The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, July 28, 1898, Image 2

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THE CHRONICLE. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Monroe Editor Publisher. and HUIIKCHIPTIO.N HATRS. l wolvo months.......... tl x months.............. rhree months........ • • Invariably Advertising In advance. rate furnished on application. s The CiiftoxfCLC Is published every Thursday. fit Abbeville, tin. <Communications to Insure jns. rtion should reach the office not later than Monday, and must always be accompanied necessarily for by tin* writer's signature: not of good faith publication, but as a guarantee ]<’or advertising rates apply at this office. TELEPHONE NO. 44.— Entered at the Post office at Abbeville, Oa., as second-class matter. TIIlJItSDAY, JULY 28. 1898. Spain is begging for peace. Santiago being forced to surren der Porto Rico will follow suit. It is estimated that 100,000 peo ple attended the reunion in last week. Hus years clean up around Raw son, in the Klondike, will amount $ 20 , 000 , 000 . It is reported that Miss Schley, cousin of Commodore Schley, been ordered to leave Spain im mediately. It is reported that Gen. landed at Porto Rico with but resistance. His army killing Spaniards and suffered no losses all. The people arc getting accustomed to licking Revenue stamps, and the Spaniards are getting accustomed receiving a licking, the former may last for some time, but Spanish hon or eoimot endure the latter much longer. The Confederate reunion auditori ii in al Piedmont ’’ark in Atlanta was Struck by lightning last Saturday afternoon, during a tenilfic thunder et irm, and but for the heroic work os the watchman, Mr. J. N Farmer, tin qq Confederate veteran, the building would have been destroyed. The pay master left New York Tuesday for Santiago, they will be gin the payment of troops on their arrival, and in a very short while -will be joined by other pay masters who will assist in paying off General Shaftor’s army they will then pro ceed to Porto Rico to pay off the army under Gen. Miles. The total number of men killed, xvoumU'd and missing, since Hie army landed in Culm, about four weeks ago, are 1.914 The killed number ing 24<i, wounded 1,584, of the wounded only 08 have died, accord ing to Col. Pope, the surgeon-in chief, this is a remarkable small num ber of fatalities considering the large number of wounded. Why is it our people do not take more to fruit raising, it lias been already demonstrated that peaches can be grown in Wilcox county as successfully and with as much profit as in any section of the State. Hence uv should appreciate the special advantages offered here and enter fully into the fruit business. Several of our farmers have already put out large orchards and many more should do so. The Sure Lo Grippe Cure. Theie is no use Buffeting from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the light remedy. You are having pain through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Elec tric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly oil your liver, stomach and kidneys, tone up the whole system ami make you feel like :i now being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale by the City Drug Co. Only 50 cents per bottle. i Shingles. • From now until August 1st. pi-ox. 1 will sell Clippers or No. 3.Shingles 75 cts j:er thousand, iu lots of thousand and over. Albert Sommihi. Receiver. tea,, 7 - IS 189S. The Georgia Editors At Newnan, Washington, Asheville, New York and Other Points. The twelfth annual reunion of the Georgia Weekly Press Association convened at Newnan at the appoint ed time, at 10 a. in. on the 13th instant, with about 175 members in attendance. At the appointed hour the opera house was thrown open and was soon filled to overflowing with delegates and the good people of Newnan, both ladies and gentlemen. The house was called to order by presi dent W S Coleman, whereupon lion. .J S Powell, mayor of Newnan, arose and delivered the keys of the city to the visitors. Then Mr. Edgar T Whatley delivered an address of welcome in his easy and eloquent style in which he cited Newnan as the richest per capita city in the State. He proposed to turn over everything in the city to the associ ation except Newnan’s fair daugh ters. The address was responded to by lion, llobt. 1. Moye, ot 1 lie Cuth iicrt. Liberal Enterprise. Mr. Moye said that after a year subsisting on hog and hominy, blackberries, pos sum and ’taters the average weekly editor was quite prepared to avail himself of a large per cent, of the city's per capita of wealth. In his humorous way he referred to that part of Mr. Whatley's address which mentioned the ladies, as absurd, that he had known “Whatley” for forty years and he had not even a fair damsel of his own to control and that lie assumed too much when lie offered to control all the beauty of Ne will'll. (Mr. Whatley is a bachelor.) The business session was one of much interest. The office of Cor responding Secretary was aoolished, and the duties of that office will de volve upon the president. Mr. P T McKutcheoa lias been efficiently filling that office for a number of years. The Chronicle’s representative was entertained at the Pinson House in a royal manner. Quite a number of delegates were entertained here, among them was Mrs. Maria Louise Mv.ick, editor of Americas Timcs Recorder. Mrs. Myrick is one of Georgia’s pets and is the life of everything whereever she goes. After the business was concluded through the courtesy of Atlanta and West Point railroad the vis’tovs and citizens of Newnan departed on cars for Pearl Spring Park, a distance of three miles, where genuine old time Georgia barbecue was served. The writer will never forget (his sight. Meats of all kinds were spread upon tables prepared for the occasion and it is needless to say the editor did ample justice to himself and the barbecue. On the morning of the 14th, at the request of the building commit tee, we visited Newnans new baptist chuicli. This structure is built en tirely of Georgia marble at a cost of *30,00b and is one of the handsom est structures in the state. Then we were conducted through (he shops of the It P Cole Manu facturing Company. The Coles, while they manufacture grist mills, gins and other things make a special ty of engines and boilers and theirs are superior to most others. Their plant is the largest in the state and lias long been established. To them is due largely the erection of the marble church and other prominent institutions of I he city. We some how regretted to leave Newnan as it was made so homelike to us, imt at 3:00 o'clock p. m. we bill our kind liostes and the many Newnamtes, who had made it so pleasant for us, adieu and took the train for Atlanta where we departed in a bod)' for Chattanooga and Washington. Our party reached Chattanooga in time to visit Chickamauga Park, and Lookout MouiPam before night. Our cars were so crowded that 27 of the party got no berths, the Chron icle's representative was one of the 27, but we attained comfortable quarters at the hotel till 3:00 o’clock the next morning when -‘extra' ! an from Cincinnati reached us and took j | il:- saieh .... lo Washington. . Between ,, , J and Washington : Chattanooga stops ivere made at Knoxville Tennessee, FULL of LIFE, HEALTH and I* the way a \ oman should feel. If sheis lift’d foina'io and despondent, It/mbins. tmtef . 'uusv.l U. (<>»>• ■ nine tinea pm U w ■jjf vX'.J ../ftwe'? Why will women risk L*.e. Ilealt.ici,.. .-ca-ffy I... ih‘"i h'jj disorder* of tins l.-nd, 't 4 S-tfM Makes strong healtliy women It acts diroctiv on Kc* '■■■■■ organs. Makes Monthly Periods painless ulmost ana cutiivlv regular. l>m mm discomforts of chiJd-biviii be ' rr«- A box of “Monthly” Eeculattns I’lIIs THEE with oil'll Ilottle r Send tills coupon nnrt ( > I'3La \JSJ. will tanooga,Tenn., send FREE and a*am/ wo/ you pip iK)x of Planters Mon thly Regulating Pills. 3 dc For sale by CITY DRUG STORE, Abbeville, Ga. Salisburg N C, Lynchburg Va, Char lottsville and Ashville N C, arriving at Washington near the middle of the day. Among the places visited at Wash ington were. The capitol, Pension Ruilding, New Congressional Library, White House, Smithsonian and Na tional institute, Treasury lluilding, Washington’s Monument and the Navy Yard. Of all the places to make an American citizen feel proud safe and secure it is the Navy Yard. There you can see them making the largest guns used on both land and sea. Among some of the guns were the 13-inch guns the largest made. One of them will .weigh 100 tons, it cost the government $80,000 to build one and cost $10,000 every time it is shot. The test of one of these gens 20.000 yards the ball passed through 18 inches of the best steel 5 feet of oak wood and hurried itself 54 feet in the sand. It is no wonder that Dewey and Schley could annihilate the antiquated Spanish snips so easily. Last but not least to be seen wee the old homes of George Washing ton and ltobt. E Lee at old Mt. Ver non and Arlington. We visited the home of Lee first. The grounds surrounding this old home are now being used for a National cemetery. It is kept up by the government and no pains are spared to keep it in good condition and preserve its origi nal condition as far as possible. Rut to old Mt. Vernon overlooking the Potomac, the home of George Washington. This old home is kept up by a benevolent society, and its originality is preserved. There you see the trees set out by Washington himself, his deer park, ins flower garden, his old farm chairs, his sitting room and his li brary, his carriage, his old well with the old oaken bucket, his beautiful walks, his family hurrying ground and bis grave. It is useless to un dertake a description further there is not enough space in the entire paper to tell half of what I saw and felt around this old home. (Continued in next issue.) Copy for change of “ad” must be in tiio office not later than Tuesday morning to insure insertion. If you have fiiends visiting you call up telephone 44 and tell us about it. SHERIFF SALES FOR JULY. pEOKGIA. WILCOX COUNTY—Will be sold ^ before tbe Court house door, in tbe Town of Abbeville, said county, between tbe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In August, 1898, the following property, to-wit:—40 acres of land lying and being in the Southwest cor ner in lot of land 1(91, First District of Wilcox county. Ga. Levied on as the property of Jane Coleman to satisfy a Justice court fifa in favor of J. H. Hamilton vs. Jane Coleman. Levy made and returned to me by J as. Harp, county court bailiff', this July 6th, 1898, L. C. Covington, Sheriff. Summons to Absent Defendants. GEORGIA, Wilcox county. 1 Libel for divorce Tom roller | in Wilcox Siiperl Art-emissa YS Conor J | or court, Mu’ch Term isos. To the defendant. Artemissa Conor:—You are hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the next term of tbe Superior court of said county to be held in and for said county on the ith Monday in September next, then and their to answer the petition of Tom Cono-* in an action of Libel for Divorce. Wit ness the lion. C. C. Smith judge of said Court. This March 80th, 1898. Jas. M. Mixon, clerk. Summons to Absent Defendants. GEORGIA, Wilcox county. Libel for divorce Emmit Fuller | In Wilcox Siinerl vs t or court, March Henry Fuller. J Term IsiS. To the. defendant, Henry Fuller:—You are hereby required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the next term of the Superior ceurt or said county to ix- held on the uh Mon vla.v In September next, tben iviid there to an thc petition of Knuna Fuller in a Libel for Divorce. witnc<s tbe non. c. i:. smith, judge of mHJ court, <t>H 30! Ii day of March 4)W<. .las. Vi. Mixon, e^erk o'.n norn.n cured. Ky. Mrs, Matt!- ■. Stanley, < ! Denton, ( write*: “I suffered from womb trouble for probably five years, until recently Female began treatment with Planters Regulator. One Lottie cureil me. I can always speak words of praise for wonderful medicine. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Clerk. To the Voters of Wilcox county:—I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of clerk of the Superior COUVi <>! said county, subject lo the democratic nomi nation of the dcmoerttlc voters of said Of: and if elected I promise in the fu: i n- 11 UK' past to do my whole dun a- »nel dllcer. Thanking the people, o 1 uni fitly for past favors and hoping u ;;.viit the confidence and trust of the people, I am yours to serve, .las. M. .Mixon. For Tax Receiver. To the Voters of Wilcox county:—I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to tlie action of the dem ocratic primary. About all my life has been spent in old Wilcox and I feel assured all who know me personally will attest to my uprignt ness and integrity. If nominated and elected I will faithfully discharge all the duties and obligations of .ne office. I respectfully solicit your support. Yours truly, Lawson Smith. For Representative. To the Voters of Wilcox county:—I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Representative of Wilcox county in the next General Assem bly, subject to a Democratic primary. If elec ted I will do all In my power to serve the best interests of the people. Respectfully, 11. V. Howe?? To the Voters of Wilcox County. I announce myself a candidate for the office of county Treasurer, and ask the support of the people and all will be thankfully received. I am subject to the Democratic nomination. Yours truly, .7as. I. Dhuce. Citation. GEORGIA—Wilcox county: Whereas Jesse Clements, Administrator of Jesse C. Clements represents to the court in his petition duly tiled and entered on record that he has fully administered Jesse C Clements’ es tate. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said Administrator should not be discharged from his Administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in October, IHbH. This July 7th 1898. John M. Warren. Ordinary. Notice to Creditors. Creditors of the estate of Richmond L. Rush, deceased, are hereby notified to render in an account of their demands to tbe undersign ed administratrix of said estate within the time provided by law. This 4th dav of July, 1898. Sarah Carolyn Hush, Administratrix. professional Cards, Eldiudge Cutts. Hal Lawson. CUTTS & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office on Broad Street, near Court House. Abbeville, Georgia J. M. GRANTHAM, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office in City Drug Store. TELEPHONE NO. 9. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., iPhysiciati Surgeon, Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. E. H. ANDERSON, J E W E L E R . A FULL L1X13 OF WATCHES, CLOCKS .ANl) JEWELRY ALWAYS ON IIAXD. Repair Work A Specialty. C. L. BAILEY. dealer & manufacturer of in Soda Water and I C E Cider. J. J. HENDLY, D E N TIS T. Office upstairs in Hendly Building. T. C. MANN, Red Light Saloon » MAKES A SPECIALTY OF ;0: :o: FINE WHISKIES such as : : : ‘Garrett’s private stock,” <‘ken T17CKJEV BELL. ‘IMPEKIAL CABINET,’ “MUSCOGEE CLUB,” ‘KOHN’S AND KEY a- co.’s corn.” FINEST BRANDIES AND GIN : : OX THE MARKET, j GO C009990 SOME RARE 10 yards yard wide sheeting 88c; men's o PV slihts 15c• 1200 matches 5c; Hottlo machine 3c; mens tiwndkereWef 8c. Yard wide blenching 44r; Jeans pants 48c; 2^ Oh'V\*.VeS Box shoe 2c, nickle tip lead pencil lc; nut meg grater ladiesN§hoes let. blacking lc; Slates 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8c; 08c; ladies shoes worth $1.25 for 98c; mens shoes wo *i $1. 25 for 98c; shoes worth $1.00 for 78c; Flesh fo :k 3c; mens Q wash basin 4e; Umbrella for only 48o; ladies trim sailor hat 25c; spencerian pen points 4c doz; School tablets lc; paper pins lc Everything at a Cut Price. oxosr 2 >ry <Boods, Shoes, 1 bats, Caps, motions, Clolbin?, tinware, Etc, A. F. CHURCHWELL & CO M CONTROLERS of low prices. COMMERCE ST. ABBEVILLE, GA. HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy Si Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce 0 75 up* Easy Terms. Cl Organs, 20 up, Easy Terms, Lowest price house on earth, All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Ga, Music House, Macon Ga. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MA m LINE. No 19- No. 17. No 18. No. 20. 7 -ir> j> m 7 ' 2 h n in 1 v Savannah ar ll 20 j> ni 8 lo a m 12JM a m 11 off a m ar Helena ar ii id |i m 3 :{.') a m \ 0b a m Vi *20 )> m at Abbeville ar .j f.o pm 2 m a m 2 15 a m l so p m ar Cordeie ar 4 45 p m 1 :i5 a m S 1*a a n\ t p i> m ar Am eric us ar 3 ;w p m 12 *28 a ,u 4 14 a m it -V) m ar Richland ar *2 40 p m II :«) p m 8 00 a m 8 O') p m ar Montgomery lv to 45 am; 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3- iVo. !.* No- 2* No. 4- . 3 10 p m IP 05 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 p m 12 00 m . 6 00 ]> rn ll 40 a m ar Richland ar 3 55 j» m 7 45 a m . 8 50 p m J 80 p m ar Albany lv 2 10 p m 5 on a m . FITZGERALD DIVISION. .. No- 9. No. 7. No, 8. No. 10. .. !> 55 i> m I 15 am lv Abbeville ar 13 IS p m 11 no j> in .. o 55 j> m 9 15 a m ar Fitzgerald ar ll 15 a m 8 45 p m .................... 7 25 p m 10 0o a m ar Ocilla lv lo 20 a m 8 on p m ♦Trains Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah with I'lant System. V. V. .v i\ nnd steamers It Helena with Southern Railway Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville for FUz-era'd T and Ocilla. At Cordeie with G. S. A K. R. K. Xo. 4 north hound. At Richland with C ,y Division mingham for Albany and and the Columbus. north, also At with Montgomery W. Ry. of with Alabama, L. Jk N. for for Selma. Sew Orleans and bevend for Bir TRAIN NO. 17. Connects at Savannah with Plant System and F. C. A P. K K H Helena with Southern Ky. No. 10 south bound and No. 15 north bound. At AbbevPIe for Fitzgerald and Oclffia. At Cordeie with G. S. Jfc F. K. U. No. 1 south hound and No. S no in hound \t Rich land with u. & A. Division for Columbus a»d Atlanta also for Albany. At Montgomery with L abama A N. tor for New Selma. Orleans and beyond, for Hirmingham and the north, \iso with Western Rv of ill TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Alabama Montgomery with D. & S. from Xew Orleans and from the north, also with IVestern Uy. of from Selma. At Richland with V. A \ Utvtsien for Columbus and Atlanta, also for Albany, At Cordeie with G. s. A F. Ry. No. 5 for Tlfton and Valdosta, At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla, At Savannah with Plant System and F G & p. Railroad. TRAIN NO. 20. Connects Alabama at Montgomery with U & X. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Western Ry. of from Selma. At Cordeie with u. s. a F Rv Xo S south bound. bound. Savannah At Abbeville with Plant for Fitzgerald i\ and O. Ocilla, A R. At R. Helena with Southern Rv No *u smith At System, P. and Steamers. Klegant liuffet Parlor Cars on Trains N'os. 17 and 18. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains Xos. 10 and 20. C. X. KIGIIT, “^,'^ \ POPE Assistant Genl. Passenger AjfenL^ "a-enger Agen , ^ ond and Northeastern Railroad. "‘SOLDIERS COLONY H. H. TIFT, President. XO. 7 XO. 3 XO. I F. - M. LEAVE » : ■ ?(J 8 (JO 0 2'.{ 8 15 a J ° 8 25 8 a 50 3 52 4 3 55 3 58 9 . .6 4 00 4 10 9 13 20 4 20 4 25 9 30 25 ARRIVE F. G. FOR & CALL ON B. Brown, " THE HUSTLER,” Delivered to Any Part of the City-. us Your Job Work. Mifes. Xyc»>caLl 'Time No. 6. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE December* lOtlv, 1897. TIFTOX, 1IRIGHON HARDING FIX ETTA MYSTIC, FL ETCHER, FITZGERALD. W ffEX IN NEED OF' First-Class GROCERIES CALL ON--nmvwvei /fficleod 21 Co, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. ; . PHONE 50. W. 0. TIFT, Vice President, Miles. ARRIVE a. P. S§S£2SSir P. -1 r SSaS 11 6 S 6 6 8 So oS o a si ii 5 8 ce irro 11 5 5 C ^ S xo. 2 XO. 5 XO. 8