The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, June 06, 1901, Image 1

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V VOLUME V. Local and Personal. Matters of Interest From Town .'and County—Concerning People and Things. The Ocmulgee River is still rising. Mr. w T Ryeraft, of Seville, was in the city Tuesday. Crabb grass and garden truck are rui ning a close race these days. The editor returns thanks to Mr, j B Hall for some nice juicy peaches given him monday. Miss Flemming, of HaivUiusville, was the guest of Mrs, Dr. lleiidky last week. A letter from Dr, A B McRae, at Seville 1 directs us to send his paper to Perry, Fla. If it is anything in the grocery line, go to Puxson Bros., they have it. 10-4 [•’OR SALE—A new one-horse wagon, will sell cheap. (i-ii tf McLeod & Co. Hon. R V Bowen, of Lulaville, was in the city Monday. Miss Alice Mitchell spent Satur day and Sunday with relatives at Si bl ue, Mrs. D w Lott, of Broxton, is spending some time in the city with mother. Mrs , ft A Mr. Bryant Drew, of Americus, spent Sunday in the city' with his sistei% Mrs. J w Daugherty. Mrs. 0 A Bethea and children, ot Ochwalkec, are the guests of Mrs. A J Bowen, this week. Mrs. 11 .J Fitzgerald of near Haw kinsville, is the guest of Mrs. M S Boothn, this week. Mr. Geo. Fuller, of Lyons, is spending some time in the county with relatives and friends. lion. G \" Gress left this week for Boston. Mass,, where he goes to be present at the marriage of his son, Hart Gress. Our job department lias been crowded this week turning out sev eral large orders. FOR SALE— I have an almost entirely new saddle that I will dis pose of at a bargain, E A Moody, tf We carry a full line of stationery and can turn out good job work on short notice Give us your order. Mr. F B Collins, who is in the Turpentine business at Enterprise, Ala., is spending several days in the city with his family. we have just received a new lot of white sailors, also libbons suitable for children’s sashes, ladies’ neck wear etc. fi-Olf. Mrs, Mattie F, Hart. Hon. Jim Henderson was not worth a dam Wednesday. It broke Tuesday night during the heavy rain fall.—Ocilla Dispatch. fc If you want good job printing give us your orders, City styles and prices duplicated. AVe can please you. Mrs. Pittman, mother of Messrs Lee Pittman and R E Stubbs and .Mrs. AVelborn Fuller, after spending some time in the city returned to her home at Baruesville last Friday. ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION? Is that all you want? It is not all that you can get. T & P Stomach Tablets contain the best digestive agents. These digest the food; but if this was all they would not and could not cure you. They have combined with these digestive ier inents tonics that act directly on the organs of digestion, and laxatives that regulate tlie liver and bowels, putting the system in condition to perform its own work. This means that if you will half way take care of vour stomach a cure is certain. T & P STOMACH TABLETS are for sale by all druggists. 30 cents a box. Taylor & Peek Drug Co., Macon, Ga. Devoted to the Upbuilding of Wilcox County and Abbeville. ABBEVLLE. GA., THURSDAY, JUNE 6,1901. Mr. and Mrs. Ilonry Mushbuni, of Rochelle, spent several days of last week in tbe city the guests of P S Oliver and family. Mr. J AV Melton, wife and child ren, of Moultrie, spent several days of this and last week in the city tlie guests of Jilrs. 11 K Stubbs. School Commissioner Taylor urges all the teachers to attend the Insti tute at McRae nest week. Read his notice to teachers in another column, Wheatley & Ansley, the hustling wholesale and retail dry goods peo pie, ot Ainerieiw. hare a chance of ad in this issue. Read it. Hie following \isitors were the guests of Mrs. A S Bowen and fam ilv last week: Misses LesSie Reeves. oi ; Rhine; Nina and Irene Floyd, of Albany; Berdie Clifton and Miss Harden, of Elza; and Messrs John A. Askew, Manderville, Barron and Tom Reeves, of Rhine. Nothing equal to Prickly Asti Bitters for removing that shwis’i i-Hiot hi ions fee in* ^atesX.mtl. 80 union weather 1 door f'ttv aoDCtite S and cheerful 1 eoirif C,t > Miss J.otidle McD™.U. of lock county, is visiting relatives in ‘ the city this week. !-n,f. C K Mo,or. of Colony Dm trict, was in the city last .Saturday and gave this office a pleasant call. '-’ “ i ’ 11 " were getting on well m his comuiim itv and that crops were looking line. Good appetite and cheerfulness follows the use of Fbkici.v Ash Bittehs. It purifies the blond, liv er and bowels and makes life worth living. City Drug Store, Mr. .i II Allison, who has been in Augusta for several weeks under treatment of specialists for Appen dieetis, passed through the city Mon day enroute to Fitzgerald, His many friends were glad to see him looking well. Tbe editor and family return thanks to Capt. C R warren for a nice mess of squashes, Irish potatoes and onions. with tlie nice things that our sub scribers have been giving us in the way of garden truck and if some kind subscriber would bring us a piece of meat to boil with it, with the prospect of a good blackberry crop we think we shall be able to pull through the summer. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active energetic man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liver is torpid when lie does’u rel ish his food, or feels dull and lan guid after eating, often lias head ache and sometimes dizziness, A few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price 23c. Samples free at J L Pittman’s drug store. Death of Mr. Henry Brown. Mr. Henry Brown, after an ill ness of four weeks, died at his home five miles south of Abbeville, Wed nesday morning of hemoragic fever, and wits buried Wednesday evening at the family burying ground. Hen ry was a young man about 30 years of age. He leaves a mother, one sister, Mrs. .) L Wilcox, of McRae, and bile brother, Mr. Reason Brown, to mourn his sad departure, He was one of Wilcox' most progressive farmers. To the bereaved we ex tend condolence. Brick Works Changes Hands, Tlie Abbeville Brink AYorks. 'vLich has been operated by Mr. I C Carswell, changed hands this week, It was purchased by Mess. G F Mc Leo 1 and J F Grantham. AVe arc informed that some new machinery will be added and that it will be run on an extensive scale. We pre dict for the new company much sue cess. Tried to Paint the Tow n. Saturday night a man from near here came to town and proceeded to paint the town all colors, lie bad succeeded very well, but the marshal at last got hold of linn. He was placed in the jug where he remained until Monday morning when he was tried before the Mayor who fined him $20 for disorderly conduct. He was then bound over to the County Court m the sum of two hundred dollars, on the charge of discharging firearms near the public road after dark. He railed to give bond and was remand ( . ( ] t0 j al p Afterwards he came up for trial before County Court .judge M E Land demanded endictraent by the grand jury. His bond was fixed at $209, which helms been u li able to give. This should be a warning to some of the gang who are ^? r<! n ' lll! ^ cvtil T creating ll,SUll ' nl,1C0B - Maym aaya il be stopped and ‘he way he haS bCglm ' vil!uo ,lou,Jt 1,ave lhe < lt; * effect C.U « J t, *« storo anti «<-‘t » i?ce sample of Chamber Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. T "*!' •» “ *>•*«■« Tht, also improve tlie appetite, strength - on tl)( i,u;i° , digestion and regulate the live; ir , a r. ■■ J ud;L ' iUld pleasant in effect. For Sale or Exchange. Seventeen acres of land in Orange Co., Fla. Six miles from Sanford, <;n Orange Belt Railroad and about half way between Sylvan Lake and Paola by public highway. Call on ol , -adclress Mrs. Theresa Pine, 2,v Abbeville, Ga. “A few months ago, food which 1 ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour, I used one bottle of Kodal Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodel Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles." II S Pitts, Arlington, Texas. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. City Drugstore. Where Was the Marshal? For some time past the conduct of drunken men on Saturdays in Ab beville Las beeii growing worse and last Saturday the profane language was a disgrace to any civilized com munity. It is high time that this thing of using profane and obscene language was stopped. Neither a lady nor a decent man, can of late, walk the streets of Abbeville on Saturlr.y right withou tbeing shock? ed by the profanity of white as well as negro men, If there is any dif ference the white men are worse than the negroes. It is as much the marshal’s duty lo make cases again st these people for cursing on the streets as it to make cases against those who engage in lighting In fact, his duty in the former is great er— for there is absolutely no cause for cursing while there may be some cause lor fighting. If the marshal will not try to stop this disgraceful conduct, which cer tain people are guilty of nearly every Saturday night, some frequently during the week, by making night hideous with their yells, loud pro fane swearing and discharging of fire arms, by making cases against them, let him resign or let the Council re move him and elect a man who will, The Chronicle is satisfied that the Mayor will do his duty if the cases are brought before him. No man can work well with a pui Liver or constipated bowels. A few doses of l’Kicjti.v Asa Bitters will quickly remove this condition and make work a pleasure, L. J. WHITEHURST. Editor and Publisher. L JL.m4 .. At Having on hand the large and well selected stock of spring millinery purchased from Mrs. M. E. Wal ton, also my large stock—i will offer ail goods at v l i J i Vi p ©L 25 Call and inspect my stock and save money on all purchases. Remember all goods are Latest Style Spring Stock. Mrs. G. H. MACON. gfgn’g 00(18FCS01H6S. There are many stores Jllel y s llll(k .rclofhos. or to call ,t Uy its more popular name, underwear. is sold: but at mother store in these l»vW.oil )■«. 1M ..«* . isedeyted stock as heie. halbriggan underwear we '“.™ -vbloU is ■ worthy of place iu our stock. v,e aie showing par ticularly strong values in light , low,n . ..... ° Plain derby ribbed halbriggan ' ’ shirts and drawers, 23c each. ■Extra select and line French bal briggan shirts and drawers, bU c. Splendid vriucs in liner halbriggan shirts and drawers, 75c. Extra line Lisle thread shirts and drawers, f 1 ,00 and $2.30 per suit, Patent elastic seam drawers, about the same as Screven, 30c. Shawknit sox, the finest and best in Americus, 23c per pair. Extra line Lisle thread in the latest fancy colors, 30c. Light weight summer night robes, low cut neck, 30c to :*1.00. The finest line suspenders in South Georgia, 13c to pi.00. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Are just the tiling foi this hot weather, AVe are headquarters in all South Georgia for first class desi rable shirts, particularly when you want good goods for the same mon ey you can buy trash for. The Manhattan negligees, $1.00 The Eclipse negligees, sl.oy to $1.30. The Faultless negligees, $1.00 to $1.30. The Princely negligees 30c to 73c. NEW NECK=WEAR A superb assortment of all the new t!;mgs of the neasu:: are now be ing shown bv us. IF YOU CAN’T COME SEND US YOUR ORDERS •which will have our best and prompt attention, Wlieatley & Ansley, The leading Dry Goods. Clothing and Carpet house in South Georgia. 113-417 Jackson street. Americus, Gu. A Good Cough Medicine. It speaks weu For uljamnerlaiii , , . s ( .. ou$m , Remedies ,, , when i dru^ists , • , use ‘ u 111 their . own families ,..... m preference d> au A "ther. ”! have sold ( berlain s Cough Remedy for the past live years with complete satis filction to lm „dl and customers.” sa >' 8 I)r T "- ist J <* oW8a,!t, *< V , :in ht ... N \. have always used it in my oWn family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe, and find if. very etEacious. " lor sale by -J L Pitt swan, NO. 20 J ^’Oeorg,a .Southern a :.: Florid,i . will conduct a special -x ul,rtil<,n ! " u ‘>- v ,ow raU " ,V ™ >*■' atka ’ ^ , ami intermed.ate points. „> 1 ^ ..... . , ‘' a ‘ ' ZTmT at S . } ( 001 ^ . r:,J ”™ ,m 7 ..... ? 1 Sparks 1;3<) p in, T fton 1 .rib p i,i Aslihurn 2:30 p in, ('ordeic 3:1b m - N ie,lna P m > 1 1 i “■ an ' ivin = il! M:w,m “ ,WHt 5:,r * I' m and Atlanta s AO p m. The rates from above named points will be as follows: Prom Valdosta. Heartpinc and Adel to Macon, $2,011. Atlanta, S3.30; From Sparks to Ms con, $1.73, Atlanta, $3.23: Fro:;: Tifton and Ashburn, to Macon $1.3n. Atlanta $3.00; from Cordolc, Vien na and Unadilla to Macon, SI.Up. Atlanta $2.30. ('on'espoiidiugiy low rates will be put in from int> r mediate points on the G $ & F 11 \. in Georgia, as far north as Kathleen. Special excursion tickets will b sold only tor special tram of .fun? IlHh, limited returning on any I V L’ • ular train leaving Macon or Atlanta up to and including forenoon of June 2-tth, 190] There will b< plenty of nice coaches supplied with ice-water and sleepers to run tliroucli to Macon and Atlanta without change. This excursion will be operated I >y the Georgia Southern A Floi'ida Railway Company, and competent and obliging officials will be on tie train to look after the safety arid comfort of its passengers. I!, V" will Vie a refreshment car on Vh train, to furnish lunches, co d ' , i • cream, cake, lemonade etc., at read unable rates. This trip will afford an excellent opportunity to visit tin various resorts in Central and North ern Georgia at a very low rate, For full particulars, address an v agent of the G S & F Ily. Go. or (' B Rhodes, General Passenger Agent Macon, Ga. ills LIFE SAA ED. By Chamberlain's Colic, Chob... td Diarrhoea Remedy. am 9l,re Ulat ^amberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem dy . at . lime .. saved . him’ one my -• ■ A h Lalalette. r of (.n-ory Landiu. , ,;| ai . k county, Missouri. ■•] was such bad shape that the doctors sal I could not live, \\ lien l was a' dlt! lowest ebb, one ol my neigh <>* nmmbevkl-. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lb;, ■ dy and f took it and got instant : lief. I soon got up and arou: That was nine years ago and I am still in good health, Since t h> s that medicine has always been ill house and always will be. It Is 4- * best on earth.” For sale by J j. Pitt man.