The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, October 20, 1898, Image 2

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THE CHRONICLE. OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Monroe Editor Publisher. nnd L. j. Whitehurst, Associate Editor. wl'itsc.Rimos k.Vtks. M waive month*.............. • l 00 £ix months.................. Ml throe months............... .J.... .... 25 |3F Invariably F "Adverll*tnK in aitvancp. rate* furnishcdori application. The Abbeville, CnuoNn i.E is published every Thur*»di-y, at <ra. Communication* to insertion should reach the office not later than Monday, and must always la? accompanied by the writer's signature: not necessarily publication, but a.s a tftiarnn tee of tfooff fa Itli For advertising rates apply at this office. “TILIPMONI NO. 44. Entered at the Post Office at Abbeville, Oft. as N(‘Cond~<ia*ri matter. THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1898. Why It Whs. ‘ ■ Store is vacant Sign ‘To Let’ Former tenant Had to get. He in sorrow Sits and sighs, 'Cause he didn't Advertise.” The Legislature meets next Wed ‘A'-esday. Tlic* 1 rec lunch attracts more men than the church festival. 1S £B Coffee county is in a terrible “muss” over the election and her court house burning. The will of Wiley (Mcmcnts a rich old bachelor, was successfully con tested and set, aside in Mu* Superior court of Berrien county last week. .Jas. (J Woodard, a printer in the rifflee of the .iourmtl, was elected mayor of Atlanta. Some of our noblest and greatest statesmen were ‘.printers. If McKinley ttould drop the po lite term ‘•evacuate'' and substitute the plain American ‘ gif it would not take long for the Spaniards to leave Cuba. We congratulate McKinly on Ins ‘refusal to go in mourning for his de ceased brother in-law. This exam ple is worthy of adoption by churches and fraternities all over America. The first printing press cvci made in (Jeorgia is now being put up in Aslihuru. It will lie used to convert odds and ends of hoards around the big mills of the vicinity into sign hoards. 'The material of which it is being made is products of this state. Eastman, Ogt. iKth 18!>8. The people "f Eastman intend to freight rates and will build a rail road to accomplish that object. The Secretary of State lias issued a charter to the Eastman and Ocmwlgec Bivt-r Bail Bond Co., which is capitalized at *25,000 and is to run eighteen miles I’rotn East umn to tup the (i A A at or near AhU-ville. llt-rt- is tlm -‘pbilosopliy'’ of pvr petual motion, as solved hy an up to-date philosopher: Biij»h make paper. Paper makes money. Money makes hanks. Banks make loans. Loans make poverty. Poverty makes rags. Bags make—well, just keep on reiH-uting tin- above,—Amorieus Herald, Judge Jaeoh Watson, one of Hawkiosville's oldest lawyers and la-st known citizens, was stricken with paralysis last Friday at twelve o'clock. llis whole left side is said lo la- affected and lie has not Iw-cn able to s|s-ak iuteligihly since llu stroke came on. So far theta- lias lieeu no material change in his con dition. though it is earnestly hoped by his many friends that he will toon recover.—llawkinsvilU- Dis- Remarkable Rescpe. Mi'S. Michael Curtail!. Plainfield, 111., makes the statement, that sue caujrht cold winch settled oil her lung>; slit* was treated for a mouth by her family physician, but jrrew worse. He told her she was a Iio|h- less victim of WMisttinption and that no medicine-* could eim- her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself Item-liUetl frtnn fii-st dose. Slit- continued its use and after taking si\ Ixittles. found her self sound ami well; now does her own housework: ami is as well as she everwas. Free tial bottles of this Cresit Dieovery at ('itv Drug Store. Large Lotties 50 cents and ■L. 00. 0 M.iil reports come from Bay's reg-1 iim-nt in Culm, One of our soldier boys writes hack home :lius: “Ourj came' caplitin 1ms clmnged since lie over here. When a man gets sick and they tell him about it, he will say, ‘I don’t care; I’ve got a good burial detail,’ We buried one or two every day the hospital remained here: When they got ready to move the hospital one man was loo sick to move, and the doctors held a con ference and decided to kill him.” Talk almut camp scandals and army irregularities, nut if such a state of things exist as our boys, who left home as privates claim exists, they should not only lie investigated, but the violators of the law ot humanity hung. Booker Washington, the colored orator of the South, in it recent speech in Chicago said, in reference to the race question: 11 Unless the racial prejudices are wiped out, we shall have, especially in the South ern part of our country, a cancer gnawing at the heart of this republic that shall one day prove :ts danger ous xs an attack from an army, from without or within.” Ex treasurer of Berrien county, W 11 Futch was convicted for eiu hezeIment of $4,i{0ll in the Superior court in that county last week. Mr. Futch is a good man, and is a mem Imr of u large and influential family of that section, but his generosity costs him his all. Doubtless Un friends whom he had helped while in prosperity deserted him in adversity. The following is an extract from lion. .1 Pope Brown’s speech, before the Wheat Convention in Macon Iasi week and is good formula for our fanners to adopt throughout the country: t l 1 have no desire to dictate, hut 1 firmly believe that if 1 could enforce the planting of|*s in the South on the following plan for five years’ time the farmers of this section would he iudejM-udent. I would cultivate fifty acres to the mule. This 1 would divide as follows: Seventeen acres in corn, with old Bed Hipper jieas in the drill, and gn mid peas in the middle of the rows, seventeen acres in wheat, rye and oats, tliice acres in ground peas solid, one acre in cane, one acre in melons and truck, one acre in po tatoes ond ten acres in cotton Af ter the oats and other grain that land could is- planted in corn and peas, used as a pastafe or to make ll-iy as (h'^ffiy - ‘When a man forsakes his section and people and aligns liimselt with tin- worst, elements of those nlsnit him, in an effort to secure office, it’s time to dig his political grave and bury him beyond the reach of res urrectionists. ” When you call for DeWitt’s Witch Ilazel Salve the great pile cure don’t accept anything else. Don’t be talk ed into accepting a subsitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. For sale by Central Drug Co. Every man who is the father of a bright son is a linn believer in here dity. Robbed The Grave. A startling incident of which Mr John Oliver of IMiihulelpliia was the subject, is nar.-ated by him as fol lows: 1 was in a most dreadful con dition. ' / skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in hack and sides, no ap petite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying “Electric Bitters." and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided im provement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now well. I know they saved my life, and rob bed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. On ly 50 cents per bottle at the City Drug Store. 6 The wife-itiiuk'ivr probably lycts iKiuquets lit-etuise lie is such a ltulv killer. Thiith wears well. People have learned that DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are lvliabh little pills fori-egu lilting the lwiwels, eureing constipa tion ami sick headache. They don’t gripe. Central Drug Co. A woman's idea <)( a personal dev il is a neighboring woman who taiks about her. A stubborn cough or tickling iu the throat yield to One Minute Cough Cure, Harmless in effect touches the right 8iK)t, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once* Central Drug Co. WOMANS TRIALS. I Many women < ■ii tier great I min at month- i y periods and J believe it net ural. Others i realize the' i rt ♦ .* danger but hes- i itate to secure treatment on 1 m miliatinglocal account of hu examinations. Nature in tended t h c “monthly regular. per iods” to lie painless and I usual pain and sickness indicate serious derangements which should prompt attention, or they rapidly grow heo* worse. Local examinations are not essary since the discovery of It cures all Female Disease* regulating by properly strengthening and the or gans. This remedy stops all vegetable the pain. compound, This is a and is the result <4 years of Jt is carefully prepared in our own lab ratories hy skilled -chemists and is ir ilorscd by leading physicians. floJd by all druggist* or Bent poHt l*llla paid with for each $1. A box of “Monthly” Regulating bottle. Mr*. A. L. FORD, Wemon, Ml**., writes: “By using two bottles 41 f Plant*™ Female Keguht t«>r, I hiivo been cured of Nervous Debility brought about by the birth of my last child. FREE to any address. Book on the irome Treatment of Female Diseases. A sample box of “Monthly” Regulating Fills sent for 10 c ents In stamps. Address, New Hpgncer Medicin Co., Cbattttiiooga, Ten iifcss^e. For sal** by uti.v Drug Co. COTTON QUOTATIONS. Thursday Oct. 1 1 «!•«. flood middling ...... 15 c. Strict middling. ......4fe. Middling...... ......48c. Low middling . . Me. All .Jol> Work turned out of CtiKoxici.K Job Ollice is guaranteed first class. When needing Heads, .Note I hauls, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers. Enve lopes, Cants, Statements. Etc. he sure to give us a call. central city ls: : barber till work done in style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention next door to southern express ollice. •bob weathers proj. CITY DIRECTORY. Matou T. L. Holton. Mayou Fhotem \Y. A. ChtM’vy. Ci.kuk—J. \V. .'lullofi.. City Attohsky—Mux K. Land. Tukahukkii \. .1. Harp. Af Afi&tthLs I. J. Barfield. R. .1. Fitzgerald. CouNcii.MKN F. A. Moody, W. 11. Wilkinson, L. Story, M. A. Brown, i*. I. Haire. BoAitDOf Kixtation -J R Monroe, A T Baker .1 M Mixon, c L Bailey,.I l> Maynard. COl’RT. county Court convenes every First Tuesday; T. L. Holton. Judge; Max !•: Land. Solicitor; -las. Harp. Bailin'. I.OIX.KS, K. of I*. Meets every First nnd Third Ttics day night. Max K. Laud. C. C. F. A A. Af. Meets every Fourth Saturday. Z. . Lasseter. W. M. cni'Rciiios. Haitiht Breaching every second and Fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Conference meeting on Fourth Saturday at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. M L Lawson, pastor. Sundav School every Sunday at 3;30 p. m. J. U. Monroe Super intendent. CmusTiAN Freach’n^ every First Sunday morning and evening. Rev. R K Withers, pas tor. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. M Brown superintendent. Methodist I’reuching every Sunday, morn ing and evening. Rev. Guyton Fisher pastor, Sunday School every Sunday at 3:30 p. m. IMof W. R. Googe Superintendent. FOUNT Y DIR KC TORY. EPUKSKNTATIVK (jC U itcOX. Sheriff—L V Covington. Okdinaut J M Warren. I'LiiitK- J M Mixon. Thkascueu -B A Barker. Tax Uollkctou- -c s McCall. Tax Rkcisivbu—S amuel Brown, t ouo’.NLit- Bun Smith. ScuvKYou F. H. Taylor. Commission khs M. Ik Me Anally. L. F. Nance, and 1 ). McDuffie: J. N. Evans. Clerk. Boaudok Education—J r Monroe. Chairman John Poster. Hr. J Y H smith. David Harvey. 11 I* Stone. WHEN IN NEED OF J^irst * Class V CALL ON ■ — . .wwwwvk THE CHRONICLE. T. C. MANN, Red Light Saloon, .MARKS A 8PKCIALTV OF :0: :0: FINE WHISKIES seen as ••OARKKTT'h ' te KKN IMtlVATK STOCK, Tt'CKKV BKI.I,,” “INFKIUAI. ( AlUNKT, •MUSCOGEE CLUB. ’’ ^koiin'h AS1> KKY it CO.'s corn. KINKNT : : : 1!KANHIKS\\NI> <IIN OX TIIB MAUKKT palace Sartor Stop ^ Store, Up Stairs. in Ifenclley Over Wilkinson's fJtiHdin#. FIRST-CLASS WORK, siiAHI’ HA/.oks, . :+: :i: a- POLITE ATTENTION. jarThc Only White liarln r In the city. Give me a Trial. I will appreciate T. M. MATTHEWS. Subscribe to the Chronicle. HOMER REID, The Leader In Fancy 6t Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce D* 1 Organs, $75 up. 2 Easy 0 u, Easy Terms. Terms, Lowest price house on earth, All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Ga, Music HoUSe, Maoou Ga - you are not in it. according to the editor, if you don’t advertise in his paper. >> e are strictly in it and want to advertise the fact that we are making the hugest § the hardest the brightest colored the best brick in every respect that are made in sputh georgia. we also make a fine quality re-pressed brick and can agricultural novelties of all furnish descriptions. reed brie k w o r k s 9 abbeville, georgia. Mortgage Sale of Realty. t;KCittOl.V—Wilcox countv. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale tained in a certain mortgage dated the 27th day of July. 1MW. recorded in book .1, of mortgages page 34. executed by G W Priceler to certain indebtedness to Tutom A R road hurst evidenced bo 3 certain promissory notes of same date and payable one Po days after date, one on Jan. tilth after date and one on the 1st day of February after date aggregating tho of *NtOO.OO which notes and the mortgage the same, have been duly transferred and signed to the undersigned. 1 will sell the court house door in Abbeville, Ga.. on day the‘24th day of October 18W. during the legal hours for sheriff's sales, the property de scribed In said mortgage, to-wit—all of lot No. ii in block s. fronting Depot street In Stubbs ad dition to town of Abbeville, Georgia, in said county the building known as the Globe Hotel being situated on said lot. said lot fronting on Depot street 27 feet and running back l*2n feet, said sale will be at pvblic outcry to the highest bidder; terms cash, The proceeds of said sale to be applied to the payment of said indebted ness and as provided in said mortgage. This Sept. *21 st. 18W*. -I \V Tatom, Uutts a Lawson, Attys. Mortgage Sale of Realty. G K<) RC«' I A—\V i 1 co x count y: Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage dated the 2nd day of February. is‘j8, recorded in book K of mort gages, page Ut'», executed by T U Sessions to secure eenalri indebtedness to /. W Lasseter, > \ itleneed by a certain promissory note of same ; dale and payable six months after date, for the i Mini of #93.45, l will sell before the courthouse door in Abbev i 11c. Georgia, on Monday the 24th day of October, 1898. during the legal hours for sheriff's sales, the property described in said mortgage, towlt: all that tract or parcel of land situated in lot No. 148, First district of Wilcox county. Georgia, and described as fol lows: commencing at a stake situated 857 feet oast and 20 feet South.of the southwest corner of Ross A Wilson's two acre lot in the village of Reidstield and county aforesaid: thence west 857 feet to a stake: thence south 000 feet to a stake: thence east t>39 feet to a stake standing 25 feet west of the center of the A A W railroad track: thence along said track in a northerly course to place of beginning, and containing twelve acres, more or less. Also lot No. 2 com mencing at a point on boundary of lot of land No. 140. said ,*olnt standing *25 feet east of A A W railroad track ami marked with a pine stake thence north along said east boundary 3250 feet to a stake: thence west 1072 feet to a stake standing 25 feet east of said railroad track in a southerly course to the place of beginning, and containing sixty-four acres, more or less; the same being fully described above as to district and lot number, said sale will be at public outcry to the highest bidder. Terms cash. The proceeds of said sale to be applied to the pay ment of said indebtedness and as provided in said mortgage. This Sept. 2lst, 1898. Z W Lasseter. Uutts A Lawson. Attv*. bargain 11 Mackintosh Coat, a e « *7 « Ladies’ Briliantine skirts Yd wide bleaching, no starch, 4 1-2 Press lining, worth 5c, only 3 1-2 Big line skirts, regular at 75c, just 48 Yd wide sheeting 10 yards m Shoes, big values, our 98c line now 89 Our SI 23 line of shoes now 99 10 yds good checks Big bargain; Counterpain worth $1 00 just 4>7 EVERETHING AT A CUT PRICE. Gliu roll well & Go., Mortgage Sale of Realty. CiEORCHA—Wilcox county. Under and by virtue of a power of sale con tainop in a certain mortgage dated the Sad day of July 1807, recorded in book J of mortgages page 5H8-4 executed by Annie Webster certain indebtedness to M W Cooper evidenced by a certain prommissory note of same date and payable 12 months after date for the sum of 1 * 200.00 (having thereon a credit of *i5.00) which note ami the mortgage securing the same has been duly transferred and assigned to the undersigned. I will sell before the court house door in Abbeville. Georgia, on Monday the 24th day of October iHWt.dtiring the legal hours for sheriff's sales, the property described in said mortgage, tow it:—all those tracts or parcels of land in the town of Abbevllte, Wilcox county, know n a l lots Nos. one and three, in east Abbe ville. Thigpen survey, each being seventy by one hundred and five feet. Said sale will be at public outcry to the highest bidder; terms cash the proceeds of said sale to' be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and as provided in said mortgage. This Sept. 2Jst 1S5«8. Airs. Cora It Wilson. Cults A Lawson, Attys. Mortgage Sale of Realty. G KORGIA — \V I icox ('Oiln ty. Under and by virtue of a power of attorney made to me by M D Tarpley to secure the pay ment of a note for $ 100.00 due October 1 st, 18P8. I will sell at public outcry l>efore tlie court house door In Abbeville. Ga.. on the *24th day of October, I89S, within the legal hours of sale to tlie highest bidder for cash, part of lot of land No. 175 in the 1 st district of said county, bounded on Fast by original line, on North by land of Mrs. 1) B McAnally, West by land of Dennis Lofton and on South by Hannah Barron so as to contain 50 acres. Said property to be sold to satisfy said note. This l*2th day of Sep tember. 1808. Uutts Lawson, Albert Sommer. A tty. Attys. in fact for M l> Tarpley. FOB Staple & Fancy Groceries. CALL OX a. ffirown, “THE HUSTLER,” Delivered to Any Part »f the City. j ■ ■— 3Mr f ft a & 4 III mm ft i M Mi p 5? m 1 I i 11 II M Jig •A? * a, L KS 6% 1R°m C oi- & IS usi- U nsti a l lege ness tute. Course of Study Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business Short Hand, Typewriting Telegraphy Music. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to lake studies they do not want in order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of coil ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time, We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.— Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes, large supoly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits to any one or ali classes in Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is tin- most thorough, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should have a Business Education. Fall Term Opens Sept. 13, 1898. Send for a Copy of Our Announcement. For further information, address, W. A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL, * ABBEVILLE, GA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December \2, 1897. MAIN LINE. gist? 19- No- 17. No- • No- 20. !C~ SSS52S5 ii ” 28 a in It* .Savannah aril *20 p ScS x lo a m 12 3*> a m ar Helena ar C» l() p : * a m 1 1‘2 2»» p m ar Abbeville ar 5 ')0 ]> ‘2 *‘o a m *2 15 1 3o p m ar Cordele ar l 45 p i m ;? 15 2 55 p m ar A meric us ar 3 :;o l*i *2:r t m 4 n 3 55 p m ar Richland ar *2 40 It 80 i P m s 00 3 oo p m ar Montgomery lv lo 45 a 7 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. !•* No- 2.* p’m No A 3 lo p m hi o."> a m lv coluntyos ar 5 20 1*2 oii ni o ji m 11 40 a m ar Richland ar 3 55 i> m 7 •'» a m 8 5o j. m 1 30 p m ar Albany lv *2 lo p m 5 oo a m FITZGERALD DIVISION No- 9. No 7. o' No. 10. 8 7 15 lv Abbeville . ■“ p nt a nt nr 12 IS p nt 11 (ill p m . ii S3 p m ii IS u nt nr Fltzuernld ar 11 15 a m S 45 p m r. T 23 IV liu lv . |i nt a in uv Ocilla in 20 a m s i«> p m . -Trains Nos. I and 2 carry thro-i^li coacbes between Atlanta and Ubnny In connection with Southern Railway CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects nt Savannah with Plant System. 1-'. c. p n m t Helena with Southern Railway Train No. 13 north bound. At Abbeville fo- CI nL?i Oellla. At Cordele with CL S.-A 1*. 14 * 11 , Xo, M north bound. U Richland OrleanUtthti with t' v *" minsbam for A baity and and the Columbus. north, also At wTth Montgomery'‘-w'lth W. Rv. jfr .vfhlmma. L. ,v N. for for New beyond Dt ' ond ‘ ‘ 01 Itlr o!',.' - 1 Selma Ociijla. lam 1 with At C. Cordele A* A- Division with 0. for s. X UOliimbiis F. R. R. So. and I south bound and No. 2 hoVth Mont'-omerv\v bound ' if.? C *" Atlanta also for Albanr, At Sn 1 1 h 1 ab^nm Rm selma " S °" d KV "" < '' for " lrml "*'*» n ‘ an “ "orth. also with w Ry or .vi TRAIN NO. 18. ' 'onnt-ots at Montgomery with L,,» x. from New Orleans ami "'t‘rEr fr,.m ,k„ ,;s .'.'.“Js;- ^; ° a nd ! ‘liallmad Abbevlll ° f0,r ""'t Ocilla. At Savannah with 'Plant .System ami C. X l-. bound. At Savannah with Plant System. I-'. ,v P. It. R. and Steamers J1V ' ' N 14 Noland TV™” '' UrS °" Tr " ins Nos ' 17 and l ** ,IImtt “ Sleeping Pars on C. N. K1GHT, . "““•“"WESSator. a.M-JSSttg"**-** Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE.” H. H. TIFT, President. NO. T yo. 3 NO. 1 IN IN Sr A. LKAVK S ■ 0 » 8 F 3 3 i 8 8 F 3 Li3SS 1 F 3 3 9 SS. 4 4 !» 20 F 4 4 ARRIVE Trains Nos. 1. 2. a and 4 run dallv. except Sun-Jar. Trains Xos 7 -md « rm. n-e, d . ?L 0n ,iT System |T'l and l ias station. Southern Trains stop only on slKme. All trains make connect on w mh pnli oeergia and l-’lorlda at Tifton. and tire Georgia and Alabama at r. G. BOATRIGHT Traffic Manager Miles. Jj. 1 1 'Pi tv IV.. 'P. 1 1,1Xc ». o. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE 1 A tvw t_-1 t 11>l - lQt 1 i. 1807. TIFTON, BRIGBON HARDING I*IN ETTA Mvsrru. FLETCHER. FITZGERALD. w. 0. TIFT, Vice Presidemi. Miles. ARRIVE a. gsrscssr.P IN M. IN M. erorrsafg n 12 n n w 0 5 5 5 0 « 25 35 23 01 41 10 5 o 5 5 5 5 an 48 79 23 12 10 LEAVE 0 11 5 10 5 00 NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. g