The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, November 24, 1898, Image 4

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Scirchlixbts in Baloons. Russia is experimenting with glaut searchlights mounted lu balloons and containing electric burners connected with dynamos upon the ground. The largest of thes. yet reported Is of S.000 candle power. At a distance of | only OOO yards above the earth It will Illuminate a circular area 000 yards In dintneter to the brightness of day. i T!i« ‘'American Hoy” Batllc&ltip. l’.vfMy patriotic Ani' i l .ui hopes th© school hoys of the United Htates will succeed in their efforts l building to ratso (3/00,0(10. battleship which * to he will railed he used the ” a ‘American Hoy.* 1 It eistp great buidh of money to build a warship, but you butM up your Io’mUIi with lloHtettcr’H Sit inn« h Bittern «t small expo,use, This remedy is a appetizer, »onl<\ blood purifier and silimilant. It is for stomach, liver find bowed disorders. The grand canyon „f ,1„- Yellow,!,river I* from 1,anti to 1.SHII feel deep No-Tn-ISac for Fifty font*. Uuarnutnrfl tobacco habit euro mnkos w«ak tiioji atrouff, blood !>ur<\ M» • ♦!. AU druRflata A well on Sanibel Island, Flo.. \vhl» h had elwnvB been fr<**h wat**r, fh/uiRed to sul phur had been 1 ' water a few weeks Mler a windmill — built over it to utilize the water for irrigating purposes. • To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take l.nxntiv,. lire n (piltrfn,, TaMcw. All Druggist* retunil mon ylf It fullB to cure, e. - .'. t'l.PHl.erliii «||tlini'ltlcH ^ny that, were It. not for th* luttnr») i-iifinies "f Itt*It. thts fl.h would Ml! 1 .11 tIt,- uvailnble trace In the eve*, fivers nnd oceans *'«w-l - rlre<l Cotton Mftk.ii tow-Vrlrert IStlEKiefl and Caerlotfes. Tli. remark Is often made. •■How can you sell * E rM *l Scrvieeable Tot, UnEsV for 00 ’’ Tto fnrmer most sell Mis cotton from #1', (V) to StVO.OO per loile wlien to. formerly not from SOS.00 to *-10 oo. We must kup wltli this decline In . price, therefore offer yon abuosy at*StU)Ow)dch formerly sohl from S.VhOO t-, tff^i 00. and mo, at *IS 00 ami ..Vi oo which nsitaliy sold from tfOO.OO to *Sh oo V- or c.ttoo Aatnplea (list ns ycod as If price wsslilpher. tlnr huskies are just We -is yuod os If you psld more money lor them sell for east, because tt (s the tally Way to make any. tlilnic at prices asked for thttae^pmals. Wo Oft n *et ynttanytlitnafrom *1 00 ff cartfaKo. ifcr> open Hussy ton *ie road cart, nod can save you money If you sire us th- importunity. We have a few until I.adieu* for ami Cents litcycles left These wheels *00 first of thts,toast,n: we now offer them for the remarkably low ptP ■■ t,f *r.r# Fully suaranteed hy the tiiauufueturers Houttiorn ' Xlunasor. arrtny,. anil Wayon Co.. llonry L. Atw/itop. Atlanta, tin If. 11 (Jbkkn'n Sons, of Atlanta, (la., are th, * uly atiocesHlul Iftopsy Hpecfalfst. In the world. See their 111,1-1 al offer in advertisement ln nn other tidunm of this paper ld «n A- Co*s'*l*lck I.oh I "siiit'kl„s Tolmeet, the , miMimers the tety heat Tehaeet, they can set. tlotint-es for 10 rents. It Is fast wlnuJns Ms way t,, pul,lie favor. Try It l-'lts permanently ,-orrd. Vo Itis <»r nervous ness after Itestnrer first day s use <>t In-. Kline’s Crest Nerve tt 1 - 1 trial hottlonnd treatise free. IlK. It. II Kmnk, l.t,l . ti ll A ret, St., Phlia., I’n. ’I'lie pul,lie exeett I loner Iri \mtria. wltiln earryins out a sentenre. wears white git , Vt'H KfliM-atf* tour llowi'ls Wilt, Cnsenrots. f’amly t’atbartl -. e-u-e ,- instt-riM ,-t forevc-, 10,-,?.’,,-. IfC.C.r fait, drttsrlc.s refntt 1 in.,. toy. 'J bu Wash! nylon, It (' . sovermni-nt print fug office Is the 1,try, -ft in the world. Catarrh In the litmil, with Us ringing noises in the *mr8, buzzing, puiipplng sounds, .severo licuulHehes find diHugrco.ihlc dischurgen, is permanently cured by Hood’s Sarsfipnrilla. l>o not dally with local applications. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and make a thorough and complete cure by eradicating from the blood the seofulous taints that cause eatarrh. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is Amorioa’s Greatest .Mcillelne. $l;six for$5. Hood’s Pills euro fill Liver Ills. ?J5ocuts. , Cuba's Iced Drinks. Cuban Iced drinks should become popular with Americans in summer. If you go to a ent'o anil -ask the waiter what refmtcos they lmve lie will call off a list of bewildering length. These fooling beverages are admirably suit eil to tbe torrid climate where alco holic stimulants are dangerous. They are prepared from fruit lemonade nnd orangeade being the prototypes this class. Pineapple, wntip** niuskmclon, stivnv i„.i-ui. s r. t^rkies and peaches maj*e^-legant refntt (•VfHl iiig-to»f?r-e!msh.-tl Into a pulp, it inlxetl with cracked lee and sugar, sufficient water being added to render It liquid. Tamarinds are largely con sumed in this manner; the Juice, being somewhat acid, quenches the iliirst very effectively. Another favorite drink is orchata. Americans are fa miliar here with the syrup in soda wa ter fountains aud call it by its French name, orgeat; but the genuine article is made by pounding peeled almonds In a mortar; when they are reduced ;o a paste water nnd sugar are added nnd the liquid strained through a nap kin. New York Sun. Hereditary. “Does your husband ever say tiling about liis mother’s cooking?" “No; but be snys things about my cooking that his father used to say ■ about bis mother’s cooking.”—-Cineiu- ; nati Enquirer. 8TK0NH STATEMENTS. Threo Women Relieved of Femalo Troubles by Mrs. Pinkham. From Mrs. A. W. Smith, 50 Summer St.. Biddeford. Mo.: “For several years 1 suffered with various diseases peculiar to my sex. Was troubled with a burning sensation across the small of my back, that nll gone feeling, was despondent, fretful and discouraged; tlie least exertion tired me. 1 tried several doctors but received little benefit. At last I de clded to give your Lydia K. l’inkham .s Vegetable Compound a trial. Tlie ef fect of tlie first bottle was .magical. Those symptoms of weakness that I was afflicted with, vanished like vapor before the suu. J cannot speak tin) j highly of your valuable remedy. It is truly a boon to w oman " From Mrs. Mklissa 1‘nii.urs, Lex ington, Ind., to Mrs. l’inkham: “Before I began takingyour medicine I had suffered for two years with that tired feeling, headache, buck ache, no ap petite. und a run-down condition of tho system. I could not walk across the room. I have taken four bottles of the Vegetable Cohn pound, one box of Liver Bills and used one package of Sanative Wash, and now feel like a new woman, and am able to do my work.” From Mrs. Mollie E. Herrei.. Pow ell Station. Tenn.: “For three years I suffered with such a weakness of the back. 1 could not j perform my household duties. I also ' had falling of the womb, terrible beer ing-down pains and headache. I have lakon two bottles of Lydia E. Pink Vegetable Compound and feel woman. [ ;vc--.-rou’end your ! every woman I knqw." PINAL REPLY MADE- TO TI1E AMERICAN PROPOSITION. REJECTS PHILIPPINE PROPOSAL Ooneml W«jl*er Coincs to th« Front, and Hays Hpain Has Not Bmoiti, Whipped. Hituallon (trow* Intoreitlna. A Paris special says: The meeting Wednesday of the Spanish-American Commission began at 2:15 o’clock p. and . ended at 3 clock 1 be m. o p. m. Spanisk commissioners presented a long document in answer to tho Amer ienn argument which was submitted last week. liy mutual consent the memorandum of Wednesday was handed to the - Americans without being read. The meet meeting in it adionrned adjourned until until Saturday riat 11 .ay. The Spanish communication will bo translated and it,a contents will be din etissed by the United States commis sioners at their daily session. The Spaniards, iu their communi cation Wednesday, reaffirmed the posi tion which they liave assumed against the discussion of Spain’s Philippine sovereignty. They insist, that the words ‘‘shall determine the control, disposition and government of tho Philippines” ns article 3 of the peace protocol reads did not warrant any reference to Spain's withdrawal from (lie Philip pines except on her own termH, and, therefore, the Spaniards propose arbi tration on the construction to be placed on the words “the control, dis position and government.” in signifying their willingness to submit the Philippine article of the protocol to a third party for construc tion, tlio Spanish commissioners urg ed that as there is obviously a differ ence of opinion regarding the phrase, “Hie control, disposition and govern ment of tho Philippines,” possibly the result of a misunderstanding, the Spaniards should not more bo asked to surrender their views than the Americans to surrender theirs. Tho memorandum points out that a deadlock exists, which might be broken by arbitration on the eoutend ing views. It is safe to say that the American commissioners will not consent to in voke exterior aid to construe the terms of. their own protocol. Another part of Wednesday’s Span ish memorandum flatly asserts, upon the authority of M. Gambon’s report of tlie protocol negotiations between Washington and Madrid through him that President McKinley at no time objected to Spain’s reservation of her sovereignty in the Philippines. Weylcr Declares That Spain Is Not Sulxbietl. A special from Mad»id to a Loudon nows ftgoncy says that at no stage of the peace negotiations progressing in Paris lias tho Spanish populace been more thoroughly engrossed than the present, when it seems probable that the two commissions wi 11 separate without accomplishing a conclusion of peace. The feeling has been intensified within the last few days when it be came apparent that General Weyler was using all pressure at his command to. hope to see ’vanish government the e ff eot '* arei I’hilip American control, large following in (Jowrte'les has been incessant in the support of his claim that Spain was not crushed and that the army was ready to follow his leaders against the Americans A recent audience by the queen re gent was used by General Weyler in urging his plea, and one of his strong est arguments was a paragraph in a letter from Marshal Illauco to Senator Tinado, which said: “Tho keenest sorrow of my life is surrendering Culm with an army of 150,000 men nnd 200 guns to an enemy n’ho claims to have conquered Cuba while we are possessed of such re sources. Tho Madrid correspondent of The London Standard snys that there is ■onsiderublo disappointment in high quarters at the failure of the Spanish ,-oaoo commissioners to obtain irnpor Uiut concessions, at least financial ,nu«s, from tho United States, IJLANt’O DRAWS ON PARIS. Two Million Dollars In (laid For the Spanish T mops. ’Captain General Blanco authorizing received from Paris Sunday a cable him to draw on Paris for $2,000,000 in gold, to bo applied to the payment of the Spanish troops in Cuba. This amount is in addition to the proceeds of tho draft for $425,000 by tlie Mad rid government on London, which was sold at Havana last week. The Spanish authorities are making strenuous efforts*to complete the evac uation by the end of the year. OTIS EllAItS MASSACRE. Spaniards In a Philippine Province Are Surrounded By Insurjjoiits. Reports of a somewhat disquieting nature liave been received at Wash i„g lou f rom General Otis, in com mund at Manila, Up says that tin province of Iloilo, in tho island o 1 Fanay, which is technically occupied by the Spaniards, is surrounded bj the insurgents and that fears are en tertained that the Spanish population and garrison will ho massacred by tin insurgents: STILL FIGHTING WH1TS1TT. Arkansas Baptists Want Him to Resign From Seminary. At the session of the Arkansas Bap tist state convention at Little Rock, a resolution was adopted stating it to be tLf seuse of tbe convention that the of Dr. Whitsitt as presi dent of tbe Southern Baptist Theologi (, al seminary ought to bo accepted,and that in case the resignation be accept ed, the Baptists of Arkansas will give to the seminary its cordial aud sincere moral and fiuaueiul support. WAR DEPARTMENT ACTIVE, Prerarnlionii lifting Mndn For Probable Reaumptlon of ]fofttlllil*a. A Washington special says: There was remarkaldo activity about the war department Wednesday in the way of preparing troops for service in lands beyond the United Htates. An order has keen issued directing at least ton regiments of tho regular army now stationed in northwestern j forts and posts - to hold themselves in Most of these regiments were sent into the northern and western posts a ‘ BW weeks ago for recuperation after ^etr Cuban campaigu. While hold regiments regiments' will will View' now bJ he ree'-uiteil" recruited to to i their full strength. Nothing is snid officially as to what the present activ ity means, but there are several rea* sons suggested. It is Ira own that An early movement to Cuba is intended, somewhat sooner tliau has been generally believed here i te»foro. Another belief sustained is that the United Htates government de | *>*“*? eonditioriH l,e that a position to out meet of any the pending may grow in peace negotiations, and to be readiness to resume hostilities if Spain refused to accept the terms of the American peuco commissioners’ offer which are final. In this connection an intimation has got aliout to the , ffect that during the delay which has occurred Hpain has been able to form some sort of coalition with European powers to back up the pretentions she has been making in neg" tiations. An interesting feature of the matter is the ref j.:al of the United States an thoriticH to ordei tho muster out of the volunteers who recently returned from Porto Kico. These regiments were sent to their homes and given sixty days’ furlough, but contrnry to the (dans heretofore followed they were not allowed to be mustered .out of service. As to the ten regular regi ments every department of the govern ment lias been directed to prepare supplies for them and to arrange trans portalion ns coon as they are ordered to move. ORDERS ( 0U\TI;RMAM)EI>* No 'I roopH Will He Sent, to Atlanta Camps a h Arranged. No troops will be sent to Atlanta, fia., nnd the First brigade will not camp at Piedmont and Grant parks in Ihat city. Wednesday morning Colonel Corne lius Gardener, in command of the brigade, received a telegram from the war department instructing him to stop all preparations for the winter camp there and return to Knoxville at once. This is considered tlie forerunner of a quick departure for Cuba instead of n winter of dullness in camp. The order to Colonel Gardener gave no reason for tho change of plans, but many army officers are inclined to think that the first brigade will be among the early arrivals on the island. The preparations for the camp were being pushed very rapidly and evqry .thing would have been in readiness in a few days for the three regiments that were expected to come. About $3,000 has been spent in pi eparing the two camps, and this money will now* be lost, or almost en tirely so, as much of the lumber bought has been used in constructing shacks. LIEUTENANT FERRARA KILLED. Asuftssimitutl By Negro Troops Belonging; to tli** Immuncs A Santiago dispatch says: Lieutenant •Tose Ferrara, chief of General Wood’s gendarmie in the San Luis district, was killed in a riot of negro-American troops Monday at, San Luis. The ne gro soldiers belonged to tho Ninth immunes, hut the guilty parties lrtvvo not been arrested, although General Wool is making a personal investiga tion and he has determined to bring tlie guilty soldiers to justice. The trouble resulted from tlie at tempt of Lieutenant Ferrera to arrest certain men who had abused a Cuban and stolen his hog. Tlie men wanted •escaped, and afterwards thirty colored men, wearing tlie uniform of (ho United States army, attacked the house where Lieutenant Ferrera was,, and began a fusilade, during which Lieutenant Ferrera, Antonio Roman, Erailo Bettran and a young liaby were killed and several wounded. Those in the house returned tlie fire and two soldiers were killed NOTED l’LVNTEIt DEAD. J. S. Illclinrdson, th« “Colton King,” Snc Ciiplbs to Heart Disease. Mr. James S. Richardson, the largest individual cotton planter in the world, and one of tbe most distin guished planters in the south, died Tuesday night at his Dahomey planta tion, near Benoit, Miss. He was a victim of heart disease and his demise was sudden. His death removes one of the most active and influential eiti zens of the south, and the nnnpunce ment of his death will cause widespread sorrow throughout the country. Mr. Richardson was known not only throughout the United States, but also in England. PRESIDENT OF COSTA RICA On His Way to United States and Will Be Our Guest. The president, of the republic of Costa Rica is on his way to the United Statss for a visit as a guest of this government. He is expected to ar rive in New York in a few days, aud Colonel Carter, assistant adjutant gen eral, has been assigned to meet the distinguished guest in New York on his arrival and escort him to Wash ington as the nation’s guest. SPAIN ADVISED TO YIELD. Madrid Papers Say It is Impossible for Her to Renew the War. Almost all the papers published -at Madrid deprecate tho dilatory pro ceedings at Paris, expressing their be lief that the United States will decline arbitration, aud urging the govern ment to yield quickly, since it is im possible for Spain to renew the strug gle or to expect European assistance, and furthermore, because it would be better to cease wasting money and to concentrate attention upon Spaih’s domestic and financial affairs. Christmas Gifts, 50c. to $1000.00. | |U,43 baysthlt t.'b^lr, m ^Tj|coT#r*d 'iurkisft < • with lour. 1 ni poitcd Tho bacE to < > is tufted, only ( > thobett nsed •pri'ira molt* ore < > <-c^ in it thU* luxa i tf-V r ously com < fortnMoCoair, Th * Choir rr* t > ' till* for $30.00. o 7 -USB Our i > /viivSr aT*T general catalogue < t fet faffitartet?* is lull of O $14.28. g® ffi®*pu/n" t> PRICE, Maoh?nCT, U sil tare> crockery. Sewing lioirlsoratflirs, < > vorware, Clocks. M'rrm-s. 1> ?IS’'iiai v Carriages, Tinjvare, l.amtw, !! O TnamificUirei’at Our/Mlinurai,hedCatala/ue 4iM’> n-J per rent below r ,. IHU ,, rlccH . tier' and Laootur < >of Carpets, Rugs,poi s free,*ur $ pamtodooioiw^VealTw lining Carpet* A nish Carpet ga£Be*. <» J.-oiA "n id Curtains. eSJSIX |HH jjjEJp ■> < > iunrsii <> X t*,! J - .’ui.'o'’..f "oi ■"<*"itj in h ils«J?i,r "."wi'ltS “ “ A*'|’o;'in. I iVJt,,?a'ri ! rh« A iuumS A ™ J "'Him ou.h ^ promptly. o kno wn°in every cornei < t iJi©civil o why 1 Our FitEft ,, vou^Addres" tcU PRICE, $3.93. ° miP9 J HINKS & SON, <, n t *m. bai.timobe, ui>. The Sutiject In Hand. A gentleman goibg into his stable one day found his little son astride of ono of lhe horses, with a slate and r enpil 1 >. alld * “Why, Harry, excjtumed, ,hat are 5'°^ doing.'' “Writing a composition, was the le fi'.V* “Well, why don’t yon write it in the library? “Because, answered the little fellow, tlie teacher told me to write a composition on a horse, t hicago News, She— “Oh, well, I suppose you be lievo’everything _ you _ see in the Bible?” He—“Except some of the dates in the family record.”—Boston Transcript. ————----- Henuty Is Blood Deep. Clean blool means a cle;in skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving nil im pnrities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking C’ascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2 .j \ 50c. Tlie total number of office holders in the civil service of the country is 178,717. >1 ImitatP IIlit/ THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality' and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As tlie genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist oae in avoiding the worthless imitations manu factured by other par ties. The high standing of tlie Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which tiie genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all oilier laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. HAN FRANCISCO, Cnl. LOUISVILLE. Ky. FEW YORK. N. Y. The Potash Question. A thorough study of the sub ject has proven that* crop fail ures can pfcvciltcd by Jo lisine - fertilizers containing a large percentage of Potash; no plant can grow without Potash. We.have a little book on the subject of Potash, written by authorities, that we would like to send to every farmer, free of cost, if lie will only write and ask for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau St.. New York. BAD BLOOD '•CASCAitF.TH do aii claimed for them ^ h *e?r;r t ^l2ed^e e ^a^. lc ti, n ?aklSrd e *??a !:ilSkr. n ^?.uS?fiWd ^VSySBSHaJ’aiB TRADE MAUN RfOMITfRID Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good Never sicken. Weakest, or Gripe, ice. 2oe. 50c ... CURE CONcsTIPATiOH. ... • Hfnipdj Cw»T»any, TWcsso, NoatrtAk York. S18 Sold ami , . _ „ . gists to < tYjJKTobacw^Hablt?' I MENTION THIS PAPER&2“SS?!237 WOMAN’S WORLD The Ilad Cross. (THE MEMonv OF A WOMAN.) After tho battle, the dear thumb r, that the strife, And a kiss for the hand led mo to life! hand A kiss for the that, whore tempests were rife, Br . UDdled , ° a mo“ S ° After the battle! There’s fight In the skies, And tt dawns on tho death-kissed and darkening eyes’ white For tho hand bf au angel gliams tn tho strife, lends And tenderly touches and mo to life! After tho battle! And lol tho guns cense— And Love lends tho lost to tho portuls of And I kiss tho dear hand that, where tem posts were rife, from heaven and led Brought to a lifel message mo _ At , anta Journal> _ COLF FOR HEALTH. It Gives tho He.t All-Wound Kxercise amt Hits Done Much For Women. The woman who wishes to be goo 1 and beautiful, which is to be healthy, must play golf, ihat will be good medicine for a great many women, and they can say truthfully that they are already taking it, and not in homeo patbic doses. A doctor who has an up-town gym nasium, where ho sees a good many of JL® '" fl °f w °J nailll ° 0fl as ‘' ve '* a3 a thorough , healthful development, pro nounccd a eulogy upon golf the other day, and not only for women, but for tne whole American people. He was answering a question abou the rela tive physical development of women of different classes, the woman of leisure all ‘ There'' lias tarn ‘improvement in women during tho lest ten years,” said Dr. Savage, “and a particularly marked improvement dtirihg the past three years, aud I think athletic sports have had much to do with it. “Of the physical development of women we must remember that wom en may be divided into three classes. There are two classes among the worn en of leisure, One of these is the athletic woman, and perhaps I do not see her so much as that other class, which has not inclined to athletics and where physicians have prescribed gymnasium rrvrrnnnqinm work WOlK Tlip ine third tuna cla„s rlft«-s IS is that of the self-suppoitmg woman. Of the latter two classes the self-sup porting woman, is usually in better condition, and she concentrates her mind and-is better able to take her work and do it well, “The last three years there has been great advance , in . tlie physical , * , con a ditions of women and golf has had a great deal to do with it. Golf is the very best game for the people that was ever introduced into the country. That is a great deal to say, but I think it is true. Force and power are needed in golf, good co-ordination is required, and that means muscular training. Various parts of the body are exercised simultaneously and that cannot he done unless the body is in good phys ical condition, “If a club ia grasped ° figidly ° and , bandied i stimy ,-tki will slice * ball, ,x you your T he easiness of the motions necessary " to . good , playing . tllG exertion, means followed by ,/ relaxation, which we try to get . at , the • WOlk. i It T 4 - IS gymnasium an out-door sport; it is interesting, but not excitable; as quick as you get excited you misa your ball. Wo need something in this country to quiet the nerves. Golf is tho very best game for the people that was ever intro duced into the country, and it is during the—practically—three years i that xvom*n have played it that they have improved most. “No, I don’t think that women are getting ahead of men in the way of physical development, though we probably seo a greater change in them.”—New York Times, A Woman as a Map-Drawer. Mrs. Eugenia A. Goff, who has been successfully draughting maps and charts for some years, she gained her first experience when was a member of the faculty of the Winona Normal School, in Minneapolis, Minn., by writing a little unpretentious geog raphy of her native State. After the geography was published Miss Wheeler began to design a map to aid her in teaching the history of the United States, Publishers of school supplies iu Chicago and St. Louis heard of her work and wenl to Winona to secure it, but did not offer a sufficient amount to induce her to part with it. Subsequently she married Henry S. Goff, au instructor in the same insti tution. Mr. Goff appreciated the value of his wife’s work, aud took it to Chicago, where it sold for a good sum. Sinco then Mr. and Mrs. Goff have draughted over thirty maps. Mrs. Goff is now draughting a map of the recent war, but does not neglect the ather calls upon her talents. She is ahairman of the Press Committee of ;he Woman’s Council, and has deliv ared some interesting lcctui€3, illus tyating the same with a map. Fashion ancf Fad. There are many rich plaids in dross goods to be seen in goods of fine qual ity and excellent colors. Importations of stuff goods show a number of small checks and plaids, Sheperd plaids in black and white, gray aud white, light brown and white and navy blue and white are sent oyer iu quantities. All tints of green from sea-form tc deep, rich chartreuse are employed iu trimming 1ho wee bonnets and the flaunting* velvet picture hais; bluish aud reddish purples are abo favorites for millinery use. A rich ruby red, kuowu as Cyrano, is much used for tho season’s millin ery. It is especially handsome iu the uucut velvets and in the half curled ostrich feathers, which are most used for the large hats. Many new fabrics have a kind of fluffy fringe interwoven. Grenadines and etamines have exquisite inser tions, incrustations aud runnings of fine ribbons, all interwoven iu a man ner so marvellous that one wonders how machinery ever accomplished the ingenuity of the designers. The newest embroidery is done with the narrowest and lightest of ribbons. This style is exceedingly fine and dainty, and demands most miuute work. Empire designs are used* and are very effective on the centre r.-i heavy silk or satin. Spangles may be in connection with the ribbon and give most brilliant effects. CONVICT STEALS A STEAMBOAT. Desperate Escape of Henry Bradley trotn Ocverncr’a Island. A daring and successful dash for freedom was made recently by Henry Bradley* a convict on Governor s Island, the Government reservation in New York, Harbor, To regain his lib ertv h sto]p KO verniucnt steamer. and ; In the exciting ... chase . by an „„ aimed guard who followed on another steamer he gave his pursuers the slip. Armed guards watched over the prisoners, but at 7 ^o’clock .1, lit., while j] lp 0 j| ie[ . conwjcts worked on the dock, Bradley was alone on the gtcniL’et'. Shouting to the guard standing on the landing ship that something had gone wrong with the engines, he said: ‘T m going to see how she works Immediately there >vn* a puff of steam, the hawser was east away f n>m (he ) Joat fln ,l before the SUC prised guards could recover fl’ottl their astonishment the General Fair had steamed out of the dock and was iicrttlitif? for mid-stream with Bradley fo] , cre ^ | 1a gsenger, outcry was at (Mice raised, and fmlp minut es later the Hettie l’alraef. n govepifmont steam lighter, started ln ln , rsu it with an armed guard on ^ oar( ] Bradley, however, is -an ex perienced engineer, and lie was Able to eVery h;< , h uf NI , 0 ed that was in th „ Ka „, When he saw tin H tu r . ll!ner (paving Governor’s J ta , pl)reult hc nn directly Atlantic dock at Brooklyn, , on he ran lwt we „ ^ an(] s(eamer moored in tllP tlo<k ’ a, j d "’ i,ll011t waiting to turn off u P°, n ‘Be. Barge from , lllS t,scfl P e tllI0URh < he dock*. During the t run across Kraille Y exchanged h.S prison garb for the working clothes of the engineer of the General Fair. The guard on the Hettie Painter landed and made a thorough search of the decks, but without finding Bradley, OoutTobaecoS,, Tulltrf meaner"• 1 !.... “*"“*£* and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-wntker, tlmt makes weak men strong. Alt druggists, 60c or *1. Cure g uanm* tetd Booklet und sample free. Address uemedy Co., Chicago or New York. 0 __________ The huge guns of tnndern fired navies, when lie come worn, can only be abo ut 75 times. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup fnrnhllitrin Piso> rare for Consumption relieves the most, obstinate congMs.—Rev. Mo.. February B. 24,1891. BuctlMUKL i.Eti, Lexington, We call the attention of those cotitcmpiatinp purchasing a carriage, buggy or Mcyeto to the liberal offer, ln these columns, of Mr. II. I,. Atwatir. of Atlanta, Ga. Read his advertise ment and Write him at once. ^ one t jj e inventions has come into use. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, os mercury will surely destroy the s^nse of imell find completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Suchnrtic'es should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable fold physicians, as the damage they will dode ten to t!i« good you can pos8«biy derive from them. Hall s Catarrh euro manufactured by F «t . Cheney & Co., Toledo. <>.. contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the bio d and mucous surfaces of the, system. In buying Hair* Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. IMs taken internally, and Is made in I oledo, Ohio, by F. J. Ch ney & Co. Testimonials free, C" Soid by BrugKlsts: price. T5o. per Dottle, rm» are the bee:, The hottest region js on tho southwestern coast of Persia. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take C'ascarets Candy Catharth. 10c or 25 j. li C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. More gold and silver have been sunk in the sea than are now in circulation. Howto Get Strong A system which has become run down by the trying weather of the {aast summer is not in a condition sg to meet the severe . & winter of this climate and will easily fall unless a A \ ■s firey to disease Dm, a proper tonic is 1 used. Dr Williams’Pink Pills for Pale People are the best medicine Gb All ’ in the world for bui Id infi up and enervated strengthen- m ing system. an i confuse ¥/ ! Do not these pills with ord- the bowels,thereby , inaTy purgative pills.They dG NOT act on further weakening the body.They build up the bloo*d and strengthen the nerves. W Major A. C. Bishop, of 715 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich., is a well-known civil engineer. lie says : '‘When I had my last spell of sickness and came out of the hospital I was a sorry sight. I could not regain my strength, nnd could not walk over a block for several weeks. I noticed some articles in the newspapers regarding Dr. Williams’ Pint Fills bought for Pale People, boxes. which convinced me that thev were worth trying nnd I two I did uot take them for my complexity but for strength. After using them I felt better, and know thev did me worlds of good. lam pleased to recommend them to invalids who need a tonic or to build up a shattered constitution .”—Detroit Fnt Press. * d*ru(j^ists qt direct from the Dr. Williams Medi* cine Company, ‘bchenectAdy, N.Y. Price fifty, cent* per bo*.* From Girlhood to Womanhood. ON’T LET YOUR DAUGHTER 1 j ] The have greatest a wrong crisis merging in into womanhood. girl’s life this every is at stage when tlie menstrual func §ljH tions are being established, and she should have every provision obtainable for establish HU ing this period properly, without which she can never become a perfect woman. Mothers, teach your daughters to confide in you. them Explain their condition to and watch over them as you a 11 il X •as wotild this the most most critical delicate plant, draws and age 8P# l near commence giving her c \ Female GERSTLE’S Panacea. 580 TRADE (Gr. F. HP.) MARK. ► It will establish the menstrual -=mr functions, restore the strength and’ (live life and energy to the entire, *^m*u^h oostn*eness, being. PRICE $1.00 PER B0TTI.B. e ^e^3nny move the bowels gently with moderate doses of. > Uj dtaghler and was back-ache^ suffering da ring Iron) a severe bilious attack, together with crest ‘‘bearing acirn pains aof tier monthly periods. She had violent nervons spells which produced HALS PARAIRA a pecoiI -U. ri- aulrenne P. P.) jerkiec; ppusation. I bonpfat a bottle or GERSTLE’S FE sbd some ST. JffSKPH S I.IVER KKGUI.ATOR und commenced treat tag her. All pain* and bmoasneBS were rciaove-d and the jerking \?ai? stopped. It is tbe best I ever saw for youn s girls. n A! fy EL 4 A BENE J s‘, Reulab, Alx. L. GERSTLE & CO., Proprietors, Chattp.nooga, Tenn. (reepfef M CoasapBM moment sudden blow* ever strike you a It does not come that way*. It creeps its way along. little First, you think it ;s a cold; nothing but a little hac »* ing cough; then a little loss in weight; then a harder the cough; night then the fever and sweats. when The suddenness comes you have a hemorrhage. while Better stop 'the disease it is yet creeping. it with You can do Ayer’s ; Cleiry Pectoral 1 You first notice that you cough less. The pressure on the chest is lifted. That feeling A of suffocation is removed. cure is hastened by placing one of Dr. Ayer’s Cherry j j Pectoral Plaster j over the Chest. A Book Free* It is on the Diseases of the j Throat and Lungs. Write us Freely. If you liave any complaint whatever and desire the best medical .advice you can possibly receive, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt reply, witl mut cost. Ariflress, Lowell, Mass. DK. J. C. AYER, | i I fftffilS wells for house, 1 a 0 drilling City and Village UL farm, Works, Facto Water Plants, Brew SlferaJ^ctinfln ries, Ice -j yeareexperience! WHAT YOU WANT. °WKITB US LOOMIS & NYMAN. Tiffin. Ohifr FREE WATCH! wu will you, free, a h ?” d !’’ t ;' e ymiags nQnDSV 3% G ■ quick 1 '™ relief TltSCOVERY; and cu-os worst?* xiv.» c:t8«s. Spnd c or book of testimonials and 10 ilnyH* treatment Free. Dr H H GREEN’S SONS, Atlanta. Oa. If afflicted with ) ; Thompson’s Eye Water sore eyes, use éwcfi: CUaESWHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. „ Use Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time. Sold by druggists. c C Q N S U M P XJ O N ?.‘Lb .C'TJS