The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, December 22, 1898, Image 3

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Leesil Eir=id P©rs©Fial. Matters of Interest Gathered in City and County, Concerning People You Know and People You Don’t Know. Notice the date opposite your name and you will tsee when your expired. 'Please pay to it and call and settle as we are compelled to have money. It Is a small amount tojyoa but to us it amounts to^a great deal. Mince meat at Isaacs. Pineapple filling at Isaacs. Lemon pie-filling at Isaacs. ’ All kind of Jellies at Isaacs. Ising, ready for use at Isaacs. Go to A Isaac’s for fresh bread and cakes. All kind of nuts, raisins and cur rants at Isaacs. D B Nicholson, spent in the city. Wanted —A load ot wood on scription at this office. * Paxson Bros., keep Heinz and sour pickles in kegs. , Poor Chronicle, will Santa Claus forget it? m If it is something good to eat go to Paxson Bros., they have it. Capt. Dozier, spent one or two days in the city last week. Rock Salt for stock 2£ets per lb. 1(1 20 tf Paxson Bros. Say. have you seen the pretty line of Xmas, presents at the Central Drug Co. 12-1 Mr. Peter Troup, of Irwin county, was in the city one day this week. The prettiest line of Lamps ever shown in the city, would make nice Xmas presents. Central Drug Co. Choice cigars and fine tobacco al ' ways on band. City Drug Co. Miss Harriett Carter is visiting her sister, Mrs. S E Blitch, this week. Now is the time to purchase a new buggy for Christmas. Call on T L Holton and get Ins prices, lie Jias some fine buggies on baud. 11 10 Happy Ben Thompson, of Pitts, spent Tuesday in the city. Vases! Vases! Vases! the prettiest you ever saw for Xmas presents at Central Drug Co. 12-1 The Hartford Fire Insurance Co., represented by T L Holton, stands second to none, call on him for fire insurance. 11 10 Next week being Xmas week there will be no paper, only a small sheet containing the legal advertisements. Pure fresh drugs, careful and ac curate compounding our specialties. City Drug Co. What lias become of our wood subscribers? We need wood now, The Central Drug Store has the best assortment of fancy candy in the city. II A Barrett and daughters, from Sibbie, were in • the city making Xmas purchases today. Planters Cuts, CUBAN Burns, Bruises, OIL Rheu- cures matism ami Sores. Price, 25 cents. For sale by city Drug Store. Messrs. R 0 Tomberlin, of Sibbie, and J W Tomberlin, of Irwinville, were in town today buying Xmas goods. Messrs. II E and J J Brown brought cotton to town today, sold it and purchased their holiday goods. When wanting a nice box of fancy candj-, that’s-fresh, call on Central Drug Store. When you ask for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve don’t accept a counter feit or imitation. There are more jjases’of piles being cured by tins, than all others combined. Centra Drug Co. Miss Lerch, who has had charge of the music department of the Georgia Normal College & Business Institute for the pas term, left yes terday for her home in Chicago to spend.the holidays. Late to bed and earlj’ to rise, pro pares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. Ceil tral Drug Co. Rev. M L Lawson will preach at Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. All are invited. The Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland! through their agent, Monroe, is prepared to furnish bonds to all the countj' officers on five days notice. Clothing rep-fired, cleaned, dyed anp pressed, Ladies or gents cloth ing. O. Arhheiter. next door to the 12 15 tf I hanks to the kind subscribers who have paid up their subscription the past week. Tun Chronicle wishes for all patrons a happy Xmas and hopes I Santa Claus will not forget a single one of them, Before buying your Xmas ents be sure to see the beautiful at Central Drug Co. 12-1 A large new lot of Hawkes tacles. Come and have your fitted accurately. City Drug Co. Rev. tf E Blitch is spending a days with his family and paid Chronicle office a pleasant •Tuesday, Flamers CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, Neuralgia and Toothache in five minutes. Sonr Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. For sale by City Drug Co., Abbeville. Ga. It pays everybody to insure then property, against loss by lire, and T L Holton will be glad to write In surance on your property, he repre sents all the old line companies. 112 J F Grantham has moved to town and will start a business on the river after Xmas. The Chronicle ex tends a hearty welcome. Mr. Tom Pete Wilcox, of Ingle wood, Dodge county, was in town today trailing. Economy is the road to wealth so economize by buying your groceries, fruits, confectioneries, etc., from Paxson Bros., Commerce st., next to City Drug Co. Mis. Sarah J. Fuller and tfaniinie Reid, of Forest Glen, will spend Xmas in Abbeville. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Floyd have moved to town and are occupying the dwelling formerly occupied by I tf Brown. HARPER whiskey on your ‘side board proves jour taste is correct. It proves also that you are doing your dut> to your guest and to your self—keeping the finest whiskey ob tamable. tfold by Lasse ter, Ham & Co., Abbeville, Ga. ♦4*|a|«aNUEI AN TEA cures Dyspep rluHlvl v sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cte. For sale by City Drug Co.. Abbeville, Ga. Soothing, healing, cleansing, I)e Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im placable enemy of seres, burns and wounds. It never tails to cure piles. You may rely upon it. Central Drug Co. The Baptist Sunday School will commemorate Xmas by making an offering, each and every member will give something and designate to whom or for what it is to be given. Whatever you give write or say for what purpose. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effect ually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recom mend it because it’s good. Central Drug Co. Rev. Guyton Fisher Leaves Us. Rev. Guyton Fisher preached his farewell sermon last (Sunday to a large and appreciative congregation. This was the best sermon of his en tire ministry at this place. When lie-concluded and said “goodbye" there was not a dry eye m the church. Rev, Fisher and wife are greatly beloved by the people of Ab beville of all denominations. They will be greatly missed. He is not on ly beloved and respected as a pas tor and servant of God but as a man. a friend and 'for genuine manliness. The Chlioniclk extends to this man of God and his gentle companion the best wishes of tins entire community and bespeaks for them a hearty Irel come and rich rewards in their new field of labor. Don t wait, but get a bottle <>f Di J II McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment for you may need it at any moment. It cures wounds, pains, cuts, sores, bums, eruptions of the skin, sciatica itch, lumbago, frost bites, etc. For sale by Central Drug Co. Notice. All persons holding Warrants against the town treasurer are here by notified that only :-J of the face of them will be received in payment of taxes. The other ^ is the school fund and must be paid in cash. The amount remaining over will be paid by treasurer after all school fund is in baud ami turned over to trustees, T. L. Holton, Mayor, City Election. The time to elect a mayor ami three eounoilmen is now at lmiul. * Did you know it? Well, who will you elect? You will elect good men of course. Hut elect men who will stand together. Don't elect a sesaw mayor and council, please. The town is tired of this kind of busi ness. Our Public Schools and Col lege must be looked after the first all. now stick a pin here. We good sanitary regulations, remc that. A good reliable police plenty of artesian water and all. a conservative and economical administration. ...... ... \\ want good . e men, sober men, iyid men with push and pluck We want men who will lose if the town goes wrong, and men who will gain if the town goes right. We don’t want men who will wrangle and jangle, but men who will reasoii together, put their heads together and eliminate differences etc. Now who shall that mayor and three councilmen be? Why not have a meeting and talk this matter over? BucRlen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcqys, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by the City Drug Co. Public Installation of Officers, Alex Stephens Lodge No. 72 K. of P. Tuesdar, Jan. 3rd, 1899. 1. Music—Donaldson's Orchestra. 2. Prayer—Rev. M L Lawson. 3. Installation. P. C.—L P Wim beriy. 4. Recitation—Miss Bessie Rogers .5. Installation of C. C.—I W Melton. G. Solo—Mrs. C W Donaldson. 7. Installation—V. C., J L Googe. 8. Recitation—-Miss tfallie «Story. !Y Installation Service. 10. Music—Donaldson’s Orchestra, 11. Installation Service. 12. Address on l’ythianism—C W Underwood. 13. Installation service. 14. Solo—Mrs. C E Melton. 15. Oyster Supper at Alison’s store under Masonic Hall. J R Monroe master of ceremonies. W R Googe toastmaster. Committee on supper. Mesdames. J l! Alison, T L Holton, J W Mel ton and J L Pittman. R, A. Wilson 4 [-Committee. A. T, Baker IV. R. Googf, \ Many a household is saddened by death liecause of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely cer tain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Central Drug Co. Attention! A beautiful $15.01) Manicure case being raffled at the Central Drug Store. Call and see it. The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the sufferer the better. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is dis tressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. Central Drug Co. COTTON QUOTATIONS. Thursday Dec. 22, I8D8. Good middling P Strict middling P Middling...... P Low middling.. ■n P Do you want a bond? Well, J R Monroe can furnish it in live days if your referense is all right. It will not cost you as much as the riding and driving over the county looking for some friend to go on your bond. The merchants who advertise are getting the trade this Xinas. ’The streets of Abbeville have pre sented a Xmas like appearance for the past ten days and our merchants are happy. Don’t embarass your friends by asking them to sign your bond. Go to .J R Monroe and get a bond iu Fidelity and Deposit Company at small cost—.Other counties are {this. T « * Diseases are manifested by Backache J Rheumatism, - Loss of Appetite, Foul Tongue and Weakness ^ J # || i Ig^EAN’S ‘ ’I LIftn III 5" K QfflII CaBSU iiimiPii _ _ . __ K III Hi a I Kill SSI Is the remedy you need, of equal service in mild or chronic cases. •1.00 PER BOTTLE. VOK »LLE BY Hor sn 1 e by Cont ra 1 Dr 11 g (’o. GO TO A Isaacs FOR — Citron, Currants, Mince Meat, Seedless Raisins, Muscatel Raisins, Fruits of all kind, Jellies of all kind, London Layer Raisins, Fresh Bread and Cakes, FiLLSNGS Lemon Pie. Pine Apple, READY FOR USE. ICING-— Ready prepared for cakes, for sale by the pound. A FULL AND COMPLETE . . . STOCK OF - - - Fancy Groceries. E. Isaacs, Che Eater and Grocer. *** Yellow Jaundice Cured Suffering humanity should he sup plied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish tbh following: • -This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from yellow jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr Bell, our drug gist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. T now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this ter rible malady. I am gratefully yours II. A. Ilogarty, Lexington, Ky.” Sold City Drug Co.., Druggist. 4 Bargains tin ♦ ♦ s Uteal Estate. No. J. 50 acres of land two miles j from town. No improvements. Good roads leading to town. In a good community. Near enough to attend the schools and churches in town. A quantity of Umber on the tract, enough to pay for clearing and fencing it. Price $200.00. Cash. No. 2. A house and lot in Abbe ville, known as the I’arson place. The house is nearly new and has four rooms and four lire places and a hall through the house. About one acre of ground in lot. The place cost nearly $801).Ow, Owned bj’ a non o resident and he needs money and wishes to sell. Price $375.00. Cash. No. 3. 100 acres of lpt No. 01. 1st Dist. of Wilcox county, 8 miles from Abbeville, Abbeville and Irwin ville road runs centrally through it. Lies beautifully and within 200 yds of Tommie Fuller's residence. Price, $200, Call on or address. J. R. MONROE, Abbeville, Ga, Citation. UF.ORtllA -Wilcox county: ltetsy Brown, Kuavdlan of Jnno Um\yn. Hoh.'t, Drown. Ahhln llrown, Rosetta Drown, Martha Drown. Mettle Drown and Kvn Drown, having applied to mo to he discharged from such gtumltahsDlp let all povsons concovned show cause before me at the court house In said county on the Hint Monday In January isDm, why such application for discharge should not he granted. Witness my hand ami official signaluve this 5th day of December, inns. John M Warren, (mllnury. Citation. UKOttGIA—Wllfox county. To nil whom It may concern: Mary Marker having made application twelve months support out of the estate of D A Marker ami appraisers duly Appointed to set apart the Name having tiled their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday In January 1 H!> 8 , why said application should not be granted. This December the 5th, Inks. John M. Warren, Ordinary. Citation. (jEOltiilA—Wilcox county. To all whom it may concern: Daniel MeDuf tle having In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of John D MeDntlle. Sr., late of said county; this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John 1) McDuf fie. Sr., to be and appear at my oitice within the time allowed by law, and show cause if an.v' they can why penny non t administration should not he granted to Daniel McDuffie on John I) MeDntlle. Sr., estate. Witness my baud and official signature this December 5th I hum. John M Warren, Ordinary. SHERIFF SALES. (JlCOlUilA Wilcox County. Will be sold before t he court house door In tlic town of Abbeville, (hi., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: One hundred and tU’ty acres of lot of land Xo. in the 2nd district of Wilcox county, (la., being a strip across the entire lot from north to south on the western side of said lot of land. Town lot in city of Abbeville, Wilcox county (ia.. and in the Johnson survey, known us town lot No. 50. Levied on as the property of J M Mixon under and by virtue of a ti fa issued from Wilcox county court in favor of W M Matnews vs W Lew ter Rea, .1 It Monroe and J M Mixon. Lew made and returned to me by James Harp, county court bailiff. This Dec. I 1808. L. C. COVINGTON, Sheriff. DIRECTORY. CITY DIKKCTORY. Mayor T. L. Holton, Mayor Puotkm W. A. Cherry. < uk J. W. Mutton. City Attorney—M ax F. Lend. TREASURER 1. !. Ilari . Marsh a i - I. .i. ip >;• . i. K. J. Fitzgerald. (’orvi n m j s r. .Moody, W. II. Wilkinson, L. Sion. M. A. crown. I*. 1. Ilaire. I! o \ 1 : i j of or cation -J K Monroe, A T Hakor ! ,'.i Mixon, C L Hailey,.! I) Maynard. COl'RT. County Court convenes every First Tuesday; T. L. Holton, Judge: Max F Lund, Solicitor; Jas. Harp. Bailiff. LOI)t» i:s. K.of l\- -Meets every First and Third Tues day night. Max K. Land. c. c. IA A a. M. Meets every Fourth Saturday. Z. \\. Lasseter. W. M. enriH 'll FS. Baptist Breaching every Second and Fourth Sunday, morning and evening. Conference meeting on Fourth Saturday at 11 o’clock a. ni. Rev. M L Lawson, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at 3;30 p- ni. J. It. Monroe super intendent. ('iimsTi an Breaching every First Sunday morning and evening. Rev, R L Withers, pas tor. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. M A Brown Superintendent. M bthooiht Preaching every Sunday, morn ing and evening. Rev. Guyton pastor’. Sunday school every Sunday at 3:50 p. m. Prof u ni. Googe Superintendent. COF NT Y DIR L( 'TORY. Representative L (’ Wilcox. Sheriff—L ('• Covington. Ordinary -J M Warren. Clerk- .) M Mixon. Treasurer- B A Barker. Tax Collector c S McCall. Tan Receiver -Samuel Brown. Coroner- Ben Smith. Surveyor F. II. Taylor. Commissioners M. H. McAnally, L. F. Nance, and I). McDuffie; .J. N. Lvans. Clerk. Banks Fail But we have Never Failed -T 0 S E L L- Furniture, anything Stoves, the House-furnishing Crockery. In fact in Line cheapr than can b bought in South Middl Ga 3 • r W unhesitatingly recommend the 1898 1 1 I I We Can also furnish a Good Wheel at $30.00 & MELTON. ENTRAL J L PITTMAN, TOILET ARTICLES AND FfXE PER FILM BEST SOAPS ON THE MARKET. 28 reasons 2.Q YOU SHOULD TRADE WtTTT —* I- 3 ! Oliver^ 1. Because he will give you more goods for the raonej- than any- one else in the city. , 2. Because his stock is the most complete. 3. Because he lias the preUiefft line of Dress Goods in the city 4. Because his stock is fresh and new. 5. Because his styles are the latest. (i. Because he will give you 20 yards good bleaching for $1.00, . 7. Because he will give you 25 yards good cheeked homespun for-$l K. Because lie will give you 20 yards good gingham for $1.00. b. Because he will give you 20 yards sea island for $1.00. 10 . Because he will give you 5 yards all wool Jeans for $1.00. 11. Because he will give you 25 yards good calico for $1.00. 12 . Because his dress goods from 20cts. to $4,00. will,cost you 35cts, to $1.50 elsewhere. 13. Because he lias the prettiest line of shirts in town. 14. Because he will sell you a good trunk from 05cts. to $lqOO. 15. Because he will sell you a good pair ladies shoes, all solid leather, for Poets. 10. Because he. will sell you best men’s limgau shoe for $1.00. J7. Because ho will sell you gent sYtnderwear better and cheaper than . can be found elsewhere. IS. Because lie will sell you :i $3.00 saddle for $2.01). ID. Because he will sell you a $4.00 mulQI q-L w $3.00. 20 . Because he will sell you a $7. i^saddleiA fr $3. (Ill 21 . Because he will sell you J I itfs[ good coffee for U.oliT __ “ 22 . Because he will sell you .1 G-.J th s granulated sugar for $1.0(1. 23. Because lie sells all groceries in proportion to the above prices. 24. Because he buys your chickens, eggs, cow hides, field peas, etc. 25. Because he gives you more for your ‘cotton than you can get this side o[ Macon. • 21 ,. 1 FT it use he is the farmer’s friend. 27. Becgusy he accommodates them and assists them through the long summer months, 28. Because lie buys and sells everything. P. S. OLIVER .9 .Dealer in Go in ,cyitie and you will always know, Gottlieb’s is the place to go. The best goods for the lowest price you pay, • Come and see us and he happy every day.” We are daily receiving fresh goods from New York, bought at iuml-time prices and we propose to give our customers the benefit of these prices. N. K. OKY, MaiuSSK T. GOTTLIEB, RUG Next Door = . Post Office PRESCRIPTIUNS CAREFT'LLY (3031 l’( )I'XD ED. As The That Being Be Best Produced. Can 0 OMPANY. 7 Abbeville, Georgia, A B c o L M u I DUO^HI!>Z (0mrO“<o-G3 Coine to see u* FINE STATIONERY CHOICE CIGARS, . SODA WATER, AND COLD DRINKS.