The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, September 22, 1898, Image 3

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Lo©<al £i]od l' , Qr»m-i5,il. Matters of Interest Gathered In City oriel County, pgople you v T Yiow and People You Don’t Know. Editor RyJs, of Hie Telfair —•>, spent several hours in the city Mud: lay and made us a pleasant call; on i,j 9 return he waa accompanied by the invincible Dock Blftkey who will hereafter be on the Enterprise force. Sammie Reid was painfully, though not seriously, injured Mon day afternoon by being thrown from his buggy, while out driving, and coming in contact with mother earth rather abruptly. Mr. J L Willis desires to inform the public that he is a first class mill man in every respect: can saws and understands every part of a mill. Any one needing the service of a good man will do well to see him at the Globe Hotel. Cater McLanc lias resigned liis po sition at Mystic, in order to accept a better one traveling salesman for a wholesale grocery firm of Dub lin. Cate is a hustler and that he will meet with success in bis new territory we have no doubt. The Central Drug Store lias the best assortment of fancy candy in the city. Mr. J D Hopkins, of Savannah, spent Sunday in the city, drawn here no doubt, by .one of Abbeville’s charming young ladies. Pure whiskey HARPER. Perfect whiskey HARPER. Every bottle guaranteed HARPER. Sold by Lasseter, Ham & Co., Abbeville, Ga. Mrs. L E Shepherd, who lias been spending the summer at Shiloh, Co lumbus and other points, is expected home the first of next week. Planters CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. For sale by city Drug Store. Dr. Hendiey lias a fine five-acre patch of chufas and says if some one will give him the hogs he will have fat pork for next year. Chickens, eggs butter and ali kind of country produce taken on sub scripUon at the Chronicle office. Mr. F. G Middlebrooks, representing the New York Life Insurance Co. was in the city Wednesday. Cotton Bagging and Ties cheaper at McLeod & Co.’s than anywhere else. J W Melton happened to the pain ful accident of spraining liis right knee by falling off a load of liay one day last week. Go to A Isaac’s for fresh bread and cakes. Some of the Rochelle boys seem to like Abbeville very much—as they make frequent Sunday trips over here. C L Bailey has fresh fish on ice all the time. Mr. Zeli Barden, of Fitzgerald, spends nearly every Sunday in the city. There must be some strong attraction here for him. Soda Water Tickets (5 for 25cts ox- 25 for $1.00 at Central Drug Co. tf IV W Real, of Ionia, was in the city Tuesday, and took advantage o our superior school facilities entering one of liis sons in the G C & B L. Just received a new lot of Mack erel. McLeod & Co. Miss Ida Delimit'd, one of Cason’s charming daughters, spent several days of last week in the city, to the delight of several of our young men. New garden seed, in paper or in t bulk. City Drug Co. T Gottlieb, one of our enterpris ing citizens, has a new store in Firz gcrald and reports that he is doing a flourishing business. Low prices and the fact well advertised always brings its reward. When wanting a nice box of fancy candy, that's fresh, cal! on Central Drug 8tore. II H Brown, of Ocala, Fla., who lias been visiting relatives and friends in the city for the past two months returned home yesterday. Our soda water can't be excelled, only pure fruit juices used. City Drug Co. Miss Clyde Melton will leave next week for an extended visit to rela tives and friends at Tifton* Planters NUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. For sale by City Drug Co.. Abbeville, Ga. Dr. Powell and wife, of Kramer, were in the city sSopping Tuesday. llcm ember court begins next M011 day. II if is something good to eat Paxson Bros, have it. Mrs. T Gottlieb spent several days in Savannah this week. For choice and select groceries, call on Paxson Bros. Phone No. 70. Preaching at Baptist church Sun day. D M Pearson, of Fitzgerald, spent Sunday in the city, M A. Brown. “The Hustler,” is now prepared to do all kind of Bicy cle Repairing, Give him a trial. Mr. E L Wylder, of Rhine, spent several hours in the city Sunday, so did Powell Nicholson. Plasters CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, Neuralgiaaml Toothache in five minutes. SotirStomach and Summer f.'omi>laiuts. l'rice, 25 Cents. For sale by city DrugCo.. Abbeville. <Ja. New students are coming in every day, twelve have arrived this week up to the time of going to press. What has become of our corres pondents? Send in the news. Mr. 1 R Allen and wife, of Fitz gerald, are visiting the bedside of their friend G IV Reed this week. Fresh mullet packed in salt on ice two for 15c. C L Hailey. Mr. Revier, one of Rochelle’s clever young men, spent Sunday in the city. A bright little girl came Monday to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elvvn Me Lane ami Grandpa and Grandma Crawford. The City Drug Co., will fill your prescriptions accurate!} and with pure drugs. Paxson Bros, have just received the finest assortment of fancy candy and crackers that have ever been in the city. T II Wooten, one of Wilcox’s most prosperous farmers was in the city trading Monday. Protect your eyes by getting a pair of Hawkes’ famous eye glasses from the City Drug Co. P S Oliver is all smiles these days over the arrival of a fine little miss at liis home this week. The sale of lots of the Abbeville Land and Improvement Co., has been postponed till the next day, Tuesday. Please hand us that $ you owe for the Chronicle. If you have not ttie money we will take wood or “any old thing" you can spare, A hint to the wise is suIJicient. When you call for DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure don't accept anything else. Don t be talk ed into accepting a subsitnte, for piles, for sores, for burns. For sale by Central Drug Co. We arc delighted to learn that Mr. S B Reid, of Bowen's Mill, will soon become a citizen of our town. He will move here about the 1st of Oc tober, and enter the mercantile busi ness. Mr. Reid is one of our county’s best and most influential citizens and he and liis excellent family will receive a hearty welcome by our people.—Ilochelle New Era. Thutli wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regn Sating the bowels, enreing constipa tion and sick headache. They don’t gripe. Central Drug Co. An Excursion to Montgomery. The farmers grand excursion to Montgomery Ala. Monday Sept., 2Gth, via the Ga. & Ala. Railway promises to be a grand success, The starting points are Americ-us and Al bany. From Americus the round trip fare is $1.50. A good oppor tunity to see Montgomery. Two days are allowed in Montgomery. COTTON QUOTATIONS. Thursday Sept. 8th 185)8. Middling fair...... ...... 5 c. Good middling...... .......4*c. Strict middling....... .......4ijc. Middling..!........ .......4fc. Low middling....... .......-Lc. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially piles their is one reliable remedy, DeWitt s Y itch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or fraud, you will not be disapointed with DeWitt,s Witch Hazel. Salve. Central Drug Co. College notes. T 1 T T Mauldin was up Monday i tt grange to move his family to < villa to educate his children. j bid tiieni a hearty welcome. * * % Artesian water U flowing oil college grounds now, * * » * A 7V Fuller was prevented from moving his family this week on ac count of sickness, but they will next week. # * * Students from Tatnall. Appling and Montgomery counties arrived this week. IF * •X* Prof. A A Kuh! has a class of ten or twelve to whom he gives instruc tions in the Business Department at night. * * * Two young ladies from Savannah are expected in a few days to enter the Abbeville Normal. * * * New desks have arrived and have been put in place in the new sch,,o! building. * Mr Miss Kerch who ha- ehargi of the music department, has a splendid eln^a and is very much encouraged this week. No better opportunity for thorough instruction in music was ever offered than now, The pu pil will get the benefit of instruction which cost the instructress as much as $5.00 per lesson. At Methodist Church Sunday. Sunday morning 11 a m, preach ing by Rev. Guyton Fisher, subject: “Tears, trials and triumphs.” No services at night. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve m the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. For Sale or Rent. The Parson place, four rooms with fire places; hall through the house. Plenty close for the school and churches. Apply to Chronicle Office. Photographs. All parties wishing photograph work will have the opportunity only two weeks longer, as we are com pelled to fill an engagement at another place after the 10th of Oct. Come while the weather will admit. COEIELI) & Kah. The Heaviest Bale of Cotton Ever Brought to Abbeville. The heaviest bale of co-ton ever sold in Abbeville was brought here hist Tuesday by W T McCall and sold to P S Oliver. It weighed 007 pounds was graded middling and brought 4§ cts. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitfs Little Early Risers are pleasant easy, thorough little pills. They cure con stipation and srek headache just as sure as you take them. Central Drug Co. Steamships to Cuba To Resume Service. Steamship Mu-cotle of the Plant System Line will resume service to Hava mi, Cuba. Sept. 1st. Sailing will be ‘ as follows:—Leave Port Tampa each Monday and Thursday at!) o'clock p. m. arrive Key West each Tuesday and Friday at 3 p m. Leave Key West same days at !• p in Arrive Havana each Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a in. North bound, leave Havana each Wednesday and Saturday at 12:30 p m: leave Key West same days at 7 p in; arrive Port Tampa each Thursday and Sun day at 2 p m. A Pope, G. 1’. A. Protracted Meeting at Christian Church. Rev. E L Shellnut is conducting series of meetings at the church tJis week. Services night at 7:30. The meetings are profoundly interestinfi and accom plishing much good. Prepare for an old time bee in Alison Hail next night. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, The famous little pilH. w Results from a 8 tV m. Bad Liver IJ and can be Cured by Usiiig Jlj I Dr. J. H. McLEAN’S I Liver and I X Kidney Balm I w A Certain Remedy for 5 | | Diseases and of Urinary the Liver; Organs. Kid-1 « neys v | — $ $ PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. FOR SALE BY ^ For sale bo Central Drug Co. Newsy Notes from “Asic”—How can I keep well?—Giant Mosquites— Haying Season—What he thinks of the Georgia Normal College and business Institute. The editor of the Chronicle be lieves in “expansion'' which ac counts for the increased size of his paper—it must be as big as any other weekly and as full to satisfy its proprietor. One who knew the history of the world said that the civilization of a people and its roads were alike. Good streets and roads make smooth go-ahead people. While crooked, gullied and rooty ones make slow go ill-tempered ones. now CAN I KEEP WF.i.r.? That is the point thousands would like to know today. Inside any vil lage drug store the question might be answered from dozens of labels, each one promising quick health to the buyer and consumer. Hut alas, how many disappointments from the patent medicine man. The truth is health is hard to find when once we’ve lost it. But study your own case, use common sense, take time to eat, and time to rest both the in ward and outward. Beg the favor of the Blesser. GIANT MOSQUITOES. “Dennis what do you do to get rid of mosquitoes? they are terrible here. ” “Ha, dey ain't no whins here to whut dey is whar 1 bin ivorkin las week. Dey all galernipers and mos big as bees, up dar at Mr. Lawsons, and bite like ein. Dey haves to fite ein all night and den gits no res. I liatl ter keep my coat on, tucked in my finches wul my galluses over dat til ten o’clock in de inornin, out in de feai. l’ou dun no nothin bout skeeters down here.’’ A HAVING SEASON. Within three miles of our town not less than a dozen mowers are at work saving the native hay crop. Crab and Craw foot grow in every field and jam during the summer season without harrow or manure and needing but water from the clouds and the merry go-round click of these mowers during these bright days, making hay while the sun shines, is simply charming. THE G, N. C. AND B. 1. The Georgia Normal College and Business Institute looks more like a thing on paper than a reality but any one will take the pains to see for himself he will find it a genuine, old-time—new time, all day, all round workshop for developing brains, hands and person for the battle of life. The motto of the principal is not talk, not play, nor display, but simply “get to work and do your best." Asic. Availing, Tenu.. Jpril 20th, 1808. I was very bad, down nearly all the time suffering with my side, back and kidneys, and would have been dead long ago without relief. After taking Dr .1 II McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm a few days i found it was helping me. and by the time the second bottle was gone I was well and have been in good health since. James Fisher, Sr. For. sale by Central Drug Co. A Sad Death* .Just on going to press the sad news reaches us of the death of Mr. G. W lleed. He died to-day at 2 o'clock after an illness of many days. Mr. M V Gross, of New York, was today on business. ilM'ofwsional Cards. W. R. GOOUE, M. D., PI i «Sc ^ * * i * * » Culls answered promptly, day night ABBEVILLE, <iA. -—r Kuiuidgv: (’ctts. II u. CUTTS & LAWSON', ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Om.-con Hroad street, near Court House. Aiuik\tli.e, G KOIKHA C. L. BAILEY, dealer A manufacturer of Soda Water T K Cider. J. J. HEISIDLY, 1) K X T 1ST. Office upstairs in llenclly Building'. E. H. ANDERSON, .J E tV E 1, E i! . A FULL LINK OF WA'IVIIKS. ( LOOKS AN1) JKWKI.ltY ALWAYS ON HAND. Repair Work A Spkoialtv. DR. J. H. POWELL, (Late oT Lest American Hospitals.) FITZG El! Alii), GA. Specialist, in Chronic Diseases of Mon and Women and Diseases of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. (Tcrmaiionll.v Locate.) l» 15 3m mini 1 r ♦ W Two Hundred and Sixteen acres H improved land, lying 2.} miles from Abbeville, in one-half mile of railroad, with all necessary T farm houses and dwellings to gether with all kinds of farming « tools, including 1 Brand new mower and rake, cutaway hairow, plow stocks, gear, etc., also 15 B head stock cattle, 50 head of & hogs, 5 horses and 2 mules, 1 ^ two horse wagon and harness, 1 one horse wagon and harness, 1 G buggy and harness, 1 saddle. 700 bushels corn, 7,000 lbs. good A fodder. Everything in readiness | to pitch a farm for another year. jy. The land is all well fenced, with all necessary cross fences: with a woods pasture fenced to itself with a fine e er ceasing ! How of water; tour good wells of water on place; plenty of farm N timber. One hundred and seven V ty-five acres of the land now in a high state of cultivation and will produce, with good work, next S year 20 bushels corn and 1, bill) pounds of seed cotton to the acre; can also grow on one acre enough I sugar cane to make twenty barrels 1 will sell tire land by itself or "all towether with, stock, fanning T utensils, etc. Will sell for one half cash balance in six and ^ twelve months. Titles Perfect. I tire inves J will also guarantee T tor 10 per cent, on investment. , For further information, apply to . . . L. !’. WlMliEllLY, Mgr., 8 25 2 m Abbeville, Ga. FOB * 15 J )j 4^ Fancy Gmcerics.-wwy* CALL ON j®. ft fire m * 1 r THE HUSTLER, i * Goons Delivered to Any Part of the City. central city I s * barber shop, all work done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention next door to southern express office. bob weathers proj... COUNTY DIRECTORY. KP 11 KSKNTATIV V. G <WiiCON. Sheriff-- L (' Covington, oi; din a my—J M Warren. Clerk J M Mixon. The ami*kkii l» A Darker. TAX CoLLKf'TOR S .McCall, Tax Receiver.-S amuel Drown. CoRONEit- Hon Smith. Surveyor -K. H. Taylor. Commissioners M. M. Mc.vnaJly, I.. F. and I). McDuffie: .J. N. F.vuns, Clerk. Hoard ok Fma ation— .T k Monroe. Chairman John Poster, pr. .1 Y il Smith. David Harvey, II F Stone.' Banks- Fail I [But we have Never Failed . . i i --T 0 S E L h ■ Frnniim<\ Sieves, Crockery. In fact anything in the House-furnishing Line cheaper" than can be bought in South Middle Ga. I ■>!(., VC V. e > / W unhesitatingly recommend the 1898 } J l i i We Can also furnish a Good Wheel at $80.00 BAKER a MELTON. I'ENTRAL .) L PITTMAN. TOILET ARTICLES AND I'INhf FER BEST SOAPS ON THE M A RK ET. Home liaised Supplies,— Fresh Georgia Syrup, Baled Oats, Boasting Ears, Cab Cages, Green Peas, Rutabaga and other'vegetables at ways fresh from the farm. Fresh Butter and Eggs. 7 + ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OFH?” Fancy «/ and Family Groceries. «/ R. A. WILSON, A at, Corner of Stubbs and Commerce Streets. Baker’s Old Stand BBEVILLE 0TT0M yy AREHOUSE —V Is as well j pared to handle cot ion as any town in Jwrgia. ! f (icient salesman, sworn seiuV-sman. Intcresi of fanners espCfhlJhf looked idler. J. T. FLOYD, PROPRIETOR. t— The Chronicle . . Is the Official Organ of Wilcox county, and the Best Advertising Medium in Southwest Georgia. Largest circulation. Only $1 Per Annum. Send us Your Job Work. M Y FALL 8 WINTER SIogL— Of Dress Goods and Clothing lias arrived and positively will be sold 40 PER CENT. =<§ Cheaper than any house in the city. All the Latest Styles in . FANCY WORSTEDS with Trimmings to match. Everything in my store will be sold at prices that will compare with tlio 1 cent each. 25 envelopes, No. 5 full gummed. 1 steel keychain. 1 allmnimnn thimble. 1 caul black or white NO. I hooks and eyes. 1 UU-ineli tape measure, 1 Box shoe blacking. 1 Cake Turkish bath soap. 1 Cake Chemical complexion soap. I large spool White or Black bast ing cotton. 1 spool fast red embrodevievy ton. 1 Child’s colored bordered hand kerchief. 1 paper full count adamantine pins. 24 sheets writing paper. Millinery, «/ / Trimmed Hats from 50 cts to $5.00. Calico, 4c per yard. Worsteds, 10c per yard. jibe place _ r. GOTTLIEB D RUG Next to PREFCRIPTKONS (JARI‘IFT'LLY (IOMPOI 'XDED. As Going The Host That lie Produced. Can ID n GftlPANY. w / Abbeville. Georgia. is <ZQ s 2 cents each. 1 needle book of 5 papers needles. 1 doz. bone collar buttons. 1 1 medium or small curling iron. j 1 doz. lead pencils, j 1 fringed wash rag. 1 doz. kid curlers. I box tooth powder. 1 box swansdown face powder. 1 coin purse. I boy’s Windsor tie. 1 doz. safety pins, nickel plated, all sizes. 1 lrrgo cake of buttermilk soap. 1 bottle of jet-black ink. 1 3-oz. bottle of machine oil. 1 shaving brush, . Come to see us FINE STATIONERY CHOICE CIGARS, SODA WATER, AND COLD DRINKS.