The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, September 05, 1901, Image 1

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Abbeville Chronicle UME V, I and Personal. tent of Interest Prom Town iand County—Concerning People end Things. 'See Dock Bowen for Baggies. The oil fever continues unabated in tuk neck ot the woods. Mrs. E Wall, of Fitzgerald, is visiting Mrs, J R Monroe. Miss Annie Powell of Crisp is visiting friends in Abbeville. A number of strange faces art seen on our streets every day. Finest Georgia cane syrup in cans at P. S. Oliver's. 6-27 tf Mrs. W H Wilkinson and family are visiting in Athens, (Ja. Mrs. Robertson, of Dublin, Ga., is visiting friends in Abbeville, Mrs. Samuel Drew, of Americus, is visiting her daughter, Mrs J W Dougherty. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Mixon, of Pitts are visiting the family of Mr, L Story this week. I can tell why I do it. I buy in car load lota—Buggies. See Dock Bowen. 8-15 Mr. C £ Melton came up from Moultrie last Saturday and returned on Monday, Then* are too lnauy idie negroes in Abbeville. Apply the vagrant law Mr. N E Ware. of Fitzgerald, spent the day in Abbeville last Tues day. For balance of summer season 1 will positively sell my suiuiner dress goods at cost. P. 8. Ol.IVEH. 6-2«tf Miss Maud Johnson after a pro tracted visit to friends and relatives iu Pulaski county is at (tome again, Abbeville has eutertained a great many visitors from different points of the compass, within the past few days. Buggies!—I have just received a car load aud got them at inside price*. 8-15 Dock Downs Mesdaiues E 11 Anderson aud A G (Janther, are at house again after a protracted visit to relatives in Fori Valley and middle Georgia, While the cotton crop of Wilcox county this season has becu dama ged by excessive rains recently, yet it is better than in almost any other scctiou of the state. Zf you want a good Buggy cheap. i will tickle you on ju ices. Dock ttovvxs. Mr. F B Colbert is suffering from a severe rheumatic attack. Al though able to be up bis right arm gives him continual pain. Mrs. B J Reid is visiting her father’s family at Inwood aud will bring her younger sister back with her. Miss Lola will attend the G. N. C ami B. L Last Monday w«* the regular date for the sitting of the oourts of Or dinary ami County Commissioners. Vo business of such interesting or :ri<Mas import a* in on* o$ the aes ms «f the latter court rocantly. iws transacted. Just received m Ml Mild complete line of b#y$, two end three piece, knee pant* suit*. We «re *elt* Inc them cheep call and see them. CO* BARNES ft Saveraf" prominent tiiiiMk of Fitzgerald came to A\)Wville last Saturday, U'iugiiig with fhem * man Supposetl to be expert in thi' discov ery of oil indicatlnna, Hi* party proceeded to investigate, transpired, with what result, Has not yet Tha Skill and dispatch with which Mr, M B Goodin rapairetl creditable the holler at lie artesian well i* to him h* a skilled atf*£*U. Th* re pairs required neatly a patch executed oh Ihe toilet if which Was as at done by A master mechanic. Devoted to the Upbuilding of Wiicox County and Abbeville. ABBEVLLE. QA., THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 5, 1901. Mr. W, C. Oliver Accosted by a High wayman. Last Monday night between 8 and 0 o'clock Mr. \V C Oliver left his store to go to liis home more than a quarter of a mile distant. The moon was just rising when Mr. Oliver reached the branch ouc hundred yank from his residence. In a meditative mood with ius eyes on the plank crossing at the branch, he was startled by the clear and curt order, “hold up your hands.” booking up the dark hurley form ot a negro six paces away stood in his path Mr- Oliver was all un armed. but has cool courage and dauutless spirit. Quick as a flash lie bounded forwant throwing his Hand to his hip pocket, “You black scoundrel I wiU kill you ’ shrieked Oliver as he rushed on the highway man. The blutr succeeded. The negro quailed and abjectly begged for mercy, saying that tic mistook Mr. Oliver for a negro. After admonishing the negro that ’it would be advisable to make no more mistakes of the kind. Mr. Oliver proceeded to his house se cured his gun and returned to pur sue the negro, overtaking him near SAL Depot. Here he surrendered to Sir. Oliver, and again begged for bis life. Mr. Oliver turned his over to au diBcer who"car ried him to jail. The negro proved to lie Tom Leak a brick setter, who lias been f< r several weeks employ ed at the brick works of McLeod uud Grantham. lie came from Albany, Ua., several weeks ago to work for the above named firm. lu default of bail iu the sum of $200 he was remamh-d to jail for trial at September term of Superior court. OR Indications Continue To If* Found. The exitement consequent to the indications of au oil deposit that has lieen discovered here, whilo not so demonstrative iu manifesting itself, a* wlieu the discovery Was made, is settling into a firm conviction that there is a deposit of liquid wealth, under Ute soli of Ablievillc and vi cinity. This conviction appears to lie sustained by increasing evidence that is regarded by people who have lived in the oil regions of the north, and are now here, as conclusive. It will require both time anil capital to make satisfactory investigation as to whether there is an oil deposit here or not, Arrangements are be ing made to this end ami the inves tigation promises to be thorough. In the meantime inquiries are com ing from ail quarters aud prospec tors are on the ground. Has Bought th* Abbeville Hotel. Mr. Andy Obadwell, of Uhauncey M*$ one of the largest farmers of Dodge county, has purchased Abbeville Hotel sitnatad near the conrthoube, now «K*cupi«d Mrs. G Q WilhaiM Biro's (vase Will hot expire till January til, 1962. Mt. ChwdWell hat a family of twelve living children, ten of whom will enter the G N C A B I m Janu ary uett. This was foully the magftet that attraetesi Mr. Chadwail to AbbevWe. The Cbtotltcle Wdt Mr, Chad well and family tteWvue to Abbeville. Fa* Bui*. -- A good mule will Sell for cash or oh lima for goad paper*, 8-13 4t \f. H. WiLkl.YvoN. r .prior RIBT. FLOUR, LILY WHITE; $4.60 bll FLOUR, CAPITOLA, $4,15 bit FLOUR PER SACK 60 cts RICE, BEST, Hlbs. to $1.00 RICK, GOOD, i81bs. to $1.00 GREEN COFFEE, - • GOOD, 0 lbs. to $1.00 GREEN COFFEE. I2lbslo$1.00 GREEN JAVA tints to ii.oo ARBUCKLES, 2 PACKAGES 2ftc SUGAR • itifis to $1.00 MEAT, PER POUND, 10$ cts. BEST HAMS, 14 cts. SUGAR CURED SHOULDER 11 cts. CORN, PER BUSHEL, $1.00 MEAL. PER BUSHEL, 90 cts. HAY, PER HUNDRED, $1.25 OATS, PER BUSHEL, 60 cts. TWO POUND BAGGING 0] cts. TIES, PER BUNDLE, $1.25 * We have a complete line SHOES and DRY GOODS Which we are selling data? : THE CASK ONLY. YOU as AR840UK YESTERDAY, TODAY eni TOMQEROW, McLeod & CO. PUBLIC 9QUARE. County Alta Doasn’t Move, In the injunction case of Lasse ter et al vs. Reid ol ai which was heard before Judge Roberta at Kastman last Thursday, thb decision was in conformity with the views repeated ly expressed by Ihe Chronicle, Viz.: that there was nothing in the case by reason of the laws under which the commissioners were acting iu their effort to change the site of Wil cox county, being otsuletc as Well as unconstitutional. The Rochelle New Bra, in a brief article iu its last issue say Si “Oapt. Martin is very confident of n final victory and the New Era bases its hopes of suc cess ou the Captain'S well known ability as a lawyer," (Vpk. Martin has oil former occasions been equal ly confident of success and failed. In fact confidence is one of Martin’s characteristics. Well as We have bad occasion to remark before, we, in this neck of the woods hare lost no sleep over the matter. Sunfiag Schaal Convention. The next Sunday School Cnui efition of the Little Rivet Baptist Associa tion will lie with the church at Cedar Creek on the 5th SblHrdiiv afitl Sun day in this month, O. V., Paster, A Happy Man. Mr. J W Dougherty was the hap piest engineer on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad last Monday. A fine toy bad arrivad at hi* house the night previous, to take op hi* j»er* uianent atode there. The Chronicle extends congratulations, L. J. WHITEHURST, Editor and Publisher • * ATTENTION FARMERS! Why gih unloading work yourselves to death at the small your cotton and loading yourcotton seed, when by hauling it a few miles further to the* Wicox County Gin and Warehouse Go's. Gin you can get your cotton ginned and have your seed put on*your wagon, ail in Fifteen Minutes—to say nothitigrof the Superior Quality of the Sample—which alone: will increase the value of your cotton $ 1.50 pur bate. in Then again If you want to have it packed round bales you can do so. We give figures below showing the net gain to yout: Round Bale. Square* fitafct 5oOV> Lint. 500 lb Lint. 81b Bogging and ’lies, 241b Bagging and Ties:. 508tb 624 lb 8.54 price. 08c Price. $43. 38 $41.92 - 3.10 Bagging, ties, ginning 2.50 Bagging, Tie*ami Gih $40,28 net val. [compression. $39.42 net vat. Expenses. Rpund. Square. $1.60 Ginning 7W Bagging and Ties, Ginning-: 1.00 Compression. 1 .00 Bagging and Ties. $3.10 ‘ $2.60 Comparison. Net Round Bale $40.28 Net Square bale 39.42 Set profit over .Square Bale . 86 The atove will show a net gain of 86 cents for the found bate over »he squarv. - There IS a guaranteed peremluhi over local square bate market at all times. All cotton in Lowry or found hale form is always sold at original weights as stamped oh each bate—thus avoiding any loss In weight—as in square bales. Our outfit is the most complete this side of Macon. We wtH pack your cotton in either round of square bales, it will pay you to haul your cotton l» or 12 mile* to our splendid pUfut. Wc will pay you the highest market price for seed right ai. the gin— you don't have to move them. BEWARE OP fitS CUT COTTON. WILCOX COUNTY OIN ft WAREHOUSE CO., Abbeville. Ga. Llv«ry, Feed and Sale Stables. BOWEN LIVERY OOMPANY, Know the Roads. Reasonable Rates. GOOD * TEAMS • AND • GOOD * DRIVERS, Gfanfi ant tr»v$fse Jurors Drawn For Saptambar Tarm Wilcox Su perior court. OBANO JOUV. T J Dcnnard, 1! J Cook, T, McGlammorv, J U FarlclotL, W H Faircloth R J Cook, K k' llowen, IS tv Flower*, D K Gammage, ■ J Mumlewiiite, J A King. W L LoVett, D Me Duffle, Itehry StWnc, L M AtcDiffliu, Joe M HMiHh, Joel T Hill, it n H«H t II T Grien, Jha. ti i'Dfrtvrits, '' ,1 C Dgrsey, J I) TipjXHt, W W Clements, L C Covington, 1* II Cotree, L U Gibbs, W L Holt, W H Wilkinson, W B Owens. Bennett Pate, TRAVEKSK JVUr. Troy Nasworthy, Joseph Miller 8r., J W Sheely, L C Calhoun, J D Fitzgerald, Y H Britt, Wm. H Gibbs, W 1J Carswell, L U Tltshaw, J V Lamb, M Clements, W N Howell, NO. 30. M W Oarbutt, Jas. N King, J F Brown, ti 8 Ambrose, K A Stubbs, W M Coop*i Sr., D J Cook, J H Nijipvr, W F Ragan, N I* Wilson, J J Parsons, Isaac Atkius, A U Ku*«ell, •I B l.and, L I* Wimberly, Jno, Stathau. J 0 Maahburu, Early Glides, Hurtm King, >t II Ofteus, Jns Fitagefatd, Mark Miliar •t T LoVctt, W It HIimhmi* Rshtfcafi tan Rtf*. The Crthhty Commiasioners at the regular monthly meeting at the court house, at Abbe+ille last Monday fix ed the tax*rake of the county for ensueing year at $9.56 per 1000, Itcing 24c.. tan* on thousand than last year. The state rate lias'riteni increased to $5.44 jjpe^ tli^usaad^lol lars The Stats 7ind cqtiuiytsx therefore in this county from Uio> ensuing year will be $11. •