The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, August 18, 1898, Image 3

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LoO©sl 1 etPid I^orsQFisil. * v Gathered in City and County, Concerning Matters of Interest Know and People You Don’t Know. School opens September 13th. Fruit Tosfo at City Drug Co. The Annex is nearing completion. This weather vis tough on fodder pulling. Peach & Orange Hon Bon, City Drug Co. T H WooltHu ••*£ Cason, spent Monday in the city. Go to A Isaacs 'for fresh bread and cakes. Son a Water tickets 6 for 25cts 25 for $1.00. City'Drug Co. K. A. Wilson spe#t several days of last week in AGryita. Fresh cabbage *a*id turnip seed at flrug Store Clever Conwjts iVHHips spent sev eral days of thisAveek in McRae. Soda Water Tickets 6 for 25cts or for $ Central Drug Co. tf Charlton.,Melton made a flying trip to see'UieiiiRWje.,folks last Saturday. Just received ,a new lot-of Mack erel. McLeod & Co. Mrs. J. B. Alison spent Monday at Mystic with tier sou, Jim Alison. When wanting, a nice box of fancy candy, that's.freak, cal', on Central Drug Sture. Ben Thompson, of Pitts, spent Sunday in .the city quite pleasantly among the fairiee*. Planters NUflAN TEA cures Dyspep sia,. Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. For sale by City Urns Co.. Abbeville. Ga. Our streets are being much im proved by having the grass and weeds cut off them. We have a lot .of Cotton Baskets we will sell Clmap, for the cash. McLeod & Co. Dr. Powell,, of Kramer, made the Chronicle offioc.a pleasant call one day last week. M A. Brown. “The Hustler,” is now prepared to do all kind of Bicy cle Repairing, Give him a trial. IVe are glad to see Dr. J. M. Grantham able to be out after an illness of severed (days. lOUlVrS CUBAN RELIEF cure, a , *' , * , * , v Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache ■ in five minutes. SourStomaeh and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. For sale by City Urtig Co.. Abbeville. Ga. Miss Boodie Angely spent several days of last week fduite pleasantly with friends in Rochelle. Cotton .Bagging and Ties cheaper at McLeod & Co.'s than anywhere else. Miss Mamie Morgan, after a pleasant visit of several days among friends here, returned to her home at Pitts Monday. Planters CD BAN OIL cures CuOv Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. For -ale by-city Drug Store. Mr. Isaac's has. put in a full and select tock of "fancy and family groceries in connection with his ba kery. -The Central 'Drug Store has the best assortment of ‘fancy candy in the city. Mrs, A. Isaac and children re turned yesterday ‘from a visit of several weeks among friends and relatives in Brunswick. Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded by Licensed Pharmacist night or day. City Drug Co. Miss -Mary Hayes, of Americus, after spending several days here with her sister, Mrs. K. A. Moody, returned home Monday. It's a doctor's business to study health, Doctors confidently recom mend HARPER Whiskey. Sold by Lasseter, Ham & Co., * Abbeville, Ga. More than twenty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in its meaits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in t-iie shortest space of time. Central Dntg Co. Miss Nita Alison after a visit of several weeks to friends in Savanah and other points, returned home Monday, much to the delight of her many triends. Mr. J V Grantham, who lias been quite sick in Savannah for several weeks, returned home Sunday much improved in health. Thuth wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills forregu luting the bowels, cureing constipa tion and sick headache. They don't gripe. Central‘Drug Co. The Abbeville Land and Im provement Company, of which Mr. Albert Sommers is president, has a beautiful new sign in front of its office on Commerce street. Fall Reynolds, one of our most extensive stock dealers, after spen ding several days with his parents in Tennessee, returned to Abbeville Saturday. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles their is one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve. When you call for DeWitt’s don't accept counterfeits or fraud, you will not be disapointed with DeWitt,s Witch Hazel Halve. Central Drug Co. Prayer meeting at the Baptist church on Wednesday night and at the Methodist church on Thursday night. Let everybody attend these services. The dove shooting season is now at hand and many of the feathered tribe will fall under the uncaring aim of our sportsmen. One minute cough cure surprises people by its quick cure and children may take it in large quantities with out the least danger. 11 has won for itself the best imputation of any preparation used to-day for colds croup, tickling it: the throat or ob stiuateco coughs. Central Drug Co. There was quite a crowd in the city last Saturday and trade among the merchants was fairly good. There are good times ahead and not far off. Let everyone look on the bright side of things and help the men who are pushing to the front. The desparaging talk of a chronic grumbler can cause more unrest than the combined efforts of half- a dozen enterprising citizens can dispell. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve has the largest sale of any salve in the world. This fact and its merit lias led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you wheu you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve the great pile cure. Central Drug Co. ‘ The Banner is in receipt of a neat ly gotten up Annual Announcement of the Georgia Normal College and Business Institute at Abbeville, Ga. This school was located at Jasper. Fla., for a number of years and lias done a great work for the cause of education. Abbeville is one ot the first towns in Wiregrass Georgia and offers many advantages to'this insti tution. May this school long live and continue to prosper. ’’-^-Baxley Banner. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessant ly, and could not sleep. Hiie final ly discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, and was so much relieved on taking' first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is .Mvs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. (', Ham trick & Co. of Shelby X. 0. Trial bottles free at the City Drug Store, Regular size 50c. and 81. Every bottle guaranteed. 4 A Compliment to the Abbeville Nor mal College and Business Institute. Prof. A A Kidd will arrive in Ab beville this week from Columbus, Oh 10 , where lie was ealled as expert to straighten up a set of books for the Art College. The hooks were out of balance and weeks of hard work could not reveal the trouble ’til Prof, Lull 1 took them in charge and in 3(1 minutes lie located the trouble anil set them in good work 0l,lfl - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever-Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give, perfect satistac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. Does It Pay To Pull Fodder? Hon. J Pope Brown and Capt. J A Coffee, of Pulaski, and Col. R A Wilson, of Wilcox, three of the most progressive farmers in the State, have concluded it does not. Conse quently they will cut and shock their corn and when it is cured, by means of a shredding machine they will shred stalk, fodder and all and use for feed. Many farmers are watch ing this experiment and if it proves a success, the idea will be universal ly adopted in this section. Notice to Fire Company. At the regular Monday nights meeting'it was decided to meet, for practice, ou the first and third Mon day night instead of every Monday night as heretofore. All members themselves..without a legal excuse will he subject to a fine. The Epworth League. Elsewhere will be found the pro gram of. the Social and Literary Do partment of the League. Miss Sal lie Story, the energetic President of this department, has spared no pains trouble to make this an enjoyable The unique feature of this social is the giftof some book to the league library and a delineation by flie donor, of the leading charac ter of the book given, this will prove very interesting, and will form a nu on which to build a library that is greatly needed to facilitate the good work of the league. It is hoped that a large crowd will be on hand, don’t forget to bring a book. Epworth League Program. The following is the program of the Literary and Social Department to be held at Mrs. Alison's Friday evening Aug. 19th. Song, Epworth Leagers—by the League. Prayer—by Bro. Fisher. Quartette—by Misses Rogers and Mixon, and Messrs. Cherry and Mix on. Recitation—Miss Bessie Rogers. Music—Orchestra. Recitation—3Iiss Zoe Moody. Violin solo—-Capt. Dozier. Donation of books and delineation of auofliors or principle character, by donor. Refreshments served. Com. on contest—Messrs. Sussex and I! A Wilson, Miss Clide Melton and Mrs. .J 1) Lawson. Com. on arrangement—Mrs Ali son chairman, Mrs. Loeb Misses Story and Mitchell. Com, on donation—Misses Anna Snow, Zoe Moody and Lurnmie Barnes. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Sujfering humanity should be sup plied with every means possible Un its relief. It is with pleasure we publish thli following: “This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from yellow jaundice for mvr -ix months, and was treated b> some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. i>r. !!. !!, our drug gist, receininei:' l <'d Electric Bitters; and a I'm • citing two bottles. 1 entirely cured, l now take pleasure in recommending them • any person suffering from this rible malady. 1 am gracefully M. .V. 1-Jogarty, Lexington, Ky." Hold by City Drug Co., Druggist. WOMANS TRIALS. I F Many i women suffer jj;reat pain ly utmonth- , believe periods ami 1 ! it nut ural. Olliers ( realize the' s ‘ (lunger itale In blit lies- j seenre i treatment on , luiliatinglocal account of liu- J • examinations. ' tended Nature thei in- j Kids" be painless and “monthly regular, EE - 1 to usual pain ami sickness indicate serious I derangements attention, which should rapidly have 1 J prompt Local examinations or they grow worse. are not uec- i essary since the discovery of t tn t It all Female Diseases I strengthening cures and regulating by properly 1 I the or gans. This stops all the pain. This remedy is a vegetable compound, l i 1 and is the result, of years of experience. 4 i[ iratories It is carefully by skilled prepared chemists in our and own lab- in-i « is dorsed by leading physicians. i ( i Sold l>v all druggists or sent post paid for $1. , A box of “Monthly" Itegulatlug Pills with each 4 Mrs. A. L. FORD, Wesson, Miss., writes: “By I * ! using two bottles of Planters Female Itegula tor, I have been cured of Nervous Debility : * brought about the birth last ‘ by of my child. I FREE to any address, Rook oil the Home I Treatment of Female Diseases, a sample box i of "Monthly” Regulating Pit's sent for 10 penis 4 in Co., stamps. Chattanooga, Address, Ten New SSpencer Medicine j nessee. , For sale by ('tiy Drug Co. The world vs kept busy turning down the cranks that turn up. SHERIFF SALES for SEPTEMBER. G KORUIA, WILCOX COUNTY -Will 1)0 sold before the Court house door, in the Town of Abbeville, said county, between tlie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber JHJ8, the following property, to-wit; — Lot of land Xo. 131) in the 5th district of Wilcox county, and the last lialf of lot of land No. las in the 5th district of Wilcox county. Levied on and to be sold as the property of < 'has. Har vey, to satisfy a Superior court ii fa in favor of Harvey Roberson vs Chas. Harvey. Tenants in posession notified. This August Sth, 18'.)8. Also at the same time and place will he sold the following property to-wl 1: — 1 The upper story of the colored .Methodist church and one haW interest in the land on which said church stands, situated on Third St. running pa raid with G A A railroad in the town of Seville, (la., levied on and to be sold as the property of col ored Masonic lodge of Seville (Ja., in favor of A i> .McRae vs Asery Colored Masonic lodge of Seville., said tifa issued from the,justice court of 1103 district Cl M of Wilcox county, levy made and turned over to me by K O Conner. 'Phis August 9th. I8i)8. Also at the same time and place will be sold the following described property, to-wii: All that certain tract of parcel of land togeth er with improvements thereof situated in Wil cox county, (Ja., containing one hundred acres more or less being part of lot Xo. 230 in the 3rd, district of said county and bounded as follows: beginning at a made corner on original South line of said lot running west to Gulley branch, thence in a North westerly direction along said branch to Flayer's mill creek; thence in a Northeasterly direction along said creek to place where old gate stood: thence North tp corner pf widow ley's land; thence North to original North line: thence Hast to maije corner near Gulley branch; thence South to original South line. Said land levied on and to be sold as the property of F Hopp, to satisfy a Superior court li fa issued from Irwin Superior court In favor of J II Harris and transferred to John A Philips. Also Hie at same time and place will he sold the following property, to-wit:—One hundred and fifty acres of lot of land No. 230. lying In the third land district of Wilcox county. Said land extending clear across said lot from the North line to the South Hne, and a sufficient distance West from the East line thereof to make 150 acres, and said land levied, on and be ing the same land as deeded and conveyed to J*’ IIopp in March 181)0 by .Joseph Young. Said .land levied on as the property of V Hopp of i v win county, under and by virtne of a distress warrant issued by Drew W Faulk a .justice of the peace of Irwin count} in favor of.J li Har ris against Ferdinand IIopp returnable to the .January iS5)7 quarterly term of the county court of said Irwin county. The sheriff of said Irwin comity having before tlie levy on said land made ij.G return 6ri sfijf! warrant that he could find no property of said jfopp’s ?. n Jrwin county. Levy made by Deputy Sheriff of Wilcox comi ty and owner notified as provided by Jaw. PiH’Chdsers must pay for title. This 1st day of August J8VS> L. C. Covington', Sheriff. Citation. G JbORGfA -Wilcox county. To whom it may concern:—,j U .Mitchell having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate. of D A Darker, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said J> A Darker to lie and appear at my oJlice within the lime allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not be granted to said .7 H Mitchell on said estate. W itness my hand and official signature, this 1st day of August 18118 . •lolin M. Warren, Ordinary. j Notice. it Us of Georgia: Wilcox county. wVic.rcas -1 D (’.handler, limmcU Fate and others have petitioned this court to change t he voting precinct in the J317 district G. M. from V.vnd lot No. 255. Us present location, Vo land lot No, 234 at a point w here the union road ci’OFffe* the 11. !■. A - S. railroad. Now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on. the first I Mondcft in September, said petition will granted if no good cause is shown to tne trary. This Mflftyo' August tstis Dy order of !». F. Nance, 1>. .McDuffie, M. JG AlcAnally. .1. X. F.vans, Clerk, Corns, of Roads y. Banks Fail But we have Never Failed . . . . -T O S K 1, L Furniture, Stoves, Crockery, In fact anything in the House-furnishing cheaper than can be bought in South Middle (5a. i 7^ W unhesitatingly recommend the 1898 We Can also furnish a Good Wheel,at.$31).00 BAKER & MELTON: CENTRAL DRUG COMPANY, Next Door to Post Office. 1'UUSeiUt'TlONS C'.V 11KKUI.I.Y OOMl’OF.NKKI) TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, BEST . . . SOAPS OX . THE .... MARKET. Call and Inspect these Bic^les. Wh els from $25.00 to $125.00. Hoiiie liaised Supplies, Fresh .Geprgia Syrup, Baled Oats, Boasting Kars, Cab bages Green Peas. Bn till alga and other vegetables ill ways fresjli I'pun the farm. Fresh Blitter ami Eggs, t t vALSO A COMPLETE LINE jUF^r Fancy anil Family Groceries. R A. WILSON, Afjt, Conner .pf S,tq4bs apd Coju mevee Streets. Baker's Old Stand O P O C © O O 0-3.0000 OOOO OOCOOO OOO 0 0.0 o c 6 c c Startling Announcement! o c c '■■ ' ■ W HS ! c o o We are making a (heat Reduction In Our Dress (loofls Department q o That will Astound You; Lawns, plain and figured; o Muslin; Percales; Dimities and all other dress c o goods and in........ c c O SHOES; we have Tans for gentlemen and Oxfords for zee o the Ladies’; we have the Nobbiest Line Kver Shown o In ^lie City and nl prices that are consistent with the o Don’t Forget o times. we are ..... o o ^ DEALERS IN EVERYTHING. O c O o F» S OLIVER. c o °0 OOO OOO QOOO OGOyC OOOO OOOO 000009 a Olearance Sale! I will now offer my Entire Stock At mentioned below. 11.25 Men’s shoe’s ..........$ 80 6.00 Black clay worsted suits 4.00 8.00 Casimere suits,........ 5.00 6 Fast casimere calico.. . 4 4 i 05 5 Quilt calico....... 03 6 Muslin..'.......... 0 1 5 Yard sea Island.... 0 1 5 Check lioniespun.. .. 03 7 lied ticking;....... 05 6 White IllVVIl 04 0 Gingham.......... 04 12Figured organdie, . . . 4 » . 08 10 Percal............ 06 25 White organdie...... ct IS White organdie...... tc 1 0 Scissors............ c: ci 5 Hadkerclriefs........ w tc 10 Suspenders...... w Linen suits..... Working pants......... -i Sunday pants..........1 5 Straw batsat J price; Umbrellas at 25 per cent less than cost; Trunks at manufacturer’s prices; Men’s ami Ladies Line Shoes'and Oxfords Ties at your own price. A ll other goods will be sold REGARDLESS - OF - COST. An early call Will secure you Great Bargains. ST. CGOTTLIEB Come to see us J L Pittman, Mgr. TKI.KI’IIOXK 68 (si Agents lor these HIGH CLASS WHEELS. Spool cotton............ tZ Spool silk............. S 2000 yds 25c cassimere.. 1500 yds loot citssinierC. Large pair towels....... £V Fancy belts..... ........ o . Ladies corsets.......... — - 50 Envelopes'. .. ........ 2V - 50 Sheets writing paper.. £ 120 Pins......*......... 1^ 150 Buttons............ 2 Good pair hose. ca 1 Bottle good ink. ...... r-i Sunday slippers,........ •v c Every day slippers.. .; . . : S 1.50 pr. Men’s Sunday sli g £ f Quilts................ . 5 Men’s shirts............ Cl 1 pi'. Window shades.... T—I Bleaching.............. O rt-» Boys knee pants........ ^ O FINE STATION ERY > WND :y i CHOICE l 11( ' Ai! 'S