The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, April 25, 1901, Image 1

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Abbeville Chronicle VOLUME V. Local and Personal. Matters of Interest From Town-and County-Concerning People and Things. The river is rising again. Mrs. \V. R. Googe is quite seek. Miss Leona Barfield is in the Post Office this week. Ice cold drinks at the City Drug Store. 3 28 Prof. Judson Johnson, of Pine view was in the city Saturday. For fresh parched pea nuts ’Phone 40 . Mr. Lam Brown, of Hawkinsville. was in town Tuesday. Sweet and Sour Pickles at Fuller & Co’s. 3 = 28 tf There is a protracted meeting be ing held in tue Christian church this week. If it is anything in the grocery line, go to Paxson Bros., they have it. . 10-4 Mr. J L. Pittman is the biggest little mam iu t uvn om account of the arrival of a fine boy at his house. Mr. Duff Bruce of Rochelle, pass ed through the city last Monday. A kidney remedy that can be de pended on will be found in Prickly Ash Bitte rs. J .t heal s and strength -ens . CityiTruiT (Jo 7 Mr. Mark Morrill was sick one Gay last week. When in need of Gro ceries call on Fuller & Co. They keep the nicest, fin= est line in town. 3 = 28 tf Hattie Grace, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VY B Carswell, we are glad to learn is recovering. We are sorry to learn that the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M 8 Goodin isvery sick, Skin troubles cuts, burns, scalds chafing quickly heal by the use o) DeWitt’s Witch tlazel Salve. It ia imitated. Be sure you get DeWitt’s City Drug Store ■> here will be a protracted meet ing .tut the Methodist church xext >vec|k-~■beginning Sunday night. For anything stylish and up=te=date in Gents’ Furnishings go to CAR5THERS. 5Gr. Sam Jones and wife of Fitz gerald, were in the city a few hours fast Sunday. Stacy Adams “Fine Shoes for Men” at CARITHER5. Mrs. Mattie F, Hart wishes tiie public to know that she has just re ceived another shipment of hats, lienhorn shapes and fancy trimmings all in the latest styles. The Order of Buffalos in this city ia doing a good business, several new members were taken in this week, You cannot enjoy perfect health, -rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bow els clogged. DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers cleanse the whole system. They never gripe. City Drug Store. The finals at the college Monday uight were very good and much en joyed by all, The prophecies were very entertaining and some of the students were made very hopeful on account of tbe bright futures pictur ed for them. Just rDreivecF-A full iine<? • _elbyone,two Sandals, and three strop Oxford ties and Leather. A. G. CARITHERS. Messrs. Lee Pittman and Perrin Crawford made a business trip to Beidsfield Monday. Pol. Hal Lawson spent Tuesday in ; 'ordele on professional business. Devoted the Upbuilding i to of Wilcox County and Abbeville. ABBEVLLE. GA., THURSDAY, APRIL, 25 1901. Mrs. A B Russell left last week fer Columbus, Ga.. where she will spend some time with relatives and fr.ends. You w ill waste time if you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself. That only makes it worse when you do eat heartily. You always neod plenty of good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure is the result of years of sci entific research for something that would digest not only elements of food but every kind. ' And it is the one remedy that will do it. City Drug Store. Miss Carrie Mizelle, of Rhine, was ju the city Tuesday and. Wednesday. A nice line of stoves at reduced prices for the next thirty days. r l his is the time to buy. 4-25 tt W. L. HARRELL. Mrs. M K Me A n ally, of Cooks town, passed through the city last Saturday, called there by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Annie Minims. “Last winter I was confined to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs Nothing gave me relief. Finally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough (Jure that affect ed a speedy cure, i cannot speak too highly of that excellent remedy” —Mr T K Houseman, Manatawney, Pa, City Drug Store. Mr. A. N. Thigpen, Abbeville's most enthusiastic chicken fancier, has recently purchased, from a fa ting of Cornish Indian Game eggs. Ed Little, who has been in Florida for the past two months, returned to the city Tuesday. If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of appetitite, or constipation try a few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box warranted. For sale by J L Pittman. Mr. Archie Russell, the fireman on the short line between this place and Oeilla, while firing up the other day. was unfortunate enough to let his head come in contact with a piece of wood, it was very painful at the time, but we are glad to see that he was off only a day or two on ac count of it. No one had any idea how many boys under sixteen years of age there wore in this place until street tax came du e. On account of the Florida students wantiug to finish up in time to stand examinations the G. N. C. & B F teaches six days in a week now. The Chronicle must go to the peo ple of the whole county—to the homes of church people and to schools. In order to do so every tlimg that is seriously objectionable will be eliminated that it’s progress will not be impeded. THE BEST BLOOD FURIFIELl. The blood is constantly bui ng pu rified by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy con dition and the bowels regular and you will have no need of blood pti rificr. For this purpose there is nothing equal to Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, one dose <( f them will do you more good than a dollar bott!6 of the best blood pu rifier. Price 25c. Samples free at J L Pittman’s drug store. Fine Saw Mill Location. For Sale—A Fine Saw Mill Lo cation Plenty of Timber. Call on or write me at Cordele, Ga P. C. Clegg, Sr For Rent. Four room house with kitchen at conveniently bleated. pp*y 1 ■ " ILC0X , 4 18 4 t at, ‘ 0 Indigestion is the direct cause of disease that kills thousands of per sons annually. Stop the trouble at the start with a little Prickly Ath Bitters; it strengthens the storaaeo aids digestion City Drug Ch Miss Lillie .Matthews, of Bradford Fla., who has been attending school here for some time, left last Tuesday to take charge of a school in that county. Memorial exercises will be obser ved at the College Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock. Ail lire invited. Don’t forgot that we will duplicate job printing done anywhere, in quality of material and prices. Habitual constipation is the door through which many of the serious ills of the body are admitted, I he occasional use ot Prickly Ash Bit thus will remove and cure thi< dis tressing condition. City Drug Co. Marion Kooke, manager for T M Thompson, a large importer of fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: “During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milli ners was taking Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that 1 bought some for my self. It acted like magic and I be to improve at once I am now well and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits.” For sale by J L Pittman. Death of Miss Mattie Johnson. Miss Mattie Johnson died at the home of her uncle, Dr. J. L. Tliig pen neview, yesterday, , Slse had been sick for a month or more. To the bereaved we extend condo lence. A TESTIMONIAL FROM OLD ENGLAND. “I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the best in the world for bronchitis,” says Mr William Savory, of Warrington, England, “It has saved my wife’s life, she having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well.” It is a great pleasure to the manufacturers of Chambcr Iain’s Cough Remedy to be able to punish testimonials of this charac ter. They show that great good is being done, pain ami suffering reliev ed and valuable lives restored to health and happiness by this remedy, It is for sale by J L Pittman. Death of Miss Bettie Tomberlin. Miss Bettie Tomberlin died at her home near Bede yesterday. She was a most estimable lady and leaves a large number of relatives and friends to mourn her sad departure. We extend our sympathies to the be reaved . Series of Meetings. Bev. II. C, Combs, slate ewm geHst of the Christian church, is conducting a series of meetings at Christian church this week Rev. Combs is a forceful preacher and good congregations attend every service. Much good we hope will be accomplished? Robber Arrested. Brown Pine was arrested in Alba ny Monday for breaking in Bob Weathers’ barber shop one night last week. It seems that Pine broke in the sno P allJ stok ’ some razors and scissors and went to Tifton where he gave them into the care of his wife. Bob missed tbe razors and scissors and suspecting Pine, followed them to Tifton where lit recovered 12 ra zors and one pair of scissors from the woman. Later Pine was arres ted jn Albany and brought here and placep in jail. L. J. WHITEHURST. Editor and Publisher. A New Building. The brick are now being hauled f< r the erection of a new building on the vacant lot next to Barnes Co. on Stubbs and Depot streets. This building is to be owued and occupied by the Central Co., of this place, This will ado much to the appearance of that part of town. Do not leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rento dy. It is almost certain to be need ed and cannot bo procured while you are on board the cars or steamship. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by J L Pittman. Local fishermen are digging and boxing bait in order to be prepared for a harvest of fish when the river falls, ———■--- -- M --- Dr. G. H. Macon’s Drug Store. I)r. G. II. Macon has opened up a drug store in his building near the Globe Hotel where he will carry a full lino of drugs and patent medi ciius, and everything kept in a first class store of the kind. The Doc tor lias had many years experience in the drug business and all who deal with him will be sure of getting fresh f drugs. Match for his ad in our next issue. - An Attem pted--Bti i gtoiy; ' * Tuesday night, about nine o’clock, a burglar tried to enter the residence of l)r. W. R. Googe, the Doctor was away and also Mr. William MoCart ney who boards with him. Only Mrs. Googe and her sister. Miss Lott were in the house at the time. It that Mrs. Googe was sick . , and , , Miss Lott to get her a glass of water, she started but only got part of the way when she saw a man at the kitchen door, she screamed, and Mrs. Googe ran out, pistol in hand, aiiri find three times. Tilt: burglar lied before any one could get there. lie left no clue. Dentil of Mrs. Annie Minims. As we go to press we are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Minims, daughter of Hon. M. E. McAnallv, of Cookstown. which ce curred at her home at Unadilla night. She lias many friends in county who will be sorry to learn of her death. Her remains will arrive On the 3 p. m. train and will be car ried to Cedar Creek where the inter ment will take place tomorrow. The Chronicle extends condolence to the bereaved. The Little House. Mrs. J. II. Little, who for several \cais has run a populai student boarding house, is now taking Iran sients, Mrs Little is an excellent hourae keeper and all who stop with her will be pleased with the house, its furnishings and its proximity to the business part of town. It is but a two minutes walk to the depot and the Little House will he a popular stepping place with the traveling public. Purify the blood and put the sys tem in order for summer work by using at this time a short course of Piuckly Ash Bitters; it is the greatest blood purifier on earth. City Drug Co. Paul Hare is yet suple as a boy and as clever too. A running horse, hitched to a buggy passed store last Thursday, but he outran the horse and got into the returning him safe to his owner. John Singleton, of the Chronicle force spent Sunday in McRae. Charley Vaughn spent a few days in the city this week. NO. 14. To The People of Wilcox and Sur rounding Country. | We come before you again this season and ask your pa Iron ago. In doing so, we propose to make it to your interest in way to do your Dry Goods, lug Carpets. Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods trading with us. We have to offer you in each {greater department a larger line and variety of merchandise as !are to be found anywhere iu country. You are sensible enough to know that good goods where are worth more than corn- 1U011 > shoddy trash. ’! lie former, we have always made a specialty of—-Good Merchandise—and llie latter, we have studiously avoid ed. We cordially invite your at tention to our weekly advertise-! ment in this column, and we as you that we shall use every effort to merit a continuance of your generous patronage in the future which we have had in the l past. If you want Silks, Woolens and Cotton Dress Goods; If you want Linens and White Goods: If you want Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Laces yviU' wmit" Ladies’ Tailor-Made Suits, Silk Waists. Wash Waists, Silk Skirts, Wool Skirts and Washable Skirts:. if you want Ladies’ and Chil drens’ Shoes and Slippers: h you want Mens’ and Boys’ Gents’ Shirts. Un Shoes, Hats and other Furnishing Goods: If you want Carpets, Curtains, window Shades, Upholsteries: If you want goods at Wholesale as well as Retail Gome to see us, and if you can not come, write us for samples J ami pi ices, and your communica tions will have our prompt atten tion. Wheatley & Ansley, 415-117 Jackson Street, AM ERIC IS. G V. COLD WAVE IN GEORGIA. High Winds and Cold of Friday mid Saturday Have Not Killed the Fruit. It is probable that much of the cotton crop in the southern part ot the state, particularly about Americas will have to be replanted on account of the damage done by the seven weather ot the past few days. ,, Weather forecaster J B Marbuiy, Saturday, received reports from that section indicating that the cotton crop had fared badly at the hands of ^oth la j f i < U id wind. The rain, it 8t , em8) flret put the fields in such condition that when the high winds of the past day or so came, the tend er planteewere blighted. Professor Marbury is of the opiu ion tlmt the fruit crop is still safe, but fears that tbe young vegitation in many sections of Georgia may have suffered considerable. SPREADS LIKE WILD KIRK. When things are “the best” they “the best selling.” Abra barn Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, Ohio, writes. “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters 1 | 1!IV1 . handled in 20 years, You know why? Most diseases begin in disordeis of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves, lienee cures multitudes of maladies. J* builds tip the entire system. PuU new life into any weak,,-sickly, run down man or vyornan. Price otic. Sold by J L Pittman, druggist.