The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, September 15, 1898, Image 4

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What It Larked. "Mrs, Jinks,’’ said the now board er, muffin, carefully poising aloft his untasted “may I respectfully propound a conundrum to you?” ‘'Certainly, Mr. Hardboy.” “Then why is this inuffiu unlike a very frivolous person ?” “I'm sure I can’t gneRS, Mr. Hard boy.” “Because, madam, it lacks levity - lightness, you know.” And the muffin fell with a thud that rattled the cups in their saucers. Improvement, In Flying Marhlnns. Inventor. nre plenty who can mnko n ma chine that will rise and Boat In air, but thn ona Improvement which none has succeeded in making I. an apparatus that will eulda the machine through the many treacherous cur rents of air. In this respect humanity Is fortunate In having Hostetler's Htomneh iilt tera. which acta as a sale guide by curing treacherous stomach, liver and blood diseases, Ktvlnc a good appetite, a strong constitution and nerves like steel. On an average every woman carries forty to sixty miles of hair upon her head. Educate Your Bowels With C’nacnreta, Candy Cathartic, cure nonstlnation forever. lOc.tfoc. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. Aberdeen terriers are driving out all other fashionable pot dogs In London. Oil cans are being made of circular shape to be mounlcd on n centra! plvotaml attached to the wall of n boMdlug, a flange on the can turning a friction wheel on a vertical shaft with a chimney cleaner at the top. To (')irc a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if ft fails to cure. 25c. XYo live our first years over and over; our last years are enmmrmly lost to in .nior a pfl barely saved to hope. Klt*j»crpianently after day’ll cured. of No l)r. file Kllne'a or nervous <-ae firet ime (Irr-at Nerve Restorer. #2 trial liottloaiid treatise free. Dr. It. II., Ltd , Ml Arm St., 1’blla., l’». Chileisa Peruvian word, ‘'denoting land of *now.” No-To-ltae for Fifty Cent®, tjiiarauteed tobacco Imbll cure makes woa'x men ntrong, blood pure. 60c, 91. All druggist®. l.lfe Is an Impartial Jury. Death an un Lia»ed Judge. Scrofula Tnlets tho hlooil o( millions, and sooner or later may break out In hip disease, running sores or some more complicated form. To cure scrofula or prevent It, thoroughly purify your blood with Hood's Hiirsnpnriils, which has n continu ally growiug record of wonderful cures. Hood’s Sarsa- parilla Is Anicr'cft’s Greatest Medicine. $1; nix for $5. Hood’s Pills euro Indigestion, biliousness. Amazing Cleverness of Birds. There is something very remarkable In the almost reasoning powers inniil fested occasionally by birds In eluding pursuit or In turning ntten'ilon from their nests and young, but In few Is this more noticeable limn in the duck tribes. In Captain Black’s narrative of his Arctic land expedition the fol lowing Instance of this is given: One of his companions, Mr. King, having shot a female duck,, fired again, and ns lie though!, disabled Its male companion. Accordingly, leaving the dead bird, which lie bud the mortifica tion of seeing shortly afterward car ried off by one of the white-beaded eagles, be waded Into the water after the drake, which, far from being flut tered or alarmed, remained motionless, ns If wntlng to be taken up. Still, ns be neared It, It glided easily away through Innumerable little nooks and windings. Several times lie reached out his hand to seize it, and having4^ Inst wllh great pnUcnce froiiL^ifleh lininagyff | 0 coop It up In u corner, there appeared to be 110 cHcn^/ be was triumphantly bending d<to take- It, when, to Ills litter astonishment, it looked around a I ■kn, cried ‘Quack!’ and then way so strongly that he "jJ^Touvbleed he had never hit it m The bird’s object clearly was to draw the gunner away from Its companion. Hindoo Carpenters. In India tho carpenters have an almost universal objection to sharpen ing their tools. They never set tlieir saws, and when they get a grindstone they cut it into pieces and use the fragments for anything except to put an edge on chisel or ax. MILS. PINK HAM’S ADVICE. What Mrs. Noll Hurst hn,3 to Say About It. Dkar Mrs. I’inkiiam:—W hen I wrote to you 1 bad not been well for live years; hnd doctored nil tho time but got no better. 1 hnd womb trouble very bad. My womb pressed backward, causing piles. I was in such misery I would scarcely walk across the floor. Men struation was Irregular ami too pro \ fuse, was also , . irfiSk troubled with s~ ill lcucorrhoea. 1 ^ 1 V’ * 1,11,1 P iv < 11 up all ^ - h ll0 P es fl”! I big /£. a -of MRgS Wl qi; everybody k- Jpiy thought I had consumption. After taking 1 m ® J < five Lydia bottles K. Pink- of ( V ham’s Vegeta V fl i ft ble Compound, I felt very much better and was able to do nearly all my own work. I continued the use of your medi cine, and feel that 1 owe my recovery to you. I cannot thank you enough for your advice and your wonderful medicine. Any one doubting my statement may write to me and I will gladly answer all inquiries.—.Mrs. Nkli, llritsr, Deep water, Mo. Letters like tho foregoing, con stantly being received, contribute not a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs. Pinkham that her medicine and counsel are assist ing women to bear tlieir heavy burdens. Mrs. Pinkham ‘saddressisLynn, Mass. All suffering women arc invited to write to her for advice, which it will be given without charge, is an ex* pericnccd woman’s advice to women. The It t BOOK WAR. onnd BrAUTTFri.LT and vnmpt* nonFjy tuu'vtnvtsd prk’f* #'J , jj> • u»anybody ssiKUns tworrti. Hoatblj, SAN FKAM.TS .»> .-i |.,V 1, ii'.tke- >«!.. -I o Sa:npl« Ov«l».;d, ic. FRRK- X. JL t u A ' fi- J««r clear*. xuxif «s »,Wrc i u:, Mi hen c» aa unt C nftl’A, AR Wf CO. r 1 nfU *xd\i oc*C nixM-tM.k.C. sieru-wir.d and KJ 2.5 3c. m: -osi Cough in byrup. T.ig--.:©g Gooii Use tiiCG. Snid iiv druKEists. @3265 OEN. BLAJil’O RECEIVES AMERI CA.\S WITH CORDIALITY. NO SHIITES GREETED RESOLUTE. CoxumlMiontra Were K»corte<l to Palace In Illmico'a Cfirrlag©-Meeting* Will lie Secret. * Tt' ,r “ H *™" ntfer daybreak Haturday morning Mor ro castle signalled that a steamer was sighted in the offing. The United Htatcs transport Resolute, having the United States Cuban evacuation oom missin on board, entered the port shortly after 7 o’clock. There were no Spanish flags flying at that time and no salute was fired. launch Bhortly afterwards a government Bbo ran alongside the Resolute, had on board Dr. Congosto, tho secretary Oeneral general of the government; Solano, the chief of staff, rep resenting Captain General Blanco, and Major Garcia Benito, of tho general staff. Their visit la-t»‘d-fnliy an hour. At-tke, expiration of tho conference with the United States commissioners on officer of the Spanish warship Alfonso XIII paid his respects to Rear Admiral Sampson. This inter view was of a very formal nature. Shortly afterwurds General Solano, acting for Captain General Blanco, placed the latter's private carriage at the disposal of the commissioners. All the foreign and American ships in port displayed every available piece of colored bunting and the Res olute dipped her colors in answer to every salute. The Resolute is moored to a buoy dose alongside the steer dock. She was surrounded all the morning by hundreds of small boats, which circled around the vessel, while tho occupants waved their huts and handkerchiefs. At a quarter past 0 o’clock tho American commissioners, accompanied by the Spanish officers, representing Captain General Blanco, landed at La Mnchina wharf and ar rived at the palnce at 9:40 o'clock, wliero tho captain general's body guard presented arms ns they ap peared. Captain General Blanco, dressed in full uniform, received tho commission ers in the reception room, where, after the formal presentations hnd taken place and the official courtesies had been exchanged, they sat down and conferred for about twenty minutes. Tho Spanish commander sat. in the center with General Bntler on his right and Admiral Sampson on liis left. Next to General Butler sat Gen eral Parrndo and next to him was General Wade. On Admiral Samp son's left, sat Colonel Clouse and Cap tain Hart, tho official interpreter. The captain general addressed the commissioners in English. lie asked them to excuse any mistakes j 10 might mako, explaining >' ' long time since h« ' ad that ,, lab- ls ft gunge. V The United Slntos commissioners left**' t palace shortly after 10 o’clock, JVfconip. uied by Oeneral Solano and Dr. CongoFttp. They were driven to tho Mnchina whftvf opposite the wreck of the Maine, whore'Hloy took lunch before returning to tho Resolute for breakfast. The general public crowded (I10 wharf when the arrival of tlie Resolute became known, hut there was no demonstration. Kverybody behaved quietly Late and respectfully. Saturday afternoon tho Ameri can commissioners, on the advice of the accompanying physicians, decided to live ashore while in Havana. Judg ing from conversation with the com missioners all tho sessions will bo be hind closed doors. TIlblKillAI’ilKltS BALKED. ExtrnftlYo Aurora.lloroalis Interferes With tho Electric Current. A Chicago dispatch pays: Aurora boi cubs brought all telegraphing to a stain.still I’riday afternoon ior a time. he area of disturbance extended 500 miles or more in all directions from ( lucago. At ,1 p. m. uot a wire, was working east of Pittsburg or Buffalo. Atlanta and Augusta, Ga., reported tbero were no wires working north to Washing ton. PlLHCKl) KMIMIKSS’ HEART. Dost , . ........ Mortem Lxnmiution Revealed „ , , That , , Assassin's Ahu AVns True. “ A special from Geneva states that the post mortem examination of tho remit ns of too late empress ot Aus trin. who was assassinated by an Hal inn, has revealed that the weapon completely transfixed the heart, penetrating threrf and one third inches, and making wide? a wound one-sixth of an inch The fact that her nia'istv walked fifty yards to the steamer is ascribed to her remark able will power and natural euergy. WILHELM I M’S LIFE ATTEMPTED. .v Would-Be Ai,a,»l" lire, Upon Hoi* iniuv. Young yuecn. The Lokal Anzeiger (Berlin) says u, j a ■" "V* n £° 1 V made to assassinate Queen .AMIhel mum near Amersfort, province of l leelu, on 10 l" 1 ’ *. } om< rged from behind a tree and fired a revolver at her majesty. The bullet missed the queen, but plowed the cheek of a lady m attendance Tho would-be assassin was a,Tested. He is supposed to be an English an arcliist. PAWNING PENSIONS. An Evil That the Ilepartment Will Take Steps to Remedy. An appendix to the annual report of the commissioner of pensions has been made public. It contains statistics in regard to the work of the office. Re ports from the various divisions of the bureau are also incorporated. It is statad that the pawning or pledging of pension Certificates is a evil, and some stringent measure should be adopted to reach the offense, and if possible to effectually stop it, HOUSE HOLD MATTERS. Oiling the Wringer. Do not fail to oil the wringer every time you wash. It oiled often there is less wear on the machinery, and lose strength is expended by the op erator. To clean the rollers rub them first with a cloth saturated with kero sene oil, and follow with eoap and wa ter. Always loosen the rollers be fore putting the wringer away. Caring For the Iron*. Irons may bo made to last for years and they may be treated in such fash ion as to wear out in a few months. The first great secret in their preter vation is to keep them from rusting. pj ac0 . lf, in spite of this care, or, more likely, because of some neglect, they should still become rusty, rub them thoroughly with lard and bees wax aud then with sandpaper. Planning the Meal*. The average housekeeper finds that her memory is shortest when it comes to the daily planning of meals. Her frequent cry that she cannot think of anything to order never seems to be suggestive to her of its own remedy. Hhe lias ordered and does order every 'lay tlle rouu< l of family living, and > f wllen the process is over she would arrange in a little hook kept for the purpose the chief dishes that nave ap peared on the table during the twenty four hours, she will find that she quickly accumulates a valuable memor al,ilia - Instead of cataloguing these dishes under Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, it is simpler to classify them breakfast, luncheon, dinner; sub atantials and desserts. A housekeeper who has practised this plan since the be K‘ nmn ? tho J ear , bas °™ r aud , over again been amazed to di.oover how the useful simple dishes escape her memory without it. TI»© China Cloget. A china closet should have its glass doors and sides kept as bright as tho proverbial new dollar. To bring out the good coloring of your specially fino hits of china and silver, measure your shelves with paper aud buy just enough material to allow au inch be ing turned in all around. Let the fabric to cover your shelves beahigh pilo plush, either of deep crimson, Lincoln green or golden brown. Crim son brings out the bright trifles best, and while I advise getting a thick pile in plush, I do not think it at all neces sary to buy an expensive one. A good housekeeper, whose silver always looked brighter than any one’s else, was asked what preparation was used to achieve this effect. She answered laconically, “Elbow grease.” And thou she went on to explain that the average bit of silver was usually white rather than brilliaut, since the aver age maid thought that putting whit ing on and taking none off was all that was necessary for the precious metal. “What a good maid should do,” said she, “is to use as little whiting as possible, and to rub and brush until every particle of the whiting is re moved.”—Ladies’ Home Journal. Tli© Hug Carpet’* Return. The rag carpet, after many years, has returned. It is once agaiu fairly poputtti, un.l ‘im vags that for a quar ter of a contury hav>, beeuweingtotha ragman, are now being treasured up, siuce, if they are oj wool, they are al most worth their weight in gold. AVhy the rag carpet ever did go out of style it is hard to determine, and its reap pearance in society is not difficult to understand. Properly put together and made of a good assortment of ivgs, it is exceedingly pretty and withal, easy to manufacture, all the knack needed being the skill necessary to cut the rags in strips, sow them to gether in lengths, aud wind them into a ball. For a small sum the rag car pet weaver does the rest. Bath room and study rngs are the chief uses of tho rag carpet of to-day. It is not so much rag carpets, in fact, as it is rag carpet rngs. The rag carpet rug is not large as a rule. Six feet by three would bo quite au extraordinary size. Tho idea is to have quite a number of them, and these much smaller. They clean easily and wear like iron. Recipe*. Banana Croquettes—Strip the skins f rom f om . bananas, cut in Halves cross w j S)5i make straight on ends, roll in powdered sugar, pour over the juice of n u . e0 lemons and let stand covered in 30 ] d pi aoe f or aa hour. Dip in egg, then in bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. Peach Cream—Poal and cut up enough fine, ripe peaches for two cups; sibl half cup powdered sugar, the whites of two eggs, and beat with a fork half au hour. The fruit will l>e come entirely 7 disintegrated ° and the ,. light. , . Set .,' , oil ice anu serve with ^ Salmon _ Tn . 0 cnpful8 of , , ,, J A . lo -™' of 1 16 ^ *, th,U T*,° f . “ cr «^ s : A d ee P a ? er of the 'alter on top, bake , Just . before serv mg this m.y be daintily dotted with ^ Salmon may also bo Bnnd ou toftst , ’ cro< l uettes ’ etc ’ Milk Soup—Cue quart of cold water, one pint of milk, two boiled aud mashed potatoes, ouo tablespoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of tapioca. Let this mixture boil before adding the tapioca and then boil ten minutes, An onion maybe added, if desired. Serve in tho two-handled bouillon cup. Baked Corn _ Take fonr dozen efu . s of £ green sweetcoru, score the kernels b f th 00 b; ’ pound ' the ^ iu a mortar> a(M a pill t an d a half or one J quart of milk, '. according to the jllicin * s of the 00rn aild fo „, eggs, ! one-half teacupful * of flour, h , f of bntter one table spoonful & of‘sugar and earthen salt to dish taste; well f greased in # hot oyen fol . wo w> . Tomato Fareie—Chop cold meat beef, veal or Iamb—season with salt, pepper, mustard, cloves, lemon juice aud a grated onion. For one cup add two of bread crumbs and cold cooked i*.ce. Cut the tops from large, smooth tomatoes, take the seed pn’p, but leave the solid parts; fill with the dressing, Put half pint soup stock in a pan with one tablespoon each lemon juice aud currant jelly, a little celery extract, thicken with flour, and when smooth and hot, set (La tomatoes in. Dover fo1, teu minutes—slow tire—then set in ov<}a to b! '°' vn the to F- 'lake up with car#, pour gravy over and serve. GOOD ROADS NOTES. Function of tli© Itoad Service. The function of a pavement or road surfaco is very imperfectly under stood, even in sections where stons roads have been in use for long per iods. It is commonly supposed dry that a wet spot or bog will become if filled in; that a good road may be made anywhere, simply by making a shallow trench of the desired width and filling it with stone, and that the surface of a stone road needs to be “protected” from wear by covering it with loose screenings, sod, earth, or any old stuff that is handy iu hot weather. To those erroneous notions are due many failures to get durability and satisfaction from attempts at road building. The importance of drain age is not fully appreciated in most sections, but it is at the bottom of successful road construction, and neither permanence nor economy is possible if it is not amply provided for. A wet spot must be thoroughly drained before a road is carried over it, or it will always bo wet, at least iu the wet season, no matter what else is done to it. Water under a road bed is as fatal to the life of the road as water in a man's lungs is fatal to his existence. The not uncommon practice of allow ing a roadway to be lower than its sides makes it little better than a mere drain, for water settles on the sur face, quickly softens it and prepares it to be cut up by every passing vehicle. A raised and crowned road bed which will shed water readily is essential. A dry base with a slightly arched cover of stone, capable of shedding the rain, is requisite for a dry, permanent structure. only The stone roadway is not tc serve as a roof for the natural base beneath, but is to take the wenr of traffic, and not to be covered with other material as a “protection” to it. In places where earth is used for “binding" purposes, and little regular attention is paid to the roads and sprinkling is not done in dry weather, the road surface breaks up rapidly under the influence of the sun. It is then that it has heaped upon it, to “protect” it, quantities of fine screen ings, or earth and stones, and some times even clay and so., from the gut ters. The result is a poor road, foi mouths, unworthy of the name “macadam.” If complete drainage is secured at the outset, the road crowned and sys tematically cared for, with sprinkling in dry weather, aud is thoroughly rolled’as laid, without the ubb of clay to bind it, it will perform its functions satisfactorily and prove a valuable in vestment of lasting worth.— L. A. W. Bulletin. Fftruaev* Can Make Good Road*. John Gilinor Speed, writing on “How to Have Good Country Roads,” in the Ladies' Home Jonrnal, pro proses “that iu each county there bo founded a Road Improvemeut Asso ciation, which shall have a one or two days’ meeting in the autumn of each year. To tho membership and to the meetings all the farmers should be in vited, whilo all those iu the country acting as road overseers, 01 road su pervisors, should be urged especially to attend. At these meetings special, definite,, practical instruction should be given iu maintaining and repairing dirt roads. Competent men to give such instruction can he secured svith out cost to such societies, for the United States Department of Agricul ture has a Road bureau, and this bur eau will always supply a competent iu struetor to tell the people juBt exactly what they need, aud how to do tho work as it should be done.” Mr. Speed also urges that school childron be interested in the work aud taught the rudiments of road-building and road-keeping. Added SU200 to Its Value. In a paper read before tho Mans field (Ohio) Lyceum by Mr. G. A. Clugstou, he tells of a farmer who was bitterly opposed to improving the pike before his farm. When the work was deoided upon, ho endeavored to sell his eighty acres for $2000, intend ing to move West, but no one wanted a farm oil the, then, mud road. He paul his first instalment , . aud tip ueioro the second one was due had sold enough wood and timber, which he could not sell befoie, to pay one-lhitd of his assessment, and he had refused an offer of £1000 for his farm, This rise in valtto of £1500, less his assess ment, showed a net profit to him of £1200 brought by a good road. To Make Rotter Roads Possible* The electors of Arkansas will vote at the next general olection, on an amendment to the State constitution designed to provide for local option in road improvements. If the electors iu any county vote in favor of a public road tax at the general election for State and county officers, then the county court shall have power to levy, in addition to the county tax, an amount not exceeding three mills on the dollar on all taxable property as a “County Road Tax,” to bo used ex clusively for building and repairing roads and bridges of the county. Noles of the Crusade. A stone or iron bridge is the best and cheapest in the end. A sample half-mile of good roads Is about to be constructed on the Fork and nun Kimrsville Kingsville road loan, in in Baltimore liaiumoie County, Maryland. The scries of practical articles on “The Value of Good Roads and How bo Make Thera,” lately contributed to the press by D. F. Magee, of Lan caster, Penn., are about to appear in pamphlet form. They contain much valuable matter. It is proposed in North Carolina that narrow tires be taxed on heavy vehicles, one-and-a-quarter inch to f pav * $4.00 auunaliv, ,**’.- and the amount to be decreased , down to five-mob, which , should pay fifty cents, while six-inch and wider ones would not be taxed at- all. State Highway Commissioner Me Donald, of Connecticut, says that tho roads now being built or improved iu that State are very satisfactory, aud he predicts that in a few years the State will have a system of highways quite up to the standard of New Jersey’s, which, he says, is the finest in tbe United States. Woman's nerotsm. From the Register-0aiette. Rockfori, IS. During the civil warnearly as much hero ism was shown by the women ot our nation as by tho brave soldiers, Many ft woman, weeping for her dead son, bound up tho wounds of his suffering comrades, rejohUng renewed v/'V ' stren g t h, « even whilo .4* •j -orrowlng iortheone - who was ' gone. At .hi that time .^7*7 »»"■** was laid * tS*-" the foun — elation for ** the world On the Battlefield. lamed or ganlzatlon known ns the Woman’s Belief Corp-, whoso aid to the soldier of lo-day, llghllug against the world fora living, Is no less notable than tho heroism of tho early '60’s. members of the One of tho most earnost corps at Byron, Ill., is Mrs. James Ilouse weart, but illness once put a stop to her active work. A year or so ago, when she was nearing fllty years of nge, the time when women must be most euroful of their strongth, Mrs. Houseweart was taken seriously 111. The family physician told her that she had roached a critical careful. period of her life, and must be very His proscriptions and treatment did not benefit her, and other treatment proved un availing. Williams’ Pink Pills for X’ale < At last Dr. with People were brought to her notioo, indlsnutable evidence that they were help lul In cases such as hers,auu \V , th renewed hopo sho tried tho remedy. Last March she took the first box o( tho pills, which gave much relief. She was determined to bo cured, and kept on with the medicine, until now eight boxes have been consumed, and she feels like a new woman. Mrs. Houseweart said: ‘‘I have taken only eight boxes, hut I have been improv ing slnee I took the I do not believe I could have lived without the pills. They certainly have don® me more good than euy physician or any medicine I have ever tried.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold In boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents hnd a or six boxos (or £2.50, and may he all druggists, or threat by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Soucneetady, N. ile Shed His Clothes. “Among the few letters I have re ceived from my son,” said a proud father whose offspring was on board the Indiana during the destruction of Ccrvora’s fleet, “is one which contains an amusing story of one of the Indi ana's executive officers. The officer In question is well known all through the navy for his fastidiousness regard ing apparel, and even on beard his vessel is always the best-dressed man. He considers it his imperative duty to appear just so on every occasion, “My son writes that when the fight began everybody had on most of his clothes, the officers generally being in proper uniform. My boy started in with a full accompaniment of cap, shirts, coat, pants and shoes, but says that before the hour and a half was over he had slied everything except his trousers. The heat was, of course, in tense and tho main cause of the boy's throwing off all unnecessary gar ments. It has been his duty to carry messages several times from the com manding officer on the bridge to the rear of the vessel, where our dandy officer was stationed, and when the fight began he was fully uniformed. On the second trip hack the officer was seen to be the only person in sight with a coa t on liis back, but (lie perspira tion was rolling down his cheeks and dropping off in black beads aud his f aco was besmeared aud almost un recognizable. “.Inst before the last shot was fired , nv sou svag g e nt to find the executive officer to deliver to him a message from t he bridge, He hurried to the dcck andi iu c i ol ,ds of black smoke, endeavored to locate the lieutenant. looked in vain, however, and finally stepped up to a man who at first ap p ea red to be clothed in pajamas, and m y soll was j lis t about to inquire for fl,. s t officer when the smoke cleared away a little, revealing our fastidious but brave executive officer dressed in his nightgown, with his sword strap ped around liis waist, and a pistol stuck in his belt.”—^Washington Post. First of the Month. Smith—How are you, old man? Brown—Poorly, poorly. Smith—What’s the matter? Brown (pointing to a pilo of duns)— Can’t you see? I’m suffering from a bad bill-ious attack. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr Lift Away, To quit tobacco easily and forerer.bemag »etlc. tall ot life, nerve and vl B or, take No-To Bac. tho wonder-worker, tiiat makes weak men strong. All druggists,50cor fi. Curcguaraa teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Uerncdy Co , Clncago or New York. The tbe blank loaves nt ilie beginning and end or book of life are its best page-. Deafite** Cannot 15© Cured by local applications, of an they cannot reach the diseased portion the ear. There is only one way lloiial to cur© deafii< Bs and that is by constitu remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flam**d condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafnead is the remit and unless tho inflam mation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, Nino hearing will bo de stroyed forever. cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nching but an in flamed condition of tho mucous pur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any on of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by nail’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, freo. F. J. CnsNBT & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist*, 75c. HftlYs Family Pills are tbo best. Julius Hines & Fon, the well-known deal ers in furniture. carnets, etc., of Baltimore, Mil., have issued their new catalogues, which are now ready for del very, and will bo sent tree for the asking. The furniture catalogue contains 160 pages, and is replete with cverv thi ntr uoc ess/iry to make home comfortable and beautiful. Everything is faithfully illus ily trated, though so that purchases can be made before as e-as as the goods were you. Prices are such as have made this house fa thisconntrv. mous throughout the length and breadth is reallv of The carpet catalogue easily sn<l satisfactorily sole-tea. Designs ’ r ’ ru ' nri ' ors are faithfully shown, the whole tiling making a v.-lnnMo work of nrt. In both catalogues are testimonials from satisfied rS^;fl^4r^U^^ honesty, of -» ii-h am- h<m,- ini»ht SSni ' well ,,nceof he Mrs. WinsloAvV, Soothing Syrup for childr©a teeth iu '.softens tho Kiims roJucAS inflamni tlon,allays pftin,'jiir©3 wind colic. 2i:. a bottle. I believe PisoVCure for Consumption saved ! my hoy’s life last,summer.- AFvs. Allte Doug lass, Lc Roy. M ch., Oct. ?0. l8Jt. Love is skin-deep, but self-love clasps the bone. _ To Cure _ „ Constipation Forever. Xakn c , m r«, .c.«hara- io, or 35-. if C. C. C. (all to cure, (lru-^lst. refund mnev. A liberates us for a mom-at and en slaves us forex ©r. DON’T SB FOOLED iBfo hujiag a “clap-trap.' - “maku-shin'' butrgr.on which tip prcfiis »rc Jamie. Try a’ BO- K HILL.” “A Little iu Itu.- —” so Itnl ughcr you can’t afford th- zisk. Sue >ce t>ur aguut in your town, lit* will sell 5 at lowest ar ta. If uot write us. We’ii «« that you 5 ireated r ROCK KILL EUCCY CO., Rc.k Hill, S. C. » Heart Rain • Tdtirnph Line. The bears of northern Maine com bine a great love for the crab apples which are grown in that region with Ignorance of the appliances of mod ern civilization. When a telegraph company started to put up poles In the woods between Ashland and Fort Kent, the simple-minded bears began to sniff at the tall sticks with suspi cion, evidently mistaking them for some new form of deadfall that was erected for the special purpose of kill ing bears. They stayed away from the camps of the workmen all the time the route was getting surveyed and while the poles were going up, refus ing to respond to the luring odors of scorched fat pork and burnt molasses. But when the glass Insulators were screwed to the long arms of the poles, every Bear In northern Aroostook came out to watch the progress of the work. Although the superintendent of the Jo-b pronounced the lino completed and ready for service a month ago, the company has been unable to procure the transmission of messages through the long strip of woods above Ash land. A double force of linemen is kept at work all the time, but In spite of their labors, the insulators are pulled off and broken so often that no communication can be kept up for three hours In succession. The company hired detectives offered large rewards for the capture of malicious men caught injuring the insulators, As this proved useless, the detectives finally went into the woods and found the whole line swarming with bears that climbed the poles and bit off the insulators faster than the linemen could renew them. The only way the telegraph men can account for this perverted taste on the part of the bears Is that the animals believe that the insulators are their favorite crab apples, aud will not be convinced of tlieir error until they have gone aloft and made actual proof. The telegraph lines will apparently be able to do no business until every bear in Aroostook county has thus sat isfied itself.—New York Sun. Refused His Pay as a Soldier. One of the most remarkable incidents of volunteer army life was experienced by one of the paymasters at Miami, Fla., recently. A member of the Sec ond Alabama regiment absolutely re fused to accept Ids pay, amounting to $35. He said that he had entered the service purely through patriotism, and did not want any compensation. This being the first ease of the kind, the paymaster had no precedent to guide him. After some thought he drew a red line through the nahie, indicating that the sum had not been paid. Should the soldier ever need his pay, the Government stands ready to settle the account. _____ Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities banish from the bolls, body, blotches, begin blackheads, to-day to and that pimptus, sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A Spanish pesetais now equivalent to about 15 cents in gold. Lyon it ToN “Pick Leaf ” Smoking Tobacco does not make every mouth as sweet as a rose, but comes “mighty nigh’ 1 -docs give every one a most delightful funoke. Try it. Every German regiment has a chiropodist in its ranks. [(3 ■*!* V A MS 4lITI klAW : v , THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of ail other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. Iu order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name, of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cit!. LOUISVILLE. Ky. NEW YORK. N. Y. IJ Motherhood f “HIS event in the life of a wo a man is looked forward to with a feeling akin to horror—not because the little one is not welcome, but because the mother dreads tho direful consequences tc herself. Those long hours 3 r 0 agonizing her improper like a hideous labor delivery, stand nightmare. followed out before An by child-bed fever, may end the scene in a few short days, leaving the little one motherless. But there VC? is another side to the picture. If women who are expecting to be come mothers will commence the use of the great female tonic, CESSTLFS FEMALE F. p.)—- PANACEA, 9 regularly as directed a few weeks before confinement, and continue its use until the organs are restored to their normal condition, the lio-jrs of labor will be shortened, the pain lessened, and recovery complete. miid If there Jtseph’s is any costiveness, Regulator. move the bowels gently with doses of St. Liver SOLD AT DKU0 3T0SHS. L. OEB3TLK 4 CO., Proprs., CHATTAX000A. TSXS Your attention, *' damt Yon see her eejfto specimens » Cjinblnatton taken from Bookcase. T hoy are (roods to make home comfortable and home beautiful ever gat ten together by mortal mao. TbIf Couch, *3 dear feet lady,It in- 5 11 ches 8 long, inches 2 feet yiUte, beauti mr a lEgrcTE7 ful tered *y uphols- in im* §10, we don’t know our business. And this combinallon book- ■Wiil 'Cfi case and writing r’esk is made of quarter ished Mahogany, sawed oat or with birch, beveled fin- mm 1 ® plate mirror. 12 inches x 10 in- m ■i ches, 66 inches high 87 In ches wide, polished §8 '. ** * ea P;®**®* * and tue price, - a must remember our trade extends You world. Kota State or 7**1^*J around the what hoa in this country but prices which none loads of cur goods at those neigh can equal. If you inquire among your x c c„“j3#s have our 10-colored Ulho*r#phed Cornel Cat alogue, which shown designs and colors *s nerfectlv as though home' you had the carpet on the floor o( your Both these catalogues are yours for the asking, , and you will know more e about such things after reading it care fully. Address (exactly as below) JULIUS HINES * SON, Dept, 3 01. Baltimore, Wd. Biliousness without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now com pletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. Once tried, you will never be without them in the family.” Epw. A. MAitx, Albany, N. Y. TRADE MARS RtOIRTflWO^^^^ Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 5Go, ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Humpdy Company, Chicago, Montreal, K York. 881 YELLOW FEVER PREVENTED " TAKING “Our Native Herbs” THE GREAT Blood Purifier, Kidney and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS’ TREATMENT, $1.00. Containing a Registered Guarantee. By mail, postage paid. 32-nage Book and Testimonials, FKFE. Sold only by Agents for THE ALONZO 0.BLISS CD.,Washington,D.O. vZ3 ru iNdEcJroi^ |^|oSTpERFECT goiLEaFEEDf|n (jp V M ETP ft pOUCED. Y And very LOW PRICES. Large stock. Also PIPE, VALVES and FITTINGS. EN GINES, BOI LERS,MILES and REPAIRS. Lombard Iron AUGUSTA. Works GA. & Supply Co,, Howdy do! Have you used St. Andrew’s Cold Tea? Greatest on earth. For sale by dealers. To get tree sample package send 2v. stamp to Andrews Mfg. Co-, Bristol, Tenn. 131G MONEY la Fuey STRAWBERRIES r F° r gardener or field grower. m 1®*^ Our freo publications make It. tell 55%. how to Largest in Stock Standard Strawberry Plant* ietfcs the World. var Fanry $1. Varieties Super Delivered 1,000. Free Anywhere. ft [COrniEJTlL PL15T CO., i f Strawberry Speciality, k Bos 72 , IUTTBELL, N. 0.' /8^ 1 1 BWIS ’( B fl g drillir.K wells for house, farm, City and Village Sains Water Works, Plants. Facto- Brew ries, ice 1 cries, Irrigation, Coal and Mineral Prospecting, Oil and y Gas, etc. Latest and Best. 30 J f years WHAT experience. YOU WANT. WI1ITK US LOOMIS & NYMAN, Tiffin, Ohio. Send for catalogue of COLUMBIA FEMALE COLLEGE and see what is beins done to edneato women on a curriculum equal to best malo collozes in tho beautiful capital of South Carolina. Modern appointments. Able Faculty of Spec ialists. Terms low. Opens Sep-. 23. •TOXIN A, RICE, A. HI., B. Pres. PATENTS- lnstn-Icimilfl.VOW'LES & Procured on cash, or easy 2i>7 Broad N. Y. BUR*8, latent Af tor Leys, v:ay, tbl* Fla DROPSYSSS, S'nd book of testimonials and 10 ffivr*S mt Cfisos. 'or dtiyx’ treatment F r ee. Dr g H GR EEN’S BOSS, Atlanta,'fla. wanted—O we of bad health that B I 1*-A N 8 \ V will not benefct. Send b cts. to liipans Chemical Go., NewYork, for 10 samples and 10t‘0 testimonials. If afflicted with ) i Thompson's Eye Water sore eyes, use m HFUUors. ANU 93-37