The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, July 07, 1898, Image 3

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Lck-y-iI Gersemeil. Matters qf Interest Gathered in City and County, people You Know and People You Don't Know. Fruit ’Fpjjjri ,at City Drug Co. Peach & Orange Bon Bon, ’Drug Co ' Go to A Isaac’s for fresh and ; cakes. , frOitA AN ATER tickets <i for »r, to *1.00, City Dwg Co. • Soda Water Tickets 0 for 25cts 25 for $1.00 at Central Drug Co. Dr A R Royal has moved to gerald. S B Beid of Bowen’s Alill was Abbevile Tuesday. Fresh cabbage and turnip seed City Drag Store. Dr W R Googehas been quite this week. Go to June Paxson’s for Concord grapes at 20 cents per ket. Grapes makes the finest jellies earth.. Engage them by the from June Paxson. AVhen wanting a nice box of candy, that’s fresh, call on Drug Store. AA'ade Shepherd of the Banner force is circulating many friends here this week. The Central Drug Store lias best assortment of fancy candy tlie city. A T Fountain, Pulaski wide awake County School Commis sioner, was in town Tuesday. Prof. AA r - A, Little arrived in the city last Saturday and is now one of the fixtures here. WUESAMTEA cures Dyspep ' sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. For sale by City Drug Co., Abbeville, Ca. T B Ragan and family, of Ham kinsville were visiting relatives here last week. esste Rogers a school at the College with 23^piipils. Edenfield does all kind of repair ing on stoves and ranges and does it in first class styleT" - ' . v .. Mrs E S Loeli was at home to quite- a party of young people one evening last week. CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache in five minutes. Sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. For sale by City Drug Co.. Abbeville. Ga.' The young people of Abbeville en joyed a.moonlight picnic on the pub lic square one evening last week. II F West of Atlanta, is the duly installed agent of the G & A rail road at this place. Prof W I) l3ulIington of Hoc lie lie was in the city Saturday and paid the CiiRoMOLE office a pleasant call. Miss Ogla TUmsweir, a charming young lady from Ailey, is spending several days with her cousins the Misses Dean. CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. For sale by city Drug Store. Judge A Iv Jennings spent several days of this and last week over on the G S & F railroad getting recruits for Lieut M E Land. Mr AA'ill Sommers of Hawkinsville, spent several days of this and last week here with his brother Albert Sommer. Miss Grace Fuller who lias been successfully conducting a school at Rock Pile, is at home to spend her vacation among her many friends. Mrs T* II Calliora and children; after an" extended visit to friends and relatives near Lumpkin returned home Tuesday, and now Mr. Calhom is smiling again. Tuesday was an ‘old time day for Abbeville., The Reids, Dennards, Stones, Stathams,McDuffies, Roster’s AA'ileoxV were all well represented among th6 visitors here. Mrs J A AVirnberly. after spend ing several weeks with her son Leon and"her daughters, Mrs G F McLeod and Mrs J J Barfield, returned to Hawkinsville a few days ago. As it now appears James M..Mixon will succeed himself as Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilcox Co. Ml * C ' K; McLeod of Minnie Irwin Co died at his home Tuesday of tv })houl , ., rever , and . was , buried , , at \ Cedar ‘ (jj. ee ] c W uh Masonic honor to-day. Tkc c(| . tor (n comi)anr m(|i K ^ Wilson paid our soldier boys a visit at the Park in Macon last week— Welborn Fuller. Bob Parson. Claud Bush and Peter Bankston all,seem, d glad to see us. and sent ( heir “best" to their friends in Abbeville. Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded by Licensed Pharmacist night or day. City Drug Co. Several ear loads of books, labor atory aparatus and other equipments for the Abbeville Norman college have arrived and their contents de posited in the school building ready to be set in place. , E C Blanks, of Lewisville Texas, writes that one box of DeAVltt’s Witch Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores.- Cen tra! Drug Co. Dr.lno Grantham is in Atlanta this week attending the meeting of tire State Board of Pharmacy, there he will receive his license. He has not decided where he will locate. J F Grantham, one of AA’iicox’s most extensive turpentine men, we are sorry to state, lias been quite sick for a week or more, but is now improving. He has; been at the home of (J F Ford, where he could re ceive better medical attention than at liis own home. Gold Medals to HARPER whiskey at New Orleans and AA'orid s Fair Chicago. Try it, you will endorse the Judge’s verdict. Sold by Lasse ter, Ham & Co., Abbeville, Ga. Leopold Sommers happened to a painful accident while bathing in Poor Robin last Friday. In diving ipto the spring he struck his knee againsTtt sha rp r ock cutting a bad gash in it which has caused him considerable trouble and pain. The editor of the Evans City. Pa.. Globe, writes, “One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies tail ed. ” It cures cough, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Central Drug ,Co. On account of the Bible Institute being in session at tiie Baptist church there were no services held at the Methodist church last Sunday night, the congregations of both churches assembling at the Baptist church, where they heard a line sermon by Rev J J Hyman of Arab!. LOOK HERE.—AVe offer 100,000 average brick at $4.25 per 1000, at yard. First come first serve, Re member only 100,000 go at this figure. Terms spot cash. Reed Brick Works. We call attention to the announce ment of J I Bruce, for County Treasurer in another column. Mr Bruce is a good man, a clever neigh bor, upright and honorable, and would make AA'ileox a good officer. R. A. AA’ilson was placed on tlle l State Executive Committee from the 3rd. Congressional District at the Gubernatorial Convention last week. T. J. Luke lias returned from Jasper Normal Institute a graduate of the business department. He lias a number of the very artistic and ’showy catalogues of the Georgia Normal College and Business Insti tute. This school has a splendid CU rriculuin and its teachers are spec i a li s ts. Tommy talks ’ “Abbeville sc hool and Frol. Little” to bodv . Success to the Normal at Abbeville. AYe need such a school near us, but it hardly fair .to take the brightest jewel Florida had.—Oeilla Dispatch, A FRICANA will cure Rheumatism and ** Scrofula to Stay Cured, Preachers Meet, Study and The Bible Institute is in session the Baptist ohureh this week is proving iie resting ami to all who attend. The visiting minister: are in attendance; Hevs. James F. Edens, Atlanta; J. j Ai'liI E. Powell, B. D. Arab!; Ragsdale, J. J. Hyman. n: Conyers: B. J. AY. Graham, Cochran; Stephen Bowen, Rhine; P A Jessup. Tit'ton; J F Culpepper, Fitzgerald. The meetings are well attended especially the- evening 'services. Preaching every night by one of the visiting ministers. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills lie ever used in his family during forty years of house keeping. They cure consti pation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small insize but great in results. Central Drug Co. A Boon for Teachers. \ The County Board of Education at their regular meeting last Tues day took into consideration a plan, which, when perfected, will enable the County School Commissioner to pay the teachers monthly. This is quite an improvement on what has been, and will meet with the hearty approiiation of every teacher. Reed Brick Works on a Boom. G AV Reed has just arranged to add another new brick machine to iiis already extensive plant, known as the Raymond machine. The ca pacity of this machine is 35,000 per day. He will make repressed brick for store fronts as well as the best common brick. Mr. Reed believes in Abbeville and the future of this country and backs up his belief with cash investments which never fail to give him handsome returns, Reunion of the 3aptist Church. The Abbeville Baptist church will have a reunion on the 2nd Sunday in August, All the . members of the church are expected to be present on that day. The church roll and history of the church will 'be important features id' th ■ day. A suitable progamm" v, :!l be arranged in time. Bear in mind the time, 2nd Sunday in .August. Sick headache, biliousness, cen stipation and all liver and stomach can be quickly cured by us ing those famous little pills known as DcAVitt’s Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never Central Drug Co. HOUSE CREEK DOTS. The long wished for rain came Monday and our farmers look more Our school gave a picnic on the at Spring Lake. It is a beautiful place and all seemed to a jolly time. Quite an enter ball game was played by the boys. The young men went in bathing and showed remarkable in diving and swimming much to the delight of the young ladies. School is flourishing. AA'e have now fort}' pupils enrolled with more com ing every week. Messrs Tom andRollio Stone spent last Saturday in Fitzgerald. They say they learned how to play cro quet. Wonder who taught them? AYe have quite a lively Sunday school at Bethlehem under the leadership of Mr. Henry J. Stone. AVatermeions are plentiful but water is scarce. AVells are being dug every where. Mi\ Henry P. Stone, a member of the school Gourd, made Abbeville a visit Tuesday. - Some of our young people attend ed church at Providence last Sunday. Rev G W Hall, of Abbeville, preach ed quite an entertaining sermon. Tom. Joe Little Goes to Oeilla. ----- Joe Little left on Tuesday for Oeilla where he will take charge of the branch store of our merchant. T Gotti ief. Joe is a boy and v.c commend him to the l ,e0 P* L ‘ ,ji Oeilla and wish him SU c cess m Iris mw home. S1BBIK NHWS. AA’e an 1 having fine showers. Dr J B Parson has returned from Braxton. Mr Edgar Beleher has been talking of going to the war. Mr Jim Caswell spent Finlay in Fitzgerald on business. Mr Abe Allen is quite sick with fi ver. Dr Horne is attending him. Tom Stone, Jr., has bought a graphophone,or “talking machine" as the boys call it. and can entertain the girls very pleasantly by playing those sweet pieces “.My old Kentucky home," “Dixie," and others. Rev G W Hall preached to the people at Macedonia Sunday, 10 a. m. Also preached to the children at Bethlehem Sunday evening. Itev (J \V Hall will start a singing school at Macedonia on the bill. Bro House preached to the Mace donians last week. Watermelons and roasting-ears are fashionable dishes with n.s. Brethren G AVTlall and .1 A May made a hot chase after an enemy of poultry Friday night, and the dogs soon put him in his cave. Loud calls were soon made for the ax and gun, but on examination they found that the above weapons would not answer as it was a pole cat in a goper bed, and O my! they retreated faster than they pursued. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate re sults.. When taken early it pre vents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. Central Drug Co. Farmers are about through plow ing for this season and how sweet their rest is. Sunshine. “1 think DcAVitt’s AYitcli Ilazel Salve is the finest preparation on the market for piles.’’ So writes John G Dunn, of Wheeling, AV A'.’t. Try it and yon will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin dis eases. i* i s?dcp, Store, l’|> Stairs. in Ilemlley Over Wilkinson's Huildin^. FIRST-CLASS WORK, ■.%■. SHARP razors, :t: :t: :i: h- route attention. The Only White Harbor in the City. Give me a Trial, 1 will appreciate it. j&l T. N\. MATTHEWS. central citp * m all v/ork done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention. next door to southern express office. bob weathers prop. Dissolution Notice. Preparatory to a dissolution we will sell our entire stock of General Merchandise at Dost except Grocer ies^ Sale commencing Saturday June 11th and continuing until our stock is sold. AVhen we say Cost we mean Cost. On and after this sale begins nothing will be charged as we oannot sell goods on a credit. Our goods arc clean and new as in spection will prove. AYe would not incur this warte of time and expense were it not for shaping our business for dissolution. Now is the time to save money. Respectfully, A. I. AVebb & Co., > Abbeville, Ga. Cordele Bicycle Co —SKI.I.S TIIK—• MELT'ER Wheel, the Best on the market, and gives easy terms to customers. -:o: Also keep a general supply of Bi cycle fixtures. You can get any part of a wheel from them. All kind of re P air ' vo " k executed w ‘ t * 1 ,ks l ,!ltek :in< * guaranteed, ( A'BAP—A supply of second-hand Wheels in good order CHEAP Vail on or address, S. POWELL, iProp., Bwssr.-i' ILaP I iri 'W li M1 i But we have Never Failed ..... -—T <> SELL- Furniture, Stoves, Crockery. In fact anything in the House-furnishing Line cheaper than can be bought in South Middle Ga. 3 i cg V W unhesitatingly recommend the 1808 T 1 AVe Cam also furnigh a Good Wheel at $20.00 ■■I r X C CENTRAL DRUG Next Door to Post Office. PRESCRIPTIONS CARKFUIJ.Y COMPOUNDED. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, BEST . . SOAPS ON . the . . . . MARK ET. Call and Inspect these Bicycles. Wheels from $25.00 to $125.00. Home Raised Supplies,-* Fresh Georgia Syrup, Baled Oats, Roasting Ears, Cab bages, Green Peas, Rutabaga and other vegetables al ways fresh from the farm. Fresh Butter and Eggs. + J ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF; . ’ F«m<*v imd Family Groceries. aJ v R A WILSON, Aot, Corner of Stubbs and Commerce Streets. Baker's Old Stand. c ©oooooooooooo oooooocooo 0000000 coco o Startl i n g A n n o u n ce me n t! o o c ,, AA'e are making a Great Reduction In Our Dress Goods Department c o That will Astound You . Lawns, plain and figured; o o Muslin; Percales; Dimities and all other dress W O goods and in........ C SHOES', c 0 we have Tans for gentlemen and Oxfords for o O the Ladies’; we have the Nobbiest Line Ever Shown c O In -'Clin City and at prices that are consistent with the c o times. Don’t Forget we are..... O r> ^DEALERS IN EVERYTHING. o (> c o O R © OLIVER. c c 0 o ooo cooooce ocooc oo oo ©coooocoo 0 ° 01 earano© ©ale!' I will now offer my Entire Stock At prices mentioned below. $1.25 Men’s shoe’s $ KO 0.00 Black clay worsted suits 4.00 8.00 Casimere suits......... 5.00 f, Fast casimere calico...... 05 5 Quilt calico............ 03 0 Muslin................. 0 5 Yard sea island........ 01 5 Cheek homespun....... 03 7 Bed ticking........... 05 0 AY bite lawn........... O f 0 Gingham............. 04 12Figui , ed orgaiidie ..... 08 1 0 Perea 1............... 00 25 White organdie...... 15 18 White organdie...... | ■> 10 Scissors ........ ... 05 5 lladkerchiefs........ 02 10 Suspenders....... 00 Linen suits...... 1 75 AVorking pants. .. Ill Sunday pants.... 1 00 Straw hatsat price; I inbrellas at25per cent less than cost; Trunks at manufacturer's prices; Men’s and Ladies Fine Shoes and Oxfords Ties at your own price. All other goods will he sold REGARDLESS - OF - COST An early call will secure you Great Bargains. iRe t 8 KitibJ place r r. G( JTTLIEB As The Being Best SI That, (-an i [»c Produced, Come to see ns" J L Pittman, Mgr. TREE PHONE IIS Ml m a 5 CsJ 23) Agents for these a HIGH CLASS WHEELS. j Spool cotton................ 02 Spool silk............-...... 03 2000 yds 25c eussimero....... 1500 yds loot eassimerc...... Large pair towels........... 05 Fancy belts.:............... 10 Ladies corsets............... 20 50 Envelopes............... 05 50 Sheets writing paper,..... Ilf 120 Pins................... (IJ 150 Buttons................ 05 flood pair hose.............. 05 J Bottk' good ink........... 02 Sunday slippers............. 40 Every day slippers......... 30 1.50 pr. Men's Sunday slippers 1 00 Quilts..................... oo Men’s shirts................ 15 1 pr. Window shades........ 14 Bleaching.................. 04 j Boys knee pants............ 10 FINE , STATION ERA’ AND ■ j ■ a CHOICE CIGARS; i