The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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Abbeville Chronicle. VOLUME V. Local and Personal. Matters of Interest From Town-and Countyr-Conceming People and Things. Mr. J R Alison is quite sick this week. Go out to the citizens meeting to morrow morning at 11 o’clock. Guy Carswell, of McRae, is spend ing several days in the city. I) A Bailey, of HuwUinsyille, spent yesterday m the city on business. Several pieces of property will be sold at Sheriff sale next Tuesday. Ice cold drinks at the City Drug Store, 3.28 A pleasant party of young people enjoyed Monday fishing in Cypress Creek. Mr. «! R Williams of Hazleliurst is visiting relatives in the city this week. For fresh parched 3*28tf pea nuts ’Phone 40. I)r. A II Crawford attended a meeting of the Masons is Macon last week. ; - Wilkins; - - the n iumrer-Tif" Mrs. Mattie F Hart, returned to her home in Atlanta last Saturday. Stum tor R J Moye and wife, of Johnson county, are visiting their sons here this week. Sweet and Sour Pickles at Fuller & Co’s. 3»28tf i. Misses Ida Little and Harriet Mc T.rod.'of PineView, spent Saturday sml “unday,in the city with relatives. Judge J M Warren, Wilcox coun ty's efficient ordinary, spent yester day iti Rochelle.. If it. is anything in the grocery line, zo to Paxsou Bros.. they To-4 have it. The friends of M •«. W II Dickey will be sorry to learn that she is quite ill. A nice line of stoves at reduced prices for the next thirty davs. '1 his is the time to buy. 1-25 tt W. I.. H.UtkKI.I.. Col. J L Bankston went over to Rochelle yesterday on professional business. Work is progressing rapidly on the Hew brick store of Central Drug .Store. ‘Contractor Phillips is a hustler anvwkv. Mr. Bryant Drew, of Americas, spent Sunday in the city with his sister, Mrs. J W Daugherty. - Stacy Adams “Fine Shoes for Men” at CARITHERS. Miss Ida Marchant, a charming ’.young lady of Inwood, is visiting ' her sister, Mrs B J Reid, in the city this week. Gordon Fuller lett Sunday to uc . cept a position as operator on the ('mitral Road. Nearly every day you can see eiijne of the boys returiing Cypress Greek with a string of fish. , ,JLF»tt»an. We received a pleasant call from Justice Bnrrvatine Tuesday and while here U« purchased a s«pply of blanks lrom us for Bis ofliee. He *avs life is tbo short to write them when we aril them so ohtap. j :, Chamberlain's Pain Balm. )y relieve? the stiffness andsoreness. effeciing a complete cure, For sale by J L Pittman, For anything stylish Gents’ ; and Pitrniflhlf1££ up-to-date irt * u * 0*0 to , VAKI P AB ff'HCDC ‘ LICKS. The many friend* Of Mrs. W It 'Googe will be sojry to learn that she is qfflte ill, but hope she will soon recover. Devoted to the Upbuilding of Wilcox County and Abbeville. ABBEVLLE. GA.. THURSDAY, MAY. 2 . 1901 . Citizens Meeting Everyone that feels Interested in build ing np the business of Abbeville is re quested to nieet at the Bank Friday morning May 3rd at 9 o’clock. The pur pose of this meeting is to discuss the best method of organizing a Public Qinnery and Warehouse. A man experienced in these matters wj|l be present. Every citizen be sure and attend. Citizens. MEMORIAL. DAY “Snm D. Fuller” Turned out En-Masse. The Confederate Veterans bad a glorious day last Friday A large Housc at 11 o'clock and after prayer by Rev., W. II Quattlebaum, was bid a hearty welcome by Maj. A I) , Burke in a beautiful and timely ad dress. The Abbeville StarBand corted a large number from the College consisting of the faculty, students and visitors. The Court; House was full to overflowing. Rev. 0 V Fuller acted as master of ceremonies aud the entire program was carried out in a beautiful and impressive manner. Col. J L Bankston was introduced as orator of the day and in a q«ct deliberate manner, 1 which character reviewed , bloody . . . ,zes the man, he the struggle between the states, paying high tributes to the leaders of the Confederacy; likewise to the ones who carried the muskets. Among the things spoken, he said: “Princi ples never die, the Confederacy fought for principle, and that prin ciple, although conquered, still lives.” Judge IJ F Blasingame was called on for a speech. He said enough had already been told, but he would make a speech if he were given the rest of the day to make it- in. The Judge said: ‘“You may say what you .......................... please, about the war, but ».„t the , lu trouble is about the “nigger ’ just tho-same. ” Short-addresses were made by C R Warren and J It .Monroe m which the ladies, sons and daugli ters of Confederate Veterans urged to organize to aid in perpetu ating the memory of the ate dead. At 12:30 the meeting udjomm d to meet at Stubbs Cemetery nt 2 were concluded, Camp Sam D I uller s-ent into a business session, and elected ttie. following delegates U .e United Confederate Keunion at Momnhis on 28 29 and of M Ma ,v i' CVVTcnl 0 1 McU<K ‘ and flUU * K B Russell, Alternates N Stathum and " ° T " furnished appropriate music for the occasion and contributed largely to the success of the day. The most vigorous workers have spells of “tirert feeling” now and then. This feeling is^'caused by de^ ratigeraent in the stomach, liver and A few doses of Pbickov ai<h Bitters quickly corrects the disorder and sends the blood ting lixig through the veins, carrying life aha renewed energy throughout tie: system. City Drug Co. Child Bitten by Dog. Jesse, the adopted boy of (apt. 1. K Hallowes, was severely bitten by » dog lust Sunday evening at the residence of Mr. S .V Mitchell. It the dog when one of the other little boys said sick him, whereupon the dog grabbed the little fellow by the hand and bit him severely, i the little fellow grappled with the dog and threw him to the ground where he held him—as he’ said to keep him from biting any more, and all the time the dog kept lacerating his hand until the appear auce of the grown people who ran np and induced the little fellow to turn loose when the dog ran off. If people on ly knew what we know about Kodo| ,' )y8pep9ia Gur ,, lt would be used m nearly every house * M ^ arc fcw |e , vho do nut auffcr froln a fwli f fuIlne8B ^ < belchi flilt „lenee, sour stomach or water-brash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A, preparation such as Kodol Dyspep siaCure, which, with no aid from the stomach, will digest you food, certainly cant help but do you good. ( itS Diug Stoic. Fine Irish Potatoes. i . lait the Edit0r aaW fa,m thc l,a PP>'recipients . y wcre , ' ol * n,< * “ CSR new Imh P ota ^ s were from the garden of Mrs. Mary J Bowen and we are informed planted on February the 23rd and slip dug potatoes on the 23rd ,of April making :t just two months from the* time they were planted. Home of them V'cre as large as hen eggs. They were fine anyway and much enjoyed and appreciated. “l have been suffering lrom Dys , x .p S j a Sl)) . Bk , p aS ( twenty years and have been unable after trying all rulit , f am i aln uon . in b( . tt(;r |, oaltll than I have been for. twenty year*, j canll0t praiBf . Kodol Dyspepsia Curc ^ |(} h| .. thus writes Mrs. ,. ,, . , o .l , ... <«ty Drug Store. Natatorium Foy^AtbevIMe. W'u Hid informs Mhat Mr. Dock Bowen will bdfld a natatorium near depot-and'Wit begin at once, He will use artesian water and we have no doubt it will be well patron ized. --------------- Yon are much more liable to dis ease (then your liver and bOWtflfs do hot act properly. DeWitt’s I/ttlc 1/Srly Risers remove the cause of City Drug Store, L. J. WHITEHURST, Editor and Publisher THE DECLAMATION CONTEST AT ALBANY Mrs. George F. tyckeod &ui} her eon, Master John I.. McLeod, went to Albany to be present et the dcc latflal-ion contest held under the au spice,s of the Georgia Chuttauqun at Albany. Miss Julia Belle McLeod, of Abbeville represented Wilcox county in the contest and, while not sueijesftjftll in capturing the prize, distinguished herself by the grace and charm of her elocution. .Miss Julia Belle posesses rare talent as an e’ocuticnist and her friends will be disappointed that the judges of the contest did not see fit to award her the prize. Billionsness is a condition oharac terized by a disturbance of the diges tive organs. The stomach is de bilitated, the liver torpid, the bow els constipated. There is a loathing of food, pains in the tinwcis. dizzi and ‘ |t ■ ness, coated tongue .vomiting, tirst of the undigested or partly di gested food and then qf lnJe. Cham berlain’s Stomach and .Liver Tablets uch and create a. healthy appetite. They also tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bow els. Try them and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For sale by J L Pittman. Dr. II O Snow spent several days of last week in the city with rela tives and ‘friends returning to his home at Pickfon Monday. Miss Tattler is Douglas Breeze says: “That Dr. Snow was in town this week, but if there is any improve ment in him she could’nt see it. Still wrinkled and shriveled, but clever as ever.” A Woman’s Awful Peril. “There is only one chance to save jour life and that is t hrough an oper ation'’ were the startling words U(lfu . a hy M „. f R H «nt, of Lime nidge, Wis.. from her doctor after je ha(lvjtinlv tnf ,, t to Cllpe Uor of tVightfu , case of stomach trouble and had' j yellow j aimdice . ( Ja ll stones fonneii alu , slle cons tantly grew worse. Then she began to use Elec- j trie Bitters which wholly cured her. It’s a wonderful stomach. Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50c. Guaranteed, For sale by J L Pitt. man druggist. Meeting at Christian Church. The meeting at the Christian con tin lies with unabated in terest. Splendid congregations nightly listen with intense eagerness to eloquent portrayal* of truth by Rev. II C Combs, there lias been a number of accessions and nth ers are exfpected. Tire meetings will continue until Sunday night at least. Service gins promptly at B p. M. One negro, nanjed 'M 1 ,l *’ ^ ^ tD ^ piHip.ila) nigbi. T, “ 8 at! "’ v W!M T u]qr contract f,,r t,,e W H {t » ’ vei K ht - 150 pounds; color, black, thick lip, wears *‘ At * No ™ 7 7 shoe f 0e ' Reward ~' wa ™ : * 10 ‘° r arrest and notify N. K W.Lm _____________*’ For Went ' Four rooul hon9e ,vilh lutcben bt ' lacked; conveniently ApP y Located._ ' ' 4 , 18 4t , at F O --—--------— Hkin atfections will readily disap pear by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel ’ Halve. Lookout for counterfeits Ilf you get DeWitt’s you will get good results. It is the quick and j Store. positive cure for piles. City Drug NO. 15 . ■ : It’s Appearance Proclaims It'p Origin, A man does not have to be a tail or by trade to tell almost at a glnm-i whether the clothes upon the bach* of bis male friends are of the ordi nary ready-made sort or custom tailored. A man's standing its tin estiihi' tion of his friends and acquaintan ces as well as the busines men with whom he conies in contact is apt to be estimated very largely by the ap, pearauoe of his apparel. Many mo would like to hive their cloth's made to measure,__ But cannot afford the “to measure” Tailor Steep Prices. To such men and others who wish to dress in the best of taste and in the latest fashion, we recommend our: “Wholesale Tailored” Clothe* These garments arc fit to wear-ai 'Hwi B Omic u P B unt id y-—-*—— —* — - -- Suits $7.50 to $25.00 OUR , TROUSERS i DEPARTMENT Should lie visited by you frequent ly. Every man wears out sever;, I pairs of trousers to one coat and vest. Aside from the handsome as sortment in stripes and neat check - , intended for dress-up wear with black coats and vests. w< carry large variety of excellent patten,-, designed to go well with “suit cc&ts.aiul vests. $1.50 to $7.50 a pair. Wheatley & Ansley. THE LARGEST CLOTHIER8 tv WELL AS WHOLES ALK AM' RETAIL DRY GOODS DEAL KRS IN AMH1UOUS AND SOUTHWEST GEOGi A. Pastor Called To Christian Church. Rev. C Kingsley Marshall, who has recently been called to the pic torateof the church at Wright viMe, and who will preach in the Christian church at Abbeville one Sunday in each month, is now with Mr. Combs leading the music and in various ways helping to strengthen Un meeting. Aside from being a splen did winger Mr, Marshall is an clo quant forceful speaker with several successful experience. Ii ‘ s thought that the Christian church grow rapidly under Ins etli' Vi.i ministry, Notice to Teachers. The combined institute for ’In f air and Montgomery, will meet ai McRae, (»a., on the lOtit, of June next, and continue for f. (livej .lav*, Tiw . iVabody for . olorad teachers W, “ , ^ , the. , same time and. place. All public schools will close ^^ lnstl W lc week, and all ; public school teachers will be ie ' uirf; 1 :o “ ltend Tbis A P ,n 25 J 901 , ‘ ’ - - 1 F ' H ' 0 r i Wilcox County, Ga. The protracted services ai U* j Methodist church continue with m, abated interest, good congregation*. | attending Iluckabee, of every the Orphad* service. Horne J>\. i-< i 1 j assisting in the meeting and ho j preached several forceful and im j pressive sermon*. We hope inm , h I good will be the result