The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, October 27, 1898, Image 2

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THE OFFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. !. R. Monroe Editor Publisher. and L; .1. Whitehurst, Associate Editor. bviihckiptios ka i ls. 1 wnlvo months..... ........ .*1 00 Six month*........................... . . hU Three month« .............* • .. 535 1 Iri hed rj)l 1 ca11• JST Ad ver t 'M IH' r; 11 • * 1 i S on a 1 n . The ciiitiiVH i.n i- published i **ry '1 hurtuL-y, ftt Abt>e\Hi-. t.H. < .mflXUinOft-oi*- .n^nre iiisvltitfU'...... M “ ? in office not !«:«•■• ! i.itii tfrtjid' ;-.t t - he ttcoottipaiib-d necessarily for l»y {Via wviuVs «ljcnature; not faith iniblkat tor Ion. Lin a- rmiranh-e of good ioIut! !- " rut* apply at tbU office. — TLLCPHONE NO. 44. Entered at the IV Office at Abbeville, tin., r. t econd-e. s - matier. TiirnsoAy. oct. 27, lsas. It is likely tlu* Third On., r«f?i j.,',. u t will bo sent to Sttvnniiali soon -f!— The lif'^islature convened in At lanta. Wednesday. •Jlot time (lie old town'' for awhile. The recent race war in resulted iu the killing of about and three white men. Vresident McKinley has an imitation from the Atlanta Juhilee committee, to he Dec. 15 III. (iovfi'iH'i' Ricci Allen 1* ('titidler will In* inaugurated in the house of rvpi sentalivcs at noon on the 2!)th i : nst. i ‘TI ic* women, laid a color,*u preacher. •“)< , c every hat in church i-xei'lit the one the Lord sends .•irouml. The CsRo.NieLit extend?! thmik-s to lion. H l> Lew in for ft *o \ij of the Democridie Camfialfin Iiook which iS lull of in'erc ; and uscfRl infer IRUtiou. Governor Atkinson* message to tlie legislature gives expression t*> his convictions on 11n* ballot reform, better primary election system and equalization of taxation. A clash between England and France is imminent over Egyptian territory, ltotli nations arc prepar ing for war fast as possible and from the stand taken by the landing olficmls war is inevitable. lion. Daniel M McRae, our friend and neighbor, died suddenly at his home in McRae Oct. 24tb, of fippo plexy. In his death the community sustains the loss of a great and good miui. The Industrial Fair edition of the Wav' V.iss Journal is indeed a nins terly piece of ingenuity and reflects great credit upon the ‘‘magic city of Way-cross iukI South Georgia ns well as upon its model editor, D B Sweat. November sth our congressmen will be elected. Let ns give Hon. E I? Lewis a big vote, It is rumored that Mr. F W Gay nor. a republican of Fort Valley, will oppose him for Congress. Don’t let us be g-anghl napping. The Cot-dele Dully Hornet is mak ing regular visit* to our office now. It is h bright newsy sheet and fades tilled to make things warm in Cor (.tale politics. Editor Hose is an up to-date newspaper man UTltl will leave no stone uu turned to make his paper a powerful exponent in Cor dele affairs, — f'omuieiitiii;' oi the llaee question in the Washington Star, of recent date, the Macon I’olegnsph voice.-* tlie sentinieut of the entire South. The Telegmpb m speaking of the p'j'ODlem says: ••The ta‘r.t kolution is tlie right solution, amt th* host solution Is wliat they ileaire. They coukl pro^lVbB with 111 'UU N tion to all concerned, if it was for . the nienulesoniencss , ,, ,, ot / ,, Hto*e • m the North who assume to thf tuselft'cs all the wisdom sml the virtue affect big human lights." The Sure- l a (h-tppe Unre. There is no us,- suffering from this dreadful mafadv, ifvou will only get the right imiieilv. Yob are having pam through , , your body, yonr livci is out of Older, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in r.ivf lact Hit mv COllipil i-omi>)i>t,>h- 1 i ♦ U .I,,,,] tu D|>. i,n Flee trie Bitters is tliu onlv remedy that ftfttll will gm* oivc von ft on u prompt r ,mint .tnu sure suu miu. relief They act. direct!v or. your liver. auu KuIL<\.. I tom U[ the lfl( whole system and make von feel like anew „ ocing. T] i m ,v.,vLi-o-int« \ .iu _i..uanui e.lto t* cure or price refunded. For sale by the City Drug Co. Only 50 cents per bottle^ l The OctnulRce. li UtfJUU ■'!• V!' Where the lazy fern leave* float On the fraanuH \ until ttlr. And tlie jju*hhig sunbeams gloat O'er the binging "maiden hair;" 15. the little, breezes »ttired, 15,v the ancient forests cheered, Miirmurou# In the silent there. Kiowa the < temnlv •• Dreamy splices stretch away Through the woodlands dusky, cool, S\ here the dancing naiads play At the, inid;a' of in si i y u pool overbrimming in the •'hade, Tirippiug through the. r6cdy glades. Mimie rhrr-rniii : 1 To tin* • icmnlgcc. Farm and orchard edging dow n, Meadows green with browsing kfno. Lodgi'i. that the high cliff*, crow n, Hamlets In the broader shine, Cities by the laving tide Watch the waters onward glide; Watch the win >- r G, a . \s W atch the ocmulgec. Hummer days shall come and go, As In all the years before. Futile winds of winter blow: Peace with wars alternato roar: lint a soawurd rolling Hood, Typing Freeilom's royal blood. Shull Its quenchless fulrisss pour Th:"-I -',n tin Ol; m Ulj't-c. One hroud minded and determined citizen in worth n tlioiwand times more to a town than a carload of the sort whose time is spent principally in wearing out the neats of their pants and uiukin:' hidit of every new movement. The iiiu.ii who does uotliinf{ for his community further than to pay his taxi s may he en titled to police protection, hut he is certainly not entitle ! to any of the benefits of increased commerce, and if iiis properly increases in value be cause of the efforts of his neighbors he gets that much which is not right fully his own.......Aniericus Times Uecordor, True, and the merchant who tries to reap the benefit of another’s ad vertising should not succeed for he would lx* getting that which ia not rightfully Ins own. The period of Hlale uoanship was clearly marked In illnslrious eharac lers as Mill. Slcplicmi and Cobh. The period of politicians, by such menus Mark Hannah. Character is the reijuisile to statesmanship, with out it ft man degenerates into a poli tician. The politician’s motto is: “Every ninn for himself and the devil for all." A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yield to One Minute Cough Cure, Harmless in effect touches the right spot, reliable and just* whnt is wanted, it acts at once Central Drug Co. History is of tenor written to cover errors than to chronicle truths. r—*"L you call for DeM'ill's Witch Hazel Salve tlie great pile cure don’t accept any thing else. Don’t he talk ed into accepting n subsitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. For sale by Central Drug Co. The reports say that the Cuban soldiers in the neighborhood of Guantanamo are plundering the su gar estates there and causing a regu lar reign of terror. This is the sort of liberty the Cubans want—the liberty to rob and plunder those frugal citizens of the island who may have accumulated something bv hard labor. It was this sort of work that lead to the revolution on the island. If Uncle* Sam is to guarantee stable government there he should put a strong hand in the collar of the Cuban plunderers with out delay. Valdosta Times. A Narrow Escape. Thankful wouis written by Mrs. Ada E. Mart, of Gioton, S. D. “Was taken with a bail cold which aettletl on my luiiiis; cough set in tintl finally lenninateil in constmiption. Four doctors gave me up, saving 1 could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if 1 could not stay with my frills on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones allow. My husbaiul Was advisetl to ji'Ct I>r. Kitlii, H> New niscovory for consumption, coughs and colds. I I jrjiVC it H trial, took in nil eight hot , t bna oim . (l uu , t :in(1 lh:lnk , i(K , , Hm stn ed an,Know a well wo man. " Trial bottle* free at the City Drug C( ) 1 Steamships to Cuhn To Rasutne Service. Stpamahip Maseotte of the Plant ^sten, Line will resume *erviec i Haft-ana. Cuba. Sept. 1st. Sailing . r\-J 1 i ho h( nc‘ a frtllnno ioiionn. 1 ir.iw iv.,,. \ <»u ’ Ta,u P a Monday and Thursday 111 o'dock P . arrive Key West each Tuesday and Fritlav at .5 p * in. ' Betivc* auv u . ost saim* days at D p m Arrive Havana each Wednesday and Saturday ... at t» a ni. Nortir bound. leave Havana each Wednesday ami v ^’durdav at ^ ^ p ui: leave ^ Key West same .lav- at 7 p ni; arrive ■ t’ort lanipa ^ each I hursday and Sun l * uv :lt - 1 J Jl1 A Pops G. P. A. WOMANS TRIALS. < I I ' Mar./ miller great won.^1 J J & S4 >ain periods at month- and t y y believe it nat r ural. Other*! r *" 1 1 , ( ! iut« to nec»re Vfv# treatment aconunt of bu-1 on J miliati:</;local i mm examinations. < J Nature in tend e (1 t h e i “monthly itkh1.ii'. n«r lod»’’ t» La painlrtu aud i n usual («in anil sickness inuic;:t • s*;r** ou K i derangement:) which aliould have 1 prompt attention, .oral cxainiua’ or they tepidly grow j i wonre. I .oiui aro uot uec- i canary aiucc the d'^overy of i i i i ( i I i i ( ! I i Ts curau all Female Hisennef ri'Kulating by properly rlie I ) utrengtheninK and or- I Kan“. Tliia stop, nil vegetable the pain. compound, This remedy in n i result of of experience. ' i and i* the years < II is carefully p re pari .1 in our own lal>- I ratoriv by skilled cbemi) is and ia in- ( dorsed by leading physicians. I , Reid by of "Moutlily” all Uru'.'-fUO Ret[ijluUt)K or sent post I’ilfs paid ltl; for oacl, '4. , A box )->X a . Ue. t L. FORD, Witoh, Mils., »'<I« “ By Mrs. A. botllfH of 1*1 1‘Vtrmlo UfgulR n*Jng two fi’i-.-TS 1 tor ir. I f iinvo iinvy Ijwt'a Lvtm cur<»l cur<*'l of of A'( A’orvoua D-*'11 lty t bvoUtfht about by tlm birth of m/ last child. t FRF.8 to of any Pumatn a/ldres*, Dlt.'-Kh.^i. Book on A Karnpl^box iho TIowio < J Tn-utmMit Bojfuluting Pills*' utfor U) rontai i of Moritlily” A-ldr--s«, N»*w Spoucer Modlclmi ( Jn atniHps. Temioi Co., Chikttanoofs*, sae. < I or *sit!o by Ctl.v Drug Co. r -n2« LEGAL NOTICE. T a the VHon.'* Soc ’ctary of State of Georgia: The petition of P II Fitzgerald, Roiicrl V Bov, in, Irani: N Fitzgerald and W K Ho wen. i'i.> Thai H V Bowen i. a resident of-Wil cox county. Georgia, that W li Dow* n is a resi dent of Irwin county. Georgia, and that V* li Fitzgerald and Frank N Fitzgerald are l>oth re.-s'.clontH of Marlon county in the state of In diana. Second.....Your petitioners have associated tiiemselves together and desire to incorporate a Railway Company, under the general Kail Road Laws of ti:.* State of Georgia under the name of the Ilawkinsvillc. Fitzgerald -.y (5ulf Railway. Third -The length of raid rail, road as near as can he estimated will he ilfty miles, Fourth-The geHeral direction and location of said rail road and the particular place UirougiVvvhveh it shall pass are to he as fol lows; Beglhning at Ilavvldnsville, Pulaski county. Georgia, and running south through the lower half of said county, entering the county of Wilcox In a southeasterly direction, entering the county of Jrwiu Georgia, and con tinuing in a southeasterly direction through i he conjiiy of fr.\ in until it reaches the city of Fitzgerald in said Irwin county. Fifth—'1'he •mount, of rapllftl Stock is to he Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each. Sixth -The number of years said corporation is to continue Is twenty years, with the l ight ami plvelege to extend the same at any time under permission of tlie State Laws. Seventh The principle office ol' said Corpo ration is to he In Fitzgerald, Irwin county, Georgia. Righth -Your petitioners intend in good faith i.o go forward to procure subscriptions to the Capital stock, to construct, equip, maintain hihI operate, said Rail Hoad with all branches and jqMir lines. Ninth--Your petitioners further show that they have given the legal four weeks notice of their intention to apply for said charter, by the pubHdai’cn o' thoh* ; Llllmn in U u designated by the sheriff in iiis legal advertise ment in each of the counties in which said Rail Road is to be constructed, said notice ap pearing once each week for four weeks prior to the tiling of the petition, as appears by the sworn statement of the llditoi’ attached hereto. Wherefore Y<-ir petitioners pray to be in corporated. under the Laws of the .State of Georgia, under the name aforesaid, with all the allowances, franchise, prtveleges and immuni ties guaranteed such corporations under the construction and Lavfrs of the State of Georgia. We, tlie undersigned, being the parties of the above pel ition. do hereby and hereunto affix our hands and seals. Frank \. Fitzgerald, Petitioners Attorneys. P. II. Fitzgerald [seal.] Frank N. Fitzgerald [Seal.] Kow’t Y. Ho wen [Sea.] Wm. R. Howisn [Seal.] Slate of Georgia. / t's. Irwin County. S. Personally appear. \V R IJowen, R V llowen before Wm. I! Moore, N I’i Ex.-of. j r In, end for said county, each being duly sworn on oath say, that the names signed to the above pe tition for Incorporation arc genuine signature of the persons named therein and that the matter set forth therein is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. W. R. Ho WEN. Robert V. Ho wen. Subscribed and Kworn to before me this IS th day of October, 189s. Wm. H. aiooRK. N. I*. A Kx-Of. J. r.. Irwin county. Georgia. State of Indiana. i Marion County. I s. s. Personally appear before me, Otto Delp. a CommisComv of Deeds for thv' state of Georgia I’ll F’.i.'gerald and i-rank N Fitzgerald who have signed the above Instrument and who acknowledge the same to be their free act and deed. O. A. Dki.i*, Commissioner of Deeds of the State of Georgia within the State of Indiana. Nottea of Local Legislation. Notice is herein given :hat at the enpiration of 30 da\s from this date there will be intro vlueed in the General Assembly of Georgia now « >•!» »»** ™'i>ifdan act to,movido . omuy from the city of Abbeville in said county wt he divot jtochoU* in »td .•aunty in accordance with the result of an election h.-id m sai.i om,m>- f „ r .id pu.p^ on the lfth day of Nmcmiicr i»7. ; his oct. srth iss Notice. No-.u e I, lun ip given of intention to reply at the next session y 1 SMS) of thet.eneral Assem bly for the passage of an Act to be entitled “An • v C aulI eity reach said HlufT Creek: imri for other , MiriK>sc ^ -n,:.oct. imp. uys. Citation. li|: °RGtA <--)am.\ To all whom it may concern: Elizabe:h i hompson iiaving in proj'.-r form applied : - ■*..«• ''or permanent Vu-rso' ndminiMration on Iho v-rate ot'W i. Thompson, of said oonntj this u to cite ail and singular the creditors ana n**xt of kin of * i. Thump m to lv and appear at my office within the time allowed bylaw and ,how e:uisft*. if any they can. why i»ermanom ^nitnLM-r.uon >i..'uid not granted to Kli .i Ks h Thompson on w i, Thompsons estae-. wi-.m-smy hand and m«,-i»i -:..-nauuv this »r*l day of October, 181 ) 8 . John M. Warren, T. C. MANN, Red Light Saloon f MAKKS A SPECIALTY OF :0; tO; FINE WHISKIES - SUCH AS t. oarbktt's private stock,” “kin* rt.TKKV ItKI.I.,’ “IMPERIAL CABINET.' i. Mi:HC0 , )KK ri.ri;,” ‘KOHx’m AM) KEY ,t CO. ’s couv. FINEST : : : TtltA VD1KS-AND OIN : on the market galaee Barber Stop ^ Store, l'p Stair*. in Hendley Over Wilkinson's Uuilding. first-clash work, :+: :+: :+: ♦ + : :f: SHARP RAZORS, • :t: :+: h- polite attention. >^'’The Only White liarher in the City. Give me a Trial. I will appreciate T. IW. MATTHEWS. *r«rw»’ Subseride to the Chronicle. HOMER -REID 9 The Leader In Fancy Sc Family Groceries Highest market prices paid for Country Produce V $75 up. Easy Terms. - oM^a 'a © 'VU fc * i AJ. i V oo All Organs, Lowest Music price 2 1-2 O house u, price, Easy on Terms, earth, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Gft, Music House, Macon Ga. 1 • you are 1033 >•) according to the editor, if you don't advertise in his paper. we are strictly in it and want to adverttse t.he fact that we are inakiug the largest the hardest the brightest colored the best hriek in every respect that arc made in sputh georgia. we also make a line quality ot re-pressed brick and can agricultural novelties of all furnish descriptions. reed hriek works 1 nbbevilie, georgia. DIRECTORY. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor T. L. Holton, Mayor Puotem -VY. A. Cherry. Clerk .1. \Y. Melton. City Attorney— Ma\ F. Land. Treasurer A. .!. Harp. Mausilu.s .1. .1. Karfiehl, K. J. Fitzgerald. CouNcn.MEN !'.. A. Moody. \Y. IT. Wilkinson, L. Story, M. A. Brown, i\ I. I-Iaire. Hoard of Hiiucatton .1 R Monroe, A T Haker ,1 M Mixon, c L Hailey, .1 D Maynard. COURT. County Court convenes every First Tuesday; T. L. Holton. Judge; Max h’ Land. Solicitor; das. Harp, Haillll'. 1,0 DG KS. lv. of I’. Meets every First and Third Tues day night. Max K. Land. C. O. F. A. M. Meets every Fourth Saturday. /. W. Lasseter, \\. M. CHURCHES. Haitist preaching every Second and Fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Conference meet ing on Fourth Saturday at. 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. M 1- Lawson, pastor. Sunday School every Sunda\ at 3;8U p. m. ,f. R. Monroe Super intendent. Christian Preaching every First Sunday morning and evening. Rev. R E Withers, pas tor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. M A Brown Superintendent. Msthodift -Ureachingevery Sunday, morn ing ami evening. Rev. Guyton Fisher pastor, Sunday School every Sunday at 3:30 p. m. I’rof \V. f>. Googc Superintendent. UOUNTY DIRECTORY. ■ CREBKKTA.TlVr.--G U WllCOX. Sheriff.....L o Covington. Ordinary .) M Warren. Clerk .1 M Mixon. Tukahl her- H A Darker. Tax v’oi.i.vtToH —t’ S McCall. Tax Receiver -Samuel Drown. Coroner- Hen Smith. Surveyor V. H. Taylor. Commissioners M. E. McAnallv. L. F. Nance, aluJ Mclmflie; . 1 . X. Kvans. Clerk, Hoard of Education--.? R Monroe, chairman ^ 1 v"..auu nan,... centra! ei \t$ : krkr shop f ctU work done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention door to southern express office, , DOD . WeattierS , prop. Mackintosh Coat, a bargain iuw Ladies' Briliantinc skirts I 17 Yd wide bleaching, no starch, 4 1-2 Dress lining, worth 5c, only 3 1-2 Big line skirts, regular at Birr ooc,, -i*- 4 <x Yd wide sheeting 10 yards * t Shoes, big values, our 98c line now 80 Our %>\ 23 line of shoes now a.- w * 10 yds good checks t 0* • Big bargain; Counterpain worth $1 00 just 67 EVERETHfNG AT A CUT PRICE. A. K Glitxrcliwell & Go., WHEN IN NEED first e Class V 0 ei CALL ON---no.v««ftm F" l 1 CHRONICLE. fk iih JL sE t 4 *! > , i -F nil m M 1 Mm Lei * fi - iiy 7 ! In Ml 5. H % Mli. K M mm F X /keor- w gia sfgfor- iel mal /^ol- ie ge * m s L ♦ffnstl-. Ml tut®. Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business Short Hand, Typewriting. Telegraphy Music. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to take studies they 1 do not want in order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of con ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time. We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.—Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes, large supoly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admit** to any one or all classes in Preparatory, Teachers, .Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is the most thorough, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should have a Business Education. Fail Term Opens Sept. 13, 1893. Send for a Copy of Our Announc»mont. For further information, address, W. A, LITTLE. PR!PSG'PAL, ABBEVILLE, GA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LiME. Passetierw Schedules Effective Ddcomber 12, 1897, MAIN LINE. No- 10. N*. 17. No- IH. N«- 20. 7 C* pm 7 iih a ni Iv Savannah aril 2B p *i h 10 a m 1 * <“t a in li .¥*. a m ar Helena ar •» tn p m 3 ar> a m 1 00 a m lii 5K1 p m ar Abbeville ar 5 5u p m 2 40 a m 2 1.) * ni ) }' Til ar Cordelc ar 4 45 p m ! 4b ?8^a m n m ?, lb a m 2 hh p m ar Americas ar a 39 p ni l j in 4 li it ni 3 fifi p m nr Richland ar 2 40 p m li ;;0 p m b 00 a m ft 00 p m ar Montgomery lv in 45 a m 7 46 p m COLUMBUS & ALBAiMY DIVISION. No. J. No. 1 * No. 2* No. 4 X to t» ra lo 05 n m lv Columbus ar o 20 p 332 12 00 m a 00 p ni 11 40 r m »r Richland ar 3 55 p 7 4« a m 8 5o p ni i 30 p m ar Albany lv J 10 p b 00 a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9 N». 7 No. 8. No- i». . ................... 5 ftf. m 1 15 a m lr AUbevlU# «ri:i :* la p m li no p m . .................. ti .’.ft p m ii 15 * ni »r Kiraid ar l! !u am ft tn p m . .................... T 8 i lunlUUtUDiar Ocilla lv 1ft do a m 8 00 i> m . •Train- Nov I aial 4 carry throui,h coaclie-s batween Atlanta and Albany in connection with Soutlierr, Rail'xny. CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. t.'onnocts at Savannah with l'lanl System. 1'. A I*, and fttcamrrft ft* Helena with southern Uailwuy Train No. Ki north bound. At Abbeville tor Eitursrald «,V/I '.'cilia- At Oordule with Cl. * .e [•'. li. It. No. 4 north bound. At Kichland with (: A \ Diarl.inn tor Albany and Columbus. At Montgomery with L. .V N. for N-.av Orleans and beyond for ni, r " minebarn and the north, also with U. lty. of Alabama, for Selma. ’ TRAIN NO. 17. connects at Savannah with Plant System and !•'. c. A i*. li r . \t " bout hern By. -No. pi south bound and No. li north bound. At Abbeville for Fitxecrald and »>i'i'ga. with At Cordelc with (i. s. ,« i . K. It. No. i south bound and No. 2 north bound ftt Rich I- 111 ,! C. .V A. Division for folnmbus and Atlanta also for Albany. w'tii \t Mont*-omerv with r ,v N. for New Orleans and beyond, for Birmiuebam and the north, also Western Rv of ii abama for Selma. JRA 1 N NO. 18. Connects at Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans and from th* north, also with U estern U.v. of Alabama from Selma. At IlichUnd with C A \ Div sis,, «,?,i >„» i ol uni bus and Abbeville At lama, also for Albany. .VI ‘ ordele with (j. a F.. Ky \ 0 g 'for Tirinn H Raifro : At for i' d igemkl and Ocilla. At Savannah with plant System and Fa* p Hl TRAIN north, also u Hjesant Buffet Parlor Oars on Trains Nos. Hand 18. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on Trains *\OS. iti alltl ^ftl. r. N. KIGHT, A. l’OPK, Assistant Genl. Passcnyer Aitcnt. „ Oenoranianager! , . . 1111>a5senger Axent. OK*.Tt, HA H11F.TT. Vico President and Tifton and Northeastern RaiSroai “SOLDIERS COLONY ROUTE." Ivocal Tirr-re No. <3. H. H. TIFT, General Offices: W. 0. TIFt, President. TIFTON, GEORGIA. Vice President NO. . NO. S NO. J exiles. 4 Itgocjvn EFFECTIVE i.)oi' 19t I t . 1 M i ) 7 , T: to « MO. 2 NO. 5 NO. S P. P. M. A. Lt?3r LEA V E ARRIVE -l. P. SSShfeSeBr P. SSSSftSSr 3 3 10 8 0 TIFTON, o> 6 3 ;i S3 H LKIGHOXS 12 3i 3 3 ’•» 8 8 IIAKDING 11 os § 3 52 4 PIN ETTA 11 in 3 3 58 9 8S. MYSTKk 11 cn 5 4 4 10 9 FLETlTIKR, ; I on 5 4 4 25 9 1 lTZGi:UAL4), LEAVE o 11 w 5 System and Oe»rgla southern and Florida at Tifton. and P. the Georgia BOATRIGHT and AlabamTi at Mai'4Sv FitLemM G. Traffic