The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, October 06, 1898, Image 2

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chronicle. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. i. R. Monroe Editor and Publisher. L. J. Whitehurst, Awocintc Editor. — ________________________ SUIlsuRtPTtON Il.VTLs. 1 wel\fc momh«i.......... ... *1 00 Sltfmomh*.............. ...... fa) ii Orudis....... ...... 25 , . 1 urnridblv in itdvance. application. "t .Mils' rates furni* Id r l be (. Hit mu bs is jOiblSsi try TlHttwV.y. Insure *%T»>cv>nc, Us*. Cornu . 'ns to scri ion LbonId t» ach i i not later then >pday.«:»tl mu*: ui w.i be accompanied ee^arl ly for by p. v. ii lev * tj'nut ui* not ii* ibUcRl’on. but as a uu limit <• »■.. ;■<i.ttJ#fulth ir rvitvortisfrig rates hi i»\ at ibis office. TCLFT-HONE NO. 44.——* X’ntered at the P«wt Ofliee «*t Abbeville, r* iaoeopd-class matler. Tiil'K!-' ‘A V.' (K'T. ti. 1898. Vroui ace 11 tint m Formindina Btiircivd more from tin- late storm than any other southern city. Fpacish troops are evacuating T‘orto Rico nqiidls , and in two weeks tima all of tie m will lie in Spain. I'nfortunate DreyfusL He is des tined to have a hot time wherever liis prison is located. First it was on Devil’s island, and now in Cayenne. ■ Ifoostivelt’s friends claim for him tfmt lie will not get in McKinley', wav for tin* presidency in 190(1. They don't ( * m to reaUz.e Uu-ve are other ‘-Itimijh R’Siiirs than RooSe vi'if v ho may make it a little rocky for William in 1900. Tin .Fertilizer Bulletin, prepared by Ciieiuist (leo F Faytie, is an en cyclopedia of information in itself. From it we ih.iTve t!i;it one-fifth ol the fcrtiliz' i busitiess ( in tin* I nited States i done in tieorgia. in vOK'ing jiroprrty values oT ahout fc?von million dollars per annum. I’roi J’ayne is the right man in the right place for the, he inti .1 *t if Georgia. W W ilil). of A hbui'ii, Styvs, in thv Tilton <ia/.ette: "i ssv. Mr Jones yesterday. II i •, a stuck and wheat man of Temie see. who lias boon selling wheat in Irwin and Worth counties. He told me that lie sold 1,800 bushels of seed wheat in the two counties, to be delivered this month. lie ay.-' this is about nil lie IniH, so yon see this will take tiir place of about 1,00(1 acres of >erfttori in each cmity. Judge .1 B (hements will erect a fine Hour mill at frwinviile. I hear (hero will lie another at Foillan. If I In* wheat is s.'tuji.l there will lie pie -iy of liotir mills. Win ifb otton was worth In to 30 cents jim pouutl. the. wheat and Hour mills were no good, hut now cotton is under b Centx V.i i pound the wheat am! flodfi- mills come to stay. ■Discovered by n Wmrmn Another great discovery has lieon m.Me. and that too. by a lady in this country. '•Disease fastened it •dutches upon her and for seven rears-she withstood its severest tests, her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessant ly. and could not sleep. She final ly discovered a wyv to recovery, by purchasing pf us a bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery for eonsump Con, and was so much relieved on taking first' dose, that she slept ail night: and with two IkRIIcs, has been absolutely cured. Ucr name is Mrs. Outlier Cut? Thus writes \V. C Hammick -V (to. of Shelby N". ('. Tifial bottles five at the City Drug Ft.ore. Rcgulai si/.i 50c. and Si. Every bottle guaranteed. i The Sute Agricultural College of J&iUsiiR proposes to adopt a nev, school of orthography within itr r.tiiks and spell diileivntly Irom Nbah Webster and Dr Johnson. They will chop olT tin pvuvly onuuuental mhols of sound or silence and n - tai^ only tin* useful. ••TlKmgli" ivi!i lie out squarelv in two, the m g and ,li will go in flu* serap heap. ••Tliorouuir will be trented to a itnr amputation. -Through-'.' will .look , . like, ... tins —-thru. \ll , ,, -thruout (fee language agricultural spelling will be adopted. Let us holdout “'bretir till it is “thru’' will). abuth ,» wears , ,, well. ,, ,, People , , have leain^tl ilki ik*\\ :K s LiuL' K»irl\ iUset are tv liable lit; U* pills for regu luting tin' bowels, eiueiug constipa tion and sick liemliu he. They don't gripe. CeciraI Drug Co. , All'Job Work turned out of Chronicle Job Olilee is guaranteed first class. WlW needing Letter Heads. Note Heads, ,»11 Heads, circulars. Postei Dodgers. Ivnve lopes. Cards. Statements, KtV. he Atm ti'V-ive os a eall. State It lection. The general state election for gov ernor ami other stale house officers, also for county offices and represen tatives, passed o1f very quietly yes 'to ril ay. The re was practically no ‘ oppp-ition to the state democratic ticket. Candler was elected govt rnor liy a plurality of 7(1,(MlQ votes, in the county otiieers for Wilcox there was no opposition to any except rep resentative. Mr I! V Howen received till votes and Mr G C Wilcox 7115, giving Mr Bowen a majority of ITti. Bodi gentlemen are good, honest i citizens, and either would represent the county satisfactorily, Rep re - Buntative Bowen is a gentleman of large means, having quite extensive interests in our county, lie is a man of pluck and energy, and of un doubted i ntegrity, framer lltcms. (Vvem o' i-ri'i'iihiv i • 1 vn-|ioiulet.) Mrs Willie Cowart, who bits been at the .Norris hotel for some left last week to join 1st Ihih hami at MeDahuTl's mill. Mrs Hollaqd, who lias been very sick with fever, is improving. Dr 1’owe 11 visits the I’itts convict camp every ilny. Dr Powell carried Mr A D Burke up to Bochslk- last Thursday, who was very sick. We learn from the doctor that lie is some U tter now. Mr Met.oy went over to Rochelle one day last week on business. Mr Ashley is doing some tine plan ing mill work now. Mr Wise i„ expecting his family from Brunswick every day. Mr Byrd, the building contractor, will soon leave up several more new houses on Camp Hill, which will add much to its looks. Mr CoOper is doing some very fine mei'luuucal work here, and Ive is the right man in the right place. i\ Ii Nonas is all Sllli ie.s nowadays. iillt liniindv k'mm.s v, ha s the matter —hut. we call guess. tV'e see llev (^unttlehauiii is in our city quite often. He is hauling luiu iier. Mrs Henry (Juattielnuun has a very nice little school here and is giving entiri satisfaction. .'■OMH- of t!lP «n*:i:itl iur\ insiipctod Hf* luti’4* hist . <‘o;ivh-i cniiip out (lay v.pi'k. f riiev r*. ported tin.* camp in *• x• • *11<»nt conilitiofi and the men well cared for. I* II Coffee, Dr Russell Sol Crumuiey and others were the committee. Wo are having .some more rain and heavy wind. Mr. it is looking somewhat under the weather now. We would cheer him up if we knew what to say. We see a good many of Wilcox county’s bust citizens pass through on • oily enrollte to Abbevi! it tend court last week. Mr Lyles lias moved hfs family to I’itts, Ga. Mrs AllejjA Aster arrived hero one day Jasljiftvk from Springfield, Ohio. .** Yellow Jaundice Cured Sutrering humanity should lie siqi plied with every moans possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish Ihli following: "'I his is to eerlify that I was a terrilde sufferer Irom yellow jaundice for over six moiitlis, and was treated by soini* of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail Dr. Bell, our drug ■is!, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was Entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in rceoinmeniiing them to any person suffering from this ter rible malady. I .am gratefully yours il V llogarty. Lexington, Kv." Sold by Pity Drug Co., Druggist, t Wilcox’s Voters. The registration list, as corrected by the Registrars, stands us follows: Abbeville.......... •172 Bimen's Mil!...... 88 I Davis' Mill........ 117 Gin House......... 199 Maple Branch...... Ryai's Mill........ 1«3 Rochelle........... 31M) Shake Rag......... 11!) Sibhie............. 201 117 Wolf 275 Total . 2.588 From developments all along the line it seems that the Spaniards are better people, in every sense of the wotd, than the Cubans or l’orto lii cans. V ipe thorn ott, if they can't he civilized, and let Vmerieans de i vele.p the noli lands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Notice. . i( Coiuvn.: On account ol the death of nn hushiUK Brick \\3irU , ( lS ,. ow will . NV from . U 0lM ) lho p u>l ,a j ! this date and until finlher notice be under the j lull charge and direction of Mess rs, H O Snow and A K Sussex who attend to all business connected I lll|llvwitll ;lm , wi „ iUU , ul U) .; mlurusiF in otltoi* muftcus during - mvj absence, Mtts, (', ('. Reeb. \ I il k* vilh*. (!;t.. Sypt 22, IS9S. It The Macon Carnival opens up on tin* 11 tli and will continue four dins A good ohaii' i* to visit Macon. Otic minule cough cure surprises! children) people by its quick cure and may take it iu large quantities with ;>»» »«»<* least danger. It has won for itself the liest ruputntion of any preparati'in used to-day for colds i tiekling ir. the throat or oh-! stinateeo eouglin. Gentrfd Drnvr t o. * / WOMANS TRIALS. t i y Many women i U- antler great i ' ( V vain at month- i Efev believe y periods it not- ami i - ■ ural. Others i ^jPP SB ' ilaiigi'i'hutlies- realize hate treatment to secure the' on | i ♦ I account of hu-, Initiating local i examinations. 1 J : : Nature in tfl n il i- *1 the i “monthly regular. per- L'n-| 1 huts" to he painless and usual pain and sickness indicate seriou i derangeuients which should have 1 prompt attention, or they rapidly grow] worse. Local examinations are not nec- j essary since the discovery of mt ( ISP i i I l i i i i ft cures nil Femnli' Piremor by properly I l ■trcugtheiiinx ami rrgulating the or gana. This stopa all the table |«in. compound, 4 Thi* remedy i. a veg, I and is tin* result of years of experience. i It is cari fully prepared in our own lab- , rntorie* t>y Hkilled chemists and is in- . dorsed b_v leading physicians. 4 i «, P w 1 by uH druKiflsts “r nont. post mid for 4 A bo. x wt “Monthly" Regulating Tills with ouch I i bottle. '' Afrs. A. To FORD, W<*nson. writes: “Tiy < i usi i i/ two bottleii of Planter!* Female Debility, Resni’u- ^ i'tor, I htt'-o In-* by n tba oureii birth of of Koivoiim lust child. i brought about my t HKF, to o of arty Fotnalo eMbirevi, J>i*f Bowk, or A R'liojiif. the TTornr* box \ I n * fttnu hi t -tilatinsr Jbl us' OH. !for IN fonts i of “MtyiitJily” Rofr si SOD Medic!life 4 In Ktamys. . vf ,spencer Co , Chattanooga, 'J em UiBWO, l-'or Kfib’ by < ‘1 iy Drut; Co. ( IT V 1)1 UL' 'TOI’ V. AIavoh - T. Ii. Holton, Maxo» I’kotf.m — \Y• A: Cherry. C'LKiiK—J. W. Melton. (Trr Attojinky Me. K. Lamb Thbahtu; r ■}. Il.tip. Maksiiat.b -L HuvlH'bL H. J. Flt/.j'crftid. < ‘ot'Ncn.M kn -I-;. \. Moody. NV. 11. Wilkinson, Ji. h ory, M. A. Drown. I*. I. Ijutrc. I Jo Alt i) Of UlH ' ATK J K Monroe, A T Daker .1 M Mixon. CL Dili ley. J !> Maynard. COL UT. CouiCy Crilirt coiivi'Uoi'iiTy l-’irst Tuesday: 1 '* •••>"■' ' 1 1 • l - 1 •: M I.: H l.aml. Solicitor. ■ ,n ‘" !lflr| ’' LODUF-S. K. of P. Meeis o.\cry IMrs; and Tlilrd Tues day nljrbf Max lLend. ( . ( I* * A A. 2: . Meets every Fourth Sat urdav. Z* \V. Lnsselcr, NV. .Ni I'UlUl'Ut'.X. Hai’tist i’reacliinx every Second and Fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Conference meeting on Fom th Saturday at !1 o'clock a. m. ! ' < v - I’ Dawson, pastor. Sunday School t’V(*iy Sunday at 5:50 p. in. ,1. R. Monroe Super inAMuiem. ( Miw- tia\ -Prcttcliiuy every First .Sunday morning sled cvcniiiy. dev. Il U NVIther?;, jn - tor. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. NI A Brown Su-ncrintcndcnt. MKTMODi (T—Treachinyt every Sunday, morn inu ami even ini'. IC’v. Guyton Fisher pastor. Sundax School even Sunday al 5:30 p. m. J’rof \\. H. Googc Superintendent. eoi'M'V IHRKOTOKV. K !’R F. B K N TA TIV K — L « 1 ' \ViJC0.X. SheritT—L C (lovimJon. Ohdlnahy .1 Nl Warren. <h uiii 1 NI M i \<n>. ’! itEAB v ii f u— 1J A IJnrker. 'J’A.v t'or.f.MCTOH - < ’ S McCall. ‘ y a x RE( kivkh-S amhelTJrown. (’osioNuu- Tien Smith. ScHviaoit F. II. ray lor. NI. K. Me Anally, L. F.Nanco» and D. McDufflo; .T. X. Evans, UF rk. Doauh op Kim’i .\TroN--•) U Monroe. (Tiainnai) •Ldoi DosU’.v, l)v. .1 V ll Smith. David Harvey, Il T Slone. A stubborn cough or tickling in tlie throat yield to One Minute Cough Cure. II.arm less in effect touches the right spot, reliable and just, what is wanted. It acts at once Central Drug Go. Raising Wheat. C A Love has a smail patch of wheat that is lieiuling up nicely and bids fair to make a. good crop. If it turns out as well as Mr Love thinks it will, Ik* will plant enough wheat next year to make all the Hour he needs. Ih’ ihinks the farmers can make their own flour just as well as they van any other provision crop. - llawkinsville Dispatch. When y ou va!l for DeWitt's Witoli Hazel Salve the great pile cure don't accept anything-e’sc. Don't be talk ed into accepting a subsitute. for piles, for sores, for burns. For sale by Central Drug Co. COTTON QUOTATIONS. Thursday Sept. 8chlS98. Middling fair...... ..... 5 c. Good middling ...... ......-pc. Strict middling..... ...... Ho. Middling.. .. '...... ......4|c. Low middling....... — ■mam. IX \ EJ:D OF 1 ■vrag g jfirst * Class ® W M | ! ALL OX ——wwwW^i’V I i | THE ——*** • CHRONICLE. ■ * T. C. MANN, Light Saioon » MAKES A KI'EClW.TY Of :0: :0; I FINE WHISKIES such as “OABIlKTT's PRIVATE STOCK," **KKX TU'CKKV HEUI.,” “IMPERIAL OABJ.NtET,’ “MUSCOGEE ci.L'll, ‘KOIIN * AND KKV * 10.'H COItX.” : FINEST MR WIVES AND (US ON THE MAHKKT f alace Barber Shop ^ Store, UpStalrs. in Hendley Over Wilkinson’s IJuilcllny. (■'IRST-ci.Ask WORK, :+: :+: :+: :t: ’.X: share kakors, :*■. :t: :t: +- roi.iTK attention. ; ■>; The Only While uarlier in the City. Give me a Triul, I will a]iprcclate il. is\ T. M. MlATTHE’iWS. Suliscride to the (Chronicle. HOMER REID 9 l he Leader In Fancy & Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce OO $75 up. Easy terms. Organs, 2 O u. Easy Terms y - price house earth, Lov/est on JLJ. All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Ga, Music HoUSe, Macon Ga. itowmv rerr» - v -a* p >j yoi! are nor in n u •/ according to the editor, it* you don’t advertise in his paper. we are stri .' - M i . ' r m it and want to advevttse the fact that we are making the largest ® wmmam e Ti fewBffiaDss'Taaa the hardest the brightest colored the best brick in every respect that • are made in sputh georgia. we also make a fine quality re-pressed brick iCniT agricultural novelties of all descriptions. reed brick works, abbeville, georagia. Mortgage Sate of Realty. GEO IK a \ -WHcox count v. Under and b\ virtue of a Fower of Sale con tained In a certain mortgage dated the 27th day of July, irecorded in bool; J. of mortgagee page rw, executed by o NN ITiceler to secure certain indebtedness to Tatom w Itro'adhurst evidenced bo 3 certain promissory notes of the same dale and payable one 90 days after date, one on Jan. 13th after date and one on the 1st day of February after date aggregating tho sum of 9000.00 which notes and the mortgage secure the same, have been duly transferred and as signed to the undersigned. I will sell before the court house door in Abbeville. Ga.,on Mon day the 24th day of October 1EJ8, during tim legal hours for sheriff's sales, the property he scribed iu said mortgage, to-wit.....all of lot \ 9 iu block s, fronting Depot street i s ad dilion to town ot' Abbeville, Georgia, in said county the building know n as the Globe Hotel being situated on said lot. said lot fronting on Depot street 27 feet and running back 120 feet A Said safe will be at pvhli.c outcry lo the highest bidder: terms cash. The proceeds of said sale to be applied to the payment ot' said indebted ness and as provided in said mortgage. This sept. 21st. J89& .1 W Tatom, Cults Lawson, Attys. Mortgage Sate of Realty. GKOKGIA- Wilco.,- county : tender and by virtue of a power of sale con l-.iined in a certain mow gup' nun v 2nd day of Fconuiry. USDS, recorded in bool*: K of mort gages, page J 1<>. executed by T U Sessions to secure certain indebtedness to Z W Lusscter, evidenced by c certain promissory note of same dare and payable six months aftcy date, for the 1 w ill sell before the courthouse in*, v in Abbe vide. Georgia, on Monday the 24th day of October. Isns. during the legal hours for sheriff s sales, the property described ii» said mongage tovvit:—ail that tract or parcel of land situated in lot No. 14H, First district of \\ !Icon county. Georgia, and described as fol lows: <*2mmeucing at a stake situated G37 feet east and 20 feet South of the southwest corner of Koss A Wilson's two ae.v !oi the, village of £Ueidst\epi and county aforesaid; thence west 057 feet to a stage; thence south Got) feet to a stake: themv east ?>&i feet to a stake standing 25 feet west of the center of the A a W railroad track: thencealotig s&hl truck in a northerly course to place of beginning, and containing twelve eeaes. more or less, Also lot No. 2 com mencing at u point on boundary of lot of land No. J4t), said iK>im standing 2-3 feet east of A A \Y railroad track and marked with a pine stake thence north along said east boundary o25d iWt to a stake: thence we,*: Kb2 feet to a stake standing 23 feet east of said railroad track in a cor.rse to the place of beginning, and si.xty-fouracres, more or L»; t:>.* being fuliy. describetel above a? o dts 1 lot ntimber, isaki sale will \ >o at ubl to the hlghes' bidder. Tor.ns cash. T: ■ proceeds, of said sftiv to be applied :o a:y of said indebtedness and as provide niongagc. This Scjg. 2isi. is; s. Z W Ltiss’. ’cr. <>iu.s A Lawson, Attys. Storms Raging in tlie East Forest Fires Raging in the West, And Church well’s Cut Prices in the South. Jute rug>. thread........... Ox«i feet, only flHc 10c 10 balls Jean*, ncr yard.......... 10c t riderifulris............. 15c slate.................... a 10 date pencil ....... 1c Infant’* tjhoeH........... 22 a lit d ticking, per yard... 5C 5c Good drilling. per \ard . llleachtnK, jN-ryard ... 5c Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Tinware etc EV ERE THING AT A CUT PRICE. J~\. To JL Ghurchwell & Go., CUT PRICE STORE. CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. Mortgage Sate of.Realty. G HORU.1 A—\Vi 1 cox coil n t j . Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tainop in a certain mortgage dated the day of July 18W7. recorded In book J of mortgages jMitre 583-4 executed by Annie Webster to secure certain indebtedness to M NV Cooper evidenced by a certain prommissory note of same* dale and payable 12 months after date for the sum of ftoauu (having tnercon a credit of $15.00) which note and the mortgage securing the same has been duly transferred and assign' d to the undersigned. I will sell before the court house door in Ahhr,do. Monday the34th day of Oc'ohor is*.- r the: local hours for sheriff's pvriy described in said . all those tracts or parcels of own of Abbevilte. Wilcox county, N**>. one and three, in east Abbe . dlv. 1 iii' pc:i -11 rv«-\, each being seventy by one bnndi( d and bvc feet. Said sale will be at public outcry to the highest bidder: terms cash the proceeds of said saJc 10 be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and as provided in said mortgage. Tilts S«pi. 21st 1SU8. Mis. Cora U Wilson. Cutt.N a Lawson, Attys. ©roKssional Caras. W. R. GOOGE, M. D., «S: Svirgoon, Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. FLDRIDGJS t’UTTS. Hal Lawson. (TITS & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office on I broad Street, near Court House. Abbeyili.k, Georoia FOR--- Staple & Fancy Grocerics.-~**j|ji( CALL ON Iff), B. ffirown f ‘ T THE HUSTLER, 5 1 G'stds Delivered to Any Part of the Cmc M^ii s heavy home-spun shirt t IU bb't s........................ in Tablet* Tablets Tablets Tablet* HW shoot us.... IVn points. net do.teu Be Pen *t dll's, J for....... i overalls. /ood Jin. Men's luundrlcd .bins 25c tv J1 A 4 f ■fjx . & a -pll It I fee) r ' J KB ; pCiil * m I Iii _. n pS § «SSQB8w<i«*» Ufe: /T|eor- gia <f|Jor- Ilf rnal ^.ol lege 1 1 usi- v^nati- 1 w ness tut®. — Course o? study D r'reparaiory. Teachers. Scientific, Business Short Hand, Typewriting Telegraphy BJiisL Every Want of Ihst Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to take studies they do not went hi order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the el mice of. studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of COM ducting class recite ion, enable oar students to do more iu ton weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time, We economize in time at well as iii money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.—Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes, large sup’ily of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits to any one or all classes in Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is the most thorough, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should Have a Business Education. Fall Term Opens Sept. t3, 1S98. Send for a Copy of Our Afmouncem»at.. For further information, address, W. A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL., ABBE’t/iLLE, QA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. savanna:-? short line. Pusser.KCr Schedules Effective December 12, IS 07 . MAIN LINE:. No, E-Hr; 19. No. 17. ill lv :.,h il No. c’li IS. No. 20. • I' * -•> II c a 111 ;;r ;i m s ill a m 12 a 11 an a m if.*ii 1 :i ar <*■ :o j, a, 3 a;, a ni 1 a 12-in lunar '.hbcvlile ar X r*o |i m 3411 am ? 15 a 1 3o p m ar conlele nr 1 15 p m 1 iisrit in 3 15 :l 3 X> p r.\ nv .\im*ri*-n* nr l( »« p m V* ra 4 II a 3 v* p m ar Kicliiatul ar 2 lop mil ;w“. r.i o 00 a 8 »'.i p ill ar .\!oti!;;onKTv h 1.1 ,r, a m 7 tt p ni COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. I v No* 2.* 4 3 11 ) |> m in u3 a m lv Columbus ill* 5 20 j) m TI 00 m •» 0d p m 11 4 t > a m ar P.ichland a r 3 55 p m -• 45 a m b 50 pm 1 HO p m ar Albany lv 2 in pm o- 00 a m FITZGERALD DiViSIOFM. No- 9. No 7. No. 8. No. 10. 3 33 pm 7 13 a m 1 v Ahlievill.* ai* 1 3 r. j) m 11 no p in »> 33 j. m u 15 a m ar I'luzm-ald nr ll '.."i n m a ih p m 7 25 p m lo oo a m ar Ocilla J \ J i 3J a m 8 iki p m r Trains Nos. i and 3 carry throiiph coaches Ixawccn Atlanta and Albany in connection with* Southern Kailway CONNECTIONS. ileiMw TRAIN iviill NO. No.itl.ern 19. Connects TeCn a: .Sie'iniiinh X". ::S »i:h nor.i: Iffant Sistem, P. **. W P. and lllkmrald Or-inTers 44' n Ocilm At ( oKlele (;. s. I l:. N nooh hound. u.bevllfe for f mS won a r *. , At Kiel,land with c 4 ?. lor Albany amU.*o!umhii« \* y-.niianm, ry will. |„ a x icr New Orleans and beyond ’ 101 or lilr mmylKim .-md the nonh. also with H . l:-. set mu -' train no. 17. Cornu is at Savanna! .vith Plain -».-m and !■’. o. w p fo!''Pi't,Va r r i, ? with . southern My. .No. in soutn ho ;ml .n:.! ' r mini, l.ound u UihevUle bonrnl* 1 . a ? * OeXffu. AI Oordek* with G. s. A )•'. I*. K. i soiuh bmm.i cud \o ' ■> north " < >’• *V mvision for Colmuhus end u!..nli, xihanE u n- F almmaTor'selma fit' ? : w S “ ° '° r i:irn:ii '" i!;u " also tt»c for north, also At ith Mom-omenrnvith WcUem ily if ' ’ « AN TRAIN NO. 18. C onnects at Montgomery with L. A X. from Sew Orloans anil niV tmm n, lioith. also with U c-tcrn Ry. of Alabama from Selma. At ilb*l'.];*'»a ith u y .\‘ 1 ^’ ft Columbus ami At •' Atlanta, b ’ vlllu also I'iniffeiveiand for Albany. At Ocilla. Uordelc with (: s w withVtant'System [•' W n v ’ No \ ^fot- Ti}ri« Kalt- n f °f 3 EaUroiiri. ,> " lor At Saiannah and P. lior.ji TRAIN w MO. an \\ 20. i-.Wi.-ri-. Conn.'i-ts K\ of Ai:il, at Mom^emury from Selma. with L. A \. from Now Orlmu» s' a,„i i.F|. f 5 on L ., th 2' :,.h:i At Cordck* with G t N r Miiith honn.l. Ooi. u M l. savanna!, AI At,U*v,!ii* with Iffaiii ror l-'iti’>a*mld Sysiom. K. and Orilla. u llfluna u itli soia'herti ^hem Pv Ky. ,N°. Hsmitit- , i . a I*. K. I;. and steamers I'alac4 ii!' 1U '‘ l ’ : "' 101 ' ‘' ars 011 Tralns Nos ' 17 a "-'‘ W* l’»Uman Sleeping Cars on Trains No S wand 3 C. N. KJGHT. , Assistant Ocm. I and^SifMan^er"* 1 lWh8 * r Awo * vicc ,, ru . sldent Tifion anti Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.” H. H. TIFT, President. _ NO. 7 No. 3 NO. 1 1*. JL A. >!. 1.1:.'. vi; Ill K IKI ft :l 33 *• I > F -' X 37* ’ 3* 9 . .5 4 10 '!» IH 2o 4 25 0 -410 25 YfUkk!,L t: ! » y T 7aml 8r v n on Miles. SiiMj»cndorh. evory dr scrhnlon.Tcto 21c l*lu>. per papt ■. 1C N utmeg graior ,c i 'lothlng—men's cheviot am: • . r. hv* clay worstedstlt» . 1 fH 1I0\«* JiilltH................,..... ••• WC Li Don. l * i 1 oil nIj-m-s. .V\. 7 sc »mu ..... »it Men I edoru bats, block or brown, Tkc and...... use 1,< Tiinc TnlUt. TMca. (3. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE ! 1 ;> ti ,. l S97, i'lFTOv, .‘L’i. JHuy • if \Ki»r>G‘ KIXV.TV \ MYSTIC, ’ FITZ(tMRALl), FMITUHHK. w. 0: TIFT, Vice President) i Miles. ARRIVE ^ M. I». M. 1» Af 26 , 12 if, « 25 MtTlO 1 20 42 00 y -p 5 J&- 17 11 51 '•> 01 a 4k* 11 11 31 5 41 5 2p 5 0 11 11 25 14 -5 S5 5 &■ LILYV K 3 24 5' 12 0 11 DO 5 10 5*O0 : NO. 3 NO. 5 NO. 3r