The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, November 24, 1898, Image 2

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THE CHRONICLE. FF1CIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. Monroe KJJSSf I*. *J. Whitehurst, Associate Editor, SCI ISG’R 11 Til) S KATES. 1 welvc months........ >1 00 Six months............ . 50 r h roe months................................ 26 pir* Invariably Advertising in advance. furnUhed rates on application. xr The CmiomchK Is published every Thursday, Insure at Abbeville. Gift. < ommunlcations to Insertion h’louid reach the olhce not later than Monday, and must iii vuiyw be uecompanied by the writer'* tdgtiaturo; not necessarll faith y fur i>:iblii;at.l*ni, but a.s a guarantee of good For advertising rate- apply at tills office. TELEPHONE NO. 4A,— Entered at I bo Post Office at Abbeville, Ga., »s second-<■ luss matter. THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1898. There are’ 90,000 ordained minis ters in the United States. A sample ticket used in the Ans tr&linn ballot, system can tie seen in the Chhonici.k office. The Telegraph is right when it stands for “common schools first. Universities next, flub-dub last." :— 1 j, j.■ j. Let the legislature give us the Australian ballot system for holding elections. The experience of those who have tried it say it is the only .legal and satisfactory way of ex pressing the will of the people. It is said of a member of the pres •*'iit legislature that he curried with him from home it bundle of light wood splinters that he might, save kerosene oil at night while reading letters from his constituents at home. An Abbeville girl lias shown what a girl may do when neglected for a day or two. Meeting her lover after days of neglect she almost smothered linn with kisses and chewed off an inch of his tongue. A warning to young men—kiss ’em regularly. The state of Georgia could not make n greater mistake than to en act a law that would, in any way, curtail the appropriations to carry on her common schools. Keep up the common schools, the colleges and universities can better take cure of themselves. The Macon Telegraph says of the Maria 'Teresa: “She hove and she sot and she sunk. ” Which brings to mind Judge Tom Norwood’s famous couplet: She hove and sot and sot and hove And high her rudders flung, And every time she hove and sot A wusser leak she sprung, .w If about |^liiw^*iiiirUi lialf^QJ*'"darkies could I* 1 < , < | » | of the Mason and Dixon line the race problem would be solved.— Americus Times 'Recor der. The trouble is, the same kick would come, if this was undertaken, that is made by the Porto Ricans autl Cubans. The South must put up with the negro, lie is here and here to stay. Nobody else wants him. and if he is let alone lit people who do not know him, lie would be far better off anti so would the peo ple among whom he lives. It only takes a sorry negro to make a big hero w hen he becomes too unsavory for the South and lands hurriedly tip North.—King's Weekl\ (Greenville, N. (’. The Weekly goes on further to state: “Negro editor Manley is’ now in the North where it seems he is find ing congenial friends. However he is only a negro here, but there, hero of heroes. The South has thousands just such the north would be very welcome to. Will it take them? Tax Collector's Notico. 1 will be tit the following places on dates mentioned below, for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1898 Seeontl round Third round Abbeville Nov 3 Nov 21 Kyal’s Mill o * * 22 Davis’ Mill “ 3 “ 23 Maple Branch .« ( 1 “ 24 (Jin House Seville Wolf Fit “ 8 Shake Bag “ !> Sibbie •10 •* 30 Bowen s Mill •11 Ltilaville “ 12 Rochelle 1 1 “ Fitts J5 • • 5 I D.iy 1 , . ,1 time , days i , a* , county . site. J : Det M. t. .uli. tti’.it, Uien in Rochelle on up to the 20th of December, ; «ht-n books close. 1 G Harti.f.v. Tax Collector, W. C. Vvliy This Difference':' There is no doubt llmt Gov. Tan ner of Illinois violated the constitu tion of the United States when he • used tin; inilitin of his, slate to pre vent citizens of Alabama from set tling in Illinois and earning u living there. Why was it that the attorney general of the United Slates did not Inquire into this violation of the constitution? It is noticeable that lie was prompt to inquire into the question as whether any federal law had violated in South Carolina tlie other day, when an election riot occurred near Phoenix in that state. Why was lie so prompt to alleml to his duty in one case and so neglectful of it in the other? Is it not just as necessary that the federal laws rfhould lie respected in one state us in the other? lie fouud that no federal law had been violated in South Carolina, hut would he have found that the Gov ernor of Illinois did not violate the constitution if lie had made an in vestigation of the tragedy which oc curred in that state? 'The chances are lie will not. Still the affair in South Carolina has his attention, probably because it is a Southern state while the affair in a Northern state—an affair much more out rageous from any point of view—is allowed to pass unnoticed.—Morning News. ±. Overcome evil with good. Over come your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, .pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis eases. Central Drug Co. The following extract from a com munication from .Ashburn, Ga., in the Macon Telegraph, signed “Far mer,” gives a gootl formula for both landlord and tenant for the year 1899: “Let the landlords, in renting their farms for 1899 to tenants, say they will take a bushel of wheat for an acre, two bushels of corn or twenty pounds of iint cotton, and liecf and pork at market prices; then you will see a change in cotton pro duction and a better state of affairs for landlords and tenants. Tenants should inform their landlords that they will not make cotton notes ex clusively for rent. Rents are too high. Landlords should not ask $3 per acre for land that is not worth $1.” The Chronicle endorses the above heartily, viewing it from the position of landlord. It will be better both landlord and tenant hope to see the idea carried effect. Constipation prevents the from ridding itself of waste matter. Do Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure sick headache, biliousness, inactive anil clear the complexion. Small, sugar coated, don’t gripe or cause nausea. Central Drug Co. Georgia Wins Medals. Ex-governor Northen wires the following from Omaha: “Georgia continues to win vic tories on this conspicuous field of contest. With $7,700 we come into the mineral, mining and stone sec tions of the union and a gold medal on building stones; a gold medal on aluminum ore and products; a silver medal on minor minerals; bronze medal on clays; another on mana dnese and iron, and another on gold ores. We are also in the grain sec tion and have won a silver medal on grain, grasses and cotton. In this great contest of states we have won the gold medal on state exhibits. We are near through, yet will wire you again what could have been pos sible if we had come with only half the mon*ey expended by any other state. With $3,000 in building and 450 for ground space, we had only $4,100 for our show.” Sugar Cane. R A Wilson, of Reidsfleld, Wilcox county, is carrying on the manufac ture of Georgia cane syrup and mak ing ft a paying industry, lie gave us a call this week when we had ail iuteresiAugtalk with him m which he told u« that cane on an average would yield 3tdl gallons of syrup to the ttere and maximum Jttnjt gttllons to the acre. He will have tliis year, 2000 gallons for sale. He puts it in | cleay sweet vessels sealed tip so that R ivenlirely different iu tia.vor anJ i keeping qualities from that Iwought, ! . m bv the average farmei. If put i into self sealing cans will keep fresh for years. lie told us of a gentleman who was shipping a car load of lumber < WOMANS TRIALS. tulfvr Many women ' J i jpv pain month- great j 1 at 1 T Vf«- iFh/ . ■’£ JjEJ'pi, , !v periods ami j j hcheve it nut- ) & ural. Othurs jL danger realize but the lies- ] ‘ i ilato to secure i i III treatment on 1 | account of hu-j Sfii iiiiliatinglocal i Wi examinations. * tended Nature the, in- J “monthly regular, per- tin-!, 1 iods" to be painless and usual pain and sickness indicate serious derangements which should have prompt attention, or they rapidly grow worse. Local examinations arouot nec essary siuoc the discovery of Hi ■ ' i It cnrrn all Female Diseases regulating by proporly strengthening nn<l the or '!gans. Tliis This remedy slops is all vegetable the pain. compound, | anil is the result of a of experience. i prepared years lab ' ratories It is carefully by skilled chemists in our and own is in i dorsed l>y leading physicians, i, Sold by all druggists or sent post paid for |1. I, A Loxot “Monthly" Regulating I'ills wltheach id tie. Irs. A. L. Ft,HD. Wesson, Miss., writes: "It, UHl using two bottles of Planter* Female It,-gala lor, J have been cured of Nervous la bility brought about by the (drill of my last child. FREE to nny ad tiros*, Book on the Home Troatnioiit of Female DisenscH. A sninph * l>OJC of “Monthly” Regulating Pil s sent for 10 cents jn stamps. Addrett-, Wow Spencer Medicine Co , Chattanooga, Tvt nne.vsee. For sale by (,'tiy Drug (Jo. north and placed a barrel of syrup Til the car and realized $1.00 pet gallon for tin: syrup.—Fitzgerald Enterprise. The sugar cane crop, for South Georgia, is one that is true and tried and needs no experiment. What we fail to put in wheat, make it up in sugar cane. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than the City Drug Co., who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is pro ducing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and ail affections of the Treat, Chest and Lungs- Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free ora regular size for 50 ceiits and $1.00. Guar anteed to cure or price refunded. 5 LEGAL NOTICE. To. the lion. Secretary of State of (ieorzia: The petition of P II Fitzgerald. Robert V Bowen, Frank N Fitzgerald and \V R Bowen. First—That It V llowen is a residzmg of. Wil cox county, Georgia, that W R Bowen is a resi dent of Irwin comity, Georgia, and that P II Fitzgerald an.! Frank N Fitzgerald tyc’ both residonts of Marlon county 111 the state of In diana. Second—Your petitioners have associated themselves together and desire to Incorporate a Railway Company, under the general Rail ‘Road Laws of the State of Georgia under the name of the llawkinsvllle. Fitzgerald .X Gulf Railway. Third—The length of said rail road as near as can he estimated will be fifty miles. Fourth—The general direction and location of said rail road and the particular place through which it shall pass arc to be a.s fol lows: Beginning at llawkinsvllle. Pulaski county, Georgia, and running south through (lie lower half of said county, entering the county of Wilcox In u southeasterly direction, entering the county of Irwin Georgia, and con tinuing in a southeasterly direction through the county of Irwtn until it reaches the city of Fitzgerald In said Irwin county. Fifth—The amount of Capital Stock is to bo Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, divided Into shares of One Hundred Dollars each. Sixth—The number of years said corporation Is to OOW: mic is twenty years, with the right pivelego to extend the same at any time under permission of theftuite Laws. Seventh—The principle ottlee of said Corpo ration is to la- in Fitzgerald, Irtvln county, Georgia. good Fighth—Your petitioners intend In faith to go forward to procure subscriptions to the capital stock, to construct, oipilp, maintain and operate, said Rail Road with all branches and spur lines. Ninth- Your petitioners further show that they have given the legal four w'eeks notice of their Intention to apply for said charter, by the publication of their petition in the news-pa per designated by the Shorltf lit his legal advertise ment in each of the counties In which said Rail Road is to be constructed, said notice ap pearing once each week for four weeks prior to the tiling of the petition, as ay pears by the sworn statement of the editor attached hereto. Wherefore-Your petitioners pray to be in cvrporetcd. under the Laws of the State of Georgia, under the name aforesaid, with all the allowances, franchise, priveleges and immuni ties guaranteed such corporations under the construction and Laws of the State of Georgia. H e, the undersigned, being the parties of the above petition, de hereby and hereunto affix our hands and seals. FRJlNK n. Fitzukbald, Petitioners Attorneys. P. It. Fitzhkualp (Seal.] Fuank N. Fitzukhai u iSeal.] Kim t V. l.oa kn (Sea.] W.m. K. Bowk* State of Georgia. S. S Irwin County. \ • Personally appear. W U liowen. l\ Y liowen before Wm. U Moore. N P a Kx.-of. -J P in, and for said, county, eueh being duly sworn on oath say. that tiiej nanus signed to the above pe tit Km for incorporation are genuine signature of the persons named therein and that the matter set forth therein is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. W. U. iioWl’.N. KiiBKUT V. JiOWEX. Sul>siT:ivtt and sworn to before me ihis 1st la day of Ociober. lSDS. Wm. !L liooRK. N. P. A Kx-Of. .1. P . Irwin county. Georgia. stl1< . of lualalm . -'tat-ion t'oumy. > s . s. Hwsonally be (ore me. Otto Help, a l . 1 , um . i> .i 01Iu . r ot ■ i>,. 0 .t. for the state otwoi-saa P 11 Fjlugerald and Frank N Hit/gcrald who have signed the above Instrument and who acknowledge tlio same to be their free act and deetl. O. A. Dri.p, Commissioner of Deeds of the State of Georgia within The suue of Indiana. • palace Barber Shop ^ Store, t'p Stair*, In Hendley Over Wilkinson’s Jhillding. niisT-er.AHH work, :t: :t: :t: :t: 4: sharp uazohs, :t: :t: 4: +- politk attention. {#»xhe Only White Barber In die City, ulve me a Trial, I will appreciate lt.,^4 T. M. MATTHEWS. central efts) barber shop, all work done in first-class style, clean mugs and clean towels and polite attention next door to southern express office. bob weathers prof.. For Sale or Rent. The Parson place, four rooms with fire places; itall through the house. Plenty close for the school and churches. Apply to ■Chronicle Office. • Seiratei CJ Itttis-s -Has made arrangements to make Homer Reid’s Store HEADQUARTERS, Because lie found there the best assortment of Xmas. Goods in the city. *»• -i. Apples, Oranges Bananas, Cocoannts Lemons Raisins J Candies Nuts, Etc. HE HAS— Everything that is needed for Fruit Cake. . . . IIE IIAS— The Finest Assortment of Block’s Fancy Candy ever Brought to the city. HE HAS— Bought a large stock of Fire Works that have got to tie disposed of. Call and price before purchasing. HE HAS— The most select stock of Groceries in the city. . A car-load ot Cotton Seed Hulls and meal and all kind of Stock Feed. Don’t forget the place as all prices correspond with 2£ cent cotton. H omer § $75 up. Easy Terms. 0 Organs, 2 0 u. Easy Terms, Lowest price house on earth, ^ All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Ga, Music House, Macon Ga. you are not in it, according to the editor, if you don’t advertise in his paper. we are strictly in it and want to advertise the fact that we arc making the lamest % C_R the hardest the brightest colored the best brick in every respect that arc made in sputh georgia. we also make a fine quality ot re-pressed brick and can agricultural novelties of all furnish descriptions. reed brick \\ orks abbeville, georgia. The Chronicle . . « Is the Official Organ of Wilcox county, and the Best Advertising Medium in Southwest Georgia. Largest' circulation. Only $1 Per Annum. Send us Your Job Work. vv t ir Fo Renewed, Our Cut Prices have proven a success, But we are not satisfied with any reasonable thing’. So we are cutting prices with renewed energy. Read the startlers below. Yd wide sheeting.......... 2 qt enaml coffee pot...... 19 Best ladies shoes ever sold 99 2 qt dinner bucket......... 05 3 qt dinner bucket......... 07 4 qt dinner bucket......... 09 Cheat homespun.......... 3* Boys suits............... 98 Men’s corduroy hats....... 47 05 EVERYTHING AT A CUT PRICE. A F Ghurchwell & Go., LEADERS IN AND CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. ft m i —T*' i 1 K \ a M i lillil a fin k j m Hi p U Mm If, 91 ff!;V Cil ia-liLIUJU L H uu la H SPgwy M CD < <B e «fa 1R°ma1 C ol- lege a m usi- nessj t '*g|nsti- 81 tute. Coarse of Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business Short Hand, Typewriting Telegraphy Music. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to take studies they do not want in order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of con ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time. We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.—Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes, large supoly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits to any one or all classes in Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is the most thorougL, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should have a Business Education. Fall Term Opens Sept. 13, 1898. Send for a Copy of Our Announcement, For further information, address, W. A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL, ABBEVILLE, GA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective December 12, 1897. MAIN LINE. No. 19- No. 17. No. 18. No 20. 7 ir> p m 7 25 a in lv Savannah ar 11 20 p in s in a in 12 in a m 11 :kl a ni ar Helena ar IS lo p m 3 :I5 a m 1 1)0 a ill 12 2« p m ar Abbeville ar S .10 p m 2 40 a m •2 15 a m 1 3n p m ar Cordele ar l 45 p m 1 -.3'a ni 3 15 a m 2 55 p m ar Americus ar 3 :is> p ni 12 281a m 4 Oti 11am 3 55 00 p in ar Montgomery Richland ar lv 10 -J 40 45 p in II :»fp m s a m 8 p m ar a m 7 45 p m COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION. No. 3. No. 1* No. 2.* No. 4. .’i 10 \\ m lo 05 a m lv Oolumlms av o 20 p m 12 uu m fi 00 i> m 11 40 a m ar Richland ar 3 55 pm 7 45 a m 8 50 p m l yo p m ar Albany lv 2 10 p m 5 on a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. No- 9 No 7- No. 8. No. JO 5 55 p ni 7 15 a m lv Abbeville ar 12 15 p m 11 u0 p m It 55 p m 0 15 a m ar Fitzgerald Ocllla ar 11 15 am » 45 p m ........;; ....... 7 25 P m 10 On a m ar lv lu 20 a m 8 oo >i m ttnd 2 Carry ,liro "" h coachw between Atlanta and Albany ill connection with Southern K-mway CONNECTIONS. ocllla. Tor Albany At and Cordele Columbus. with G. S. A Montgomery F. ];. K. No. with 4 north bound. At Richland with f f n iS At L. a n. for New Orleans and bevond ueionu, for ior Mr* for mingham and the north, also with VV. Kv. of Alabama, for Selma 0 fo?Selma S and bey ‘ >nd - for lilrmin - ham a,ld tllu »ont>. also w ith Western Ry of AL atenia TRAIN NO. 18. Connects at .Montgomery with L. A N. from- New Orleans and from ,i,„ Columbus north, nlso and with Atlanta, Western also Ry. for of Albany, Alabama At from CotileleVith Selma. At Hi.-bland with (' A \ Divlshm 5 raw AbbevlUe G. S. A svitll F Ry No 1 for T n a Ra°irond At for *’“*K«rald and Ocllla. At Savannah Plant System and F LI A p , TRAIN NO. 20. Connects at Montgomery with L. A N. from New Orleans ami from north, also with Western Ry. of Alabama from Selma. At Cordele with G s s k TtvVn sonth bound. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocllla. At Helena with Southern K " Rv *'°' No 14 U south sou “‘ bound. At Savannah with Plant System, F. c. A P. R. R. and Steamers "' - Nos' lSand 1 SO^ ' 1 ‘' ttrl ° r ^ Trains Xos ' 17 “ nd 18 ‘ Sleeping Cars on Trains c. N. RIGHT, . . .. "aa». vie, ». ^wasse* Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY H. H. TIFT, President. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 M. 1*. M. A. M. U3AVM Kn J5 10 s 00 0 3 22 -i 2d 8d5 ¥ :U 3 8 25 y V d 50 3 52 4 V O 55 o 58 l» . .0 4 00 4 10 0 13 20 ! 4 20 4 25 0 50 2-5 ARRIVE rcM'Sfi 2 ' 3 a r3 d ? nm . dail - v - except Sunday. Trains Nos7t and 8 t nn oiTs11lidav onlv SystemandUSesrjfta Sotithermalid iftorldaat Tilton'and'th'eGcorKiaaii^viabanmat F. BOATRIGHT Fkimiu Jk G. T*ffle Mansn'er Miles. Ladies plush capes.-..... . $2 28 Set tumblers........... 15 Wash 1 nisi n............. 03 ■Galvanized well bucket... 17 Men’s undershirts worth 50c 38 Men’s undershirts worth 40c 19 Childrens union suits...... 25 Ladies undervest.......... 15 Shoe brush.............. 08 Pair towels.............. 07 Uocal TiniL- Table <y. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE Decembef 19th, 1897, TIFTON, RRIG1ION HAKiUNG PIN ETTA MVSTIC. I'LE'I'f.’H HR, FITZGERALD. W. 0. TIFT, -Vice Presiden t, Miles. ARUiVE • V. M. P. 'M. V. M. 25 1* 15 6 25 r> in 20 12 00 « 10 5 ,5(i 17 11 51 « 01 5 48 II II 81 •5 41 5 20 0 11 25 5 :l> 5 20 5 II 14 5 2:; ? H' LEAVE o 11 00 5 10 5 00 NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 8