The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, May 09, 1901, Image 1

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Abbeville Chronicle VOLUME V. Local and Personal. Matters of Interest From Town and County-Concerning People and Things. Ice cold drinks at the City Drug Store. 3-28 Hon. J J Dennard was iu the city Monday. The shirt waist boys are in full force here this week. For fresh parched pea nuts ’Phone 40. 3»28tf Mr. IlcnrvMas)iburn, of Rochelle, was in the city Monday. County Commissioners were in regular session here Monday, Mr. Willard Windham, of Pine view, whs iu the city Monday. Several were in attendance upon Ordinary A Court here Monday. Mr. A I Webb spent Sunday and Monday in the city with his family. Sweet and Sour Pickles 'at Fuller & Go’s. 3-28tf If it is anything in the grocery line, go to Pfcxson Bros.. they have it. ‘lO-l Mr. Hope Roberts, of Coidele vis ited sojne ol the fair sex in the city Sunday. Xiiice fine of stoves At reduced prices for the next. thirty days. ’1 his is the time to buy'.' 4-2f> tt W. L. Harrell. Sam Brown of Rochelle, was in attendance upon County Court here Tuesday. Hon. Jos. Miller, of Bowen’s Mill, was in the city on business Tuesday. Messrs. AndjTiv T Fuller and J B Parsons and I Stephens, of Sibbie, were in the city on business Tues day. Col. J T Hill of Conlclc. was in attendance on County court here Tuesday. lion. G (J Wilcox, of Bede was in the city Monday, in attendance upon Commissioners Court. The many friends of Mrs. W R Googe who has been <piite ill, will be glad to know that she is now much better. A “scrub” game of ball was play ’Monday evening between the town and College which resulted in a score of 48 to 8 in favor of the t >wn. Try the new remedy for eostive ness, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box guavas teed. V’rice 2t> edits. Fot sale by J L Pittman. The two little children of Mr. and Mrs. M. S Goodin, who have been dangerously-sick for pevernl weeks *ee, we are pleased lo know, now convalesing. Prickly Ash Bitters cures the kidneys, regulates the liver, tones up the Rtomaeh and purifies the bow els. City Drug Co, Mrs. Etta Webb, well known as an experienced trimmer, is with me and will Me glad to have old friends and customers to cal! and sec her. if Mrs. Mattie F. Hart. Some of our worthy flshe men are very much distressed since the sink ing of the steamer City of Macon— as the boat sank on some of their fishing tackle and in their fishing ground Mr W II McDaniel and wife and W H McDaniel spent Sal unlay Sunday in the city Ahu guest* of their brother Mr A T Baker. 4 bey were enroute to Doe run from Wad ley, where they have been ni the luerebantile business. We wish them sucess in their new home. Skia affections will readily disap pear by using DcWitt's Witch Hnzel Salve. Look out for counterfeits, If you get DeWitt a you will g‘ good results. It is thc quick and positive cure for piles. City Drug Store. Devoted to the Upbuilding of Wilcox County and Abbevilfe. ABBEVLLE, GA., THURSDAY, MAY. 9. 1901. STEAMER CITY OF MACON SINKS. No Lives Lost but the Cnt-go Almost Totally Destroyed. On last Sunday evening ns the steamer City of Macon, which plies the waters of the Ocmulgee. was re turning from a trip up the river and as the boat rounded a bend in the river near Half .Moon it ran into a stump and stove a large hole in her bow, from which she sank in a few minutes. We are informed that it was well loaded with spirits and rosin and had on a lot of groceries such as sugar and flour. The cargo is almost a total loss. Mr. T H Calhoun, Asst. Trade Mgr. of the Brunswick and Ilawkinsville portation Co., to whom the boat be longs, left Moday for Savannah where lie will secure the services of a diver to patch the hole in the bow when it will be raised. Several of our citizens own stock in this Company. Judge M K Land, bfflrt his regular term of County Court here Tuesday. We arc informed that Mr. I* S Ta tum has purchased the livery busi - ness of Mr. Jim Carswell. Mrs. L S Sikes and children, of Istachatta, Fla., are spending some parents. Mr. and Mrs. J II Little. The ladies wonder how Mrs. If. manages to preserve her youthful looks. The secret is she takes Prickly Asii Bittkks; it keeps the system in perfect order. City Drug Co. Mr. I II Marehman, of I’itts, is Atlas Outline. Mr. Marehman is a inute a::d a very deserving young witii man and we hope he will meet success. You are mnch more liable to dis ease when your liver and I novels do notact properly. JJeWitt's Little Earlv Risers remove the cause of disease. City Drug Store. Wc learn that Haimabell Fuller had his house burned U P ast I rid ay evening. . It seems that t he family, who are colored, had gone to a neighbors house a short dis tanee away and left a six weeks-old baby in the house atone. In some way the house caught lire and was destroyed burning up the child. When in need of ceries call on Fuller & Co. They keep the nicest, 3“28tf fin est line in town. lor ,, * stiff neck there is nothing better than ft free application of Chamberlain « Pain Balm. Utpiiek )v relieves the stiffness and soreness, effecting a complete cure. For sale by J L Pittman, Tuesday afternoon a needed rain fell oh Abbeville and Wilcox county, At Abbeville the ram was preceded by high wind and a nml Morin. though little d any damage was done by the wind I he ram came in good time tor the gardens were sadly in need of it ami it was such as to help corn, oats and cotton. Sunday Services at Baptist Church. —-- 10 a. m. Meeting of l ^ nion. 11 u. m„ Preaching. Subject: “Our Account with God." 4 p. ni., Sunday School, o p. in., Preaching, Subject: “Intemperance.” S p. m., Preaching. Subject: wages of Sin.” Vmi are cordially invited to attend ‘ services. All the citizens are especially ... ui god to be present at the five o'clock seV vicc. j. ({. GFNN. If you have any Laui-dry to be done up. and you want it done right bring it to John Singleton, nt the (Jlironiclc office, he is Agent for the K. A W. Laundry, of S ivaiinah, best in the State. To the Tax Receiver. If the Tax Receiver dWt’t let the j people know through the enmity pa pers where he can lie fol»nd ttfey will remember hi in in the next election. For a very small amount he could put his rounds in the papers i*fifl ev ery one in the county would know when and where he could lie found. II he will not pay this small amount we will publish his fount Is free—as a matter of new* to our subscribers, We have reformed him if he would furnish his round wc would print U. Now we will see what he will do about it. Wc are asked nearly ev* erv day when he will be at this and that place. Now Mr. Tax Receiver ] c t ns hear from you. “ . 5!e«srs> Lon Dickey and J 11 Ali son Imve purchased the business of Geo. 1* Wvlly & (Jo., lumber brokers j u r j'i fton. and will continue it under the firm name of J II Allison Liun ber Co. Mr. M'yllv and Mr. Mel drim will remain with the new firm for awhile at least, and many friends in Tiftou trust that their stay here will be permanent, as we would sin cerely regret to see either leave. The Gazette wishes the new firm a successful career.-—Tiftou Gazette. A Painful Accident. Mr. J \ Robertson, who works for Taylor, Cook & (jo., of Brun s"'ich, and who ha.-, been at work near this place for several Weeks; happened to a very painful accident Friday. He was taking up a of timber when in some manner i x is right hand got caught between «-• - * "*«»«• terribly mashed and it was necessary to amputate two fingers, At pres enl Mr. Robertson is getting on very well, but suffers agreatdea! of pain. ' * 10 most vigorous workers have »pells of “tirea feeling" now and then. 1 his feeling is caused by de rangeineut iu Ike stomach, liver and bowels. A few doses of Prickly Ash Bitters quickly corrects the disorder and sends the blood ting jj n „ through the veins, carrying life . t , u j renewed energy throughout the system. City Drug Co. For Rent. Four room house with kitchen at- 4 IS 4t at P 0 Hon. It V Bowen, of Lulavilie was in the city Wednesday. “ Cok Kschol Graham, and able young attorney and mayor of McRae attended County Court here '1 uesday. On Friday May Gist, the Sundry Schools of Abbeville, will have a union picnic at Bowen’s Mili if er rates can be secured. Jml Max K Un( , hcld hh , irst lel , u as Conutv ^ ( : 0U rt Judge ^ace Tues V W|d * with thc and ()j . 0 f a veteran 0I1 llle Lcnc-h. Ordinary J M iYarren tells in a very enterestiug and amusing way the manner in which County Court Jo< “ Dailey opened his first term of Comt. The C hronicle is indebted to Mrs. L K Hallbwes for a bunch of Bermu da Onions. They are the largest finest onions we hat e ever seen in this part of the State. There were four in the bunch and they weighed four and one half pounds. Next? Mies Fred Windsor, daughter of Hon. T. P. Windsor, and one of the most estimable young ladies, of McRae, was buried last Sunday. The many friends of the family in Wilcox county in"their sympathise with the bereaved ones affliction, We are now Vietter prepared than ever to turn out Job Work, having jiot received a new lot of finest qual tv stationery. Give us a trial order and see if we dont turn out work equal to the best, L. J. WHITEHURST, Editor and-f ublishet . INVESTIGATE IT! A Sick Negro HAs Steam Turned on Htm and Dies. The Chronicle has heard it rumor ed that a negro workman at Pitts hist week mot Ills death irtider oil - eiimstanees that demand »n investi gation. The rumors should be fol lowed up and a eateful rmpiify made, and if such brtttahty was shown all the strength of the law shonld lie used to bring the guilty person or persons to justice. It is reported that a sick negro was placed in a room adjoining the boiler and locked in. After being there a few minutes steam was turn ed on and ibe room was filled with steam. The negro begged the watchman to let him out saying that tie could not stand it. that the steam would kill him. After keeping him there awhile the watchman unlocked the door and the negro staggered out and fell a short distance from the door. Two negroes were called to move him and they carried him oil a few yards and laid him down and in a short time he died. If the above is a correct slate ment, then there should be an iiivcs ligation. Billiousness is a condition charac terized by a disturbance of the diges tive organs. The stomach is de bilitated, the liver torpid, the bow els constipated. 'There is a loathing of food, pains in the bowels, dizzi ness, coated tongue and vomiting, first of the undigested or partly di gested food and then of bile. Chuui berlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets allay the disturbances of the stoin ach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bow els, Try them and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For sale by J L Pittman. The many friends of Mrs. T 1 Sessions learned with surpris- of her death at Mystic last Monday morn ing. She was the daughter of Myron Weston and was raised at Albany by her father s brother ('apt. S It Wes tou, and come of one of the best families of the state. She was mar ried to Mr. T P Sessions at Brown wood, having lived since in Abbe ville, Reidslleld and Fitzgerald. She leaves to mourn her death a hus band two sons and four daughters. She was a woman of a lovely Chris Uun who chavactei, knew her. arnl^ -Fitzgerald , respected . . Enter by , il11 „ prise. A Woman's Awful Peril. “There is only one chance to save life and that is through an oper ation” were the startling words heard by Mrs. i B Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after lie had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful ease of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gull stones formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Flee trie Bitters which wholly cured her. U’ s a wonderful stomach, idver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50e. Guaranteed, For sale by J L Pitts man druggist, At a ivgnler meeting of the Gray and Blue organization held at the office of Judge Moo* of this city, il was decided to hold their next un nuai reunion and picnic on July -Itii. l!h|] at Fitzgerald, No efforts will be spared to make this one of the most enjoyable occasions of the sea son. Everybody is invited to attend uud participate in the festivities of tile occasion. 0. 1’. Wi hstkh, J. W. Kistwros, Pres. Sec’tv. Exchanges please copy, NO. 16 . STOUT MEN. V BRV TA LL MEN Very SfiTaW MeiT. V^rv Thin Men. l,n fact—-— ALL MKN Who wish to wear fasiiioiutnii . ■perfectly tailored, ready-to-wear-ui.d. lit-at-once suits amt trousers cun Im perfectly satisfied here with tin C: mous make of Wholesale Tailor#- ■ Clothes which we carry And: The Beauty of It is that you can wearoru'of U„ SUITS or TROUSERS The minute you like it. and are inn, taking the chances that accompany an order for garments from fnbri-s that may iook entirely different when made up. We, lake all the chances, because we are here to make you perfectly satisfied in every respect. OddTrousers $i .50 to $8.56 If YOU cannot come send us your orders which will have our prompt and best atten tion. Wheatley & Ansiey. THE LARGEST CLOTHIERS AS WKLL AS WHOLES ALL AND RETAIL DRV GOODS DK VI. KRS IN AMEUKTS AND SO IT 11 WEST GE0G1A. A Curd. To the People of Wilcox Count\ . In my card published in the ■-:i fur issue of the ( hronicle with the Grand Jury Presentments of the late March term Superior Court, 1 staled that; the matters of contention upon my alle ged indebtness to the county a* iv ported in said presentments, would he adjusted between me and tin Board of Comity Commissioners. On the litst day ot this month , i , Imd . wit h t hti Board a full, complere and satisfactory sett lenient of I lie whole matter. The minutes of thi' special meeting have liken spread <q Kill their record, which is open to inspi-c lion 1)V ullwlio wish to see it. I was mb indebted to the county in any ..uni whatever. Thanking thc people for their generosity ;>i withholding tir. ir judgement till the matter was set tied. ■ I am Very Respecifulb. I>. B. XlCtlOLMIN. jviay 7, )l»01. Sol. Wilcox (Jo. ( 'i A New Enterprise for Abbeville. Last Friday an important public meeting whs held at the Citizens Bank, for the purpose of consider ing the organization of a slock coni' pany to put up And run a cotton -in and grist null. The meeting was well attended and a success from every standpoint. The compact was organised autl all of the stock subscribed for. The stock holders elected the following officers: 8. Lasseler, President; W. II. Wilkin son > •'' ce 6' an ‘^ ’ireas., and M. Co hen, Manager Work will be begun on the huihl ing at any early day and a> the inu | eliinery lias already will hern con tree-ed for. tlie gill be ready for V■ 11 -i ' ness when tie col ton season op •us up.