The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, August 11, 1898, Image 2

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the chronicle. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Hlonroe Kdltor Publisher. and si use Kirn on rates. we. v© months.......... fi oo SI x months.............. 50 Throe months........... 25 in variably In advance, f :• ertVmR - - i urn! Vied on application. The Crmo.wo r.n published cver.v Thunsd.-y, fit Abbeville, L'l. <'orrimuniciaIons to Insure tUHCi tlcn bIh HI I (1 T . rh the office not biter than klondpy, find, _ nhwiv-i i»<> accompanied necessarily V>y the *v ri ,.iot uro: not ror jki bib i 1 1 -hi. Hoi es a guarantee. <>f wood faith For ndve.i« iu;' rates apply at this office. ! ELCPHONE NO. 44.--- KiiLvi d nt the Post Office at Abbeville, Ga., ns matter. 'i’llLli'SDA ' Al'O. 11, 1893. Since tlie war is over the news papers aie trying hard to get up a scrap between Alger and Roosevelt. Li 'in lent Richard Pearson Hob s') •' ms to lie the of America at prcse.i lie was presented with a sword costing $300 at Long Reach the other day, by the guests of his hotel. In addittion to that a kiss fioi,i a handsome young woman. A Clever Trick. It "i ••tainly looks like it,, bill there 1 . I ‘ ) 1 rick about it. Anybody ' ‘ m and cun try it who lias lame buck weak Hueys, malaria or nervous (roubles. Wo mean lie can cure himself right away by taking Elee Iric Bitters. This medicine tones up tli whole system, acts as a stimu lant to the liver and kidneys, is a Mood purifier and nerve tonic. It cure-! consumption, headache, faint in'.; spoils, sleeplessness and melan choly. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the sys tem to its natural vigor. Try Elec tric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bot tle .I the City Drug Store. 3 Cason TSfcws iltcms. (From our Tiwulnr correspondent.) The regular monthly meeting was held at Mb Pleasant Baptist church last Sunday, by Bro. denning. Miss Nannie Gordon, lias been spending a few days among relatives awl friends near Pitts. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure con stipation and srek headache just as sure as you take them,. Central Mr. W L Ridley lias resigned his jiositi. n at I’asi'H and lias gone to Wilson s mill. '.'rof. (V- k s school has closed, ho had a lice examination Friday Aug. 4th. and will have an exhibition Monday night next,. Miss I'ova Deunard has Been elect ed IViiieipal ( f the Rock Pile school Mi Dora Denuard has liteu elect ed Principal of the Rock Pile school, we have not the slightest doubt that she will please them. Vflici: you call for DeWilfs Witch Hazel '.Lie the great pile cure don't aeee it any tiling else. Don’t he talk ed into accepting a subsitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. For sale Central Drug Co. Millions Given Away, it is certainly gratifying to the ptibii in know of one concern in the land who are not afuiid to be gener ous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of 1 h\ King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten inil lioe trial buttles of this great medi cine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it lias absolutelv cured thou sands of hopeless easts. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseas es of tlie throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on the City Drug Co. and get a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c. and 81.00 Every bottle guaranteed, or price re funded 3 Mount I’leasatil, Aug. Sth 1898. Dr. S e\ • Mitchell was received back ial.> the church at Mt. I’leas ant i Saundav. after a full hearing that was satisfactory to all lie A now a lull-pledged Mission an Baptist preacher in good stand ing and will be a power for good in the Lillie lli\er Association, j^OTH SIDES CLAIM THE ELECTION. : Managers and Executive Commit teemen Fail to Consolidate— Contest On. CANDIDATES. Representative, G 0 B V Bowen Clerk, J M Mixon....... \V A Rogers...... Sheriff, R T Dennard.. .. . W M Gibbs....... .1 B Chandler, . .. . Tax Collector, N E Mitchell...... C S McCall....... W J Mixon....... .) It Nance........ Tax Receiver, .) D Taylor....... Lawson Smith..... <1 B (lammage....... Treasurer, K S Young...... I) \V Taylor..... Surveyor, F II Taylor........... Coroner, .) B Durham..... .... (.’has. Bruce.......... K (I Conner......... T S Page............. Nathan Nasworthy.... County Commissioners. M E McAnally....... i> McDuffie.......... J B Mitchell......... S B Reid............. J P Doster........... L F Nance............ * Gin House precinct will be contested. The following executive committeemen were elected from their re spective districts: .1 L Bankston, Abbeville; IT P Stone, Bowen’s .will; Willis Cason, Davis Mill; Warren Fairclotli, Gin IIouso; A B Cain. Ro chelle;,) V Dennaad, Ryal’s Mill;,) R Clements, Shake Rag; II E Brown, Siiibic; ,J F Luke, Wolf Pit; L) 74 Harvey, Maple Branch. Last Wednesday will mark one of the hardest fought elections in the history of the county, (except court house election.) The principle fight was between the Representative and Commissioners or the Rochelle “mass meeting” crowd and Hie “Anti mass meeting crowd,” to be plain, the fight developed into one between Abbeville and Rochelle in spite of all the precautions put forth by Abbeville, and the Court house was the issue. You know tlie Court house is in everything in Wilcox county, schools, churches, 'Societies, fraternities and all. Well, this is the “mess” now to stSirl with, and we are in a “mess” and no mistake about it. But we will get hack to the consolidation. As the above table will show the polling by districts it is unnecessary to again mention the number of votes cast etc. All worked well throughout the day Wednesday and tlie reports from all the precincts that could be heard from gave tlie Anti “Rochelle mass meeting crowd,” a majority. One district could not be heard from, (how funny). No, everything was as dumb as an oyster as to that district ’till tlie very hour for consolidation; then a bomb was exploded. It was a shell in the camp and “no joke.” Said precinct was “Gin House” precinct. When tne returns were opened a great many irregularities were no ticed, but all these were overlooked ’till it was observed on the face of the returns that G (’ Wilcox was marked 35 and Bowen 113 then Wilcox was erased and the number seemed to raise Bowen’s number, and when the returns were read out and nothing given to Wilcox, Dennard, Mitchell, et al, who claimed that votes were cast there for them, then an explosion followed that was almost equal to the “Dewey” morn at Manilla. A protest was filled in short order to receiving said returns, till an in vestigation could be had, whereupon a number of the managers refused to sign the document declaring the result of the election only by protest against said Gin House precinct. In this shape the managers turned over their work to the Democratic Executive Committee, which body was asked by council for contestants, to suspend action upon the matter till Wednes day the 17th, inst, in order for contestants to show, if they could, that votes were east at said precinct for them. During the progress of the meeting of the Committee, members began to drop out, one at a time, till all but three absented themselves. Two of tlie three remaining were in favor of postponing a decision till Wednesday, one against postponing', whereupon Chairman P II Coffee arose and de clared the result as it appeared, not regarding the contest, not the two remaining members who were in favor of postponing the declaration till Wednesday. Now who are the nominees? Has Wilcox county any regu larly nominated candidate as announced by the Democratic Executive Committee? Before the work of either the managers.or the committeemen were concluded a notice of contest was tiled. The final announcement was raiulo by the chairman <*vit the protest of a majority of the members ptvsonY. Tliis will boubtless be an interesting cast for the State Executive Committee to pass upon. Tibbie Iftcus. (Front our regular corrospondent.) Floe <ls of rain. Wednesday is the day. Mosquitoes are numerous. Malarial fever is raging. Rev. G tY Hall preaelied instead of Rev. O V Fuller a; Macedonia on last Sunday. Prof. Frazer's school opened Mon day. PRECINCTS. TOTAL ! Maple Branch: Wolf 151.. ..' Seville... . . . .1 Sibbje” .. .. .i Shake Rag. . Ryles‘ Mill. ..' Rochelle . . . .J Gin House . . * navxs‘ mu. . . Bowen‘s 3111M Abbevilla. ..‘ .. i I 19 13 40| 35 v ^' Hi 30 24 500 9 41 38 113 107, 38 :• 10 8 IC 50 008 274 co 21 30 1051 20 S 40 5 15 25 002 31 tc 32 70 91 4 x a 30 20 i 90! 52 520 201 12 23 15 3 XX 77 1 u 420 39 20 19l 55 125 8' 51 x 28 cc 141 rj 20 15! 54 00 14 o 84 . c 289 257 5 52 1 38 7 389 29 X w' 771119 14 23! 18- 8' 52 32 395 25 T—t X rc 24 71 ll 491 15 14 49 3; 281 4j 41 ' 71 10 2! 2| 5 34 95 S. tc 35,118 14, 02 50 14' 41 i 7 CG tC 21 10 10| 18 54 1 • 1 i c tC 36 70 07, 50 31 2 1 18 72 -L- ; i i ■ I 351 275 22 , 10 1| 08| M Of) if) 52 10 L’- 33 38 13 1004 39 30 30! i: (ill 02 30 1 50 1 52 111 195 07 70 04 11 114 09,1119 l 20 20 292 8 24 2 52 23 0 — 7 14 20 21111119 20 08 22! 22 30 09 -’ 1 2 0 75 83 ol 47 49 289 - 0 12! 52 0 42 I 1, 9 430 200 •'» 1139 182, .13 11 37 13 103 290 40 54 i a' 182, 09: 74| 09 2111081 794103 39 19 42 54 17 - in 109 193 20 04 02 73 29| 30 2l|l03: 2111121 70j 09' 715 709 4, 24: I i 4j | 32 Mr. John Batten's family are all siek with fever there is eight ip number. Misses Lillian Reid :.iv Imovue Dyehes sj'.ent ' ! " iii, I’elatives here. Mes - Grantham and L J Whiv, hurst were the guest of A W Fuller aud family on Sunday. Mr. Tom Parsons has Prof. Hall l > teach his children instrumental music at his home. The Half Has Never been Told Article In Our Store an Ladies Oxfords...... ......93c Tennis Shoes........ 48c Milk Strainers..... 7c Dipper............. 4c 2400 Matches...... 9c Linen lanndried Shirts 48c Shoulder Braces...... 25c Accordion, only...... 93c Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Tinware EVERETHING AT A CUT PRICE. A ]P GlTtirchwell & Oo., CUT PRICE STORE. CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. UJf. TI • fp> tuffer Many women tezf'h great jjf-sj. pain lv at month periods and isir real ize the danger bathes V’’ V'L’t/i A i treatment account of hu- 4Kj 2*-A V \ imitating local examinations. K Nature in tended t h e “monthly per iods” to be painless and regular, usual pain and sickness indicate serious derangements which should have prompt attention, or they rapidly grow worse. Local examinations are not uee cssary since tlie discovery of It cures nil Female Diseases bv properly strengthening This and all regulating the pain. the or - gans. This remedy stops is vegetable compound, a and is tlie result of years of experience. ’ ratories It is carefully by skilled prepared chemists in our and own is lab- in by leading physicians. Sold by alldrucrfflsts Regulating orsent post paid for $ 1 . box of “Monthly” Pills with each Mr. A. xu. FORD, Wesson, Miss., writes: “Ry two bottles of Planters Female ltegula I liavo been cured of Nervous Debility about by tlie birth of my last child. * FREE to any address, Book on the Home “Monthly” of Female Regulating Diseases. Pills sent A sample for TO box cents stamps. Address, New Spencer Medicine Chattanooga, Tennessee. r „ For sale by Ctiy Drug Co. Mr. V Stephens’ wife has been quite sick for the past week. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yield to One Minute Cough Cure, Harmless in effect touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once’ Central Drug Co. J. J. HENDLY, D E N TIS T . Office upstairs in Heridiy Building. C. L. BAILEY, dealer &. manufacturer of in Soda Water and I C E Cider. Citation. GEORGIA—Wilcox county. To whom it may concern:—,T I! Milchcll having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of )> A Barker, hit of said county, this is to cite all and Anutilar the creditors and next of kin of said B A Barker to be and appear at my office within the tune allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not bo granted to said J K Mitchell on said estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 1st day August 181'8. John M. Warren. Ordinary. Notice. cf Georgia; Wilcox county, whereas .1 B Chandler. Bennett Pate and have petitioned this conn to change the voting precinct in the 1 07 . • -> riot G. M. from lot No. 233. - ]>ri“- -it location, to land No. 234 .: a ■mi* where the union road a railroad. Now this is to ' 'h ail persons that on the iirst M rn '-’Cptember. said petition will be a mod if no good cause .is shown to tne con •a ry. This 1st day of August isos. P»y order oi L. F. Nance, J). McDuffie, M. !•:. McAnally. J. N. Evans, Clerk. Coni', of Roads A Rev. I J. M. GRANTHAM, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office in City l rug Store. TELEPHONE NO. 9. HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy & Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce 75 up. Easy Terms. I - Organs, 20 up, Easy Terms, a Lowest price house on earth, Ja. JL All Music L2 price, 1\ ritef the Old Reliable {rVinG’S Ga, Music House, Macon Ga. Georgia ar?d Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. No. 19. No- 17. No. 18. No. 20. . r. p m . ”> a in lv .Me annah nr ll 2U p rn s In a m id in a m ll ;iil a m ar Ilolcna ar ,, m p r.i 3 :ir> a m 1 CO a in 12 2(1 p m ar Abbeville ar :• 50 p m 2 40 a m 2 15 a m 1 30 p m ar (lordele ar l 45 p n ] 35 a m * 15 a m 2 55 (I ni ar iiK-rim.-. ar ;| 3U p ni J2 28 a ni 4 11a 111 3 55 1.1 ar Illchland ar 2 40 p :n )l 30 i. rn 8 oo a m 8 oo p m a: Munigomery lv lo 45 a m r 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. I No. 2. No. 4. a 10 pm lo 05 a 223 lv Goln mbus ar 5 20 p m 12 00 m •5 00 p m ll 40 a ar Rich i and 3 55 pm r 45 a m 8 50 |> ni l :{() »» ar Albany lv 2 10 p m 5 oo a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No. . No- 7. No. 8. No- 10. > i mV 15 n m lv Abbeville ar 12 15 p m 11 oo p m in si 15 am nr KltZKcreld aril 45 am 8 45 pm .. 7 25 m 10 00 a mar Ocilla lvlo20am 8 00 p m *Trains Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlantaand Albany in connection with Southern Kaihtay CONNECTIGNS. liilSlSiillsaisSl'il -s-as: rn’m^ssssmsisi—s Oc 1:11(1 with (J. A A. !>i \ ision for Columbus and Atlanta also ''or Albany. \t Mont'-omerv with I .V for NOW Orleans and beyond, for nirmIngham and the north, also with Western Rv of \i abania for Selmn. - * TRAIN .MO. IS. Connects a! Montgomery with L. ,tS. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Western Ry. of Alabama from Selma. At Hichland with c. A. \ i»vision for Columbus and Atlanta, also for Albany. At Cordele with G. S. A F. Ilv. \ 0 5 for Tifton and Vajdosii'. ( At Abbcuille for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Savannah with Plant System and F. c. & TRAIN MO. 20. Connects at Montgomery with L. & X. from New Orleans and from the ? north, also with Western K.v. or Alabama from Selma. At Cordele with G S A F Rv uSw’ith Nn south hound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocilla. At Helena with Southern Rv Vo bound. At Savannah with Plant System, F. I'. ,v P. R. R. and Steamers. i:i< gam llntfct Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. 47 and 18. Pullman Palace Steepin' Cars on Trains Nos. 19 and 20. C. N. RIGHT. A POPF Assistant Gent. Palmer A^nt.^, '*^er Agent. Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY H. H. TIFT, President. NO. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 1*. - L Y\ M. A. M. LEAVE a 10 10 s iso 0 3 22 3 23 8 15 ~ 8 OC 3 •’ 8 25 8 3 50 3 52 4 *=; 3 fs) ;; 38 4 0(> 4 JO U 13 20 — 4 20 4 23 0 50 25 -7 Trains Nos. l. 2,3 and -l fin r | Fj Flag station.^ Trair s sy sitem n.tid (><*or« in Sinitflip : E. BoaT iiiGIIT Traffic professional Cards, W. R. GOOGE, M. D., y* tr*i oi tara & S u i-yfeon . Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. etttral city :s: : barber shop. all work done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention next door to southern express office. bob weathers prop. Miles. Zinc Well bucket ,,,,17c Full size counterpain worth $1.25 for.,. .ti[)c Guyyt Suspenders good value,.. . 13c 10 slate pencils............... 1c Fast tan socks 9c worth double. Fast Black socks 9 worth double. Lanies Black Hose 5c to 13c. Swans Down face powder....... 3c Lrtocal Time 'Fat>le CrJ. General Offices; TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE S )t;c!cg n i« >* 19tLr, 1897. TIFTON, BRIGHOX HARDING PIN ETTA no. FLETCHER, FITZGERA Ll>, E. H. ASMDERSON, J E AY E L E K . A FULL I.IXE OF WATCHES, CHOC ITS AXI) JEWELRY ALWAYS ON hand. Repair Work A Specialty. rp Stairs, Over Wilkinson’s y Store, ill ilendley lluilding. FIRST-CLASS WORK. it: ’ :+: J: sharp razors, :+ : : : •*- POLITE ATTENTION. ^r"The Only White lla-ber in the at y. Give me a Trial. I will appreciate It. a1 T. M. MATTHEWS. w. o. Tin, Vice President. Miles. ARRIVE Ml p - M - P. Ar. 25 , 12 15 0 25 6 10 20 12 00 10 5 56 37 31 51 6 01 5 48 11 11 31 5 41 5 2D 9 11 25 5 35 5 23 5 11 14 5 23 5 12 LEAVE 0 11 00 5 10 5 00 NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8