The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, September 22, 1898, Image 2

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HS CHRONICLE. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX J. R. Monroe Editor Publisher. and L.’J. Whitehurst, Associate Editor. subscription it a ids. Six 1 tfclve month* months.......... SI ............. is Three months........... Invariably In advance. furnished application. r?T* Advert i.sinE rates on The < 'nrtoNfrf.K is published every Tfnn*sd..y. at \hhevfile. ait. communications to insure insertion should r«>»rh tin* otllcu not later than M<?ndnv. and must hIwuyh he accompanied ncct>*urll\ for by the writer's signature not pi/bllcfttlon. but as a guarantee of good faith For advertising rules apply at this office. “TELEPHONE NO. 44. Kntercd at Hie Tost Olllee at Ablievllle, (in., a. *ec<md-t la.s matter. T111 ’ HS1 > A V. SKIT. 22, 1808. Mucou s Diamond Jubilee Carnival comes off October 11th to 1 till and will be the greatest time Macon lias over had. 51 any a uuin who doesn't know enough to get out of u shower of rain, knows enough 1<> raise the best umbrella he can get his hands on. Many of the speculators who I kicked to Porto Hico are now re turning disillusionized and convinced that the island is not. an Eldorado. The i’ldladelphia papers are giv ing pages to golf news, What is golf anyway? -Atlanta Journal. Yes, what is go!f? If it is anything good pass it (town this way. A leading populist in this county was one of the managers of the election at one of the precincts in Hie late democratic primary, alld he sitys if any body says that precinct didn’t go democratic anil right they “lie. The Savannah Hoard of Trade is making a great etlort, to establish a undo with Cuba and other islands \ committee of nine lias been ap pointed to go to Cuba and see what is best to be done in establishing this relation. Savannah is always a phmoer when there is new territory. 'fiss Winnie Davis, ’-the (laugh lov of the Confederacy. ’ who died at Narragansett J’ier, R. I oil the I nth inst, and for whom the entire South fflrourns. will be buried in Hollywood cemetery, in Richmond, Va., by the skle of hei father, tomorrow after nfton. Tfie Davis Memorial Assori ntiim “t Kichmoitd uilV muke all the n rraiigoments for the fiuiervvJ and the services will be conducted from S Paul church. Lfuirens seem lave ahead of her^ 'the county democratic, i follow the example ic pa’pulM ■■PRoiit all of them de JllCi, in the recent primary jB^T'voted a solid demoeratie ticket. Ohc of the leaders of populism helped to hold the election in one of tfn3 preeiiiets of the county and some say this was Die most “jam up’ voting precinct in the county. •Now that the removal question .fi Wilcox county has been settled, it ifc time for the Rochelle Xew Era and the Abbeville Chronicle to make up and kiss.”- Cordole Sentinel. The question has not been settled Brother. We would that it were. It.-Till never be settled till Wilcox county pets a new court house, in keeping with the times, limit at Ah be'tile, where it belongs, where mu ture and the people originally de signed it should be -in the centre oT population in the centre of NVeuith and on the grand old Oenuil gee. When this is done Wilcox will bt* ready to vole on prohibition ns ysni suggest. Millions (jiven Away. It is ciTtainiy gratifying to the public to know of one concern iu the ,• 'find ,• who . are not , afraid .. . , to be , gener ous .... to the needy , and . sutfenng. , . i Ik propnetors ol lb. ... Kings New lbs cbvery . , l>n eonaiimption. eougiis , and colds, ... liave i given awa\ ten mil over Bon trial bottles of this great modi Fine; and have the satisfaction of k\K>\YUlg it lifts Hl»suluU»Iv ..I curcvl thou sands v . ol .. liopelcss . . Asthma. . cases. hVOftCidtis. Iioftvscness and •••,.- all discus cH,of 'L j. the ., throat, , olicst , and , lunus . arc sureIV cured bv it. Gull on the City Drug Go. and get a trial bottle Ile^idav t> . M\v. - and $1.00 . Kvcrv ,, si/.c , * bottle guaranteed, . . or price rt ^ i All Job Work turned out of the ClfjRoXlCLE *Job Oti'ux* i> guaranteed 0\‘»t class. Win " 1 -' iivi-UUg iin.i i I aim. I Heads. Note Heads. 15ii 1 Heads, nrefilnvs. Posters, Dodger*. Knve HftF ^ stuiem. uts. Etc. be ns a call. We statvd in a former Issu* of the Cnno.Mcr.f. that we would reply to nothing further tho New Era say in reference to the late primary, which we strictly Adhere to, but it insinuates that the Editor of the Chronicle pays no taxes, to which we will say that we nave already paid more taxes within the last twelve months, and have been doing so annually for the past twelve rears, than the Xew Era Editor pays annually for clothing, provisions and house rent. We will state further that the records will show that only one or two others in Wilcox county, (and they lease holders) pay more annual taxes than we do In ad dition to this we have paid claims against us. (incurred from railroad investments and other misfortunes) amounting to more than $25,000.00 within the last three years Wc may be a little behind some times in the payment of taxes but ‘wc get there just the same.” If ours were nothing hut a poll tax we might throw stones also. Speaking of taxes, here is a little clipping which lends to make a fellow a little less lonesome, evCn a man as impor tant as a J. I’. Editor, if lie should get behind with Ins taxes; ‘•Cases against George Washing ton appear here and there in the civil docket recently? unearthed in the court house at Greensburg, Penn. No less than three claims were entered against him during tho year 1787 to compel him to pay taxes. The humorous clerk commenting on these actions, remarked; ‘George Washington, Kscp. np^ieareth not to like taxes.’ Washington Cost. W<‘ do not pay taxes for the fun of it, we pay them because we have something to pay for. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it, who has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean lie can cure himself right away by taking Elec tric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole sygl-em, nets as a stimu lant to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. it cures consumption, headache, faint ing spoils, sleeplessness and melan choly. It. is purely vegetable, mild laxative, ami restores the sys tem to its natural r igor. Try Elec tric Ritters and lie convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only uHjtru bot ■'^ I it,> Ib un^JoTi 1 . fo LJj^!m‘ ll l '' l '“ <l’ nniii be |. a in the ofllco in umiler than Tuesday morning to insure insertion. If you have Ci ieiuls visiting you call up telephone I I and tell us about it. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo has the largest, sale of any salve in the world. This fact and its merit has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure. Cent ml Drug Co. Public School Fund, The third quarterly apportionment will not he nuuU* hy the Stale till Doe. 15th, 1 S!)8. A rrangements can be made to borrow this money at S per cent, and pay olf the teachers before that time if the county board will authorize it. and it should be dime. The teaehiTS need their money when their w. rk is completed. —: One minute cough cure surprises people by its quick cure and children may take it in large quantities with out the least danger. It has won for itself the best nipnhdhui of any preparation used to day for colds croup, tickling ii; the throat or oli stinateeo coughs. Central Drug Co. -Macons Diamond Jubilee Carnival will include the lltli. tg’tli, l.ith and 1 Dll , ot October. Macon will cele urate the t.itli anmversnrv ot her • toundatum. . , . 1 here will , tie founlavs ? M'“’.ac„lar splcnlor-Ocl. lit!., ' alri, ’ l ' c Pu V: ‘f 1 ’’ l ’’ lorj! - Oav. * Oct. KUli, Inulcs Display l>av | Oct. 1 lilt, Macon div. rmus works an exact reproduction ol tIn* battle ot Manilla, as is now brim* sl '°r" lwK tl,,w ** ,l ' h '* "f ol 1000 clnldivn in ivd. wlnti and bine , Haii , road rates tm* , lowest ever cm needed to a citv eelebrution. More tllUll tcVOftlV milliorf* t’roe ‘ Ot . I'eNNlfets , tell HiWoi ^RlRples i Salvo have boon tlistributotl in- liio * manufacturers. '' bat better proof their confidence in its meaits do y()u want? u cUlvs j„]es, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest tine. Central Drug Co. WOMANS TRIALS. « Many women ! J 't Buffer gron i j V i>ain ot v >nt it- » ly pf.Mki- i ! believe it net - Oilier* Jiofty-, iHV* V7?^'! danger l 1 but * lies* b e • I l ituteto secure I niiliming •cconnt'of local liu* j < exaniimitionH. 1 Nature in- i % tend <:d t li c i nml “monthly l^ular. per- I n-j 1 iods” usual pain to be and painless hickm-ss indicate serious i i 'derangements which should have l 1 | prompt attention, examinations or they rapidly grow ' i worse. Local are not net 1 essary since the discovery of mj i i Wm ( ( i i 4 4 4 4 It cures nil FetnaleDiseases and regulating by properly the i I strengthening all the pain. or- I gan*. This stops i This remedy is a vegetable compound, < ‘ and is the result of years of experience. i It is carefully prepared in our own lal> ratories by skilled chemists and is in- < dorsed by leading physicians. ( fluid hy all drnuKlsf* Regulating or sent post J ’ills paid with for each ft. < bottle. A Dox of ‘'Monthly" i Mrs. A. L. FORT). Wesson, Miss., writes: “TJy j < using two jKittlf.s of Planers I'Ymale lo cul i ' tor, 1 have born oiiri d of Nervous Debility brought about by the birth of my last child. i FRF.E to niiv address, Book on tho 1 Treatment of Female Diseases. A sample H'. box 1 > 4 of ‘‘Monthly” Regulating Fills b(*nt for hi rn nts ( Iii stumps. Address, New Hpencfer Med lei inc 4 Cu., (Jliuttanooga, Tennessee. < For sale hy Ct!y Drug < ’o. Official Democratic Gtchcf. Governor AttB.v I). Candler. Secretary of State Ihuf.ip Cook. Comptroller-General William A Windin'. State Treasurer William .i Spkkr. Attorney General Joseph ,M Terrell. (lommissioner of Agriculture 0 I! Stevens. State School Commissioner G R Glenn, Prison Commissioner Joseph S Tuts kr. Chief Justice of Supreme Court Thomas J Simmons. Associate Justice of Supreme Court for full term of six years w.luam ii Emu. Associate Justice of Supreme Court for utiexpired term of two years Henry T Lewis. Senator for the ......Senatorial District | Represent;fives in the House of Representatives For viitittention-of the owm'sniml of Paragraph 2 of Secti »n Article (i of the Constitution, (for election of Judges of Superior Courts oy the people.) Against the Ratification of amend ment of Paragraph 2 of Section J, Article (i of the Constitution, (against election of Judges of Su perior Courts by the people). For Ratification of amendment of Paragraph if of Section if, of Article (i of the Constitution, (for election of Judges of Superior Courts by people). Auuinst ratification of the amend ol I a[)!l ... ,, >ectl 011 .. oi lLH'ilt ill* 12,1 •> .», Al ticle i; ol the Constitution, (ngaiust .... election ot i- .Judges • i ol r Mi- *v porioi’ Courts by the people). For ratification of auicmlmont of Faraeraph 1 Section 'll of Article (i of the Constitution (for election ot Solicitors-Uoiicral Ic/'tlic people). Against ratification of amendment of Paragraph 1 Section Jl of Article (i of the Constitution, (against elec tion of Solieitors-Gencral by the people). (Toi'k of Superior Court .... Slievi ti ‘ * * ' Receiver of Tax Returns ‘ ' * * Tax Collator * * ' ' County Troasutvr ’* ** County Sui'vev«p ' * ' Coroner ’ ’ * County Commissioners .................. - ...... r~ A stubborn eougb ->r tiok-ling in ' the throat yield to (Me Minute Oougli Cure. Harmless in i: effect touches die right spot. reliable and just is wanted iWaets at-once Centra! Drug Co. T. C. IVJANN, ed Light Saloon M \K !• - A KPKCIALTY Ol :0: :0; FINE WHISKIES Hirrii as ‘‘UAItHKTT's PIUVATK STOCK,'' 1 ‘KEN* TCCKKV IIEU., ‘ -IMPERIAL CABINET, 'W •K"' 1 "'* AN, > KKV ,v co.'s corn. >» FINEST URANDIES AND OiX ON TDK MARKET [pa!ace Barber Shop ^ Store, rp Stairs. iu Hundley Over Wilkinson's Building. FIRST-CLASH WORK, :+: :t: : + : :t: SHARP RAZORS, :+: :+: +- POI.ITB attkntion. r-rT’The Only White Barber in the City. Give me a Trial, I will appreciate it..jg-J T. NI. MATTHEWS. Subseridc to the Chronicle. HOMER REID 9 The Leader In Fancy Sc Family Highest market prices paid for Country Produce $75 up. Easy Terms, OI i \ Organs, 20 up, Easy Terms, Lowest price house on earth, All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Gd, Music House, Macon Ga. «/ you arc not in it, 7 according to the editor, if you don’t advertise in his paper. we are strictly in it & and want to advertise the fact that we are making | ‘j ['O’CSf S*' 0 die hardesl rSi (| ' f ^ 0OlO3*C(l x® the best brick every respect i m that are nvus: in sputh gcorgia. we also make a fine quality of • re-pressed brick furnish can a^ricn Itura 1 novelt ies descriptions. of all reed brick works abbeville, georagia. Mortgage Sale of Realty. GEORGIA -Wilcox county. Under ami by virtue of a Pow er of Sale con tained in a certain mortgage dated the 27th day of .Inly. lH'.m, recorded in book of mortgages page Tl. executed by G W Priceler to secire certain indebtedness to Tatom a Broadhurst evidenced bo :t certain promissory notes of the same date ami payable one Do days after date, one on .Ian. lath after date and one on the 1st day of February after date aggregating tho sum of $<> 00.00 which notes and the mortgage secure t] ie same, have l)een duly transferred and as signed to the undersigned. I will sell before the court, house door in Abbeville, Ga., on Mon day the 24th day of October 1808, during the legal hours for sheriff's sales, the property de scribed in said mortgage, to-wit—all of lot ,\o. i* in block s, fronting Depot street in Stubbs ad dition to town of Abbeville. Georgia, in said county the building known as the Globe Hotel being situated on said lot. said lot fronting on Depot street 27 feet and running back I2v> feet. Said sale w ill be at pvblic outcry to the highest bidder; terms cash. The proceeds of said sale to be applied to the payment of said indebted ness and as provided in said mortgage. This Sept. 21st. 1898. .1 w Tatom. emts *\ Lawson. Attys. Mortgage Sale of Realty. GEORGIA Wilcox county : Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage dated the 2nd day of February, lsus. recorded in book K of movt gages, page. 143, executed by 'i' U sessions to secure certain indebtedness to NY Lasseter, evidenced by o ccrlain promissory note of same date and payable >-ix months after date, for the lum of $U3.45. I will sell before the courthouse dt>. v in Abbeville, Georgia, on Monday the 24th day of October, 1898, during the legal hours for sheriff's; sales, the property- described in said mortgage. towit:--all that tract or parcel of iMtul situated in lot No. 1 F>, First district of W ilcox county. Georgia, and described as fol lows: commencing at a stake situated (557 feet •ast and 2d feet south of the southwest corner of Ross A Wilson's two acre lot in the village of LUeidstie[d and county aforesaid: thence west 057 feet to a stage: thence south «5<K) feet to a stake: thence east 039 feet to a stake standing 25 feet west of the center of the A A W railroad truck: thence along said track in a northerly course to place of beginning, and containing twelve ae.ies. more or less. Also lot No. 2 com mencingat a poinflon boundary of lot of land No. 14'*. said point standing 25 feet east of A A | W railroad track and marked with a pine stake j thence north along said east boundary 3256 feet to a stake: thence west 11*72 feet to a stake standing 25 feet east oi said railroad track in a southerly course to the place of beginning, and ' aiumii.v ».\i>-wur«. ,.•. mow or u—. u« Namv ftiily rlv-cviLvU ubow to tiiMvlct »nd iot number, said sale win be at ruwto Julcr .v ioUk- tuylH-- l.Kidvv, Terms cash. The proceeds of said sale to be applied to the pay nil'lli of saitl lndvMvducs. and as provided in ’ rhisS< Z NY Lasseter. On Us A Lawson, A;n s. D O ’ t: ! Don't pay # ft for a spool of thread, wo sell it for.. .# 3 Don't pay 25 fora Muggy whip we sell them for.. i) Don't pay 20 for 24(H) matches we sell lItem for... Don’t pay 2 o for a bottle machine oil we sell for. 3 Don't pay 15 for ft set of ton spoons we sell for. a Don't i»ay 5 00 for a suit of clothes we sell them for... 2 08 Don’t i>".V youv goods until you get ottv prices Don’t ,isten to a ma " "' iien iic sa vs i,c sells g°° ,is as chca p as wc (l0, - Doi 1 *| go somewhere else to buy when we save you 50c on a dollar. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Tinware etc EVERETHING AT A CUT PRICE. A F OhurGhwell & Go., CUT PRICE STORE. CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. Mortgage Sale of Realty. GKORGJA—Wilcox county. Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tainop in a certain mortgage dated t*he day of duly J8U7, recorded in book .1 of mortgages page 583-4 executed by Annie W ebster to secure certain indebtedness to M \V Cooper evidenced by a certain prommissory note of same date and payable 12 months after date for the sum of $ 2 W. 0 t> (having thereon a credit of flo.up) which note and the mortgage securing the same has been duly trails (erred ami assigned to the undersigned. I will sell before the court house door in Abbeville. Gcorgia. on Monday the 24th day of October l 8 U 8 .durlr,g the legal hours for sheriff’s sales, the property described in said mortgage, towit:- all those tracts or parcels of land in the town of Abbevilte, Wilcox county, know n a t lots Nos. one and three, In east Abbe ville. Thigpen survey, each being seventy by one hundred and five feet. Said sale will be at public outcry to the highest bidder; terms cash the proceeds of said sale to be applied to the payment of said indebtedness grid a.- provided in said mortgage. This Sept. 21st 181)8. Mrs. Cora 1» Wilson. Cults a Lawson, Attys. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayok—T. L. Holton, Mayoh I’hotem \Y. A. Cherry. Cleuk—, 1. NY. Melton. City Attorney—M ax F. Land. Tkeasuueh—A. .1. llarp. Makshals—. 1. .1. ltartield: R. .1. Fitzgerald. Council men !!. A. Moody, NY. 11. Wilkinson, L. Story, M. A. Drown. I*. 1. Ilaive. Hoard of Fi>it atton -J R Monroe. .V T Baker .1 M Mixon, c L Hailey. J l) Maynard. COURT. County court convenes every First Tuesday: T. L. Holton. Judge: Jlax E Land, Solicitor: •las. Harp, Hail ill. LODG Fs. K. of R- Meets every First and Third Tues day night. Max F. Land. G. C. F. A A. M. Meets every Fourth Saturday. /. . Lasseter. W. M. GIIURCHKS. Baptist- Preaching every Second’and Fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Conference meeting on Fourth Saturday at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. M L Lawson, pastor. Smidav School every intendent. Sunday at 3;3U p. m.. ,l. R. Monroe Super Guiustian F -eaciting every First Sunday morning and evening. Rev. lv' M Withers. pas tor. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. M A Brown Superintendent. Methodist Preaching every Sunday, morn ing and evening. Rev. Guyton Fisher pastor, Sunday school every Sunday at 3:3U j». ni. Prof W. R. Googe Superintendent. Advertise —Ill tile— Subdcnbe for The Chronicle. M m |tf| c . -75 | I It son t y ii • m> ;......— j I | i a | I j 5 ™ wm o S§ t m -.''.■i'.y L'-75_ -j'' 4 fc H Gr- mat C ol- lege a 1 usi- ness 1 insti- tute. — i-gfllGs'AJN-y (lours? of Stiid^,— Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business Short Hand, Typewriting Telegraphy Music. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to take studies they do not want in order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of con ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time, We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages. --Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of. 1200 volumes, large supnly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits to any one or all classes in Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is the most thorough, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should have a Business Education. Fall Term Opens Sept. 13, 1898. Send for a Copy of Our Announcement. For further information, address, W. A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL, ABBEVILLE, GA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHOHT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, LS 97 . MAIN LINE. No- 19- No- 17. No- 18. No. 20. 7 45 7 25 lv Savannah „ .. pm a m , am nil p m « in am., 12,04 1 00 a m 71 3(1 a ni a r Helena ar a io p m S :!5 am.. a m ail p m ar .\bbcvillc ar r,o p m 2 411 a m 2 15 30 Cordele .. a m p m ar ar 1 45 p m 1 35'a m 3 II 15 a m ii 5o it it ni ar Amerlctis ar 3 30 |» m 12 28*a m 4 am ■>8 m ar Richland ar 2 40 p m 11 30 p m 8 00 a m mCA oo |• in ar Montgomery lv m 45 a m 7 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3- No. 1.* No 2.* No. 4. 3 iu p m in 05 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 pm 12 00 m 8 *H) p m n 40 a m ar Richland ar 3 55 p m 7 45 a m 8 50 p m 1 30 p m ar .V1 bany lv 2 10 p m 5 00 a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No. 9. No- 7. No. 8. No. 10. v> )> m 7 IN a m lv Abbeville ar 12 ]5 pm ] 1 00 pm..... « •'*•”> |> ni a 15 a m ar Fitzgerald ar 11 15 am s 45 p m 7 25 ji ni 10 00 a m ar Ocllla lv la 20- a m 8 (hi p m .... . ....I ...'. Trains No>. l and 2 carry thro'i^h coachc.s between Atlanta and Albany In connection with Southern Railway CONNECTIONS. ',n«,. w n;A i’AiU,^ minx ham and the north, also with W. llv. of Alabama, for Selma. TRAIN NO. 17. Connects at Savannah with lvint System and F. (!. A I'. R. * Willi southern Ky. No. Id south bound and No. bound. R \t Uelemi 14 north At AbltSVille for Fltz-erald and ; u ‘ oricl< ’ "I"' <i. s. .V F. li. If. No. I south bound and No. 2 north Imund At Rtch lamlwuht . X A Division for Columbus and ulantaalso for Albanv. At Montfromerv with L ennS Snd be - von8 - tor »> r “tn!:ham and tho north, also with H vstern Ry of Al abaina for Selma TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans and lMvis?en from the north, also with Western Ryot Alabama from Selma. At Ilichland with C. A A. for t o Iir.ilms and Atlanta, also lor Albany. At Cordele with s. A V. Kv.-No 5 for Tlfton and a HaHroiid AbbevUle for 1 ’’ Uz " el ' Klti il,ld ° cl »a- At SaVumuh with Wan System and F a & p TRAIN Np- 2°* connects at Montgomery with L. A V from New Orleans and from the north, also \\ It' A'hbevmUlW^Ihizee'^iUand'oeii'i'a 1 a"' ire?ena^W'Hh*'Kout'hern Hy* ? '\? soinh be md 1 . " "■ ,f - k - - st “- Nos. 1. and 18. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains iu and 20. G. X. RIGHT. . pni>P ASS, smut cem. iwnger ^en,.^ ^^gtuand .Wnger Agent ^ Fifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY H.. H. TIFT, President. NO. 7 NO. 3 NO, I p. m. p. A. LEAVE 3 10 3 8 0 3 22 3 8 •> 31' 3 8 3 50 3 4 3 55 H 9 85. 4 m 4 9 20 4 20 4 9 »j$s@gs& m Manage/ % F- G. liOATRMWT Tralliu Miles. Don't |>av * 2 (K) for n pair of shoes we sell for 5 Don’t j mi *\ 75 fora pair or pants we sell lor, ^ Don’t pav 15 for suspenders we sell lor.... -1 Don't pa' T‘ for Ticking we sell for...... U« - Don’t pav '•') for drilling we sell for...... t Don't v for calico wc sell for ;> pa ......... Don't pu'v 15 for casslinere we sell for..... 10 locoes Cil Tin*.e Tfitffe X.< >. (5 Ge^ieral Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE I )ecciTibcM- 19th, 1897, nu TIFTON, HA 1GHON, B DING riy ftta M YST1G. FITZGERALD. flmTghfr, W. 0. TIF1, Vice Presideni, Miles. _iy P.‘ 1*. M. c? 12 15 0 6 10 <3 12 00 0 5 50 11 51 0 5 48 til 11 31 ft 5 29 »nc 11 11 25 14 ft ft 5 5 23 12 LEAVE on oo ft 5 00 2 NO. 5 NO. 8