The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, March 28, 1901, Image 1

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Chronic le VOLUME V. Local and Personal. Matters of Interest From Tow. sand County-Concerning People and Thines. Ice cold drinks at the City Drug Store. 3-28 From what we can learn court will .continue through next week. Job work receives special atten Icntion, Give us a trial. Nice line of baby caps, cheap. 3-28 tf Mrs. Mattie F. Ilatt.Q Mr. A. I. Webb spent several days 111 the city this week with home folks. Get vour jug filled at the Ren Light. Watch the columns of this paper next week for the big auction sale of city lots. Silver Legand Wyandotte eggs, per setting $1.00 J K Johnson. A new post office has been estab lished in this county called Dunlap and Mr Henry Lawson is postmaster. Buy your Easter Suit from Barnes & Co. G. Wooten is'siek at home tins week but hope lie will soon be out. ‘ Garrett’s Private Stock” at the Riii> Light 9-20 tf Col. M. B. Cannon has been con fined to his home by skdencss several days of this and last week. Let Barnes & Co. meas= you for that Easter Suit. Mrs. Prather, of Rochelle, is spending sometime in the city at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Rog ers, who is Seriously ill. “Kobn's Corn,’ “Old Harvest Corn.” ‘ Key & Co's. Corn” at the Bed Light. 9-30 A. F. Churchwell A Co., have a new ad in this issue. They .arc go ing to -have an auction sale read their ad and see what (hey are offer ing. If it is anything in the grocery line, go to Paxsou Bros., they have it. 19-4 The many friends of Mrs. W. GJ Rogers will be sorry to learn that she is quite ill at her home but all hope she will soon be restored to health, Take Laxative Chocolates for Chronic Constipation and Liver Troubles, Purely Vegetable Pleas ant to take. Guaranteed. Central Drug Store. 9 - 27 - 6 m □ Mrs. Mattie F. Hart will have her millinery opening next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Music Monday evening from 7 to 9. ,411 are invited to attend. Prickly Asti Bitters cures dis ease of the kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomach and ) owels. City Drug Co. Mrs, Mattie F. Hart will have her grand millinery opening next Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Hee her acl in another column. She has an experienced trimmer with her ami those needing hats and novelties will do well to call and inspect her line. When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liv er and bowels. They never gripe. City Drug Store. We are glad to add the following new subscribers to the Chronicle this week: W. L. Wood, Seville; Wm. Selpb, Reidsfield: D. E. Smith hart, , Rochelle; W. M, - Cooper, Wright; Jas. Fitzgerald, Rochelle; Miss Mattie Fitzgerald, Hawkins viile: B. F. Rainey, Ashburn ;- D. E. Smithhart, Roche lie. \ Rev. JohnT. Jenkins, of Marietta will begin a series of meeting in this place April 8 th. He is one of the ablest preachers in Georgia. Every body incited. Devoted to the Upbuilding of Wilcox County and Abbeville. ABBEVLLE. GA.. THURSDAY, MARCH. 28. 1901. If you did not see the editor while at court this week be sure and call on him if at court next week as he needs all that is due him on subscrip tion and must have it—ll your sub script'©! is not paid by the time court 11 rns the account will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. * A 11 Honest Medicine for LaGrippe. George W. Waitt, of South Gar dener, Me., says: “I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trask of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills cold and grip have left me. 1 congratulate the manufacturers of an honest medi cine.” For sale by J. L. Pittman. Sweet and Sour Pickles at Fuller & Co’s. 3=28tf The lingering cough following grip calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For all lung and throat troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Prevents consumption. City Drug Store. Millinery Opening. The millinery opening of Mrs. M. E. Walton Monday was a source of much pleasure to all who attended. Between the hours—10 a. m. to 9:30 p m.—many gathered to inspect and select out of her exqutsit line of up-to date-millinery. It is not so much what the news papers say. as what neighbor says to neighbor, or friend to friend, that lias brought Chamberlain’s CoLe. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy into such general use. It is as natural for people to express their gratitude after us'iig this remedy as it is for water to How down hill. It is the one remedy that ean always be de pended upon, whether a baby be sick with cholera infantum or a man with cholera morbus. It is pleasant, r,afu and reliable. Have you a bot tle of it in your home? For sale by J. L. Pitttuan. For fresh parched pea nuts ’Phone 40. 3=28tf The Storm Monday Night. The heaviest rain known to the oldest inhabitant fell here Monday night and Tuesday before day. The downpour was accompanied by high wind and an unusually heavy tliun der storm, ln consequence of the rain the creeks are all up and some were made almost impassible. Much damage was done to farms and the cultivated fields being badly washed and where corn had been planted the work will probably have, to be done over. Tins storm had Us center near Birmingham, Ala., and great havoc was w rought there, a number of-peo pie being killed and wounded and many thousands of dollars worth of property destroyed. The fury of the storm was terrible in Georgia for a train of cars was blown from the traek near Ellaville in Schley county. Prof Ivison, of Lonacouing, Md., thirteen vears and after tile doctors failed to cure hint they fed him on morphine A friend advised the use of Kodol Core „1 aft* taking a few bottles of it bei says: “It has cured me entirely. J cast sav too much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.’ It digests what you eat. City Drug Vj. Store, A. Swift, a former resident of this county, but now of Fitzgerald, was in the city Monday, A Sale or Lots Coming:. Mr. J. II. Phillips, President of the National Auction and Improve ment Co., was here Tuesday and purchased for cash about 50 lots in the Abbeville Land and Improve ment Co., which will be placed up tor some nearby date. These people make a practice of coducting these sales all over the United States and when they offer as thing for sale it goes 90 matter whether it is at a loss or a gain. Mr. Philips states that these lots will be sold everyone of them for 10 cts each or $100,00. To the highest bidder on easy payments. This will prove to be a benefit to that part of town for these sales are usually followed by a builder’s hammer. OUR HONOR ROLL, Chronicle Subscribers Who Have Remem bered as During the Past Week and to Whom we Return Thanks* G. M. Collins, Reklsfeld $0.2 5 W. II. Cassels, Abbeville, .5(1 J. S. Graham. Dunlap, 1.00 B. F. Rainey, Ashbtirn, .50 F. B. Colbert, Abbeville, 2.25 ,1 -A lillj.- .iv L.vni-i. .. Jas. Fitzgerald, Rochelle, .50 J. L. Brown, Hawkiusvilfe. 2.50 1>. E. Smith hart, Rochelle, .25 M. A. Brown. Douglas, .50 F. II. Taylor, Luke, 1.00 W. L, Rea, Mcntgoinery 1.00 H. A. Fisher Fitzgerald, 1.00 D. E. Smithhart, Rochelle, 25 Superior Court. Wilcox Superior Court convened here Monday morning with Ins Honor JudgeD. M. Roberts on the bench and Col. J. F. DeLacey the able and efficient Solicitor-General looking af ter the interests of the State. After the organization of the court and the Grand .Jury, with Mr. Geo. Williams as Foreman had been sworn, Judge Roberts charged the Grand Jury. The charge was dear able and eloquent and all present were deeply impressed with the beau ty and force of the language used as well as the important and serious work the Grand Jury had to do. In passing we wish to make public the impression that prevails here towit, that [[Judge Roberts will make a record that will write him down in history as one of the greatest judges of Georgia. Among the visiting attorneys are Col. Tom Eason, mid H. M. Friz zell c of McRae; Judge J. W. Hay good of Montezuma; Judge A. C. Pate, Capt. J. 11. Martin, Capt. Warren Grize and Col. T. C. Taylor, of Hawkinsville; Messrs. Thomson & Whipple, E. A. Strozier and J. T. Hill, of Cordele; Hon, IV. C. Worrell, of Dawson; Messrs. Bu ford Davis and 0. A. Turner, of Macon; Judge Jas. Bishop and Judge E. Harman, of Eastman, Col. D. A, R. Crum, of Vienna; H 011 D. C. McLendon, McRae; Col. A J. Davis, Ashburn; Col. Woodward, Vienna; Judge M. 8 . Means, Ilaiv kinsville; Judge Max Land, Messrs. Wells & Wells, Col. Calvin C.'rum mey and Mr. D B. Nicholson of Rochelle. A number of cases have been din -D m > 111111 ,,) 110 c a i is n^a ged in trying the important land case 0 f Bentlv vs Cruminey & Hamilton. Clilci ;, t: , kc ...... dav J 0 an(1 , fu , r crimiim i bus mess disposed of the evil . , . will be taken up where left oil aU(1 court will be in session next ™ck. __________ Air. A. Peacock, of Rhine, was in attendance upon court here this week. L. i. WHITEHURST, Editor and IWisher. DO YOU = Weed Stationery? Tl' VOU no WE CAN SUPPLY von. Our Job Department is better than ever prepared to turn out GOOD JOB PRINTING—something ‘that will look well, be satisfactory to yourself and give identity to your business. Anything in the way of : : : : : LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, COMMISSARY CHECKS, CARDS ETC. IN FACT ANYTHING FROM A MAMMOTH POSTER TO A VISITING CARD. we can supply you with and we know we ean make it to your interest to trade with us. All wo want is a legitimate profit on our work. Call or write for samples and prices—both will he satisfaetory. We want a trial order from you write today Yours truly, THE CHRONICLE JOB OFFICE. Send us a Crial ©rder*flle wilt do the rest. (Brand Millinery Opening * -v-— o Mrs. M. E. Walton’s Millinery Opening was enjoyed by all Abbeville Monday from so o’clock a. m. to 10 o’clock n. m. Hats of every kind could be seen. Some of the lovliesl creations in mull and chiffon in all the latest shapes aud colors. The Abbeville Star Band rendered some os their best selections to the delight of all present. Music, Flowers and Pretty Girls made the evening one to be long remembered. Death of Mrs. ,lno. Statham. Mrs. Juo. Statbara died at Creek Tuesday of pneumonia aud was buried at Cedar Creek church Wednesday. She leaves three children niid a loving Htsband to mourn het sail departure. To the bereaved we extend condolence. Opening April 1st. 2nd and 3rd. All are cordially invited to attend, - An experienced trimmei--Mrs. Nina L Wiikms, from Atlanta, Ga., lias arrived in the city and is with me now. I have the latest in Hair Ornoments, Neck wear and belts. . We have the best selected and cheapest line ever shown in this city. “This is no idle boast. COM E AND SEE. .MWSS. MA'l’TIG 1 •. I I ANT, iSocrc-sor lo Mr>, (i. A. Dcun.J week and have played to good Uou8e8 ewry evening. They give Crsl class elite,........‘ "L f . 1 ,. tai| -“ stnctl > l "'” A ' they close their engagement Satur f , n , f . „ i:ul lloul)l , „ U 1 iutro(luc i n! r ’ singing, ’ bell ringing. i]> lustrate(1 b !U id animated pic Um>8 > closln , . " ™U ... tue aronsuigcom “Peeks Bad Boj. NO. :o. Where can you invest your money profitable than by buying a bottle of Prickkv Aku Bitters f*>«r for one - A y medicine, a liver tonic, stoma-, ii trengtlieiKr and buwe’ cloiuusr. Four medicines for one dollar. ( ay Drug Co. mending Chamberlain s Cough Rem edy,” says F. ]>. Moran, e , v , 11 known and popular baker, of Pet «*rs v«. elaMa-n 'vhfi; trouble,! ivitb bl . ,1 coir !:s, r.I-.o given^rfcctsatisfact whooping comdi audit always rfm Itwas recommended to me by a ™ the best cough medicine fir children as it contained nn Li opium other harmful drug. ” t by L. Pittman.