The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, October 06, 1898, Image 4

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English Laborer*. According to the English hoard of trade returns no fewer than 5110.707 workingmen had their wages increased daring 1897, the increase in weekly weges thus represented being about £45,000. In th > sume year the hours of labor of (10,572 men wero reduced, the total net reductions in hours amonn ing to 284,(175. Wages wore reduced in the Caro of 13,838 persons, while 1,000 wore obliged (o work a longer day. Ktiil those figures aro small in comparison with those which are faverahiu to labor.—New York Commercial. Propostiil Alllaucrt with Mu^Tnurl. If the United fUat.ia and ICuflaiwl nhould f#rm «» alliance, tU« oomblua-l strength would bo a > gif at that thora would bo llttlo chftKo* tor •iKwaloH to ovorcoma us. In n iiio Maniitr, wb«n men and women HosUlttfi's k«»«p u;» thslr bodily •tr«iiflh with Htornaob Blturi, th*r* l« llttlo chaii' « of attacks from dlKtatr Tbs old tins remedy winichos tl.o Wl#od, build* up ihj inuftokMi, *tnadlf** the nervss aud IncreftB^Btho appotlto. jr American conquered apple* have the market* already, of = England, a lartr: vncAsurs, To Curct Uonstl pal Ian Uorevar. Take (’aacarot* Candy Gathartl:!. 10n or 25(;. 1/ C. C. C. fall to euro, drugg/iit* refund mousy. Rther drunkeiincH* Jias hocomo almost, epi demic, In liillmania. Every Action Aari every thought requires an expenditure of vitality which must he restored by ■leans of the blood Hewing to the breln aid other organs. This blood must be purs, rich and nourishing. It Is made so by Hood’s Hnrsnjmrllla which Is thus tho great strongtli-glvlng madlelne, the euro for weak nerves, that tired feeling nnd all diseases caused by poor, Impure blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is Amorlca'# Or'*alcHt ilP-dldoo. 81: six for $-V Hood’s Pills cure In tlgrstloa. V*. cents. Suicides on Herman Stenmers. II appeal's from the results of care ful Investigations lately made that llu average annual number of suicides during the ten years which occurred among all persons belonging to the •nglne room staffs of German steam er* was 11.35 per thousand, while the average number for firemen alone was l.OR per thousand, and for trimmers ♦.24 per thousand of the respective categoric* mentioned; against, ii may lie added, .4(1 suicides per thousand persons of the male population of Ger many employed In various occupa tions on shore. It wilt perhaps cause surprise to learn that most of the suicides among the engine room staff’s arc staled to have taken place, not as mlglil be sup posed, during voyages to or from the tropics, but In lh» North American trade, and la the best appointed steam ships, viz., in those belonging to tlm North German I.loyd .......jinny of Bremen and to the Hamliurg-Anierl ean Steamship L’mnpuny, where the best possible accommodation and hy gienic conditions arc provided for the mail; and it would, indeed, seem as If there must In- some connection be tween (lie fgcqucney of desertions and «f suicides. All these fads are considered to point toward the neeusslty of seeking for the cause of these suicide i. more •specially In the circumstances Hint a large number of men engage them selves for libs hard and unpleasant service who have been unable to find employment in any other way, or who have come to grief, ami who are ■either physically nor, mure especially la mind, filled for bearing siJv'h severe hnvshlps.—LouUou Times. k_ ’ * No Alisrem^'><n)i,)n. IndignantJVrbnan This dog I bogglrt—trf you came near eating Dealer- my little girl the other <lny. Well, you said you wanted a dog that was fund of children, didn’t you? TO MRS. PINKHAM From Mrs. Walter E. Build, of Pnt choarue, Now York. Mrs. Bunn, in (lie following letter, tells a familiar story of weak ness anil suffering, anti thanks Mrs. 1’iul;ham for complete relief: “Deak Mas. Pikkuam:—I think it is my duty to write \ toyou and tollyou n ISO* what E. l’inkhiim’s Lydia Vegetable Coin pound \ lias (lime for 1 me. 1 feel like another Avomnn. I Uadsiieh dread ful headaches 33 through my temples and on top of my head, that i * u nearly went [ I erne, troubled y; was with also $ I chills,wusvery 1 i wt iiUf my left — -t\ side from iny shoulders to ’*• my waist pain ed me terribly. I could not sleep for the pain. Piaster.-! would help for a. while, hut ns soon ns taken off, the pain would be just ns bad as ever. Doctors prescribed medicine, but it gave me no relief. “Now I foci so well and strong, have no more headaches, and no pain in side, nnd it is all owing to Tour Compound. I cannot praise it enough. It is a wonderful medicine. I recommend it to every woman 1 ' know," — 3 “IsutfcreSUheiorUirraot'theilnmnsd year* Iran across your <’AscAKi.TS in the toTSa°iWTe-dS.?*! plies man SmV muti'j t‘rom sud feel like a new Sioux City, la. C II. Kkitz, Mil Jones St.. CANDV CATHARTIC % V TBXDt M*RM PtOISTTRIO r W: ■u. tS? •W&r *!SSS. h ««CS!» ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Stirling Remedy Owpany, UMrngo, StwlTHi. Vorl. S!t no-to-bac aar^sisi^i&'Swsr DISCUSSED CUBAN AFFAIRS. Cabinet I* Not I'lntM With Manage, ment of Havana Customs. The cabinet meeting Friday was de voted largely to matters of detail in connection with the formation of the army which is to be sent to Cuba. Re ports wore rend to the effect llmt by Ootober 15th the danger from yellow fever would be over, and it is under stood that the movement will be begun about that time. The conduct of the ,Spanish customs officers at Havana ia very unsatisfac tory to the president, and it is said to have been decided to tuke possession of the custom house there at an early date and administer its affairs under regulations to be prescribed by this government. TURK8 ARE TREACHEROUS. Men SiiirtTitlorctl to Admiral Noel u* Riot Bead or* Aim; Innocent. Advices from Candia, Isle of Crete, state that Edbem I’ualin, the Turkish governor, who is chiefly blamed for tho recent rioting, has been deprived of the governorship nnd started for Smyrna Wednesday. Tho delays and subterfuges in com plying witli tlie orders of Admiral Noel, the British commander in these waters, increase. The Turkish author ities have ceased surrendering arms nnd nre pretending that tho disarma ment has been completed. The British officers propose to search suspected houses. They ha"o discovered that many of the men s,,. rendered to Ad miral Noel ns ringleaders of the riot ing arc innocent, while the guilty are still at liberty. l*Itl.MI).:\T l\ DEMAND. Many Town* Along Haute to Omaha Ant Ions to De/nlti film. Many cities not heretofore consid ered nre to lie included in the itinerary of tlio president’s trip west, in cortneo tion with tbo Omaha exposition. In vitations of a most urgent character, bo b l,y telegrams and by letter, have bJ 011 ilispatohe i to the president by those anxious to entertain the presi dent. Mr. McKinley, however, has planned to spend only a fortnight t urn Washington, ami this will neces •Vo a reluctant declination of numer o i notations. SOUTHERN K Its COM I’Ll MENTED. Pi'Gftldent McKinley Pay* Glowing Tribute to Patriotism of Troop*. Senator MoLaitrin, of South Caro lina, and ft delegation from that state, called oir the president Friday to urge that a permanent army camp bo locat ed at Columbia, H. C., and that, a army hospital lie established i Charleston. The president took ocea aiou to pay an eloquent tribute to tli devotion and patriotism of tho sol diars of tlio South and said he had not heard a murmur or complaint from that section. INDIANS WILL MOVE. Delaware Tribe and Some Chorokees Will Go to Mexico. it, i« stated on good authority that & deal lias been concluded by Delaware Indians for tlio purchase of 550,000 acres of land in Mexico, and that as soon as they secure a settlement with (lie United States and the Oberokees they will ro/jvu there. It isrihougut that uiany of the full bly—d Oherokoos will accompany them. Thu tract purchased is on the Yagin river, state of Sonora, and is said to be fine land. MILL FIRE ARUIIBISH01’. Cubans Requent Colonel Wood to Have llim Removed. A dispatch to The New York Herald from Santiago de Cuba says: Owing to the strong animosity shown by the archbishop of Santiago during the war, more than u hundred prominei.i Cubans have prosen ted a petition to General Wood praying that represent ation be made to tho vaticau for his removal and for the appointment of Luis Mustollior of tho church in San tiago as his successor. INTEREST AGAIN ANTICIPATED. Over Four Million, will Ko I’aUl In Advance On Coupon*. Tlio treasury department has de cided to anticipate interest on United States bonds due November 1. On the 5 per cents about $1,250,000 will lie paid; on tho 1 per cents $1,628,500 and on the now 8s something loss than $1,500,000, making in nil about $4,- 250,000. Tho coupons will be paid on tho 10th of October, the 4s and 5s on the 20th and the 8s as soon thereafter ns possible. ORDERED TO GET READY. First Infantry nud Sixth Immune* at An niston. Ala., To Go To Cuba. General Frank, commanding Camp Shipp, at Anniston, Ala., received or ders from Washington Tuesday to get the First regular infantry and Sixth immnnes in readiness to proceed U Cuba by tho 29th of October. The First infantry arrived nt the camps Friday from Montnnk Point, but the Sixth immnnes is still at Chiekamauga park, guarding pnblio property. GEORGIANS AT OMAHA. “Crackers*’ Were Royally Welcomed By the Nebraskans. A special from Omaha says: Georgia day at tho Trans-Mississippi aud In ternational exposition was a pro nouuced success nmong the many at tractive feature’s of Nebraska's magni ficent fair. Governor Northen nud exposition officials met the Georgia train with a true Georgia welcome, and did much to enhance the delightfulness of the visit of <he “Crackers.” Omaha opened her gates and her hearts and Geoginus felt at home from tho moment of j j ASSASSIN ON TRIAL. Slayer of Austrian Fmpress Arraigned In Court at Geneva. At a special session of the Assize court at Geneva. Switzerland, Friday, the trial of Luechini, the Italian an archist who assassinated the empress of Austria on September 10, was fixed for November 3. An anarchist named Hugo RAmboni, aeoused of complicity in the crime, has been arrested. A Soldier'* Kurnpn. From th* Democrat■ Hrnnje, Mt. PterUng, J,t ■ When Richmond had fallen and the Brcat commanders had met beneath (he historic apple (rue at Appomattox, the 83d Pennsylvania Volunteers, prematurely . aged, clad Id tut \ ^ters d't 1 and b0dy raK», Vl'ri°t brok- ( u<. Into H "line t swung for tlio Inst "grand rn n!fi quietly 0 ,. W .iv v 'mlrsh marc mnm hod 11 1 '" ,, away to begin life's fmy nu«w amid tlm hills and volleys of tlio Keystone State. S—L Among the number Asa ltoblnson onmo Imek to the old home 111 Mt. Ktcr ■ r i tlltfilreside'tllut he hud left nt tbo to arms four years w previous, lie went r w a y ft Ji a p p y, Tho Soldier's Ilcturn. healthy farm or boy in tho lirHt flush of vigorous manhood; ho Cfttno baok ft ghost of tho »olf tlmt nn Hwerod to President Lincoln’s call for “300,000 more.” alert, active and To-day ho Is an man tells the story of his recovery as follows: “I was a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism almost from tho time of my discharge from the army. Most, of the time i was unfitted for manual labor of j any kind, and my sufferings wero at all times Intense. At times I was bent al most double, and got around only with tho greatest difficulty. Nothing seemed to give me permanent relief until three years ago, when my attention was called to some of the wonderful cures effected by Jlr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple. I had not taken more than half a box when I noticed an improvement In my condition, and I kept on improving stead ily. I took three boxes of the pills, nnd at the end of that time was In better con dition than at any time since the close of my army service, Hlncn then I have never been bothered with rheumatism. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People Is the only remedy that ever did mo any good, and to them I owe my restoration to comparative health. They are a grand remedy.’* A Modern Cavalry Charge. As Hie opposing forces approach tho gnlloj) is given, and closer and closer they come. The old brigadier is in front, motioning back bis men with his sabre so ns to keep them steady and together. Suddenly and simul taneously, on both sides, the charge is sounded. The two cavalries approach each other like thunderbolts, each man pressed on by those in the rear; the second line Is trying to force Its way into the first, and then—they meet. The bursting of the two waves rend ers one mighty crash to heaven. The dust thickens, nnd under this heavy pall of death all knowledge of events Is lost. The cloud sways backward and forwards for full five minutes, when an officer In command of our reserves spies an opening; then in he goes, and the enemy Is literally hurled back. The victors stagger forward, reeling like a drunken man. With marvellous rapidity the enemy have recovered; our officers are liter ally heating their men into some sort of formation, shouting, absolutely shrieking with excitement the while. The troopers rise In their stirrups and swear—well, like troopers. Then at them again; this time they make no mistake, but drive the enemy entirely from the field. The result, they have opened out m way to examine the enemy; a dozen miles farther, and they will see the infantry of his advance guard, and know to a slight extent what he Is do ing.—Fall Mull Magazine. The Sentinel’s Orders. When Professor Simon Newcomb, the distinguished ustronomer, was at Gibraltar, lie was one morning "tak ing the sun” In order to test the run ning of his chronometer, when a sen tinel speedily Informed him that no sights were allowed to be taken on the fortification. Professor Neweomo cxjilalncd that he was taking sights on the sun, not on the fortifications. But he was Inexorable; the rule was that no sights of any sort should be taken without a permit. When Professor Newcomb met Sir Fenwick Williams, of IvarUs, then military governor of Gibraltar, they laughed together over the incident, uml Kir Fenwick said it romluded him of tho ease of an old lady in Punch who had to pass a sur veyor In the street behind a theodolite, and begged: "Please, sir. don't shoot till 1 get |>ast!”—New York World. Pcn’t Tobacco Spit sml Smoke Your Ufe Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, tube No-To line, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or »l. Curo guurun teed, booklet und sample free. Address Sterling liemody Co., Chicago or New York, There is enough salt in the ocean to make a layer 230 feet deep. Protect Your Idea* By Letter* Patent. The firm of VowlesA Burns, Patent Attor nrys. No. 237 Broad\vny, N. Y., whosw adver ti ement will appear in our next issue, pro cure patents either on cash or «asy install ments. Writo for tvrms. Fairs negotiated. 1 cannot speak too highly of Piso'sOure W. 22d for Cousumotion. — Mr* Frank Mohbs, 215 8t , Xww York. Oct. 29, 1894. I.von dk Co’i “Pick Leaf ” Smoking Tobacco stands at tho mad top for I its delicious arom*. Good as can l e e. ry it. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inffamm i tlon,allays pain.euros wind colic. 25.:. u bottle. A number of medieval frescoes wore dis covered recently in the capitol at Home. Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, euro coiistlpition refund forever. 10c,25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists money. The forest lands in Bavaria aro said to be worth $05 an acre. no vou pa v hig profits ? Y«*n, t»ui *0 when you buy •» “ehi np-john," ''clap-trap, "riH-r nfi, "matte-shift ' anic c wheu Nc~ rou run n» riwily gel tki e best at a very alight advance. make burgles —good boggle*—I* n bugglta—-NOTHING RUT JUT.GU> —thousanos of <hem a n ar, and her are sold ncarlv as cheap as those THROWN TOGETHER, fbcur agent in jour town er write. Tou shall be treat' d right. ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S. C.B Eg! M“ gOILERpEEl T f £BFE " pppUCED. YEtf And very LOW PRICES. Larffc stock Also 1*1 PE, VALVES nnd FITTINGS. F V GINKS, BOII.EUS, MILLS nnd REPAIRS. Lombard Iron AUGUSTA. Works GA. & Supply rr J Co., 7 IteSSliS FRAM‘lS*XX Bauiple^'ovsrlsnS.^'ks. ttouUlly**SAN V ~ - — - — DUflTO of Your Fun ire Husband or Wife sod r II w I U Unto of Your Horoscope will tell Send date of birth, height, station weight, D, color Ciucinuttii, of hair OHIO a*jft 25c* to C. Richards, BoxK, BLIND BUT A 000 D FARMCH, Remarkable Sk II by a Vermont Man o! Three « * CO re and Ten I/afayette Stearns, of Rutland, Vt., is a man who lias mastered one of the most trying of physical Infirmities, nnd made his life useful when others ' vou 'd have given way in despair. Mr. Stearns Is a farmer, seventy years old, who, though blind for eighteen years, * lHS ’ during all but two of those years, Cftrr ™" j " 0( ,u j on vu (|, luv e cultivation of ten acres of land. For two years niter he be came blind Mr. Stearns was obliged 10 lay aside all labor, though brawny, and physically as able and unxlous to work as ever, During this period he tried many times to plant portions of Ills garden by kneeling nnd trying to perfect measurements with Ills Implements. One morning the idea cnine to him that lie would take two stakes and a string, and suspending the latter from the stakes could construct a satisfae tory guide. Mrs. Stearns set the stakes for the first row to be planted across the gar den. With this assistance lie planted his first acre, setting the stakes over for each new row, obtaining measure ments with the short hoe handle which lie carried, while on his bended knees he opened tlio hill, planted the seed, and covered It over. Before he could do much gardening be earned money churning for neigli lsirs. In this way lie earned enough to purchase covering for the additioa to his house, nnd afterward built the staging himself and laid half the cov ering. Mr. Stearns mows, rnlces. nnd pre pnres enough Jiny to keep three cows nnd a horse. For mowing the stakes nre set at the outer edge of the field by Mrs. Stearns, with the string sus pended nt such a height that with each swing of the scythe the blind man’s forearm Just touches it. When he has mowed a swath across the field he sets the stake over the width of a swath, which he measures with his scytlie; then, guided by the string, lie makes his way back across the field. In this way, when once started, he mows an entire meadow, and neigh hors allege that even at seventy years of age he is a brisk man to follow with a scythe. Working entirely on this principle, the blind farmer plants, hoes, weeds, and harvests all kinds of farm pro ducts, and with the aid of a faithful wife the crops are gathered in the barn. Fright In Streaks. “Were you frightened, Willard?" asked Mr. Grimes of his little boy, whom he had sent on errand after dark. “Well, I should say so!” an swered tho little fellow. “The streaks of scaredness just run lip and down my legs.” Beauty I* Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up tho lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to ba-nisli pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, «nd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 25c, 50c. Sudden jerk-* of a horse are prevented the from yanking riders in a carriage by use of a spring back rest hinged ' o the seat at bottom, the top being supported by coiled springs on rods in cylinders at tho ends of the seat. To Cure a Cold In One Dny. Tnko Laxative Ttromo Quinine Tablets. All briisBlsta refuml money if Itfailstocure. 25c Walter Ralston, who travels for llie Smith sonian institution, lias made reptiles, a special and study has of poisonous insects and been fanged over two hundred times. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case *>f Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenby & Co . Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for tho last 15 years, nod believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions nnd linandally able to carry out uny obliga tion made by their firm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wjvlping, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price. 75c. per bottle. Sold by nil Druggists. Hairs Family Pills are the best. German servant girls who roach their 40th year in one family, receive a golden cross. No-To-Uftc for Fifty Cent,, (lunrnntaed tobacco habit euro makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. The United States pays enough Mexico6 for pensions to pay the expenses of fears JUST AS GOOD as the J. K. Orr Shoe is the way cheaper brands are often worked off on the public. It costs no more to GET THE GENUINE. If your dealer don’t sell them, drop us a card, and get the name of the nearest up-to-date merchant. The J. K. Orr Shoe Co., ATLANTA, GA. P m vS ■ •! 7. apjiil IHR : t 1 C %DREf|| m 7 c. 7* (fa TASTELESS $ l 9 1C i3 JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Nov - “• :sm - Medtclnc nUU?r0^tNotLm STASTELBSS bought thre -0 pros* already this year. In nil our cx* perienco of 14 .roars, in tho drug business. have never sold nn article that gave such universal satta* as your Tonic. Yours truly, o ah vkv. CARR & CO. PROTESTS CALLED FORTH. Veterans Declare That the Miss Dayls Can llare No Successor. A Richmond, Va., dispatch says: Xhe nominal appointment by the Chicago Confederate veterans audoth erB j n Kentucky and other parts of the south of Miss Lucy Lee Hill as the new Daughter of the Confederacy to succeed to the late lamentod AVin n j a Davis, has called forth the most vehement protests among the Con federate leueisw veterans, veiurmiu, the >uo memorial iuwuuos, socie- »»,c ties, Sons of Veterans and in private circles at Richmond, The ground taken is that it is not possible for any one to Biiccoed Miss Davis, the circumstances of her birth and parentage establishing her claim exclusively to the title. The Confed erate Memorial Literary society, which owns the white house of the confeder acy nnd the confederate museum therein, held a meeting Wednesday and the subject of Miss Hill’s appoint ment was discussed in an animated way. sentiment of nearly nil It was the present that as Miss Davis was the only woman born in the confederste white house, she alone could enjoy the honor of the magic title given her first by General John B. Gordon, of Georgia. It was suggested, if there was to be another daughter of tho confederacy, Mrs. Hayes, the older daughter of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, should have the title.- If she should be opposed by reason of the fact that she is married, it is suggested that Miss Mildred Lee, daughter of Gen Robert E. Lee, should have the honor. Some of General Gordon’s admirers have suggested Miss Caroline Gordon, on the ground that she is the daughter of the grand commander of the United Confederate veterans. Miss Hill is exceedingly popular in Chicago. A magnificent monument to her father, General A. P. Hill, adorns one of the principal drives of the city. The protest is not against her person ally, but opposes tho validity of any appointment. Many members of Lee camp have made spirited protests against the action of the Chicago vet erans and tho general sentiment in Richmond seems to be with them. CANADA FOR PROHIBITION. Expression of People Throughout the Do minion In Favor of It. One of the most interesting elections ever hold in Canada took place Thurs day. In every election district tho electors voted upon prohibition of tlio manufacture and sale of intoxicants. Never before has the question of pro hibition been suggested to the people of so large a territory. in The liberal government now this power has given to the people opportunity for expressing themselves upon the great question, but no pledges are made by the government as to what course ivill be followed in case the people vote for prohibition. The indications are that prohibi tion has been carried in the dominion by a large majority, but probably not more than one-half the registered vote has been cast. Estimates place the majority against prohibition in Quebec province at 75,000. Manitoba Prohibition has carried in by about 8,000 majority. The majority in Nova Scotia for pro hibition is about 20,000. FOREST FIRES RAGE. People Fleeing For Their Lives In West ern Colorado. A dispatch from Idaho Springs, Col., say : Forest fires burning on the west side of the divide are beyond control and people are said to be fleeing for their lives. How many, if any, have perished, cannot be known, as there is no way of getting direct information at present. a light breeze gives the mighty sea of fire a new impetus, and onward it goes, burning everything before it, with no chance of saving live stock or property. GOV. TAYLOR SINKING. Tennessee’* Popular Chief Executive In a Critical Condition. Information received Thursday from Johnson City, Tenn., is to the effect that Governor Taylor’s condition has become more critical than at any time during his illness. His relatives from a distance have been summoned to his bedside. Grave fears are felt con cerning the result of his sickness. QUEEN OF DENMARK DEAD. Mother of Princes* of Wale*, Iiing of Greece and Empress of Russia. A special dispatch from Copenhagen says: Queen Louise, of Den mark, died at an early hour Thursday morning. 8he was the mother of the princess of Wales, the king of Greece and of the empress dowager of Russia. THE OLIVETTE RAISED. Vessel Will At Once Be Docked and Pro* pared For Duty. The Plant steamship Olivette was raised at Fernandina, Fla., Wednes day, and work will be commenced at once to put her in shape to be placed into the dry docks. CLASSIFING COMPLAINTS. f War Board of Inquiry Receive Many Let ~ tor* From Kickers. The war investigating commission confined itself at its forenoon sessson Thursday to tho examination and clas sification of complaints which have been made to the president. A large number of such complaints have been received at the white house. letters They were received in the form of and are for the most part from rela fives of enlisted meu. COURTMARTIAL FOR CHAPLAIN. McIntyre, of the Oregon, Will Be Tried For Denouncing His Brother Officers. Secretary Long has ordered a court martial for the Oregon, trial of Chaplain Mc Intyre, of the who is accused of publicly denouncing his brother officers who engaged in the battle of July 3d. The court will meet in Den ver on the 26th instant and will con sist of seven members, headed by Commodore McCann, retired, with Captain Lauchheimer as judge advo cate general. r 444444444<(44<(M<IM<M<(MM4««MM44^ * I V : i • I * - ' <F* I <v * i S3 i I —J r! \ <4gr fw/ * * /.rn ’i\ v J ' u ! cr rfi/ 1 * iMfe fj J—»•" L .‘ S If rilw •l 7 r « * * / * ■» < S' >V>?J -.'r>-r flltn: « * * §gf? <* $GS£U&i * * * l^j / * M V « « rC « « rss * .,<£0" % f * The many uses to which Ivory Soap is applicable, « make it an economical as well as a valuable soap. Spots * on clothing are quickly and easily removed by an appli * cation of the foamy lather of Ivory Soap with a dampened -5' cloth and a brisk rubbing. Ivory Soap cuts the grease * and leaves the surface rubbed perfectly clean. Be sure * remedy be worse than * * you use Ivory Soap, or the may <SV the grease spot. • « IVORY SOAP IS 99 PER CENT. PURE. * * Copyright, 1894, The Proet/r A Gambia Co., ClftcinaitL ©S, by 71, *, sail. i. .S, i, e.^- ?, m Back, Severe Pains in the TT)EARING-DOWN pains and symp fc) toms of a like nature are forerun ^ ners of the most distressing and also the most common of female dis j* eases,WhitesandFallingoftheWomb. W, a ') j. Whites is often the result of neglect, X ’ i f I \ and when permitted to continue fre- gM x(j\\ If, quently womb, the causes ligaments inflammation are weakened of the X JyJ 11 and relaxed and Falling of arise, the Womb Gil Rg ~~ and other complications and undermin- pro SrfifnUifffoducing it|! ijll i MJ general debility loathcsome and a Ing the health. These ip m I llillUlllUfl weakoning entire female diseases system will be built cured and if \ the female up tonio gA a few bottles of the great TRADE (Or. F. F.) IVIABK Are taken regularly as directed. Remove any Regulator. biliousness, indiges tion or constipation with St. Joseph’s Liver J I HAVE BEEN CONFINED TO MY BED 17 MONTHS j, With falling of the womb and ulcers of the same. 1 have been treated by and two vx physicians but tbev didiue no eood. 1 have tried many kinds of medicines all other ff I /ind that Gerstle's Female Panacea benefits me more than ' treatment. I shall continue its use. for 1 wish to recover my health. I have 3 used only one bottle and am better already R Imboden Afk> | L. GERSTLE & CO., Proprietors, Chattanooga, Tenn. MRS. PINKHAM TALKS TO THE FUTURE WOMAN. Will the New Generation of Women be Mora Beautiful or Less So? Miss Jessie m /j Ebner’s Experience. I { • .; v J A pleasing face and graceful gar figure!, These are equipments that T. widen the spliere of woman's useful ness. Uow can a woman have grace of movement when she is suffering from some disorder that gives her those awful bearing-down sensations? How ft « can she retain her beautiful face when ?! she is nervous and racked with pain ? Young women, think of your future and provide against ill health. Mothers, think of your growing L daughter, and prevent in her as well as in yourself ) U irregularity or suspension of nature’s duties, 1 judgment. Mrs. a If puzzled, don't trust your own 5 Pinkham will charge you nothing for her advice; write 6 to her at Lynn, Mass., and she will tell you how to make yourself healthy and strong. . jw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound strength- 13 ens the female organs and regulates the menses as gl 9 nothing Jkssie Ebner, else will. 1712Wcst Following Jefferson is St., a letter Sandusky, from Ohio. Miss ■■■ SI “Deab Mbs. Pinkjiam:— I feel it my duty to let you Iff §£| know of suffered the great for benefit your remedies with inflammation have been of to me. I over a year .*■ ifjf the ovaries. I had doctored, but no medicine did me ' A;' .«! any good. thought Was at operation a sanatarium for two hut weeks. I made The m doctor an necessary, up EspB my mind to give your medicine a trial before submit ting to that. I was also troubled with leucorrhma, painful menstruation, dizr ziness, nervousness, and was so weak that I was unable i j____to ta ' stand or all walk. several 1 have bot ccn * n '*7 m tics of Lydia E. Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and am now in good health, I will always give your medicine the highest praise.” Advice-A Woman best Understands a Woman’s ills Greatest Healing Salve in the World, Cures £ SBniitss, KT Curs v Constipaito.i. §^| Vulvitis, Kji K r‘ fsa ^utrantsod money or ga tnCammaticn, f, Old vri refunded. V Ulosra'.kn, L Soros, pS Pries 60s. ys Internal or | RRjTakono other, External kid psj For saleby q Vrglplns, L'lnists. ol! druo Piles. S Cuts, A s chapped Fsco ,s. a ana Hands. C. P. C. Go.* P. 0. Box* feiO, AiSanta, Ga. rrEACHERS — £5 WANTED NOW. VNION 1 ’leachers’Agencies, Wushii'gton. D. C. - WANTED —Agents for new Farmers* Manual. It contains Cotton .Sellers’ Ta ble that runs from 3o to 10c. It figures the lfiths and 20th*. Also for the Bible Booking Glass. It teaches the Bible by illustrations. Latest War Books. Circu lars free. Agents sell 7 out of 9 calls: ngcat in Walker Co.. Tex., sella 80 in C» hours. J. Jj. NICHOLS & CO., Atlanta, Ga. f. jjgxSTGFFEO FREE zVa Psrmanently Cured v&V tffR Insanity Prevented By ^ OR. KUNE'S GREAT SERVE RESTORES ■Positive care for ail XervovtDiscatro. > Fits.EpXsrqr, rK ancrT 6 ' d ^oo^ ua ' Vancc i ° '* l l ! rT i° nane BB to* td they^ajiac gg cbarge?onIy . free Fit patiants, Rend hr. Kline, »-xprf'ja Ltd, BpIIctuo ■wb n r«s;civrd. to Fhiladtlnhia. I nstitute of Medicine. 931 Arch Si.. Fa. FBI! and WATCH will 50 fine, long ! S a nd your ad dross we exprew $2.50 and filler Nickel cigars. When s /id, remit- us we will mail you, free, a handsome Stem wind and set watch, which retails for lj.50. WINSTON CIGAR CO.,No. t>J Main bi, Winston, N.C. ANt?R£wsCol(IT 88 FOR THE LIVER Cures Headache, INACTIVE LIVER. $100 FORFEITURE. Our SEM:NAL RING pr© !^ N &H absolutely, vents night or we emission* forfeit ^ $ 100.00 in gold. Ten day* trial free. Writo to-day |Kl for particulars. « CAPITAL Address, >b Itn i jl' CURE CO., :'*! P. 0. Box 578, ATLANTA, GA. VE MONEY. \d!& from Buy the your factory. Carriages We and furnish Buggies anything direct in the line. Carriage, Phaeton. Top or‘ Open Buggy, Cabriolet. Surrey, Trap, Cart, Road or Spring Wagon at a saving of from 25 to 30 per cent. Write SOUTHERN CARRIAGE & WAGON CO. for catalogue. Box 1, Atlanta, Ga. Henry E. Atwater, Manager. DROPSYSSK™ book of testimonial, cases. S.uid or and 10 days’ treatment Free. Dr. H H GREEN'S SONS. Atlanta, Ga, TV" ANTED—Case of bad health that R I PA N-8 >> will not benefit. Send 5 ets. to Ri pan* Chemical Co., NewYork, for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials. MENTION THIS PHPER&£ tl SS5S£3B' QSPC‘TS m CURES WHERi ALL ELSE FAILS. Best in Cough Syrup, Tastes Good. Use time. Sold by druggists. j Kl»l 7i I SMC M PIS as chi