The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, November 10, 1898, Image 4

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Sptia’i ^oldlers In Manila. .Spanish sold tors arc am a 11, sickly, Kind •■d devoid of pluck. They were <fc> Burrendcr. Tlyv lmd received no !P*y for months, were starved In the jtrenobei, cans would and Rive were them told that no quarter. Ameri >Bpanlah j*o bind ness men are not adverse a change. They have had Iniinm •ral le troubles. Only the government ‘’officials are bitter, but- they conceal ■their hatred under a mask of friend •hip.—Chicago Trlbuue. What Cuba’s I..... Moan, to Bpatn. Thn loss of Onba moans to Bpatn tbo Ioph of the ?#py euetenaufo of the nation. Airmtiy ta* rWdftn ar« frying for i>r©a»i. C‘V^ S5.‘i; “no un! in* * nt p<* rt vrr 1 ,, jr' »n^n'; su'd * s t«r vein' ti' to y T«vsTn '« B \'imd l «,;d h Ir want. t<> tuny rnj'-y ii- ariy m:../.i». ,-„n rsoomnn-nd it.M.-ucr’s Stoma,-i, Hitt.-.s it «urs# indigestion, dj-sp»i>»ia aud oonstipMion. Knll lamp burners once In elx week, in strong sod * wfetor and they wll hunt tic* brtter. Lamp nick* g fdirt and will fK«»a“ff,'v! Kdnmte Your Hoifoli With Fiisunrots. j 46c,VV*. Csnilr C/ithartl •. ••oda'I natl n fornrw. If CSC. C., 'lru^istsrof mi l m nay. The number of liltnd persotiM in AuHtrnltX In proportion to th« number of tlu> popuU tion 1 h ronsldcvably lees than in' moat othur eountrlHB. Ivan A. tv. “I’lrh Lral ” fiinokln* To’ nero |U»d*«nilrallrrt pom tb» parent, rlpeelHiid for purity avvect; and Dag. rtFT r. ob&ceo. Matlo h will please you. Try It Mrs. Winslow** Soofchirisj Syrup forohlbl I’Hll tsfUilriij, softens t.he glim 4 *, r»uluf,»ts i n 'l vtu-u t tlon. Allays paln.cMrc.s wind colic. >;. h bottl Fits permanently cured. >■» fits or mirv™« l ess Ait«r flret day’« use of Dr. Kllnt' S <ireat errs Itestor^r. 4‘aJ trial bottlonml Ar-nf u eatlHo free, a. R. H. Kunr, Ltd., Ml St., I'hlla., l‘a. Wso’sCuro for Consumption Iiah nnverl m o plany a doctor's bill.— > .F. HAitov, Ilonkius Flaot. Baltimore, Mrl, Dec. :i, i«W. Mutton is brouabt from New Zunland to London at the rake of about2 cents a pound. icrrr—:—=---— Catarrh Cured Blood Purified by Hood's Sarsapa rilla and Hoalth Is Cood. “1 vu trouhtort for a long tlmn with ca (»rrh »nd a had tovlliia tn my bond. I Im **n taking Hood'* Sarsaparilla, nnd It did B*a world of good. My Hiifforlngs from ••Urrli «ro ov«r nud my lieulth lg good.” Mr*. A. A. Libby, Powual, Mufim. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is Amsrioa’n (Greatest Medicine. $1; six for $5. Mood', Plllo euro all I.iver Ills. * cento, WEST POINT DISCIPLINE. i Ctiet Captain Reduced to the Ranks for a Peculiar Reason. 1 A Cadet Captain nt West I’olnt lias ju»t born reduced to tlie ranks for u peeullftv and unprecedented reason. Becently, while ho was drilling Ills cenipnny, a runaway horse dashed Across the field on tlie Hank of the command. Some of the cadets, not yei perfected tn. the art of Immobility under strain, began to turn their heads to watch tlie course of the animal. At that unpro Pltlous moment one of the ‘'tactical offleers,” assigned from tlie regular army to drill th« cActets In military ma uoeuvres and discipline, miHirally •ougbt to preserve liis company from reprimanded and commanded, This'had “Keep your eye* to the front!” the Aeslfed effect upon all the cadets but one, for vvliom the runaway horse still had a resistless attraction Losing nil self possession the Captain turned sharply Want and said, ‘‘Turn vour eyes if you to see things, but remain uulet aud face the front” It lrippt*n ed that tho tactical officer beard the two commands, and Hi consequence ho at once reported tlie Captain for giv Ine ZZZXZ an un-nilltarv In order Z-TZ. The rccid" urn stain from gazing -Kci-mit'lod about r.iul the (.’an tsin lmd In fact (Ids while rennlrin ..’to. t i K i ' n,,.ii-i, ‘ . L. .,u - S. atlfi . zz. , with full ami final jurisdiction over the case, immediately upon investigat ing the matter, reduced the Captain (o the ranks, a punishment regarded by eafleta as next to dentil or dismissal. The episode illustrates 1he rigidity with which the youthful soldiers are trained at tlie Government's military school.' The work of the regular army durtugdhe lute campaign well exem plifies the beneficial results of this strict discipline and the insistence of the requirement that the military life be exact iu the smallest particulars. THE ILLS OF WOMEN And How Mrs. Plnkham Holpa Ovoroomo Thom. Mrs. Mary Bot.i.ixoer, 1101 Marianna St., Chicago, Ill., to Mrs. l’inklinmi “I have been troubled for the past two years with falling of tho womb, leueorvhrea, pains over my body, sick headaches, backache, nervousness and weakness. I tried doctors and various remedics without relief. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com pound, the relief I obtained was truly wonderful. I have now taken several more bottles of your famous medicine, and can say that 1 ain entirely cured.” Mrs. Henry Dorr, No. 806 Findley St., Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mrs. I’inkliain: “For a long time 1 suffered with chronic inflammation of the womb, pain in abdomen and bearing-down feeling. Was very nervous at times, and •o weak I was hardly able to do any thing. Was subject to headaches, troubled with leueorrlioen. A ftcr doc toring for many months with different physician*, aud gettingnorelief, I had given up all hope of being well a&ain when I read of tho great good Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound was doing. 1 decided immedi ately to givtpt a trial. The result was Bimply past belief. After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three packages of Sanative Wash I can say I feel like a new woman. 1 deem it my duty to announce the fact to my fellow sufferers that Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable remedies have entirely cured me of all ruy pains and suffering. I have her alone to thank for my recovery, for which I am grate ful. May heaven bless her for tho good work sho is doing for our sex.’’ c s WHtlti AtFkJiTAIU-r gP i Lso h Syrup. Tastes In time. Sold mrf ty druegrist-sfr_ [w TAKES ADVANTAGE OF ENGLAND ON CHINESE SOIL. MAY LEAD TO BLOODY CONFLICT. Tim British Fleet, However, Is St.-I|.p.d For Action and Await. Davel. ' opments. - A cable dispatch from Wei-Hai Wei, China, says: “All the British warships warHDI P s aere, hero the tue flrstolttss nrstoittss battleshii) oauiesnip Centurion, the ilrstclass cruiser Nar cissus, the secondelass cruiser Ilormi the .. torpedo . . boat . destroyer . Whit one, the torpedo boat destroyer Fame, the torpedo boat destroyer Handy and the firstclass gunboat Peacock have 'cleared for action and are ready for sea at an hour’s notice. “The first-class liattleship Victorious and tlie first-class cruiser Undaunted, at Ohe-Foo, are coaling to tlioir fullest capacity. “The greatest, secrecy is maintained Yvs to the meaning of these warlike preparations, but there is no doubt that important instructions are expect ed nt any moment. “A largo Russian fleet is assembled »■ Port Arthur.” A London spoeual says: “ I lie dis patch from Wei-Hui-Wei, announcing the war preparations of the naval au thorilies xnoriues there mere, is regarded regaraeu hero nero as as he- da $ tween Great Britain and France, has deudi d to push forwai d her aims in he fat east by fotcibly seizing the val liable treaty port of New SS-™ 1 0 ”” ' ' A semi-official note issued nt Lon f r Wedueeday evening relative to iliodam'iWi 8 “« “substantially H °. men ° *' “The 1 matter inner is Minstiuitiaiiy in in the the b^Vm^llow hmlTw^Vi ^ linbrnT wdi It is not anticipated that France take cha* further arriva” action until Major Mur (Ve »t Ca ro on Thursday V ;, y ’ ingVrfo , , lds , '‘“moT^ orVcaviug , leaving Fa! a shod “A Frenchman for'aA ting' lias bom. te!^ arrested o* at D o ver temp toe n th b ig cun gun turret turret on on tho tno adinirftltv admiralty pier pier there there. I*oa<1«*il With Kulmmilm* Minos. The British warships Cordelia and Pelican arrived at Sydney, N. F., Wednesday from Halifax. Their visit is extraordinary, as both were sup posed to leave for home to go out of commission. The ships havo subma ,-i no mines and heavy guns aboard, specially shipped at Halifax, and it is reported that they will mine the on trance to Sydney ami St JohnV. NowfoundlamL harbors. -................. SPANIARDS DIE ENROUTE. _ Transport From Culm itcach.-a Ca.ti, wirii Ninety-eight Corpse*. The Spanish steamer Montserrat ar rived at Cadiz, Spain, Wednesday from Santiago do Cuba with repntria tod troops. There were ninety-eight tloaihfl ou board during tho vovugo aa ‘l S 111 * of her passengms nro sick. The .Spanish spleen newspapers are vent- by ‘ m ? their on the Americans publisliing Act ions to tbe effect that U-o united States sanitary officers at Gibura insisted upon the embarkation of * S l ,ftni,fh soldiers. The Montserrat left Havuuia on Octo ber 12 for Spain via Gibava and Tonta * **•-*«*«* a number of Spanish troops at (iiliarn, and when she arrived at Ponta del Gada it was announced that there had been seventy-two deaths on her dur ing the passage across the Atlantio. FOR LARGER MONITORS. Warships May B© Built. f<>v Four Big Guns Instead of Two. A Washington dispatch says: Tho navy department is considering tho advisability of modifying its plans for tho four now harbor monitors by in creasing tlioir size from 2,700 tons to 1,000 thus, enabling them tocarryfour 12-inch guns in two turrets instead of two guns in one turret. * Sa’K ! N LEV'S ADVICE Sought By Gommlttv© of Memphis anlitio Convention. The committee in charge of the quarantine convention to he held in Memphis, Tenn., on the 17th instant, has addressed a letter to President McKiulcv, asking his advice and eu eouragement in devising some effective and systematic distressing plan to provent conditions u re currcnco of tho caused by yellow fever, which existed iu some of tho southern states during this year and lust. A copy of the ros oluiions under w hich the convention has been called was enclosed. OFFICERS PUNISHED. Thirty of Thom at Camp Poland Ar© Kc dnood to Hanks. Thirty non-commissioned officers of the First West Virginia regiment at Camp Poland (Knoxville, Tenn.) were reduced to ranks Thursday. Tho of fense committed by these men was that- of greasing the track of the dummy line, running, from the city through the Second brigade camp. It is understood that almost ns many men from the Sixtli Ohio regiment were engaged in the affair, aud it is stated that they will also be tried by the summary court of that regiment. LEGISLATORS WILL VOTE. Georgia’* General % *if#mbly Adjourn* For Election. The Georgia general assembly voted adjourn from Saturday until Wed nesdny at noon to enable the members to go home and vote in the congres ah'iial election, A plan to grant leave of abseil o to th-’j.g members in whose districts there are contests ami not to adjourn for the three days, was not received with favor and ail of tho senators nud representatives will be given au op portunity to vote. NEW REPUBLIC FORMED. NUarniem,, n.»r..l..r». nnd Salvador Hav« Federal Form of Oovernmeat. a . Washington . special . A says; com plete transformation of the geography of Central America occurred on No ™” b ” >. b r*h.bwh.1.... r-blic, tl„ Umt.,1 Sklo. of Central America, and the disappearance of the republic of Nicaragua, Salvador and Honduras, etcopt as states of the new union, Wenor H r% Corea, charge d affaires of these republics during their transition stago, has received detailed informa Hon of the changes effected and the ,orm government of the new repub- * .. . ,, ., .. .. , i m p 0 rtanca of the United^ States of Central America AX * 1U Aft- \ orea points nm'nts out that it has a population , of about st^Xa’ ^ the site of the Nicaraguan canal through which commerce will ulti mntely pass from ocean to ocean. public rjaTj2w 2o!°1805?whM the throe presidents—Zelaya, of Nicara gua; Gutire, of Salvador, nnd Bonilla, of Honduras, formed tho treaty of Amapala. This provided for a union on the foreign affairs of tbe three countries nnd created a diet which directed these foreign affairs. It did not amount to a national union, how „ _ The diet therefore recommended tw? ” atoTfro^m l I, i'only cl ueiegates el eg from each each of of *-'j e three countries, to draw up a com constitutional union. The as M|llll | )lv me t on June 20 last the anni ™* d, ’° p re gjd e nt elected for four years bv Vo the q ire( , t v()t v V”^immedkt’o o{ t) j with a It” visio wK5 „ re £,Zi electb, tl >c three presidents. Zelnya, Guttler possibility of influences favorable to one executives. The president 1 , , , ; t ; . of the army and navy, and his funo tiona are much in the line with those of the president of the United States. The inauguration of tbe president is fixed for March 1 November’1st r >tb next and in «»e meantime from the execulivo r wiU , )e (lirecte(I b n of three selected by the gener a > ".use three being Coro net Nicaragua, 8 Gallos, of aud UgHrt) of Honduras, The presidential election occurs the .Sumlny in December, and at tho Mine tune representatives to the new h « u “ of representatives will bo ,2. I he , legislative . , ,. power is . given . to a ^ 011 K roaf * of I"' 0 bouses, tho senate be *ng m ade up of six senators from each s4 ? 4e ’ and Uireo from tho federal dis M 0 ** while tbe house of representa tires has ono representative for each thirty thousand inhabitants. This makes a senate of 21 members, and a house of about 79 members. Tho congress meets next March, the iuau guration of the president following on the 15th. The federal judiciary provided by the constitution is patented nfter tlie system of the United States, and in throughout the whole constitu '‘on there is a close resemblance to thosvstem in this country. U‘ 0 governments of Nicaragua, Sal va(lor “'“l Honduras become states their presidents giving way to gov ori’ors. I lie states retain control over affalra of * pn,oI T local character, and have legislatures and direct local af fa ‘ ra “ uu ' l ‘ as the states in this eouu Ir? ** ORDERS DISTILLED SPIRITS. English Government Makes Contract in Chicago For About 3,000 Barrels. The British government has closed n contract in Chicago for the immense delivery of 125,000 gallons, or about 3,000 barrels, of distilled spirits at - Montreal. r . . An ...... intimation also was given that about 450,000 more gallons would , i all likelihood be ordered -i -i in within about ton days. Tho use of the distilled spirits thus ordered will bo in the manufacture of smokeless powder, of which distilled spirits is one of the chief ingredients, TURKS WERE OBSTINATE. They Clash With English Kuthorlty In Carnlia, Crete. Advices from Candia, Island of Crete, stale that on Saturday Rear Admiral Gerard Ifenry Noel, British commander in these waters, ordered (lie Turkish troops whose embarka tion was delayed by nil order from Constantinople, to embark on a Brit ish transport. The soldier i proceeded to obey, but the Turkish officer in command stop ped the embarkation, whereupon the British admiral caused the barracks to lie surrounded and declared the Turks prisoners. He also threatened to use force to compel them to embark. GOVERNOR T.VYEOU RECOVERING After a Long Illness II© In Koahled t> l'njoy a Buck Hunt. Governor Robert L. Taylor, recovered of Ten nessee, has sufficiently from his recent illness to enjoy a duck hunt Saturday near Lis old home in the Nohudmekey. He visited his brothers, All and James, at the home place, aud spent several hours very pleasantly Governor Taylor hopes to be in Nash ville within ft week. He is improving with remarkablo rapidity. BRYAN GOES HOME, Colonel Reaves Savannah for I.lnc:ilu, N© brn«kit* to Recuperate. Colouel William J. Bryan left Sa vaiinab, Ga.. Saturday for his borer at Lincoln, Nob. He went by way o Montgomery. entirely recovered fro:i lie has not his recent severe attack, amounting al most to typhoid fever, and showed signs of iiis long sickness. He ex poets, however, to fully recuperal wi.hin a short time, and return to re join his regiment. FOREIGN CRITICISM Amerle.n Proved ora ne*»rdlng ............■ _ the „ Berlin correspondent of , The „ London Standard says that Russia J nd another power are credited with ^* e intention of intimating to Wash ,„„„ agreement ib, „„ cumstances. The German papers ex themselves very freely. The ?T«I ^ orr « s P« n<1 °nciasays: “The United States conducted ho peace negotiations as they conducted the war. The mask of humanity is bein ' gradually dropped, revealing br " tal ,)and ol fl ‘^ngth. When ^e ybpptnosoil protocol , was vv»s stgned in American not a foot bands, of "President McKinley demands the cora P ,ete surrender only because vic * or y * n forlhcorning elections do * ' «,. on n qn )ft American Am«rio«n ae rln , . -m desirous PhlIlpplne of Ueting naval sta t,oas ,n * he s ’ ’ llie Courier . admits that "°urzon the ., have for mterfer powers no cause . , , .. . ... C8 ?, If «P Spain a "f^ n with obtain jealous compensation eyes. can sufficient to cover the Philippine and Cuban debts,” Tbe National Zeitung ays, .<„i she „ would i.u be better u off tr without -,i . the islands. Looking to the commer cial and strategical value of the Phil ippines, we should not be surprised at resistance on the part of some of the powers. Moreover, it-is evident that the inhabitants will not acquiesce in The Frankfurt Zeitung thinks that a f ter t y ie e l ec .ti 0 iis liuolv tlie Amerienn com m i S pj onerR ? TR ar Rre „ “kely to to make make some soma concessions, . the chief question since KlinSAK The Londoh Morning Post says: “H >s expected that a rupture of the ppace negotiations between the United States and Spain will be offi «»-«- « V,kU, / lh “ f ee g '• ^ , , « Un5t « d « tateR ’ anrl tliat tLey may ulti ma ’ el y W 4 h *™« fttlle(1 to a " ree with their adversaries. Tho Vienna correspondent of The, _ Times says that the Spanish commie M01 »ers cannot be surprised, nei.her cau 4he Spanish government deny America’s , decision to take the Philip pines ’ Possibly the Spanish people were not prepared for it, and the com “ issi °nors are protending surprise so *'*™*™«' f ft0 ® rnhlic opinion. Certainly every body outside of Spain must have un ^tood that the archipelago was lost 10 SpaiD ------- SUNKEN SHIPS ABANDONED. Cristobal Colon, Vizcaya and Almarante Oquendo Cannot Be Raised. A dispatch to I ho New v York m Tnb une from Washington says: The navy department has practically decided to a nan don wrecking tions under existing contracts on the Spanish cruisers Cristobal Colon, Vizcaya and Almarante Oquendo, near Santiago,which have become onerously expensive to the government, The department 1ms reached tho eonclnsion that tlie A izcaya nnd tho Almirnnte Oquendo will probably never be rescued, and that the Cristo bal Colon, if saved at all, will not lie brought to the United States by the Merritt ft Chapman Wrecking corn P a “.T, which 1ms been working on this vessel nndei a special conti act mvolv lng the payment of S.S29.2.) a day since July 29, without visibly improving the clianees of tliat ves sel s sa lvage. COLORED TROOPS MUTINY. Objected to While Officers, Hut Were Finally Taciflod. On account of the appointment of white commissioned officers to fill the plftccs , caused , . by the ,, resignation of e nine negro n officers, the Sixth Virginia regiment . . at , Ciltnp ,, -*-) A i x refusetl to , drill or do other duty J Wednesday . vnornmg. white captains Four of the new 'v ar rived , and , reported to take charge of f the companies. 1 The enlisted men held meeting .. and refused to obey amass orders unless negro officers were put over them. Three white regiments were ordered ont and ammunition issued. Major Genera! Bates, who was present, helped quell the mutiny. The negroes were finally pacified. WILLIAM W ILL PROTECT. Emperor of Germany Addresses the Colo ny of Templars at Jerusalem. Emperor William, of Germany, in thanking the colony of Templars for their hearty reception in Jerusalem, said: “I hope that in the future, as in the past, my friendly relations with Tur key and especially the friendship ex isting between the sultan aud myself, will facilitate your work. Whenever one of you need my protection I am there. Let him come to me, no mat ter what his creed may be. Happily, the German empire is in a position to afford its subjects a broad and effective protection.” hospital for savannah. Building Will Tip Similar to the Sternberg nt Chickamnuga. Major R. Emmett Giffen, who has been in charge of Sternberg hospital, at Cbickamauga park, in fact who founded the hospital, loft Chattanooga Wednesday for Savannah, Ga., where he has been ordered by the depart ment to erect a 1,000-bed hospital on the fame lines as those at Sternbeig. CHARTER IS AMENDED. Georgia Tin© Railway Company XViJl Build an Extension. The secretary of state lias granted an amendment to the charter of the Georgia Fine Railway company,giving it the right to extend the road from Arlington to Columbus by way of Cuthbert, a distance of ninety miles. The road has already been built from Valdosta to Arlington, about ninety miles, nnd when completed to Columbus will bo one hundred and eighty miles long. A Father’s Story. From t\e Evening Cretcent, Appleton, WT». A remarkable cure from a disease which Itself would I bo preferred, has attracted a tjreat amount ,t of ettentton among th« tast ’Ph* nftseto^tult ead of of little Appleton, Willard Oresoh, aonofRlcbard P. Crsscli, a wuli kuowu ^ess^isaajsa “ CSti!* SSte when,ns (>y n miracle, he was healed and Is resides nt 1002 Second Street Appleton, WlMonalq. told the following .tor,: T i3'1 '-6A.r \S ITA (A [_JSf 'W’ ^ ls f absltefy'helpless. His i ower limbs were paralyzed, feel nad when it below wo used electricity lie could not his hips. Finally we let the doctor go as ho did not seom to help our son and we nearly gave up hope. Finally my rnothor who Hv>'s In Canada wrote advising the use of Dr. Williams’ I’tnic Pills for Palo Peo “s'when our boy had been on the stretcher for an entire your nnd helpless tor nine mouths. In six weeks after taking momhs he wLsabfo lo 8 is since he took the first of “It two years school just tho pills and be Is at now as happy and well as any of the other ehll a ran. It was nothing else in the world that saved the boy than Dr. Williams’ I’ink P1US " r 11,1101,edi,1 °'” A r:irt:r;mng tlit the manner in which M. Godin, new Minister of Public Works nnd Senator for French lnaia, first came to represent that constituency. M. Godin ....... “1 tt. =»>>»« vl- M. BH. T lm<1 Up sleeve to fill any prob Z =VTthX iSS't^V coed with the revision of the Dreyfus cast ’’ M ’ Go(,in IS !l so ^‘ awyer ’ and some fifteen years since he appeared in and won a case for a gentleman who was largely represented in Frencli India. The day for sett ement came round, and the client having duly handed M. Godin bis fees remarked: “By the way, how would you like to represent French India in the Chamber, because ****** " M. Godin knew that his client was a liig man in Pondicherri, but naturally replied: “No one knows me there, and I should have to make a long voyage.” “Nothing of the sort,” replied the gentleman; “you keep out of our local struggles and stop in Paris.” M. Godin did so, hut accepted the of fer, and some few months later some 15,000 Hindoos put his name into the urn, nnd it was Ihen that M. Godin first became Deputy for French India, a place the existence of which up to that day he only probably knew of in a vague’sort of way—Paris Daily Mes senger. Yice Versa. Blinkers—Hello, Winkers, I hear you married a woman with an inde pendent fortune. Winkers (sadly)— No-o; I married a fortune with au in dependent woman. ToI , acco Sp , t 0J ,.i s»ok. Your Mft Away, To qult tobacoo easily and forever, be ma*. nctlo, full of life, nerve and visor, take No-To terd Booklet amt sample froe. Address Bierllng itemedy Co., Chicago or New York, The largest organ in the world is In the cathedral ot Seville, Spain. $100 Keward. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased disease to learn that there is at least one dreaded that science has been able to cur© m all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity- Catarrhbemgaconstitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat inent. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal y, acting directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, nnd giving the pi tient strength by building up the constitution and assi-ting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that thev offer One Huudred Dollars t’«r auy case that it fails to cure, bend for lisi of testimonials. Address _ „ r . J. CHENEY & UO., iOiCAO, YJ. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Spain has greater mineral resources than any other co untry in Europe. No-To-Bac for Fifty cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists More than half of the mahogany Mexico. supply in the United States comes trom M W: ■I tW ■ fad t m J k fMlTATiP Rlli” THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FWS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Si rup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CnL I.OVHVILLE. W. rs« york. a. y. Filipinos as They Are, The Insurgents are not brave find will not stand exposed under Arc. The Spanlsh-Flllplno Idea of war Is to first build breastworks, then hug them, hold a gun overhead, resting on the parapet nnd fire In the atmosphere. They take no aim, nnd arc slow and awkward In handling their weapons. Filipinos have no discipline. They come and go almost at will. Their wives and children accompany them to the front. They wear a uniform slmilar to the Spaniards, a blouse aud trousers of light blue cotton cloth. They carry a small bag of rice and about fifteen rounds of ammunition. All natives are barefooted, children wear a shirt, women a loose waist ami a yard of cotton around the hips. Men Usually wear a shirt aud trunks. Girls marry at twelve years. The families at e large; women of twenty can fre- 1 quently be seen with seven or eight children. Tito women age early, and few except half castes can be consid ered pretty. They do not average over eighty-live pounds In weight, and take great pride in their long black hair, which they wear combed back and coiled on the back of the head. They are erect, nnd some have ting shoul ders. Betel nut chewing is universal, The juice is blood red, discolors .the mouth and teeth, and gives them a dis gustlng appearance. They use no bed clothing, but sleep in their clothes on bamboo cots. Modesty is an unknown virtue among the natives.—Chicago Tribune. , Beauty Is Blooil Deep. Clean blool means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarots, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keop it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by «akin? Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. for Mexico inspecting has an X-ray apparatus to be used canned meats and fruits. We saw at the warerooms of Southern Car riage and Wagon Co., corner Pryor and Decatur St.s., Atlanta, Ga., a One carriage for Gov. Can dler. It is one of tho finest and best finished carriages ever brought to the state. This firm sells everything In the vehicle line, from $10.00 Itoad Cart to finest Carriage made. We advise our friends to write them for prices before purchasing Carriage or Buggy. The value of the diamonds, sapphires and i rubies on Mohammed’s tomb 1- $12,100,000. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarots Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. if C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Coal is dearer in South Africa than in any other part of tbe world. “Eoth my wife and myself have been using CASCARETS and they are the best me dicino we hove ever had in the house. Last waelt my wile was frantic with headache for twodays. she tried some of your CASCARETS, and they relieved the pain in her head almost Immediately. We both recommend Cascarets.” Cuas. Stedefoki), Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. c£„ N a °^= mma m TRADE MARK RCOJ6TERED a»M»caWf Orfpef 10c,°2de, Xo! ... CURE COHST1FAT1CSJ. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago^, Montreal, Hew York. S17 HO-TO-BAS SSas d «®as , ‘SSia,®J5sr EFFECTED CURES BY GerstSe’s Female Panacea, One Bottle Cured Where Physictpn Failed. nut MgEafflSSSlsMia for it. A.ft«r taking bottle she entirely cured pay and lias been in good health one since. was /yj \ 1 t'sf Moore’s Bridge. Ala. ever R. GILLILAND. ro J. Health Restored. I Was weak and in very bad health and unable to do my work. I used one bottle of 'I Gerstle’S Female Pana cea <G. F. P.) and it did me more good than anything I If there Is any Cos- overused. 1 am now in good tiveness, use St. Jo- health and can do my work. seph’s Liver Regula- ' -Mrs. 8.E. CHANDLER. Gin, Ark. tor until the Bowels fJtls become regular. Get It from y out druggist, ?7 or send us ag cents and we will send you ' / /. I c a package, prepaid. Suffered from Change of Life. My wife was sick for seven years, suffering could from the 1 //Jj il-| Change of Life. \\ e tried everything we get from 1 [ - the doctors and paid out a considerable sum for treat- !i!lle*A lyi \ 'N ment without Female any good result. We then began and using ' V f J~. I Gerstle’S Panacea iiad (G. for F. P.) it did I V A t more good than all else we used six years. It is the the greatest market. remedy J. for D. suffering BORDEN, females Ccilmesneil, ever placed Tex. : on If your druggist does not keep ft. send us Si.oo and will send yon a bottle, all charges paid. L. GERSTLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. HEALTHY MATERNITY. Two Grateful Women Tell of the Help They Have Reoeived From Mrs. Pinkham. The climax of life force in woman is capable motherhood. The first requisite for a good mother is good health. Health of body means health of the generative organs. Read what Mrs. G. A. Noiotamakeb, Bluffton, Ohio, says about Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, and how well i it prepared her for maternity: V “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham :— I must say a word in praise of your Vegetable Compound. I !» £> used three bottles of it when I was preg V x 1 nant, and labor was not nearly as long v as it was with my other babies; and m % my baby is so healthy to what the others were. I think every woman a should use your Compound when preg & ing nant, and it will misery. save I them cannot so much say enough, in praise of it. If ever I need medicinh ’ f^wTv 1 t) A again, I shall use your Compound.” 7 The most successful tonic known to 4 medicine for women approaching ma ternity is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. It is a safeguard W( \ for every woman who uses it, and r\ the fullest benefit comes from its L use with Mrs. Pinltham’s advice \ freely offered to all woman. Her ft address is Lynn, Mass. ST aJ Here is a convincing statement, [5$ bearing directly on this subject, from Mrs. E. Bisnor, of 1848 Pacific _ St., Brooklyn, N. \ T .: “Dear Mrs.Pinkham:—I am ft great believer in your Compound. I was almost despairing of ever again being well, as I was a great sufferer, and had been for years. I suffered from womb trouble, and had terrible blind fits. After writing to you I tried your Com pound. The result was astonishing. I have used it and advocated it ever since. ( often said that I should like to have its In childbirth it is a perfect boon. I have merits thrown on the sky with a search-light, so that all women would read, and that there is remedy for their sufferings. ” be convinced a k Million Women have been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham’s Advice and Medicine r - . --T „ frelgW 75 . O Tbl* ConclJ, O v Jl r ‘XE" ? K it,*.,-poisu "'«•<>“ Q J *Do yoli’' to E?^/^nersl bouse • want cata X 5 {’ii™?yurnUuro M^htnes, Crockcry. t'nvetwsr*. X ' Sewln* : ri t" vobI’up'iV, ^ ’Clocksj v-V "'PftSmJd ' r G o° d 2 t i.ampa, r , h lit wiif savo^fj.f oto„ an Thj> Q book*wfi?surprise1 inoro « youan<lino^- 1 X lag will ploaao jou . X f.'^oR^aphCatalogue,'show- s 5 0 inxnxaot designs or Carpets, j § Wo mhandpaintod Carpsts freS, furnish colors, ; sew Carpets,*' V p?v P fraWit 0 on ”1' O y think wo wouldspenA untniocuos if Carpets, & „ year on our $ I whenroucanbiiyof(honmn- p a °; a t he JeTa°lle^’s proTtsOQC fc j tO y X til? way, „ d “faeturer ? Address g JULIUS ® DON’T K W 0 OSEY. You can get the best if you keep calling for it. Wo Intend a million people In tho South shall stand In our Shoes. Yes, Red Seal Shoes e will lit and wear. ••• i e O If you don’t believe GO® it, try a pair. (3 J. K. ORR SHOE GO •J ATLANTA, GA. IWELL drilllu farm. rics, Water Ioe City a wells Works, Plants. and for Village bouse. Facto- Brew eries, Indention, Coal u Minora! Prospecting, Oil and Das, etc. Latest acd Dest. ; years experience. WRIT £ US . y ty x -g, WHAT YOU WANT. mm a hyjjhh, Tiffin, ohi*. FHEi WATCH! B^nd Nickel vour address cigars. aud When we will sold, express remit 50flne,lonj£ us $2.!S0 and filler ahandsomostem wind and we will mail you, free, WINSTOS set. watch, which retails for 42.50. 2S.C UCiAii CO.,-NO. w J xbAia bt, Winston, We^glve every girl orwomanouo roUed ■ fil lie c 3 ks mond ring, solid-gold pattern, for sell ing 20 packages Garfield Pure Pepsin Gum among mall friends at 5 cents a package. Send name: we gum. When s fid send money; wo will mail ring; few can tell It fr >mgenuine diamond. Unsold gum taken back.. Write 5 >r our Si-page catalogue ah twUuc 4'M premiums. Garfield Gum Uo., Box MealvtHe, Pi. I PER DAY SURE! SAURY or Comrolislort. Do you went honorable,steady employment the year round at good wages, at your own home or to travel f If io, ■ond 4e in stamps for wholesale price-list sad partio* Dlari. We furnish has' o* bank references. MICH# AMERICAN TEA C0KPANY, DETROIT, I 05 ”BS? 523 PATENTS-: Mr DROPSY book'of testimonials SSSt: and IO day*’ CtIB e.s. Send or I GREEN’S 1 re atment Free. Dr. H-H. SONS, Atlanta. Oa. ixr ANTED—Case of bid health that RTP*A-N'S Yv Will not benefit. Send 5 cts. to Kioanff ChemicBl Co^NewYork. for 1» .arnpl.* *ad l W ...tlmoatoa.. If afflirted with 1 Thompson’s Eye Water sore eyes, use MENTION THIS PAPER In writing to .adver tisers. ANU 98-45