The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, September 29, 1898, Image 2

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CHRONICLE OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Monroe K.ditor Publisher. and L. J. Whitehurst, Associate Editor. SI list 1I1VTION BATES l wedv<* months... *i Sag Six months........ J’htee months...... Invariably le advance. fiiriil,lie<lonap|illentlon. t¥ r 'Adfertlaln;' ran ■■ The (’muonic).K i - published cvcry ThursO.-t . av '.tjUevtllc, (;a. < ommnnteallons to Insure Insertion should reach l he ofllce not later I hat, Momhn. and must always !«• accompanied neces-.oin for l,y the writer') -hmatuic: not litlhllcallon, hut as a pnuranlee of pood faltt) l-’or adrurtialmi rate apply at this office. -TELEPHONE NO. A4 Entered at I he Post ofllce at Abbeville, On., as st;eoml-ch» - natter. TIM RBI)AY, SKBT. 2!!, 181)8. |>*\yn sajs Roosevelt pays trihutes TTfit doesn't pay taxea. A inoiiuruent will he erected in wiemorv Miss Minnie Musis. When a man disputes with a fool the fool is doing the same thing. F-u , i o-ii. say-the Huxley lbtn tier, s [tells negro-poll ticftl-dom ilia lion. Fannie JHiveniiort, the famous no livss, died at her summer home ijj Dunlmi'V, Mm .. Monday. I’lio remains of Christopher Co ittnthus were, ollloiullv exhuuud Tuesday, and will be sent Ao Spain. - Cardinal as applied to the lieimx'i.We p:irt\. no longer means ill-1. but is recreated so as to mean dominant, sny- 1 lie Vidnlm Star. The le;>islalive race is warming up n: Wilcox. I! V Howen and G (' Wilcox are both candidates and each scams to lie confident, of vieloi v on bet. r>th. Mrs. Sydney buseellei has recent Iv gone back to her old home in Jihodc Island. Il is alleged llial she is thinking of giving the 'lord (he go-by and applying for a divorce. Mr. ,J A .1 Henderson, of Irwin county, will have opposition in his Legislative race, in the person of Mr. Tony Howell Tiie l’i'ien<ls of both parties seem hopeful and a warm light may be looked for. The Island of Cuba Heal Hstale Company is the uivnie of the first Ytm iieiin eonei'rn doing business in Cuba under the new order of things. The\ have opened oftleers oa street. Havana, and will di^j-^h country lots. A South brother devil rcspttrrrft e for this one: Auietieau bird screams, "Vaukee-doodh do! rooster joyfully crows. ‘-Cock a dle do! and the old maid hystcri cully exclaims “Any dude li do!" Wlion you mil for ih'Witt’.s Hazel Salve the “feat pile cure don accept anythin')- else. Don't be ed into accepting n sub.sitnte, piles, lor sores, for burns. For By Central Driiy Co. It would be a jjoojjl idea if Teddy Roosevelt Wotjld take some of the advice he so freely gave to his JIH’U as-they were mustered out of service and not expect too much honor and distinction at the hands of the poo pie on account of .laurels 5Y011 at Santiago, 11' is now eamVukitp for Governor of \Yw Vork and his friends claim he has an eye on ihp Pnsidemv, Dtiscovered by n Woman -\il"ther : ■ a at diseoxerv ha< been, ami. ihat too. by a huly in this eoun'u v. "Disease fastened its ehiTelie.s up,an her and I’oi year.-she v, ita- iood its severest tests. but her vital oi-.ans were undermined ano ath seemed imminent, Foi three mom - slit' coughed incessant Jy, and could not sleep. She final Jy'diset'Vt n d a wav to recovery, h\ purchasing tif ns a bottle of Dr. Kina, s Xrtt Discovery for eousninp tion, ami was so much relieved taking first dost , that she slept all night, and with two bottles, lias been (absolutely euivd. Her name is Mrs. Luther bntz. Tims writes W. C HaiuiPiek tV Co. of Shell') \, c. '1 rial bottles free at the C ny Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and Si. Every hottle guaranteed i ---- ... Alt .(,)•> \\ oi-li turm-tl out of tilt* (Tiiuixlci.' Jul) Ollinc i> oimiantt'otl j „ class, \\ hen needing Lettvi ,n>t . Meads. Note Heads, Bill Heads, ... • v treuiai -. losters. Dodgers. Alive- j Iojh s. Cards, Statements. Ktc. I v j pure to give us a euit j ^* ettcr ** <>ne of Our Boys in .• rom the Island of Cuba. Gt' a.xa.Mo, Ciha, An: 2 : ' W To TUB (.'UHONICI K: Notv that wt listve reified down fora while, I will try to describe our trip to you ns la st 1 can. \\V left 8 tviuiimh Katurdnv . and arrived about I o clock |) 111 at Santiago Wednesday a in follow ing. Nothing of interest happened on the way. Tin first land we saw after leaving Tybee, was San Salva dor Island, wlier: I'ohinihus first di - eoveml America, saw several other small islands before reaching Cuba. We remained on board the Minne wuska (the boat that we came over i on and third to (lie largest in the world) until Thursday morning, when we marched out to camp. ab< ut one mile’north of Santiago. We re- j maiiied there iintil Saturday a in and then left for this place-—that is the First HaUallion and headquarters, the other companies remaining, e\ r - company “D" (my company) which went to Si honey, a distance ol ID or I 'J miles from Santiago. (Juan tivnamo is about ad miles from San tiago by land and about 100 by Witter We came over on <;iie of the hotd.s captured from Spain, the San Juan. After leaving the boat, we gol on the t;.sin and went, 12 miles north, when v e are now. Our camp i-. about one mile west of (iiiantnnn mo, tt lovvii of about -1,000 inhabi tant I should say. though I do not know, not having been to town since the w arrived. Santiago ha a j popuhitit m of about .'!”),(10(1 and is the nastiest hole in the world, 11 is impossible tor me to describe it. You can't drive a wagon on some o' lie -streets without miring down. The people, horses and everything sleep in the same ro nms. Santiago is about six or eight miles from the entranev of the harbor.. The seenerv is just grand all the way up. Noth mg like I thought i' was. The har bor is naturally the best protected one in the world. The only way to get the enemy out is to just starve them. 1 don’t see how the Cnitcd Stales wliijiped Spain as (juick as she did. They had everything so well fixed up. Had intrenehments all around Santiago and cannons, rapid lire guns and every other kind of guns just behind the iulreuchnicnls. We had our tents pitched right against. Ihe entrenchment in Santiag) ) Did not like our camping ground near so wvU^Uierg. as here. Our caiji|Jj*irt« is an old Spanish cavalry dump. The best place for a camp I 'ubii. It is on a high hill, The only draw back to it is the water. We have to use water out of a small river, about half a mile from camp. The waler is clear and pretty but the Cubans and Spaniards wash them selves, horses and clothes in il all the time. We boil and strain il be fore using it. It is u mountain stream. The«e are no wells here, ut least f have not seen any. The country reminds me very much of Shiloh, Harris count), with a few exceptions. There is no timber here Unit 1 have seen. Nothin** but bob-wire mountains, thorn bushes. grass, etc. The Spaniards have de stroyed nearly everything;. There is but von little fruit where v e have been, and that is as high priced as in Georgia. Mo i ol the lands me tine, lint how sticky. When it rains you get more on your shoes than you can well carry, The soil is : si m tl' colored. Potato vines are knee high. There has been no farm ing: here, as I have seen, since the war a few 1 wish you could come down and see for yourself. Morro Castle 'is pretty well torn down. ’ We passed in fifty yards of it. Faw tlicMerri nuie and two Spanish boats that were sunk, they ►• ail close together. The Spanish soldiers, as nell as the Cubans, are pitiful looking objects. Most of the Cubans that we have seen are nothing but negroes, of the very lowest type. Most of the kids go naked. Am glad that 1 am with the band, we have n good time b. the side of the others, Did not cn joy my trip over here, as I was sea siek most all the wav. Came very near perishing. Had nothing to except corn beef, hard racks and eotler. Capt Warren is at Santiago, don't know when I will see him Have not seen a paper since we left, Will not write move this time. WfI.BOUX Ft I.I.liK. One minute cough cuvc surprises 1 ‘ people by its iiuick (.'lil t':H)(1 ohiWtX'n mav takn it in Jarof quantities 1 with - • - nut the least danger. It has won for itself the best ruputation of any preparation used to-day tor , colds tickling it: the throat or ob eouyhs. Cvutral Co. WOMANS TRIALS. Witter Many women Sh month- great pain ly periods at and •m% believe it nat £5\t ural. Others io a 1 1 * e the AG (langerhuthes itate to (tenure treatment on m account of hu §R initiating local i exiiminatioiiB. in-J 1 A Nature t c 11 (t e (t t h e i and “monthly ngnlar. per fiiods” to lie painless I n usuid pain aiul sicknc'a indicate serious derangements which should have prompt attention, <>T they rapidly .grow worse. Localwxaininations are not nec essary since the discovery of fit mm t It cure* nil Female Diseases V>y properly slreu^Uiening nml re^iilnting tiie <>r gans. This stops all the pain. This remedy is a vegetable compound, and i tlx* result of years of experience. It is carefully prepared in ourown lab ratories hy skilled chemists mid is in dorsed by leading physicians. Hold »>v all ilrnKajlats orient, post paid for ft. A box jox or “Mootbly ’’ Itcgulatlng 1 'IIJh with each hot tie. Mvs. A. I., T-'OTID, Wesson, M.I*r m wrltew. “lly vuinif two hotth i of I’Jantfis Female I’.eanla- 1or, \ hitvo i.H-n *ured »>f Nervous D hility brought ahoufc by the birth of my last child. FUFH to nnv nddrr o’ Hook on Die Home l Treatuient of Fenmh* y-HHOH. A saiopie li<»t t>f “Monthly” e.e^ulatieu ■' l*il;sM*nfcfor to cents in wtampH. Address, Nc W HpeMCer Medicine tb>., (‘hauanoogn, Tmiii’s+t-. (•'or smIh l>\ < M i v Drug CO. Official 2>:mocratk Ctchet. I Inventor Alien l>. Candler. Secretary of State FiiiliI’ Cook. (’omptiolItT -< ieneral William A AVannrr. State Tveasurttv William -1 Speer. Attorney General Joseph M Terrell. Commissioner of Agriculture 0 J{ Stevens. Slate School Commissioner G 11 Glenn. Prison Commissioner .Joseph S Turner. Chief Justice of Supreme Court Thomas -1 Simmons. Associate Justice of Supreme for full term of six years wii.uam Associate Justice of Supreme for unexpired term of two years Il.xitv T Lewis. Senator for U.o _Uth iM T iJoixiE. congress, 3rd congressional K B Lewis, For ratification of the of Paragraph 2 of Section i). t; of the Constitution, (for of .J udges of Superior Courts ny people.) • Against the KatUioation of ment of Paragraph 2 of Section Article (I of the Constitution, (against election of Judges of Su perior Courts in’ the people). Ful' Ratification of njnemlment I’arupTtiplt of Section 3. of Article 0 f the Constitution, (for election of Judges of Superior Courts by the people). Au'dinst ratification of the amend ment of PnraoTapli .’1 Section 3, Article (i of the Constitution, (against election of Judges of Su perior Courts by the people): For ratification of amendment of 1’am pa pit ! Section 11 of Article (> of the Constitution, (for election of Solicitors-!tenora! by the people). Ae-ains! ratification of amendment of I’avacvaplt I Section 11 of Article (l of the Constitution, (against elec tion of Solicitors (Ieneral by the (’lork of Superior Court . Sheri if • • J Ueeeiver of Tax ltetnrns ■ Tax Collector ’ 1 County Treasurer County Surveyor ‘ Coroner * County Commissioners ............................... , --------- . A stubborn oousrh * or tit'klijis; in the throat yield lo One Minute Cough Cure. ' Harmless in effect touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at Centra! Co, T. C. MANN, Red Light Saloon, MAKES A HPKfJ^LTV OF :0; :o; FINE WHISKIES— l smr as ‘•(IAIIHETT’s r-IUVATE STOCK," “KEN TITCKKV Blll,I.,” ‘-IMPEIUAI. CMJINKT,' “ML'HCOQKK cl.I'll,’ ‘KOIIN's AM) KEV .v co.’s CORN. FINEST : : BRA VOTES AND OI.V ON THE MARKET palace 1 Barber Sbcp $ Store, Vp Stairs. in Handley Over Wilkinson's lluliding. fibst-ceahs work, :+: :t: :t: :}: :+: sharp razors, :i: 4: :+: -k fociti; attention. J» The only White HarUer in the City. (live me a Trial, ! will appreciate it. . C T, IV1. MATTHEWS. Subsct'jde to the Chronicle. HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy & Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce Die CO Organs, $7^ up. 20 Easy up, Easy Terms. Terms, I* s J ij: Lowest price house on earth, All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Kcliablo Irvine’S Ga, Music House, >bvcon Ga. you are not in it, according to the editor, if you don’t advertise in liis paper. we are strictly in it and want to adverttse flic fact llial we are making J ^ f 1 <5.1'D'DSl F* $ T the hardest * I tllC hrU>1iteSt , COlOrCC! * . ! 1 2 sa ({j ( x )>est hl'iclv Ill CVCiy VeSpCCt that are made in sputli georgia. we also make a line quality of re-pressed brick agricultural novelties of all descriptions. reed brick works abbevilie, georagia. Mortgage Sate of Realty. GEORGIA Wilcox county. Vmlcrandby virtneof a Power of Sale con tained in a certain mortgage dated the 27th day or July, 1886. recorded tn book .!. of mortgages page ill, executed by O \V Priceler to secure certain indebtedness to Tatoin A droifdlnnst evidenced bo 3 certain promissory notes of the oame date and payable one tm days after date, one on,Ian. tsth after date and one on t lie 1 st day v>f Kebrnary after date aggregating tha sum of which notes am.! the mougnge secure the same, have been duly transferred and as signed to the undersigned. I will sell before tile court house door in Abbeville, Go., on Mon day the 21th day of October 1898. during tlie legal hours for sheriffs sales, the property de scribed In said mortgage, to-wit — all of lot No. 9 in block s. fr uiting Depot street in Stubbs ad dition to town of Abbeville. Georgia, in said county the building known as the Globe Hotel being situated on said lot. said lot fronting on Depot street 27 feet ami running back 120 feet. Said sale will be at pvblic outcry to the highest bidder: terms cash. The proceeds of Mid sale to be applied to the payment of said indebted ness and as provided in said mortgage. This > ept. 21st. 1898. .1 W l atom. C’utts A Lawson. Attys. Mortgage Sale of Realty. G KO lv(. 1A—\Y llcox opun t \: I’nder and by virtue of a powef oi’ sale con tained in a certain mortgage dated the 2 nd day of February, 1898. recorded in book K of mort gage-N, page 14H. executed by T V sessions to secure certain indebtedness to /. \Y Lassetur, ev i do need by e certain promissory note of same date and payable six months after date, for the vain of $93. 45 . I will sell be fore t he eourthouse doer in Abbeville. Georgia, on Monday the 24th day of Octbber, 1898, during the legal hours f »■ sheriff's sales, the property described in sa id mongage, towit:—all that tract or pa reel v»t hind situated In lot No. I 4 d, Virs: ,b > of W ilcox county. Georgia, and de-crD .-d as fol lows; commencing at a stake siiuateu tv>7 feet eas; und 20 feet South of ihe southwest corner of Ross a Wilson's two acre lot in the village of "Keidsfiepl and county aforesaid: «hence west 057 feet to a stage: thence south out) feet to a stake: thence cast 939 feet to a stake standing 25 feet west of the center oN he A w \\ vail road track: thence along said track in « northerly course to place of beginning, and containing twelve more or less. Also lot No. 2 com mencing at a point on boundary of lot of land No. 14ft. said point standing 25 feet east of A a NY railroad track and marked with n pine stake thence north along said east boundary 3253 feet n.a-.akc: thence wot n« to - ako standing 2 *> feet east o£ said railroad track iu a sautberty course to the place of Rtvinnlnjc. and -ixt.v-touracr.- nnm- or tes.; the :ime beips fully deserlbtfl atiove as to district amt lot number, said sale win be at public omcry tv) H" 5 l: 'sne>t bidder. Terms easb. vbe i>nJceo,ts ol salds«l#t<5 bea\)()tted to the pat mautof satdimtoUednfss and as provided tu rtns s.-|,:. sis;, ts.-s. — , I 13 O j 5 r s r - » v * :> fora spool of thread, we sell It for..... f .‘1 — 5 y 25 for a Uugtry whip wt* sell them for...... u 3 -• 5 v vft) for ‘2400 matches wo sell them for....... tt s ~ s v 20 for a bottle machine oil we sell for..... H - » v 15 for a set of tea spoons for :< r c v 5 uo for a suit of clothes w c sell them for. .. 2 (IK Don’t ‘ '"'- v y° ,ir 2 °ods until you get on* prices I )01S t ^ s * x>n to a man when he says he sells goods as cheap as we do, Doil’t "° so,lle ' v ' 1< ‘ 1 ’ c (; ^ S( ‘ to buy when we save you She on n dollar. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Tinware etc EVERYTHING AT A CUT PRICE. A K Ghurchwell & Oo r CUT PRICE STORE. CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. Mortgage Sale of Realty. GKOUCM A -Wilcox county. Under and by virtue-of a power of sale con tainop in a certain mortgage dated the -Ld day of ,7uly 1897, recorded in book J of mortgages jingo iW? 4 executed l>y Annie Webster to secure certain indebtedness to M \V Cooper evident * u by a certain prommissory note of same date and payable 12 months after date for ihe sum of $ 2 <hj.<jo (having thereon n credit of $15.00) which note and the mortgage securing the same has been duly transferred and assigned to ihe undersigned, I will sell before the court house door in Abbeville'Georgia, on Monday the 2-ltli day of October 1898,during the legal hours for sheriIT’s sales, the property described in said mortgage, towit:— all those tracts or parcels of* land in the town of Abbevilte. Wilcox county, known a i lots Xos. one and three, in east Abbe ville. Thigpen survey, each being seventy by one hundred and five feet. Said sale will be at public outcry to the highest bidder: terms cash the proceeds of said vale to 7>e applied to the payment of said indebtedness and a> provided in said mortgage. This Sept.^ 1st ls«,iS. Mrs. Cora U Wilson. Cults A Lawson. Attys. professional Cards. W. R. QOOGE, M. D • f l^H y •-» i oi tti t XL Sn riget »n, Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBKl'ILT.H GA. ELDRIDGF ( , rTT< IIal Lawson. Ci ' :A LAW SOX, A) TCP.NEYS-AT-LAW. Office ow Lroad Street, near Court lloi:.»o. Aubevilee, ' G KOltOIA FOR — Staple & Fancy 6r roceries.^A«iKr CALL OX m. 1 . mom f ' : rr THE HUSTLER, 3 ’ 1 Goods Delivehed to Any Part : of the City. ! K / w / 1\ i ■fSr’x i . m $ 4 i l / Itrjsm JP i 9jnM| m k . Srn Mu SS i I mm i UBBJSM HBu /fr, 22 r—r: £izu*. wiwtga____i 6 e gf IH or- C ol- a i usi- nsti a mai lege ness tute. €0hT8€ Of Study Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business, Short Hand. Typewriting Telegraphy Music. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled hero to take studies they do not want ip order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and. of con ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time. We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.-- Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes, large supnly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits .to any one or ail classes in Preparatory, Teachers, ►Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is the most thorough, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should nave a Business Education, Fall Term Opens Sept. 13, 1398. Send for a Copy of Our Announcement. For further information, address, W, A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL, ABBEVILLE, GA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. No. 19. No- 17. No. 18. No. 20. 7 U> |* SSS2S5S 7 25 a 3253325 iv bavannah Hi 1 J 20 |> ill s Jo a Ill 12,01 a 1! 3»5 a ar Helena R 1 * «| 40 p m 3 35 a m 1 00 a 12 20 |» ar Abbeville ar 5 r>o j> m 2 40 a m 2 15 a 1 30’ j> ur (’ovdele ur 4 45 p m i 35 a m 3 a 2 55 p -;r Amurieus ar :{•.> n m n 28 a m 4 a 3 33 I) ar Hi eh land ar 2 4o p m Jl 30 p ni 8 s a 8 00 ;\v Montgomery !v \o 13 a m 7 43 p ni COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. 1.® No- 2/ : No. 4 8 lo p<m lo t)5 a £ Iv Col umbus ar .> 20 p m p> w m h 00 pm 1 J 4 u a S3 ar Richland ai- 3 55 p m 7 45 a m 8 50 p :v. 1 30 p ar Alba-ny 1 v 2 jo p ni 5 (io a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9. No- 7. No. 8. No- JO........... 3 53 p m 7 15 a m iv Abbevillv ar 12 2 15 i. 1 » m li oo pm........... <5 55 p m* o 15 a m ar Fitzgerald ar n 15 a m 8 45 pm... 7 25 p m JO Oo a m ar Ocilla Iv 1 ■* 20 a m 8 00 pm ......i"! •••Trams Nos. 1 and 2 carry-through coa-ck. between Atlanta and Albany in connection ith Southern Uainsaj w CONNECTIONS. ming:!iia ; 'ai!!»Mixn:..:ii,oKi.-IV. :<v. ALL Wi- St-lm-i t ' ve,ld * Jor lilr - TRAIN NO. 17. <'oanects at s,-> :,nmi!: with j jar:; Svstom and F c a i> p rr .jiLVf ,, ,, leB , wiiA SOUIIKTU U;. :••'). Ik -'Milt! ho«».!net t o. !A uoril l«;.,n<t. \: ',o'i)f All Vot fu J boyoli<1 ' for IUrrai,1 " lsam ■""< ‘henrnh. also wita W:5tem K/of TRAIN NO. IS. Connects;:' Montgomery with L. A X. from New Orleans ar nnj Ju J5? .i north, w ith W ot- vn Ry. ;>i Aiabumg fA-rn Selma. At (]. Hieblan'l wob iV. r A v 4' v J m I’.'liiiiiliiis rrii'l Altar; ni.-, IV,r All,an: '...-'-u■ with a"n il lun lor u. u . n w F v n - I'Lam-L:" A ” Wvi,k! '” r ’ snamiai, wit h Flali: System and TRAIN NO. 20. Connf-t- :i; MontKomert with I. A X. tana New Orlnuns 'VC .... > r/ r .. !he nor; a. aisu wito V, vn Ry. t.l A Lite <;<",■ ,.„ lor f bound, na, n-‘. \ r ( fi • i ■ !, u n i, RvL-JN'j >0 south AtAbbot-il for Fitzgerald tond ( :ttla. At Helen v ”” ith Southern '°"'™ ',w l.oonA. At savanmili with r'a a: : , r. , a. it. :• and st, 0 «}■ No. If south . XoS tt'™ V>,dOT w, . Trai ”' • N0 »- r ' '*• l>ui!lr:lr iTalace Sleeping Cars on Trains i\ N. K1G1JT.- ,\, p 0 Assistant Geni. rassenger Agent. antuSml^S^ ,,assii, pp < !. JL ((AHMFTT. Vic- president 1 ' 1 » er •'*>“*• Tiiton anti Northeastern Railroad. “.SOLDIERS COLONY H. H. TIFT, President. 7 NO. 3 XO.M r. -lizr 1*. M. G . LEA YE » 8 10 8 0 3 H 28 8 F 3 - 8 4 F 1 3 gi&’S 3 4 3 4 25 52 58 10 -9 9 9 4 ARRIVE f F Tt™ (J 1 !'* * ;a Nos nation. - 1 ram> run stop daIJ only v * except on signa.. Sunday. ah Trains Nos 7 and * 8 8 r'dii oa Sunday only, t System , and - Georgia Southern and Florida Til trains make co nne’r with the Plant at ton, and the GeoT-t 1 ! 8 ' 11 ’ Alabama at Fitzgerald. ■, v,, ';' Miles. offline- II (>"’ 98 Don’t pay •; 09 for .t pair we .-' sell lor 47 Don’t pay r;> for II pair of pane- sol! wc for. 7 Don't put 15 Tor su*-panders we fov. • • Doii t pa 7‘ . lor Ticking wt* 4 Don't^uty ?i, for..icaiinx we sell for Don't pay i$ for calico vve -ell for.... HI Don't 13 for cassSmere we "t il for 1,< Tims; Tftbls- No. .3 General Offices: ' TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFEOT1VE 1 lessnihe,- 1 f>t 1 1 IK 07 . TIFTOX. HUfGHON .HAKDJXG PIN ETTA MYSTIC. FLETCHER. FITZGERALD, W. O. TIFT. Vice Presideni. Miles. ARBI V i: t. Stfffiaaga? P. P. M. 25 12 6 a 10 20 J2 6 5 5ft 17 11 f) 48 11 11 5 5 29 9 1! 5 5 23 3 II r» r> 12 LEAVE 0 11 5 5 00 -NO. 3 SO. 3 SO. 8