The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, December 08, 1898, Image 2

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gelttL- ' __ :■ ■ ? THE CHRONICLE. FFICIAL ORGAN WILCOX COUNTY. J. R. IVIonroe Kditor Publisher and L. J. Whitehurst, associate r.<m«r. St IISCRM’TIOX RATIOS. kw\Yfi months. ri ou Sfx mouth>..... K I’hrc'. 1 months.. as In ariably In advajicfl. fgS^AcIvertUluK rates furnished on application. Thu t’lmoKK’L* Ik publlKhed ommunicatloriH every ThtirM»y. to Insure at Abb* tile, (jh i jrn^rttoi. otionld ream the ottlce not lutor than Mon (I SI anil imisi ah ay. lie nr.rom,>finlcb liy the > tur's slKnutnrr. not nencsxarll Lth publication, but as a Kua:;mteo of pood For ml ertUtng rates apply at this office. -TVLCPH OH C NO. 44. - Filtered lit tlic Post Office at Abbeville, Ga., as second-class matter. THURSDAY, DEC. 8,[1898. Nashville, Tend., had'd ♦40,000 fire Monday. The South j. Georgia [jConference . Jfawkinsville u We dries i day. The Georgia -Legislature is' reach ing out after the tax dodger this ■week. The Georgia Dairymens Associa tion will hold its fifth annual session at Macon, Dec. 22 and 23rd. The squeal of/the •: dying porker can be heard all overs the’ land—as lis hog killing time in Georgia, 'J'hc Cordele Sentinel has again changed hands, Editor Smith retir ing and Mr. A J Tison.taking ehaige as editor rnd manager. Success to the new management. The Cubans claim that the negro troops arc[ guilty, of stealing hogs, an exchange aptly remarks that they can save the hogs liy raising chick ens—but chickens arc very dear at ^1.00 apiece, the price they are sel Jing at in Culm now. The jury, in the famous Moore case uii trial in New York, and which has attracted universal atten tion ou account of the prominence of the participants, after sitting on the case for a week, failing to agree were discharged Monday. Commissioner of Agriculture O B Stevens closed a contract a few days ago for the printing oi tags for his department, and in doing so he saved the state $4,000. With such a jnan at the head of the agricultu ral department, the people can rest assured that their interests will not suffer in ins hands. The Presidents Message proved a disappointment to the Republieafis— it is, as expressed by .them—“an aide state paper, but nqtliing more.” lie lines notthing that could be construed into n demand for cur rency reform—this lias called forth considerable criticism from the east ern contingent. He touches upon the Nicaraguan Canal but does mil say much about the future of the Philippines and is quite indefinite as to the future of Cuban indepen dence. Free Pills, Send your address to II. E. Buck Ion & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of l)r. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills arc easy in action and are particularly ef fective in the cure of consumption and sick headache. F’or Malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to lie perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by the City Drug Store. 2 Tax Collector’s NotJoe. 1 will be at the following places on dates mentioned lielow, for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for the year 1898. Second round Third round Abbeville Nov 1 Nov L’l Ryal’s Mill “ 2 “ 22 Davis Mill “ 3 i i 23 Maple Branch • ( 4 ( * *-■*' Gin House “ 25 Seville “ 26 Wolf Fit * ‘ 22 Shit’:,' Bag “ 29 Sibbie “ 10 i I 30 Bowen’s Mill i < 11 D(‘0 .1 Lulaville “ 12 4 i Zlt Roe be lie “ 14 Fitts t < 15 4 t •JI Last three days at county site, TVe 8th, Jhh, 10th, thru in Rochcvlic on r.r» to the UOth of December, ^lien buc'krf dose. 1 ('< Habtucy, 'J ax CoUuetcif. W, C. —- »-• -*» Field# and Hanson’s Minetrele. The patvoua ot high class min strelsy will have an opportunity of witnessing a fine performance at the Auditorium next Monday night hy the Fields and Hanson’s Celebrated Minstrels, a company that is indeed colossal not alone in numbers, but in talent an well. This organization lias been known to the public for several yrareand has never failed to keep good faith with the public ns of yore, The company lias been reorganized for this sea son’s work and includes in its mem bership artists of well-known repu tation, headed by th“ world’s known favorite*, Fields and Hanson, who stands in the highest rank as musical comedians. The acts are new and original with this company. Please bear in mind this coterie of artists appear here for one night only. Se cure seats at once and avoid the rush at the doors. Overcome evil with good. Over come yo"r coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis? pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis eases. Central Drug Co. COTTON QUOTATIOF'S. Thursday Dec. 8, 1898. Good middling Strict middling Middling.... P Low middling F r.-*.r I Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada F. Hart, of Groton, S. i>. li Y{us taken with a bad cold which nettled on my hums; cough aetin and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying i could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, I gave it a trial, took in all eight bot tles. It has cured mo, and thank God I am saved and now a well wo man." Trial bottles free at the City Drug Co I Constipation prevents the body from lidding itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure sick headache, biliousness, inactive liver and clear the complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Central Drug Co. Kopy for change of “ad" must be in the office not later than Tuesday morning to incure insertion. If you have fiiends visiting yoi call up telephone 4-1 and tell us about it. If you have contracted rheuma tism—no matter what form it is— Dr. J 1) McLean’s Liver and Kidney Halm w'l! clear the system of it by removing the poisonous products that cause the disease through the propel channels—the kidneys. For sale by Central Drug Co. Don’t wait, but get a bottle of Dr ,1 I! McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment for you may need it at any moment. It cures wounds, pains, cuts, sores, burns, eruptions of the skin, sciatica itch, lumbago, frostbites, etc. For sale by Central Drug Co. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA - Wilcox County. Will be sold bo f oro the court house door in the town of Abbeville, Ga , v/1 thin the lo^ul hour: of sale, on the first Tuesday in January to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: one hundred and fifty acres of lot of land No. 21.2 in the 2nd district of Wilcox county, Ga., hcliiK a strip across the entire lot from north to south on the western side of said lot of land. Town lot in city of Abbeville, Wilcox county and in the Johnson survey, known as town No. 50. Levied on as the property of J M Mixon under and by virtue of a tl fa Issued from Wilcox county court in favor of W U Matnews vs W Lew tor It on, J R Monroe and J M Mixon. Levy made and returned to me by Harp, county court balliJX. This Dec l lHtftk I.. C. COVINGTON’, Sheriff. Mortgn;jc Sato of Realty. Q. I’X)HG1A - - W i 1 co r conn ty: Vndor and by vlnnc of e. Power of Sale con latncd in u mortgage executed by Seaborn Lund to Reynold’s Hrotliers, dated the 12th day of of March, lSiiS, and recorded i.i the office of Clerk of Superior court of Wilcox county, in book K, folio 205, the undersigned will sell at public outcry av the court house door in said county, to the highest bidder for cash, on the hrst Tuesday in January 1SV9 the following property to-wit: Fifty acres of land lying and being situated in rho southwest corner of lot of hand No. 121 in the District, of Wilcox conn ty Georgia, commoncfug at a cypress branch and running hm:k • Fast far enough to make fifty acres. Hounded on the North by J 11 Land ou the South by Joe Fuller, on the Hast by Sea - born Laud and on the West by Henry Hrown, Fein Turner and others, for the purpose of pay ing a ccitain promisory note for the'sum $60.00 executed and delivered by Seaborn Land to Keynoids llrothors. on tl.c i3th day of Marsh ' ‘And due the. 1 st day of November 1SCS. stip ulating for interest from date at S per cent, per annum and ten per cent, attorneys fees, the to tal amount due on said note belngjMB.Odprinci pal, there being a credit on uio note of $10.27 on said mortgage which was applied to pay ment of Interest and attorney s fees together with the cos- of this proceeding, as provided lu said mortgage. A deed to the purchaser will be made to the undersigned. This 1W. .vp ifw. l&nfesioii & Gannon, Keyziplds Rrothcxs. WOMANS TRIALS. M»»J wrAfeen .offer great §9 ly pain at month believe periods and it nat urai. Other, realize the dangrrbiithes m itate to aecur* treatment on m ■yf-j miliating account of local hu examinations. '■/ ■t Nature in * 4 tended tjie ’ V*— Anf “monthly per to he painleaa and indicate regular. Un usual pain r.nd sicknean jerioua dsningerneritc which should have prompt .tU ntion, or they rapidly grow wonxa Local eruminationa aru not nec wearjr siuae the discovery of si™ h nil I* 1 '* i It rare* all F.m.l* Diwascs hy properly 1 ztrenglliening and regulating the or i garni. Tbi. Thu atop* all the pain, compound, i rom*4y i. a vegetable of experience. 1 and in Hi? refit of years | It is carefully prepared in our and own is lab- in iratorier hy chilled chemists dorsed hy lasding physicians. Bold by aji dru£gla£s oriwut poet paid for $!. botllo. A box of *'Motitlal/ M Pills with oacli 'using AXtk. A. L. VOE-D, V.Vseon, Planters MIsh., Female writew: JU*gul "By two bottle" of a- 1 ter, I bare beoa cww! of Nervous Debility 1 brought about by fbo birth oi ray lant child. FREE to any addreca, Book ou tb» Home i Treatment of Female La sample box of “ Monthly” Ad Regulating tires.*, Nov' Fill.': fiponccr sent for Medicine 10 cents In stamp*. Co , Chat tanooga, Tea 1100 ** 9 . For sale by i.’tlv Drug Co. $rctesfJo&«l Card?. A. R. ROY A! , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Abbeville, ■ c- Georgia. W. f*. (iOOGE, Vi. D., «Nr ?"* «. t ■> * i, Calls answered jiromptly, day or night ABBEVILLE, GA. J. J. HENDLY. D E N T 1ST. Ollice upstairs in Ilcndly Building. Llduidgk < Jutts. Hal Layvson. CUTTS & LAWSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-1.AW. OlHco on liroad Street, near Court House. AlJliKVIDDE, G eoiioiaJ E. H. ANDERSON/ ,) E W E L K It. A FU1.I, IJNE OF WATCHES, CDOCKS AND JSWEDRY ADWAYS ON HAND Repair Work A Specialty. DR. J. M. POWELL, (Late of Host American Hospitals.) FITZGERALD, GA. Specialist in Chronic Diseases of Men and Women and Diseases of the _ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. (Permanently Located.) 9153m WIIHN IN NEED OF --■wWiffl __ first s Class 9 CALL ON —\ivaW8 "T* * jLJ w? ^ * CHRONICLE. Guns ... Repaired. I am now prepared to do all kind of Gun Repairing and will guarantee ray work. Wlveu • needitig any work of this kind give me a trial. I will appre ciate it. T. M. MATTHEWS. IN IIENDLV Btm.nrao. ■HE!" antral city =*’ barber shop, all work done in first-class style, clean mugs'and clean towels and polite attention next door to southern express office. bob weathers proi.. w Advertise •—In the— Chronicle, Santa Oletins ■ -Has made ariangoments to mCte-- Homer Reid’s Store HEADQUARTERS, Because he found there the best assortment of Xmas. Goods in the city. i ipples, Orange's Bananas, Cocoa nuts Lemons, Raisins 5 Candies. ■> Nuts HE HAS— Everything, that is needed for Fruit Cake. . . . HE HAS— The Finest Assortment of Block’s Fancy Candy ever Brought to the city. HE II AS— Bought a large stock of Fire.Works that have got to be disposed of. Call and price before purchasing. HE IIAS— Tiie most select stock of Groceries in the city. A car load ot Cotton Seed Hulls and meal and all kind of Stock F’ecd. Don’t forget the place as all prices correspond with cent cotton. omer JF^eid’s. oo $75 up. Easy Terms. Organs, 2 0 u. Easy Terms, Lowest price house on earth, All Music 1-2 price, Write the Old Reliable Irvine’s Ga, Music HoUSe, ^ acon you are not in it, according to the editor, if you don’t advertise in his paper. we are strictly in it and want to advertise the fact that we are making the largest • n the hardest the brightest colored 9 the best brick in every respect that arc made in sputb georgia. we also make a fine quality ot re-pressed brick and can a gricul tural nov e Kies of all furnish descriptions. r e e d brie lv w o r k s J abbeville, georgia. The Chronicle .. Is the Official Organ of Wilcox county, and the Best Advertising Medium in Southwest Georgia. Largest circulation. Only $1 Per Annum. Send us Your Job Work. War To 13 cl. Our Cut Prices have proven a bucc cIk ire not satisfied with any reasonable thing*, So we are cutting’ prices with rent wed ✓ energy. Read the startlers below. Yd wide sheeting.......... TO i-r 2 qt euaml cofree pot...... Best ladies shoes ever sold’ 99 2 qt dinner bucket......... 05 3 qt dinner bucket......... 07 4 qt dinner bucket ......... 09 Chock homespun.......... n a*-. Boys suits............... 00 Men’s corduroy hats....... 47 Drilling.................. 05 EVERYTHING AT A CUT PRICE. A F' OhurGhwell & Go., LEADERS IN AND CONTROLLERS OF LOW PRICES. fc- IRmnl C Col- ipusi- E?, insti lege Jht ness,*. tute. h * : *> t j r ■9* IB * 1 P 1 J wm : M r i ! k ' i r ft ii m M t ri ¥1 r l u ; ’ ii BH i II iffii ■f BiBoas*.__Course o? t/;. Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific, Business Short Hand, Typewriting Telegraphy Fdusic. Every Want of the Student Will be Met. Students are not compelled here to take studies they do not want in order to get the desired ones. Perfect liberty is given in the choice of studies. Our superior classification, mode of assigning work, and of con ducting class recitation, enable our students to do more in ten weeks than is done at most schools in twice the time. We economize in time as well as in money. We guarantee satisfaction to all who come to work. Advantages.--Two large, well furnished buildings, artesian water, excellent library of 1200 volumes,’ large supnly of apparatus, healthy location, expenses moderate, faculty of enthusiastic Normal teachers. Payment of one tuition admits to any one or all classes in Preparatory, Teachers, Scientific and Business Departments. Vocal music is free. Our Business Course is the most thorougL, practical and cheap est in the South. Every one should nave a Business Education. Fall Term Opens Sept. 13, 1S98. Send for a Copy of Our Announcement. For further information, address, W. A. LITTLE, PRINCIPAL, ABBEVILLE, GA. Georgia and Alabama Railway. SAVANNAH SHORT LINE. Passenger Schedules Effective Decernfcer 12> 1897, SVSAIN LfISIE. ■ No- 10- No- 17. No. IS. No- 20. 7 15 p m 7 J.'S a m \ v Savannah ar ll A0 i> m 8 it» a m 13£04 a m 11 38 am ar Helena ar « :o |» m 3 35 a m i~0g a m 12 28 i> j» m ar Abbeville ar 5 50 i»_m 2 40 a m 2 15 a m 1 3o m ar Cordele ar 4 45 i>*n; J :J5_a m 3 15 a m 2. 55 n m ar A meric us ar 3 30 )> m 12 2 X^a m 4 14 a m 3 55 p m ar Richland ar 2 40 p m 11 30 p m 8 on a m S r.o p m ar Montgomery lv lo 40 a m 7 40 n in COLUMBUS & ALBANY DiViSiOiNS. No. 3. No. t* No- 2.* Iw. - a 10 p nr lo 05 a m lv Columbus ar 5 20 p m uo m 8 00 p m i 1 4o a m ar Richland ar 3 55 p m -i 45 a m 8 no p m 1 30 p m ar Albany lv 2 lo p m oo a m FITZGERALD DIVISION. .................... No- 0. No- 7. No. 8. No- 10. ................... 5 55 p m 7 15 a S lv Abbeville ar .12 15 p m ll oo p m .................... 8 5f» m o 15 a E ar Fitzgerald ar ll 25 a m 8 45 p m .................... 7 26 p m 10 Oo a S ar Ocilia lv lo 20 a m 8 00 p m *T rail is Nos. 1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. CONNECTIONS. TRAIN NO. 19. Connects at Savannah v.Ttli Plant System, F. C. h p. and steamers. At Helena with Southern Railway 1’rain No. IS north hound. At Abbeville for Fit zee raid and Ocilia. At Ford,'I,» with (i. s. ,V !•'. K. ID No. 4 north bound. At Richland v.ith (J. ,fc A. OLvI.lon ill-, for Albany and Columbus. At with Montgomery W. with D. A N. for New Orleans and bevond. for minvuum amt the north, also Rv. of Alabama, for Selma. TRAIN MO. 17. Connects at Savannah wailh Plant System and F. C. A P. R. R. At Il.-Irna with'Southern liy. No. in south bound and No. to north bound. At Abbeville for FUzaevakl end Ociffla. At cordele wlih O. S. A K. it. K. No. I south bound and No. 2 north bound At Rxli lam; with I'. A A. Division lor Columbus and Atlanta also for Albany. At Montsromerv with L A N. for for Now Selma. Orleans and beyond, for Birmingham arid the north, also with Western Rv. of Al abama TRAIN also with NO. \\ 13. Connects Ry. of at Alabama Montgomery from Selma. wltb D. AN. ltlcbland from New Orleans and from the north, estorn At with i'. a \. Division "or Columbus and Atlanta, also for Albany, At Cordele with G. S. A F. Rv. No. 5 for rifton and Valdosta. At Abbeville for Fitzgerald arid Ocilia. At Savannah with Plant System and F. c, a TRAIN also with NO. \Vextern 20. Connects Ky. of Alabama at Montgomery from with D. & Cordele N. from New Orleans and from the north, Selma. At with s. A F Rv No 8 south bound. At Abbeville Tor Fitzgerald and Ocilia. At Helena with Southern Rv. No.'ll south bound. At Savannah with Plant Kvstem, F. c. A 1‘. R. 1!. and Steamers. Elegant liuffet Parlor Cars on Trains Nos. 17 amt 18. Pullman Palace Sleeping (!ars on Trains Nos. lb and JO. (*. N. K1GIIT, ind-Passenger a. POPF Assistant Goal. Passenger Agent. General Freight Atit. CECIL g.VUHETT. Vice President and General Tifton and Northeastern Railroad. “SOLDIERS COLONY H. H. TIFT, President. N'O. 7 NO. 3 NO. 1 P. 1\ M. A. M. LEAVE 3 3 10 8 00 0 3 3 23 S 15 F 3 3 2 5 8 F 3 3 52 4 F 3 S 58 9 . .(» 4 4 10 i) 13 20 F 4 1 25 0 30 25 ARRIVE b\ O. RO.VJJlilGIlT Traffic Manager i Miles. Ladies plush capes..... . %2 28 Set tumblers.......... 1.5 "Wash basin............ 03 Galvanized well bucket..... 17 Men’s undershirts worth 50e 38 Men’s undershirts worth 4t)c 19 Childrens union suits...... 25 Ladies uudervest.......... Shoe brush.............. CC Pair towels.............. 07 Tvocnl T^Iine Tfiblo No. 6. General Offices: TIFTON, GEORGIA. EFFECTIVE T :>ero:C-'xcr-xt>^r~ 19th., 1897. TIFTON, KRIGIiON HAKUING PIN ETTA MYSTIC. FLF.TC’H HR, FITZGERALD, W. 0. TIFT , Vice Presidumi Miles. arrive P. M. P. M. 6 25 8 10 20 6 10 5 58 17 6 01 5 48 n 5 41 ft 20 0 5 35 5 ;:3 5 5 23 5 12 leave o n 5 10 5 00 NO. 2 NO. 5 NO. 3