The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, June 30, 1898, Image 4

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Hoi Weather CaotionK (or Balbera. Never enter the water when over rent, a liW.le first, and cool off, not enough to feel cold. Iluthera enter I ho water when the body at a glow, not when it Is in active violent perspiration. Never enter water with a headache; never do With a full stomach, Nothing can more dangerous to the system than contravene tin >o rules, and many lost their lives by neglecting No one should enter the water after dinner; none who to avoid tho swimmer's bugbear, should enter It when suffering acidity of the stomach. The best for bathing is either before break or between eleven and twelve In forenoon, All who suffer from constitutions should avoid in the early morning.—Wom Home Companion. "A (Haul (iold Nujfftet. United Consul Smith of Mos reports that, a telegram from announces tiie finding of a gold weighing seventy pounds in Spasso I'reobiajensk mines, situat on tho, Ttiver Chlbyek, In the dis of Yoansay. The nugget will be to take tho eleventh place, as as size is concerned, among the of the whole world, and the among those found in Russia. first was found in tho South Oural !*ro|ioM<ul Alllimco Wllh I'ltigluiel. If the United Slaton anil England should an alliance, tho combined strength be so great that there would he lillla for enemies 1 n oven nmo ns. I n a Hko when men anil ni'inen keejmplhclr rl.rcngth with llostettei's is, there is little chance of uttaeks from I he old tlm*. remedy eurh liea Uia . muscles, i[eiulks the builds up tiie Try it. and increases the appetite. From twenty to twenty-five large anil all establishments exist tn New .lersey tor Hianufaeture of nltro-glycorine, dyna and other high explosives, and both and smokeless powder. To Cure it Cold in One Pay. Take Laxative ltromo Quinine ’1 a hi ets. Alt Druggists refund moncyif Itfailstoeure. Zee. Chocolatn is still used In the Interior of America for a currency, as are cocoa uud eggs. No-To-B»o for Fifty Gents. fitiarnnieoil tobacco habit, cure, makes weak strong, blood pure, sue, 11. All druggists. London journals dwell on the fact that Cali prunes are very popular in that city. .Vi o’s “l*Iek Leaf “ginoklne Tolmrro not make cvevy mouth aa sweet as a rose, comes "mighty nigh”- does give every i ti lnostileltgldful smoke. Try it Airs Winslow’s Soothing Hyrnp for children softens the gums, reduces iiilbiieina inn. allays pain, en Ve- wind colic, Zr>e. a bottle. Piso’s f'uro for t'onsmnntlon has saved gie » doctor's hill. -8. F. II ,i n nv, Hopkins Baltimore, Mil., lie*-. Z, 1WU. j The force required {linos to open weight. an oyster Is than 1,800 its own Educate Your Ilowefs With Gascaret*. 10c,*J5e. Canity Cathartic, cure druggists constipation rotund forever. If C. C. C. fail, money. The wren often makes a dozen nests, leav all hut imo unfinished and unused. ! ET bxctuL O *}■ L R fill llj O *3 ! ■ * L4, ; suffer at leisure. When your abused can no longer cheerfully and perform its duties, a lew doses of j Sarsaparilla are like fresh water to withered plant. This medicine tones tho restores dlgostlvo strength, ere an appetite and with a little care til ; tiie patient Is again In perteot ■ soon Try It and you'll believe in it. I Sarsa- i ! pariila ... America's Greatest M edicine. _ Pills cure constipation. 2>conta. I "I tmve gene i-t ‘i**y* at a time without « ' of the bowel*, not being able to them exempt by using hot water Injections. constipation fey seven years placeit me in , turriniu omutltlon; (luring Unit time 1 did cv- 1 thing l heard of lull never found any relict; such | my ease until i began using CAsGAUKTs. i j have from one to throe passages a day, and IU rtoh 1 would give tlUlMlO for oat h movement; u 1 . such a rollot.' Avi.Mv.ll L. UUST, MSI) ltusscll St„ Detroit, Mich. I | 1 I | i TRADE MARK REOJftTERGO Plea&ant, PnUitaUlo. L'otent, Taste Good. Do Never Slckeu, Weakon, or Gripe. . 10 c, 2 Uc, 60c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Kenirdy lontp.mj, thlfAfc*'N Ron l real, New \ork. SSi , ___ FEVER | | BY TAKING Native Herbs IJJ THE GREAT Purifier, Kidney and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS’ TREATMENT, $1.00. Containing Registered Guarantee. By nitvfi. pontage FKKK. paid, Sold VXl-nnKC only by Ageutsfor Book and ALONZO 0. BLISS CO., Washington,D.G. cin™ I I TWINE, BABBIT, &C|, FOlt ANY maiCK OK GIN. BOILERS AND PRESSES He pairs fhr same. Shafting, Fittings. Valleys, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and DI 1 EII [RON MS k SliPM CO, AVGl’STA, GA. Massey’s mb / iKSTSiS?: a!": ftiKSRfcSr«a. Wo pay student's raifroAd faro, and guarantee A VVA It l , AUAaUAl»li^. Briof Compilation of Daily Occurrences. ft.enu ho stated authoritatively that administration has no information regard to the reports from Manila tho German marines had boon at that place, together with of crows of foreign warships in harbor. It can also he stated tho officials, from tho president do not credit tho reports. Army officers say tho Atlanta, Ga., are making a serious mis in condemning tho cantr.dii sys and think they ought to open eyes to the facts and not insist n course which will surround tho with blind tigers and mean and bring demoralization and Hnrgeon General Van Reypen of the has received a report from the with Admiral Sampson’s fleet cared for tho dead and wounded in which he denies that tho were mutilated. Seven wounds a Muaser rillo ball were mistuken multilutioiL Another battleship “Maine” is to ie and Ensign liaglcy’s heroism is bo marked by naming a torpedo “Bagley.” It will bo torpedo No. 21 and the Maine will be bat No. 10. Quartermaster General Luddington, the war department, has received a from Quartermaster Long at* Fiancisco, saying that the third expedition of the Philippines leave Han Francisco next Monday six transports, namely, the Ohio, City of l’ara, Morgan City, and Newport. Tho first serious conflict between troops and the Spaniards in Cuba place witbin seven miles of San The Americans engaged con of four troops of flic First Cav four troops of the Tenth Cavalry eight troops of Roosevelt’s Rough less than a thousand men in The Spanish forces numbered 2 , 000 . Reports received at the adjutant office of the war department that tho formation of the new of regiments, battalions, under tho president’s second call troops by the mustering in of the is now fairly under way. Personally he is most desirous of with the troops, for, as ho says his friends, he has been with the for thirty years and his spirit is them now, although circum necessitate his remaining hero a time. There is a possibility that may go with General Henry’s di when tho Harvard and Yale their second trip from Newport but this is quite doubtful. In most of the states, the probabil is all tho men necessary for the organizations should he obtained two or three weeks at tho least, Col., the Hon. M r . J. Bryan is at old or f Omaha where, under the instruc of Col. Vifquain, a veteran of the he is studying regimental tactics, Admiral Sampson is now in constant j practically immediate cable com with the navy department, can be sent every half hour, Secretary of tho Navy Long has sent 1*. Assistant Naval Constructor R. in care of the commander in of the North Atlantic squadron, inspiring letter, commending him the extraordinary heroism he dis in sinkiug the collier Merrimac the harbor of Hautiago de Cuba. Tampa, Fla., is again to be made the for a largo force, and the is securing complete de with a view to centering another 1 noot HausportS trail snorts there ttlLie. With W 1U1 - troops moving to those points and exit ‘ Ape edition UUOI1 wei! well advanced aUMUULll, General IteilCUU will be free to joiu the army in uc ^ field “ • Admiral Sampsou has again notified state department that Lieutenant and his men are all well. They confined in the city of Santiago, miles from Morro. Later advices stato that sixteen were killed in the battle of Quasiua, fought by the Rough Ri and Spaniards near Santiago. list of wouuded will reach over The Washington officials express as thoroughly ^ satisfied . .. tlio result ,, of » the first coufiiefc . , real Cuba, realizing that war cannot be waged without sacrifice of A Madrid newspaper publishes a re to the effect that tho peace condi suggested by the government of United States call for the posses of the island of Porto Rico, the of the island of Cuba, protectorate of the United the establishment of a naval for United States warships in Philippines and the establishment a coal depot for the United States in the Canary islands. The latest information reaching the shows that the number of troops in Cuba is greater than been heretofore estimated. The number is given at 37,000, of 12,000 are in Santiago, 10,000 Holguin* and 15,000 at Manzanillo. At the bureau of military informa at Washington, which is the secret of the army, all calculations now being made 011 the basis of seasoned troops in Santiago. It develops that the Rough Riders into a well laid Spndish am in the initial fight near San A Montgomery dispatch states that adjutant general of the Alabama Guard will have the tender more volunteers under the second he A Naval Hero*. alary. From the 'Times-Herald, Chicago, III. L;ito la 18Gi, when President Lincoln is call' for volunteers,. h. J. Clark, of Trumbull Co., Ohio, was among first to respond. Ho Joined tho mortar d of Admiral Porter just beforo tho me operations on the Mississippi Jiivor It was at the torrillc bombardment tho VI dcsburtf forts, that tiie hero of this f**ll with a shattered arm from a of sctMPwvael. After painful months in the hospital, ho sufticlently to bo sent to his homo Warren, Ohio. Aaothor call for troops rod Ids patriotic zeal and Clark soon »*i in Company II, of tlie 7tii Ohio Vol In tlw army of rim Potomac, lio In many engagement*. Being wounded u skirmish near lU -limoml, he was sent tho hospital ami thence kome. Soon af terward he 1 began t h o [I study hen and | — t the practice of veterinary -"■> surgery, Hooking o a ' wider hold : ' 'than Ohio tho vil V lage afford ed, ho went A Wounded Hero. to h Chicago w o r c* h o has a wide is a member of Post, G. A. U., and cs at 4U35 Asli Ave. Several years ngoDr. (Mark’s old wounds trouble him. Ho despaired •'row weak and and his friends of his He finally recovered sufficiently to be but was a mere shadow, weighing only pounds. The his best medical attendance to restore lost strength, and vigor. “A fri *nd gave me a box of Dr. Williams’ Pills for Palo People,” said Dr. Clark, they helped mo so much that I bought half dozen boxes and took them. I soon my strength, now weigh 190 and, except for injuries that can be remedied, am as well as ever. “I consider Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for People tho boat remedy to build up a down system, and heartily recommend to everyone hi hood of such aid.” DINNER IN HAREM. Hems on the Menu Were a Call aad a Kid Roasted Whole. Mrs. Ramsay, who accompanied bar on his archaeological tour in Minor, once spent a whole day in harem. She describes the incidents of visit in Hfer book, "Every-Day Life Turkey,” front which we condense description of the Turkish dinner. ladies of the house, the mother of master and his two wives, warmly the stranger and introduced to several guests. Coffee and ci end slices . of melon were round shortly after. Then, it noon, two of the older ladies themselves, and on prayer car sprtad toward Mecca, spent a of an hour in devotion, while other ladies smoked, laughed and Some of the women went into garden, where they romped like at hide and seek. At four o'clock preparations began for dinner by putting a table cloth of under the table and placing it a four legged stool turned upside Upon it was laid a large, round metal tray three feet in diameter,round edge of which was piled bread. A basin, ewer and napkins were carried to the guests that they might wash hands and several of the more calling for prayer carpets and said their prayers before dining. Billows were placed round tho table the guests took their places, sit Turkish fashion. A narrow nap many yards In length and with borders, encircled the ta lying in loose folds on the knees tlfe diners. The first course, served in the earth pot in which it had been cook was called pishmlsh, and was com of rice, onions, sour milk, cheese fat. The pot was placed in the of the table, and all the guests as much as they wanted with black wooden spoons with color beads set in their handles. The seeond course was a calf—entire head to hoof—boiled until the fell out, and smothered in a mass finely shredded garlic. It was eaten the fingers of the right hand—the of two fingers and the thumb. remained of the second course— little garlic and tho bones—was re and a huge cream tart was on the table. The flaky pastry the fragrant, rich cream having eaten, the dish that had contained cream was replaced by another with dolmaches—a mixture of and rice wrapped In vine That was succeeded by a great bowl cherries cooked in honey and eaten an ivory spoon, Mrs. Ramsay, she had eaten to repletion, a show of enjoying’the sweet, her refusal should cause the re of the dish untasted by hosts polite to eat what their guest had A kid, roasted whole and stuffed pistachio nuts, followed the cher and that was succeeded by an dish of sweets. Then came low’s, meats and fruits and last all a pilau. “Now,” said Mrs. Ramsay’s left-hand with a sigh and a smile, “if are done, we may retire from the She had been done for three hours, and with grunts and sighs arose. The basin and ewer wore handed round, and then cigar and coffee. It is stated on German authority that astounding number of 2,000,000 eyes are made every year in Ger and Switzerland, while one house manufactures 300,000 of annually. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tonr Mfe Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To* the wonder-worker, that makes weak men All druggists, 50c or tl. Cure guaran* Booklet and sample free. Address ltemedy Co., Chicago New York. * or AVisconsln lias 9,(XX) Indians of various Scbley under Farrifut. | Commodore Schley Is described ss feet nine Inches In height, with eyes, a mustache and imperial, gray; hl3 hair is growing thin on but he artfully brushes it so as to tho bald spot; ho weighs about pounds, is restless in manner, walk up and down and all around the to whom he is talking; is mod in dre3s and democratic in all In tho Civil War Sohley had of a gunboat under Admiral gnd they tell this story to how he fights: Farragut summoned him one morn and, pointing to a Confederate fort “Do you see that place, Schley? Go it to pieces.” Schley went, and was hammering forts to bits when his Quarter rushed up to him and said; "Captain, the Admiral has signalled to stop and return to the fleet.” “To thunder with the signal! I won’t it,” answered Schley. He kept pounding away at the fort It was in ruins. Then he return to the fleet. Farragut was angry summoned him. Before all the of the flag9hip he gave Schley fierce dressing down for not obeying recall signal. “I didn’t see it,” protested Schley’ “You must have shut the eye that put the glass to,” said Farragut. After again raking him fore and aft his disobedience the Admiral took into the cabin out of sight of the officers and gave him one of the cigars in his locker.—Syracuse The Spanish Pretender’s Opportunity. It is an interesting bit of history Don Carlos, the Spanish pretend might have been King of Spain if had been willing to abate his claim rule as an absolute monarch. The Prime Minister, Sagasta, went him in 1808 and offered him the on the condition that he would a constitution and be a limited He was then but nineteen of age, but he replied like a true “I will sign nothing. When come to my throne I will rule my as I and the ministers I choose fit.” He still holds the same rigid of what true kingship is. For reason he is likely to die un Sun. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Cleon Hood means a clean skin. No without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar clean your blood and keep it clean, by up the the lazy bodv. liver and driving to-day all im from Begin to that pimples, sickly bilious boils, blotches, blackheads, taking for complexion by All drug ten cents. satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. About 4,000,000 copies of the Bible are sold year.__ Try Allen’s Foot-Ease, powder to shake In the shoos, If you smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al Foot-Ease. It cools tho feot and makes easy. Cures swollen and sweating blisters and callous spots. Relieves and bunions of pain and gives rest and Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists shoe stores for 2i5e. Trial package i REE. Alloa 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous alter llrst day’s $2 use of Dr. TCliue’s Great it. Restorer. trial bottleand Arch treatise free. ' 11. KLi nk. Ltd., 031 Sfc„ Pbila., Pa. »/t>., ux UUIOUUilVO, aav^: Catarrh Cure cures every tbat ti Sold by Druggists, 7oc. In India there is a fly which attacks and large, spiders. To Cure Constipation Forever* T.ako Qosoarets Candy Cathartic. Wo or 250. ! C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. [ A Musical Difficulty. Mr. Hatch—“Miss Ear by is forever I her for playing ' about talent instruments.” Colonel Lay—“Assuredly always ' on the subject.” I TUMOR EXPELLED. Success of Lydia E. Pinkham’3 Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Elizabeth Wheelock, Magno Iowa, in the following letter de her recovery from a very criti condition: “ Dear Mrs. Pixkham:—I have been your Vegetable Compound, and m—, ...g^aw a am now ready to sound its praises. It has done won ders for me in is & relieving me \ of a tumor, . p has “My been health Lo? 5 ' ’ poor i few three years. . Change of life was working upon me. I v W PHta i l yqVVWWMt was very i ISP* much bloated I > ’and was a bur to myself. \Y as troubled with spells, also palpitation feel- of heart and that bearing-down much. and could not be on my feet “I waz, growing worse all the time, I took your medioine. “After taking three boxes of Lydia l’inkham’s Vegetable Compound the tumor passed from me. “ My health has been better ever can now walk quite a distance am trim 1 iled no more with palpita of the heart or bloating. 1 rec your medicine to all sufferers female troubles.” It is hardly reasonable to suppose any one can doubt the efficiency Mrs. Pinkham’s methods and medi in the face of the tremendous vol of testimony. IOW TO MAKE FROM «—I $IO to $15 Per Week. No humbug. Full particulars sent upon re of 10 ets, in silver and self-addressed envelope. LAV. BUFF, Jr., Atlanta,Ga. Habit. Only guaranteed pain less home cure. No iutorferenco with work. No publicity. Sample DR. PU RDYrf 1 Dept. 11, Houston, Texas. Bevel-Gear WV**»*0^ Chainless Bicycles MAKE HILL CLIMBING EASY. Columbia Chain Wheels, $75 Hartfords, . . 50 Vedettes, $40 & 35 POPE MFG. CO., & £y Hartford, , J Conn. I ia t J c- s t’ i WhV j.&A F:-d A? 3*6' ■’rA h * - y. V-:, 1 iStp '***.. ■I . 1.1 sew Via i l ids ■ i ’A ©<5M ,v TA5TELES5 31 sS S| ^ 9 S K I 1 || BBS 52 B 9 B SMB bwm k 9 m B B M g 3 1 a5| ■ ■ H 9 g ™ ® ISJUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS, PRI0E50ctS. GAI.AVtA, Itxs., Nov. 1G, 1303. Medicine Co., sold St. Louis, last Mo. Gentlemen:—We TASTELESS CHILL year, C00 bottles of TONIC anil have three aross already in the this year. In all oar ex of 14 article yenrs, that drug business, have sold nn gave such universal satis* as your Tonic. Xoura truly, 2‘53 CTS.‘ o o © o f o o o \ K&A o f a ° ,! o I l V. a i / s s V I •. al / 'I \>f‘ >' I .£> (Y, ' * m I Jfa* 7« // c <0 SB Py i: ?. 1 {0 % i V IV"" M m* % © \T\ N \\/ o «•* o © s'" - 6 V f\ t y f / Ok © o © pr-v. © «■ V I — r- dr/ €y) -T c good, © There’s nothing in Ivory Soap but soap, pure o <= vegetable oil soap. There’s nothing to make the linens I streaky, no alkali to injure the finest textures. The lather © pleasure © forms quickly and copiously, and wash-day is a % instead of a drudgery. Try it in the next wash, The © price places it within reach of every one. Look out for imitations. - Oo>yrI s hl, 18M, Th« Pmtoc ft QaahU Co., CiwUaitt. ° oooco ooocg cp p no o 9 oocpoa gflg e a KEALf HY BRIBE IS A HAPPY ONE. „! TTVERYtvonian i3 under obligations i a Pjp to herself and the man she mar m ries to be in the most healt hy con dition possible. She should be free of ail female diseases and menstral irreg ji ularities, wife delay makes because because or you mars the dread the condition home. to consult of Don’t the a : i doctor, fpr a consultation is unnec- 1 v* essary. Get a few bottles of \ iff 1 GERSTLE’S Trade( £3". JP. )Bark. #1- and treat yourself in the privacy of your home. It will cure you. If there is any costiveness or indigestion, of St. re move it with a few mild doses W^y 6^ Joseph’s if your case Liver is complieated, Regulator. and Write we will us, instruct you, free of charge, how to use these famous remedies. MY WIFE HAS SUFFERED FROM WOMB TROUBLES m ore ill an eleven years, and lias tried everything she could get. aa well as doctors, but nothing did her any good. Last spring I relief commenced benefited giving Gerstle’o Female Panacea which gave immediate Stephens. and Ala. greatly at her monthly periods. W. E. TURNER. St. & Tenn. PISO’S.CURE FOR liuKcb WHtHt ALL Tastes tLbc tAlLb. Use Vcr « II-:’: r y Good. In time. Sold^B_ by druggists. V 25 CTS‘ STRONGEST PIANO HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. 1 ‘5 ATLANTA, GA. B. MORENUS, Mgr. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO, Capital $ 2 , 000 , 000 . The Largest Manufacturers of AND ORGANS IJ\ TIIE WOULD. HIGH GRADE CONOVER PIANOS ('f-be Artist's Favorite.) GRADE SCHUMANN PIANOS, GRADE KINGSBURY PIANOS, WELLINGTON PIANOS, WORLD-RENOWNED CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS. * and Organs Sold on Easy In*, staliments. Buy your Instruments of a Reliable House. Reliability Is Unquestioned, AND PKICES FURNISHES UPON APPLICATION. H. B. MORENUS, Mgr. Piano Co., 80 WHITEHALL ST., , - GEORGIA. ANDREIS GOLD TEA FOR THE LIFER--*' INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA. For sale by dealers. For sample package 2c. stamp to MFG. CO., Bristol, T«nm. THIS PIPERfiTSSSS