The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, August 18, 1898, Image 4

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Didn’t 1’iiy. “How did your little scheme of dis abling your next door neighbor's lawn mower turn out?” “It didn’t work as well ns I expect ed. He waked mo at 5 o’clock next morning trying to hammer the machine into shape again.” TIk, Knnnnoii* Solil I'rmluH of 18118. ThWi will bn tli • u rdKtdst poM yrnr in history. From Houth Africa, tho Klomilko ami Aum trnllatlio pro< loUH nu*tal Is bolritf «hli»|»od In largo quantUiof). It la liollovod that this year * out (tut uiu ho noarly doublo that of any j»ro vloim tivoivo ntoutttH. Tho naiog o/ lioHtot tor n Htomaoh BIUoim aro also IncruaHlng vary font, and thin y«ar that famousi romody will cure more j>oo|do of <IyHi»oi»sl/i. lndlg“Htiou, conntipation, uorvoUMiioHH and woivknoas than ever hoioro. A Teplitz woman of 99 ha« committed sui cide becauHC Hhodid not want to live liWyeivn*. in-mity Is mood Deep. Clean blood means a ( deaa beauty without it. < ’awarctu, keep Candy clean, Calhar- by tic dean your blood ami it stirring up llio lazy liver and driving nil im purities from tlid body. blotehcB, Begin blackheads, to-day to banish pimples, boils, taking uml that mcldy bilious for complexion by All drug (,'ascarets,— beauty guaranteed, ten cents. 10c, foe, gists, satisfaction 50c. A Tennessee veteran, after reaiMraf the ad vise to Niilfpors to bathe only In bulled water, says that when he wa« with the column Hint, beaded .Inb/i Moripm off from HiilllliKlon Kurd he could not take off his clothes for 10days. To Cure n Cold In One Dny. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tftb'ots, All Druinftsls i elm al money if It falls to euro. Xfrj. Of ttilrt.y-llvi) flftKi shown in ft fUk’x of . nil ,, mifloiiM siiiipiriiicTit. to ii I.omlori «vi kly In IS'iH, barely forty years ago, eleven have Uls ftppearei!. _ _ To Cure (.'oiiMflpntlon l’oi«ror. Take OiMcnrotH Candy <‘.Uli irtl ■. lib’ nr *. K c <\ r. (nil to cum, (lrug/lHU refund money. Kmfi' c 1 h about to uwlurtikfc the improve ment of the catacombs in Paris. Warm Weathar Weakness Is <pib‘ldy overcome by tlm toning and blood enriching qualities of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This groat medi cine cii roe that tired feeling almost as quickly ns the sun dispels the morning mist. It also cun* pimples, bolls, salt rheum, scrofula and all other troubles originating In bad, Impure blood. Hood’s Sarsa- parilla America's Oroatcst Medicine. $1: six turF' Hood’s Pills cure biliousness, indigestion, An Advertising Story. The following story of the mayor of Falaise is related by the Boston Her ald : It was dark in tho streets of Falaise. Tho mayor ordered that every cit izen should hung a lantern in front of Jiis door. lint still the streets were no lighter. Then tho nay or swore an oath and issued a proclamation that the citizens sliotild put candles in the lanterns. And still the streets were no lighter, Then the mayor swore a greater oath.and issued a proclamation Hint the citizens should light the candles, Then llio streets were lighter. A man mice wished to make money. ile secured a good store. Ho secured good goods. He seemed good clerks. Ho made no money. ’Then ho turned on his store tho light of newspaper advertising and let, tho people know that ho was in business and why. He kept them in the dark no longer. Tfion ho made money. COULD NOT SLEEP. Mra. Finklmm Relieved Ilor of All Her Troublos. Mrs. MATvgvs Parcook, 17b Second St., Grand Rapids, Midi., had ovarian trouble with its attendant aches and pains, now she is well. Here arc her own words: “ Your Vegcta Y ble Compound lias ’"O’,/ made me feel like a new person, k Before 1 be * gan taking it 1 was all run down, felt-tired and sleepy most of the time, had pains in my bock and side, and such \ terrible headaches ^ ■* all the t ime, J- j andeouhlnot well \ sleep nights. I til HB so had ovarian H trouble. Through S| B the advice of a friend l began • ■ the use of Lydia 10. f I Pinkhnm's Vege table Compound, nnd since taking it all troubleshavo gone. My monthly sickness used to be so painful, but have not had the slightest pain since taking your medicine. I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound too much. My husband and friends see such a change in me. I look so much better and have some color in my face.” Mrs. Piukham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is freely offered. OPRING HILL C 0 LLEGE/ , a|^;; 1 , ;" < '' \^l'athorrt. t'ollejje tvinluptuti Uy tho Jesuit muj l’rop.vrntory, Lar.ce ('oinniotviul ('lo^slual (’ouraos. tfynmnsium. ruuniu is’ " truck, otu Gllnmto oxGopUon.Uly honlthv. A dross IIKV. M. MOYM III ANpresident. \ iiit• i m \ iu si\fs, rou kij: Commercial. Shorthand, lj |*ew rltinjf, Knullsh. #50 tuition admits to all dcpartniruts for m-gvion of rout two v .vfcH. Often to both m>xps. unuluates RKslKted to positions. s. K)ev»>nth Klt'Ventl senston begins St?j - tPtnbcr 6th. Catalogue Joj-ut* fre«‘. fre»». H. A. 1> \ Vis, J h President, X IntitMi.i, Yt. WANTED- Cash of had health that K l TA N K y » will not- bMiviir Send •* t-rs, to Kipan** Chemical Co Now York, for IP samples ami Iduo testimonial*. Jf AfllfctM with { Water use > 2,5, CTS. ■ Rort TOBfMT Cmurh Syrup. Tx.tos Good. Use In time, Sold by tirumziets. Bffiircftsrorenrac Mg £51113 JEW OF PROTOCOL |>i{ k.M I Kit S.UJASTA GIVES OL’T CON TENTS 0E THE DOCUMENT. 13 COMPOSED OF FIVE ARTICLES. Ih'llneH In Detail the Demand* of Oar Government to Which Spain Is Expected to Concede. A cable dispatch from Madrid says: The text of the protocol signed be tween Spain 1 and the United States is as follows: “His excellency, M. Gambon, am bassador extraordinary and plenipo tentiary of the French republic at Washington, and Mr. William Day, secretary of stato of the United States, having established and signed the fol lowing articles which, define tho terms on which the two governments have sgroed with regard to the questions enumerated below, and of which the object . tho establishment of is peaca between the two countries, namely: • “Article 1.—Spain will renounce all oliiliu to all sovereignty island over and all her rights over the of Cuba. “Asticle 2.—Spain will cede to the United States the islands cf Porto Itico and the other Islands which are at present under tho sovereignty of Kjmin in the Antilles, as well as an island in tho Ladrone archipelago, to he chosen by the United Stitcs. “Article !i.—The United Btates will occupy and retafti the city and bay of I Manila and tlie port of Manila penil , ing tlie conclusion of a treaty of pcaco which shall determine tlie control and form of government of tho Philip pines. “Article 4 .—Spain will immediately evacuate Cuba, Porto Rico and other now under Spanish soveroign ty in the Antilles. To this effect each of tho two governments will appoint commissioners within ton days aftor tlie signing of this protocol, end these commissioners shall meet at, Havana within thirty days after tho signing 0 f this protocol with the object of coming to an agreement regarding the carrying out of the details of theafore said evacuation of Cuba and other ad j icmit Spanish islands; and each of j| ie t, vo governments shall likewise appoint within ten days after the sig natures of this protocol other commis sinners, who shall meet at, San .Tuan ,] e Porto Rico within thirty days after the signature of this protocol to agree upon the details of tho evacuation of Porto Itico and other islands now un ( ] er Spanish sovereignty in tlie An til lea. “Article O.—Spain nnd tho United States shall appoint to treat for peace five commissioners at tlie most for e pi ler country. The commissioners B hnll meet in Paris on October 1st at j| 1(! latest to proceed lo negotiations am | to the conclusion of the treaty of peace. This trealy shall Vie ratified in conformity wfth the constitutional laws of each of the two countries. “Artiolo 0.—Onco tho protocol is concluded and signed, hostilities shall bo suspended, and to that effect in the two countries orders shall be given by either government to tho commanders of its land and sea forces ns speedily as possible. duplicate “Done in at Washington, read in French nnd in English by the undersigned, who affix at tlie foot of tho document their signatures and seals, August 12, 1808.” Kimnlrflt Offlcern Notified. Tho Spanish government Saturday night telegraphed to the governors geuoinl of Porto Rico and the Philip pines Distractions for carrying out tho terms of the protocol signed by (he United States and Spain and to pre pare for evacuation. Instructions wore also sent covering the policy to bo adopted in tho event of tho insur gents refusing to observe tho armistice. Madrid Vivphh IM* The comments of the pross on the protocol are a veritable funeral hymn on the destruction of the Spanish co lonial empire. Some days ngo the de sire f ir p >nce made tho people close their eye-t to tjje price, but now upon reading the protocol, they realize that t’io cost is the los? of that empire which Spain had conquered with so much glory and that Spain now falls to tho second rank among nations. Tlie public mind is stunned and there is general mourning. Gem r 1 Blanco telegraphs that, Ha vana is greatly agitated bv the news of the signing of the protocol and that much anxiety is manifested to learn the conditions which liavo not yet been published. Some uneasiness is felt regarding the effect that the text of the protocol iiiav have on the Spanish volunteers in Havana. Many newspapers express grief and despair that the, men who 1 rouglit disaster on Spain by lack of foresight, organization nnd ahility, should continue to govern the country. POPE RAPIDLY FAILIN'(1. Even Thinking Tires Him nnd Prayers ConfiiDO III** Mind. The Home correspondent of The Cologne Gazette says: “The condition of the pope no long er admits of disguise, llis health has gradually gone from bad to worse and his holiness is now a decrepit old man who rarely speaks. His voice is of the weakest; thinking tires him and pray ers confuse him. PRESIDENT IS CONSIDERING OUR NEW DEPENDENCIES. GEN. LEE CALLED IN CONFERENCE. The Navy Department Yields to Desire of New Yorkers For Big Naval Demonstration. A Washington, special cays: Tho reconstruction of affairs in Cuba, Porto Itioo and thronghout the Spanish WeHt Indies is receiving earnest con sideration in official quarters, and at tho white house Monday the president saw a number of prominent callers In connection with this reconstruction in our new insular dependencies. General Fitzhugh Lee spent some time with the president going over the condition of Cuban affairs. While no announcement was made tho im pression prevailed that General Lee would lie one of the Cuban military commissioners to be named within a few days. Acting Secretary Allen, of tho navy, also saw the president con cerning Cuban affairs. It is probable that an American naval vessel will go to Havana lmrbor before long, and at least two naval vessels will be ordered to Havana when tho military commission assem bles there to determine upon the de tails of Spanish evacuation. Secretary Day also conferred with the president, and later determined, the peace terms being matured,to take a week’s vacation. The secretary's re tirement from the head of the depart ment is likely to follow soon after his return from liis pleasure trip. AVhile nothing indicating the presi dent’s purpose is given out, it is gen erally expected that General Lee will head the military commission which which adjust affairs in Cuba. It has been suggested, too, that he will be tendered tho governorship of that island after the functions of the commissions cease. On both these points, however, General Lee asserts lie knows nothing. He would not speak on tho subject discussed as to tlie result of his hasty trip to the Cap itol beyond saying he has been talking ovor matters in Cuba generally. Naval lteview Beilin Arranged. The navy department decided dur ing the day to yield as far as practica ble to the public desire at New York, for a naval review of the ships of Ad miral Sampson’s fleet. Accordingly, Acting Secretary Allen issued tho fol lowing order: "The department is much gratified at the desire expressed to see a review of the warships and cruisers recently ordered home, and so far as practica ble is desirous of carrying out the wishes of those citizens who wish to see the ships. But neither the officers nor the men of the fleet are in condi tion to participate in a street parade. The department is taking the oppor tunitv of the armistice to put these ships at once into the best possible condition for such uses as may liero after be required of them. It is ex pected all other work will be suspend ed and the entire available force of tlie navy yard directed to this work, in order dispatch. to secure the greatest possible “The department will direct, upon the arrival in New York harbor, and the fleet will steam up the North river as far as General Grant’s tomb, fire n salute and steam back to the anchor age. It is expected that tlie fleet will reach New- York on Saturday.” The plan is to have Admiral Samp son met oft’ Sandy Hook with orders for the procession up the North river. It is expected that the fleet will be oft' Sandy Hook some time Friday night, but will lie outside tho harbor until Saturday morning. The navy department Is taking steps to rodnee the force of naval militia men called into service from the sev eral states. The Minneapolis is to transfer part of her crew to the Yose mite, thus releasing the Michigan naval militiamen who man the Yose mite. Tho Columbia is also to trans fer her crew to tho Dixie ami other auxiliary craft, thus allowing the naval militiamen on these auxiliaries to go In this way the naval aervico will be speedily returned into the hands of the regular officers and crow. LEE ANNOUNCES FOR SENATE. General Snys Tluit lie Will lie in the Coming ltivee in Virgin!*. The Washington Post publishes the following: “General Fitzhugh Lee will enter the senatorial raco in Virginia. This announcement can be mndo without any qualification. It is authorized by General Lee himself, who dictated the statement to a representative of The Post. “Upon being asked the question as to his future intentions and apprecia ting the interest felt in the matter throughout Virginia, General Leo said: “ ‘I shall be a candidate for United States senator.’ ” WANT POPE’S PLACE. Intrigues Among Those Eligible Already Heine Kesorted To. Advices from Rome stato that the pope’s extreme weakness has caused a commotion, excitement and intrigues among the members of the Sacred college. It is reported that France, Germany and Austria, as being chiefly concerned in the accession to tlie pa pacy, have ordered their representa tives not to leave Home. Nui»k In 8ninlay -Schools. We hove some pretty poor stuff in )ur American Sunday-school books, •jnt they soom to bo even worse off in England. Nothing quite equal to the following has attracted our notioe. L’be lines from the chorus of a song quoted by an English exchange from a children’s journal: Yes, yes, ves. oh yes; Jesus died for little ones liko me. You say how do I know it? John 8:16 will show it. That big word “whosoever" just means ine. —Baptist Standard. A Profitable Production. Lucindy (reading daily paper)-‘‘The Vesuvius approached within 000 yards of Morro castle and let go several shells loaded with 500 pounds of gun cotton.” Farmer Hoecake—“Wa’al I swan, thet’s a new kind uv cotton on me, Lucindy, but it’s bound to sell well durin’ this here war. I believe I’ll raise a crop. Don't Tobacco Spit and Rraoka Yo*r I.ff© Away. To quit tobacco easily end forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To ll ao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or fL. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Ca, Chicago or New York. Five is said to be the great saered Chinese number. Si 100 Reward. £100. The readers of this paper will be pleased disease to learn that there is at least one dreaded that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the jtystem. thereby and destroying giving the the foundation of the disease, constitution pa tient strength by building up the and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney <fc Co., Toledo, O. s«. Id by Druggist*. 75c. Hull’s Family Pills are tho best. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s u»e of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $L* trial bottle and treatise free. Du. K. H. Ki ink. Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Phila.. Pa. Sixtv children exhibited in Berlin never touched other nutriment than vegetarian. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. A part of a forest tree was converted into printed paper in Germany inside of 3 hours. Eczema, Itching Humors, Torturing, disfiguring eczema, and every spe cies of itching, burning, scaly, crusted and pimply skin and scalp diseases indicate bad condition of bio id. Above diseases and symp toms permanently cured by using B. B B. For sale by all druggists. Large bottlo $1.00. Send for book, free. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Lyon ditto’s ♦‘Pick Leaf” Smoking Tobacco stands uniivnUed ripeslsud for purity and flavor. Made from the purest, sweetest Tobacoo. It will please you. Try it Piso’s Cure for Consumption has no equal as a Cough medicine- — F. M. Abbott, 883Sen eca St., Buffalo, N. Y.. May 9, 1894. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children toe thing, softens the gums, reduce* Inflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic. $5e. a bottle. The West Indian ml gratory crab passes its life after maturity on land. Educate Your Rowels With Oa6caret*. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. 10c, 25c. lfC.C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Out of thirty recognized coaling stations in the Pacific Great Britain controls twelve. j] > IMP iir^ THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is flue not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all tfle importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As tlie genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactprpd by the California Ffa Svrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember tfie name of fihe Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCISCO, Cl|L r,OUI8VH,I.E. Kf. NEW YOKE, N, Y, 6 % COLD BONDS, Payable semi-annually at the Globe Trust Company, Chicago, Ill. These bonds are a first mortgage upon the entire plant, including buildings, land and other property of an Industrial Company located close to Chicago. The Company has been established for many years, is well known and doing a large and increasing business. The officers of tho Company are men of high reputation, esteemed for their honesty and business ability. They have made so great a success of this business that the bonds of this Company are rarely ever offered for sale. A few of these bonds came into our bauds during the hard times from parties who had purchased them several years ago. We offer them in issues of $100.00 each for $80.00 and accrued interest. For security and a large interest rate these Industrial Bonds are recommended as being among the best. First-class bonds ami securities of all kinds bought and sold. KENDALL & WHITLOCK, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 52 Exchange Place. New York. Striking Sayings of Ihe War. Here are some of the epigramatio of the present war that will go in history: “Excuse me, sir; I have to report that tho ship has been blown up and is sinking.”—Bill Anthony, of the Maine. “Suspended judgment.” — Captain Higsbee’s first message to Washington. “We will make Spanish the couVt language of hades.”—Fightiug Bob Evans when war was declared. “Remember the Maine.”—Commo dore Schley’s signal to the flying squadron. “Don’t hamper me with instructions; I am not afraid of the entire Spauish fleet with my ship.”—Captain Clark, of the Oregon, to the board of strat egy. ‘ ‘You can fire when you are ready, Gridley.”—Commodore Dewey at Ma nila. “To hell with breakfast; let’s finish em now.”—A yankee gunner to Com modore Dewey. “The battle of Manila killed me,but I it again.”—Captain Grid ley, of the Olympia, on his deathbed. “I’ve got them now, and tlicy will never get home.”—Commodore Schley, on guard at Santiago harbor. “There must be no more recalls; iron will break at last.”—Lieutenant Hobson to Admiral Sampson. “Don’t mind me, boys; go on fight ing.”—Captain Allyn K. Capron, of the Rough Riders. “Don’t swear, boys; shoot."--Colo nel Wood to the Rough Riders. “Take that for the Maine.”—Cap tain Sigsbee, ns he fired a shot through the Spanish torpedo boat Terror. “Shatter is fighting, not writing.” —Adjutant General Corbin to Secre tary Alger, when the latter asked for news from the front. “War is not a picnic.”—Sergeant Hamilton Fish, of the Rough Riders, to his mother. “Who would not gamble for a new star in the flag?” —Captain Buckey O'Neill, of the Rough Riders. “Don't cheer, boys; the poor devils are dying.’’-Captain Philip, of the Texas. A BUGGY THAT COSTS $i TO $ 5 . M ore th an, the chear, tr**hj kind is worth all It costs and more t®o. Thai little amount purs the extra cost of good wheels, good axles, good paint, good Wathci, be. “ROCK HILL" Buggies “A I-ltile Higher in Price Hut-" worth more because they STAND UP and keep away from the shop. See our agent Id your town or write us. ROCK HILL BUGGY C0„ Rock 11 hi, S.C. YELLOW FEVER PREVENTED TAKING - 1 “Our Native Herbs” THE GREAT Blood Purifier, Kidney and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS’ TREATMENT, «1.00. Containing a Registered Guarantee. Testimonials, By mail, postage FllKK. paid, Sold 32-page only by Agents Rook and for THE ALONZO 0 . BLISS GO..Washineton.D.S. GIN IK BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &c. f FQR ANY MAKE OF C|1N. ENGINES, BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for saine- Valves Shafting, Pulleys, JieltJqg, Injectors, Pipes, and Fittfqgq. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY GO., AUGUSTA, GA. - elisfifl. DROPSYSSS& Send 1 hook qf testimonials and treatment Free. or 10 tiny*’ Br-H II OKBEN S SONS, Atlanta, Oa. CURES EFFECTED BY One Bottle Cured Where Physician Failed. P.) cu 1 ,-fl and L'T has i1 been k in good tokina health one bottle since, siie was entirely Moore . Bridge, Ala. ever s J. R. GqLLILAND. Health Restored. 1 was weak and in very bad health and unable to do my r f* Jj work. I used one bottle of Gerstle’s Femal* Pana cea (Q. F. P.) and it did It there is any Cos- me more good than anything I ever used. I am now in good tiveness, use St. Jo- health Mbs. and E. can CHANDLER doniy work. seph’s Liver Regula- 8. tor until the Bowels Gin. Ark. become regular. Oet jit/;. it from your druggist, or send us as cents and we will send you * / a package, prepaid. 1 . Suffered from Change of Life. fih<mgeIof f Lifef^^tr?cd evendlfimi,vecoid§aet'Jrom the doctors and paid out a considerable sum for treat r cmt! rftiSiirt result. We then began jiaina .' f y°«r druggist does not keep it, send us $1.00 and will send you a bot tle, all chargea paid. L. OER STLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. i ■ 2 J’ a WE DIRECT CONSUMERS. SELL TO I \f >sv B4I M Iflfl buys Dusk, $3.05 this in ado O of quarter- IS •ISSgyg Twjt* sawed finished oak in or g jEj 8 I*™*' mahegauy, piauo- poiishud. It I - measures high, 63 in. 29 [ in. wide, 9 in. I bovciCd mir . ror. Kotall Ft U price $10. LTj Tree logue on and request. Cloth sampler Our Clottuni? is also eata- mail 5| od tree. £xpre»sag& paid on all Clothing. §s Owing to an ovorpro- CARPETS fc. duction at our Balti- KEDUCKD. =3 fering mure mills, we specials are of *-7* month. many Our (ku> this la C* |K't catalogue baud palnte 1 colors D yours ft. for the asking. This r~ , ' , "^Cr gjis furnish month wo wadded sew Carnets, lining ISea.cNO /UEjRl/'i SSi free, and pay freight tJffV?! A— fis» C? on all $9 Carpet pur- Ad-fiJyra fsj phases and ovor. 'a-A-A_br—* dress (exactly as bolow) Julius Hines & Son Dtpt. 301. BALTIMORE, MI*. &mimmMVNN$pa HEADACHE “Both my wife and myself have been using CASCARETS ami they are house. the beat medicine we have ever Uad In the Last week my wife was frantic with headache for two days, they she tried someof pain In your CASCAHJ5TS, and relieved the her head almost Immediately. We CHAS. both recommend STBDElfOItD, Uuscarets.' 1 Pittsburg Safe Si Deposit Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. /C) CATHARTIC . TRADE MARK REOISTSRSD . 00(1. Do , 26C,50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 317 N0-T0*BAC gfi Wh&K 8 ' -------- - THE COLUMBIA CHAINLESS MAKES 'T7T -vOl IT II- HILL ■A CLIMBING ste FASY 7^ , COLUMBUS u 1 M A ItJU K STANDARD r i A' FOB CHAIN R MACHINES. HAHTF0RDS i / Mcxt Best. Other Models at Ml Catalogu Low Prices. e Fre e. SJANDARDOFTHE WORLD POPE MFG CO. HARTFORD, CONK ART CAEUDGUE OF COLUMBIA BICYCLES t)Y MAIL TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ufifc TWO CENT STAMP. C .. - ...... -..... <S *%T. ANDREWS - COLD TEA For the Liver owge« Constipation m Ss I. ANU 98-33 Gerstle’s Female Panacea.