assured of this that I determined, for one minute at least, to lessen the number of coughs heard In a certain ward in a hospital of the institution. By tho promise of re wards and punishments I succeeded In inducing them to simply hold their breath when tempted to cough, and In a little while I was myself surprised to see how some of the children entire ly recovered from the disease. Con stant coughing is precisely like scratch ing a wound on tlie outside of the body. So long as it is done the wound wiil not heal. Let a person when tempted to cough draw a long bfeath and hold it until it warms and soothes every air cell, and some benefit will soon he received from this process. The nitrogen which is thus refined acts as an anodyne to the mucous mem brane, allaying the desire to cough and giving the threat and lungs a chance to heal. At the same time a suitable medicine will aid nature in her efforts to recuperate.” Don’t Tobacco Spit tnd Sm .ke T«sr Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and Vigor, take No-To Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet liemody and sample free. Address Sterling Co., Chicago or New York. In Brazil a single pineapple has never at tained a greater growth than seven pounds. B. B.B. Cures Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilitic Rheumatism in its worst lor*n. Try it. $1.00 per large bottle, 8 for $2.50, at druggists, paid, by or Blood sent Balm on receipt Co., Atlanta, of price, Ga. ex press E3?~Books of wonderful free. cures sent Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first (lay’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Du. R. H. Kltne, Ltd.. 931 Arch St., Phi la., Pa. Over 130.000 pounds of ivory were disposed of at auction sale in Antwerp recently. S OF o e& L r • - Slimi \\ r m t iit/ THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing’ the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Strup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA Fio Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs hks given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otheY laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate, In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of (ho Company— CAUFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO, SAN Fit AN CISCO, C*l LOUISVILLE, Kj. NEW TORE, N, V, I II. TTTHIS event in the life of a wo J I u man is looked forward to with f II 1 i, a because feeling the akin little to horror—not one is not weloome, but because the mother dreads the direful consequences •- -I' to herself. Those long hours agonizing her like hideous labor stand out before ^ ^ t improper a delivery, nightmare. followed An a • - - child-bed fever, end the by / few short days, may scene •s in a leaving the A J ■> little one motherless. But there C ’ is another who side to expecting the picture. be- If women are to come mothers will commence the use of the great female tonic, GERSTLE'S FEMALE PANACEA, regularly as directed a few weeks restored before their confinement, normal condition, and continue its use until the organs are to the hours of labor will be shortened, the pain lessened, and recovery complete. If there is any costiveness, move the bowels gently with mild doses of St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator. SOLD AT DKl’e STORES. L. G8RSTLE A CO., Proprs,, CHATTAX000A, TENX. ISAAC S. BOYD, President, (Pres. Boyd & Baxter Furn. Fq,ct’y.) SOUTHERN ^.SAW WORKS Box A 385. ATLANTA, GA. We Manufacture Solid and Inserted Chisel Bit Circular Saws. We Repair All kinds and makes of Solid and Inserted Tooth Saws. Make Burnt Saws prac tically as good as new. ftm Kinfitirot ti Cniuw. For the asking Lltho- wo graphed mail you* Carpet oui Uata legue, lithographed showing colors. goods In Forsamples.seiid ALLCAKPKT3 eight cents. Fit HE, AND FKEIG11T PAID TO YOUK STATION. i (# $3.95 Buys Solid this Refriger- (exact) Oak ator. Our 112-page Furni i Catalogue of ture. Draper! Baby Car- ei, Crockery, Stoves, rlages, Bodiling, ^ Damps, Pictures, ™ ^T3 : Mirrors, mailed all &c., is to who ask for lt. •) $7.45 (• BuysaMade-to-your-Measure l S All-wool P STATION. Samples ft ESS PAID Free. Cheviot Catalogue TO Address Suit, YOUlt KX- and w* Of (exactly na below.) (• JULIUS HINES & SON, ®) ®) Dept. 301. BALTiMORE, M0. YELLOW FEVER PREVENTED BY TAKING “Our Native Herbs” THE GREAT Blood Purifier, Kidney and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS’ TREATMENT, $ 1.00. Containing a Registered Guarantee. By mail, postage paid, 32-page Book and Testimonials, FREE. Sold only by Agents for THE ALONZO 0. BLISS GO., Washingion.B.C. Bevel-Gear Chainless Bicycles MAKE HILL CLIMBING EASY. Columbia $ 125 Chain Wheels, $75 Hartfords,. 50 j . Vedettes, $40 & 35 \ ♦ POPE MFG. CO., ' Harllord, Conn. ly; ■m .A 0im m IS 'mb i <-.'3 '' Jir ■rf S T. ANDREWS g*0LD V TEA FOll THE LIVEH \ * Increases the AppetitQ. » '*/(, Clears the Complexion, Purifies the Bloofl. HE FAYS THE FREIGHT. BEST SCALES, LEAST MONEY-JONES OF ElNGHAMTON.N.Y If afflicted wfth \ J Thompson’s Eye Water sore eyes, use MENTION THISPjPERST^^S \Y. G. RAOUIv, yice-Pre* , U, (Pres. MexFcaQ Nat. It. R. Co.) HS>j | i'ilfiS wlrlfa IwkfN'i ClSCo a lRt”c~P M'iP ,(?.*»• I We Carry in Stock Belting, Files, Emory Wheels and ether Mill Supplies Bits and Shanks for all makes of Inserted Tooth Saws.