The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, August 18, 1898, Image 2

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chronicle. ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. R. Monroe Kditor and fHOHsher. St'HSC K ITT I ON IIATKS. wclve month*.......... *1 oo months.............. (VO months........... 25 Invariably In ftdvtinro. furnished application. Advert Islnp rati** on The I- pnbMidii'd every Th' ,r *il“V; but as nunm': it ”iia»anH'c ' **“SSBSlJ of w>n<\ faith <£' lulvcrti iiii^ rat**-, apply at till# oil vt. -TELEPHONE NO. 44 Entered al the Post Otlloe at Abbeville, Oa., sccond-claNs matter. THURSDAY. AUG. 18, 1898. *'A new dl-oo-e failed 11 --0so11 Is raKlns I" the laiul. (tutead nr -inaianllninB ll We meet it with a band." The Kiris all wan! In falch It, llnth In the North and South; The )>urt that's most alTcctcc Appears lo be the month." The war is ended. Be sure and register. “Ilis Holiness,” Pope Leo. is re ported dying. Porto Rico will lie treated at once as an American possession. ‘•My regiment," says Roosevelt, “is one of the ‘Crack-n-Jacks. Please don’t hang up any more snakes 'rill fodder pulling is over. There will remain at Santiago five regiments of illumines to do garrison duty. General Fit/. Hugh Lee will be a candidate for the U. S. Senate from Virginia. Editor II. D. Smith, of the Ash burn Advance, will take charge the Cordele Sentinel Sept 1st. “There is more money to be made by humoring people than by instruct ing them. "-—Waycross Journal. tVlien it conics to managing a real battle a wiivgrass sheriff can give points to many a noted army leader. H is believed that 100,900 men will )tc sufficient to garrison the various places occupied by the United States. The Third Regiment is the in the South. This is the regiment to which Lieutenant Max K. Land belongs. Lord Rears ford is in trouble again, this time in Mexico where he has de frauded people to the amount of $ 20 , 000 . Italy is the first foreign power to send congratulations to the United States upon the successful termina tion of the war. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Fully Uisevs are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure con stipation and srek headache just as sure as you take them. Central Drug Co. The CimoNiei.K concurs fully in the views of Governor Atkinson :is to the movements of troops at pres ent. It is unwise to muster out any part of the tinny until the final terms arc accepted. It will weaken the power of this eon try to force its de mands upon the defeated nation. Th,» entire naval and military force should be kept ready to strike a fatal blow should Spain attempt to squirm out of the peace terms or de lay the evacuation of the eeceded territory. When you call for DefYitl's YYiteh Jlazel Salve the great pile cure don't accept anything else. Don't be talk ed into accepting a subsitute, jiiles, for sores, for burns. For sale by Central Drug Co. central city 7 VCtl hnrher V%l Vl/Vf/f clvm all work done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention next door , to southern , express office, bob weathers pro^. Looks Dark for Gin House. Chairman Coffee Refuses An vestigation of the Primary Held Last week. Has it come to this? Is it possi ble that no fair and legal election, even a primary, can be held in Wil cox? The law governing -Primary elections is the same that govern general elections, therefore it is as equally essential that Primaries should be held legal and right as any other election. The Chronicle does not espouse the cause of any of the candidates in the lie Id, when it takes the position that an investigation of the management of the Primary in <>Giu House” precinct is necessary. Our position is based on the follow ing reasons, to-wit: 1 st. it is openly dtelared that during tlie day, while voting was in progress, a man very much under tlie influence of “John Barley Corn,” took possession of the ballot box, tore up several tickets, and scattered many of them over the floor, fired off his pistol and run the managers away from their post of duty. 2nd. That these tickets, torn and strewn around, were afterwards gathered up, or at least tickets were gathered up, and placed back in the ballot box. 3rd. 1’arties‘have made affidavits that they east votes for candidates, at that precinct, whose name do not appear in the returns, etc. If these facts and allegations are not sufficient for, at least a reassem bling of the Executive Committee, that they may be denied or sus tained, then we are willing to go foot for being si fool and not having a proper conception • of how such things should be done. The Chronic*,e does not make any of the alsove charges, hut they are made, and reflect on the good people of Gin House district, and leave a serious doubt in the minds of many as to who are the rightful nominees of said Primary. We do not impugn Chairman Coffee's motive for not wishing to call tlie executive Committee to gether for this investigation, but we do question the wisdom displayed. The Chronicle stated last week some facts which do not appear in this article, subsequently the above, which led up to an additional effort to get a hearing for yesterday. 1- P Wimberly acting as Secretary in the place of M. E. Land, at the request of several of the Committee, wrote Chairman Coffee and other members of the Connnitteqjurging a meeting for the 17th. Below we give the correspondence between Wimberly and Coffee. Abbeville. Gu., Aug, 12, 1898. P. II. CoiTKK, Chiu. Ex. Co.:— You are requested to meet with the. Executive Committee at Abbeville on Wednesday 17th inst at 10 o'clock to consider a matter of importance to the party. L. P. Wimberly, Secty. N. E. Mitcuell, ) ‘ II. P. Stone, ' om ' Rochelle, Ga., Aug. 1G, 1898. Mu. L. 1\ \YiMBi:iti.y, Abbeville. Ga , Dear 8 ir:— When l think neces sary to liavs a meeting of the F-xec utivedioanl 1 will call a meeting, therefore we will have no meeting on the 17th inst. Respectfully, 1*. 11. Coffee. Chairman Dem. Ex. Com., "Wilcox Co. Mr. Coffee is chairman, tis true, but it doesn't necessarily follow that I ^ - 8 to ^ the sole jlulge of a ue .. jeessity to call the committee to , getlier. According to our under ■ standing of the matter, a request ; from two or more members is quite sufficient evidence of a necessity for a meeting of the Committee. au job am «„ t „t u»> Chronicle Job Office is guaranteed first class. When acedmg Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, tnvc lopes, , r* Cards, i Statements, o« * 4 . Etc. i be sure to give us a call. School Notice. i/ All pupils in the town of Abbe ville, between the ages of ti and will be admitted into the college to all the common school branches and Scientific Course free upon the pay ment of a matriculation fee of 50cts, in advance, for every term of ten weeks. If the pupil desires tlie benefit of the full Business Course, in addition to above, full particulars can be obtained by applying to Prof. W. A. Little. .J, R. Monroe, Pres. B. E., T. A. Cfmstoba! Colon, in Spanish, means Christopher Columbus. h u . T^n B ! fj';i A sjHw/r 1 - I ii is '■4 y IP u m fi « (■: mmrfi mm f V//& L 10 «-Si m 7 b------- - - * 6% 1R°mal C°ege & * usi- * nsti ness tute. Course of Study Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business, Short Hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy Music. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to take studies they do not want in order to get tlie desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in tlie choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of con ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time. We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.—Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes, large sup-fly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits to any one or till classes in Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is tlie most thorough, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should have a Business Education. Fall Tei in Opens Sept. 13, 1898. Send for a Copy of Our Announcement. For further information, address, W. A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL, ABBEVILLE, GA. ftalace Jkrkr Shop Store, D> Stairs, in Handley Over Wilkinson's HtHlding. FIRST-CLASS WORK, : + : : + : ■t: :t: SHARP RAZORS, :t: -I— POLITE ATTENTION. {tgr* The Only White Barber in the City. Give me a Trial, 1 will appreciate T. Wl. MATTHEWS. T. C. MANN, Red Light Saloon, MAKES A .SPECIALTY OF :o: :0: FINE WHISKIES such as “Garrett’s private stock,” “ken TUClvEV BELL,” “IMPERIAL CABINET, ’ “MUSCOGEE CLUB," 'KOIIN'S AND KEY & co.’s corn.” :::::: FINEST BRANDIES AND U1N : : ON THE -—-• Notes Lost. fignvd by h r Holt and t m iiarw*. one for Y,’H> OO nude payable July 1 st lSDU. the ot.her f 0 ? '.a.\oo July m ;■■» | S m warn all partiv :;oi to U;g!c :'or >:;u. , , . A t. n. vt.. ■ The Half Has Never been Told Article In Our Store an Ladies Oxfords...... 98c Tennis Shoes........ .....48c Milk Strainers....... 7c Dipper............. .... 4c 2400 Matches....... flc Linen laundried Shirts .. . .48c Shoulder Braces...... ....25c Accordion, only...... ....98c Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Huts, Tinware etc EVERETHING AT A CUT PRICE. A K Ghurchwell & Oo., CUT PRICE STORE. CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. FOR- Staple & Fancy Groceries. CALL ON SU Brevm, "•THE HUSTLER, 3 \ Pelivered to Vny Part or the City. Cordele Bicycle Co * J ■—SELLS THE— METER Wheel, the Best on the market, and gives easy terms to customers. :o: Also keep a general supply of Bi cycle fixtures. You can get any part of a wheel from them. All kind of repair work executed with dispatch and guaranteed. CHEAP—A supply of second-hand Wheels 111 gOOCl Ol’liler CIILAP. Call on or address. S. POVv’ELL, ®rop„ HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy & Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce 75 up. Easy Terms. Organs, 20 up. Easy Terms, Lowest price house on earth, All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Ga, Music House, Macon Ga. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. 7 If. 1 -m 7 £5 amir Savannah aril 20 nm s lit a m 12 ,»» amliau m ar Helena ar R tit (im -j .15 a m I 00 a m 1" at! p m ar Abbeville ar 5 50 p m 2 40 a m 2-15 a nt 1 :in p m ar Cordele ar 1 ,5 p m 1 53 a nt .3 13 a m 2 55 p m ar AmerictK ar ;| ;«i p m 12 28 a m 8 4 (JO 11am 8 ;l no 55 p nt ar Montgomery Hirhland ar lv > 40 p m 1 1 ;io'p m a nt p nt ar 10 45 a m ; 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. 1.* No. 2.» -No. 4. tl 10 p m lo o5 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 p m 12 00 m li 00 P nt II 4H a m ar Richland ar 3 55 p m 7 45 a nt 8 50 pm l.‘lop mar Albany lv 2 lu p m Swam FITZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9. No 7 No. «. No. 10 . •I 5.1 pm 7 15 a nt lv Abbeville ar 12.13 |- nt 11 no p m ti 55 I- m 0 15 a mar Fitzgerald ar tl-laaa m 8 45 11 m 7 25 p m 10 90 a m ar Ocilla lv la 20 a nt 8 on j> m -Trains Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with itlmrti Ifulltini CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah with Plant System. F. C. & 1\ and steamers U Helena-vith Southern Hailway Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald a,'id Ocilla. At Cordele with G. S. Jt F. R. It. No. 4 north bound. At Richland with c A V Division mingham for Albany and and the Columbus. north, also At with Montgomery W. By. of with Alabama, L. A X. for for Selma. New Orleans and beyond' ' for 01 Illr- “ ir TRAIN NO. 17. Connects at Savannah with Plant System and F. C. A P K R \t Helena with Southern By. No. HI south bound and No. 15 north hound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ovivjla. At Cordele with G. S. A F. K. B. No. 1 south bound and No. 2 north bound At Rich land with C. A A. Division for Columbus and Atlanta also for Ubanr, Vt Montgomery with I abama A X. for New Orleans and beyond, for Birmingham and the north, also with Western By J of ill for Selma. TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with 1.. A N. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Western Ky. of Alabama from Selma. At Ilichland with C A V Division for Columbus Valdosta. and At Abbeville Atlanta, also for Fitzgerald for Albany. and At Ocilla. Cordele At with Savannah 0. s. A F. Ry. No. 5'for Tifton and with Plant System and F C A TRAIN NO. 20. Connects at Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans and from the north, also with Western Ky. of Alabama from Selma. At Cordele with G. S A F Ry No 1 iT,KS d ^^!! l ii.^sttr thernKyko '^ so,:th Elegant liuit'et Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. 17 and IS. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains ^ C. X. RIGHT. A poPF Assistant Genl. linger Agent.^ ^ a „ Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “ SOLDIERS COLONY H. H. TIFT, President. NO. 7 NO. 3 NO. P. gag:s^i$s.- p. M. A. M. LEAVE 3 3 10 8 IN* o 3 !i 23 8 15 3 3 - 8 23 S 3 3 52 4 3 3 58 0 . -1 ■1 10 0 13 4 4 25 0 30 ARRIVE System and Georgia Southern and Florida at Tilton, and the Georgia^nd®Alatama « Fitzgerald^ (professional Cards. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., StArgeson, Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. E. H. ANDERSON, JEWELER. A FULL LINE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ALWAYS ON HAND. Repair Work A Specialty. J.J. HENDLY, DENTIST. Office upstairs in Hendly Building, Miles. Zinc Well bucket 17c Full size counterpaiu worth 11.25 for.. .. 09c Guyot Suspenders good value...........13c 10 slate pencils................ .. .. lc Fast tan socks 9c worth double. Fast Black socks 9 worth double. Lanies Black Hose 5c to 13c. Swans Down face powder........ .. .. 3e Tirrit- 'i'r, 4j,l rSlc. 05. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE December lt-Jtlx, 1 !SIQ 7 . TIFTON, RRIGIION HARDING PIN ETTA MYSTIC. FLETCHER, FITZGERALD. Kldmdgk ( ‘utts. Hal Lawson, CUTTS & LAWSON, attorneys-at-law. Office on Broad Street, wear court House. Abbeville, Georgia c. L. BAILEY, dealer & manufacturer of in Soda Water and I C K Cider. J. M. GRANTHAM, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office in City Dnig Store. TELEPHONE NO. 9 . DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, The famous little jiiiu. w. o. Tin, Vice President Miles. ARRIVE J y M- 1-. M. .p; m. „, 25 12 15 « 25 ,1 20 12 00 10 « 10 5 58 17 11 51 ® <H 6 18 H 11 31 5 41 5 21) » 11 25- 5 35 5 2« 5 11 11 5 23 5 12 LEAVE 0 11 oo 5 10 5 00 -NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8