The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, August 22, 1901, Image 1

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Abbeville Chronicle VOLUME V. Local and Personal. Matters of Interest From Towmftnd County-Concerning People and Things. See Dock Bowen for Buggies. New cotton is daily arriving at the Abbeville ginnery. Henry Pritchett, of Hawkiusville. was here Tuesday. Mr. Cal Crown, of Bodge county, was in town last Monday. Mr. L. B. Thigpen, of Cason, was in toun last Monday. Misses Fannie Mitchell and; Leila Story are visiting in Pitts. The round cotton bale is growing in favbr with the farmers. Finest Georgia cane syrup in cans at P. S. Oliver’s. 0-2 7 tf Miss Abba Bowen, of Lulaville, visited Miss Nita Alison Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A.P.Grauthem retur ned Thursday evening from llaw kinsville. lean tell why I do it. I buy in car load lots—Buggies. See Dock Bowen. 8-1.5 Mr, J, T. Demiard went over to Irwin this week to attend a camp meeting. The Ocmuigee rivet has been considerably swollen this week by Buggies!—1 have just: received a car load and got them at inside prices. 8-15 Dock Bowen The Wilcox County gin and Warehouse Co. is now in.readiness to serve the farmers. Mrs, A. M. Wilder is visiting the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J M. Mixon near Rochelle. Mrs. Hannie Pritchett and chil dren of Hawkiusville, are \isiting at the home of Dr. Crawford. For balance of summer season I will positively sell my summer dress goods at cost. P. 8. OLIVER. <>-2l)tf A large number of timber rafts have gone from this vicinity to Da rien within the last few weeks. Mr. J. McLauchliu, has just beuatified his handsome residence wito a fresh coat of wnite paint Tf you want a good Buggy cheap. I will tickle you on prices. 8-15 Dock,Bowen. Miss Pearl Clemens, of Irwin county who has been visiting friends here for sometime returned home Tuesday. James White, Bryanteville, lad., says De iVitt’s Witch Hazel Salve _ healed running sores on , both , legs. He had suffered six years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeW itt s. Accept no imitations. City Drug Store. 1 Mrs. Alice Cobb, of Americas, after a pleasant visit of a few days to her sister Mrs. E. A,. Moody re turned home Monday. FRUIT JARS—Fuller & Co-, are offering their % gallons at 95^ and quarts at 75^ per doz. Mason s Latest Patent. 8-8 tf □ Messrs. J. D. Maynard 1 . T Oliver, L. J- Whitehurst and L P Wimberly, of Abbeville, are visiting Indian Spring this week. Just received a full and complete line of boys, two and three piece, knee panjs suits. We are selF ing them cheap call and see them. & CO. BARNES Miss Gazleen Lamar, of Pulaski, who has been visiting the families of Mrs. W. G. Rogers returned to hor house last Monday. Messrs, over to — hearing ot lore Judge Roberts m a a for Alimony Ml'. 1. Mrs. Sarah Floyd against J, Floyd. Devoted to the Upbuilding of Wilcox County and Abbeville. ABBEVLLE. GA„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1901. Petrolium In Abbeville. As we go to press we learn that oil lias been discovered in Abbville. Samples will be sent to the. State Chemist. More in our next. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA, By A. D. Candler, Goveiuoi <7 _ said Stale, Whereas, official info:mation has been received at this department that on the night of August 3rd, 19»1, m the county of Wiicox, one Charlie Perry, (coloied) killed Li/. zie Walton and escaped. I * Un e thought proper therefore, to issue my Proclamation, hereby otieiing a reward of One Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said Charlie Perry, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of Wilcox county, Georgia. And 1 do moreover charge and require all officers in this state, civil and imllitary to be vigahuit in endeavoring to apprehend the said Charlie Perry, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offense with widen he stannds charged. Given under my hand and and seal of the State this the 17lh, day August, 1901. nnssra: By the Governor. Governor. PHILIP COOK, Secretary ot State, Description; Black negro about twenty years old, about 5ft. 8in. high; weighs about loO pounds, has even white teeth; stoops slightly, quick talking but slow moving; pop eyed, wears number eight shoe. For Sale. A good mule will sell for cash or on time for good papers. 8-154t W. H, Wilkinson. Abbeville’s First Bale Brings 10c Per PauiyL The first bale of cotton to reach Abbeville this season was brought on Wednesday of this week to the Stubbs Ginnery, Mr. J. W. Tom berlin one of Wilcox county’s most prosperous farmers raised the cotton and it was sold to the W Ue.ox Couu ty Gin aud Warehouse Co., at 10c per pound the bale weig 108 lbs. a - a q classed ns good middling. Tax Books Now Open. Tbe city tax books are now open for the return of advalorem taxes for the year 1900 Take notice. L C Goodin City Clerk In cases ot cough or croup give the the little one One Minute Cough Cure, Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails Pleas ant to take, always sate, sure and almost instantaneous in effect. City Drug Store. Tne Band Pic-Nic. The Abbeville Star Band accom panied by their numerous friends, in Abbeville society enjoyed a delight fill picnic at Poor Robin Sptiag last Friday. All present pronounced it a day of unalloyed pleasure. — — “ ---- THINK Oi- THIS If a doctor writes a for you it costs two ($2) dollars. H Ijft (Sl) h doTar U ^ y°“ r WT one - ready for use at t e■ ^ ) cents a box, ® itch Salt T five cents a box. ° ; ieAL . ■■ Mac0C; c. a Fall Term, 0. N. C.&. B. I Begins On Tuesday Aug. 27. The fall term of the Georgia Nor mal College aud Business Institute, will open next Tuesday, Prof Lit tie the president of tne College says that the number of students promises to be much greater than ever before. \t the | as t term over three hundred matriculates wore in attendance, ; s deservedly popular aud Ua reputatioa for thoruugness, discipline and course of study, has ;llreiulv „ iv( . n it ^spread fame. co ]|ege lias within the past three years graduated large numbers of gtmleat9> h . oa) Georgia ami neigh - ^ states who are today occupy ing high positions of honor, and emalument. A diploma from the literary or business departement of tins institution is a recommendation that always secures a disirable posi tion, for the possessor, Abbeville is indeed fortunate in possessing such a college. f A Romantic Wedding. A romantic wedding took place last Sunday at the residence of Mr. J. M. Fitzgerald in the Cookstown destrict of Wilcox County. ' Mr." 1 TITTST" IkT^^FH^cTlind^Miii _ Mary Lou Slade were the figures in the pretty tableaux and Justice of the Peace D. R, Mann performed the ceremony these young people had been lovers for many moons aud the only obstacle to a consummation of their happiness, was the objection of the brides parents. They at length determined to settle the matter for themselves and an elopement was planned and successfully executed. Last Sunday the lovers succeeded in eluding the vigilence of the ‘'old folks”, and drove from herfiiome in Pulaski Comity at a rapid pace to the residence of lb' Fitzgerald where a party of friends anxiously awaitod their arrival. No _time was l<>st in tying the nuptial knot, after which a sumptuous repast was served. Mr, McLeod is au active, and pros perous saw mill proprietor, and Ins bride the charming daughter of a promient farmer of Pulski County. The Chronicle joins the numerous friends of the groom in congratula tion on the happy event. Astounded The Editor. Editor 8 A Brown, ot Bennctts villc, S. C,, was once immensely surprised. “Through long suffer ing from dyspepsia.” 1m writes, “my wife was greatly run down, She bad no strength or vigor and suffer ed butTshc great distress from her stomach, tried Electric Bitters which helped her at once, and, after using four bottlc-s she is entirely well, can eat anything. It’s a grand topic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver.” For In digestion, loss of appetite, Stomach and liver troubles it’s a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at J L Pittman's. $5,00 Round Trip Excursion on SAL to lampa, Fla y n Wednsday Aug 21st the board Air Line Railway will tickets to Tampa Fla. from all sta— Montgomery apt] Columbus * ’ Collins inclusive at $5.00 for the round trip tickets good to return on j tSSSSi - ' 2ft Columbus 10.10 a,m. 1 CoUbis 9.44 a. vn mpl run via Cor „ ort the opportunity H should hot be „ i, ,1.0 M Ob.,, 0 . to | visit Florida at such low rates. L. J. WHITEHURST, Editor and ATTENTION FARMERS! Whv work yourselves to death at the small gin unloading your cotton and loading your cotton seed, when by hauling it a few miles further * to the Wicox County Gin and Warehouse Go's. Gin you can get your cotton ginned and have your seed put on your wagon, ail in Fifteen Minutes==to say nothing of the Superior Quality of theSample==which alone will increase the value of your cotton $1.50 per bale. Then again if you want to have it packed in round bales you can do so. We give figures below showing the net srain to you: ___ ______ Round Bale. Square Bale 5001 b Lint. 500 lb Lint. 8lb Bagging and Ties, 2110 Bagging and Ties, 508 it» 5211b 8.54 price. OSc Price. $43.38 $-11,112 3.10 Bagging, ties, ginning 2.50 Bagging, Ties and Gin $40,28 net vnl. [compression. 42 „ e t val. [iiing -Expenses. —......- -Rou rtci:' Square. $1.50 Ginning .00 Bagging and Ties, $1.50 Ginning 1.01) Compression. 1.00 Bagging and Ties. $3710 $2.50 Comparison. Net Round Bale $40,28 Net Square bale 39.42 Net profit over Square Bale .80 The above will show a net gain of 80 cents for the round bale over the square. There is a guaranteed peremium over local square bale market at all times. All cotton in Lowry or round bale form is always sold at original weights as stamped on each bale—thus avoiding any lessen weight—as in square bales. Our outfit is tbe most complete this side of Macon. We will pack your cotton iu either round or square bales. It will pay you to haul your cotton 10 or 12 miles to our splendid plant. We will pay you the highest market price for seed right at the gin—you don't have to move them. BEWARE OF GIN CUT COTTON. WILCOX COUNTY GIN & WAREHOUSE CO., Abbeville, Ga. Removal Sale, In order to Reduce our stock before moving we will Offer SPECIAL - INDUCEMENTS In reduced prices. Call and examine our Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, hats, Etc, We have a large supply of FRUIT JARS That must be disposed of after the 15th inst. we be pleased to serve our customers and and friends at the Alison Store on the north side, Main st., Opposite Artesian well McLeod CCo. Take the Seaboard Air Line lly and ^?or^p!L:1r^;r^ route gives you an 18 hour sea trip and includes meals and berth while KSfr Division Vasseger Agent. Savannah, Uojfoo foil iofoomotioo oo.J NO. 28 . Dissolution Notice. H„m,no W & Farmer has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Hamilton retirin'). M” ....... *■“ ' " . ** I. I m , 8 8 it