The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, November 17, 1898, Image 3

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j_-©e<a] and I'VrseFia v I. » • Matters of /Merest Gathered in City and County, Concerning People Y °H Know and People You Don’t Know. The entertainment w ‘H be a rich treat Saturday evening fv/ the Coi lege. Let everybody turn 01ft and •ucourage tlie students. «o to A Isaac’s foi H’esh bl’Cad And cakes. Mr. H S Johnson has purchased a large body of timber near Abbeville and will locate his tie camps here. He works a large force of hands and has a Wig pity roll which will add greatly to Abbeville'S- trade, • The CiiattmcLK extends a hearty wel come to the management. Now is the time to purchase a new buggy for Christinas. Call on T L Holton and get his prices, he has some flue buggies on hand. 11 10 Wanted—A load of wood on sub scription at this office. In another column will be found a communication from Welbourn Ful ler in Cuba which describes the country and its people in a very in teresting way. There will be no adjourned term of court in December. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co., represented by T L Holton, stands second to none, call on him for fire insurance. II 10 Paxson Bros., keep. Heinz sweet and sour pickles in kegs. Mr. J M.McDowell, who lias been confined to his bed for several days is out again. The Central Drug Store has the best assortment of fancy candy in the city. Rev. S E Blitcli is at lio»ie quite sick this week. We hope for him a speedy recovery. ,J H Alison and C E Melton, of Mystic, spent Sunday in the city. Planters CUBAN OIL cures Cuts, Burns, Bruges, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents. For sale by city Urns; Store. Mr. and Mrs. H B Moore leave today for Wilmington, N. C., where they will make their future home. These young people leave scoits of friends here who regret exceedingly tr»; see them move away, and will wish for them happiness and success fir their new home. Chickens, eggs butter and all kind of country produce taken on sub scription at the Chronicle ofhee. Is the sanitary committee doing its full duty now? Look around about you and see if there ist not more that can be done. When wanting a nice box of faticy candy, that’s fresh, call on Central Drug Store. Tom Dixon is now running the shoe shop in the restaurant building on the square. When needing re gair work give him a call. Wood taken oil subscription at the Chronicle office. A T Baker is at his same old stand again, as snug as a bug iu a rug, in the grocery business. Reed the advertisements this week and give the merchants your trade. If It Is something good to eat go to Paxsou Bros., they have it. Hon. G C Wilcox was in town and gave the Chronicle office a pleasant call. A. Isaacs made a flying visit to Prtigernld Monday. Wiien you ask for DeWitt's Witch hazel Salve don't accept a counter feit or imitation. Th'ere are more of piles being cured by this, than all others combined. Central Drug Co. Mr. H B Moore, of Cochran, spent several days of last week in the city. Go out to the entertainment L> be t given by the Scientific Class at ditorium Saturday night. Paxson Bros., will pay highest market prices for all kinds of poultry. 11 10 tf ltev. Jack Swain, after an absefcee of several weeks, is spending some time iu the city. Fisher s Seed Oats,, Hay and (Straw at McLeod & Co.’s Abbeville, •Ga. 10 27 Pft>f; T J Luke, of Irwinville, 'Spent two or three days quite antly in the city this week. C CUBAN BELIEF Colic, Neuralgia aud 1 EWaltVB V Sour and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. For sale by fit j Drug Co.. -Abbeville. Ga. >lr. M B Pearson, of Fitzgerald, ' spent several hours in the city da). Next Thursday is Thanksgiving day. Hocjc Salt for stock' 2$cts per lb, 10 20 tf Paxson Bros, Head the new ad of T Gottlieb in this issue, it will Interest you. • It pays everybody to insure their property, against loss by fire, and T Jj Holton will be glad to write In surance on your property, lie repre all the old line companies. 112 Remember that Rev, E 11 Mc Gehee preaches at Methodist church Sunday night. We have a few more blank re ceipts, which we will take great pleasure in filling out for both de linquent and new subsetibers. Late to bed and early to rise, pre pares a man for his homo in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer aud better and wiser. Cen tral Drug Co. The sportsmen are in their glory now and every day they can oe seen coining in with game bags full and a happy smile on their face. riaiWCI aNUBIAN 3> TEA cures Dyspcp i<ia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. For sale by City Dr up Co.. Abbeville, Ga. *R S Burton and son, the popular of the Eastman Times-Jour nal, spent several hours in the cut)’ last Friday, and paid the Ciiboniclb office a pleasant call, as they were enronte home from Fitzgerald. The favorite whiskey of famous men is HARPER. Because of its smooth, exquisite flavor; because of its matchless purity; because of its mellow age. No wonder it’s the fa vorite. Every drop sterling. HARPER WHISKEY. Sold by Lassoter, Ham & Co., Abbeville, Ga. SHOE SHOP—The shoe shop that Brown Pines lias been running lias moved up on the square near the artesian well. Good work at low prices. S T Dixon, Prop. Greensburg, l’a., July 11, 1898. About four years ago one side of toy abdomen begau to enlarge from a growth inside. It grew to such proportions that tt seemed to fill the abdomen. Then dropsy began and swelled both legs aud stomach to twice their normal size. The doctors called the trouble enlargement of the spleen, and told me I must die. I was removed from the hospital and sent for Dr. J II McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. I took seven bottles and continually gained and *m well in every way now. The dropsy entirely disappeared and left the growth very small. Michael O'Neill. For sale by Central Drug Co. The steamer City of Hawkinsville made her first trip, under the new management, lust Monday, SLie was loaded down with cotton and naval stores for Savannah and Brunswick. A cough is not like a fever, It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effect ually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for ail ages and for the most severe cases, We recom mend it because it's good. Central Drug Co. Hon. V II Fitzgerald of Indian apolis parsed through Abbeville to day en route to Fitzgerald. lie was accompanied by forty-two immi grants from the North to Fitzgerald, most of whom will locate there. Overcome evil with good. Over come Voiir coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure, It is so gootl children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis Central Drug Co. At Methodist Church Next Sunday. Preaching 11a. m. by pastor. Preaching 7 p. m. Rev. E II Mc Gehce. Yellow Jaundice Cured Suffering humanity should be sup plied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish tbb following: “This is ^ certify that I was a terrible from yellow jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drug recommended Klectnc Bitteis. and after taking two bottles, I entirely cured. i now take pleasure in recommending them any person suffering from this ter rible malady. 1 am gratefully H. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky.” Sold by City Drug Co., Druggist. - i TERM FINALS OF G. N. C. i Saturday Evening, Nov. 19, 1898, 1. Music. 2. Primitive Man—W C (Clinch count)'. (la., 3. Mydis/yf the North—Miss Ks sic liHtcJi, Wilcox county, Ga. 4. Music. 5. j^ocrates-^-l () Render, Lowndes comity, Ga 0. Education in Greece —W T Tfickerson, Clinch county, Qa, 7. Music. . H. Brahma and BruUmliilsm—Max Kllhouvn, Franklin county, Fla. tK Confucius and Confucianism— A J McDonald, Jackson Co. Ga 10., Music. 11. Solon and Ills Laws—W II Brown, Levy county, Fla. 12. The Mission of Greece—Miss Jonnie Smith. Hamilton Co Fla. Exercises will begin promptly at 8 p. m. All *re invited to attend. No charge but good order and polite attention. W, A. Little. The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the sufferer the better. Lingering colds arc dangerous. Hacking cough is dis tressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. Central Drug Co. Union Meeting. There will be a union meeting of the churches held at the. Methodist church on Thanksgiving day, Thurs day the 24th inst. Appropriate and interesting services will be conduct ed by the pastors et al. All are in vited. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve m the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. Card of Thanks. To those who so kindly extended to us their aid and sympathy during the last and fatal illness of our be loved wife and mother, we feel truly grateful and take this method of ex tending sincere ttianks. It is our prayer that the hand of affliction may fall lightly upon you. P. S, Tatum and family. Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt’s Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure sick headache, biliousness, inactive liver and clear the complexion. Small, sugar coated, don’t gripe or cause nausea. Central Drug Co. Adjourned Term of Court Will Not Be Held. Editor Chronicle :— The adjourned term of Wilcox court, to have been held on the first Monday in Dec. will be adjourned for the term and no court will be held at that time. I have been urged to adjourn the court by a large number of citizens of the county and nearly if not all the members of the bar. C. C. Smith, J. S. C. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. One black jersey cow, unmarked, with short crumply horns, about 3 years old. The cow was raised by J B Hall and was carried to Mitch Brown’s from which place it strayed Any information as to the where abouts of said cow will he thankful ly received by Frank Gibbs. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery lias been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and deatli seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessant ly, and could not sleep. She ly discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. j.King’s New Discovery for consump ( tion, and was so much relieved taking first dose, that site slept 1 night; ami with two bottles, lias i absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. j Lutz. Thus writes W. (' HamlI , ick & Co , <( f Shelby N. C. I Trial bottles free at the Cty Store. Regular size 50c. ami 81. Every bottle guaranteed. 4 One Minute Cough Cure, That Is what it was made ter. DeWitt’s Witch Maze! Salve “ Cares Piles. Scalds, Barns- BACKACHE x: ) Because WHY? Liver your and * Kidneys are out of order. DR. J. H. MCLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM is the "PEERLESS REMEDY” for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Diabetes, Rheumatism and Bright’s Disease. *1.00 PER BOTTLE. fob SALE BT For .sale by Central Drug Co. Death of Grandma Crawford. Our town was pained to learn of the death of one of our oldest and most estimable ladies, Mrs. M E Crawford, on last Thursday after noon at 4 p. m. She was the mother of Mrs. J R Alison. Mrs. J F Monk and*Miss Ellen Crawford of our town. She hAd been an invalid for many years and had reached the npe old age of 70 years. Like the closing of a summers day or the gentle ebbing of old oceans tide—so passed away the Spirit of a true and tried soldier of the cross, when, as the evening shades be gan to lengthen the fluttering heart ceased to heat and the weaned, tried soldier left lifes grim battle field and crossed over the river anil is resting under the shade.of the trees. It was not the plucking of the sweetly perfumed bud, nor the snatching away of the full blown rose in its beauty, lint the gentle touch of the Gardener’s skilled hand taking the perfected rose as its pet als were beginning to drop, fade and fall and with a Masters hand trans planting it in fairer fields to be watered from the springs of eternal beauty aud fanned by Heavenly breezes. A purer soul neer lived ; a brighter angel lias never winged o’er the vast expanse of Heaven; Grandma is gone. but we will meet her ou Heaven’s bright shore, some sweet day. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im placable enemy of seres, burns and wounds, i t never tails to cure piles. You may rely upon it. Central Drug Co. [professional Cards. A. R. ROYAL, PHYSICIAN ant> SURGEON. Abbeville -o- Georgia. Klduidoe Cutts. Ilii, Lawson. CUTTS & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office on Broad Street, near Court House. Abbeville, - GlorgiaT . E. H. ANDERSON, J E W E L E U . A FULL LINE OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JKWELRV ALWAYS ON HAND Repair Work A Specialty. W. R. GOOUE, M. D„ IJhyMlolHtT Cfc Stirtfi-on, Calls answered promptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. J. J. HENDLY, 1) E N T IST. Office upstairs in Hendly Building. DR. J. H. POWELL, (Late of Rest American Hospitals.) FITZGERALD, GA. Specialist in Chronic Diseases Men and Women and Diseases of Eye. ^ Ear, ’ Nose and Throat. j (Permanently Located.) a 1 5 :t in centra! city : barber shop. all work done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention next door to southern express office. bob weathers proi*. Advertise —In the— Chronicle, COTTON OUOTATIONS. Thursday Nov. 1 (), 181)8. Good middling ..... 4|e. Strict middling...... i Middling.......... Lowiniddling....... Many a household is saddened by death because of tin failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely eer j tain cure for croup such as One | Minute .Cough Cure. Sec that your little ones are protected against emergency. Central Drug Co. All .Joh Work turned out of the Chronicle .Job Office is guaranteed first class. When needing Jictter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Enve lopes, Cards, Statements, Etc. b<“ sure to give us tv call. Steamships to Cuba To Resume Service. Steamship Mascottc of the Plant System Line will resume service to •Havana, Cuba, Sept. 1st. Sailing will be as follows:—Leave Port Tampa each Monday and Thursday at if o’clock p. m. arrive Key West each Tuesday and Friday at 3 p m. Leave Key West same days at !l p m Arrive Havana each Wednesday and Saturday at 0 a m. North bound, leave Havana each Wednesday and Saturday at 12:30 p m ; leave Key West same days at 7 p m; arrive Port Tampa each Thursday and Sun day at 2 p in A Pol'K, G. P. A. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA \\ ili-ox County.. Will be sola K ■ r. Uuj court house door ill the >v. II ol A villo, Ga.. within the legid hours of on the first Tuesday in December to the hb/hoM bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: one hundred and fifty acres of lot of land Xo. •212 In the 2nd district of Wilcox county, Ga., being a strip across th^entire lot from north to south on the western side of said lot of land. Levied on as the property of S II Ashley, tosal isfy a superior court ti fa in favor oi* .1 L W il son vs s ll Ashley, the same being for purchase money of said land. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. L. c. COVINGTON. Shcrlll. Citation. GEORGIA -Wilcox county: To nil whom It may concern: Charlie Benow havinj; In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of M M Carmichael, late of said county, this Is to cite all uiul slns'iilar the creditors and next of kin of MM Carmichael to be and appear at my oflice within the time allowed by law and show cause, If any they can. why permanent administration should not be granted to Char lie Renow on the estate of M M Carmichael, deceased. Witness my hand and official signature this 7th day of November, 1808. John M. Warren, Ordinary. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the enpiration of 30days from this date there will be imro^ dneed in the General Assembly of Georgia now in session, a bill to be entitled an act to provide for the removal of the county site of Wilcox county from tlie city of Abbeville In said county to the city of Rochelle in said county in accordance with the result, of an election held in said county for said purpose on the loth day of November 1807. This Oct. 27th 1808. Notice. GEORGIA—Wilcox County. Whercaw W R Greeson, John W Waddell, K W Flowers and others have made their appli cation to this court praying'for another grain ing the establishing of a new road, commenc ing at IMtts and running north by the residence of.I W Waddell and Intersecting the Rochelle and Vienna road at the Co.'s old rail road; now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on the 1st Monday in December said new road will be grunted if no good’'cause is shown to the contrary. Jiy order of L K Nance, L> McDuffie,, J N Evans, M E MoAnally, clerk. Com Roads and Rev. Notice. county. Whereas G It Gammatic. D M Harve.f and 'Al voters of the LCD district. G M (Maple have petitioned this court to change place of holding justice court front let of No. 120 to lot No. 1»3 on west line 200yards near where the land line crosses the road front 1) M Harvey's to Fail-cloth Bros., now this is to cite and admonish all per that on the llrst Monday in Decern her said of holding justice court in said district ill lie changed as petitioners pray for If no cause Is shown to the contrary. By order of I, F Nance, I) McDuffie, N Kvans, M K McAnaUy. < Merk. Com of Roads and Roy Citation. county: II (> Snow temporary administrator of the of George tv Heed and us next friend or Mrs. Content c Heed, havingntade application for Mrs. Content c Reed, for twelve months out of the estate of George W Reed, and appraisers d v nppuiided to set apart the same having lili-d i lifir nturn, all persons con cerned ...t.-l;. i".iuired to show eau.e i»- ordinary °r <>» t),e in'.;', Monday in December wby svnff ;ijt,ilion should not be planted. This November the Ttb. 181)8. John M Warren. Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA — Wilcox county. To all whom it may concern: IIO Snow liav in:; In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George \v Heed, lateof said county; this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of George W Reed to l» and appear at my offlei within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can why permyneiil iidminis trat ion. should not bo granted to 11 O Snow on tlj.‘ estate of George w Rood, peeeaseef. Witness m.v bund and official signature this November 7th 1808. John ft Warren, Ordinary. DeWitt’5 Little Early Risers, Tho lamoua BKIe pills. Banks Fail But we have Never Failed . . T 0 S E L L Furnit 11 re, Stoves, Crockery. In fact anything in the House-furnishing Line cheapr than can b bought in South Middl Ge W unhesitatingly recommend the 1898 Can also furnish a Good Wheel at $30.00 BAKER 6c MELTON. ENTRAL J h PITTMAN, TOILET ARTICLES AND FiNE PERFUMES. best SOAPS ON THE MARKET. 2 82 8 ----W )' 1 V YOU SHOULD TRADE WITH I Si Oliver.* 1. Because lie will give you more goods for the money than any one else in tin' city. 2 Because his stock is the most complete. 3. Because he has the prettiest line of Dress Goods in the city 4. Because his stock is fresh aud new. 5. Because his styles are the latest. fi. Because he will give you 20 yards good bleaching for $1.00. 7. Because he ttill give you 25 yards good checked homespun for $L 8 . Because lie will give you 20 yards good gingham for $1.00. 9. Because lie will give you 20 yards sea island for $1.00. 10. Because he will give you 5 yards all wool Jeans for $1.00. 11. Because lie will give you 25 yards good calico for $1.00. 12 . Because his dress goods from 20cts. to $1.00 will cost yot 35ct». to $1.50 elsewhere. 13. Because he has the prettiest line of shirts in town. 14. Because he will sell you a good trunk from 05cts. to $0.00. iy Because he will sell you a good. pair ladies shoes, all solid leather, for 95cts. i If. Because he will sell you best men’s Wigan shoe for and. $1.00. cheaper than ^ 17 Because lie will sell you gent's underwear better can be found elsewhere. 'IPX. TLt. 18 Because lie will sell you a $3.00 saddle for $2.00. 19 Because he will sell you a $4.00 saddle for $3.00. 20 Because he will sell you a $7.00 saddle for $5.00. 21 Because he will sell you 11 tt,s. good coffee for $1.00. 22 Because lie will sell you 104 tbs granulated sugar for $1.00. 23 Because he sells all groceries in proportion to the above prices. 24 Because he buys your chickens, eggs, cow hides, field peas, etc. 25 Because lie gives you more for your cotton than you can get this side of Macon. 2t; Because lie is the farmer’s friend. 27. Because he accommodates them and assists them through the long summer months. 28. Because he buys and sells everything. P. S. OLIVER. Dealer in Everything. Fifteen Days Sale _AT r. GOTTLIEB’S —L-TJIE LEADER OF LOW PRICES. If you are buying Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats or latest style silks and trimmings before seeing the wonderful values offered by me you arc throwing the money at the birds. Don’t do it. I have bought $5,000 worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc. from an Administrators’ Sale in the city of Baltimore—at 60 cents, on the dollar—which I will sell 70 cents on the dollar. We can’t tell you all about them here, it will pay you to come and see. Here Arc tt Few of The Special Bargains: $2.50 Mackintosh at $1.46 281 yds Check Homespun $1,011 N. E. Oi» Y. Manager. T. GOTTLIEB, Proprietor. ) Post Office. PRESCHIPTIUNS CAREFULLY COMPOI'NDED. $ 6.00 Suits at $4.49 25.1 yds yd wide Sen Island $ 1.00 As Being The Best That Can Be Produced. c Abbeville, 0 MPANY, Georgia. C H B O A I L A A R C SI T V r/i 1 N t cr n g D \r„ y 8 l R fc, A D S $4.00 Pants at $2.48 25 yds Calico $!.«() Come to soc tta FINE STATIONERY CHOICE CIO AllS, SODA WATER, AND COLD DRINKS.